My post #58,000 is dedicated to Nanase Nishino 
Nanase topped the very first Nogizaka46 ranking I did but I have to confess that I didn't really expect her to stay as #1. I pretty much ranked her as #1 because of her looks. And as I started watching shows like 'Nogibingo' & 'Nogizakatte, Doko?' things didn't look too good for Nanase. During the first few episodes I watched, Nanase barely said or did anything. And when she actually opened her mouth, nothing interesting came out. At the same time I was impressed by other members like the multi-talented Erika Ikuta, always genki Rina Ikoma and the ultimate idol next door Manatsu Akimoto. The more I watched these TV-shows, the more I discovered new, awesome girls. I felt like it was only a matter time before Yumi's coolness, Sayuringo Punch~ or Ikuchan's cooking skills conquered my heart. However, at some point I realized that the member I ended up googling after my daily NogiDoko marathons was Nanase. No matter how hard Ikuchan had failed at cooking I was still more fascinated by the shy girl who had barely said anything during the episode.
Tomochin is the member who made me an AKB48-fan but somehow it has always been kinda difficult for me explain why I like her. If you asked me why I like Umechan or Yuko, I could probably write an essay about it but when it comes to Tomochin, it's not as easy.
I just like her. I could simply be all "Nanase is my oshi just because!!11!" but it's been a while since my last milestone post so I wanna do something more epic. So, instead of being a lazy bastard I'm gonna list a few random things why I find Nanase awesome. Here... we... go!
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Nanase has been all over different magazines lately and it's easy to see why. She's simply drop dead gorgeous. Nanase is so frickin' beautiful that she made me a Nogizaka46 fan.
Dat Smile
Nanase is always smiling. And when I say always, I mean ALL THE TIME. Even when she cries.
There Will Be TearsNishino Nanase TV 2012.05.06 - Fat Bird Lover (Nogizakatte Doko ep31)
Some people are more emotional and sensitive than the others and for example AKB48's Takamina cries more often than a newborn baby. But at least she always has a good reason for it. When a member announces her graduation, you know that there will be Takamina tears. When Nanase all of a sudden starts tearing up my first reaction is usually "wth, why is she crying?". Sometimes being too scared to hug Maiyan is enough to make her cry and sometimes she starts doing a Takamina monomane because... fat birds. So why is random weeping a charm point? It's frickin' adorable, goddammit!
Sweeter than a Cake Made out of Pie
Being nice & polite is easy to fake but Nanase seems like a genuinely sweet girl. Although I guess it would be kinda difficult to be a bitch when you are super...
ShyNishino NanaseI've never been into shy idols. My ideal idol is someone like Yuko Oshima and we all know that's she not exactly the shyest idol in the biz. Needless to say that I feel kinda confused about liking Nanase. Of course her shyness is cute but I think the real reason why her personality is so appealing is that it's interesting to see her slowly gain confidence and finally come out of her shell. I find myself rooting for her whenever she appears on variety shows. Nanase will never be the most entertaining or the funniest idol but at least she's slowly getting better at variety. And hopefully one day she will manage to overcome her shyness.
Mad SkillzEvery idol needs a special skill and Nanase's skill is drawing. And she happens to be pretty good at it. However being both artistic and weird can sometimes lead to interesting results:

What the....
Now this one is a no-brainer. Shy chicks might not be my type but gorgeous fashionistas (like Tomochin & Yukko) totally are. Maiyan is the fashion leader of Nogizaka46 but I'm sure there will be plenty of fashion magazines featuring Nanase in the future.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Nanase won't be winning awards for acting anytime soon but I wouldn't be surprised if she actually became a real actor after graduating from N46. She's definitely got potential.
A Hard-boiled Killer

So. Fucking. Badass. John Woo better holla at Nanase's agent asap!
Eat my brains, please!

There's nothing cute about zombies. Absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact I have spent over 400 hours slaying zombies in Left 4 Dead 2. That being said, if I happen to be in Japan once the zombie apocalypse begins and I run into a hungry Zombie-Nanase, I will let her eat my brains.

Just kidding! Anyways Nogizaka46 is full of wonderful members and it's way too early to tell if Nanase will be my ultimate Nogioshi. Who knows, maybe my next milestone post will be dedicated to Erika Ikuta or Manatsu Akimoto. But even if that happens, I will always give Nanase credit for making me a Nogizaka46 fan