As usual, thanks for the thanks and comments~ And of course your reactions for it~
kenjoy12, well I hope it will... And don't think WMatsui would just give up on the top just like that =w=
cisda83, of course. Acchan can be hella scary sometimes OwO
Shinoki, my guess is that they've heard of it from someone they beat up and Jurina mistakes the name since she was in a hurry. Rena remembered it though
bunny_rabbit, muahaha! It SHALL be unique!
I've decided on the first official pair, it's gonna be MariMii. Why? Cause I can't seem to separate them O.O''
If anyone has suggestions or have a good pairing in mind, (so far it's YukoRena, YukiRena and AtsuMina, but I'll probably only go with YukoRena, though. It interests me for some reason... Though their pairing chapters is still far away... Oh, and also SaayaYuu >w>) please tell me your suggestions, opinions, expectations and so on, since, as you may know, I'm a beginner. Opinions from the readers might change this for the better.
This chapter will focus on the interactions of WMatsui desire, Acchan's presence as well as her and Mariko-sama's life. This may contain some heavy drama scenes or something, so it'll be a letdown for people who hates reading

Anywho, next chapter STARTO da~!
Chapter 3
It was Sathday morning, the day after Maeda Atsuko's rage. Two figures can be seen on AKB Gakuen's courtyard. One of them, eating a melon bread and the other one only sitting there, looking down. The one eating the melon bread asked the sitting girl.
??? :"Jurina, what's wrong?"
Jurina :"Nothing, Rena..."
She knew that when her best friend says that nothing is wrong, that means something is bothering her. She remembered what happened last night
Rena :"Is this about Maeda-senpai?" she asked.
Jurina shivered at the mention of the girl's name. It sent shivers down her spine and made her feel depressed
Rena :"Do you still think it's possible to take the top?" she asked another question, seeing that the younger girl was scared.
Jurina :"It's not impossible..." she says looking confident
Rena :"I think both of us would have no problem dealing with each of the Kami8, but..."
Jurina :"I know." She interrupted the older girl and explains "Maeda-senpai is too strong..."
Hearing this, Rena smirked.
Kami8 is the title given to Maeda Atsuko's 8 teammates. Maeda is known as the Ace and the Kami8 are the ones who took charge in dealing with certain jobs that she couldn't handle.
Rena :"She DOES have a weakness though."
Jurina :"Weakness?" she was curious as to what the older girl said.
Rena :"Let's put that aside for now. The only thing you're lacking right now is motivation, Jurina-chan." She continued to nom on her bread
Jurina :"There's no way I'm giving up here... We already promised her, right" she looks at Rena with a nostalgic look
Rena :"Good of you for not forgetting."
Jurina :"YOSH!" she stood up and looked pumped her fist in the air "LET'S BEAT UP MAEDA-SENPAI!"
??? :"Ohhh~ So you two want to beat Acchan that much, huh~?" before they realized it, someone was sitting next to where Jurina sat earlier. She was looking at them with a sadistic grin
Both :"M- Mariko-sama?!" the two backed away from her but alas, it was futile.
Takahashi Minami was walking through the hallway, patrolling and checking for anything out of the ordinary. She saw a girl dragging two other girls away. It was Shinoda Mariko dragging Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena to the library. She decided to just ignore it and pray that Mariko wouldn't do anything... weird. She continued patrolling and a wild cat and squirrel appeared! The squirrel was chasing the cat with a drool on her face. The cat was seriously running for her life, seeing as the squirrel is far stronger than her so running is the only option.
The cat looked at Minami and asked for help. She hid her body, which is clearly bigger than the midget's, behind Minami. The squirrel stopped her pursuit and glared at the midget. She was used to her glares so it doesn't scare her one bit. Just then the savior arrived. It was a gorilla and an energetic dog. Even though the squirrel is far stronger than the two, she could never escape them for some reason. It was as if the two are her guardians. The gorilla scolded the squirrel to not scare the cat too much and restrain her perverted desires. Yet, the squirrel pouted and looked away. This made the gorilla angry but the dog calmed her down, seeing as the squirrel didn't do anything to the cat, yet. The midget decided to calm everyone down, so she told the gorilla, cat and dog to bring the squirrel to their nest. They agreed and dragged the squirrel along while she was throwing a tantrum.
In the library, Maeda Atsuko was discussing with Watanabe Mayu and Kashiwagi Yuki about the information they have gathered.
Atsuko :"Sorry for asking you to this while you're still recovering, Mayuyu." she patted the girl on her head, trying her best to make it heal faster. In reaction, the girl blushed and looked down
Mayu :"I- I don't mind at all, senpai..."
Yuki :"Senpai, I think you should stop that." Atsuko realized that the tone in her voice and her black aura means she was jealous of her for being to close with Mayu.
Atsuko :"Haha, sorry I was patting your lover on the head without permission~" she smirked at the two
Yuki :"W= What are you talking about, senpai?!" she protested, with her face all red.
Mayu :"Senpai, we're not a couple. Yet." she looked at Yuki seductively
Yuki :"Eh?! What do you mean, 'yet'?!" she pointed out, her face being as red as a tomato
Atsuko :"Good luck, Mayuyu!" she gave Mayu a thumbs up as Mayu gave her one as well
Yuki :"M- Mou... You two are teasing me too much" she pouted
Atsuko :"That's because Yukirin's cute~ Right, Mayuyu~?" she cuddled with Yuki and looked at Mayu who clung to her as well
Mayu :"Yup~ That's why I love Mama~"
Yuki :"Y- you two~" she gave up and hugged the two as well
??? :"Err, sorry for barging in?"
They looked at the direction of the voice and saw Mariko, Jurina and Rena walking through the doorway (since the door broked down due to Jurina's kick the day before).
Atsuko :"Mari-chan? And welcome, you two." she welcomed the two Matsuis.
Rena :"S- Sorry for intruding"
Jurina :"Senpai, what are you doing...?" she says pointing out that her senior was clinging to her junior in an affectionate way
Mariko :"It seems we're disturbing them. Carry on." She says, teasing them
Atsuko :"Roger." she hugged Yuki tighter and rubbed her face in the younger girl's breast
Yuki :"S- Senpai?!" she was shocked by her senior's sudden action
Mayu :"Ah, senpai, not fair~" she pouted, wanting to plant her face in Yuki's breast as well
Atsuko :"Make way for your elders~"
Mariko :"Okay, I think you should stop now or these two would get the wrong idea" she says, pointing out at the two Matsuis' direction.
Atsuko :"Hai hai," she parted from Yuki and sat on the chair by her most favorite window. That chair was known as the Ace's chair, seeing as that chair was never sat by anyone in the 6 years the school was established except Maeda herself.
Atsuko :"So what's wrong?" she asked Mariko, currently in her business mode
Mariko :"Just wanted you to know that the kids wanted to take you down"
Matsuis :"Urg..."
Atsuko :"Hohoh~ Tell me more~" She snapped out of her business mode and entered her S mode
Mariko :"They were talking about something and Jurina here shouted 'Let's beat up Maeda!' or something" she says, while patting Jurina's head.
Atsuko :"Pffttt, that was lame" she only smirked
Rena :"W- We'll beat you someday!" she looks at the Ace with determination
Jurina :"No! I'll beat you even if I have to do it myself!" The younger girl glared at the Ace
Hearing this, Atsuko's grin grew wilder and hugged the two out of nowhere
Atsuko :"Aww~ You two are so cute~ Instead of beating me up, why don't we get to know each other more and more~?"
Yuko :"With your bodies?!"
Oshima Yuko, Takahashi Minami, Akimoto Sayaka, Miyazawa Sae and Kojima Haruna entered the library. Yuko was the first one to enter. She was actually dragged by Sayaka before but when she realizes that the two cute transfer students are in there, she broke free and ran towards the library, hearing what Atsuko said while she was hugging the two. Thus chaos came and starts the teasing of Atsuko and Yuko. Sayaka kept Yuko under control and Minami kept Atsuko under control. Sae, being the flirt she is, started to get to know the two better while Mayu and Yuki went lovey dovey with each other. Haruna wanted to tease the transfer students as well but ends up being teased by Yuko instead. Mariko went to her seat, which is one of the closest to Atsuko's, and started typing on her phone. Even though the two Matsuis didn't want to admit it, but they feel like they're really at home there. They felt really comfortable with all their seniors by their side, joking around with each other. At first they thought the top 9 of the school was really scary and adult-like, but seeing them like that puts a smile on their faces.
Atsuko signalled everyone to take a seat because she is going to start the discussion again. The two transfers were about to leave but was stopped by the Ace
Atsuko :"Hm? Where are you two going?" she asked the two as if the question was obvious
Jurina :"Er.. Outside? You're all going to start a meeting, right?" she states the obvious
Atsuko :"Don't mind it. You two are strong enough to beat Mayuyu so take a seat."
The two were surprised but decided to take a seat anyway
Everyone was seated at the long table. Atsuko was at the end of the table, her back facing her favorite window. From Atsuko's left side, seated was Mariko, Yuko, Sayaka, Yuki, and Jurina. From her right side was Minami, Haruna, Sae, Mayu and Rena. Jurina suddenly raised her hand.
Atsuko :"What is it, Jurina?" she has already entered her business mode
Jurina :"Err, senpai. I've been wondering but why did nobody in the school, except us, have never seen you?" she asks the question that was still lingering in her mind
Rena :"Oh, I was wondering about that as well, senpai."
Atsuko :"Oh, that." she pondered. "To tell the truth, in this school, the name Maeda Atsuko doesn't exist."
Both :"EH?!"
Jurina :"Then you really ARE Maedawa Katsuko?!"
Kami8 :(Who the...)
Atsuko :"I think you're trying to say Maekawa Natsuko and no, I'm Maeda Atsuko, of course."
Rena :"T- Then???"
Atsuko :"I deleted the school's data about me. I'm basically still in this school, yet I didn't go by the name Maeda Atsuko"
Jurina :"Ehhhhh??" she seems lost
Atsuko :"Well, let's just say that I've never given my name to anyone in school, except for you guys."
Rena :"Then what is your name when others see you?"
Atsuko :"I don't give them any name."
Jurina :"Then?"
Atsuko :"They beat me up."
Both :"EH?!"
Minami :"Don't get her wrong. She let the others beat her up."
Rena :"Then why didn't senpai fight back?"
Atsuko :"If I fought back, they would realize that I'm a little stronger than them and rumors would start circulating about how I'm the one on the top. At first nobody knew who the top was, but because of a CERTAIN SOMEBODY, they realized that the Ace's name is Maeda Atsuko." she says, glaring at Sae, who in response, looked away.
Jurina :"But, why would you hide yourself?" she asked with curiosity
Atsuko :"I don't want people from my past to know my real name." She says with a nostalgic tone
Everyone kept quiet, as if to let the Ace indulge in nostalgia. Mariko broke the silence and showed Atsuko the display on her phone. It was a picture of two girls eating ice cream together. Atsuko smirked as she saw the picture and what was written below it. "Hey, old hag! It's been a while~ I'm with Tomochin right now! She says she missed Acchan~ How are you two doing these days? I hope you're not causing trouble AGAIN..."
Atsuko :"Mii-chan and Tomochin? That's rare~"
Mariko :"Tell me about it."
Most of the girls in the library wore a smile on their faces, seeing Atsuko smile so naturally. But what was shocking to them, and the transfer students, was the smile on Mariko's face. It wasn't her usual sadistic smile, it was a genuine smile. She looks really beautiful when she smiled like that. She looked at the display of her phone, still giggling. Atsuko, realizing that, turned and looked outside the window at the scenery. Even though the school is a mess, the scenery outside is really peaceful. Atsuko felt a hand, carressing her head, making sure not to damage her hair.
Mariko :"They'll be fine." she carasses Atsuko more gently
Atsuko :"Umu..."
Jurina was whispering to Yuki, who was watching Atsuko and Mariko with a smile
Jurina :"Yuki, who are they talking about?"
Yuki :"Hey, I'm older than you, show some respect." she sighed but explains it to her anyway "Minegishi Minami, known as Mii-chan and Itano Tomomi, known as Tomochin, are childhood friends of Mariko. Maeda-senpai met them while she still couldn't control herself. It was Tomochin that befriended her and changed her little by little. An accident occured, in which the yakuza came and tortured Atsuko's best friends which almost made Tomochin and Mii-chan lose their lives. Mariko went berserk and beat 4 of them half to death. Atsuko, who finally made a new friend couldn't take it and reverted back to her old self, killing everyone of the clan in sight. She was supposed to be taken to juvenile prison but the government was too scared of her and then decided to put the two in this school."
Jurina listened to the story and understood
Jurina :"Does... Does Mariko-sama blame Maeda-senpai for what happened?"
Yuki :"Who knows... But looking at those two," she looked at Atsuko and Mariko laughing as they talked about the old times
Jurina :"I see..." she smirked as she saw the two.
Jurina :"Does everyone in here have a reason why they were put in the school?" she asked her senior again
Yuki looked at the younger girl with a motherly smile, but that smile indicates that she shouldn't ask anymore. Jurina bit her lip and kept quiet.
Everyone heard of their conversation but kept quiet, since Atsuko doesn't mind it. Rena thought to herself 'I wonder what happened when Maeda-senpai and Mariko-sama met the others?', she thought she could ask Mayu but refrained herself since it is not her place to ask and also because Mayu was crying.
[To be continued]
Man, that took longer than expected...
Ah well, that's all for this chapter and eh? Why's my angel cryin?! OAO
Don't cry, Mayuyu! Or else I'll cry as well QAQ
And please suggest and comment your opinions~ I'm looking forward to it >w<