just got back from my TIF/japan trip few days ago (long summary can be found on my
blog lol.
haha dammit. i only watched passpo 1x during this japan trip (lol) so confirmed my priorities has shifted somewhere else.

On day 2, i wanted to watch the Passpo hot stage performance, but kinda unlucky as i arrived last minute and for some reason the queue for the Hot stage is damn crazy. i can enter the hot stage just fine on day 3 even though i entered just 1 hour before Nogiz and Grand Finale (and so does my friend who arrived like 5 mins late before nogiz on day 3), so maybe really just back luck there on Day 2 (o maybe its because HKT48 lol). Abandoned the queue and went for sky stage for maneki kecak instead xD
I did watch them on day 3 heat garage performance though. They sing Natzusora Hanabi *yay*, vivi Natsu, Pretty Lie, Bachelorette, and one more song (i think a new song). The new outfit is kinda weird tho.
This year TIF is not as hot (day 1 and 2) due to the cloudy weather, although day 3 is definitely back to the "summer hell" weather. My skin burned again even though i have used 2 different types of sunblock

The security is damn tight again this year though. so many dramas in twitter i saw on the day (saw some jap fans RT'ing their videos and pictures including a guy fighting with the BONDs until they're bleeding xD)