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Author Topic: The Official Ranking Thread  (Read 153133 times)

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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The Official Ranking Thread
« on: April 28, 2005, 12:25:31 PM »
This is a thread for posting all kinds of random rankings. I love making rankings, I've even made a ranking list of all H!P members in my <3 order, so I look forward to spamming with useless lists.

Ideas for rankings:
The Super H!P ranking (all 46 H!P members :lol: minus Eggs)
Favourite H!P kids
The Cutest (or some other adjective) Morning Musume member
The Most Beautiful (or add some other adjective) non-kid members
The Cutest H!P kids
The Best H!P PVs
The Best H!P PBs

And so on!! Any time you feel inspired to make a ranking, come here and do your thing.

However, I'm gonna have to ask people to avoid rankings like "the ugliest H!P member" because, you know, that's just unnecessary negativity that I will not tolerate in my topics. :) But of course it's okay to leave people you don't find attractive last on your rankings. Just don't pick up a fight, k? Yay!
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2005, 01:45:48 PM »
Ahh time to start this off. I'm not gonna post my all H!P ranking now because it needs to be updated. But I could post my H!P kid ranking :w00t: Based on how much I like them!

1. Yurina Kumai
2. Megumi Murakami
3. Maiha Ishimura
4. Chinami Tokunaga
5. Airi Suzuki
6. Momoko Tsugunaga
7. Saki Shimizu
8. Miyabi Natsuyaki
9. Maimi Yajima
10. Maasa Sudo
11. Risako Sugaya
12. Mai Hagiwara
13. Erika Umeda
14. Chisato Okai
15. Saki Nakajima

LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2005, 01:56:18 PM »
The Best H!P PVs
1. Sakuragumi - Sakura Mankai
2. MM - Roman~ My Dear Boy
3. 7AIR - Kowarenai Ai Ga Hoshi Ii No
4. MM - Do It! NoW
5. MM - Osaka Koi No Uta

The Most Beautiful (or add some other adjective) non-kid members
1. Takahashi Ai <3
2. Rika Ishikawa
3. Miki Fujimoto
4. Natsumi Abe
5. Maki Goto
6. Aya Matsuura

The Best H!P PBs
1. Waatame- Takahashi Ai
2. -Hanabi- - Ishikawa Rika
3. 226 - Fujimoto Miki
4. Dear - Maki Goto ??

The Most Beautiful Voice
1. Takahashi Ai
2. Fujimoto Miki
3. Aya Matsuura
4. Hitomi Yoshizawa
5. Maki Goto
6. Reina Tanaka

More later...

Offline Ayabie

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2005, 02:47:36 PM »
Favorite H!P kids
- Saki Shimizu
- Yurina Kumai
- Airi Suzuki
- Mai Hagiwara
- Chinami Tokunaga

The Best H!P PBs
- Ai Takahashi - Wataame
- Morning Musume - Hamilton Island
- Eri Kamei - Eri Kamei
- Mari Yaguchi - OFF
- Rika Ishikawa - Rika 3rd


I guess that's it for now.  :wink: More to come.

Offline Ping

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2005, 03:00:59 PM »
Ping's Top 15 H!P Kids
1. Kumai Yurina
2. Suzuki Airi
3. Tokuanga Chinami
4. Sugaya Risako
5. Shimizu Saki
6. Tsugunaga Momoko
7. Natsuyaki Miyabi
8. Murakami Megumi
9. Sudou Maasa
10. Ishimura Maiha
11. Chisato Okai
12. Hagiwara Mai
13. Umeda Erika
14. Yajima Maimi
15. Nakajima Saki

Offline MMFAN

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2005, 07:30:51 PM »
H!P kid ranking:

1) Yurina Kumai
2-end ) others


Yurina Kumai= ^00^= Sexy ---->

Offline reina's eyes

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2005, 08:13:15 PM »
Those who don't normally grab me that way but sometimes elicit a sudden and very surprising "ooh, baby!" reaction:

1. kaori
2. konkon
3. hitomi
4. sayumi

(The others are either hott all the time or haven't struck me that way at all.)

Offline Philosoranter

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2005, 08:17:52 PM »
Best TV Specials:
1.  Mechaike Bakajo Kimatsu Test
2.  Mechaike Shuugaku Ryokou
3.  Mechaike Kusojo Taiikusai
4.  Morning Musume Around The World
5.  Unnan 2005
6.  AkaAoKi in Hawaii

Best H!P late-night TV short series:
1.  Bishoujo Kyouiku II
2.  Bishoujo Kyouiku
3.  Futarigoto

Best albums of 2005:
1.  3rd Station
2.  2nd W
3.  Aya Matsuura Best One
4.  The Nimaime

Best "First Photobooks":
1.  Konno
2.  Michishige
3.  Niigaki
4.  Tanaka
5.  Ogawa
6.  Kamei

Best shuffles:
1.  Matsuri
2.  AkaAoKi
3.  Salt/Air/Water
4.  H!P All Stars
5.  Happy/Sexy/Odoru

Best music TV shows:
1.  Utaban
2.  Tokuban
3.  Hey Hey Hey
4.  Music Station
5.  Popjam

Hokkaido Musume:
1.  Nacchi
2.  Kaorin
3.  Konkon
4.  Mikitty
5.  Ayappe

Offline Gimme Dem Junks

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2005, 09:00:44 PM »
H!P Kid Ranking

1. Airi
2. Saki S.
3. Momoko
4. Yurina
5. Maimi  
6. Chinami
7. Erika
8. Megumi
9.  Miyabi
10.  Maiha
11.  Risako
12.  Mai
13.  Maasa
14. Chisato
15. Saki N.

Offline Sayange

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2005, 12:57:06 AM »
Best 10 Kaori in a PV

1. Aegean Kai ni Dakarete
2. Ai no Sono
3. As For One Day
4. Shabondama
5. Do it! Now
6. The Manpower!!!
7. Aoi Sport Car no Otoko
8. Love Machine
9. Namida ga Tomaranai Houkago
10. Mr Moonlight (this one would be #1 if she'd appeared with those suspender belts in the whole video) Killing your bandwidth with hotness since 2007
Follow SaeYaka blog at Twitter @saeyaka48

Offline Levin

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2005, 02:22:08 AM »

1. Chinami
2. Sakitty
3. Yurina
4. Risakitty
5. Momoko
6. Miyabi
7. Maiha
8. Maasa

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2005, 05:30:47 AM »
TOP 5 H!P dramas/ musicals that I have seen
1 The Blue Light (absolutely)
2 Nurseman
3 Brementown
4 Last present
5 bakachin something or other

Best vegetables
1 Pineapple
2 Green pepper
3 forgot

TOP 5 Goto alter-egos
1 Makieru
2 Fumimaro
3 Lucy
4 Gomaki Penguin
5 clueless Holmes (I don't know his name)

Best karate throw
1 elizabeth kyamei decimating "nakazawa!!!" doll

Best 5th gen hobbies
1 buildings
2 500 yen coins
3 Eating

4 sticking to yossi

Best Generations
4 (the special generation  :bounce:)

Best Osaka koi no uta performances so far:
1 Music fighter
2 Music station
3 Utaban
4 Hello! morning

Best specials
1 mechaike bakajo kimatsu test
2 Around the world shinshu special
3 Iron Chef
4 13 nin gakkari no christmas special
5 mechaike field trip

TOP 5 Best looking in cheongsam (chinese traditional dress)
1 Ishikawa
2 Kamei
3 Takahashi
4 Goto
5 Michishige

TOP 3 English Pronunciation
1 Takahashi (very impressive how she got 'ste' in 'taste')
2 Yaguchi
3 Yasuda


Offline reine

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2005, 06:30:14 PM »
Best Actress
-Aya Matsuura - Aijou Ippon, Ai no honou
-Nakazawa Yuuko - Gokusen, beauty7, Tetsujin/GIGANTOR!!!
-Maki Goto - Yanpapa, Mariya, that detective movie

Immortal one liner (proof that tsunku's a genius)

1. Aya Matsuura: I @ Yume . . /
2. Ishikawa Rika: HOIT!
3. Yaguchi Mari: Sexy beam!!!!!!!!
4. Hitomi Yoshizawa: Let's have a dance?!
5. Kago&Tsuji: Aiiiiin!!~

Offline IcePrincess

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2005, 09:45:35 AM »
The Super H!P ranking (all 46 H!P members  minus Eggs)
1.) Natsumi Abe
2.) Maki Goto
3.) Yui Okada
4.) Erika Miyoshi
5.) Reina Tanaka
6.) Yurina Kumai
7.) Chinami Tokunaga
8.) Nozomi Tsuji
9.) Hitomi Yoshizawa
10.) Miki Fujimoto
11.) Risa Niigaki
12.) Mai Satoda

Favourite H!P kids
1.) Yurina Kumai
2.) Chinami Tokunaga
3.) Airi Suzuki
4.) Chisato Okai

The Cutest (or some other adjective) Morning Musume member
1.) Reina Tanaka
2.) Risa Niigaki

The Most Beautiful (or add some other adjective) non-kid members
1.) Natsumi Abe
2.) Rika Ishikawa
3.) Maki Goto
4.) Miki Fujimoto
5.) Hitomi Yoshizawa
6.) Erika Miyoshi

The Cutest H!P kids
1.) Chinami Tokunaga
2.) Chisato Okai
3.) Mai Hagiwara
The Best H!P PVs
1.) MM - The*Peace
2.) MM - Mr Moonlight
3.) MM + Maki Goto + Kids - Ganbacchae!
4.) H!P All Stars - All For One and One For All
5.) Berryz Koubou - Fighting Pose wa datte janai
6.) Aya Matsuura - Ne~e
7.) Maki Goto - Uwasa no Sexy Guy
8.) Maki Goto - Daite Yo! Please go On
9.) Country Musume - Koibito wa Kokoro no Ouendan
10.) SALT 5 - Get Up! Rapper

The Best H!P PBs
1.) Nacchi's PBs
2.) Maki's PBs
3.) Rika's PBs

Offline tamatron

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2005, 09:42:48 PM »
My top5 Abe Natsumi's pet names
1. Nucchi
2. Naccho
3. Abe Nucchimi
4. Nacchi
5. Pirate Queen (brought to you by Excite translator)

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2005, 06:32:01 AM »
Quote from: tama-chan
My top5 Abe Natsumi's pet names
1. Nucchi
2. Naccho
3. Abe Nucchimi
4. Nacchi
5. Pirate Queen (brought to you by Excite translator)


I want to make one, too!

1. Nacchi (as in, I use it the most)
2. Nanacchi
3. Na-CHU!
4. Natsuliini
5. Ihana Pikkupuudeli (this is in Finnish. It means a "lovely little poodle". Why? Because of this:

and this:

LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline IcePrincess

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2005, 09:54:18 AM »
Quote from: tama-chan
My top5 Abe Natsumi's pet names
1. Nucchi
2. Naccho
3. Abe Nucchimi
4. Nacchi
5. Pirate Queen (brought to you by Excite translator)

I only have 4:

1. Nacchi
2. Naccho
3. Nacchimi
4. my beloved  :P

Offline Redturtle

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2005, 11:34:11 AM »
My favorite Yocchan's concubines:

1) Miki
2) Satoda Mai
3) Kamei Eri
4) Okada Yui
5) Aibon
6) Konno
7) Miuna
8) Ayaka
9) Goto
10) Makoto

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2005, 10:07:56 PM »
My current favourite H!P kids top 5 :lol:

1. Yurina Kumai
2. Maiha Ishimura
3. Megumi Murakami
4. Chinami Tokunaga
5. Miyabi Natsuyaki

Nacchi PV ranking:

1. Datte ikite kanakucha (hot and beautiful, a bit creepy :lol: )
2. Koi no telephone GOAL (insane <3 funny)
3. 22sai no watashi (i don't like her hairstyle, but it's a nice PV)
4. Yume Naraba (beautiful, but boringish)

Yeah, I'm bumping this, too.
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline YuisBoobs

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The Official Ranking Thread
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2005, 10:51:16 PM »
Favorite H!P kids(may add more to ranking later)
[1] ERIKA UMEDA!!!!!!(she ownz you all.  I'm working on a website about her and it will be up soon!)
[2] Yurina Kumai
[3] Maiha Ishimura
[4] Maasa Sudo

I'll add more brain is farting in the HP kids department.

Oh, I don't like Miyabi Nastuyaki and Saki Shimizu because I heard they made fun of other Berryz members.

JPHiP Radio (19/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Hangry and Angry - Shake me