Thank you all for the comments but unfortunately, Jurina died on 'Tell Her for Me'
I'm making another OS for the wMatsui and it'll be a sweet and fluffy one as a peace offering

. . . . well, look forward to it

And because it's Christmas . . . .
. . . . I greet you all a Merry Christmas ! . . . .

Here's a gift from me on this Christmas Day!!
Christmas SpecialCold Outside but Warm Inside(KojiYuu)
“Come on Nyan nyan . . . Let me explain first” Yuko followed a blank-faced Haruna to their dressing room.
“You see I was- “
“Cut the crap Oshima . . . . ” Haruna went to a chair in front of the mirror and started applying some make up.
“But Nyan nyan . . . . “ she sighed and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She has dark circles around her eyes, her nose is reddish and her hair is a mess. Her clothes are 3 layers, a t-shirt with matching skirt, a jacket and an oversized coat. She doesn’t look like the idol, Oshima Yuko, that everyone knows. She took a glance at Haruna’s reflection, she has her usual beautiful self but with a cold demeanor. Haruna is putting on some blush-on while taking a glance at Yuko’s reflection. The poor girl looks tired and weak, and she might collapse due to the heaving clothing that she wears. Haruna furrowed her eyebrows; slightly worried for the other girl but once their eyes met she had her cold façade once more.
“ . . . . . I’ll talk to you later when you’re not busy, Nyan nyan . . . . . “ Yuko left the room silently.
Haruna stopped whatever she was doing and stared at the door where her beloved passed through “Baka Yuuchan . . . . “
After their CM shooting the girls are happily talking about their Christmas day-off, except one.
“Hey Yuko-chan . . . . Are you alright? . . . You’ve been silent since the shooting ended . . . “ Jurina who was sitting beside her poked her cheek.
Yuko didn’t reply, she just grunted and sniffled.
“Ne, ne . . . . Yuko-chan . . . . “ Jurina was poking her cheek non-stop. Yuko thought of the action as annoying but she doesn’t have the strength to swat the finger pressing on her cheek.
“A-Are . . . “ Instead of a finger, Jurina placed her palm against Yuko’s cheek. Yuko smiled slightly feeling the surge of warmth that flowed towards her from the said palm.
Jurina placed her other hand against Yuko’s forehead and noticed that she was wearing a thick layer of clothing.
“Sh*t, Yuko-chan you are so - . . . . . “ Jurina exclaimed but her mouth was covered by Yuko’s shaking hand.
“Shhhh . . . . Just be quiet . . . . “ she said as she released her hand.
“But why? . . . . You are so cold! . . . We should go to the hospital . . . “ Jurina reasoned.
“No need . . . “
“But Yuko-chan . . . . You’re sick! You shouldn’t have gone to the shooting . . . . You should’ve rest“ Jurina scolded her sempai.
“Jurina, I have my priorities and work is the first one . . . You understand it too right? You have been in this kind of situation. You sacrificed sleep, rest and time to do work because without it, we could never stand on the stage as idols. So Jurina, just respect my decision to work even though I’m not feeling well” Yuko said as she smiled slightly to her kouhai.
Jurina nodded and looked at her sempai with admiration. She took Yuko’s hands into her own, it was the least that she could do to give her warmth.
“. . . . Arigatou, Jurina . . . . “ Yuko whispered as she drifted to sleep
11 : 39 P.M.
“Arigatou gozaimashita!” the girls bowed to the staff as they finished their annual Christmas Theater performance.
Yuko waited outside the building for her beloved Haruna. She waited for minutes and it already started snowing, the cold wind passes by her and she almost lost her balance she shivered.
“I should have worn another jacket . . . . “ she murmured as she clutched her clothes close to her body.
She heard clicking of shoes; she quickly turned around only to find Jurina and Rena holding hands. She sighed in disappointment.
“Yuko-chan . . . why are you here?” Jurina asked as they walked towards her.
“I’m waiting for Nyan nyan . . . . . How about the two of you? Going out for a date? . . . “ Yuko asked the couple.
“Un, Jurina is taking me to a dinner date . . . “ Rena answered.
“Heh~ Souka . . . Well, Merry Christmas! “ Yuko smiled
“Merry Christmas . . . . “ the couple replied.
“Saa~ Jurina. . . . Let’s go, it’s getting colder . . . .” Rena slightly pulled Jurina’s hand
“Yeah . . It is . . . “ She looked at Yuko who was rubbing her hands together. “Chotto matte Rena-chan . . . . “ Jurina took off her scarf and placed it around Yuko’s neck, next she took off her winter gloves and placed it on her hands.
“Please take these . . . “ Jurina said. “They’ll make you warmer . . . And consider them as my Christmas gift to you “
“A-Arigatou . . . . but how about you? . . . “ Yuko asked slightly worried for the other girl.
“Daijoubu . . . I don’t get cold that easy . . . . and Rena-chan is there to warm me up . . . “ Jurina grinned mischievously at her lover. The other Matsui blushed.
“We should get going now. . . . Merry Christmas again, Yuko-chan . . . “ Jurina smiled.
“Merry Christmas to you too . . . . “ Yuko smiled also.
The wMatsui walked towards their destination.
“AAAATTCCCCHHHOOOOO!” Jurina sneezed loudly, Rena just eyed her and sighed.
“You were bluffing earlier . . . “ Rena said.
“Rena-chan! . . . . “ she sniffled. “She needs it more than I do . . . “ she added.
Rena patted the head of her lover and smiled at her “I really love your kind side Jurina . . . “
Jurina blushed at her statement and she hugged Rena’s right arm.
“I love Rena-chan too! . . . . “ she grinned. “AAAATTTCCCHHHOOOO!!! . . . “ she released another sneeze.
Rena took her glove from her right hand and placed it on Jurina’s right hand. She then took off her scarf and placed it around on both of their necks. Her right hand held Jurina’s cold left hand.
“There. . . . are you warm now?. . . . “ Rena asked.
“Hmmm . . . . not yet . . . My lips are cold Rena-chan . . “ Jurina pouted.
“B-Baka . . . no need for that . . . “ Rena blushed.
“Ehhh? . . . . No kiss from Rena-chan this Christmas? . . . “ she pouted even more
Rena stopped walking and gave Jurina a very deep kiss.
“H-How about that? . . . “ Rena fidgeted
Jurina grinned and started walking faster while dragging Rena.
“We have to hurry Rena-chan! . . . I want another round of kisses when we get home!! . . . “
9 minutes had passed since the wMatsui left but there was no sign of Haruna.
“Nyan nyan . . please come out . . . . I’m so cold . . “ Yuko placed her hands against her cheek. She was grateful that Jurina gave her the gloves and scarf it lessened the coldness she felt.
“. . . . Yuuchan . . . . “ she heard a whisper.
“ . . . Nyan nyan . . . “ Yuko smiled at the one she was waiting for but she suddenly felt sad. She saw Haruna still wearing her cold expression.
Haruna started to walk briskly towards her house. She passed by the person who was waiting for her without hearing an explanation.
Yuko followed her silently. Haruna turn around to face her, not even once. Not even asking how she is doing or how long she waited for her outside the building. This pained Yuko greatly. The coldness from Haruna hurts more than the coldness from her surroundings.
When they arrived at Haruna’s house, Yuko stopped at the front of the gate. Haruna just went inside without even taking a glance at her.
“ . . . She must really hate me, huh . . . “ Yuko murmured against the scarf.
She placed her hands inside her pockets and stood against the gate. Yuko felt something inside her right pocket and took it out: it was a spare key to Haruna’s house. She remembered that she gave it to her on their first anniversary. She could use the key to get inside the house and talk to Haruna and have a wonderful Christmas together after they made up but she refused to do so.
Haruna might become angrier at her for barging in her house like that while they have a misunderstanding. She held the key close to her heart and closed her eyes.
“ . . . . I’ll wait Nyan nyan . . . “
The next thing she knew, she was numb all over and the coldness started to take over her body. She collapsed and the snowflakes slowly fall from the sky.
Haruna just took a bath and she sat on her bed, she glanced at her window looking for somebody.
“ . . . . Wow, it’s completely white . . . . I wonder if Yuuchan went home already . . . She couldn’t have stayed outside, it’s freezing cold“ she murmured.
She took a look at the clock that read: 1:42 AM. She turned off the lights and went to bed. She took a squirrel stuff toy that Yuko gave her on her birthday from her desk.
“Baka Yuuchan . . . . How could you forget to give me a gift on Christmas? . . . “ she hugged the squirrel tightly and talked to it as if it were her ‘Yuuchan’. “I know that you are busy with work, but you could just find some time to buy me one. . . “ she pouted.
Haruna slightly shivered and held the squirrel even more.
“Yuuchan . . . I’m cold . . . “ she whispered as she finally drifted to sleep.
*Ring ring
*Ring ring
“Hnn . . . . *yawn . . .Who could be calling at this hour? . . . . “ Haruna lazily got up took her cell phone from her desk.
“It’s 2:02 AM . . . geez, it’s still early! . . . “
She took a glance at the caller’s name.
“. . . Jurina? . . . What does she need during this hour? . . . “
“Moshi-moshi . . . . Jurina? . . . “
”Kojima-san!! . . . “ “What’s wrong Jurina? . . . *yawn . . .What is it? Is it urgent? . . “
“It’s Yuko-chan!!. . . “Yuuchan? . . . “ Haruna suddenly snapped out from her drowsiness when she heard her beloved’s name. “Why what’s wrong with Yuuchan? . . . .Did something happen? . . . “ Haruna asked worriedly
”She hasn’t been answering my calls!! . . . . I’m worried” Jurina said frantically
“Maybe she’s just asleep or something . . . . She was so tired that she didn’t answer her phone”
”I’m at her house right now and no one’s home!! . . . . She’s not at your place??. . . “What?! . . . Yuuchan’s not there?!. . . Where in the world could she be?”
”She’s not there also?! . . . . Sh*t something might have happened to her on the way here”“I saw her following me earlier towards my house. . . . ”
”Did you know where she went?! . . . . . Oh God, she might’ve collapsed somewhere! . .. Oh no . . . Wait a minute, you said she followed you right? . . . . Is she still cold?”“Cold? . . . “
”She was ice cold when I last touched her . . . . She has Hypothermia!!”“Hypothermia?? . . . What’s that?”
“It’s when your body drops temperature.. . . . Like you’re frozen, or something like that . . . She might die if she’s still out there!! . . . We’ve got to find her now!! . . . “ After listening to Jurina’s explanation Haruna quickly ran out the house even with her nightgown on. She ignored the cold weather and snow beneath her feet.
“Yuuchan!! . . . Yuuchan answer me!! “
“Yuuchan!! . . .. . . Yuuchan are you there?!”
Haruna dialed Yuko’s phone number.
“C’mon . . . Answer it Yuuchan!”
‘1, 2, 3, 4!
I want you! . . .
I need you! . . .
I love you! . . . ‘ “Heavy Rotation? . . . . That’s Yuuchan’s ringtone!!! . . . . “
Haruna followed the song and she stopped by the gate. She began to push the gate but it won’t budge.
“All this thick snow!! . . . “ she pushed even harder but she stopped when she saw a pice of clothing stuck in the snow.
“Could that be? . . . . . Yuuchan!!. . . “ she began digging the snow to recover the cold body underneath it.
“Yuuchan! . . . Yuuchan!! . . . “ she ignored her bleeding fingers. When Yuko’s face suddenly appeared, she felt something warm in her chest, then she began to cry and dug even faster. When she saw Yuko’s hand, she checked if Yuko’s still got a pulse.
“Thank goodness!! She’s barely alive . . . Don’t worry Yuuchan!! . . . I’ll get you out of here!!. . . . “
When the snow was already taken off from Yuko’s body, Haruna carried her inside her house.
She took off all of Yuko’s wet clothes and placed her inside the tub filled with warm water. She sent a message to Jurina that Yuko is alright and she doesn’t have to worry anymore. Haruna also took off her clothes and joined Yuko in the bath. She could feel the coldness escaped from her body when she dipped her body in the warm water. She placed Yuko on her thighs; let her head rest against her shoulder. She smiled when she felt Yuko’s back against her chest. She circled her arms around Yuko’s waist and hugged her tightly.
“ . . . . Yuuchan . . . Please wake up . . . . “ she whispered against her ear.
“ . . . Hnn . . . “ She felt her lover move. “ . . . N-Nyan? . . . “
“Yuuchan!!! . . . . “ Haruna hugged her even more.
“I-Itai . . . Nyan nyan . . . Please don’t hug me too tight” Yuko said weakly.
“Gomen. . . . I’m just glad to have you back!” Haruna smiled sweetly.
Yuko slowly stood-up, faced Haruna and sat down again.
“Nyan nyan . . . You’re not angry at me anymore? . . . . “ Yuko asked cutely
“Of course not!. . . . Not that I almost lost you!. . . . “ Haruna exclaimed, tears suddenly burst out from her eyes.
“Nyan . . . I’m here. . . . Don’t cry . . . . “ Yuko held her lover’s face and wiped her tears with her thumb.
“And don’t worry . . . I have no plan on leaving you . . . “ she smiled showing her dimples.
Haruna stared at Yuko’s brown eyes. Slowly, their faces close in and their lips met. Yuko broke the kiss and stared lovingly at Haruna. Just then, tears slid down on her face.
“Gomen Nyan nyan! . . . It’s all my fault, if I only brought a gift to you during our date, none of this would’ve happened!! . . . “ Yuko cried. “I-If I brought you one, you wouldn’t have to be so worried right now!! . . . I am so sorry Nyan nyan! . . . . “
Haruna circled her arms around Yuko’s waist and pulled her closer. Yuko buried her head on Haruna’s neck and cried silently.
“Don’t apologize Yuuchan . . . . I should’ve been more understanding, I know that you are busy but I acted so selfish . . . “ She rubbed Yuko’s back.
“ . . . . I feel so cold, Nyan nyan . . . . When you ignored me, it was worse than having Hypothermia“ Yuko whispered.
Haruna kissed Yuko’s collarbone, then her jaw and finally her lips. Haruna’s warm lips were against Yuko’s slightly cold ones. Haruna inserted her tongue and licked Yuko’s tongue. Yuko replied the act and their tongues began to battle. Yuko tilted her head slightly and pushed her tongue inside Haruna’s mouth. Haruna struggle at first but began to relax when Yuko licked her lips.
Yuko broke the kiss and sniffed Haruna’s scent from her neck and then kissed Haruna on her cheeks.
“Don’t worry Nyan nyan . . . tomorrow, I’ll buy you a Christmas present . . . . “
“No need Yuuchan . . . . “
“Are? . . . But I thought you wanted one . . . “
“I realized that I already have one . . . . The best and most important gift that was given to me“
“Really? . . . .Where? . . . . “ Yuko asked, completely dumbfounded.
“ . . . She’s right here! . . . “
Haruna kissed Yuko on the lips and Yuko replied the kiss. The two of them re-started their making out session.
On that Christmas night, the streets are frozen and everything was white and cold outside but everything was warm and full of love inside the bathroom of Kojima Haruna.