Just became a big fan of 生田絵梨花 / Erika Ikuta by watching her on a spicy food contest against Berryz Kobo.
And before I came to this thread, and read any of the posted comments, I had noticed that Erika reminds me of Aachan- the straight and sincere personality, and the steel determination.
So this clip is part 2 of two parts- and in part 2, there are two scenes that Erika wins the hearts and minds of the fellow guests and the viewers:
Part A: 5:27 Erika's team mate 高山一実 / Kazumi Takayama, was doing fine at eating the spicy food, but then encountered some problems, had to run offstage, and returned.....Erika encourages her with a great and funny version of "We are the World"
Part B: with this sequence, Erika cemented her status as uber idol
Starting at 7:05, Erika is introduced as the fifth Nogizaka46 team member to take part in the contest (Saki Shimizu had been the 5th contestant for Berryz)
The spicy food put up an intense attach on Erika, but she stayed the course, smiling through her tears.
Here are some of her comments:
I think they knew she can't really handle spicy food, so they were asking her if she is okay.
Her first comment:
まだ行けます / Mada ikemasu / "I can still go"
Then they notice her hand holding the chopsticks is shaking. Erika replies:
反応してるのは身体だけで /Hannou shiteru no wa karada dakede / "That's just a body reaction"
行ける気がする / Ikeru Ki ga sure/ "I feel that I can go on"
目が据わってきてる / Me ga suwatte kiteru / "With set eyes she comes (continues)" [I think this comment was from Erika's team mate]
And then she finally starts to fade:
ここまで来たのに / koko made kita no ni / "Even though I've come this far"
She is offered encouragement:
もう頑張ったよ / Mo, ganbatta yo/ "you really tried hard"
She tries really hard not to cry, but then the tears arrive.... (8:09)
Then everyone breaks into "We are the World" to cheer her up (8:19)
Announcer, over the back drop of the actual recording of "We are the World" says : You did a great job of trying your best!"
Berryz工房 『ぷっ』すま 120831 2/2 {Published on 31 Aug 2012 by mchmchchnnl}