Thank you, you guys!!! *hugs Micheal and Ruka at the same time*
Hey Cometerz~ Not my idea, at all, blame Ruka in a good way

Chapter 2: Life With A Friend By Your SideChapter 2
Watanabe Miyuki… I can’t believe she’s here. I haven’t seen her in forever.Let me explain. Me and Miyuki were friends since elementary school. She was always so carefree and went at her own pace. In middle school and I started the rock band, Miyuki became too busy and lost contact with me while she was in Tokyo.
To think I’d see her again after so long. I wonder if she remembers me…
“Sayanee, are you okay?” Saepii said as she waved her hand in front of my face.
“You were spacing out.”
“Oh, sorry, I...” I looked and saw Miyuki was still looking at me, smiling. “Uh… Miyuki. It’s...”
“Ooh~ calling me by my first name already. What a player~.”
“Eh?!” Wha-what’s this all the sudden?!
“Nee, are you trying to hit on me, boy?”
“I’m not a boy! I’m a girl!”
“Oh? Is that so? You sure are an ikemen girl.”
What’s going on here? I don’t normally feel like this when I girl calls me that. That’s understandable Miyuki would mistake me. It’s been four years, maybe more, since we last met, and I cut my hair, too.
But, when she says it… Hearing Miyuki say it makes my chest…
“Hey, you sure you’re alright, Sayaka-chan?”
“I...” I backed away slowly and headed out the door. “I need some time to myself.”
I ran outside to the courtyard, leaning up against my favorite tree. I was here when I wrote my first song, and it’s been my place of inspiration ever since. It was where I could be alone, just me and this tree, and break away to my own world.
But now, all that filled my mind were the memories of Miyuki and me together. All those fun times we shared…
“Hey.” I heard a voice and saw Miyuki walking up to me, sitting down beside me on the tree. No one’s ever done that. It’s always been me and the tree.
Now… it’s me, the tree, and Miyuki.
Silence washed over us as we both just sat there, not looking at each other. Peaceful… awkward… painful silence.
I wonder if she… remembers.“Say...” She spoke up, making me turn to her. “You are…Quite the lone wolf, aren’t you?”
“Why does a cute little wolf puppy like you not want to play with the rest of the pack?”
My eyes widened when she said that.
Back in elementary, I always had all the time in the world to myself. I didn’t want to be bothered with friends. It was a strong combination of my passion for music and my shyness.
But then, Miyuki came up and said that to me while I was on the swingset.
“Why doesn’t a cute wolf pup like you wanna play with the rest of the pack?”“Eh…?” I looked up and saw her smile, which made something warm grow in my chest. I felt like I could open up, after so long.
“I don’t… have anyone to play with.”“Well...”She kindly held out her hand to me and smiled more, her eyes sparkling.
“Would this little puppy like to play with a kitten like me?”I continued staring at her, the sparkle in her eyes the same as many years ago.
“Would this cute little puppy want to play with a kitty cat like me?”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She was saying those things, from so many years ago. She smiled widely.
“I knew it! It is you, Sayaka-chan!”
“You remember me...”
“Of course! How could I forget my best friend?”
“What are you doing back in Osaka? I thought you were busy with your job as a model...”
“My manager wanted me to take a break so I could graduate college, so he sent me here. But, who would’ve thought, there’s a real IDOL club! And my best friend is in it, too!”
“Eh? Um… actually, I’m in the rock band.”
I nodded my head awkwardly.
“Well, that still makes you an idol.”
“Idols are just performers. I’m a pop star, and you’re a rock star, but we both sing and dance, and do awesome stuff for crowds of people! So, in a way, we’re BOTH idols!”
She hugged me tight, giggling and tickling me as she pushed me down. She slowly got up and looked at me.
“And I’m glad I get to do it with my best friend in the whole world.”
“At least I get to see you again, Miyuki and to me that’s all that counts.”
She giggled and stood back up. “You know, Nana-san said I was getting a tour.” She held out her hand and helped me up.
“Oh, yeah. Haha, right.”
“Please, lead the way, Sayaka-chan.”
The two of us started walking back into the school, she was holding my hand and swinging my arm the whole way.
“OK, where do we start?”
“Hm...” I pondered as we walked further… “Ah! I know!”
We both ran down the stairs and we arrived at the Mess Hall.
“A cafeteria?”
“Un! We’ve got the best food served here. It’s so big for all the students, me and the other band members just call it the Mess Hall.”
“Hm… now that I think about it, I am hungry.”
“Then I’ll get you this school’s best item on the menu!”
“TAKOYAKIIIII!!!” We both ran up to the counter and got two whole orders of takoyaki.
“Yabaa~ it’s been a while since I had Osaka takoyaki. I bet it’s as good as ever!”
As I saw Milky munching happily on her takoyaki, I saw a group of three girls approach us…
Uh oh, it’s the three girls from the Otaku Club. They’ve also started taking a liking to the Idol club as well… It’s going to be a weird confrontation….
“Ohayo, Yamamoto!” The shorter girl at the front, Kinoshita Momoka, greeted me quite energetically.
“Ah, Kinoshita...”
“Who’s this?”
“Hai, Watanabe Miyuki desu!” She stepped to the side to introduce herself.
“Eh? Maji ka?” She seemed surprised, maybe she knew Milky as a model….
“Anchu! Airi!” She called the other two members, Ishizuka Akari and Tanigawa Airi to her.
“Nani, Momo-chan?” they asked her simultaneously.
“Look, look! Milky’s here!”
“USO?! THE Milky?!”
The three of them started crowding around the poor girl, yet she happened to like the attention.
“OMG, you’re so cute~”
“How can someone from Tokyo have this much style?!”
“Well, I was born in Osaka.”
“Ha! I knew the accent had to come from somewhere!”
Momoka sniffed her hair and hugged her, squealing. “She even SMELLS like Tokyo! And the mix of Osaka in it is perfect!”
OK, now this is getting weird…
“We, the Watanabe Miyuki fanclub, will continue to support you from now on! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”
They all smiled and ran off, waving goodbye to Miyuki, who just smiled as she sat down.
“They seem nice.”
I choked a bit on my takoyaki.
“OK, so what next, Sayaka-chan?”
“Hmm… Let’s see, how about--?”
Before I could say anything, a flash went past me and flew down the hall.
“What was that?”
“Come back here! Papi-tan!!!”
A girl ran past us, probably chasing after the blur that went past.
“Ah, gomen. Takayanagi Akane desu.”
“Ah, Takayanagi-san, do you need help getting whatever it is you need?”
“Yes! One of my birds got out and is flying down the hall.”
“Hai, we at the nature club look after animals and plants. See, I like… No, I LOVE birds so I joined the nature club to look after them. I have 4 birds that I’m looking after now. The one that flew off was Papi-tan~”
“Don’t worry, Takayangi-san. We’ll help.”
“OMG, thank you~! Wait, who are you?”
“Watanabe Miyuki desu~”
“Yamamoto Sayaka desu.”
“Ah, I recognised you Yamamoto-san, I just didn’t recognise Watanabe-san.”
“Oh, okay. Let’s go get that bird!”
We ran in the direction Takayanagi’s bird went to. Whenever we heard someone screaming down the hall, we knew that was where to go.
“Chotto matte!” We saw Nana walking towards us, she saw our faces, filled with panic.
“Yamada-san… We were just helping Takayanagi-san, with her little problem...”
“Akane-chan, did you let Papi-tan out again?”
“Yes, Yamada-san… I made sure he was kept in the cage this time though!” she said before bowing. “Please, just give us some time to find it!”
“OK, but as student council president, I’m helping, too!”
“Hai, arigatou, Yamada-san!”
We continued to the point that we saw the bird trapped in a corner at a dead end.
“Are, are. You stuck there, Papi-tan?” I thought she was crazy talking to the bird, before she caught it with both her hands.
“Bad Papi-tan. You’re getting a timeout.”
“Uh… Okay...”
“Arigatou, Yamamoto-san, Watanabe-san, Yamada-san. I really appreciate it! Now, I best be going now.”
“Bye, Takayanagi-san!”
“Alright,” Miyuki grabbed my hand again. “Where are we going next on our tour?”
“Umm… how about..?”
“Hey, I’ve got an idea.”
“Her.” Nana pointed at a girl who was sitting alone in the courtyard.
I recognized her as Kashiwagi Yuki. She lived in Kagoshima before transferring here, but she never really talks to anyone.
“What about her?”
“Make friends with her.”
“How? We don’t know a thing about her.”
“Well, at least try.” She dragged us over to the raven haired girl and smiled. “Good afternoon, Kashiwagi-san.”
“Yamada-san? Good afternoon to you too.”
“I believe you know Sayaka-chan here. And this is...”
“Um, I know who they are. Especially you, Miyuki. I’ve seen your modeling in magazines before.”
“Really! Are you a fan?”
“Eh? Uh, no, I just, uh...” I saw her turn her head away and she bit her lips.
I looked and saw Miyuki with a strange look on her face. It’s like she saw something we didn’t. She walked up and stood in front of Yuki.
“You’re interesting.”
“From now on, you and I are rivals!”
Mine and Nana’s jaws both dropped.
“Chotto! Miyuki, it’s your first day here and you’re already wanting rivals?!”
“I can already tell we’re going to be very close from now on.” she said with a sly look.
“Chotto, are you sure you want this Miyuki?”
“Of course I won’t back down Kashiwagi-san!”
“Ah, if you want that then Miyuki, I won’t back down either!”
“Eh? Even you, Kashiwagi-san?!”
I could already see the lightning in their eyes, a heated stare-off.
“I’ll show you what I’ve got!”
“Me too.”
Kashiwagi-san got up and flipped her hair as she left. Miyuki nodded and smiled.
“Well, I think that went well.”
Me and Nana still stood there, our jaws dropped wide.
“What? I just decided to take initiative.”
“Yeah, we know but still.. That was pretty impressive.”
She just smiled innocently and held my hand again.
“Hey, let’s go back to the club room. I wanna see how everyone’s getting along.”
“Uh… getting along?”
Uh, oh...