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Author Topic: [POLL] nana vs fei vs yoona vs kojiharu vs yukirin vs yuko  (Read 7990 times)

Offline darlovelyling

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[POLL] nana vs fei vs yoona vs kojiharu vs yukirin vs yuko
« on: June 16, 2013, 04:23:17 AM »
This is my first poll lol. im pretty bad at deciphering where to put threads but i used nana fei and yoona because on a kpop forum i go on they're known as the most gorgeous while here i see in polls kojiharu yukirin and yuko are known as the most gorgeous  :nervous so forgive me if i do something wrong. yay for random poll, right !  :heart:

Offline Assman

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Re: [POLL] nana vs fei vs yoona vs kojiharu vs yukirin vs yuko
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 11:48:16 PM »
Hi welcome darlovelyling! WE GOT RANDOM ALL OVER! so it's fine, just gotta get an audience.

Good point. Each forum is very specific. if you wish, you can pose the question to your fellow HiPstaz of all backgrounds and tastes in HiP Joint


just a pointer, provide some evidence to help decide and make your poll more presentable. Some don't know which Fei or Yuko you are talking about. Even though I know it's prolly Miss A and AKB48, right?

Lemme know and I'll tell daigong to fuckin do something for once!!! :kickass:

Psst I chose:


and Yuko :fap

because they have TIGHT great asses  :shakeit:

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