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Author Topic: [Scribbles] 3/1/14 Homecoming (MaYuki)  (Read 104032 times)

Offline ezha

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Re: [Scribbles] 9/24/13 Designed to Love Part 3! (WMatsui)
« Reply #120 on: September 25, 2013, 04:07:07 AM »
rena x jurina x annin
hohoho thanks for update  :twothumbs
it's the best wmatsui fanfic

Offline Terragen

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Re: [Scribbles] 9/24/13 Designed to Love Part 3! (WMatsui)
« Reply #121 on: September 27, 2013, 12:52:08 AM »
Look's… like it will be more than 3 part until it end.

Already expected it,since jurina going to paris and meet rena there.

The big scene must be happen in the last day trip,in eiffel tower~

I dunno but i had this feeling that rena actually love jurina at the first place,but maybe she dont know how to express it or try to hide it,so she always scolded or angry at jurina keep it secret.but maybe putting annin between jurina and rena could make some spark.and who know?maybe this time rena start to take an action.

Oh and i wonder why rena go to paris?to forget jurina?hahahaha

Jurina keep fighting! Yay!

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: [Scribbles] 9/24/13 Designed to Love Part 3! (WMatsui)
« Reply #122 on: September 28, 2013, 05:45:00 AM »
-Designed To Love-
~Chapter 3~

~First of all, sorry  if  I gave a comment in your fan fiction this day.
~ I mean I already read the chapters 1 and 2 and yet I didn’t give a
~a comment or review. I’m bad.
~Second, I love this story. I didn’t ever imagine Rena become one
Of a bitch. (Laughed). I guess it’s a very good idea. It added to the twist
Of the story.
~Third, please update soon. I can’t wait to read your next chapter
-Thank You-

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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Re: [Scribbles] 9/24/13 Designed to Love Part 3! (WMatsui)
« Reply #123 on: September 28, 2013, 09:03:12 AM »
-Designed To Love-
~Chapter 3~

~First of all, sorry  if  I gave a comment in your fan fiction this day.
~ I mean I already read the chapters 1 and 2 and yet I didn’t give a
~a comment or review. I’m bad.
~Second, I love this story. I didn’t ever imagine Rena become one
Of a bitch. (Laughed). I guess it’s a very good idea. It added to the twist
Of the story.
~Third, please update soon. I can’t wait to read your next chapter
-Thank You-

Yeah a bitch that i cant resist,even our juri still have a crush on her.

Rena is like a wild horse who need to be tamed by jurina kekeke

Ah pat please update this~ i a large portion of course

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Re: {ON HIATUS! SORRY!] [Scribbles] 9/24/13 Designed to Love Part 3! (WMatsui)
« Reply #124 on: September 29, 2013, 12:17:01 PM »

I'm so sorry! I'll be on HIATUS for a few weeks because exams are coming up and us, seniors have to work extra hard on our Foundation week. Plus, I have a lot of College Admission Tests to take so I'm so sorry about the abrupt hiatus. I know you guys are waiting for Designed To Love but I can't write properly when I'm busy.


I want to fulfill your expectations that's why I'm taking so long to write. :(


I fucking love nail art.

Offline Sherin

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Re: {ON HIATUS! SORRY!] [Scribbles] 9/24/13 Designed to Love Part 3! (WMatsui)
« Reply #125 on: September 29, 2013, 02:07:06 PM »
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! This is one of the few fic I'm always looking forward to!  :panic:

Ok fangirl aside, good luck. Make sure you come back alive. ^^

Everyday Juriken

Offline Koneki

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it's been a week and a half since you posted about your "hiatus" and it's feel like an eternity  :cry:  :cry: :cry:

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Designed to Love Pt. 4

It's been 5 days since I've arrived here in Paris and I'm loving each and every second. My dream of visiting Paris has been fulfilled and at the same time, my thirst for a nice and relaxing vacation.

For the past few days, we've visited various historical places too. So far so good, yippie. My DSLR has already around a thousand pictures and I'm not even here for a week! I've also been busy sketching different places and attractions that I saw here. They're so nice that I can't stop scribbling.

Also, Annin and I got closer to each other. We always hang out every time after the tour. We visited shops, some places that aren't included in the tour and of course..


Gummy bears in Paris are like pieces of heaven. I swear, Paris has the best sweets. Well, I've eaten sweets from USA before and they weren't any better that Paris'. If only I can live here, *sigh*. Perhaps I can find a job here and stay for good. But Airi will get mad at me for abandoning her. I mean I still have to get home to be in their wedding and she told me she'll get me a job, yep. I can't live in Paris. Sad sad sad.

"Okay guys! It's been a nice tour and I know everyone's tired. So let's pack up and we'll be going home in 10 minutes."

Our tour guide Mizuki said. Today, we visited the Notre Dame Cathedral. The cathedral was the significance of the Romanesque period. No one has claimed as its architect since it has been renovated a lot of times. The place is truly wonderful. It's very historical and very magnifique.

"Jurina, let's go."

I didn't notice Annin was beside me till she called me out and started dragging me out of the place. It's already 2 in the afternoon and we're off back to the hotel. Annin has been very "girlfriend like" to me. She treats me like her girlfriend. Hey I'm not assuming that she treats me like one but I swear! It's really obvious. You see, she doesn't like me talking to other French girls that waves at me whenever I walk. I mean, I can't help it. I'm just that irrisistable, I guess? It would be rude if I don't wave back at 'em, right? Also, she texts me good mornings and good nights each damn day. I'm not irritated but I'm like "Girl can I please have some space?!"

She's so overly attached!

And we're not even together! What more even if we are?!

But I guess I'm too nice again to shoo her away. Well, her gorgeousness makes it up? A bit? I guess?

Hmm, I guess you're asking me about Rena-san now, aren't you?

Well, Rena-san is still ol' Rena-san.

She didn't change. She's still tempremental as ever. She still doesn't let me cross her line either. I'm like the mouse and she's the cat. I always stay quiet whenever she's in our room. She's also very particular about the room's temperature. I often wake up in like 2 in the morning because the temp's too hot or too cold. And I hafta turn it down or up.

She wakes up late too and comes home late. According to my observations, Rena doesn't know how to cook because she buys food outside. We have a kitchen in our room and sometimes, I make soups and stuffs from the ingredients I bought from the market about a few blocks away from the hotel. I always leave her some soup in the evening and I would find them eaten the next day.

But little did I know, that after two days, everything will change. 

- - - - -
Day 7

"Jurina please please pleaseeeee."

Ugh. Annin's begging me to bring her up in my room. I don't know why. I kept asking her but she won't tell me. So much for being so overly attached, huh? But I kept telling no. Annin's presence might turn Rena's evil switch on. Who knows what Anna's real intentions are anyway?

"I told you so, tell me why I should I bring you up?"

Annin sneered and held on my arm. She smiled to me cutely and said,

"I just want to spend more time with you!"


"My roommate hates being bothered. You'll be too noisy."

I tried reasoning her out but she won't change her mind. Why won't she leave me alone? She let go of my arm and raised her right hand.

"I swear Matsui Jurina, I won't be noisy."

As she raised her right hand, her gorgeous powers suddenly came out, blinding my eyes with such perfection. Her eyes were so pretty and she seemed glowing. My god why now?!

Uugggggghhhhhh. Whyyyyyyyyyyy tooo pretttyyyyy nowwwwwwww

She kept staring at me and kept being pretty. Eventually, the gorgeous powers won and I sighed and finally nodded. Gee, I hope I won't regret this.



Anna hugged me tightly and then dragged me towards the elevator. She pressed the number of the floor I stay at and my mind went on full panic. My brain was full of thoughts like "What if Rena's there?", "What if Rena gets mad?", "What if there are no cookies?"


Whoa. We got here faster than I thought.

Both of us walked out of the elevator and started walking towards my room. The walk to my room was like the longest walk I've ever done in my life. I was sweating the whole time and my heart was beating so fast. As we reached my room, my heart halted.



"Open the door."


"What do you mean no?"

"I didn't say nope..I said rope."



I gulped one last time as I enter the key to the keyhole...

I closed my eyes and opened the door, waiting for something to happen...




"Oh goodie, you're roommate isn't here."



I slowly opened my eyes and saw Annin already roaming around the room. I quickly went inside to check if she was telling the truth.

And she was!


I exhaled heavily and sat on my bed. I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped my sweats. Jesus. If I live like this everyday, I'm going to die young.

I watched Annin as she walked around the room, almost checking every nooks and crannies. It was strange you know. She was like a health inspector. But then..

"Don't cross the line!"


Annin was flabbergasted and so she screamed and she slipped, avoiding the said line quickly. Her body flew and landed on the floor head first. My mind suddenly went on panic.


I quickly stood up from where I was sitting and immediately aided her. She looked really dizzy and her eyes were white. It seems like there are birds flying around her head now.


"Are you okay?"

Annin shook her head. I stood up again to get a cold compress from the refrigirator. The moment I got back, she was holding her head, still lying down.

"Hold still."

I placed the cold compress on her head and helped her sit up straight. I turned around to face her but instead...

I was welcomed by warm lips..



Oh. My. God.

Annin's kissing me?!?


I quickly pulled away and immediately arched backwards. I pushed her away and threw the compress in her face.


"Stay away!"

Annin wiped her lips and smirked.

"Oh come on Matsui. Stop pretending.."

I stood up and sat on the bed. But Anna pounced on me and pinned me to the bed. I kept squirming but she was stronger. I feel like a sissy already!

"Anna! Stop!"

"Come on Jurina. Stop the act."

"Help! Rape!!"

Then she leaned in to cover my mouth. But I bit her finger and she hissed in pain. But she didn't stop trying there. She tried to kiss me again but I avoided her and pushed her. Annin got my two arms and pinned them down again. I gulped. I'm already taken full controlled of. Annin's eyes sparkled and I swear the evil inside her came out. She leaned closer and closer..


Both of us were startled by the door slamming. We turned our heads towards the door and..bam!


Her face looked stern. She seemed shocked. She just stood there. Maybe because Annin and I's position is weird. Annin was hovering on top of me and I was holding Anna's shoulder.

I suddenly blurted out, "Wait, I can explain!"

But Rena ran off and slammed the door back again. Wait, why did I say that anyway? Why do I have to explain to her? She's not my boss anymore and most definitely not my girlfriend. My brain went on haywire once again.

"Well, that was awkward."

Annin said. It was indeed awkward. I sighed and pushed her off me.

" should go get some rest Anna."

She looked at me weirdly. Then she stepped closer to me.

"Why don't you get it Jurina? I like you."

I reached out for my neck and sighed again. This is really getting harder than I thought.

"Look, I don't like you, okay?"

She frowned.

"What do you mean?"

I groaned.

"I don't like you."


I gave her a weirded out look.

"Because I don't like you!"

Ugh. Why is this so hard?!

Anna's face got angry and she stood up. She faced me and put her hands on her waist. She stared at me with her angry eyes for good 5 seconds than pointed a finger on my face.

"I know you're hiding something Matsui. And just so you know, I always get what I want."

Then she got her things and walked out of the room, slamming the door, like Rena did. I was left standing alone near my bed.

"Sweet baby Jesus help me."

- - - - -

"Hello Airi. Can you hear me?"



"I can't hear you!!"

I adjusted the microphone and asked her once again.

"How 'bout now?"

"Yep!!!! All better. Hi Jurina!!!"

It's been 2 hours since Annin left and I called Airi to comfort me. I need some support and some lightening up due to what happened earlier which really stressed me out. Rena leaving and Annin threatening me got me really emotionally exhausted. So I called Airi to come online and we went skyping.

"Geez stop screaming."

Airi laughed and nodded, with her cute bucked teeth showing. Gosh it's only now that I realized how I missed this girl so much.

"'s Paris?"

I heavily sighed and massaged my forehead. I can't wait to tell everything about what happened.

"It's a sweet disaster. You have no idea how happy and at the same time, stressed, I am here."

Then I told her everything that happened since Day 1. I narrated each detail and told her about what I feel about 'em.

Airi gave out a hearty chuckle and scratched her head. She adjusted the camera of her laptop for me to see her face better. I saw that she's in her room, lying in her bed with a sleeping Akane beside her.

"Well, you have a stalker and a hater. So, you better start being used to it. You're such a handsome kid, aren't cha?"

A stalker and a hater, huh? Geez.

"Ugh. I don't even want to get used to it because it ain't the status quo. For all I know, I went here to visit France and not to mingle with people."

My best friend nodded and sighed.

"Well, you are quite lucky that you are in one room with the love of you life, as you said before. And then you're gonna start complaining about it? What on earth is wrong with you?"

"Look, I don't have any chance with Rena. At all. So I'm gonna stop my fairy tale dreams that she's going to be my princess and I'm going to sweep off of her feet."

I sighed and fixed my hair. I'm really stressed out. Airi facepalmed herself and groaned loudly.

"Look Ju! Why aren't you getting it? I guess God made you and Rena roommates because he's trying to tell you that you can still do something. He's trying to express that it's still not the end and you're not supposed to give up yet! You see, if you do your best to make her fall for you, God will do the rest because he wants you guys to be together. And he's already giving the sign because you guys ended up in the same room! Don't even think it's a coincidence because maybe it's fate afterall."

Woaaaah. Airi the Philosopher in the house.

"Furukawa Airi, is that you?"

"Fuck you Ju."

I laughed and she smiled. Best friends do really make things better. They're like the best medicine for weird problems.

"But seriously.."

I stopped laughing and looked at the camera..I mean at Airi.

"I'm months away from getting married. And when I'm already married, I can't take care of you anymore. I can't look out for you much because I'll be busy with little Airis and little Churis running around the house. I just want to see you happy too. Just like I am. Just give it a one last try, okay? After that, I won't force you again. Because you know, you forced me to confess before and look where I am know. The same thing might just happen to you."

Airi is really making me blush. Darn it. I hate it also when she's right and I can't do anything about it. Afterall, she does has a point. This forced confession thing has been successful so far, and so I pray I will have the balls to confess upfront.

"Fine. But if all else fails..what will I do?"

"Come home here and I'll give you a wide hug." 

I nodded and smiled fulfillingly. These things that Airi do to me touch me somehow. Airi's really an amazing person. Akane's lucky with her.

"Thank you Airi."

"No problem."

"So, how's Akane? Also, sorry for disturbing your sleep."

"Churi's been sick for almost 2 days. She has flu and needs attention. She stayed here in our house because her mom and dad are in Tokyo and no one will take care of her."

"Aww. I hope she gets well soon."

Airi looked at Churi who was beside her, sleeping peacefully. She brushed her hair and kissed her forehead. I feel like saying "aww" but it'll spoil the moment. You see, there's something on how these two look at each other. The way they glance at each others' eyes is just very magnificent. I can't seem to figure out how they do that. I guess it's a lover thing but it's just..their stares and glances are full of love. They're full of affection and care.

Somehow I wish that Rena will look at me like that someday. But the probability of that happening is just very very small. It's near to impossible. Or maybe it is.

"Of course she will. This bird will be healthy in no time."

I yawned and felt drowziness coming at me. I feel so tired. My mind and body are tired.

"Looks like I have to rest now. Sorry for interrupting you again. I'll see you in another week."

"No problem I said. Alright. Good night and good luck."

"Sure. Love you."

"Love you too."

I logged off and closed my laptop. Somehow talking to Airi made me feel better. She really knows me and knows what to say to me whenever I need help.

Best friend evahhh.

I lied down my bed and started to look at the pictures on my DSLR. Most of them were pictures of the places we visited, Annin's selfies and my hidden Rena pictures. I chuckled when I remembered taking these hidded Rena pictures.

In each and every place we visited, I always make sure that I snap at least one picture of Rena. It's a candid shot fo' sure because she didn't know I'm snappin' a picture of her. If she knew, she'd kick me in the ass. Does it sound stalker-ish? Heh, I can't help it. One does not simply ignore Rena's outstanding beauty you know. But I do have a favorite out of all these pictures. It's Rena's shot of eating ice cream while she was outside the hotel.

She was eating an ice cream when the wind blew hard and some of the ice cream fell to her blouse. She pouted and wiped some of it. She was pouting the whole time and she looked so adorable.

Also, I haven't told you yet but she calls me "J" whenever it's just the two of us. Way back when I was still employed, the two of us were always the one left in the office, working. Since she always put me in some complicated projects, I always go home late. She said she's going to call me "J" because my name's too long. But she just called me that whenever it's just us two.

I was creepily smiling while I was reminiscing the whole event. Gah. Do I still have to wait for her to comeback? But she's already a big girl. She can handle herself. But.. Ugh.


I'll take a nap and that's final.

- - - - -




My phone kept vibrating and it woke me up. I grabbed my phone under my pillow to see why it's vibrating. Turns out, today is Mayu's birthday. She's turning 25 already. That cyborg.. But maybe I'll greet her tomorrow morning because I'm so sleepy right now.

I slumped my head back to my pillow and closed my eyes but something caught my attention.

Rena's bed isn't occupied. She's not yet back.

I rose from my sleeping position and looked around. No one's in the bathroom and no one's in the terrace. Woah, this got me fully awake. I looked at the clock and it's already way half past 11 o' clock. It's so late already. Usually when I turn the temp down in the evening, she's already home and asleep. Omgawd. This must have been connected to the door slamming earlier, musn't it? Geez. I hope she's safe somehow, somewhere. I have this weird feeling inside me and I don't like it. But I have to do it.

I have to find Rena.

- - - - - - -


I went to Yuka's room to check if she had seen Rena going back to the hotel. I'm worried as hell. And I don't like this feeling I'm feeling.

The door opened and revealed Yuka in her jammies.

"Jurina? Why? What's wrong? It's like 11:30 in the evening."

"Rena-san's missing."

"Renaissance missing?"

"No! I'm so sorry Yuka but have you seen Rena going back in the hotel? She's not in our room yet."

Yuka signaled me to come in and I complied with it. I sat on a sofa while she was closing the door.

"I'm sorry but I didn't. Hmm. She's not home yet? I do remember us having a curfew. It's in the brochure. Every tourist must be back before 11 in the evening."

I scratched the back of my neck and said,

"Usually, she comes home late but during these hours, she's already back. It's the first time that she has not come back before 11." 

"Well that's actually a problem. If something bad happens to her, which I hope will not happen, we'll be liable to it. But we can't ask Mizuki because she's been here in the room, sleeping, since we got back."

The thought of Mizuki sleeping made me uncomfy. It means they were already resting and I interrupted their rest.

"Yuka-san, I'm sorry for waking you up."

Yuka flashed me her handsome smiled and patted my back.

"No sweat, kid. Come on, we'll find Rena."

- - - - -

Yuka and I went to the lobby to ask the receptionist and the guard if Rena has arrived already. Since there are no more than 20 tourists, everyone almost knew each other. They said Rena left the hotel that afternoon but still hasn't returned.

"So, Jurina, I'll call the police to find her.."

Yuka walked to the receptionist's table and started dialing the numbers. But I thought I can do something, rather than just reporting Rena's absence.

"No, wait!"

Yuka stopped what she's doing and looked at me.


"I'm going to find Rena myself."

You know, maybe this is the chance I'm looking for. What if Rena's a damsel in distress and I'm the prince who's going to save her? Right? Also, I can prove something to myself finally, that I am not a sissy and I ain't a scared cat.

Yuka walked back to me and touched my shoulder. She looked at me in the eye and nodded.

"Be careful out there kid. Paris at night isn't so safe. And good luck."

I grinned back at her and nodded too.

"If I'm not back before 12:30, call the police by then."

After saying that, I left the hotel to search for Rena. To be honest, I didn't know where to search first. Should I search first in the parks? But parks are too far from here. I'm sure she won't be sitting there in the middle of the night.


Oh. I remember!

I should search in clubs!

I do not know why but I just have the feeling to or maybe because I need a drink too?

- - - - -


A buff guy was on my way when I was to enter this club named "Zine". He was speaking in French and I can't understand anything. Perhaps he's looking for my ID? I tried reasoning out with him but he doesn't seem to understand me too. I can speak in English pretty good though.

"I'm sorry, I can't understand you."

I told him in English. But he was still talking in French. I'm already on my way to giving up when a guy interfered with us.

"Hey lady, what's wrong?"

He asked me in English, which I answered back in English too.

"Uhm, I'm trying to find someone but this guy kept on talking in French."

He nodded and he conversed with the buff guy in French. Turns out, he does want my ID. But I told them that I'm Japanese and even if I give them my ID, they won't understand a word in it.

"Wait, you're Japanese?"

I nodded.

"Ahhh. I think I have what you're searching for. I'm Brad by the way."

I raised my eyebrow, confused by what he just said. Is Rena here?

Brad and I walked inside the bar. Club Zine was the name of this pub. There were dancing people on the dance floor and a lot of drunk guys that were noisy. Summing it up, the whole club's really loud. I kept following Brad and we ended up in a bar.

"There she is."

She pointed at a woman sitting on the bar's chair with her head on the table. I walked near it and turns out, it was indeed Rena.

"Is she the one?"


"Is she yours?"


He laughed for a moment. Brad patted my back and smiled.

"She's been here since 7pm, drinking beer. I was wondering about her but she won't talk to me. Can she understand English?"

I scratched my head. And answered,

"I suppose so."

"Meh. A lot of guys tried hitting on her, but her glare drove them away."

I can see that she's dead drunk but I tried waking Rena up. I tapped her shoulder and shaked her body. After a few tries, she woke up.

She looked at me and smiled. She stood up and hugged me real tight.

"J! I knew you'd come for me."

Did she just call me J? Did she just hug me?

Jesus Christ, thank you.

"Are you goin' to take her home?"

I nodded.

"Let me call a cab for ya."


Brad turned around.

"I don't have money with me. And our hotel is quite near. I'll just carry her."

He looked at me weirdly.

"Yo sure?"

I nodded at him and he nodded back.

"Okay then, suit yourself."

He then helped me bring Rena to my back to give her a piggyback ride. Surprisingly, Rena's really light. As soon as I carried her, she went back to sleep, snoring at some times.

"Good luck kid."

I thanked Brad and exited the club.

A lot of things swarmed my mind after that. Why did Rena call me J? And why did she hug me? This is really confusing me. I thought she hated me. But I just groaned and started walking back to the hotel.

- - - - -

It was already 10 minutes before 12:30 when I got back to the hotel. Yuka was already pacing back and forth in the lobby, holding the phone. When I entered the building, Yuka jumped in joy and helped me with Rena.

"I was already on the verge of calling the police! God Jurina, you got me really nervous back there. Where did you find her?"

"Club Zine."


I nodded and weakly smiled. Although Rena's real light, walking around 2 kilometers with a girl on your back isn't that easy. Yuka helped me until we got back to our room. She helped me place Rena to her bed.

"Thanks Yuka."

"No, thank you, Jurina. If it wasn't for you, we won't find Rena's missing at all."

I then nodded and slumped back to my bed. Yuka wished me good night and got back to her own room.

I sighed and looked at Rena, who's dead drunk. The questions that were on my head the whole walking period were on my head again. This is making me really confused. I don't want to assume things because I might break myself during that process!

I walked at Rena's bed and sat on it.

I walked pass on Rena's line.

I touched her hair and her face. This is the only time I can do it, when she's asleep and harmless. But she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. I quickly stood up.


My heart beat fast when she called me that. I can't breathe.

She stood up and faced me.

Then she crashed her lips on to mine.

The greatest feeling in the world has finally come. Rena's kissing me. Butterflies inside my stomach has started flying. The electric shock has shocked me. Then she pulled away and looked at me straight in the eye.

"I love you, J."

Suddenly, my mind went hazy and everything looked blurry. My head went dizzy and she crashed her lips against mine once again. After a few seconds, she pulled away and went back to bed, dead asleep.

Maybe this is it.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and to be loved back.

But she's drunk..

How can I be sure that she really means those words?

To be continued, next part’s the last one!

 :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit:

WOW! A CONFESSION!!!  :on ksweat:

And someone's having fun!

See u guys next week. <3  :cow:

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #128 on: October 13, 2013, 03:56:21 AM »
Does Rena really loves Jurina???

If she does, why is she so cold towards Juju??

Stalker Annin !!!

Can't wait for the next chapter...

Update soon.. :bow:

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #129 on: October 13, 2013, 05:06:46 AM »

It's funny seeing jurina in so much trouble~

But it lead her to the truth,rena truth feeling toward jurina

I see,it seem rena goes to paris to forget jurina,but it end up they became roomate~

Uwah cant wait the next! How it end? Annin always have what she want! Rena! Do something!

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #130 on: October 13, 2013, 06:07:24 AM »
What just happened at the end? XD

Oh and welcome back btw.

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #131 on: October 13, 2013, 07:21:33 AM »
RENA!!! Kissed J... !!!

She confessed too~ but she drunk
Jurina wont trust rena word when she drunk like that,but it will give her a confident to take next movement.
I expected our jurina had a gut to talk with rena,in this 7 days she never have courage to talk with rena on purpose.never!.
I want at least our jurina and rena walk together just two! Like dating! It paris after all. Kekeke

But we had annin here,she the problem.we nèed rena to get rid her.

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #132 on: October 13, 2013, 07:43:13 AM »
ok i need to comment
I been silent reader for so long...
The jurio gif below.. somehow.. somehow related to the story

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #133 on: October 13, 2013, 08:17:34 AM »
yeah! wmatsui kiss

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #134 on: October 13, 2013, 11:14:38 AM »
I think there will be some troubles with Annin.
But Rena confessed  :twothumbs
And one more thing, you can trust people who are drunk. Because they usually talk true.

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #135 on: October 13, 2013, 01:24:25 PM »
I agree. Rena confessed.. when she's drunk. drunk people often being so honest. And for Annin... Don't disturb their relationship!  :angry:
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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #136 on: October 14, 2013, 11:14:55 AM »

[Chapter 4]

Wow! Finally update! You know, I’m sad where you said that will be not update your stories because your busy in school activities.

Anyway, Time for reviewing and commenting.

I love this chapter, there is a twist. And Annin will be the antagonists between Rena and Jurina’s love. Oh no! That evil girl. She assumes J have a crush on her.   :angry:

About the J and Rena’s scene. It’s so cute and romantic when J pick Rena in the bar.

It’s so sad that the next update you will posts is the last chapter.

It’s a nice chapter!

Update soon….


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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #137 on: October 15, 2013, 02:59:46 AM »
Ugyaa i though it already next week,jezz im on vacation,days seems long

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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #138 on: October 15, 2013, 03:59:40 PM »
sorry for the late comment  :bow:

souka,now i kind of understand the situation,well actually know from others reader comment, sometimes they make interesting comment that could make me wanna read the next update,even though the next update is so different fron their guessing,but it's fun  :cathappy:

okay now my comment

a lot of guessing, like why rena on paris?

she's not busy working???

(some reader comment said that she on vacation because she wanna forget jurina)

well maybe it's right LOL i loved guessing too LOL  :cathappy:

maybe she regretted firing jurina,so se need time to forget her, why forget?? maybe because she loved J LOL what else?? (fancy stopping only there) LOL :cathappy: :cathappy:

why i said that rena loved jurina??

it was obvious when rena kissed jurina...

beside the fact that she's drunk

drunk is drunk.

the subconscious is always telling the truth, The hidden desire of rena's

consider the attitude of rena (she can not show her true feelings) and always show the contrary toward jurina

like airin said, god must be work for them,so they could make up their fault on the past

maybe rena could honest with her feeling and show some affection toward jurina

and jurina could more brave and confident to approach rena,gave little hint that she likes her

oh almost forgot,we had annin here

well at first i loved to she annin presence, she indeed a candy in the eyes,and she could triggers rena jealousy over her and jurina..which maybe lead wmatsui together in the future...

they still have  a week to developed, and i really can't wait the next update,the last one, hope the best for it

thank for the update


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Re: [Scribbles] 10/13/13 Designed to Love Part 4! (WMatsui)
« Reply #139 on: October 18, 2013, 03:45:19 PM »
Ugyaa i though it already next week,jezz im on vacation,days seems long

now i start to feels that


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