This chapter is a complete new

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Innocent Love
~Chapter 2~
Night in Mayu’s room
“I’m sorry, sweetheart”, Jurina whispers quitely. A small sigh escaped from his lips. He held mayu’s hand tightly as his eyes still staring at mayu. He really don’t want to leave, but its already night, and he couldn’t stay any longer there, “I’ll go back tomorrow..”.
“un..”, mayu smiled and noded weakly, her eyes swollen, showing the traces of her-crying-like-crazy from the afternoon incident, “I feels better now, thanks jurina”.
“You need to take a rest”, Jurina’s hand cupped on mayu’s cheeks, caressing them softly like it was the most precious thing in the world. He’s definetely get emotionally hurt as to see mayu in this state.
Mayu caught jurina’s gaze, she smiled, try to reassuring him that she’s okay and he didn’t need to worry. Jurina catch what mayu’s mean, he got himself up, “I love you, sweetheart”.
Mayu noded softly. Jurina smiled in reply, and after making sure that everything is alright, jurina began to walked away and leaves the room.
As she heard the sounds of the door being closed and sense that jurina’s presence has gone. Mayu began to wake up, she straighten her body, resting her back at the bedsted, she brought her palms to cover her face, and then she broke into tears again. Mayu was obviously in very shocked condition right now.
“Why… why..”, she mumbled in the midle of her cries. “Yuki..”
And all of the memory from the afternoon incident suddenly wandering inside her mind, like a piece of puzzle, it started to rearanged and makes into one clear picture.
Meanwhile with jurina, he’s not in his clear mind either. He felt so frustated to himself and especially to mayu. “Fuck !!”, he shouted as he punch the stir of his BMW car, cursing and swearing as the way to letting out his anger.
Actually things between mayu and jurina has been not doing so well after the last afternoon incident. Jurina could not deny that he is incredibly worried about mayu. He try to ask mayu what actually happens, but mayu, act like a little kid who's tryin to lie at their parents, she try to avoid jurina's question, even if she answers, her answer would be far from satisfying jurina. Said that she meet with a thief and the thief has stole her precious necklace. Jurina couldnt bring himself to believe on that, how could he ? mayu’s explaination sounded more a like a cheap lies from teenage girls trying to hide something from their parents.
Jurina clenched his teeth, he need to know what is actually going on with mayu, and after a moment of thought, he started the engine of his car and drove it to certain destination.
Back to mayu, after couple minutes of crying, she try to calms down a bit, she try to catch a breath, her emotion is a mess right now.
“……..”, mayu fixed her position on the bed, she sat in silence. She took a glance at the boquet flower wich on the table near her bed. Her eyes didnt leave that boquet for a moment, remembering the courier girl aka yuki and what she said when she give her that boquet
““Yellow forshytia, it means Anticipation, its an aware from someone that she will comeback to you”
“What do you want, yuki..”, mayu mumbled to herself, her heartbeat is beating so fast as she remembering the incident from last afternoon. She thugged the blanket where she sat on, feeling nervous.
Mayu suddenly got herself up from the bed and walk closer to the where boquet at. She took the boquet and brought it closer to her chest. She rub her face onto the boquet, inhaling the swret scent from the beautiful flowers, somehow she loves that smell.
“the letter..”, mayu muttered as she spotted a piece of paper inside the boquet. Guess its jurina who put it in there. She yet read the letter, and honestly she don’t want to read that. Its scares her…
but it seems her curiousity is bigger than her fears..
She try to open the letter, and then read it…
Its just short and simple words..
“Like I’ve promised. I find you again, mayu...”
Mayu’s body suddenly collapse to the floor, she’s broke into tears again.
7 years aago..
A certain girl in high school uniform running panickly as if she's in some kind of danger. But actually its not the case, she’s not in danger, she’s looking for someone.
Wearing her favorite training pants under her skirt, she keep running and running, and thanks to that training pants that she can move freely and faster.
She run as fast as she can, ignoring everything. She scared, the thought of losing that person terrifies her. “Fuck !! if I found her.. I’ll kill her for real”.
Her phone suddenly ringed, a name displayed on the screen, its written “Mayu”. She picked it up.
“Did you find her ?”, a boy from other lines suddenly bombarded question to the girl.
“No.. not yet”, The girl answered while trying to catch a breath after running for an hour.
“I don’t know..She suddenly disappear.. and she left her phone too.. I’ve been trying to look on every possible place where mayu would comes, but still I cant find her”, the boy sounds apanicked now.
“okay.. calm down .. jurina”, the girl said the boy name, “calm down.. and think… where will mayu go when she wanted to be alone.. “, the girls try to calms down beside the lack of breath. “Do you have any Idea ?”
“…………..”, the boy stayed silent.
“Hello… Jurina ?”.
“There’s a place, but its far”. The jurina’s boy sounds hestitated.
“where ? where it is !?”, the girl expression lighten up as to heard the answer.
“There’s villa.. and its belongs to her mother”.
That’s it!! the girls screamed in her hearts, “Sent me the details.. I will look in there”.
“o-okay.. and yuki ?”. The boy suddenly asked.
“what ?”
“Thanks”, the boy thanked from the other lines, “I know maybe it’s the first time I talk to you… and I know I never meet you.. but I just want to say thanks”. somehow the tone from this jurina’s boy becomes sad and mellow.
“………..”, okay, this is new, yuki thought in her mind.
“I trusted mayu to you, please find her and protect her", and with that last sentence, jurina ended the call.
The girl –wich is yuki— just staring at her phone in disbelief, she laughed softly, “This jurina brat…, did he finally given up ?”, yuki smirked, somehow feels happy that finally she will have mayu all for herself now.
A message come up on her phone, its from mayu –remember its jurina who’s helding mayu’s phone— the messages contains a certain location address, “Mayu.. you’re in big trouble now, no one, neve ever anyone, making me so fucking worried like this”. yuki mumbled to herself.
Not waiting for any seconds, Yuki suddenly run into the street, stopping a taxi, giving the destination to the driver, and in no time.. the taxi already run in full speed and goes to the destination where yuki has directed. –and yuki still keep shouting and kicking to the drivers seat asking to the taxi driver to speed up more—
30 minutes later…
Yuki finally arrived at her destination, she throw some money to the taxi drivers, and then go skyrocketed to the villa building. She didn’t care if she tired or not, it doesn’t matter anymore.. Right now her mind is only focussed to mayu. And she need to find her, hurry.
She walk fast to the front door, not even bother to knock the door, she break in into the house and shouting mayu’s name like crazy, “Mayu !!? Mayu !?!? where are you !?”, her eyes wanders around try to looking for mayu.
“Damn.. where is she ?”, yuki muttered as she search around the house.
Yuki, worried, frustated and tired, was try to looking for mayu with her remaining strength, she hurriedly checking every room and every place inside the house/villa.
But she found nothing. The villa is empty, no mayu.. no one… no hope.
Yuki become more frustated, she slow down her moves. And after a moment.. she stopped. She leaned her body onto the wall, turned, tossed her head to the wall. Cursing and swearing as she let out her anger and frustation.
“where the hell are you mayu !?”, yuki muttered in silence, she almost giving up.
Yuki’s phone suddenly ringed, its mayu’s again -it means jurina called again- but she didn’t even bothered to answer. She felt so exshauted, and its unbearable, her body felt sore.
She sat in there for a moment, try to calm herself. But her thought started to gone wild, a past memories about mayu suddenly flashed through her mind, and it scares her, “No.. no.. no way she’s doing that again.. please mayu, please don’t do that”, yuki’s eyes widened just imagining about that incident.
Yuki stood up in sudden, her strength has back again after the thought about mayu doing bad thing, “Shit !! I wont let you doing something like that again, mayu”.
Yuki started to run again, get away out from the house.. but its just a few meters after she stepped out from the house when suddenly someone is shouting at her.
“Hey !! You !! Who are you !!!?”,
“….?”, yuki looked back only to find an old man standing not so far from her, glaring at her.
“Thief!!!”, The old man shoouted,, “I’ll call police”.
“No.. no. no”, yuki widens her eyes with the man mistook her as thief, she waved her hands in panic, “No.. mister, I’m not a thief—“
“Then who are you !!”, The old man retorted cutting yuki’s words, “You broke into someone house without permission, of course you’re a thief !!”. the old man already pulled his phone from his pocket, ready to call the police.
oh gosh, why at the time like this… Yuki thought in her mind.
“No.. mister, please listen to me first… I’m not thief”,
".........", the old man ignoring yuki and now calling the police.
“Okay, I’m sorry for entering the villa without permission”, yuki make a puppy eyes, pleaded to the old man, “but I have my own reason—“.
“Hello, mr policeman there’s some—what the..”, the old man stared in awe when his phone got snatched from him, “yah !! Give my phone back… you little !!”
Yuki held the phone as she make her way off from the old man, “Please mister, you must hear my explaination first…”, yuki pleaded more, trying her best to show her innocent faces. “I’m the friends of the villa’s owner…”
“Huh ?”, the old man suddenly stopped, he try to proccess the information, but a seconds after, his faces turned into a scary ones and anger, “How dare you !?!? … what did you say !?”, his eyes wandering around, he find a broom not so far from him, he grab the broom and.. “This little brat really !! come here.. I will give you some lesson….how dare you say that to Kaoru-sama !!”
Huh ? Kaoru ? wait.. its mayu’s mother!! yuki thought. She snapped from her daydream as she saw the old man already standing in front of her, ready to beat her, “Wait.. wait.. no.. not kaoru… but mayu !! mayu !! I’m mayu’s friends !!”, yuki shouted while closed her eyes, ready to get beaten. But it was a moment later and yuki felt nothing, she try to peeked and saw the old man was statued in front of her.
“…mayu-sama ?”, the old man asked, his expression soften, he try to analyze yuki, head to toe, “you… mayu-sama’s friends ?”
“Yes, I’m mayu-sama’s friends”, yuki noded fast, repeating the old man words, her face enlighten.
“What do you want ?”, the old man scanning yuki once again, “what business ?”
“I….I was looking for her”, Yuki gulped in nervous, “I was looking for her all day, I was worried about her… I need to find her, mister. I must !!”,
The old man looking at yuki, intensely. He can see the nervousness from yuki’s words, he can tell that this girl is really worried about his lady and she sincerely cares about mayu's whereabout
“Mayu-sama just leave a moment ago…”, the old man said while putting the broom away and make some distance from yuki.
Yuki’s eyes gone wide, “W.. wha—…..D-did she just.. she's here before ?”, yuki so shocked that she souldnt move her body, her breath gets heavy, and her eyes became teary.
“Yes, but she leave a moment ago. Right before you broke in…”, the old man turned away, and walk leave.
Yuki still statued in her place, she realized that she cant handle it anymore, a tears already flow from her eyes, her gazes wanders around, frustated with the situation. If only she come a bit early..
No.. I cant give up yet, yuki thoughts. She run to the old man and stopped in front of him. “Mister, do you know where did she go ? where did she go !!??”
“…….”, the old man sighed, looking at yuki with pitiful stares.
“Answer me.. mister. Where did she go !? where the fuck is mayu go !?!?”, yuki shouted unconciously, she frustated like crazy, she’s uncontrolled.
The old man quite taken aback with yuki’s shout, but decided to keep in silent. He glanced at yuki for the last times before then walked away and leaving yuki still dumbfounded in her place.
Yuki can feel ache in all her body when the old man walked away. Honestly, she was already reached her limit, she’s already searching mayu for all day, and she’s tired of it. Even though her mind kept telling her not to given up yet, but it seems her body does not agreeing with it.
Yuki snapped out of her thought and looked back the direction of the voice.
“There’s a small lake not so far from here.. try there”, it was the old man,
Yuki frowned her eyebrows, but after hearing what the oldman says, she suddenly remembered something. It’s a couple weeks ago..
“I want to show you my secret place..”,
“hmm mm ?”
“It’s the place where only me knew about it….and my mom”.
“Hemm~ this is interisting. What secret place it is ?”
“A lake..”.
That’s it !! Yuki screamed inside her mind. And without any seconds, she got herself out to the new destination, hoping that she’ll find mayu in there..
15 minutes later…
Yuki panted hard as she reach her destination. Her eyes wandering around to find the figure, and not so long after…. she already find the person she had longing for.
Mayu was sitting in there, on the grass, near the edge of the lake, staring at the lake.
Mayu snapped from her daydream as she hear a loud voice from behind, she turned and find a figure from afar, but again, she barely caught who this person was.
“hhhh… hhh.. hhh.”, Yuki still trying to catch a breath, the results of her whole-day-running-to-find-mayu was still in there, “Now you’re dead… watanabe mayu”, she muttered as she started to walk to mayu’s direction.
And as the person walk closer to mayu’s direction, mayu started to wonder who this person is. Mayu caught some hints about this person figure as it was much more clearer each times the distance between them became closer. It was a girl, with long raven hair, high scool uniform –and mayu’s knew it’s from her highschool-, training pants, mayu chuckeld to see that training pants, oh my~.. this person fashion is so bad, mayu thought. –she still didn’t know it was yuki—
But as the times of their distance became closer, mayu’s hearbeat suddenly raced fast, she suddenly felt extremely nervous. Meanwhile with yuki, she didn’t know if she could hold her feelings anymore, what should she do, Angry ? worried ? calm ? what she need to do ?
On the other sides, mayu’s heartbeat felt like stopped as she finally saw yuki’s face, her eyes widened. She wanted to run… but she couldnt because her body suddenly felt stiffen, her legs are shaking and glued to the ground, she hope its just a dream or she being delusional, but too bad it is not.
“hhhh..hahh..hhah”, yuki finally stopped in front of mayu, she’s still out of breath, “you… idiot”,
“w-what..? I’m wha— eh ?“
Yuki didn’t give mayu chance to finish her words as she suddenly hugged her, tightly. She didn’t uttered any words, she just letting her body to take the lead right now - And mayu, she just standing in there quietly, trying her best to maintain her calm, her cheeks turned pinks. The sudden hug from yuki sent some electric feelings to mayu’s whole body, and she loved that.
The two girl keeps in that position for a couples minutes, enjoying each other precense. Yuki rested her head onto mayu’s, and she felt all her feelings started to melt as her hug on mayu become tighter, she wanted to hug mayu… like forever, she didn’t want let her go, she wanted to protect her, always.
Meanwhile with mayu, she still remained in silent and gave no response to yuki, she felt extremely nervous right now, she could feel her face get heaten up, she kinda think that her face must be as red as tomato right now. But as the time yuki’s hug get more tighter, mayu started to calmed down and felt comfortable, slowly she put her hand around the taller girl waist, to returns the hug.
Yuki herself started to think that hugging mayu is so addicting, mayu’s is so small and.. soft. She squeezed her eyes tightly as she enjoying hugging mayu. She hopes she cant stop times right now as she want to hug mayu forever.
While mayu, she loves the hugs, the most. The feels when her body being pressed against yuki’s, and she can feel yuki’s chest on hers, mayu cant help but felt excited about it, not to mention she can smell yuki’s neck scent from close, and she really love it. “oh god.. she smells so good”, mayu thought naughtily.
After some happy moment between the two's.
“why ? you dont want to see me ? being alone is not helping, mayu”, yuki said as she turned to face mayu. Now the two girls sat side by side, staring at the lake.
“Yes…”, mayu sighed, her eyes still focussed to the lake. “i know yuki.. but, its just that--"
"Dont do that again", yuki cut mayu and stares at her intensely.
"I-I'm sorry", its all that mayu can say that time.
and then silent wrap around them again..
"u must’ve read the news already…”, mayu closed her eyes, the first one to break the silent. “I just wanted to have some private times and thinking about it”.
Of course yuki knew what mayu means, she read the news, its became a headlines news this morning. Watanabe Souchiro, the leader of watanabe group, uncovered relationship with actress S. And he's mayu's father. Yuki then thought about it, more or less it must be the reason of mayu’s disappearance today.
“But.. how did you know about this place ?”, mayu frowned her eyebrows, turned her face to yuki.
“hemmm.. I just know”, yuki grinned.
“ugh please yuki…”, mayu rolled her eyes, laughed softly.
Yuki can feel her heartbeat started to beat so fast as she sees mayu’s laugh. There’s nothing in this world can beat mayu’s laughter, and she can bet to her whole life that mayu's laughter is the cutest laughter in the world. And she also thought that mayu looks so beautiful when she laughs.
“Come on.. tell me, how do you know about this place ?”, mayu’s make a puppy eyes, winning over yuki’s hearts.
Yuki chuckled, “Its easy.. Its just.. i always have my way to get to you”, yuki said in husky voice, “because you’re belong to me..” she staring at mayu’s eyes, deeply.
Mayu looked away, blushing. Yuki was right, she always have her own way to get mayu. She own mayu.
“s-shut up”, mayu stuttered, shy.
“You heard me clear, mayu”, yuki murmured, “I said you’re belong to me..”,
Mayu turned her face to yuki, “Funny~… then I just need to find a new secret place—“.
“Then I just need to find you again”. yuki cutted.
“Then I’ll go to the far place where no one knows… so that you cant find me”. Mayu said, now somehow in serious tone.
“No matter what.. I’ll still gonna find you”. Yuki replied, not letting off her eyes from mayu’s.
Mayu got busted, she didn’t know how to response, she didnt even know how can it be ended like this, this conversation is weird, but somehow she likes it.
“T-Then how did you find me ? in what way ?”, mayu asked, hoping yuki’s answer could satisfied her.
Staring at the two-black-orbs of mayu, yuki try to find what the girl wants, and she knew what the girl wants.
“I don’t know what way, but I’ll find you no matter what, even if it costs my life… I promise”, yuki’s words flowing beutifuly from her mouth, beautiful.
Mayu caught of guard with yuki’s answer, she didn’t knew… no, she knew, and she satisfied about yuki’s answer. A tears flowing from mayu’s beautiful eyes.
“Should I kiss you now ?” yuki asked out of the blue.
“Just do it, stupid..”
Flashback end.
Mayu trying her best to stood up from the floor, her strength is all drained out just from reading the small letter. She cursing herself at how weak she is everytime she face with yuki.
Her head felt like spinning, giving her so much pain wich unbearable. She need jurina… no, its no help, she need yuki.. yes, she need her. She try to walk to the door, she open the door, but its only a few step after she stepped out from her room before she finally collapse on the floor….
Roppongi VVIP Club.
The bar look busy with the crowd, and peoples are having fun there. Not to mention a certain girl who’s also enjoying the atsmosphere of the club. She having a good time there, and she in her red mini dress, showing her perfect curves, look flawless, sexy, and yummy.
“Rena..”, some of friends warned the red dress girl, “be careful rena you drunk !!”.
“Huh ? I’m not drunk bitch”, the rena girl snorted, “I’m having fun !!!”. she shouted as she continue with her dance.
“Oh gosh.. whatever”, her friends then leave the rena’s girl alone.
Like its been warned by her friends, rena is drunk, but she’s having fun, so who cares. And as the time of the music beats more faster, its also driving rena more crazy. She fed to the crowd, she lost to the crowd.
“Hey beautiful..”, a guy suddenly appears before rena, “Mind if I join you..”.
Rena didn’t care to answer, she have so much fun right now.
The guy come to face rena, joining rena's dance, he try to put his hands around rena’s waist, making rena a bit uncomfortable, but well.. its a club, so she thought its normal. But its start to gone too far when the guy's hands started to exploring rena’s body in some private area.
Rena felt disgusted, she shoved the guy away, “Fuck off !!!”, she shouted.
But the guy didnt give up, he pressed his body against rena, and try to kiss her.
Rena felt her anger has been pilen up, She shoved away the guy with full force, making him fall to the ground, and not only that, she grab her heels, and then walked to the guys direction, and then with one strong swing, she slapped the guy face with the heels, making him growl in suffer.
“Fuck you !!! you choose wrong person to mess with, you fucker!!!”, rena retorted and then walked away leaving the club, her moods ruined, sucks.
The next minutes after incident, rena alredy got herself in parking lot to take her car.
“urrgh.. my head hurt so much”, rena complained as she opened her car, she's ready to get in when suddenly someone grip her hand and pushing her to the car seat.
“What the fuck…”, Rena try to fight back.
It was the guy from before, he followed rena to the parking lot, and yes.. there he was, attacking rena like crazy stalker.
“Get the fuck off !!”, rena shouted. She kicked, punched and do everything she could do to fought the guy back.
“Hahaha.. its you who choose the wrong person to mess with, bitch”, the guy laughed in evil. His hand start to exploring rena’s body.
“HELP !!! SOMEONE HEL—mmmhhh.. mmmmhh”,
The guy covering rena’s mouth with his palms, stopping rena from asking help.
Rena cried, she felt…. Worst, and it was when she almost given up when suddenly soemone pulled the guy away from her..
“sorry to disturb boy”, the person who pulled away rena’s attackers said in calm tone, ”but it seems your girl didnt like what you did there.”, the person smiled mockly.
Rena caught of guard, she didn’t know who this person was, but she felt thankfull to this person for helping her.
“Who the fuck are you !?”, the rapist guy shouted out loud.
“You just cant use force to girl mister.. thats not nice~”, the person smirked.
The guy suddenly smirked in devilish way, “you're quite pretty too, it must be my lucky day to have two prey in one night..”, he laughed and then run to beat the rena's helper
The guy throw some punch to the girls face but missed it cause the girl moved faster than what he thought and a seconds after, the girl already give two jab at the guy face plus one flying kick to his neck (I’m sorry, I’m not good at writing fighting scene >,<)
The guy fall to the ground, leaving unconcious. The kick on his neck seems quite fatal for him.
“Are you okay, miss ?”
Rena finally caught her eyes to the person who helped her. And how surprised she was when she found that her hero is a girl, and she’s beautiful. Rena gazed down to the guy who’s attacked her.
“D-did he died ?”,
The girl laughed softly, “Do you like this guy ?”. she rolled her eyes and then walked to the guys body, she checked his breath, “I’m your hero, but instead of asking me.. you’re asking about this guy. How funny~.. and yeah, he’s still breathing”.
Rena glanced to the girl, scanning her carefully. The girls was in her black leather jacket and black skinny jeans, look so manly.. but also sexy at the same times. She have long raven hair wich is beautiful, and two brown-orbs wich so hypnotizing, not to mention she’s tall, not tall so tall, but at least she’s taller than rena.
The girl walked closer to rena, “Where’s your key ?”, she asked out of the blue.
“W-what key ?”, rena frowned didn’t understands.
“Your car key..”,
“W-what do you want with my car key ?”. rena gasped try to protect her bag, who knows that maybe this girl is a car thief, she thought.
“Oh gosh, just give me the key already..”, the girl stares at rena, intensely. Sending shiver to her spine.
Rena hestitated, but then after some thought she decided to give her key to the girl.
The girl snatched the key from rena’s hand, “Get in..”, she ordered.
And rena just doin the girls order, she get in to the car, while the girl walk to the driver seat and sat in there.
“Where’s your address ?”
“h-huh ? w-what do you want ?”
The girl turned her face to rena, her gaze soften, and somehow it makes rena calms.
“You’re drunk, so you should not drive”, the girl smiled, “I will drive you home”.