Before we get started, HERE IS A BOUT OF OVERSHARING. (It's not necessary for the story so you may skip if you want to

1. I don't reply to reviews but I'm really thankful for each one that I receive. I'm comfortable with just shouting out my opinions into the void or showing appreciation for others' works, but once I have to reply to a message addressed specifically to me, I just… can't seem to write anything, you know? But just know that even a few words make me unbelievably happy and I read them over and over again.
2. Just because Jurina graduated, doesn't mean anyone's gonna be rid of my self-indulgent WMatsui content just yet

3. A real-life friend and an online friend both excitedly recommended my own fics to me. I feel like my purpose of 'uploading my works (that were just meant for my own consumption and enjoyment) for those who are desperate enough for WMatsui content to resort to them' has been fulfilled.
4. I really don't want to sound conceited by assuming that people are actually waiting for me to post anything buuuuut just in case you want other ships out of me… I'm working on it, 'kay? I just get hit by stories that fit WMatsui more often. One of the purposes of this shot is trying to get myself acquainted with Yuko and Mayu's personalities and how I will handle them as characters. A dipping of the toe, per se. (But don't be surprised if my next one is WMatsui again

Midnight at Room 051
"NOOOO!" POP "Uwaah!-"
Yuko woke up with a start. The fear alone threw her into a sitting position. She was back to reality.
In her dream, or rather her nightmare, it was bright and chaotic. But waking up brought her to her dorm room. It was dark, probably the middle of the night. The hallway's lights were on, as she can see from the bottom of the door. It was the only source of light, and her roommate's nightlight was nowhere to be seen. The silence was peaceful, capable of lulling anyone to sleep. Anyone but Yuko.
Gradually coming down from her adrenaline rush, she checked herself - still human, thank god - then the glow-in-the-dark clock - it says 12:23 in the morning - then her sleeping roommates… who weren't actually there.
The door to the room creaked open, and in came one of her roommates. The girl seemed to notice her disturbed state immediately, and Yuko could feel hands on her face, thumbs checking the side of her eyes for tears.
"Yuko-san? What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Jurina carefully wiped Yuko's tears and held her in an embrace. Jurina rocked back and forth and stroked her senpai's hair, much like comforting a child. They stayed that way for a while with Yuko occassionally hiccupping from crying.
Eventually, Yuko pulled back from Jurina to reply. "J-just a bad dream… Where were you at this time of night?"
"Just next door," Jurina replied with a waggle of her eyebrows, then she laughed. "But Rena-chan and I heard you scream so we decided to stop for the night so I can check on you."
"Oh… I'm sorry about that…" Yuko shrunk. She wasn't able to spend time with her girlfriend tonight, and she felt bad that she made Jurina cut off her time with her own girlfriend for her.
"Hey, it's no problem, Yuko-san. You know both Rena-chan and I care about you," Jurina shrugged off with an easy smile. "We'll come running anytime."
"Except only you came running and Rena-chan didn't?" Yuko pointed out.
"Well Rena-chan 'came' several times but in a different sense," Jurina winked and pointed her finger guns at her.
"You're laaaaame," Yuko laughed and playfully hit Jurina on the shoulder. Jurina felt relief at the sight of her senpai lightening up.
"But wait, were you shagging your girlfriend in front of her roommates?!" Yuko asked.
"No, it was only us in the room!" Jurina defended.
"Oh yeah? Where were her roommates then?"
"Well, you know Milky-san practically never sleeps in their room while Yukirin-san-"
As if on cue, the door to their room opened again, and their third roommate entered.
"-is with Mayu-san," Jurina finished.
Mayu folded her arms and shot her an accusing look. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the room-hogging horndog."
Jurina blinked at the remark.
"…Why are you standing there angrily and calling me things that I obviously am? Wait, no. What do you mean by room-hogging? Didn't you tell me that you and Yukirin-san will be sexing it up in the infirmary tonight because you had a key? Rena-chan and I just took advantage of the situation and used their room."
"No. I
showed you the key to brag that I was smart and sneaky enough to gain access to it and make a duplicate. And we'll be using it to fool around in between classes, not in the middle of the night!"
"Well sure, but…" Jurina looked Mayu up and down, "looks like you did it in the middle of the night anyway."
"Because you locked Yukirin out of their dorm room so you can have sex with Rena-san! We were just studying in the library after dinner-"
"Pfft, studying," Yuko scoffed jokingly.
"-then by 10PM I was taking her back to their room just to hear you screaming
'Ahhn… don't stop! M-More!' from behind the locked door."
"Actually, that was Re-
hrm! - I mean… " Jurina cut off her mindless reply with a clearing of her throat. Her roommates didn't need to know who exactly Mayu heard, right?
"Well, what did you do?" she asked instead.
"We went to the infirmary, of course. And we… 'made use' of the beds until Yuki really had to sleep. Do you know how many lamps and curtains we almost knocked down? Even the nurse's desk is tainted now."
"To be fair, I think others have tainted it before you, considering how often the nurse
isn't there. But anyway, you knocking things down isn't my problem, is it? Maybe you shouldn't be tying Yukirin-san up and screwing her against every surface you find?"
"But you're the one who forced me to bring my tying habits to the infirmary,
right?" Mayu challenged.
Jurina rolled her eyes and quickly ran by the facts in her head.
She came to a conclusion that she didn't like: This was a losing battle. All facts considered, the false assumption was made on her side. She was in the wrong and she had to accept it if this discussion was going end with a satisfied Mayu anytime soon. And she was getting sleepy. She sighed. She hated being wrong.
"Fine. Okay... I misunderstood. I'm sorry, okay? I'll double check with you next time."
"You also have to apologize to Yukirin tomorrow for locking her out of the room."
Jurina nodded earnestly. "Of course."
"And for her having to inhale the smell of
your sexual activities now that she's back in their room."
Jurina cringed. "Yeah, I'll apologize for that too."
Mayu regarded her with her strict gaze as if judging her sincerity. Then she finally nodded and eased her posture. "Alright." She threw a bundle of soft rope from her pocket to the bunk above Jurina's and approached her roommates on Yuko's bed to sit with them.
"What's up with Yuko by the way?"
Yuko, who had been getting a hold of herself while Jurina and Mayu had their 'discussion', unconsciously leaned on Jurina again at the reminder of her horrific experience.
"Yuko-san had a bad dream." Jurina said as she stroked Yuko's soft, wavy hair.
"It was horrible, Oshiriri!" Yuko jumped into Mayu's arms and rubbed her face against her breasts.
Mayu gave Yuko comforting pats on her head. "Let me guess. Balloons?"
"Not just balloons. Sausages! Mayu, I turned into a sausage!"
Jurina, who hasn't been briefed on Yuko's nightmare either, leaned closer out of curiosity.
"Balloons and… sausage?" she asked, puzzled.
"Why don't you just tell us your whole dream, Yuko? So you can get it off your chest and we get an idea what you're talking about."
"Eh…" Yuko hesitated. Just because she's was no longer sobbing away doesn't mean the dream didn’t scare her anymore.
"Come on, we're here for you. We'll protect you from the scary dream," Jurina encouraged.
After a moment of consideration, Yuko eventually nodded. "Okay… okay. This is what happened."
Yuko, Mayu, and Jurina were hanging out in their dorm room. It was nighttime and they seemed to be done with classes. Yuko received a notification that Jurina sent a photo to their group chat. "What's this thing you sent, Jurina?" Yuko asked, not even bothering to look at her roommate on the bottom bunk across the room. "It says exactly what it is, doesn't it?" came Jurina's reply. It was a text image. Black background and white text, saying "Pass this to 10 people or you'll turn into a sausage. This is no joke, my brother just laughed at this and he woke up as a kielbasa!"
Yuko shook her head and laughed. It was just a silly post designed to get easy shares from gullible Internet grandmas (ahem Jurina), outrageously superstitious people, or share-everything-I-see kids who only take these posts as jokes.
"I'm turning the lights off. Good night, my disciples."
She put her phone under her pillow and went to sleep.
The next morning. "Yuko-saaaaaan!" came Jurina's panicked scream. Yuko, who was standing beside her, looked at her with confusion. Why was Jurina crying at the side of her bed and calling her name?
Mayu climbed down from the top bunk and rushed to Yuko's solo bed where Jurina was kneeling. Even Mayu looked spooked.
"I can't believe she really became one…" Yuko heard her mutter.
Yuko moved closer to the bed, past the two panicking girls, and stared at the occupant. Instead of seeing herself, Yuko saw an inch-long sausage - cooked - on her bed, tucked under her blanket.
"Hold on, is that… ME?! I'M REALLY A SAUSAGE?!"
"Move, Jurina! I'm going to wake Yuko-san." Yuko turned back to the two and found Mayu holding a huge, HUGE balloon, taking up a fourth of their room.
"Wait. No. Mayu, no!" Yuko called desperately.
Mayu brought out an equally massive pin, poised to pop the balloon right beside the sausage on the bed. "NOOOO!" POP ---
"Wahhh!" Yuko sobbed as she finished her story. "Mayu, you suck! Why did you pop the damn balloon?!"
"Here, Yuko-san. Blow." Jurina said gently while holding a paper towel to Yuko's nose.
"I didn’t pop it, Yuko. The Mayu in your dream did. Didn't you figure out that it was a dream when you started seeing yourself as food in a bed? And in third person, no less?"
"Who gives a shit about that in dreams? I wouldn't have thought of that!"
"No offense but
I would have thought of that."
"Alright, alright." Jurina interrupted, both hands in the air. "No more fighting over not realizing you're dreaming, okay? We have a whole day of playing around with everyone tomorrow, we don't wanna be the ones lacking sleep."
"Says the one who was fucking past midnight," Mayu smirked.
"So were you!" Jurina shot back. "Anyway. Yuko-san, do you think you can go back to sleep?"
"… I don't know… I'm still kinda scared…" Yuko wiped her teary eyes with her forearm. Jurina thought she looked like a child when she did that, and she wanted nothing more right now than to make her feel better.
"Okay." Jurina went to her bunk and came back carrying something in her arms.
"I was going to give this later today but I'm hoping this can comfort you. Happy birthday, Yuko-san!"
"Eh?" Yuko eyed the familiar shape of Jurina's gift. "What's this?"
"My birthday gift to you. It's your favorite pair of boobs! Molded from NyanNyan's boobs themselves."
"And made from heat-retaining, food-grade, flesh-like materials. Courtesy of the biology students and faculty," Mayu added.
"Eh…" Yuko inspected the material and shape of the boobs. "This is awesome!"
"Yuko-san, this is my gift," Mayu took her own gift from her top bunk and offered it to Yuko.
"Boobs from Jurina and a butt from Oshiriri!"
"That's molded from Kojima-san too. She really went all-out to help with these. Hopefully they can help you get back to sleep?"
"Aww thanks, you two. These will really help."
Yuko hugged her gifts to herself and gave them a huge sniff. "Ah! Smells like NyanNyan too."
"Hehe you guys are the best, now gimme a hug!" She invited, and the two immediately piled on top of her which led to them falling to the bed in a messy group hug.
"Though… if it wasn't my birthday, you wouldn't have gifts to give me. What would you have done?" she asked from above their shoulders.
"Ignored you and gone back to slee- ow!" Mayu yelped, rubbing her arm that Jurina just slapped.
"We would have slept beside you to keep you company!" Jurina answered.
"Haha thanks." Yuko scratched the back of her head. "But you know what? I could still use some cuddle buddies even if I already have your gifts."
Kojima Haruna left her room in the third floor and made her way to her girlfriend's dorm room at 7 in the morning. Their friend group wasn't supposed to leave until 8:30 for Yuko's birthday celebration at the mall but she was bored out of her mind and figured that she could spend it in good company instead. When she arrived at the door, she found the girlfriends of the other occupants of the room - still in their cute pajamas and funny sleeping hats - also waiting outside.
Haruna noted the clear hickeys on both of them. Yuki had rope marks on her wrist but she didn't seem to be bothered by them, instead stroking them, tracing the pattern with her fingers absentmindedly. Meanwhile, Rena was leaning against a walking cane, a cane matching the one that Jurina uses often, except still pristine compared to Jurina's which was heavily decorated with cute stickers. Looks like everyone had fun last night. Too bad Haruna herself was too sleepy after her department's hell week to spend the night with her own girlfriend.
"Yukirin, Rena-chan," She called. "Knocking for a booty call so early in the morning?"
The two bowed and greeted her with embarassed smiles but denied her question.
"We wanted to wake them up before we got ready just to make sure they won't be late," Yuki explained.
"But they're not answering. We've been knocking for 20 minutes already," Rena said as she checked her phone's clock.
"Hmm…" Haruna paused to think. "You wanna try breaking the knob? Rena-chan's cane is solid steel, isn't it?"
"Eh?! Won't the dorm management make us replace it?"
"Don't worry, I'll have my family's staff take care of everything. They'll have a new, prettier doorknob
and door by afternoon."
"I suppose…"
"Morning, everyone!"
Rena was leaning on Yuki and has just handed over her cane to Haruna when they heard a cheery greeting directed at them. Sayaka and Miyuki approached them arm in arm, already dressed for their group outing.
"Whatcha up to outside Yuko-san's door?"
"Breaking the door to wake them up," Haruna waved Rena's cane.
"Uhh, if you want, I can just pick the lock?" Sayaka offered.
"You know how to?"
Sayaka shrugged. "Sure."
"Hehe Sayaka-chan is perfect after all." Miyuki grinned proudly, hugging Sayaka's arm then letting go to let her get to work.
"Hey, what are you doing?" An authoritative voice demanded from behind them.
The group turned to find Takahashi Minami, their friend and RA, looking at them with clipboard in hand. She is accompanied by her girlfriend and roommate, Maeda Atsuko.
"You know I can't just let you people pick other dormers' doors even if we're friends, right?" She looked at Sayaka who already had a hairpin in the doorknob.
Haruna sent a quick hand signal and a panicked look at Atsuko, who casually placed her arm on Minami's shoulders, casually leading her away.
"Oh, by the way, Minami. We just passed by a student complaining about smoke in a first floor dorm room, we should probably go check right now!"
"What? I didn't hear anything-"
"Umm… It's probably because it was from my side of the hallway… or something. Anyway, let's go!" Atsuko said and pulled Minami by the arm.
"We're leaving at 8:30. Make sure to finish your rounds quickly or we'll leave you behind!" Haruna reminded as she waved at their receding backs.
Atsuko and Minami's voices faded out as they turned the corner, and Sayaka's efforts were rewarded by a satisfying click. The door creaked open and everyone peeked inside, giggling and cooing at the sight.
The three occupants of the room were all lying on Yuko's bed. Their arms and legs were wrapped around each other, except for Yuko, who was cradling her roommates' birthday offerings in her embrace.
Omake 1:*Haruna is autographing Yuko's birthday gifts*Haruna: Remind me why you need me to sign these?
Yuko: I'm gonna flex them when you become a famous fashion designer!
Omake 2:Jurina: Good morning, my honeeeeeey! *hug*
Rena: …You left something last night. It's in my left pajama pocket. Please be discreet? ///
Mayu: Uhh Rena-san? I think Jurina's using a hug as a distraction to steal underwear from your pocke- oh it's hers, nevermind.
Omake 3:Mayu: BEGIN. *hits whip against the ground*
Jurina: *In the kowtow position* I'M SORRY FOR LOCKING YOU OUT OF YOUR ROOM.
Mayu: AND?
Yuki: J-Jurina it's alright, really. I didn't mind at all. Mayuyu, stop it already!
A/N: Yes, I am aware that this is out-of-season