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Author Topic: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2  (Read 6480 times)

Offline pumpkin-head

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DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« on: October 19, 2013, 05:55:51 PM »
Hello I'm pumpkin-head, I've been a silent reader for a long time but finally I had the courage to write my very first fanfic.
I'm just an amateur writer so I'm sorry for the grammar or spelling mistakes that I will make.

This is just the prologue, but I hope you will like it  :)



“This world revolves around that single word. What is a lie? It is to make a believed-false statement to another person with the intention that that other person believes that statement to be true.”

“But why do people lie? To protect something, someone, himself? Or just to gain confidence, power, popularity?”

“If you think you can deceive everyone around you, well think again. You can never read my emotions nor know what I'm thinking. In that moment that a devil's tail grows on you and start swishing behind you back, I Watanabe Mayu can see through you"

How was it?  :)
Comments are very much welcomed
« Last Edit: October 21, 2013, 04:51:09 PM by pumpkin-head »

Offline BbSis

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Prologue
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 01:31:46 AM »
Nhyuuu Will mayu deceive Yuki? =o

pliz pliz continue~~

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline Konoe

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Prologue
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 07:42:49 AM »
Interesting. Mayu can know if you're lying.

Offline Koneki

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Prologue
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2013, 07:49:38 AM »
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!  :cathappy:
sounds too damn interesting!!!
I can't wait!!  :twothumbs
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 08:59:28 AM by Koneki »

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Prologue
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2013, 08:48:49 AM »
continue please! thanks for this  :)
MaYuki, JuriMayu, AtsuMina, AtsuYuu, KojiYuu, wMatsui and..................counting.

Offline pumpkin-head

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2013, 06:53:07 PM »
I really appreciate the comments and the thank you's  :)
I hope this chapter won't disappoint you  :) :) :)

Chapter 1

The bell has rung, signifying the end of class.

“Ne Watanabe-san, would you like to go karaoke with us?” a girl approached me with her group of friends.
I didn’t even pay a glance at them and continued to read my book.

“I’m not interested” I replied coldly. “Ah sou? That’s too bad, I was looking forward to it” I could hear sarcasm in her voice. They turned their backs on me and started walking out towards the door. I can’t help but notice the tail that kept swinging behind their backs.

“Liars. . .I bet they’re bored and just wanted someone to pick on” I murmured. I gently closed my book and took off my glasses. I exited the room and went towards the dormitory.

“Konnichiwa” the dorm manager greeted me.
“Konnichiwa, Noro-san”

Noro Kayo-san is the one responsible for the girl’s dormitory. She is very strict about the curfew but can be kind and understanding.

“You have a delivery” she handed me a small box. “Also, this letter comes with it” she placed an envelope on the top of the box.

“Thanks” I uttered and went straight to my room.

I opened the small box and took out the thing inside it.

“Akiyama Mio” I scanned the nendoroid and it brought a small smile to my face. I put it on the shelf with my other anime figurines. I went to my desk and carefully opened the letter.

Dear Shiriri-chan,

   How was the figurine that I gave you? It’s cute right?
I’ve been searching for that one in every Anime store here in America and guess what? That was the last one! I’m so great right Shiriri-chan?
How are you? I guess having your ‘gift’ is getting difficult for you .  Anyways, I’m soooo having fun right now! I just went to the Grand Canyon and it was soooo amazing! The wind was so strong that I almost fell! But even those ferocious winds could not defeat the great Oshima!
Looking forward to the day that I’ll go back there. Take care always Shiriri-chan!
I’ll send you postcards!

                              Oshiriko <3

“That Oshiriko-chan, she preferred hand-written mails than emails” I chuckled.

Oshiriko-chan is my life-long best friend. Her real name is Oshima Yuko, we’ve been together since diaper days but ever since her parents were assigned to work in America we’ve been separated. Even though we are not related by blood, I treat her as my real sister also; she is the only one  who knows about my ‘gift’.
Rather than calling it a gift I prefer to call it a ‘curse’. Why? Because it was the reason for my parents to separate, it was the reason why Oshiriko-chan broke up with her ex and it was the very reason that my dearest and only brother is dead.

I don’t not know where I got this curse I just woke up one day and start seeing tails sprouting from their posteriors and this happens whenever they tell lies.

My memory is still fresh from the event happened 3 years ago, the day that my family broke because of me.


“Mayu-chan say cheese!”

A sudden flash covered the whole room.

“Awww, my baby looks so cute in here” Okaa-san showed the picture to Otou-san. “Mayu, you know you should always smile so that you would always look cute and beautiful” Otousan lightly pinched my cheeks

“Hai~” I replied cutely

“Otou-san, Okaa-san you’re always spoiling Mayu! She’s already 13 years old, she’s not a baby anymore” my brother who is 2 years older than me ruffled my hair.

“Makoto-niichan, stop it! Didn’t you know it took me an hour and a half to fix my hair” I pouted

“Can’t help it” he smirked

“Otou-san! Oniichan is being mean again!” I ran towards my father and gave him a hug.

“Makoto, how many times do I have to tell you not to tease your sister?” Otou-san sighed.

“Honey, go set the table now food is ready” Okaa-san called out from the kitchen.

“Hai” I complied.

Okaa-san placed the food on the table and we took a seat.

I took a glance at my brother and he counted “Se no~ “

“Happy Anniversary!” Onii-chan and I took out party poppers from underneath the table.

Okaa-san and Otou-san looked surprised but pleased.

“I’m so glad that you two remembered!” Okaa-san kissed both of our cheeks as thanks. Onii-chan and I took out our gifts for Otou-san and Okaa-san.

A necklace for Okaa-san and a ring for Otou-san. We continued our simple family dinner but a ring of a phone stopped us from eating.

“Sorry but I have to take this call, it’s very important” Otou-san left his unfinished food and went outside of the house.

“Who called Otou-san?” I asked my brother

“I don’t know, maybe some important business” he shrugged.

My father suddenly went inside and went upstairs. He looked like he was in a hurry.

“Dear, why the rush?” Okaa-san called out

“The office called honey, something urgent happened and I really have to go” Otou-san shouted from upstairs

“But you haven’t finished your food, also it’s our anniversary” Okaa-san reasoned

“I’m really sorry honey, let’s just continue this tonight” Otou-san went downstairs now dressed in a suit but there is something not right. I rubbed my eyes thinking I was just seeing things but it didn’t go away, it was still there.

“Otou-san, why is there a tail sticking on your butt”? I asked

“Tail? What tail?” he looked behind him and saw nothing.

“Mayu must be probably joking, ne~ Mayu?” Onii-chan ruffled my hair again but this time I didn’t mind. My attention was too focused on the tail that Otou-san had.

“Go home early okay?” Okaa-san said

“I will” Otou-san replied

“Love you” Okaa-san said

But my gather only replied with a “Mmm” and went straight out of the door. Even though I’m still young, I already know that something is wrong.

“Oh I really need to buy something right now that I have to use for my school project tomorrow” I slid off my chair, put my used dishes on the sink and went to my room for a change of clothes. As I face the mirror I was surprised to see a tail swinging on my back. I need to prove my suspicions so I went downstairs and boldly asked my brother who was watching TV “Makoto-niichan, you have porn magazines under your bed right?”

Onii-chan almost fell on his seat and he looked very, very surprised.

“Of course not!!” he exclaimed and in that instant a tail grew on him.

“So that means, Otou-san is … “ I murmured and dashed out of the house. I took out my phone and tracked Otou-san using GPS and it led me to an expensive looking hotel. I followed Otou-san location on my GPS and stopped at a restaurant on that said hotel.

I was too shocked to speak when I saw Otou-san kissing another woman and hugged the child between them.

“No, no way!” I screamed inside of me. My shaking hands took a picture of the said event and I dashed home crying.

Several Hours Later…

“Tadaima” the door opened and then came a loud SLAP

“How dare you!” Okaa-san screamed. “How could you do this to me?! To our family?!”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” my father raised his voice. Infuriated that he was slapped out of nowhere.

“Don’t play dumb with me! You were out with your other woman!! And you even had a child with her! How long did you deceive me?!” Okaa-san began to slap Otou-san again.

“Enough! That is enough!!” Otou-san is really angry and attempted to push Okaa-san away but Onii-chan interfered and punched Otou-san in the face.

“What the hell Makoto!! How dare you punch me?!” Otou-san shouted.

Onii-chan did not reply but instead he punched him again. I was silently crying in the corner of the room while watching the events unfold. Okaa-san alos broke down and cried.

Why did this happen? Earlier we were happy just like any family but when that tail suddenly appeared, everything changed.

Otou-san got hold of Onii-chans punches and pushed him on the wall and began to deliver clows in his stomach. Onii-chan fell on the floor and Okaa-san went to him and hugged him.

“Who the fuck told you?!” he glared at them.

Onii-chan’s face that is also wet in tears glared back. That angered Otou-san more and attempted to give him another blow but I ran towards him and hugged him.

“Otou-san! Please don’t hit Onii-chan. I’m the one at fault! I was the one who followed you and took a picture and then showed it to them. So please stop!!!” I sobbed.

He suddenly pushed me towards my crying mother and brother and went upstairs.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. If only I hadn’t followed him, this wouldn’t have happened” I cried in my mother’s embrace.

“It’s okay sweetie, it was good that we found out that your father was never loyal to us” Okaa-san smiled sadly.

Loud footsteps are then heard on the stairs. Otou-san was carrying a luggage bag and a briefcase. He gave us one last look and threw the ring that we gave to him earlier at us. He slammed the door shut and revved up the car’s engine.

“Fuck him!” Onii-chan growled in anger and went outside the house. I followed him outside and saw him throwing stones at our car with Otou-san inside it. Otou-san sped off but Onii-chan chased the car into the highway. His anger towards Otou-san blinded him that he didn’t see an incoming truck towards him.

End of Flashback

A lone tear streamed down my cheek as I went to the window with the past events replaying on my head. And ever since that day, I swore to myself.

I’ll never trust anyone except myself and Oshiriko-chan. Oshiriko-chan never lied to me ever since we met.

I looked down and saw a figure of a girl outside, long silky black hair with deep black eyes. She was looking at me direction with a smirk on her face and she walked away while wagging her tail.


Please leave a comment if you like :)

Offline Llyloo

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2013, 12:11:39 AM »
Wow. Really sad past for Mayu... :v Her father -.-'

I like the idea for the liar... but... why a tail ? XD

And Oshiri Sisters ♥

Offline Konoe

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2013, 11:25:53 AM »
The girl at the end is Yuki right? Her tail is already visible.... Maybe she's someone who loves to lie.

Hope the next chapter will be here soon.

Offline pumpkin-head

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2013, 04:50:39 PM »
@Llyloo: actually, I'm going to wear a devil's costume this Halloween and I was choosing between the horns or the tail for the idea of this fanfic. Then I chose the tail because its cuter <3

and yeah. Oshiri sisters FTW!  XD XD

@Konoe: you will know who is that person in this chapter and about the tails, only if the person lies it would appear but if they're telling the truth, there's no tail  :) :)

Hope you'll like this chapter  :)

Chapter 2

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I checked to time from my clock “4:37” I murmured. I tied my hair in a ponytail and went downstairs, to the 1st floor of the dormitory.

The building is eerily silent. I could hear my own footsteps hitting the cold tiles of the floor, did I mention I wasn’t wearing any slippers?

I took a coin from the pocket of my pajama and began tossing it.

I arrived at my destination and began to contemplate.

“Hot or cold?” I asked myself.

“Basing on the temperature at this time, you should go with hot” a voice behind me answered.

I flinched and dropped the coin that I was tossing. Its sound ringed throughout the empty hallway. I found myself face-to-face with a flawless, long straight black hair, dark-eyed female. She picked up my coin and inserted it I the coffee maker. I just observed her while she was waiting for the coffee to brew.

“Here” she handed me a cup of hot coffee. When the object came in contact with my hands, warmth suddenly spread throughout my body. I murmured my thanks and took a sip.

I took another coin from my pocket and inserted it in the vending machine. Pressing the desired button and then a loud CLANK followed. I took the can and threw it in her direction.

“Thanks. It seems like you know my preferences “ she smiled.

I just stared at her while sipping my own coffee.

“You’re up early, Watanabe-san” she opened the can and drink her ice cold coffee. “Are you doing something suspicious?” she raised a brow.

“I could ask you the same thing, Kashiwagi” I coldly replied.

“Mou~ didn’t I tell you to call me Yuki, Yuki-chan or Yukirin?” she pouted.

Earning no response from me, she sighed. “Come on Mayu, just relax! It’s just me”

“You know very well why I keep my guard up, Kashiwagi. Because it is you whom I’m talking to” I deadpanned.

“Ouch, it hurts when you say that. I like you, you know?” she said

I just kept my face straight and looked at her in the eyes but in the corner of my eye, I am watching every swing of her tail.

“Whatever, I’m going back to my room” I crumpled my now empty cup and threw it in the trash can. I was about to go upstairs but a sudden grip held me back. She pulled me closer and then hugged me tight, I could feel her breath passing my ear and she whispered “Just don’t forget this Mayu. I am always watching you. ALWAYS.” She gave me a playful bite and walked away in the other direction of the dorm.

I watched her back as it walks further away from me. No more sign of her tail.

“It seems like you’re not lying Kashiwagi. Very well, I will be more cautious with you around”


Now that I have been more awake, thanks to the caffeine, began to research about my curse. Ever since school started I’ve been going in and out of the library to search for clues about this curse. Early morning I also wake up to search in the internet but no avail. Nothing about this curse can neither be found in the library nor the internet. But I never gave up, every morning I still search something related to my curse, everyday I’m hoping to find new information about it.

I noticed the sunlight hit my windows. I have to get ready for school.


I walked briskly towards my classroom; I’m always the first one who arrives to class. I hate  to mingle with crowds, I would always see their tails swinging to and fro.

I took my seat and started reading a book, paying no attention to my surroundings I just concentrated on reading. 

Satisfied in reading 7 chapters I closed the book and saw myself reflected from the dark orbs. Her face is inches from mine and I could smell her breath.

“Coffee” I thought

“When you say you are watching me, does it really have to be this close?” I asked, not breaking the eye contact.

“Near or far, I’m always keeping my eye on you” she smirked

I pushed her face away from me.

“Stop this. Someone might see us” I growled

“I like ‘em feisty” she chuckled

She is such a waste of energy; I crossed my arms on the table and took a nap.

Several minutes later

The school bell rang and the room is already full of students. They were ever so noisy and what irritated me the most is seeing some of their tails are already in full swing this early.
Cheaters, braggers, pretenders; All of them are scattered in this school, no I mean in this entire world, are very annoying and the first period hasn’t even started yet!

“Okay class, settle down, settle down!” Sensei came inside and was followed by a girl with short stature, dark brown hair, bulging eyes, squirrel teeth and ever so cute dimples.

“No way” I thought

“You are going to have a new classmate, please introduce yourself” sensei asked the girl.

“Hajimemashite, my name is Oshima Yuko” she smiled.

Boys started swooning over her and girls are talking about how cute she is.

“Tell us more about you!!” a guy shouted

The girl did a thinking pose and pouted.

“I’m bisexual, I love boobs, I love oshiri, and boobs and oh- did I mention that I love boobs?” she asked cutely.

“There she goes again, being really honest” I chuckled. I thought that my classmates are not going to accept this fact about our new classmate, but I thought wrong. The whole class roared in laughter and kept saying that she is adorable like a squirrel.

She began to speak again “And one more thing though … I really HATE liars. So if you ever tell a single lie to me I would personally cut
your tongue and bury you alive. I will know if you’re lying or not because … “ she suddenly stopped. She looked at my direction and leapt towards me. Rubbing her cheek against mine and hugging me oh-so-tightly she exclaimed.

“I miss you Shiriri-chan!!!”


Surprise, surprise!

Yuko appeared! :D

Tell me what you think  :)

Offline imteedee

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2013, 06:07:10 PM »
That reasoning for the 'tail' is so funny and yet so cute LOL
I wonder how MaYuki will cope up with this 'gift' thing, why does Yuki have to be the meanie girl everyday?  :nervous
Oshiri sisters  :deco: now makes me think, I couldn't stand a MaYuki fic without Yuko appearing in any way  :nervous

and you update fast!  :roll: thank you pumpkin Halloween  XD
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline BbSis

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2013, 11:54:50 PM »
Waaah~ sugoi ~ with Yuko appearance things will get funny!

I really liked this whole idea of lies and tails :3 very creative o/

I wonder why Yuki observes Mayu. A tail appeared on Yuki because she lied when she said she liked Mayu, but was it consider a lie because she love instead of like?

Nhyaaa can't wait next chapter o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline Konoe

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2013, 07:27:51 AM »
I wonder why Yuki observes Mayu. A tail appeared on Yuki because she lied when she said she liked Mayu, but was it consider a lie because she love instead of like?

I was thinking the same too. Why would Yuki watch Mayu all the time. Its got be love :heart: not like.

LOL at Yuko's self intro  :lol:

Offline rochilu

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2013, 02:26:48 PM »
Insteresting :o i like it! and i think the tail is cuter too xD
hahaha Yuko self introduction was the best xD
and what's up with Yuki hahah i think too that she loves Mayuyu and thats why the tail appears eue

Offline Llyloo

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2013, 07:29:48 PM »
I really love your reason for the tail xD it's cute.

Yuko xD Very honest.

“I’m bisexual, I love boobs, I love oshiri, and boobs and oh- did I mention that I love boobs?” she asked cutely.

I want a Yuko, she's so cute...

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2013, 11:06:18 AM »
Yeayy, such an interesting story~  XD

“Ouch, it hurts when you say that. I like you, you know?”

I thought the tail appeared because her first sentence  :nervous
cuz it seems that Yuki had did this  for a long time and she's already used by mayu's cold reaction ~
oh well, who knows  :lol:

I love how Yuko is so honest  XD XD
my forever Kami OTP which is starting to bloom again:

Offline Koneki

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2013, 12:18:05 PM »
just 20min ago I noticed the existence of the 2 chapters :'D!!!
I can't believe this is your 1st fic!
it's too damn good!!  :cathappy:

~~I'm in love with the mysterious Yuki *A*

I'm anxious to know what will happen in the next chp. ~~ yei  :twothumbs

~ KamiOshi 松井玲奈 || AKBOshi 高橋みなみ~
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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2014, 08:21:32 PM »
This is really interesting please update soon.  I'm curious to how Yuki would react now that Yuko came into the picture.  @^@

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Re: DECEPTION (MaYuki) Chapter 2
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2014, 12:19:38 AM »
Wow this internesting

And I wonder is Yuki is going to lie with Mayu that she love her

Please update soon

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