Gin Lee 李幸倪New artist to the Canto Pop scene! From Malaysia
ProfileHometown: 新山,馬來西亞 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Record Label: BMA Records Limited
出生日期 Date of Birth:8月26日
身高 Height:163 cm
體重 Weight:43 kg
星座 Horoscope:处女座 Virgo
語言 Language:華語、英語、馬來語 Mandarin, English, Malay
血型 Blood Type:O型
学历 Education: 音乐学士学位 Bachelor of Music
嗜好 Hobby:看電視/電影、看書、時尚服裝及彩妆、逛街 TV/Movie, Reading, Fashion & Beauty, Shopping
最喜愛食物 Favorite Food:日本餐 Japanese
最喜愛顏色 Favorite Color:視情況而定, 普便上是白, 藍和粉紅 It Depends, commonly White, Blue and Pink.
最喜愛音樂類型 Favorite Genre:爵士 Jazz, 節奏輿藍調 RnB, Gospel
最喜愛動物 Favorite Animal:狗 Dog
最喜愛運動 Favorite Sport:游泳 Swimming, 瑜珈 Yoga
最喜歡做的事 Favorite Activity:和小朋友玩 Playing with Kids,自在的在台上唱歌 Singing freely on stage
最喜歡的卡通人物Favourite Cartoon Characters: Snoopy, Forever Friends
Current Location Hong Kong
Discography Album:
《One & Only》 (Nov 2009)
《Here I Come》(27.10.2011)
城外的月光 (Sep 2010)
祝我情人節快樂 -曹格 & Gin Lee (Feb 2011)
我愛U - 野仔feat. Gin Lee & 雲海 (May 2011)
LinksOfficial SiteweiboFacebook (fan)WikiYoutube (Her label's)*above daigong edit some profile from her facebook*Gin Lee was featured on this week's episode of "The Communist" (This is why I love that show, guys!

Gin Lee is appearantly one of the most promising newcomers in Canto-Pop. Gin Lee is Malaysian, and she was previously known as "Jeanie Lee". She mainly sings in Cantonese, but according to Daigong she sings a little in Mandarin, as welll. Gin Lee is best known for taking part in Taiwan's
Super Idol 4. Appearantly she has at least one album now:
Here I ComeGin Lee has a lot of good songs. My favourite is called "I do not" but I couldn't find a stream for the song. I did however find this which is also quite good!:
Gin Lee(李幸倪)新歌MV《潜水》官方完整版;光头推荐 - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看 If you want to find some songs of her, you can do like me and steal some idea from The Communist's tracklist:

Some pictures of the angel: