I am sorry to bring this news...we have lost a great HiPster in
ChrNo aka Jennifer Tam
1987/07/31 - 2011/04/26 Our condolences to ChrNo's friends and her mom, god bless the Tam Family.
Details still coming in. The news from sh15uya via his
chocked, stunned and deeply saddened, I have to announce to you that my lovely Jen (aka ChrNo) has passed away this morning (the 26th April)
Jen, I hope so much you're in better place
I'll never forget the 6 years we shared together
May you find peace.
he PM'd me earlier
don't know if you know it already (maybe she sent you (words, tama etc..) a msg coz she was online this morning)
don't know how to say it actually
Jen is no more, she decided to leave this world this morning
but because she battled psychological issues throughout her life, we had to confirm and sadly, and earlier this morning, sh15uya told me he talked to her cousin that yeah, it was true.
One of the most amazing HiPsters I have ever encountered. Her artwork, her love for singing (she basically did the entire JPH!P JKM, which we will release soon) and she was like my little Cantonese sister, talking positivity about life. One of the biggest Berryz Fans, she represented Miyabi to the fullest. We presented her drawings to Berryz at Sakura Con and they were blown away. ChrNo, let me tell you all about it in my dreams tonight. I miss you so much, siu pung yah, dai gah hoy sum gei leem lay!!!!!
May she rest in peace and her legacy will continue to shine bright here at