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Author Topic: [Nogizaka46] IKUCHAN ~ The Ikuta Erika Thread  (Read 105499 times)

Offline Masa

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[Nogizaka46] IKUCHAN ~ The Ikuta Erika Thread
« on: August 22, 2011, 03:58:12 PM »
Ikuta Erika / 生田絵梨花

Nickname      Ikuchan (いくちゃん)
BirthdateJanuary 22, 1997
BirthplaceTokyo, Japan
BloodtypeType A
Height160 cm
LinksOfficial Blog

Profile Pic, past to present from left to right:

« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 08:36:36 PM by Rust »

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 12:21:53 AM »
oh~ so this is the Acchan of Nogizaka, according to Aki-P...

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2011, 01:27:11 PM »

I dunno if Erika will be N46's ace but she does look a bit like Acchan.

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 02:27:05 PM »
She plays piano! Always nice to see some girls have an actual skill related to music.

She failed so hard at her specialty, naming capitals, which was cute  XD

She's only 14 so I think she could become on of the top girls for sure.

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2012, 03:53:15 PM »
She plays piano! Always nice to see some girls have an actual skill related to music.

Skill? Prodigy is more like it!  :twothumbs

Matsui Sakiko piano battle please  XD

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2012, 07:51:15 PM »

Offline muppet

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2012, 03:49:04 AM »
Just became a big fan of 生田絵梨花 / Erika Ikuta by watching her on a spicy food contest against Berryz Kobo.
And before I came to this thread, and read any of the posted comments, I had noticed that Erika reminds me of Aachan- the straight and sincere personality, and the steel determination.

So this clip is part 2 of two parts- and in part 2, there are two scenes that Erika wins the hearts and minds of the fellow guests and the viewers:

Part A:   5:27   Erika's team mate 高山一実 / Kazumi Takayama, was doing fine at eating the spicy food, but then encountered some problems, had to run offstage, and returned.....Erika encourages her with a great and funny version of "We are the World"

Part B: with this sequence, Erika cemented her status as uber idol
Starting at 7:05, Erika is introduced as the fifth Nogizaka46 team member to take part in the contest (Saki Shimizu had been the 5th contestant for Berryz)
The spicy food put up an intense attach on Erika, but she stayed the course, smiling through her tears.
Here are some of her comments:
I think they knew she can't really handle spicy food, so they were asking her if she is okay.
Her first comment:
まだ行けます / Mada ikemasu / "I can still go"

Then they notice her hand holding the chopsticks is shaking. Erika replies:
反応してるのは身体だけで /Hannou shiteru no wa karada dakede / "That's just a body reaction"
行ける気がする / Ikeru Ki ga sure/ "I feel that I can go on"

目が据わってきてる / Me ga suwatte kiteru  / "With set eyes she comes (continues)" [I think this comment was from Erika's team mate]

And then she finally starts to fade:
ここまで来たのに / koko made kita no ni  / "Even though I've come this far"

She is offered encouragement:
もう頑張ったよ / Mo, ganbatta yo/ "you really tried hard"

She tries really hard not to cry, but then the tears arrive.... (8:09)

Then everyone breaks into "We are the World" to cheer her up (8:19)

Announcer, over the back drop of the actual recording of "We are the World" says : You did a great job of trying your best!"

Berryz工房 『ぷっ』すま 120831 2/2 {Published on 31 Aug 2012 by mchmchchnnl}

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2012, 03:51:28 AM »
Great job, Erika!!  :twothumbs

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2012, 04:09:21 AM »
One more post for Erika- this was posted back in January,
a few days after Erika's 15th birthday, by YouTuber souiebakinou5 (Arigatou!!)

Background music: 夢のマント / Yume no Manto  (Cloak of Dreams) from the anime series 'Nyanda Kamen'

Ikuta Erika~夢のマント~

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2012, 04:18:56 AM »
The piano clip above has been removed, so here is Erika playing from Sergey Prokofiev's Piano Sonata No. 2:

Offline LarcKen

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2012, 02:37:34 PM »
Just became a big fan of 生田絵梨花 / Erika Ikuta by watching her on a spicy food contest against Berryz Kobo.
And before I came to this thread, and read any of the posted comments, I had noticed that Erika reminds me of Aachan- the straight and sincere personality, and the steel determination.

So this clip is part 2 of two parts- and in part 2, there are two scenes that Erika wins the hearts and minds of the fellow guests and the viewers:

LOL i had the exact experience as you  XD 
I'm now curious of N46 because of her  :banghead:

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2012, 04:07:53 AM »
Ikuta Erika has been selected to voice Rue in the Japanese release of the movie, "The Hunger Games."

Rue was played by Amandla Stenberg in the movie.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 08:53:08 AM by YKT »

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2012, 07:01:38 PM »

Offline Rust

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2012, 12:05:36 AM »
Repost from postwhoring threat!
this is to make up for my 100th post, which I used up without knowing it. It was a vote for "something wild's sig on the akbattle post too! Meaning it was like three word long! i fail lol.

My 150th Post, Dedicated to
Ikuta Erika
also known as Ikuchan, Erika-sama.

When I first start taking interest in Nogizaka, I didn't really take note of Ikuchan.
But as I begin to follow Nogizaka more closely, it just become literally impossible to not notice her!
The amount of talents Ikuchan hold is unreal. Ultimately, however, this in itself is not what make her my nogi-oshi,
but rather is a combination of talents, failing amusingly (& still be cute), & most importantly her characters. So to start off:

1. Unparalleled Piano Mastery!

I said it before & I will say it again. She doesn't just play piano, she represented Tokyo in national competition!
Such epic-ness is certainly not a common sight, let alone to be seen in an idol group! :thumbup

2. Opera Power!
Ikuta Erika (生田絵梨花) TV 2011.10.16 - Showing Off (Nogizakatte Doko ep03)
Ever wonder how can Ikuchan dominate the Parco stage? Well here's your answer!
Singing is part of idols' everyday life. Erika-sama however brings it to a whole new level.
Skillfully combining some interesting facts about herself into a opera-styled self-intro, there is little wonder why she can play Alice six out of nine times!

3. Acting & Voice-acting Prowess!

She already played in a movie before even joining Nogizaka (Beginning of Toilet no Hanako-san, a ghost movie.)
Her short acting segment in Nogi,Doko was exceptional imo. She is of course also going to be voice acting in the upcoming Hunger Game!
It is said that her voice-acting easily surpassed the competition in Nogizaka. Certainly another impressive talent.

4. She can talk!

This relates to her voice acting skill; she has a very likable voice that can easily translate into superb radio talking & mc-ing success.
She can also be a good conversationist too, as seen above where I think she can easily be the interviewer instead of the interviewed!

5. Overwhelming amount of talents!
Ikuta Erika (生田絵梨花) 2012.02 - Guru Guru Curtain DVD Content
Not only does she know piano & opera, acting & voice acting. She knows Hyakunin Isshu (百人一首).
She knows calligraphy. She knows ballet. She have theatre experiences.
She can be funny. She even know Alto horn! Whatever that is.

6. She can fail & still be awesome.
IKUTA ERIKA 百人一首—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看
She may have unlimited talent, with a background that some describe as an ojousama from a manga, but the thing is she doesn't feel like one.
Althou she was raised in Germany till age five, she doesn't look like an ojousama, & doesn't really act like one normally.
She is described as "natural" (天然, I think there's a silly inference in the term thou.) :P
All this is part of the wonderful mix of talents & characters that make her truly unique!

7. She fails at cooking. Hard.
Ikuta Erika (生田絵梨花) 2011.12.18 - Cooking (Nogizakatte Doko Ep12)
Yes, readers. This is essentially the above point. However, Erika-sama fails soooo hard on cooking it deserve special mention.
This, of course, contributed to her ojou-sama reputation.  :lol:

8. She fails at being sexy.

There is very little in common between Nogizaka & sexy. They don't do bikinis & gravures, which I am perfectly content & happy about.
That doesn't mean they won't try to be sexy thou. :nervous
& the result of Ikuchan is... well, the above. Does't detract from her appeal thou, extend it in fact!  :lol:

9. She can still classy & elegant.

She is usually natural. But sometime elegance is required, & that's not a problem for Ikuchan.
A little versatility never hurts.

10. She try her best!

go to 7:15 mark.
Nothing moves me more than seeing people trying their best, even if the task is very difficult.
Certainly, eating super-spicy foods does not seems like that much of a challenge,
but Ikuchan, in this case, was eating spicy food for the first time ever in her life!
Seeing her shrugging off her shaking hand as a "physical reaction" really shows how determined she is.
While ultimately, she fails to proceed, this determination really moved me! ;A;
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 10:30:48 PM by Rust »

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2012, 03:33:12 AM »
Rust san, beautiful tribute to Erika!! Arigatou!!!

In the clip above the film she went to see was  この空の花 長岡花火物語  / Kono Sora no Hana Nagaoka Hanabi Monogatari
with International Title "Casting Blossoms to the Sky" Directed and written by  Nobuhiko Obayashi:

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2012, 08:26:42 PM »
Ikuchan is featured in the latest AKB Monthly!

& migawd! Calligraphy contest champion, Calligraphy Level seven Certification, some sort of Math level three certification, Han character level three certification, English Level two certification, brought a piano to Osaka handshake to practice during the interval, absolutely Packed Schedule, never have a day off from school until joining Nogizaka, & a lot more! Little wonder she is being called "superhuman."  :lol:

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2012, 03:24:29 AM »
Ikuchan has her own Udom commercial!
Well, not really. It a fan-made one.  :nervous But still it awesome!  :thumbsup

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2012, 11:15:45 PM »
Ikuchan was on Friday magazine!

These are beautiful pictures...
Seeing them make me so incredibly happy! :)

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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2012, 01:06:05 AM »
121111 爆笑!大日本アカン警察 生田絵梨花 抜き打ち料理力テスト—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看

More footage of Ikuchan cooking! For a gif sneak peek of how she did, press the image below;

The Verdict?


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Re: [Nogizaka46] The Ikuta Erika Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2013, 09:50:05 AM »

On the cover of Young Gangan out today

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