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Author Topic: (Group) NewS  (Read 110455 times)

Offline ebc

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(Group) NewS
« on: March 07, 2006, 10:18:15 AM »


Name : Yamashita Tomohisa ( 山下 智久 )
Birthdate : 09 April 1985
Birthplace : Chiba-ken

Name : Koyama Keiichiro ( 小山 慶一郎 )
Birthdate : 01 May 1984
Birthplace : Kanagawa-ken

Name : Nishikido Ryo ( 錦戸 亮 )
Birthdate : 03 November 1984
Birthplace : Osaka

Name : Masuda Takahisa ( 増田 貴久 )
Birthdate : 04 July 1986
Birthplace : Tokyo-ku

Name : Uchi Hiroki ( 内博 貴 )
Birthdate : 10 September 1986
Birthplace : Osaka

Name : Kato Shigeaki ( 加藤 成亮 )
Birthdate : 11 July 1987
Birthplace : Osaka

Name : Tegoshi Yuya ( 手越 祐也 )
Birthdate : 11 November 1987
Birthplace : Kanagawa-ken

Name : Kusano Hironori ( 草野 博紀 )
Birthdate : 15 February 1988
Birthplace : Kanagawa-ken


Name : Moriuchi Takahiro ( 森内貴寛 )
Birthdate : 17 April 1988
Year Left : 2004


NewS Official Website
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 12:13:39 PM by daigong »

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 01:33:59 PM »
Thanks to Rei-chan, suki*, Fuyumi for the pics! (They were moved from the pic thread that's now called pic request thread :o )

I don't know about you guys, but I love hearing about the first impressions of H!P members from new fans... So I figured I'd write my first impressions of NewS based on the pics here, just in case someone finds it interesting...

AND YEAH, this means I KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT NEWS. :lol: Just wanted to say this, too, in case someone didn't know...

Yamapi - Okay, I think he's hot. ._. He's the only one of these guys I know from before. His character in Nobuta is so annoying, but I still got the hots for him. That's how hot he is. Let's not talk more about him. ._. Evil, evil guy.

Yuya Tegoshi. o_O Funny name. Looks really cute and adorable, like a bunny. Looks also very young. :lol:

Koyama something. Hrm... I guess he must have a shining personality. o_o He has Miyabi's (Berryz) teeth LOL.

Hironori Kusano. I'll remember those eyebrows LOL. He's pretty cute. I like the moles close to his eye.

Takahisa Masuda. He reminds me of Makoto energy-wise. I mean, I've never seen him on video, but on the pic up there ^ he looks like an energybomb. Looks like a fun guy to hang out with, someone who's pure fun and love, maybe a bit innocent. Like there's nothing bad in him. And YES I came up with all of this only based on one picture. :lol:

Shigeaki Kato. For some reason I thought "Yossi" the first time I saw him. o_O Maybe it's the hair. He's pretty cute, but doesn't really have a unique look imo. o_o

Ryo Nishikido. This guy I'd have a love-hate relationship with. Ok, so he's handsome and has great eyes. But at the same time I get this smug vibe from him. Like he thinks he's better than others. I get it from Yamapi a bit, too, but it doesn't matter that much with him. Maybe that means I might really fall for this Ryo guy, since just his face makes me react so strongly. OR I could hate him with all I have, but I tend to choose love over hate.

That's it, I guess :o
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 04:08:43 PM »
Ooo shi, that was fun to read ^^

About Ryo and Yamapi, I know what you mean with that "I'm better than everyone else" thing. But then again, they ARE the most popular members... And maybe with Ryo it's because he's a meanie and looks like it sometimes ^^;;

Tegoshi looks young, but he's legal! XD Tegoshi is actually pretty funny. People don't think at first that he'd be, but he is.

And you're quite right with Masuda's energy. ^_^

Offline BakHamNoi

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« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 06:58:06 PM »
So weird, ebc created the NEWS thread X D

I like NEWS ! Especially the songs Cherish and TEPPEN

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« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 10:02:29 PM »

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 11:21:32 AM »
*looks around*

*approaches slowly*




*backs away slowly*
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2006, 09:27:54 PM »
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2006, 02:59:21 AM »
Quote from: shirenu

Well... Since you asked... TADAAAAAAH~!!!! ^o^

News : Touch ( Album )

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2006, 11:17:52 AM »
Thanks suki* :heart: ! Can't wait to listen ROFL.
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline Thimas X

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« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2006, 03:23:09 PM »
they're in hiatus right now right?

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2006, 08:25:33 PM »
I think so, Thimas :o

OK HEY so, anyone got NewS vids? :P PVs, performances? I've only got Cherish PV. I'd like to learn to match voice + face so vids would be nice.

*does a little dance*

LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2006, 07:52:01 AM »
Quote from: shirenu
OK HEY so, anyone got NewS vids? :P PVs, performances? I've only got Cherish PV. I'd like to learn to match voice + face so vids would be nice.

Yeah, they're on enforced hiatus till... I dunno when. >_<

And I... NEED... MY... EXTERNAL HDD!!!  :evil:

EDIT : Moved piccies in first post down to make way for profiles. :P





Offline fuyumi

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« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2006, 08:00:01 PM »
Quote from: shirenu
OK HEY so, anyone got NewS vids? :P PVs, performances? I've only got Cherish PV. I'd like to learn to match voice + face so vids would be nice.

I uploaded to PV's~


NEWS - Akaku Moyuru Taiyou

I can upload NEWS Nippon and Kibou ~Yell~ later too ^^

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2006, 08:42:46 PM »
FUYUMI TO THE RESCUE!! :w00t: Thanks!! ^__^ :heart:
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2006, 09:59:33 PM »
Double-posting, but it's not like there are too many posts in the Manlove forum :lol:

After watching the PVs, I like... Let me check... Masuda a lot! Because he has an awesome smile! He shines like the sun, really stood out to me. A very cute boy. (Only a year younger than me though :D )

I still like Yamap too, of course. He's just so annoyingly hot. Like you don't want to like him because "everyone else does" (not on irc though), yet can't help it because he's just that damn hot. And I still think Tegoshi is an adorable lil puppy o_o

I was expecting Ryo to really stand out to me, but he didn't really. That's weird, eh.

Thanks for the PVs again, they were entertaining & I'll be watching them more :D
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2006, 03:19:56 AM »
Quote from: shirenu
Double-posting, but it's not like there are too many posts in the Manlove forum :lol:



Anyway!! :P "annoyingly hot" is absolutely CORRECT!! It is impossible to not LOOK at Yamap coz he's so... Well. He's neither beefcake or hunk but he's just....................... You know!!  :evil:

Must go find the CDR which I stored NewS first appearance on 'Domoto Kyoudai'. It was so funny how Tsuyoshi was teaching Tegoshi how to do a 'TE-GO-SHI' action. :lol:

I'll go look when I get home. Time to dig in the box again!! :D

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2006, 07:54:37 AM »
Quote from: suki*
Quote from: shirenu
Double-posting, but it's not like there are too many posts in the Manlove forum :lol:


IT'S OKAY SUKI*, WE'RE JUST STARTING UP!! *huggles* Just need to find more girls to post... Or Tettekete and Thimas. :lol:

Quote from: suki*

I'll go look when I get home. Time to dig in the box again!! :D

Suki's magic box :w00t:  :lol:

One question I wanted to ask - are JE fans in general like H!P fans? Like, are there Yamap haters because he gets too much spotlight, is there as much talent discussion as with H!P fans etc.?
I've already noticed there are people who love to stick to the past much as some H!P fans would like to go back to Golden Era :lol: When I said I like Yamap on my LJ this girl called him a "12-year-old" and I was like wtf, he's 20 like me. :lol: I found that kinda funny - I think that's the reaction some people will stubbornly have of Berryz in a few years o_o
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

Offline fuyumi

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« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2006, 11:30:00 AM »
I should have that Doumoto Kyoudai appearance somewhere if you can't find it suki ^^

Glad you liked them shi! I'll upload the other two PV's soon~

BTW, Sayaendou PV is the most useless thing EVER done. It's like a bad One Piece AMV... even I could make a better AMV than that >_< (ok maybe a lie but anyway)

Generally yes, there are people who dislike YamaP (and Kame and Jin of KAT-TUN) because he's so popular. There are also stupid fights between fans of different groups around internet, that's why I keep out of all Johnny's forums o_o

Uh we sure need more girls to come here o_o

Offline shirenuファクトリー

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« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2006, 01:31:53 PM »
Quote from: fuyumi
BTW, Sayaendou PV is the most useless thing EVER done. It's like a bad One Piece AMV... even I could make a better AMV than that >_< (ok maybe a lie but anyway)

I'm glad I read the PV description before downloading it on jpopsuki. :lol: I would've been so pissed to dl it and then realize it was something like that. So now I don't have it, hehe...

Quote from: fuyumi
There are also stupid fights between fans of different groups around internet, that's why I keep out of all Johnny's forums o_o

Awww that's a shame :o

Now how to find girls to post here... Hmmmnn...
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2006, 07:30:52 PM »
Quote from: shirenu
IT'S OKAY SUKI*, WE'RE JUST STARTING UP!! *huggles* Just need to find more girls to post... Or Tettekete and Thimas. :lol:

*wipes eyes, blows nose*

Hai!! Ganbarimasu!! p(^^)q

And yes! Suki's magic box is like Doraemon's bag ( sometimes ) -> Excessive amount of junk. XD

And like fuyumi, I don't visit JE forums either. I rather read geino-news myself when I have the time. And yes. There are people who don't like Yamap coz the focus for NewS is on him.

Flip through any of the JE-centric idol mags and you'll see the difference. Yamap always gets at least 1 extra photo spread on his own. Kame and Akanishi also get their own solo pages. The rest share print-space. :P

I'll always remember News Nippon debut. You couldn't miss Yamap coz he was the ONLY GUY wearing cropped trousers. *smacks own forehead at recollection of Yamap's ultra skinny legs*

Ahh...!! I'd better go take a nap. Lots to do here and there!!

*trots off to bed to dream up ideas...*

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