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Author Topic: Fearless Heart [WMatsui Pairing] Prologue & Chapter 1  (Read 2518 times)

Offline Wmatsui22

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Fearless Heart [WMatsui Pairing] Prologue & Chapter 1
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:57:24 AM »
Fearless Heart

Matsui Family members

Matsui Rena-The Daughter
Matsui Reiko-The Mother
Matsui Toshiro-The Father
Matsui Ryou-The Son

Watanabe Family members

Watanabe Jurina-The only Son
Watanabe Shin-The Father
Watanabe Meyrin-The Mother

Torn apart years ago by a family feud and deadly accident, high school sweethearts Rena and Jurina reunite when Rena returns to Nagoya, her hometown. But someone doesn’t want them together and will do anything to keep them apart.


A/N: Please leave a comment. Thank You.

I am a fan of AkB48.

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Offline kuro808

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Re: Fearless Heart [WMatsui Pairing] Prologue & Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 06:59:19 AM »
I wonder how they will get together and the drift between the families
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: Fearless Heart [WMatsui Pairing] Prologue & Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2013, 07:03:29 AM »
A/N: Warning: It’s long but worth to read it! :D

Fearless Heart

Chapter 1

Ten years ago
Nagoya, Japan

Eighteen-year old Rena Matsui was nervous and anxious at the same time. Tonight she was graduating high school. Excitement abounded as her father drove into’ Majisuka high school parking lot. She kept moving from one side of the backseat to the other, scanning the scene to see what her classmates were wearing and how they’d done their hair. Rena had left her raven hair loose, letting the length brush the shoulders of her sleeveless dark red dress, exposing her pale skin and chosen instead to focus on her makeup. A little eye shadow to highlight her cappuccino like color, almond-shaped eyes, a cherry-red gloss on her lips and she was good to go.

Her mother had spent the better part of Rena’s life criticizing everything about her, especially her pale skin and her mouth. Rena have a sensuously full lips that have been the bane of Rena’s existence together with her pale skin complexion until Kashiwagi Yuki had burst onto the fame scene in whole Japan. At that point, Rena’s attitude had shifted. Suddenly, the face God gave her had become an asset, not a hindrance. While her mother continued to point out her flaws, Rena had grown old enough to realize Reiko Matsui was never going to approve of anything about her.

As her dad park their can into the parking space, she leaned forward from the backseat of the car and tapped her mother on the shoulder. “Mom, you bought the camera, right? have to get a picture of me with Akane after graduation”. Reiko Matsui frowned at the question as she stared around the Majisuka high school parking lot, checking to see if Jurina Watanabe’s black sports car was anywhere in sight. “No, I didn’t bring the camera” Reiko said. Rena’s heart dropped. “Mom! It’s my graduation! How could you forget something that important!”. “I just did”. Reiko snapped. “Get over it. There will be plenty of people taking pictures. Ask for a copy”. “You shot four rolls of film the night Ryou graduated”. Rena muttered. Reiko face flushed. There was no arguing with the truth, but she wasn’t going to discuss the fact that her older child-and-only-son-was her favourite. Getting pregnant with Rena had been an accident and she never let Rena forget it. Even the referee within his family, Toshiro Matsui pulled into a parking space. “I’ll go down to Fujimo’s and get one of those disposable ones” He said.

But Rena’s jolly was gone. “Don’t bother” she said. “Mom’s right. There will be plenty of people taking pictures because they are all excited and proud of their kids who are graduating, even if you guys aren’t”. Rena walked out in the backseat before her dad could respond and stomped off toward the gym with her red mortarboard in her hand and the red gown over her arm. Toshiro looked at his wife. In all their years of marriage, he’d never understood her. She made no attempt to hide her favouritism. “You could at least have pretended that you were sorry you forgot the damn camera” He said. But Reiko was to focused into her own thoughts to care what Toshiro Matsui said awhile ago. She’d just seen Shin and Meyrin Watanabe pulling their car into the parking space. The rage that she’d lived with for the past twenty years surged upward, flushing her face to a dark, angry red.

“What the hell are they doing here?” Reiko muttered angrily. “Meyrin’s niece, Megumi, is in Rena’s class, remember?” Reiko’s frown and didn’t comment and instead, she got out of the car, grabbed Shin’s arm and walked into the gym with her head and her eyes straight ahead.

Inside, Rena’s hurt was already fading away as she gathered with her classmates in the lobby of the gym, waiting for the signal that would indicate the processional was about to begin. Within the hour, she would be officially graduated, ready to go off to college in the fall. She was ready to get out of her house on so many levels, she didn’t know where to start. All she knew was that living on her own, however lonely, would be far better than living another year at home with Shin and Reiko Matsui.

Excited, she kept peeking through the doorway of the lobby, watching families filing into the gym, the climbing up the bleachers, trying to grab seats as close as possible to the makeshift stage the graduates would cross to receive their diplomas. The second best part of Rena’s night was that Jurina would be here. Even though he was finishing up his second year college, he was still living at home and wouldn’t miss her graduation. She scanned the crowd, wondering where her parents were going to sit but it was for damn sure it wouldn’t be closed into the front.  Her mother made no bones at Rena’s graduation, it’s just a simple day for her dear.

The only thing Rena had ever done that wound up on her mother’s radar was fall for Jurina Watanabe. To say the Matsui and Watanabe did not get along was understatement, even though no one ever talked about why. The few times, Rena had asked, she’d  gotten slapped for her trouble, and that had been that. Reiko Matsui might control her household and her husband and even her son but she could not control her only daughter. Rena was having none of it. Her mom and dad’s personal issues had nothing to do with her. She loved Jurina, and he loved her.
The end. And after tonight....maybe a new beginning as well...

Rena had always made sure there were plenty of opportunities for them to be together without her parent’s noticing. From the time she’d been old enough to date, Jurina Matsui had been the first in line. After tonight, everything about their relationship was going to change. They’d talked about  it length and while Rena still felt unhappy about their decision, she knew it was for the best. With two years at the local college behind him, Jurina’s plan were in motion. After having led  the small college soccer team to Nationals twice-the second time to a championship-he caught the attention of the several big-time college scouts. A couple of weeks ago, he had received an offer from Tokyo University for a full-ride soccer scholarship for his last two years of college and he accepted.

Rena first thought on hearing the news had been, “I will die if he leaves” but that it wasn’t what she told him. She pretend excitement, knowing he couldn’t and shouldn’t turn it down. It meant everything to his  family, not having to come up with the money to put him through the last two years of college and now his future as a professional soccer player was looking brighter every day. Rena knew her family would never agree to let her attend the same college and so, for the next two year, their lives were going to take them apart than they’d ever been before. She also knew that if it was meant to be, Jurina would still love her no matter how much time passed. She might appear to be a pale fragile female but she had a fearless heart. She wasn’t afraid to fight for who she loved and what she wanted out of life—even if her strongest opponent was her own mother.



I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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Re: Fearless Heart [WMatsui Pairing] Prologue & Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2013, 07:29:44 AM »
Go Rena!

Ten years for her to gain back the one she loves
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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