JPHiP Forum

The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Crack-to-Go => Topic started by: Kame on September 10, 2008, 10:50:51 PM

Title: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: Kame on September 10, 2008, 10:50:51 PM
Minna-san, domo~

I've decided start my own little thread in that I'm going to share my one-shots with you~

The spotlight in those one-shots will be on my favourite couple... yes, right TanaKamei  :inlove:

But we also have some TakaGaki  ;)

Less talking, more sharing XD

I'm gonna start with the story, that I've just finished.

I had to post it on livejournal though because it contains adult stuff.

Anyways... you'll find the story on renairev. (

My username there... TanaKamei  ;)

Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [09/10 - When the lights go down]
Post by: writerjunkie on September 10, 2008, 11:23:52 PM
gahh omg thank you SO much for sharing! It was great i loved it  :on GJ:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [09/10 - When the lights go down]
Post by: strawb3rrykream on September 11, 2008, 04:22:22 AM
KAME!!! I'll be commenting on LJ! XD

Just kidding, damn age block. :lol:

Anyway, mmmmmmm.... :drool: That was what I was thinking the whole freakin time!!! I love it when Eri takes charge!! So hot... :inlove: I think I'm gonna go cool down now..... :P
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [09/10 - When the lights go down]
Post by: ringo-hime on September 11, 2008, 04:00:22 PM
haha, i love this XD  XD
kewl kewl kewl... Seme Kamei XD
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [09/10 - When the lights go down]
Post by: anuskyna on September 11, 2008, 04:20:04 PM
owwwwwwwwwww. I love this xDDDD

cool down cool down... xD :on roll: :on_hot:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [11/03 Changes ~ Still waters run deep]
Post by: Kame on November 03, 2008, 10:09:23 PM
Domo, domo~~

It's about time I'm coming up with an update, ne?

This is a "GakiKame talk" one-shot. This time, there's no perv scene but there will be some interesting and also surprising secrets about Eri's love life revealed  ;) It's written in Risa's POV.

Hope you enjoy reading!

Note: Sorry for possible grammar/spelling mistakes


Still waters run deep

新垣 里沙

The sun shone brightly across the park, causing the water from the fountain to sparkle slightly as the rays of sunlight cutted their way through the liquid. I sighed as I looked at my watch and shook my head. She was already fifteen minutes too late. I wondered if she would ever get rid of her tardiness. Even for rehearsals she's late. It was always the same progress. First she threw open the door, then she tried to catch her breath and lastly she apologized for being late. Also her excuses weren't something new. She overslept, she couldn't find her shirt, she was talking to her mom on the phone or had been into some reading. But the most strangest excuse she came up with was when she told me that she had been forgetting about time, while she stared off into space. A grin pulled on the corners of my lips as I imagined her sitting on the bed, lost in her own little world before she snapped back to reality to find out that she's late. I had to admit that the bad habit of hers was cute sometimes. But for now it annoyed me. I had to tell her something...


I looked into the direction from that the voice that had been calling me was coming and there she came running, waving at me. As she finally reached me, she rested her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

„Mou, Kame... you're late again“, I noted, pouting slightly.

„Gomen... nasai... I... forgot about... time“, she gasped her apology.

„Were you spaced out again?“

„No... I...“, she stopped and straightened up herself to look at me.

„You what?“


Chotto... was she blushing? Or were her cheeks flushed from all the running? She dodged my gaze and bit her lip. I raised my eyebrows and waited for her answer. She looked at me and a broad grin appeared on her face. Okay, that confused me. First she seemed to be nervous and in the next second, she grinned like a fool. Even though I've known Kame for five years now, she was still a riddle wrapped up in an enigma sometimes. I wonder if it had something to do with...

„Well...“, she suddenly said, tearing me out of my thoughts, „shall we go?“

„Uh... yeah. Where first?“

„I'm starving, so I'd say... let's grab some food.“

We walked down the small path, enjoying our crepes. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Eri fighting with a fractious piece of crepe, sticking on her upper lip. She tried to haul the little piece with her tongue into her mouth, but only managed to shove it up a little bit more. I bit back the laugh that wanted to escape my throat, she looked so dorky and adorable at the same time. Finally she gave up, using her index finger to wipe away the crepe and the cream. The Rokkie looked at me and smiled as she licked her finger clean.

Such a lovely dork.

„Ne, Gaki-san.“


„Let's sit down on the bench over there.“

„Tired already?“

„I just want to sit down while I'm eating.“

„Okay then... before another crepe incident happens to you“, I snickered and watched her scratch the back of her head in embarrassment.

We sat down next to each other and remained silent. Somehow the silence was killing me, I needed to begin a conversation since I was pretty sure that Kame wouldn't start talking as long as she was busy with eating. I thought about a topic that would also lead to what I've had to tell her. So I had to talk about something that would catch her attention for sure. With that I could finally tell her about the improvement in my relationship.

„So... how's it going with Tanakacchi?“

Her lips formed a smile that shone brighter than the sun.

„Great“, she answered.

YOSHI! I hitted the bullseye.

„I guess your smile says... everything, Kame. Still that happy?“

„Of course I am.“

„Tanakacchi seems to treat you very well.“

„She does... yesterday I said that I'm craving for some chocolate ice cream. Reina suddenly disappeared and came back with the ice cream.“

„She does... everything for you, ne?“

„I didn't tell her to do that... she just did it.“

„Tanakacchi did it to make you happy.“

„I know, I know.“

Now I could take my opportunity. 'To make you happy...' that was my keyword.

„Ne, Kame... can I ask you something?“


„What about... activities?“

„Activities?“ Eri looked at me, finally abstracting away her crepe.

„Yeah... you know...“

„Oh... we're playing video games very often and...“

„Not that stuff, Kame“, I cutted in, getting a confused look from her.

„Which one then?“

„Well... stuff that... you two are doing when... you're alone.“

Still, the girl didn't seem to understand what I wanted to say. I could read her expression clearly, that said 'I don't get it'. I sighed and played with my fingers as I tried to find the words to explain my actual thoughts. Suddenly Kame's eyes widened, her mouth agape.

„WAKATA“, Eri suddenly blurted out, clapping her hands before she pointed at me. It was so obvious that she was Reina's girlfriend. „You could've just told me straight away that you've meant 'stuff' in the sexua--“

„KAME, SHHH...“ I quickly covered her mouth with my hand, „not so loud, we're in public...“

She nodded and I released her.

„So... why do you want to know anyways?“

„Uhm... just... curious...“

„Curious? Mou, Gaki-san... you know that your question is way too personal,“ she said with a grin.

I knew that too and I already felt sorry for breaking into the... juicy part of her private life, but I needed to ask her because I wanted to tell her about what happened between Ai-chan and me. As Kame didn't say anything else I took a deep breath when I finally found the courage to speak it out.

„Ne, Kame... Ai-chan... let me...“


„Well... she let me... do something...“

„And that's what?“

„Sheallowedmetopleasureherwithmytongue“, I babbled.

„Eh? Chotto, Gaki-san... hayai...“

„She... allowed me to pleasure her with my tongue...“, I repeated quietly, feeling my face heating up as I blushed.

„Ah, sou ka... it's a great feeling, ne?“

„Sou... it's a really great...“, I paused and thought about her answer, „CHOTTO!! KAME, HOW DO YOU KNOW?“

The girl that sat next to me shrugged and ripped a little piece off of the crepe, popping it into her mouth and chewed slowly.

„Reina's into it lately.“


Chotto, chotto, chotto... Did she just really say that... Tanakacchi is into that... kind of stuff lately? Didn't she say that my question before was too personal and now she says things like that?! Maybe she had been half joking, that would explain that grin she flashed me. I couldn't help it but with Kame speaking so honestly, I grew even more curious... REALLY curious. I decided to give it a shot, so I went on where we stopped.

„So... that means...“

„She's doing that very often...“


„Pleasuring me with her tongue, baka“, the Rokkie said, finishing off the rest of the food.

I was slightly surprised about Kame talking about that kind of thing so freely and without any hesitation. Usually she was extremely shy... well, the last time we dropped to that topic she blushed so brightly that she could've competed against a traffic light easily. She surely had won that competition of 'who shines in the brightest red'. Also the fact that she allowed Tanakacchi to do that kind of action was... surprising me.

„And you... let her?“, I asked, my mouth agape.

„Of course... why shouldn't I?“

„Well... I thought you... were extremely shy when it comes to things like that...“

„As long as it's Reina... and also... I really like it when she does that...“

„And what about you, Kame? Was Reina... okay with that, when you...“

„She wasn't hesitating... she gave me access immediately.“

Okay, okay... hold on. This... is so much information. I had to process everything my friend had said just now. Somehow an image of Kame and Tanakacchi flashed into my mind, causing me to blush. Damn, Risa what the hell are you thinking? I shook my head vigorously to get rid of those images.

„You two are... unbelieveable...“, I sighed as the image of my two kouhai's slowly subsided.

A moment of silence emerged between Kame and me... an awkward silence that was luckily broken by Kame soon.

„It's the adventure Gaki-san...“


„The urge to try out something new, to cause the fire of passion raging even more.“

„I... I see...“

Damn, Kame and Tanakacchi are beating Ai and me in almost everything. Out of us four, those two had been the first who confessed their feelings to each other. They had their first time before Ai-chan and me and now... they had already taken the next step to put the... sexual part of their relationship to a higher level. Okay, I had thought about taking my relationship with Ai-chan to another level too, but I was afraid that she would hate me for that. I looked at my friend who was staring into the sea of flowers, completely lost in thoughts. She probably thought about her girlfriend.

„You really changed, Kame“, I noted with a smile on my lips.

The girl turned her head so that she was able to look at me and gave me a questioning look. Geez, she really lived up to her name sometimes.

„I remember that you were shy and quiet when you first joined and now... the same person who had been like this back in 2003 is talking to me about her... private life and tells me that she let her girlfriend be... active with... uh... her tongue...“

„It's the feeling...“

„What kind of feeling?“

„The feeling that I get when I'm with Reina...“

„Sou ka... and how do you feel?“

Now it was getting even more interesting. Oh god, Risa... when did you become that curious? Shame on you, if Ai-chan knew about that... she'd probably say that I'm insane. The image of Ai-chan glaring at me flashed into my mind, causing me to shiver. Kame's voice pulled me back to reality.

„I feel... safe and secure, like there's nothing that could tear me down. She's the one I can rely on, my support. When I'm with Reina, everything feels just so right... it doesn't matter if it's a loving gaze, a gentle kiss or a touch that is burning with desire... I know that I can trust her blindly and that she would never do something that would hurt me or forcing me to do something I don't want to.“

As I watched my kouhai talking about her girlfriend, I realized that her expression changed into a dreamy one and her voice sounded even more gentle than it already was. I could tell that this girl was head over heels in love.

„You're so in love, Kame. You should see yourself when you're talking about her.“


I giggled and laid a hand onto her shoulder, as I noticed her blushing.

„Your eyes... they're sparkling. And your smile... it's not one of those you've got during the photoshoots or something... it's the smile that is just for Tanakacchi.“

Kame blushed even more and covered her face with her hands. I really had to admit that she was extremely cute when she was embarrassed. I was pretty sure that Tanakacchi liked that cuteness of hers too. With that thought another question burned on my lips.

„Say... does your heart beat still quicken when you see her?“

„Not only when I see her...“, the girl replied, a small grin appeared on her face.

„Sou ka...“

„What about you?“

„Kame, I don't like Reina in that way, you should kn---“

„Gaki-san... I meant Ai-chan.“

„Oh... uhm... of course it does...“, I said slightly embarrassed about my misinterpretation, that also brought back a memory, „I can't believe that Ai-chan thought Reina and me were a couple.“

„Sou... I remember that. She was furious about it.“

„Demo... it was helpful somehow. She finally listened to me, when I told her that I love her... and sharing our first close body contact.“

„Gaki-sa~n“, Kame giggled and slapped me lightly across my arm.

Once again we grew silent, watching the flowers dance in the gentle breeze that blew across their colorful heads.



„Does Tanakacchi has a habit... that is always showing while you two are... well... you know...“

„Oh, Gaki-san... you're still afraid to name it“, the girl snickered, nudging me with her elbow and I cleared my throat.

„I'm not...“

„You are, stop denying it.“

„Anyways... is there a habit?“

„Actually... yes there is one.“

„Tell me about it.“

„You're... really curious.“

„I'm sorry...“

The other girl looked at me and tilted her head. What's up with that look in her eyes? It seemed like she was scanning my mind to analyze my thoughts. She leaned forward and gazed at me. I gulped as I discovered something sharp in those two dark brown eyes of hers.

„Somehow I start to believe that... you're comparing your relationship to mine.“


Damn... how did she know? Since we've started that... rather hot topic I got more and more jealous about how far my kouhai's had been going with their relationship already. Ai-chan and me were far behind them. I was sure that my love life wasn't as much as fulfilled as Kame's. From what I knew, those two could hardly keep their hands off of each other.

„Don't change the topic,“ I noted, hoping she would forget about the whole relationship-comparing-thing and also to get an answer to my question. It seemed to work, since she leaned back and took a deep breath.

„Well... Reina's habit is... she's scratching when she's lost in pleasure.“


„Yeah... mite.“

Kame turned her back towards me and after she was sure that no one was watching, she pulled up the shirt to reveal her back. I gasped as my eyes wandered over the red and partly deep scratches that covered her back and bladebones.

„Geez, Kame... doesn't it hurt?“

„Not in that moment... afterwards...“, she paused for a moment, „actually... it adds a suprisingly pleasuring side effect on the amorous play... it increases the lust even more...“

My jaw dropped down at her last sentence. Pleasuring side effect? Increasing the lust? Kame, what are you talking about? Is that really you? I couldn't believe that she just had said that. I've never thought that Kame could be... into that type of thing, not to mention the fact that she talked about... lust.

„And what's that?“ I wanted to know, tracing the tip of my index finger across a pale white line that was just beneath her left bladebone.

„Oh... she... already left some scars“, Kame whispered, just loud enough for me to hear.

„You REALLY changed.“

Once again I examined those painful souvenirs that were the result of Tanakacchi's passion mode as something caught my attention. Some of the scratches were still bleeding slightly. My eyes wandered up onto her shirt and suddenly it hitted me out of nowhere as I discovered blood on the inside of her shirt.

„CHOTTO“, I blurted out, causing her to jump in shock as she pulled down her shirt, „those scratches... look like they occured recently.“

Kame blushed and turned her head away, pretending to be focused on the trees. She nervously twiddled with her fingers and played with the hem of her shirt. So I was right with my suspicion, the way she acted made it so obvious.



„Tell me... when was the last time you've been... acting out your desires with Tanakacchi?“


„ANSWER“, I exclaimed playfully, grabbing her by the shoulders but let go of them quickly as she hissed in pain. Oh right... the scratches.

„Two... hours ago...“, she murmured, lowering her head in embarrassment.

„You two... you really can't keep your hands off of each other, ne?“

„Not... really...“


„Could you resist Ai-chan if she's straddling you, holding your hands above your head with an extremely seductive smile on her lips and her body moving against yo---“


I fluttered my arms around wildly, I don't wanted to imagine her and Reina in a situation like this and also... I don't wanted to feel turned on if I imagined exactly the same situation with Ai-chan... or... did I actually want that? I could feel my cheeks burning with heat as a blush crept into them.

My mind was reeling as we walked back to the hotel. Not only because the image of Ai-chan and me that still flashed into my mind... also because of the surprising revelations Kame had made. I've always thought that she was innocent and shy in that kind of topic. But she convinced me that the opposite was true. I admit... somehow I was slightly jealous about her fulfilled sex life.

The urge to try out something new.

This sentence echoed in my ears as I watched Kame running into Tanakacchi's waiting arms. The two of them shared a kiss and all I could do was shake my head, laughing quietly. I sighed and passed them by before I could hear Kame calling after me. I turned around and looked at her.

„Thanks for the day, Gaki-san“, she said with a smile on her lips.

„Anytime“, I replied while I stared at the couple's hands, that locked together so perfectly.

I looked after them as they walked up the stairs to their hotel room, already lost in their own little world. I had a hunch what they would do after they locked theirselves up in their room. My imagination was running wild, caused by all the dirty little secrets Kame revealed to me while we talked. One thing was for sure... I'd never look at her the same way again as I did before.

My cellphone tore me out of my thoughts as it started to ring. I guess I've never been so happy about someone calling me, it distracted me from those dirty thoughts I had in my head. I looked at the display and my heart beat quickened as I read

Takahashi Ai calling.

Well... maybe I'll try out something new too... after all they say...

Still waters run deep.

I believe Kame is the best example for that.
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [11/03 Changes ~ Still waters run deep]
Post by: JFC on November 04, 2008, 07:49:39 AM
Wow...way to go Eri...:O
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [11/03 Changes ~ Still waters run deep]
Post by: lil_hamz on November 04, 2008, 09:27:02 AM
GakiKame!!! Though it's not in that way but at least they are in a story together. I enjoyed reading this and I'll be looking forward to that TakaGaki story :)
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [11/03 Changes ~ Still waters run deep]
Post by: YumePouk on November 04, 2008, 12:20:08 PM
I'm going to say it to you again
but it's really a great and nice GakiKame oneshot :D
and I can't wait to read your TakaGaki story >_<  :P

:mon blowhorn: Ganbatte ne  :onioncheer:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [11/03 Changes ~ Still waters run deep]
Post by: strawb3rrykream on November 05, 2008, 03:40:30 PM
Yayayayayay!!! Kame, I love you!! Foreal, I do. :heart:
This story was awesome!!! Love how nosy Gaki is about teh TanaKame sex life!!! XD But hey, she and Ai-chan aren't doing too bad themselves. Tongue.... :grin: Yow, but the scratches sound ouchy. :twisted:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [11/03 Changes ~ Still waters run deep]
Post by: meowz on November 06, 2008, 10:29:31 AM
Oh. My. Gah.

lol Reina's reverting to her cat instincts?  :twisted:
 :on GJ:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [01/16 ANNOUNCEMENT]
Post by: Kame on January 16, 2009, 03:55:44 PM
Minna-san, domo~~

First off... thanks for your kind comments... I really love writing for people like you!!

Well... it's been a while since I've updated my stories and... I feel so bad for that, so I wrote down some reasons and explanations why my updates are taking as long as they do... You can read it on my livejournal account.
But you will also find... a listing of my stories in progress... let me know which one sounds interesting to you ;)
Once again... sorry for the lack of updates! :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [01/16 ANNOUNCEMENT]
Post by: strawb3rrykream on January 16, 2009, 04:34:01 PM
KAME!!!!!!! :w00t: I miss you! Sorry I haven't been on lately. But I'm so glad you're still alive~ :heart: Don't worry about the delays. :wub: I just really want the Everytime We Touch update!! You've made me so interested. :lol:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [01/16 ANNOUNCEMENT]
Post by: KizuRai on January 20, 2009, 07:54:09 AM
I swear! If you wrote even ONE of these, I would praise you as god ><
I love that list of yours!! XD

Um.. Um.. >< I want them all but.. the two I want the most would be;
Can't seem to see ~Shattered memories~
Corrective class detention
(its like a food menu ><)

Oh OH~ I want this one too!!
Giving in (Takahashi Ai POV)
Aaaah~ >___>

Actually, I've read your stuff before (a loooooooooooong time ago :lol:)
but at the time I think I was still a lurker so I never commented.

Its good that you're a perfectionist but,
if you have an idea just type down whatever is there (I completely understand staring at that blinking cursor ^^;)
then look at it the next day and try to piece together the trains of thought XD
(that's what I do, and a lot of the times I go "what the hell was I trying to say?? :: deletes ::")
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [02/23 Sneak peek to 009 ~ CODE 娘 character video]
Post by: Kame on February 23, 2009, 08:43:47 AM
I've seen this coming, I start to lose my readers... no one seems interested... :cry:

@strawb3rrykream: Haha, yeah I'm still alive (ohhh, I'm still alive, I'm still alive, there is no apologize, no *singing Still Alive by Lisa Miskovsky XD) Well, I'm working on Round 2 everytime I can... Eri and Reina are already all alone in their hotel room... ;) Hope you look forward to it

@KizuRai: If if wrote one of these? The stories I've lined up are all my ideas XD Just in progress... or did I mistake you just now XD
Well, I'm happy to tell you that "Corrective class detention" is getting longer each day ;) If I can keep on writing like this I'll finish it soon. And thanks for the advice, I'm using it :twothumbs

Anyways, here's something I wanted to show you... as you could see, I'm also working on a spy story featuring all Morning Musume members. I'm planning to do kind of an "intro video" on the four main characters... Those are

Takahashi Ai
Niigaki Risa
Kamei Eri
Tanaka Reina

I already finished two videos and uploaded them just to see how the videos turned out, since I was kinda experimenting with it (I guess I'm going to change Eri's song, but I thought for all Kameist's - like I am - is the song perfect for her... and also, if you see it in Reina's point of view... Eri really does to her what the lyrics say, right?) XD However, here is an exclusive sneak peek on what I've planning to do... well actually the video itself has nothing to do with the story as it is just an introduction video of the characters, so please don't hit me :sweatdrop:
Let me know what you think~

009 ~ CODE 娘 - Kamei Eri intro (don't mind that green thingie on the left side XD I wasn't able to cut it out)
WARNING: This video may cause nosebleeding and extreme drooling XD (THE SMILE!!!! THAT LOOK IN HER EYES!!!!)

009 ~ CODE 娘 - Tanaka Reina intro

That's it for now

Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [02/23 Sneak peek to 009 ~ CODE 娘 character video]
Post by: KizuRai on February 23, 2009, 09:11:37 AM
lol I definitely think you misunderstood me XD
I meant, I love a few of them
but if you updated any of them I would be happy :lol:

Whoa >< Tanakacchi seems so badass in the video :D
and Eri was just..  :heart: :heart:

I'm happy to tell you that "Corrective class detention" is getting longer each day
and I'm happy to hear that XD
I'm relieved that at least one that I took interest in is being working on ^_^

As for 009 ~ CODE 娘
Everything's fine but, I'm gonna be a little iffy on the JunLin pairing :P
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [02/23 Sneak peek to 009 ~ CODE 娘 character video]
Post by: Haruka on February 25, 2009, 03:34:04 AM
I read all about you xD

Well I read the LJ "renairev" looooong time ago, and I'm still reading it xD

I Love the fics you made, cause those 4 are my favorites to =3

Hope you can update soon, and thanks =D
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [02/23 Sneak peek to 009 ~ CODE 娘 character video]
Post by: Kame on February 25, 2009, 04:47:11 AM
I read all about you xD

Well I read the LJ "renairev" looooong time ago, and I'm still reading it xD

I Love the fics you made, cause those 4 are my favorites to =3

Hope you can update soon, and thanks =D

You read all about me? Huh? XD Was there so much to read about me O.o

Anyways, I'm glad to hear that my stories are your favourites too X3 I'm happy to hear that at least a few people like my stories...

And... thanks for what O.o
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [02/23 Sneak peek to 009 ~ CODE 娘 character video]
Post by: Haruka on February 25, 2009, 11:52:59 PM
Well with all I mean the fics you made xD

And thanks for  wrinting =D
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [02/23 Sneak peek to 009 ~ CODE 娘 character video]
Post by: pretend_2besome1 on January 11, 2010, 01:47:37 PM
Sorry for commenting just now!  :sweatdrop:

I must say as weird as it sounds, I usually don't read the 'perv' kind of fics. Though I couldn't help reading yours, there's something about it and I don't know how to explain....but basically, I'm feeling the love than the lust (am I making sense?  :nervous)

Since in most the story lists got TanaKamei, I'm of course interested with them all  XD
But Corrective detention class (teacher Eri and yankii student Reina are so cute in Yorosen! :inlove:) and 009 ~ CODE 娘 (you mentioned secret agents, missions, girls in actions, and business suits, I'm more than convinced already! :wub: :lol:) are the most interesting for me.

Thanks for the TanaKamei love you shared  :kneelbow: I would love to see more coming from you  :yep:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 From now into eternity]
Post by: Kame on June 26, 2011, 12:36:39 AM

Holy mother of yakiniku!! It's been a while since I've posted something into this thread, ne? XD I can't believe it... it's done!!! My first oneshot since AGES!! XD It doesn't really fit the season right now... but oh well XD
I just hope it turned out good, to be honest I've had some troubles to finish this...

Also this oneshot will open my fanfiction blog! YAY YAY!! Soon you'll find all of my fanfics on there along with deleted, pervy scenes XD

Alright! Now please enjoy my new oneshot!

NOTE: A very special thanks to kawaii_beam!! for creating that awesome fanfic banner for me!! Thanks a lot, imouto-chan~ <3


Everything was prepared. The unique scent of teriyaki roast chicken lingered in the air, mixed with a slight hint of the cooked rice and vegetables. Reina was nervously roaming around in the kitchen, checking the set up of the table for the fifteenth time before she checked the clock. Her girlfriend should be home soon. First Reina wasn't very pleased that the agency called Eri in for work on the turtle's birthday... then again it had given the yankii the time to cook dinner for the two of them and also... to prepare what she had been planning for so long. Her intention for tonight was the only thing that made the twenty-one-year old girl kind of restless. She was pretty sure that nothing else ever had been making her that nervous before. Also she had no idea how Eri would react to that. Reina only could hope for a positive outcome.

„Please... let it turn out good...“, Reina mumbled to herself.

She checked the food once more before going upstairs. Reina stopped in front of the mirror in their bedroom, checking her dress. It was a sexy little black number, accented with silver and a white ribbon under her breasts. Her hair was pin-straight, flowing down past her shoulders. She had thought about adding a ribbon to her hair, but she knew Eri loved it when she left it unadorned.

„Reina, I'm home~“, Eri's gentle voice echoed through the house.

Reina took one last look at her reflection, smiling as she silently declared her outfit as approved. Quickly, the petite girl rushed down the stairs to greet her girlfriend. Reina giggled quietly as she saw Eri fighting with her scarf that got tangled up with her right arm in the weirdest way ever.

„Damn you, you sneaky little thing...“, Eri silently cursed.

„Need help?“

Eri obviously hadn't been hearing her girlfriend coming, she jumped a little at the sudden sound of her voice.

„I... I have no idea how that happened! I swear!“

„Eri~“, Reina giggled, „you were and still are an aho.“

„Hey!“, Eri protested and puffed her cheeks.

„Come here“, Reina said and carefully helped the older girl to untangle her arm from the scarf, „there you go.“

„Thanks, hun... evil, evil scarf...“, the slightly taller girl mumbled to herself, glaring at the piece of accessory.

„Anytime, baby“, Reina replied and gently kissed her, „how was work?“

„Straining... I was barely able to pay attention... I've tried so hard to stay awake during the dry speech...“

„What was so important that they had to call you in today?“

„Just something about an upcoming show they want me to host.“

„Oh, really?“

„Yeah... but...“

„But what?“

„Mmmm... it smells really good!“

„I... thought I'd cook dinner for the two of us... I figured you'd be hungry when you're coming back home from work.“

„Reina~ You're the best“, the turtle said, „I'm starving!“

That statement got confirmed by a lowd growl coming from Eri's stomach, causing the girl to blush. Reina giggled.

„Dinner's all ready~“, the yankii announced, taking Eri's hand to lead her into the kitchen.

„R-Reina...“, Eri gasped, „t-that's... wow!“

The table was set up with a white table cloth, petals of red roses were spread all over it and two candles gave their warm, yet bright light. The napkin on Eri's plate was furled and formed into the shape of a heart. Eri stared at the arrangement in awe. Reina obviously had been giving her best to make it look like it did now.

„Y-you like it?“, the yankii shyly asked.

„I love it, Reina! Thank you“, Eri said and placed a soft kiss onto her girlfriend's lips before stepping back a little, „and you... you look... beautiful! No! Breathtaking! The dress suits so very well... and your hair... you have it the way I like it the most.“

Reina's heart melted at Eri's sweet words yet she could feel a blush creeping into her cheeks. Even though the two of them were a couple for several years now, Reina still became all tingly and her heart skipped a beat whenever Eri complimented her.

„T-thank you, hun“, Reina quietly replied, „n-now... please sit down and let me serve dinner for you.“

„Yes, captain!“, the turtle said and saluted.

The yankii giggled and walked over to the kitchen counter, preparing the plates for her beloved and herself. She couldn't help but getting a little nervous about how Eri would like the food she cooked. Tonight, Reina wanted everything to be perfect. Really everything. For a moment, Reina's thoughts wandered off to after dinner, to what she had been planning. The yankii gulped and felt her stomach tingle in excitement.



„Are you okay? It's like you froze in time over there.“

„O-oh... uh... sorry. I'm alright, I was... thinking over the menu... t-to see if I forgot something.“

„Ohhh, I see~ I'm sure you didn't forget anything, hun.“

„Seems so...“, Reina said and turned around, holding the plates in her hands, „well then... let's eat, okay?“

~~~ ~~~

Reina watched Eri as she ate the dessert. The younger of the two couldn't help but smile at what she saw. Her girlfriend looked like a little kid who just received a treat for being a good one. Obviously Eri enjoyed the mango pudding that Reina made while the yankii herself was just poking around in it. With each passing minute, the moment Reina prepared herself for so long came closer. Till now, Eri's girlfriend didn't even know if Eri would agree to step one of her plan.

„Ahhhh~“, Eri squealed and leaned back on the chair, rubbing her stomach with a satisfied sigh, „that was soooo delicious, Reina.“


„Yes! Just perfect!“, the turtle replied and giggled.

„W-what's so funny?“

„I just remembered how you said you can't cook even if your life would depend on it... and now look at this.“

„I... w-well...“, the yankii stammered, „y-you know I wanted to impress you with my cooking skills and thought I'm not good enough since my brother didn't like every second dish I cooked for him.“

„He just did that to tease you... as for me, I absolutely love your cooking~“

Reina smiled.

„I'm glad you like it that much, baby.“

„I always will~ And now... I'll clean the table“, Eri announced and got up.

„No, no, no! You stay here and relax... I'll do it.“

„But... you cooked.“

„So? Today's your birthday, Eri. I want you to just... lean back and do nothing.“

„Reina, really... it's fine, I---“

„Okay, fine... I'm telling you something... if you really want to do something for me... then just say yes to taking a walk with me afterwards.“

„That's all? Are you serious?“

„Yeah... just a walk.“

„Alright, if that's how I can make you happy then sure“, the turtle said and smiled sweetly.

Step one, check!

~~~ ~~~

It was already dark as the couple walked through the park, their fingers laced with each other. The snow glistened softly in the pale street lights, adding an almost magic touch to it. A soft breeze blew over the trees and gently shook the branches, creating a soft curtain of snow as it fell down.

„It's nice tonight, isn't it?“, Eri asked, looking over the snow covered meadow.

„Yeah, it is... I'm actually happy that it's not too cold.“

„Even if it was... I'd be here to warm you.“

„Eri~“, Reina whined and slightly blushed.

„What? I'm just saying that I wouldn't want my Reina to freeze.“

„You're so cute, Eri you know that?“

„Not until you told me just now.“

Reina stopped in mid-step and slightly pulled on her girlfriend's hand, signaling her to stop. Eri looked back at her and frowned.

„What's wrong?“

„Nothing...“, the yankii said and pulled Eri closer, „I just... feel a little cold now...“

„Oh~ So you want me to warm you?“

„Just a little bit...“

„I gladly will...“

With that Eri wrapped her arms around Reina's neck and gently placed a kiss onto her lips.


„Way better“, Reina answered and smiled.

„Maybe we should head back home... so I can make you feel... more hot than warm...“, Eri whispered and smirked, leaning in to kiss Reina again.

Honestly, Reina didn't really want to turn down Eri's offer but she had to finish what she started. If she became weak now, all the preparations she did had been for nothing. Quickly, the yankii put her index finger into Eri's lips.

„E-Eri, wait...“

„S-sorry, I... got carried away...“

„No... no it's fine but... t-there's a reason why we're here tonight...“

„There is?“

„Y-yes... a-and... I want to show it to you...“, Reina explained and started to drag Eri along.

„R-Reina... where are we going?“

„You'll see, just wait...“

Reina led Eri up a hill, her heart wildly pounding by now. The slightly younger of the two sent prayer after prayer towards the heaven, her nervousness took her over the closer they got to the place Reina wanted to take her beloved girl. Eventually they made it to the top, stopping for a little while to catch their breathes.

„Reina... w-what are we doing here?“

„J-just... look... do you remember this place?“

„Y-yes... I do...“, Eri quietly replied and slightly blushed, „this is the place where... we shared our first kiss after... I confessed my feelings towards you.“

„Yeah... it is...“

„I still remember... how we were just sitting here together, watching the sunset...“

„Exactly... that was when you... looked at me and said you wanted to tell me something... you were... all shy and at first you didn't want to tell me because you were afraid I'd be disgusted and it would destroy our friendship.“

„Yeah... but you insisted to know... it took me a lot of courage to tell you that... I fell in love with you...“

„Do you know how I felt after you told me you love me?“

Eri slowly shook her head, Reina never really had been telling her about that.

„I felt like... thousands of butterflies would flutter around in my stomach... and my heart was beating faster than ever. It was like I was dreaming... that my ears betrayed me and I heard the wrong thing... but then you said it again...“

„I really love you, Tanaka Reina. You're more than just a friend to me.“

„Your lips touched mine... and your arms wrapped around my waist... I wished that... time would stand still... I just wanted to be close to you.“

„It's been... seven years since then...“

„Yeah... seven years... seven wonderful years.“



„Have you ever... doubted it would... last that long?“

„To be honest... sometimes I did have my doubts... especially whenever we had... a big fight where we wouldn't talk or look at each other for weeks...“

„Yet we're still together...“

„Yes...“, the yankii replied, „I guess... I just can't... live without you...“

„Oh, Reina...“

„E-Eri... there's a reason... w-why I brought you here...“


„I-it's not only to... reminisce about the day we became a couple... but also... to...“

Reina stopped in mid-sentence and took a deep, shuddering breath. Courage seemed to leave the usually tough yankii. No, that couldn't be it. She had been waiting for this moment way too long, spending month over month to think of how she'd do it, to make it perfect for Eri. Now was not the right time to be a coward. Closing her eyes for a moment, the younger girl arranged her thoughts for one last time.

„Eri...“, she said, taking her girlfriend's hands and held them tightly, looking straight into her eyes, „the first moment we met... you got to know me as the rebel... the one who is hard to tame... but the more time I got to spend with you... the more easy to handle I became... all because of you.“

Eri intently listened to what Reina had to say, her face slightly heated up as a blush crept into her cheeks and her heart began to beat faster with each word.

„You had... and still got this calming effect on me. You're the reason why I am who I am now, Eri. You've showed me what love is... you've showed me what happiness is... you're the person I can rely on and whenever things go wrong and I'm losing my grip... you're always there to catch me from falling.“


„Baby, you make me so happy... and... I can't imagine how it would be to be without you. I'd be... lost! I know we've had our ups and downs as well but no matter how bad things looked... no matter how close our relationship was to a break up... we've always found back together and now it's seven years... that's just gotta mean something.“

The turtle gulped, slowly but surely she started to understand what Reina's intention was and why she brought her here to exactly to the place where everything began between the two of them.

„Eri, I love you more than anything else! I'd give my life to protect you from any harm, I'd do anything to make you happy. You're the love of my life and... I want to ask you... right here, right now... if you...“, Reina took one last deep breath and pulled something out of the pocket of her jacket, „Kamei Eri... will you marry me?“

Eri gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth as she looked at the shiny item in the small box. Three small diamonds were embedded into the surface of the white gold ring. Reina's girlfriend could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

„Reina... I...“, the turtle sobbed and fell into her girlfriend's arms, „yes!!! Yes, Reina! Yes!!“

Reina held Eri close, stroking her back as the older of the two buried her face into her girlfriend's neck, letting tears of joy flow freely. The couple remained in that position for a few more moments before Reina gently pushed Eri back a little to look at her, smiling warmly. Without any other word, Reina took Eri's hand and carefully slipped the ring onto her finger.

„I love you, Eri.“

„I love you too, Reina... I love you so much!“, Eri whispered and pulled her beloved into a kiss as if she wanted to seal the promise of marriage.

„Hey!“, Reina said as she pulled away from the kiss, „look, Eri! It's snowing!“

„Yeah, it is“, the turtle replied and looked up at the sky.



„Happy birthday!“

Yay~~ That's it for this oneshot! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!

Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 From now into eternity]
Post by: kuro808 on June 26, 2011, 12:41:23 AM
TanaKame \o/

incredible one-shot :twothumbs kinda kool this has been brought up again
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 From now into eternity]
Post by: junejy on June 26, 2011, 05:45:07 AM
oh,my.... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
you just made my day :wub:
I love your one-shot!! what a cute couple !! :wub:
when I reading your fanfic, you make me love TanaKame even more XD

looking forward for your next story.keep up the good work! :thumbsup
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 From now into eternity]
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 26, 2011, 10:14:41 AM
So cu~te!! THe greatest combination of simple fluff and pure love. I'm melting.
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: Kame on June 26, 2011, 08:32:31 PM

OMG another post?! Yes, another one!!

I'm happy to tell you guys that my oneshot Corrective detention class is done and up on my fanfiction blog! (

Please enjoy reading it!

Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: nighell on June 26, 2011, 09:52:07 PM
Today is definitely a great evening, two new fanfics. TanaKame's day  :twothumbs
"From now into eternity" ahh~ it's so romantic :wub:
"Corrective detention class" I just recently watched this episode  XD
Eri, bad, very bad so to do  :twisted:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: Kame on June 26, 2011, 10:08:35 PM
Today is definitely a great evening, two new fanfics. TanaKame's day  :twothumbs
"From now into eternity" ahh~ it's so romantic :wub:
"Corrective detention class" I just recently watched this episode  XD
Eri, bad, very bad so to do  :twisted:

Yaaaay TanaKame day~ There's never too much of TanaKame love XD

Anyway thanks for reading :twothumbs It's always nice to get feedback

By the way... who's that in your avatar? Reina and... Eri? Could be Aika too but I hope that it's Eri XD Sorry, can't really make it out  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: kawaii beam on June 26, 2011, 11:27:08 PM
nee-chan~ that was epic~ X3 glad to see that the blog's finally open and that you finished this oneshot~! X3
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: kuro808 on June 26, 2011, 11:35:39 PM
I really like the story and the action was also good too :twothumbs
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: nighell on June 27, 2011, 08:59:16 AM

Yaaaay TanaKame day~ There's never too much of TanaKame love XD
I cannot disagree :D
I hope that I'll be a frequent visitor here.

By the way... who's that in your avatar? Reina and... Eri? Could be Aika too but I hope that it's Eri XD Sorry, can't really make it out  :sweatdrop:

It's okay. Yeah, it's Reina and Eri. It is normal that you would think that this is Aika, photo too small.  :doh:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: aussie on June 27, 2011, 11:56:23 AM
Woohoo~~  :cow:

Glad to see you have started writing again :D
The lack of TanaKame lately has been a bit depressing. I still have my RenAi to help fill the gap, but I fear with Aichan's upcoming graduation RenAi will dry up as well. Oh well.

I enjoyed both one-shots immensely (I mean, it's TanaKame. How could I not? XD), but I can see some one-shots that I would be very much looking forward to read the final product. Mainly the Eri POV of "Precious moments~ All I need is you", as I enjoyed reading it in Reina's POV; ever since I saw you had Eri's POV in the plans I have been waiting for it :D

Of course, I would look forward to any TanaKame story from you :D

Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: astro18 on June 30, 2011, 01:56:16 AM
Yay you're writing again :w00t: And for my favorite pairing tanakame :twothumbs

Ah these two :wub: The second one :on bleed: :imdead:

Hope to see more from you :thumbsup
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: SarangAi on June 30, 2011, 02:26:49 AM
okay, i read it again.  yeah, it's that good.  nuff said.  XD :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Kame's world of one-shots [06/26 Corrective detention class]
Post by: pretend_2besome1 on July 01, 2011, 12:37:50 PM
Whoa, two updates? Great! Will be back to edit once I get the time to read them  :)

From now into eternity
„you were and still are an aho.“
A vey cute aho I’ll say
Wow, Reina goes all the way with the preparation...
Dawww TanaKame is so adorable and wooo the yankii was proposing!  :deco:
Ah it feels so good to read a light TanaKame 1-shot like this  :D

Corrective detention class
Rrr...since I mostly skipped the pervy part (which is pretty much all of the story), I don’t know what to comment for this one. Gomen!  :nervous
I really like that Yorosen! Moment, though.

And thanks for keeping the TanaKame love alive!