Sorry for the delay. I wasn't happy at my first draft so I erased everything and restarted again. Sorry!
Anyway, this chapter covers 2 DAYS only. Day 8 and Day 9! Also, watch out for cursing and very very wild remarks made by Rena.

Designed to Love Pt. 5
That was the longest night I've ever had in my life.
I didn't sleep.
I didn't eat.
I just..
Looked at her.
After Rena kissed me, she went back to sleep and didn't wake up since. She seemed so peaceful and quiet, like she didn't have anything to worry. I, on the other side, was very flabbergasted by what has happened. I spent the whole night thinking how did we get to that situation. Because for what I can remember, I was just planning to be a heroine for Rena.
They say drunk people are the most honest people you can talk to. Their subconscious mind takes over them thus making them speak truthful remarks. You know, I'd really like to believe at what she said but questions swarmed in to my mind. I'd like to talk to her when she's fully awake and all right.
For the past 6 hours, I didn't do anything but to sketch, think, sketch and think. I kept sketching Rena's face and kept thinking about Rena's feeling for me. The feeling that I felt last night was just very unusual. The feeling of having your love requited does feel awesome. But you know, I still question it.
My phone always alarms at 6. I go to work before at 8 and then now, the tour starts at 9 so I still wake up at 6. But now, I was fully awake to dismiss my alarm clock. I got up from my bed, putting my sketch tablet on my side and my phone on the side table. I pulled myself up and made myself a hot choco. I thought of making Rena one too but she needed something to cure her hangover so I made her tea.
After finishing my choco, I prepped myself and came to the lobby to talk to Yuka and Mizuki. Since I didn't get any sleep and Rena's going to have a crazy hangover, I excused the two of us from the tour.
"Good morning Jurina."
Mizuki greeted me the first time she saw me out of the elevator. Yuka was talking to Eiji that's why she greeted me alone.
"Hey, good morning too."
She smiled at me and nodded.
"I heard about last night."
"Uh, yeah."
I slightly gulped and scratched my neck. I hope I did not blush. Mizuki chuckled and patted my shoulder.
"So, what brings you here in your jammies?"
I smiled at her and said, "I was just going to ask if we cannot attend the tour today since Rena's going to have a bad hangover. And someone has to take care of her."
Mizuki playfully nudged me by my shoulder and laughed.
"It's okay Jurina. I'll just tell Yuka. My girlfriend was so worried last night."
Oh. What?
"Yuka's your girlfriend?!"
Seeing that I was shocked, Mizuki even laughed louder.
"Woah there buddy. But isn't it obvious?"
"Actually, no."
Mizuki nodded and smiled again.
"So yeah, better get up back there Jurina. I'll just tell Yuka so no worries. You can join the afternoon tour if you want to. We'll be visiting some French Restaurants today and will be having a food trip."
I shook my head and smiled.
"No no, we'll be fine."
"Alrighty then. See you later."
Right after then, Mizuki and I both bid farewell to each other. I turned back to go back upstairs when I saw Annin walking towards me. I muttered a silent prayer, hoping she won't force me to hook up with her again.
"Hey Jurina."
"Hey Anna."
I touched my cheek and avoided eye contact. She looked really pretty today and I can't let that bring me down.
"So, I heard Rena was missing last night and you found her."
"How did y--"
"Heh, of course. News travels fast."
I gulped and looked down. Annin walked closer to me and touch my face.
"For your information, I didn't regret what I did yesterday. And better tell Rena that if she doesn't guard you too well, I might just grab you for myself."
Oh bejeessuuus.
I raised up my head and saw Annin staring the soul 'outta me. She smirked and walked passed by me. I gulped one last time and proceeded to the elevator.
"Woah. That was scary." I said to my self and pressed the button for my floor.
- - - - -
The moment I got inside my unit, Rena was already awake and was in the terrace. I silently closed the door but she heard it anyway. She turned around and walked back inside the unit.
"Good morning." she greeted.
"Good morning too." I replied.
Rena was drinking the tea I made for her. She looked better than last night though. She also changed her clothes and combed her hair. She placed the tea on the table and sat on her bed, still looking at me.
"Last night.." She started.
My attention was quickly transferred to her. I diverted all my attention towards her.
"Jurina--I..uhh.." She was stuttering the whole time. She can't even say a whole sentence. She breathed deeply and calmed herself. Then she continued,
"You deserve some explanations."
I took a sit on my bed then, not taking my eyes off her and all ears on her.
"I need answers to all my questions." I stated.
She fidgeted with her fingers and played with her hair. She looked so nervous. Then she bit her lower lip.
"Would you mind if I call you J right now? Now that I'm not your boss anymore?" She said in a shy tone.
I was really taken aback by what she said and what she's acting. She's not the Rena that I used to know. Right now, she seemed like an innocent pony. Totally kawaii.
"Of course not." I answered. Then she smiled at me. Her smile is just..ugh.
"First of all," she started. "I'd like to thank you for the free snacks you leave everyday and the tea you just left. I really appreciate them."
"It's fine." I assured her. She smiled a little and relaxed her shoulders.
Okay, last night was the longest night. I guess today's the longest morning. God, don't even get started with me.
Rena reached out for the tea and sipped a little. She then faced me and looked at me straight in the eyes.
"J..I'm in love with you." She blurted out like it's the easiest thing in the world.
She said it.
Is she drunk? No.
Is she okay? Yes. Perfectly fine.
Is she Rena? Yes.
For the second time, I heard her telling me she loves me. And it feels so good. I feel like screaming I love you too in front of her then crash my lips onto her but that would be very inappropriate right now. My eyes got a little blurry, not because I was crying but I was sweating so bad!
I looked at her, waiting for her to proceed. She looked like she was contemplating over what to say and what to do next. But she inhaled deeply and continued,
"I know. It's weird. And very outrageous. But it's the truth.."
I can't move. I don't know what to say either.
"Please say something." She said.
"I..uhm." This time, it was I who can't stop stuterring.
I hope I didn't look like a total dickhead.
"I guess, it would be better if I explain everything first?" She said. I guess she noticed my pussyness so she started.
"I didn't know when and how I fell for you. I guess it just happened." She started fidgeting with her fingers again. "You see, my first experience of love wasn't that pleasant. He was a college friend that I hooked up with. He seemed good at first and I was very in love with him."
Why mention your ex-boyfriend? I pouted and she noticed it. She chuckled, moved to my bed and held my hand.
Oh my God!!!!
Then she continued, "He was a gold-digger. He just took all of my money and then broke up with me when I got broke. Since then, I promised myself not to fall in love again."
I felt sad for her. That was really a bad experience. So, is that the only reason why she's afraid? Rena looked at me in the eyes. Oh she's so beautiful. She never fails to take my breath away.
"Then my dad knew about it." Rena proceeded. "He got mad and took me back to Japan. I studied college in the Philippines by the way. And he told me, "Never fall in love with your classmate, workmate or any words that end with mate. They'll just take your money and leave you with nothing." So I held on to his words and I built a very thick atmosphere around me to keep myself from falling in love and so I started to be a bitch, though I feel sorry for those whom I've shouted at."
"You shouted at everyone." I joked and chuckled, to at least ease the mood. She glared at me but later on smiled. She placed her head on my shoulder, making my heart beat fast as Grand Prix cars.
"Yeah, I did. But I sorta hated it." She answered. "I liked screaming at you the most because you didn't answer back. You just bow your head and say sorry."
Well, what am I supposed to do then? She's my boss!
"Anyway, J, let me continue." I nodded. "Then, I hired you because Airi recommended you and my late dad liked Airi's works so much so I trusted Airi. To be honest, your works were very good. I became envious about them and started hating you for no particular reason. That's why I would always make you do hard sketches, unrelated works and errands. But you did them all without complain and that made my heart skip. You were really nice to me even though I always nag at you. Your smile whenever we work together just brightens up my day, even when I scream at you, you still smile.
"Then I found myself crazily falling for you. But I held on my dad's words, even though I know it was really stubborn. I just don't want to be broken anymore. Whenever I see you, I would always get those butterflies in my stomach, my knees would get weak and my heart would beat faster. I thought you were just being nice to me because I was your boss and it's your job. So I created things to make you quit, and to stop myself from falling further, but you didn't quit. I guess you did me a favor then and spilled coffee on me, so I fired you."
So..that's why she always made me do very weird projects before. This evil lady. But why is this evil lady so hot anyway?! Rena was already playing with my fingers when she was narrating everything. She's a lot more comfortable now.
"After I fired you, I hated going to the office because there's no reason to go anymore. You weren't there. I regret firing you but I guess it had to be done. So I took a vacation leave and planned to go to Bali, Indonesia. But the package tour I bought for Bali got cancelled and everyone in the tour was transferred to the Paris tour.
"Perhaps fate really likes messin' with me and so she made the two of us roommates. I was really happy when I knew you are my roommate. But when you barged into that door on your first day, that really got me shocked and so I screamed. I wanted to be much closer to you but it would be weird if I just became so nice to you. So I started being the same Rena that you knew. Probably fate was giving me this second chance, and to finally confess. I kept thinking different, and sometimes weird ways on how to tell you."
Rena was already halfway from hugging me. She was getting way too comfortable with me. It was so cute.
"But then Annin came." Her face grew darker and she sit up straight. She looked at me straight in the eye. "Annin was just ugh..she was like Ursula in the Little Mermaid. She messes up things!" Rena's mood changed from princess-like to Ariel-like attitude. T'was really funny.
"You're so adorable." I blurted out mindlessly while chuckling. And then she hit me in the head!
I looked at her and knew why she did that. I made her blush. She held her cheeks and shook her head.
"You see, this is the reason why I hate falling for you! You make me crumble like this!" She screamed at me. I laughed and she brought herself back to me and hugged me sideways. It took her a few seconds to calm herself down and she proceeded.
"So, continuing, you were always out with Annin after each tour. You always go on trips with her and come home late. I was really jealous then so I always come to clubs and tried to forget you. Since I would never have the guts to tell you what I feel for you. Then yesterday, I found you hovering at Annin! Why were you hovering at her?!"
Oh no. Boss Rena activated. This is the time to explain myself.
"Look, Rena.. She was trying to make me hook up with her. I kept on saying no and that made her upset. So she tried to rape me. If you didn't come, she could've been successful. So thank you."
But Rena was just staring at me, pouting. I can sense jealousy. Seriously, isn't this girl gonna get any cuter?!
"Hmp. I believe you." Whew.
"And that's because I love you."
Oh man, that made me a blushing mess! When I heard that, my smile was like as big as the Tokyo Dome.
"Anyway, stop enjoying yourself too much." Rena said.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I still can't stop smiling. This girl just makes me crazy.
"Let me continue, will ya?" I nodded as she reached out for her cup of tea. She sipped some and came back to my side, continuing her narration.
"After seeing you and Annin in a position like that, I knew I have no chance at her at all. Did you see how beautiful she is?" She turned to me. I didn't answer her question and just stayed still. She continued,
"I doubted myself. When Annin came, I thought my chance with you was slowly decreasing. I saw you lesser and you went home much later. So I thought of something to make you come to me.
"I got drunk and didn't come home. They say when you're drunk, things that are unsaid are said. And you did come for me, which I found sweet. I told the bartender not to give me to anyone but to a japanese girl who's going to find me soon. I was really happy when I saw you. And I can't help it. So I confessed."
The whole time she was saying those words, her eyes were welling up with tears. Little did I know, we were both in a crazy situation of being a pussy in love. We both didn't know how to confess and we're both afraid of future outcomes without even trying.
I held her hand and I lifted her face to make her look at me.
It's time.
"Matsui Rena.. I know I'm not sure about everything in my life. I've always been doubtful of everything. I mess things up and I'm still in my childish stage. But I'm only sure about one thing. And that thing is that I'm weirdly, crazily, and very in love with you."
Rena bursted out crying and hugged me tightly. I felt the strong waves of tears and I patted her back. Day 8 is the greatest day of my life. After she stopped her crying, she turned to me.
"I love you too."
Truly it is, that the greatest thing in the world is to love and to be loved back.
- - - - -
Kidding! Haha!
After our emotional confession, I decided to take a nap. Of course, with Rena in my arms. I was trying to sleep but she kept on talking.
"Would you mind if we take it slow? You know, to know each other better."
"But I already know you to well."
She chuckled and played with my hand.
"No! You know me as a boss. Not the real, no bitch atmosphere Rena."
Oh, she's right. I know her as a bitch, and the real her.
"And J, I'd like to take it slow..for us know, for us to know ourselves better before popping up the big question."
I rubbed my eyes and pulled her closer to me. I hugged her and rested my head on the nook of her neck.
"I wouldn't mind being bossed around by you again. But yeah, I agree. You should know me more too.. Now baby, can I sleep now? I didn't sleep last night."
I had my eyes closed the whole time we were talking because I was so tired. I just felt her kissing my forehead and her saying "Good night."
To be honest, I can already die. I have fulfilled my mission here on Earth and can go back to Papa Jesus' arms. But if I die, Rena will be sad. So, let's just scratch that thought.
- - - - -
It was already night when I woke up. The lights were all off and only a faint sound can be heard from outside.
I was yawning the whole time I was getting up. I rubbed my eyes and stood up to open the lights. Then I saw a note in the fridge,
Out to buy some food. Love u! Xoxo.
Oh. Great. Food means happiness. So while waiting for her to comeback, I went back to bed and checked my phone. There were 3 mails. One from my mom, who's just checking me, one from Airi, who's still checking on me and another one from an unknown number.
"Who the fuck is this.."
I checked the message and it read,
"One way or another, I'm gonna find ya. I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha.
Holy shit. I feel the strands of hair at the back of my neck stand. I got horrible goosebumps too. This is just so creepy. There's no one who could send me that message none other than..
Iriyama Anna.
I'm really getting pissed by this. She just won't stop. I don't know if I have to tell the police or to tell Yuka. Sigh. But this has to stop right away.
"Tadaimaaa~" Oh, Rena's here already. I quickly stood up to help her with the plastic bags she was carrying.
The two of us went to the table to dine. She bought shrimp prawn and some takoyaki. She also bought some french macaroons and hotdogs.
"Ohhh yum!" I am so hungry! I didn't eat lunch because I slept the whole afternoon. I'm really really hungry. So I grabbed the takoyakis and started munching. Rena went to the kitchen to get utensils.
"Slow down tiger!" She laughed and sat beside me. I smiled at her and proceeded eating again. It feels so nice. Ahh~
She started eating her foods too and both of us almost spent the night eating and watching Spongebob Squarepants, though it was in French.
- - - - -
The next morning, I found myself on the floor.
"Ughhh." My head hurt a lot. And my back too. Argh.
It's the 9th day.
I slowly rose up from my position while massaging my back. I looked up to the bed only finding Rena sleeping in a Vitruvian Man position. All arms and legs spread out. So I'm guessing that she kicked me out from the bed. But from what I can remember, she and I were hugging to sleep. I don't have any idea how it got like this.
So I finally went to the kitchen to cook breakfast since we didn't have left overs last night. I got a can of corned beef from the cabinet and cooked. And while I was cooking, arms snaked around my waist.
"Good morning J." A sweet voice greeted me. I turned around and smiled at her.
"Good morning R."
She quickly took her arms off me and looked at me with big eyes.
"Did you just call me R?"
I became nervous.
Then she grinned widely. She was gushing and blushing.
"Ya know, I'd like you to call me R without me telling you."
I turned back to cooking and chuckled at what she said. This girl is really a keeper.
"Well, you call me J, so might as well call you R."
I finished cooking and prepared the plates and utensils. I prepared the food and Rena was already on the dining table. I placed the plate on the table and clapped my hands.
"Corned beef ala Matsui, Madame. Bon' Appetit."
Both of us laughed and ate away.
I wanna wake up to this every morning.
- - - - -
After eating breakfast and taking a shower, the two of us came down to meet up with the rest of the people who's going to join the morning tour.
"Hey Jurina!" Yuka was frantically waving at me with Mizuki by her side, chuckling. I waved back at her and held Rena's hand while walking towards the two.
Yuka was giving me a teasing grin.
"I guess someone hit the jackpot." She joked. I nodded my head and laughed. Rena smiled at the two of them and greeted hello. Yuka and Mizuki told us that we were going to the Arc de Triomphe today. The arch was commissioned by Napoleon in 1806 to commemorate his victories, but he was ousted before the arch was completed. In fact, it wasn't completed until 1836 during the reign of Louis-Philippe. The Arc de Triomphe is engraved with names of generals who commanded French troops during Napoleon's regime.
"So, you guys excited?" Mizuki asked.
"Yeah, definitely. It's the first time I'm spending a tour with her." I said.
"Psh. Lovers." Yuka snorted.
"Like the both of you aren't." I replied.
Both of them blushed. Rena and I laughed and we said good bye to them to go to the cafe near the lobby. We were talking while we were walking when
someone blocked our way..
"Annin.." I held Rena's hand tighter and inhaled deeply. Annin was smirking, like she was looking at me as a prey. I looked at Rena who was already staring deeply in Annin's eyes. Scary.
"So, how are you guys?" Annin walked towards us with her hands on her waist. Rena let go of my hand and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Excuse me, Iriyama-san but we have something to do." Rena seemed calm and tried to avoided Anna but Anna didn't get out of the way and grabbed my hand.
"Excuse me too Matsui-san but I guess you're messing with my property." Oh dear......
Rena looked back at her, with shock all over her face. Annin's mocking Rena.
"What did you say?" Oh my God.. Rena's burning up..
"I said she's mi--"
Rena slapped her right yonder.
Bull's eye.
Annin touched her face and looked fiercely in Rena's face.
"You gon' fight? Bitch?" Rena was already in her full Power Rena form. Scary Rena..scary scary..
Annin aimed to slap Rena back but the latter caught her hand and reversely slapped her once again. Anna looked really hurt and scared, now.
"Listen to me you delusional bitch, Jurina's mine. And I'm not gonna let anyone touch her especially not you, you psychopathic biatch."
Rena dropped Annin's hand harshly and pushed her. And remarked one last thing. Scary Rena sure is scary.
"And why don't you go back home to your house at Whore Island?"
Rena harsly turned around and grabbed my arm. We proceeded to the cafe as what we originally planned and sat down to order. She smiled sweetly to me as if nothing happened.
Lesson for today: Never ever ever get Rena angry. Got scared by Rena? Me too.
Dang, someone give Annin an ice pack please.
Actually, this is to be continued. I swear, Chapter 6 will be the last chapter.

It's just because I don't know how to end this fic properly. And I need more WMatsui moments. OKAY.

Also, I've been reading tons and tons of WMatsui fics these past few days because I've been so deprived.
I mean guys...
Anyway, now that Annin's out of the way. Let's wait for R and J to properly know each other and finally get married!!

See you guys next time.