So, today on the TV show しゃべくり007, Oshima Yuko, appeared with the she is starring in a drama ("
Tokyo Tarareba Musume") with Yoshitaka Yuriko and Eikura Nana.
I watched this cuz it featured some great interactions between Yuko and Amaki Jun.
I link the video at the end of this post, if I post it here it breaks the post for some reason 
Jun does her P.O.O.P skit (take off of P.P.A.P), and then all three girls go to cop a feel of her. Nana and Yuko are most amazed, LOL. The funniest 5 mins I've had in a long time!
Watched the P.O.O.P. bit here: copping a feel in this vid:

( screenshots from )
The drama itself could be interesting, Yuko and Yoshitaka Yuriko starred together in that "Watashi ga Renai Dekinai Riyuu" drama some years back which I loved, just the third female lead this time is a different actress.
They first mention Jun at the 33 min mark in this vid. And she appears from 37mins to 42mins: