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Author Topic: [Scribbles] 3/1/14 Homecoming (MaYuki)  (Read 104629 times)

Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/5/13 Cows (FuuKei)
« Reply #180 on: December 05, 2013, 09:55:00 PM »
I have to admit, cause I love Keicchi... but, why cows? .. (I mean she loves insects and snakes and all)...
 All your works so far is just wonderful, your writing skill is just great! But I'm not seem to understand this OS...

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/5/13 Cows (FuuKei)
« Reply #181 on: December 06, 2013, 03:06:30 AM »
@Yu-oshi Heya! I'm not really a Kei-oshi so I didn't really know about that...but this is just fiction. Not really based on reality. :D

I fucking love nail art.

Offline Yu_oshi

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/5/13 Cows (FuuKei)
« Reply #182 on: December 06, 2013, 09:17:38 PM »
Ah, of course =))) but what I meant was, I was curious why's you chose cows.. =))))) it's kinda funny =))) cows =)))

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/5/13 Cows (FuuKei)
« Reply #183 on: December 07, 2013, 12:20:28 AM »
@Yu-oshi: Cows are adorable, aren't they? :D

I fucking love nail art.

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/20/13 Those Nights (WMatsui)
« Reply #184 on: December 20, 2013, 02:39:56 AM »
Those Nights

It was again one of those nights when Jurina would drag me again in the middle of nowhere. She always does this once a month. She'll come to pick me up in our house, wrap my eyes with her handkerchief then take me to a place I've never been before.

I've always looked forward to these days. They were good memories that are really nice to reminice sometimes. Nice visions that I can keep forever.

Right now, I don't really know where the hell are we and we've never been here before. It looks like she found another place where she can connect with nature, like she always says. But based from my observations, we're not really that far away from Tokyo. There were pine trees around us while we lay peacefully here in the plains. The sound of Mother Nature was the best tune for me. It's so relaxing. The cold wind gushed through my skin and the crickets almost whispered to me. It was so peaceful, till Jurina started shouting.

"Rena-chan! Did you see that?!" She rose from her position and hopped while pointing to the sky.

"What? What was it?" I questioned even though I knew the answer. But to no avail, no response. I turned to look at her and her eyes were closed while she murmur something.

My Jurina's actually wishing to the shooting star.

So I stood up and went to her side. I observed her for a while. She seemed to be wishing a very long wish. I poked her cheeks and she opened her eyes.

Ah! Those eyes. The eyes of my one true love never fail to make my knees go week. Her glare is so alluring. It lures you in it and then you get lost.

"So, what did you wish for?" I asked, though I already hinted what she wished for.

"It wouldn't come true if I tell you." She grinned while looking at me.

"Hey. Come on! Or else.." I jokingly threathened her and I smirked.

"Or else what?"

"I'll tickle you!"

"Really? Can you?" Oh this girl is challenging me.


"Then catch me if you can!"

Jurina started to run but I didn't chase her. She ran away from me but I didn't even dare to move my feet. It's like I don't have to chase her because eventually, she'll come back to me. She kept looking back at me while showing me her tongue out. I shook my head and watched her come closer to me.

"Hey, why aren't you running after me." She wondered.

God, Jurina's stupid.

As she head closer, I quickly grabbed her and pinned her down. I tickled her with all my might. I'm still glad that I can do this right now, that I'm not yet weak.

Merciless, I tickled her at her weak spot. Her belly button.

Jurina was laughing loudly, snorted sometimes and she kept squirming around. I wasn't gonna stop till she ask me to.

"Rena-chan! I give up!!" She shouted. I stopped tickling her but was still hovering over her. I stared at her for a good few seconds, because I might not do it tomorrow.

Her face was so red and her eyes looked tired. She was tired, and so was I. I gave her a long kiss on the forehead and got off her.

We both lay again in silence. Her constant loud exhales were the only sound I can hear.

"Jurina, did you ever regret it?" I asked out of the blue. I knew the answer but I just want to hear it again. I want to assure myself that she didn't do this for guilt.

"For the nth time, no. Not even a second."


"Just trust me. Okay? I don't regret it. Yes, it gets rough sometimes for us but I just don't give up on us. And I wish you don't too."

"You could've been better without me."

She then turned to me, cupped my face and said, "I am better with you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be this happy. You are the greatest decision I've made in my life. And I'm not going to forget that."

Right before my eyes, our lips met again. Those sweet lips that kept me going for years. Those eyes that made me confused. And that love that makes me stronger. It can only be found in Matsui Jurina.

After we kissed, we lay motionless once again as we both watched the dark sky. She wrapped her legs around my legs and her arms around my waist. Everything was perfect.

"I wished that we could watch the Olympics together." She whispered.

Then again, my guilt started to kick in. This girl could have had a better future if she didn't meet me. She wouldn't have stayed with me just to take care of me.

"I love you, Jurina."

"I love you too, Rena-chan."

But we love each other. And I was touched that she wished that we could watch the Olympics together, which is in 7 years.

I just hope I can make it, without the help of the shooting star. I want to make this as my motivation. But sometimes, I just feel so hopeless.

I hope I can just cure myself from cancer.

Just to watch the Olympics with my one true love.

I fucking love nail art.

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/20/13 Those Nights (WMatsui)
« Reply #185 on: December 20, 2013, 03:14:13 AM »
I Understand the Story ...

It just so sad  :cry: 

WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline sopiyah

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/20/13 Those Nights (WMatsui)
« Reply #186 on: December 20, 2013, 05:43:08 AM »
aahh.... so sad..
but i love this fanfic... :heart: :heart:

Offline anakpanti

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/20/13 Those Nights (WMatsui)
« Reply #187 on: December 20, 2013, 08:57:49 AM »
Aaa..... :panic:
So, you're p-o-p-e-y-oppa?! How stupid I am to ask you in tumblr. :lol:
I'm sorry.

I love WMatsui, so far.. I only read your WMatsui fanfic.. But I will read it all.  :)
Umm... this comment will become a bit long, so prepare yourself. :p

Designed To Love

This!! This!! This is very-very-very cute and funny story.
When I read Part 1, 'The Devil Wears Prada' immediately came up into my mind.  :lol:

Jurina.... I really love Jurina's character here. She's so funny, kind, easy going, and well.... she had a high level humor sense.  XD
I always laughed everytime you wrote her POV.  :lol:
She's so ikemen here, many girls have an interest at her.
I didn't expect that even Annin wanna rape her!! LOL

Rena.. wow. She's so cool as ice, and she's more evil than I thought when she beat up Annin.  :lol:
I didn't know how many 'bitch' words that addressed to her. Everyone called her as a bitch! Yeah, she's so evil.
Btw, HellRena has succeeded making me laugh out loud.  :P

I love the ending... so many sweet moment in the last part. :inlove:
Jurina's nosebleed (her nose often bleeding here.  :lol:), dinner, confession on Eiffel tower. I love them all.

Ah! I love how Rena comfortably say her true feeling to Jurina.
If I'm Jurina, I would die in that hotel room as soon as Rena said that she loves me.  :lol:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for made this fanfics.
I laughed countless times today because of you.  :lol:


Those nights

This is a cute story you know.  XD
Well, I laughed when Jurina innocently come to Rena and Rena became end up with tickling her easily.  :lol:

God!! Everything was perfect, so cute, so lovely…. until I read this:
I hope I can just cure myself from cancer.

Seriously, you torturing my heart.  :cry:

Even though I’m sad with the only sentence that I mention above, this fanfic is totally cute. >.<

I read this 4 times... and my eyes teary when Jurina said "I wished that we could watch the Olympics together"
I'm so sad because I already knew that Rena had a cancer. I didn't expect that this OS turned into a sad story like this.
I beg you!!! Part 2.
It's okay if Rena will have a bad destiny, but at least... I wanna see their cute moment more and more.
I know.... cancer = die.  :cry:



Jurina and Rena’s little competition

I vote Rena!!!
Oh man... Rena often checkmated Jurina.
litmus paper?! chemistry?! And the biggest bomb here.... gravity!  :lol:


Thank you for your fanfics.
I will wait your next update.  :inlove:

Offline Zita

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/20/13 Those Nights (WMatsui)
« Reply #188 on: December 20, 2013, 05:50:04 PM »
You know how to shock people. :sweatdrop:
But it is really nice story. :grin: even if it is sad.

Offline stepk

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/20/13 Those Nights (WMatsui)
« Reply #189 on: December 22, 2013, 10:34:35 PM »
all your fanfic are really great  :inlove:
please continuous   :w00t:

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/23/13 Horrors of the Revolution (SayaMilky)
« Reply #190 on: December 23, 2013, 02:24:08 PM »
Merry Christmas kimcoton!

Horrors of the Revolution

Today’s weather is really nice. I love the fact that for over a week of rain, the sun has shown itself for us today. I smiled. It was also the first time I let out a genuine smile this week. I tried to compose myself from stop remembering sad things. It’s a good day to start with and I don’t want to ruin it. So I held my head high and looked at the mirror one last time to adjust my make-up.


I responded to the call and turned around. I saw a girl by the door.


“You’re on in five.”

I nodded and smiled. “Thanks.”


“How long has it been?”

“Today’s the day so, that makes it 5 years.”

“It’s been so long, yet it seemed so short, am I right?”

“Yes, you are.”

“Do you think—“

“That she’s alive?”

“Ah, yes.”

“I’d like to think that she is. Though I wouldn’t also be surprised be if she already passed away.”

“We also would like to think that she is alive.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Once again ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Yamamoto Miyuki, the Human Rights advocate awardee for this year! You’re such a strong woman!”


“Well, that’s your last radio interview for the day. You’re done, Milky.”

Thank God it was the last interview for the day. I’m so exhausted. These interviews are taking a toll of me.  Ever since I received the Human Rights award for the year, I’ve been receiving tons of requests for guestings and interviews. It’s kind of odd that we just all talk about the same topics all over again. About the award, my works as an advocate, about Sayaka and about my future plans for human rights. It’s the same topic again and again.

“Milky? Are you alright?” I was in deep thought till Mayuyu interrupted it. Mayuyu’s my cousin and also my secretary. She’s also an advocate for Human Rights but she’s not that experienced yet so she goes around with me. She grew up in the US that’s why she didn’t know much about my life and the Great Revolution that Sayaka and her comrades lead years ago. She sure missed nearly 1/4 of Japan’s political history.

“Ah, yes. Sorry for being unresponsive.” I smiled a little.

“Don’t think about it. I know you’re stressed and all. Don’t worry, all of these will come to an end soon, right? Fear not.”

“Thanks Mayu.”

My cousin smiled and nodded.

Right now, we’re on our way home in my car. Gawd, I wanna go home so bad. I’m just so tired. Med school was crazy before and I was always dead tired but the moment I would come home then, Sayaka’s arms will greet me.

I miss her so much.


"Thank you for the ride, Milky! I’ll see you tomorrow!"

Mayu got off of the car and ran to her house.

"Wait!" Mom isn’t coming home tonight. I can’t be alone.


"Can you stay home with me? Mom’s not gonna come home tonight. Mind accompanying me for the rest of the night?" I smiled awkwardly, hoping she’ll agree.


"I’ll tell you more about my wife.." I offered, even it’ll hurt remembering her. Her eyebrows went up and she went to her thinking mode. Say yes!


"Pleaseeeee." Beg beg beg..


"Yay!" I hugged my cousin and we both came back to the car.

"Thanks Mayu."

"If you didn’t have a hero for a wife, I wouldn’t agree. So you should thank Sayanee."

"Alright then. Thank you, Saya-chan!"


Since my mom isn’t coming home tonight to our house, I decided to crash to Sayaka and I’s old apartment near my current house. Ever since she went missing, I went back living with my mom because I was afraid about my safety. A lot of my friends also told me to get away from the house because vigilante groups that hated Sayaka’s revolution group, Sparrows, might shoot or bomb the place down. But now that the tension’s gone, it might be safe to stay here for at least the night.



The last time I’ve been here was 5 months ago when I went to get my wedding gown. My other cousin, Churi had to use it for a play and I couldn’t say no to her. So, I had no choice but to get it.

"Sorry, the place is really dirty. I’ll clean it up a bit." I apologized. "Why don’t you get us some food from the store nearby, then when you get back, I’ll start the story telling. Are we good?" Ooh, suggestions.

Mayu gave me two thumbs up and left quickly and slammed the door.

"Bye!! I’ll get you anything!"

"If only you were here…you would clean this up instead.." I sighed and got the cleaning materials from the kitchen.

Sayaka was a neat freak. When we’re still staying here, the house was always clean. Like no sign of dusts can be seen. I’m afraid she has OCD sometimes. But it was better living with a neat freak rather than a hoarder.

So I dusted the couch and the tv for a while. I cleaned the room that we’re gonna sleep in and organized some things that were scattered on the floor. I was fixing the book shelf when something fell.

"Eeeek!" I shouted and threw the broom to the thing that fell. To my luck, the thing didn’t respond and turned out to be an old photoalbum.

I quickly smiled as I recognized the album that I was holding. I was going to open it when..

"What is that?"


I threw the album to the person who spoke near to my ear, sending fear to my veins. Turns out, it was Mayu.


"Omgawd Mayu!"

"It hurts!!" Mayu dropped the plastic bags she was carrying and touched her stomach where she got hit by the object I carelessly threw. God, I must be old, being shocked immediately.

"I am so sorry! But you shouldn’t have scared me like that!" I facepalmed myself while I attended to the poor girl.

"I’m accompanying you here but this is what I’ve got??"

"I’m so sorry!!" I felt even more sorry.

Mayu was still holding on to her stomach so I assisted her on climbing to the couch.

"Get me.."

"Get you what??"

"The yogurt.."

I chuckled a bit and took the plastic bag. I grabbed the yogurt and gave it to her.

"Thanks." She smiled weakly and I shook my head. I stood up to get the photoalbum and opened it while I sat beside her.

Mayu kept munching on the yogurt while I looked at some of the pictures in the album. The photos inside contain mostly Sayaka and I during the pre and post revolution years. We were so young then.

"Woah! Is that her during her teens?" Mayu pointed at one of the pictures that was taken during our college years. I was taking my pre-med course and Sayaka was taking a Political Science course. Weird right? I mean, how possibly could we meet with such different fields?

"This was taken during our first meeting." I smiled to Mayu and got myself a yogurt from the plastic bag.

It was our picture that Maachun took before the summit ended. I was in my green dress and Sayaka was in a jeans-shirt outfit. We were both smiling brightly. We were so young.

"Really? Wow. I wish I could’ve had a photo with Yukirin when we first met…wait, how did the two of you meet anyway?"

"You see.. This is what happened.."

YEAR: 2010

"God I am so late! Maachun’s going to kill me!"

I ran as fast as I can towards the event center where the summit for Human Rights advocates is being held. My friend, Maachun, asked me to photocopy some of her papers for her presentation today. But I woke up late and got the photocopies late too. I didn’t know what time she was going to present so I don’t know what to do.

The moment I got inside of the event center, everything looked like a maze. It was so confusing! I forgot which hall I was going to enter. God. I am. So. Dead. It’s like I can see our friendship coming to an end. Even though I’m just doing her a favor, this presentation means a lot to her and I can’t be a failure today. Just for today.

"Hey miss, you need some help?" A woman approached me and offered help. Of course I immediately agreed. The papers were killing me. I looked up to look at her and boy, she’s hot.

"So, where are you heading to?" She asked.

"Sorry, but to be honest I—I don’t really know." Miyuki why are you stuterring?!

"Oh. Now we’re dead." She chuckled, obviously trying to ease the tension in the atmosphere.


"Perhaps y-you know Ogasawara Mayu?" I asked. I know it’s stupid but hey, maybe she knows her.

"Oh, Maachun?"

"Yes! Maachun!"

"Oh, are these for her reports?" The girl started to walk and I suppose she knows where my friend is so I just followed her.

"Yes. Is she already presenting?" Nervous..

"Not yet. She’ll be doing it this afternoon." The girl responded.

"I’m sorry but I didn’t get your name?" Miyuki! What are you doing?!

The girl turned around and reached her hand for a hand shake. “I’m Yamamoto Sayaka.”

"Oh, I’m Watanabe Miyuki. And thank you."

"It’s like from a movie scene!! Kyaa~!!" Mayu spazzed in front of me. "Sayaka must have looked like a prince charming!"

"Oh, not really. She looked beautiful, actually. During that time, her hair was still long so no prince charming look."

"Aw! But then what happened?" I flipped another page of the album and looked at some of it.

"We talked. Duh."

"And so? You’re boring." Ugh, teenagers.

"Gawd, sorry! Fine. We got each others’ emails because she wasn’t staying in Tokyo. She’s Maachun’s friend from Namba. So after the summit, she went home."

"So, Miyuki. I would really like to treat you for a cup of coffee but I have to go home to Namba." Tsk. A cup of coffee isn’t too bad. But I’m sad she’s coming home.

The summit has just ended and all the participants and organizers are now going to go back to their ordinary lives as professors, advocates and students. Life goes on and on. 

"Don’t you want to stay at least for the night?" Maachun asked who was beside me. "I mean, you’re a girl. It’s kinda scary for you to go home during this hour." I agreed.

Sayaka shook her head and said, “I have a big test tomorrow. Can’t miss it.” She then dropped her bags. “Can’t wait to see you again guys. Thanks for having me as a speaker. Means a lot.” Then the group huddled for a group hug.

After the group hug, Sayaka walked up to me and said, “So..Miyuki..where were we? Oh yeah. Coffee.” She looks so adorable right now!

"Yep. Coffee." I smiled.

"Err..walk with me?" She asked and I nodded.

"You see, I really enjoyed hanging out with you today..and I would really like to talk to you more.. So…."


"Can I have your e-mail, or Facebook..or something?" She looked away when she asked. It looks like she’s shy. 

I giggled and nodded. “Of course.” I took her hand and wrote my e-mail address and phone number in her palm. She looked shocked but later on, relaxed.

"I don’t like to be contacted in Facebook so, e-mail me." I said. "I’ll be expecting your e-mail, Sayaka."

She nodded and smiled. “Thanks Miyuki. I’ll get going then.” It was my turn to hug her on my own. After we hugged, she rode the taxi and waved goodbye to everyone.

"That was mostly it." I ended the story.

"You guys are so cute!!" Mayu was already gushing towards me. "This should be written in the history books too!"

I laughed and shook my head. “No. I don’t want any people other than my close friends to know how Sayaka’s such a cheeseball.”

"Selfish!" Mayu teased.

"Whatever. At least my wife’s a hero.." I teased back.

"Hey Yukirin’s a hero for animals!"

"Yeah riiiiight."

Mayu glared at me and I stopped with all the teasings.

"Sorry! Okay, I’ll continue."

"After a year of talking, I found myself hopelessly in love with Sayaka. Sometimes, she flies here in Tokyo to attend seminars and to visit me too." I flipped the page and pointed a picture. "This was my 20th birthday and she surprised me. I didn’t know she was in Tokyo. Turns out, everyone knew she was here except for me."

It was a picture of me and Sayaka smiling with party hats on our heads. She was holding a big teddy bear and some balloons while I ride in her back.

YEAR: 2013

"Seriously? Guys? Can’t we go out today?! It’s my birthday for God’s sake!" I’m so pissed off. My friends won’t even like to celebrate my birthday! What kind of friends do I have?!

"Sorry Miyuki but it’s mid-terms tomorrow. We all have to study, even you." Kei said.

"Bullshit. Screw you guys." I walked away and got my bag.


I’m so mad right now. I have to talk to Sayaka. Speaking of Sayaka, she hasn’t called me today. Ugh. Screw her too.

"Someone’s grumpy today."

I halted from walking. “I know that voice.” I slowly turned around and..

"Happy birthday Milky."


"Stop killing me with your cuteness!!!!" Mayu was rocking her body back and forth and covered her ears. "I don’t want to enlist to the SayaMilky army!!"

"Over reacting much, Mayu?" I looked at her weirdly and she calmed down.

"Okay, well, we celebrated and she didn’t come home. That night, she asked me to be her girlfriend and I said yes. So that started there."

"Ooooh. Tell me more."

I flipped the page again and saw a picture of Sayaka’s dog, Chobi and us in the background while Sayaka was in her toga. 

"This is Chobi. He’s a golden retriever that I gave Sayaka as a graduation gift. I flew to Namba just to watch my baby receive her diploma.

YEAR: 2015

"Are you sure this is the right way, Maachun?"

We are now on our way to Sayaka’s school. Sayaka asked me to come and see her go up to the stage to receive her diploma as she graduates from college. I’m so proud of her!

"Of course! I’ve been to her school before. Trust me." Mayu assured me and went inside the school premises.

"But you’re not a good navigator! And why are we entering the back gate?"

"Ssh! You ask too many questions!" Mayu shushed me and walked quickly to the back gate.

I followed her because she was the one who knew the place. The dog in my arms is still napping and that’s a good thing. I don’t want this dog barking all the way during graduation.

"Yah. Miyuki." Maachun nudged me and I looked back to her.


Mayu was looking around, as if she’s going to tell me something really secretive.

"I wanna poop."


"What the actual fuck."

"Dude, I really wanna meet this Maachun." Mayuyu laughed loudly. "She seems amazing!"

"Well, she is. She’s really funny." I added.

"Tell me more about the revolution, Miyuki." Mayu asked and picked up a commemorative plate on the coffee table.

"What’s this?" She asked.

I took the plate and took a good look on it. It was a plate given to my wife after the revolution as a sign of thanks from the people of Japan.

"The people of Japan gave this to her after she lead the Great Revolution fifteen years ago. No one really had the balls to fight the parliamentary back then that’s why the people are so thankful for having Sayaka as their leader."

"Wow. Awesome." Mayu took the plate and observed it. I flipped another page and I showed her a picture of 4 women in the short hair, all arms binded by each others’ arms.

"Mayu, this is the picture of the 4 major leaders of the Sparrows." I pointed at it. "Yamamoto Sayaka, Tanigawa Airi, Kinoshita Momoka and Koyogani Arisa."

"Wait, they have their short hairs now? Why so?!"

"I’ll explain.. It’s been 2 years since Sayaka graduated in college and the government’s getting worse each year. There has been a lot of harrassments towards people and a lot of extrajudicial killings have been reported. Sayaka can’t just stand here and wait for the change because SHE IS GONNA BE THE CHANGE."

YEAR: 2017

"Ah Miyuki. I want you to meet my other comrades, Airi, Momo-chan and Ari-chan." Sayaka ruffled their hairs.

"Ah, nice to meet you!" I bowed to them and they bowed back.

"Wow! You are one gorgeous lady!" Momo said. Sayaka slapped her forehead and said, "Hey that’s mine."

"Owwww." Momo touched her forehead while the other 2 laughed.

"Sorry about Momoka. She’s easily attracted to cute girls." Said Arisa. "Now excuse us, we’re just going to get something to eat." And the three of them scrambled to the kitchen.

"We’re all going to do the hair cutting tomorrow, Milky." Sayaka went beside me as the three went to eat. "I’m gonna be an ikemen tomorrow." She joked.

I turned around and wrapped my arms on her neck. I touched her hair and combed it using my fingers. “I’m going to miss it.”

"Me too. But you know, it’s going to be a sign of rebellion. To let the parliament know that we are ready to take the challenge. And that anytime, we can revolt against them." Sayaka cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"Just. Be careful. Even if it’s just a haircut. You’ll be in public eye tomorrow. They might arrest you."

"I’ll be." She kissed me. "Love you forever Miyuki."

"It was a sign that they’re standing up to the government. It was a sign that they are going to fight. A sign of resistance."

"Woah. Miyuki. Your eyes are glowing.." Mayu commented and I went out of my sights.

"Sorry. I got carried away." I scratched my head and smiled nervously.

"Nah, it’s fine. It seems like you’re just really proud of your wife."

"I am. Very… Look. Look at this." I pointed another picture, from the same page. It was a photo of Sayaka talking to the crowd in Hokkaido.

"She looks fierce." Mayu commented.

"She is. Like a girl on fire." I chuckled. "I remember sometimes accompanying her during her guerilla speeches in different prefectures all over Japan. The 4 of them would split up to spread the information. It was so amazing."

YEAR: 2018 (Start of the Great Revolution)

"It’s the time to stand up. To finally set ourselves free from the binds of the parliamentary. It’s the time for us to finally see what they’ve done to our mother country. Enough is enough. We are now going to fight back. If we no one moves now, who will? If we don’t move now, when will we? Freedom is what we search for.. FREEDOM!!"


"We do not need weapons. We are not fighting tanks and guns. We are fighting the government. And we are going to use our brains because what we are thinking is going to be our weapons. Fight for Freedom!


"She was so influential. She knew it was the right time. The people went with her. The fought with her. They followed her." I was going to cry. But I can’t cry now. I just can’t.

"After two years of fighting, they finally succeeded. The government went down and down it really went. The people wanted democracy. And they elected the rightful man that they think should lead Japan, Akimoto Yasushi. He was Sayaka’s professor in college and he inspired his students. He opened their eyes to the wrong doing of the government and gave them ideas on how to fight back."

"How I wish I was in Japan back then!" Mayu said.

"Oh yes. I was so proud of her. Everyone was so happy. Japan was finally united again. Years after the revolution became successful, but with all the people rejoicing, a bad news came."

YEAR: 2028

"Miyuki pleasseeeeeee."

Sayaka has this weird liking towards cookies. I don’t know why and I don’t know how to cope with it sometimes, especially that I know how to bake.

Like right now.


"Please bake cookies for meeee."

"No! It’s like 2 in the morning!"


Sayaka’s begging got interrupted by a call from her phone. She glared at me for a moment and took the call.

"Hello? … Yes. It’s she." I looked at Sayaka and I watched as her playful face turned into a horrorful one. She gasped and a tear came out from her eye. "What.. How?!"

She stood up and went outside. I didn’t dare to follow. I heard her screaming and crying on the phone. After a few minutes, she came in to the room again.

"Arisa’s dead. She’s been tortured to death."

"It was the first time that I’ve seen her so mad. She was ranging with anger. She didn’t talk to me the whole night and I gave her space. I understood her because Arisa was like a sister to her. She was more than a comrade." I sighed and touched Arisa’s picture in the album. She was a joyful person. Everyone adored her.

"Wow. Poor Arisa."

"And that’s when it started. Sayaka was so mad. And she wanted to know who killed her friend."

YEAR: 2028

After a tiring morning in the med school, I went home quickly because I heard the news about Sayaka announcing the fact-finding team that’s going to search for Arisa’s killer.

"Saya-chan? You here?" I called out from the door while I took off my heals. My feet burn.

Sayaka’s nickname is really Saya-chan. But she doesn’t want people to call her that because it sounds so cute. She prefers Sayanee.

"Yo. Here in the kitchen!" Sayaka peeked from the kitchen and waved. "Good evening Milky."

So I went to the kitchen and gave her a peck on the cheek. She was cooking dinner, as usual. “So, what are you up to? I heard—”

"I’m going to find justice for Ari-chan."


"I’m gonna be okay!"

"Will you please let me finish my sentences?!" I shouted.

Sayaka faced me and I saw her eyes were still red, probably from crying and sleepless nights. I cupped her face and looked her straight in her eyes.

"I’m worried for you.." My hands and eyes went down to her collar and played with it. "I don’t want to lose you. Take me with you.."

I felt Sayaka touch my chin and lifted my head up to let her eyes meet with mine again.

"I’m not going to forgive myself if anything happens bad to you."

"Then don’t go! Protect me."

"I’m sorry.." She bowed her head and a tear dropped to the ground. We were both in silence as I took her in my arms.

"Is it bad to be selfish sometimes Sayaka? want you for myself?? They’ve had you already..can it be me first?"

"I’m sorry Miyuki but my conscience is killing me. I just..can’t let this pass.."

I pulled out of the hug and cupped her face again.

"I’m not going to let you choose between me and your love for the country. I just can be me for once in a while. If I can borrow you for a while..? Sayaka.." I found myself crying too while looking straight into her brown orbs that always drown me and bring me to another galaxy. The orbs that I fell in love with.

I heard her sigh and she kissed my forehead. Without taking her lips there, she whispered. “Just one last time Miyuki. And I’ll never get out of your sight ever again.”


She chuckled and took her pinky. She took mine and interwined it with her. “Promise.”

"And we kissed each other for one last time before she left the house that night too." I bit my lip to prevent myself from shedding tears again. "She left with my cousin, Yui, Momoka and Airi."

Mayu was just listening to me. Her face was sad. And so I pulled her in for a hug. “Sorry for letting all this out to you.” I whispered.

"It’s fine. It’s okay to let it out sometimes. So it won’t be hidden forever. You don’t even have to hide it. I’m always here to lend you an ear." She answered back.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Now, would you continue? But did you too get married?"

"Ohhh. We got married after the revolution. She didn’t actually ask the big question! We just agreed to marry each other after the revolution." I giggled.

"There aren’t sweet…?" Mayu looked disappointed.

"There aren’t. It was like a mutual thought for the both of us that we should get married."

YEAR: 2019

Sayaka and I are now in the headquarters. There were a lot of volunteers who were eating dinner inside the office. Some were elderly, teens and middle aged people. Some were single and some were with somebody.

"Babe, look at that." Sayaka pointed a couple across the table with her hotdog.

"Ya, you just don’t point at people." I laughed. "Especially with a hotdog."

"Hey hey. I’m sorry. But aren’t they sweet?"

I observed the couple while they feed each other. The guy was smiling up to his ears while the girl was a blushing mess.

"We should get married after the revolution." Sayaka said.

I looked at her and she smiled. “I mean, there aren’t any reasons for us not to..right?” She added.

I chuckled and nodded. “You’re right. We should.” I got more lettuce from the plate and fed her. “These are yummy.” I said while I munched some too.

“That” Mayu groaned. “I wish Yuki would tell that out of the blue.”

I laughed and patted her head. “Now, let me continue.”

Mayu went back to her listening mode while she spooned some yogurt.

"I went back with living with mom temporarily. Just for my safety. Sayaka sent Jurina, her trusted comrade to guard me. Center was just Jurina’s codename and Sayaka’s was.. Sayaka." I smiled when I remembered Jurina. She was a sweet girl. Too bad I don’t have any photos of her.

"But she was called to report somewhere one evening and she left. She never came back.. And so did Sayaka. Around 8pm on the same day today, 5 years ago, I received a call from Takahashi Minami who was the president of Human Rights Organization in Japan."

YEAR: 2028 (5 months since Sayaka went to the fact-finding mission)

I heard a faint knock and I stood to up get it.


It was mom.

"Miyuki..a call for you." She handed me the phone. "It’s Minami." I looked at my mom but she already closed the door before I was able to say anything.



"It’s she. What’s up Minami?"


"Spill it out." I felt a sudden wave of nervousness.

"Don’t panic."

"Just say it!"

"It’s been 3 weeks since Sayaka stopped sending us messages. We have declared her missing. I’m sorry. But maybe she reached…you……hello???"

My head was spinning.

Next thing I knew everything was black.

"She sucked at breaking the news." Mayu looked irritated. She huffed.

"You said so…God I miss her."

Mayu looked at me and smiled. I took the yogurt from the coffee table and ate. Mayu checked her phone and ate a cracker.

Then my phone rang. Since my mouth was busy, I handed her the phone and she groaned. “Ugh.” She remarked. I smiled and she answered the phone.

"Hello?…Erm. Yes…hold on."

She turned to me. “It’s Takahashi Minami-san.”

My tired body suddenly jolted with energy. “Omgawd, give me the phone.”




"Miyuki.. I have news about Sayaka."

"Speak to me."



I fucking love nail art.

Offline Kimcoton

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/23/13 Horrors of the Revolution (SayaMilky)
« Reply #191 on: December 23, 2013, 03:11:39 PM »
Omg nee chan thats too bitin

Offline Shinoki

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/23/13 Horrors of the Revolution (SayaMilky)
« Reply #192 on: December 24, 2013, 12:45:41 AM »
This cliffhanger!!!
 :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry: :pen_cry:
What happened to Sayaka???

(Gimme more... I wanna know... not pressuring ya though~ :p )

And... when I was reading... I did the math...
SayaMilky are like... 40 now?

This was always

Offline chichay12

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/23/13 Horrors of the Revolution (SayaMilky)
« Reply #193 on: December 24, 2013, 02:02:08 AM »
Omg nee chan thats too bitin
Wahhhh kim is right...this is so bitin XD

Offline deguchi

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/23/13 Horrors of the Revolution (SayaMilky)
« Reply #194 on: December 24, 2013, 05:53:36 PM »
Another one for this awesome fic pleaseeee..duh sayamilky...
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/23/13 Horrors of the Revolution (SayaMilky)
« Reply #195 on: December 27, 2013, 02:34:30 PM »
Seven Things

lol it’s lame as usual. but i just can’t keep my sayamilky feels so i wrote a new shot teehee

Summary: Miyuki finds a strange notebook that brought her back to her High School days with Sayaka.



"Yes?" I peeked out from the kitchen as I heard Sayaka calling me.

"I’m going to pick up some groceries and err.. Eriko too." I wiped my hands clean and walked to the door where I saw Sayaka adjusting her sneakers.

"Oh. Alright. Be careful outside and drive safely." I said and gave her a peck on the cheek. She smiled and nodded, "When I get back, we’re going to bring the boxes to the car, okay?"

I gave her my infamous eye smile and nodded. She adjusted her jacket and grabbed the car keys from the shoe rack. She kissed me on the lips and I whispered, “Love you.” She whispered back, “Forever and ever, babe.”

So she got out of the apartment and went to her car. She looked at me again and I waved at her but I didn’t watch her go as I already went back to arranging and packing our things in the living room. I dusted some things there and wiped some things here, then packed them accordingly while placing labels in the boxes.

Well, this sure is a lot of work. Last night, Sayaka did almost half of this and I didn’t see her suffer but now I almost look like a slug working after just a few minutes. I grabbed a towel from the sofa and wiped the beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Then I continued sorting things till I saw this one notebook.

It was a red notebook with a big blue heart in the middle with the words, “Yamamoto Sayaka”.

"Hey I didn’t know this was here…" I mentally face palmed myself and chuckled as I reminisced the odd things I did when I was in high school. Sayaka and I were high school sweethearts and 2 years ago, we finally knotted the tie and adopted our little Eriko. Sayaka leased this house a year ago as our temporary house before we move to Tokyo. And finally, we’re going to move tomorrow.

This notebook was the notebook that I kept when I was in high school, when I was still gushing over my wife. She was this popular Student Council president and the leader of the Track and Field team, while I was the high school schoolpaper’s Editor-in-Chief and I graduated as the Class Valedictorian.

She asked me out during the Junior prom then it started there. We dated for 10 years and at our 10th anniversary dinner, she asked me to marry her and of course, I cried and hyperventilated for a few moments then gave her my big “YES!”. She now works in an engineering firm and I’m a well-known author. We’re both kinda successful, aren’t we?

I scanned and flipped some pages of the notebook. It was all about Sayaka. I wasn’t really a stalker but I really had a big crush on her. Sayaka was very handsome during high school when she still had her boy haircut. I remember that she always made me blush whenever she greated me in the morning. I was a complete love strucked teenager.

I continued flipping pages and laughed all by myself as I remembered everything that was written in the notebook. Some were about Sayaka’s weirdness and some were innocent write ups about how perfect she is. I shook my head everytime I remember them. But the flipping didn’t last as I reached the last page already. And the last page shocked me.

"Wait, I didn’t know I wrote this here.." The last page was a list I know that I’ve written in a napkin during our last high school date but I wrote it here all this time.

"Seven things I love about Yamamoto Sayaka"

The words were written as big as possible with a dramatic handwriting and tons of designs all over it with Sayaka’s graduation photo in the middle. Well, this is really awkward but I guess I’m enjoying this.

1.) Your short hair

I spazzed a little when I remember why I loved her for this.

"Good morning Miyuki-chan!" I was arranging my things on my backpack in the park and I looked up to see who called me. Then I saw Aina who was walking towards me, waving.

"Ah! Good morning Ainyan." I waved back at Aina and smiled. It was the first day of school and I went to school a bit early. I don’t want to be late of course. So I arranged my uniform and stood up to meet her halfway.

"Milky. Aren’t you a little too early?" She asked. "Mou..I don’t want to be late of course." I answered.

"Aish Miyuki, expected from a honor student…" Aina grinned and playfully nudged me.

"Whatever Aina." I glared at her and jokingly walked away from her. Ainyan called me and ran after me. She and I then walked to school and chatted about our summer break. The moment we got to our school, a lot of our friends welcomed us and greeted us with tight hugs.

"Now where is that Yamamoto." I wondered and looked around. The bells have already rung but that girl isn’t here yet. It’s time for the welcoming cermony for the freshmen.

Now during this time. Sayaka wasn’t my girlfriend yet. She was just a friend of mine.


A loud scream was heard althroughout the quadrangle and all heads turned to the entrance of the stadium. The whole Student Council was present while Sayaka was holding the school’s flag.

Everyone stood in awe. Everyone was quiet.

"Welcome to Namba High School!!!" Sayaka shouted and the whole council ran up to the stage. Aina tapped my shoulder with a grin plasted on her face. I grinned back and nodded.

This was the start of Sayaka’s term as the council’s president and she’s starting it with a bang. She was elected last school year and it shocked everyone because a for the first time, a senior wasn’t elected. So it means that she’s going to have two terms since they don’t kick the president out till she graduates.

Sayaka was wearing the school’s official jersey and the hoodie was on over her head. The freshmen were amazed by it and the seniors were also shocked by Sayaka’s method of welcoming everyone.

Sayaka ripped off her jersey and her hoodie and it revealed her wearing the school’s proper uniform..

And a new haircut.

I didn’t see Sayaka during the summer because she went to Hokkaido so I didn’t know what was up with her. But now, she’s sporting a boy haircut and she looked handsome! I love her hair so much. She looked kinda boyish but she’s still pretty. Her wide playful smile was on her face as she waved the school’s flag.

Goddamnit, Sayanee.

"Good morning everyone. I’m the Student Council president, Yamamoto Sayaka."

Since then, Sayaka has gathered fans from all the year levels in the school. Everyone looked up to her and they were so fascinated by her skills and looks. She was just so amazing.

2.) Your brown eyes

Her eyes? Ha! This was because of one particular reason. This is also why I fell in love with her. She once asked me to tutor her for the final exams in Math during the Senior year. We were already dating this time.


"Shut up Sayaka."


"Sayaka. Please."


Sayaka and I are now in my room. She asked me to tutor her for her final math exam. Since I was on top of the class, she asked—no, beg me to teach her. She’s always excused from class because of her duties as the Student Council’s president.

"Will you sit down, Yamamoto?!" I shouted at her while I was making her a reviewer. Sayaka kept walking back and forth while playing with the paddle ball.

"Alrighty then." She stopped playing and sat down beside me. I looked at her and she was staring at me. I kinda blushed then looked away.

"Stop it." I said.

"Stop what?"

"Stop staring at me!"


I faced her and she was still looking at me with those brown orbs that bring me to another universe. Her eyes are so comfortable to look at. Like..her eyes are so mysterious..they lure you in. Those brown orbs are just very lovable.

"Hmm. Miyuki?"


"Done staring?"

I smiled and kissed her nose. “Sorry, I got lost in your eyes.”

Ugh. My high school self is going back to me!! I mean, I’m still cheeky as ever but I got better somehow! I already learned how to cope up with my constant spazzing.

3.) Your leadership

Oh. Well, this was really something else. It showed the true President Yamamoto Sayaka.

It was a rainy Friday afternoon then, I was still in my junior year. The rain hasn’t stopped since yesterday. The forecasts told that there was a strong storm that’s going to pass in Namba.

Everyone’s now in the auditorium for a brief announcement from the council.

"Errr.." Yuihan, Sayaka’s best friend was the vice president. Yokoyama Yui’s the one who gets Sayaka’s back whenever she’s in trouble or whenever she needed a hand.

"Everyone? Please settle down." Yuihan continued. A soaked and wet Sayaka appeared from the entrance and ran to the stage. Yui met her at the edge and they both began this weird conversation with hand signals involved that even I can’t understand.

After their almost surrealistic talking, Sayaka went to the microphone and asked for everyone’s attention. But suddenly, a loud and scary thunder roared and the electricity got cut off. Everyone in the auditorium freaked out and started to panic.

I got scared by the loud thunder and the sudden blackout too. The students were supposed to head out the door but they saw that the water below was already high. Our auditorium was in the highest level of our school.

Sayaka got off the stage and ran towards our pack. She asked me, “Are you okay?” I nodded casually and she blew her whistle. And that got everyone’s attention.

"Okay! Now listen up!" She shouted. I held her hand and she looked at me. She gave me a small smile and nodded.

"Now everyone! Stay calm!" Yuihan screamed and the noise slowly toned down. Sayaka slowly let go of my hand and looked at me to reassure. I’m such a scaredy cat..ugh.

Then a senior student from the outside shouted, “Yamamoto-san! The entrance is fully flooded!”

The teachers looked all scared but Sayaka and Yuihan didn’t back down. They calmed the students down and instructed the class presidents. The teachers agreed with the council’s plan for the evacuation of everyone in the school. Everyone got out of the school safely. Turns out, the storm was really strong. Good thing we evacuated quickly because our school got flooded after a few hours.

Ahhhhh. I remember then that Sayaka was awarded as the best president of the decade because of the dedication that she gave during that time. Yuihan was awarded as the leader of the year too.

I feel so proud. Kyaaa~

4.) Your sneaker collection

When Senior year started, a lot of students have started sporting new sneakers. Back then, neon sneakers were so hip and cool. Almost everyone had it, and Sayaka wasn’t an exception.

Since Sayaka and I were dating already, I knew the password to her locker and she knew mine. Sometimes, I wore her shirt when I didn’t have an extra one. Then one day..

"Oh God! What the hell…"

I opened Sayaka’s locker and tons of papers welcomed me.

"What on earth…?"

I picked up all the papers from the ground and read some of them. Some were test papers, scratch papers, then I found a receipt..

Converse Blue Size 8: $20

Rebook Neon Yellow Size 7: $22

Converse Pink Size 7: $20

Nike Wings Size 8: $23

Sayaka spent nearly 90 bucks on shoes?! That’s nearly her whole month allowance! So, I stomped my way to the Student Council room and went to her office.

"Yamamoto Sayaka!"

Sayaka immediately looked up and greeted me with a kiss but I stopped her from doing so.

"Babe? Something wrong?" Her face got worried and she cupped my face. She pinched my cheeks and I looked away to prevent her from seeing my blush. I gave her the receipt and stood on my demanding pose.

"What’s this?" I showed her the receipt and then she took it from me. "Uhm? A receipt?" She answered.

I pouted and grunted. “You spent almost 90 dollars just on shoes?” Sayaka pouted and nodded. “Yeah. I’m a sneakerhead.” She slowly encircled her arms around my waist and my anger toned down.

"Hey. Why don’t we go to my house after school and I’ll show you my collection. Alright?"

"But..90 dollars.." Now it’s my turn to pout.

She smiled. “It’s fine Miyuki. My mom and dad are okay with it.”

"You should’ve taken me on a date.."

Sayaka chuckled and nodded. “I’ll take you later, before we head to my house. Is that fine now?” My blush can’t be avoided anymore and just let it be. It wasn’t too long either when the bell rang and I went to my next class.

That afternoon, the moment I walked out of the classroom, I saw Sayaka leaning against the wall, silently waiting with her hands on her pocket. She was playing with her bangs, blowing it up once and a while. Cute.

"Hey there handsome." I approached her and ruffled her hair. She smiled, "Hey Milky. Let’s go?" I nodded and we both headed out.

Sayaka’s house wasn’t really that far from school. It was just a bus ride away. Her house wasn’t big either. She has a small sister named Kei. She’s really pretty. I’ve gone to her house numerous times already, even before we started dating. Her mom is a good cook and her dad’s a funny guy. Awesome family, I can say.

"We’re homeee!" Sayaka announced. She kicked her shoes away and went to the kitchen. "Keichi?!" No response. She peeked from the kitchen and grinned at me. Oh I know what that means.

"From what I remember, we’re here for your sneaker collection. Not for that." I glared at her. She whined, "Miyuki!!"


"Ugh. Fine." She went to me and pouted. "Let’s go up, shall we?" So she leaded me upstairs and we went to the last room where I haven’t been before.

"I haven’t been here before, right?" I asked. "Yeah. It’s our storage room." She replied. Sayaka opened the door and turned on the lights.

Then almost millions of sneakers and rubber shoes welcomed me. Different colors, different designs and different sizes.

"Say Hi to my sneaker collection, Milky." Sayaka turned to me and raised my right hand to wave at the shoes. "Sayaka..this is.."

"Amazing? I know." She nodded. I started to explore the room and more shoes were exposed. Well, this was a bigger collection than I thought.

"I started collecting sneakers when I was still 10 years old. It’s been a odd habit." She chuckled. There were sneakers that were already old but not forgotten. I didn’t notice Sayaka was doing something till she nudged me.

"Hey babe?" I turned to her and saw her holding a box. "What’s this?" I wondered. "Erm, I want you to have this. Wear this during P.E tomorrow. Cool?" I took the box and tried to open it but she prevented me from doing so.

"Don’t open it till tomorrow. Don’t worry, I know your shoe size of course. It’ll fit, I’m sure." She smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

To be honest, this was also one of the little things that I love about my girlfriend. She’s so sweet yet not corny.

"Okay, baby." I giggled and we both proceeded to the living room where we watched a movie.

The next morning, I went to school wearing the sneakers she gave me. It was a pink neon converse and it fitted me right too. As usual, Aina greeted me the first thing in the morning.

"Omgawd!" She squealed and pointed to my shoes. I looked at her weirdly. "Wait, you don’t know?" She pointed out.

"Know what?"

"Sayaka’s wearing neon blue! And you’re wearing neon pink!" She told me. As soon as it sunk in, I blushed and Aina squealed even more.

"You and Sayaka are so sweet!" She told me first. "Pink and blue sneakers?! You guys are so cute!!"

Turns out, the sneakers we were wearing were couple sneakers that were sold months ago. She was supposed to give that to me before but she forgets about it often. So sweet!

5.) Your lips

For the first time in my life, I was called in the Head Principal’s office not for academic purposes.

"You’re so cute, you know that?" One of these days, Sayaka would have this crazy moments spazzing over me. She would have this ‘Miyuki appreciation days’ and she does everything just to praise me.

"Cutie." Right now, it’s our free period and it’s also Miyuki Appreciation Day because it’s Wednesday.

"Sayaka." I whispered. She’s now pinning me against the lockers, kissing me here and there, making me red as a tomato. No one was in the hallway because most people were in the canteen.

"Milky." Sayaka’s breathing on me now. Jesus!!

"Yamamoto! Watanabe! In my office!! Now!!!"

Uh oh.

The two of us slowly turn our heads to see who screamed at us. We saw Koji-sensei who was almost fuming mad as he pointed at us in the corridor.

"I said both of you! In my office! NOW!" He shouted again. Sayaka slowly backed away from me and held my hand. She gave me a small grin and we both walked towards Koji-sensei’s office.

"Yamamoto! Student council president! Watanabe! Top of the class, honor student!" He slammed his hand on his table, sending fears to our veins. I was still holding Sayaka’s hand under the table as Koji started his sermon.

"I expected a lot from you two. You’re a student president and you’re an achiever! I expected that neither of you will break the rules. But I was wrong and I’m deeply disappointed." Koji-sensei looked at the two of us intently. His face was half fuming, half disappointed. I turned to look at Sayaka who’s beside me. She had her head down. I feel sorry.

"Now, both of you get first count violations for Public Display of Affection. Even though there were no students in the hall, it’s still in school. So.." He seemed to be searching something in his desk. He moved around, checking cabinets and then he said,

"Wait a minute. I forgot my class record." He hurriedly got out of the office and slammed the door.

"Saya-chan, what do we do know?" Before I even realize it, her lips were again on mine. Flabbergasted, I had my eyes wide opened. Her lips tasted awesome. It feels like I’m in another universe again but not the same universe as I was when I gripped on her shirt as she held my other hand tightly. Then we heard footsteps outside and she pulled away.

"Nice." She remarked and smirked. I was a blushing mess when Koji-san entered the room. I looked at Sayaka again but she wasn’t moving. She was in the same position as she was when Koji left.

This girl is awesome.

"Now, this is your first count of PDA. I hope I won’t see the both of you all over each other again." Koji said.

That. Was. My. Best. Day. Ever.

Or maybe the best Miyuki Appreciation Day.

6.) Your sneaky hands

Sneaky hands are sneaky. Nuff said.

"Okay class, today’s lesson is about the limit theories."

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved math but I don’t want to listen today’s lesson. My head hurts a lot and my throat isn’t any better. I don’t want to go to school today but we have 3 quizzes earlier and I didn’t want to miss them.

Sayaka was so worried for me. She actually got mad at me for even coming to school. I told her about my condition last night and she advised me not to come but I came anyway. Sayaka is in Math class today because she missed a couple of lessons and needs to catch up. I was worried that she’d nag at me so I stayed away.

Then someone tapped me from behind. I turned around and my classmate gave me a note.

"Go to the clinic, Milky."

I knew it was from Sayaka because of the handwriting. I looked back at her but she was looking at the window, obviously not listening. Since I wasn’t listening either, I asked for a hallway pass from the teacher and got out of the room. I went to the infirmary to got some meds. The time I got back, Sayaka was already sitting beside me.

"What the."

Sayaka was still looking at the window, same position as I left her. So I sat down to my seat, normally. Sayaka didn’t budge either. But when I finally started to take notes, she snatched my pen and held my hand. She sat properly, looked at me, rolled her eyes and slapped a cooling patch to my forehead. The cooling patch was almost perfectly plasted on my forehead. I didn’t expect it anyway. So maybe this was the reason she wanted me to get out, to exchange seats with my classmate beside me. I don’t even know where she got the cooling patch.

"I hate seeing you sick." She grunted and returned to her position before, leaving me a blushing mess again.

Till now, whenever I remind her about that event, she won’t still tell about her plan then. She won’t just tell me because she said it’s her secret magic, which is so utterly ridiculous. I just love it when she goes tsundere on me.

7.) Your stupid plans

The way she strum those strings..

"Happy 1st anniversary Miyuki and Sayaka!!" Aina shouted from the top of her lungs when she saw me first thing in the morning.

"Shut up Aina." I sharply answered. I watched Aina turn into a sad puppy from a happy clown. I ignored her and continued walking away from her. Tears started to fall from my eyes as the distance increased. Aina wasn’t following me. I guess she sensed it and left me alone.

Besides, I don’t even want to think about our anniversary. Sayaka and I had a terrible fight last night when she refused to answer all my phone calls. It’s just that I was so worried about her when her mom called me to ask about her whereabouts. When she finally answered my nth phone call, she hissed at me and told me to leave her alone. And the thing that disturbed me the most is when I heard girls laughing in the background. I trust her a lot but this is just going out of control. Then she called me after 15 minutes but I didn’t answer it and forced myself to sleep. When I woke up, there were 56 missed calls, all from her.

What a great morning, isn’t it?

So after crying myself to sleep and walking all by myself to school, here I am, being a total knucklehead eating hotdogs. Hotdogs are my best friends. Who cares if they’re gonna make me fat? At least they’re there whenever you need them, not like this certain dumbass.

So after eating hotdogs, I went to the media room to work on the incoming school newspaper issue. I want to make myself busy so I could forget about what happened last night. I buried myself to editing new articles that were submitted. But it didn’t last long and I started to cry again.

"Stupid!!" I screamed. Good thing no one was in the room. Tears streamed down my face and I threw my phone. Who cares about the phone anyway?! I feel so betrayed.

After a few hours, I stopped crying every now and then when I remember what happened last night. Hell, I didn’t even attend my class because I looked like a mushroom from all the crying. That jerk didn’t even visit me here. I looked at the clock and found out it was already 5 P.M so I stood up to fix my things already. I didn’t even notice the time.

I picked up my broken phone, some articles that I didn’t finish and walked to the door. I turned off the lights and the AC and shut the door. Then I heard someone call me.


I turned around and saw Aina. She looked worried and she ran to me.

"Aina? What’s wrong?" Aina shook her head and pointed to my back. So I turned around and I saw Sayaka.  My heart was pounding hard. I hate it when this happen. It’s like whatever she does to me, I’ll always take her back.

Sayaka walked towards me slowly with that stupid smile on her face. From what I can remember, I was so mad at her for ditching me last night.

"Don’t even dare, Sayaka."

"Look.." She walked towards me..

"Don’t even!" I shouted at her. I felt so angry. "I’m not—-"

Warm. Soft.

It’s at it again. Sayaka’s lips are on mine. For the nth time of my life, I’ve seen myself crumble because of her. She always takes my breath away…

But I pushed her with all my might.

"Don’t even think that this is going to be better just because you kissed me!"

"I’m not."

"Then why?"

"I’m trying to make you shut up." She said.

"Fuck you! Screw you Yamamoto Sayaka!"

I walked out from the scene and I didn’t hear anyone follow me. A wave of tears started to come to me again. Agitation, hatred, desperation, all in one piece.

"Sayaka’s sorry Miyuki! She’s so sorry! But she just have to do this because she wants to surprise you today!"

The whole batch was outside the school..

The moment I stepped out of the hallway, the whole batched shouted those words. Those words that I can never ever forget. I turned around and found her still standing at her spot.

"It was your plan?!"

"Yeah. I’m sorry. It was a stupid plan."

She was now handling a bouquet of flowers and her acoustic guitar slung on her shoulder.

"Happy anniversary to us, my princess."

"We’re home!"

Sayaka voice woke up my imagination as I tried to it properly.

"Mommy!!!" Eriko ran to me and I catched her as she jumped on me.

"Hey there!" I greeted her back and she kissed my cheek.

"I’m sorry. We were stuck in traffic." She walked to me and kissed my lips.

"Mommy poopoo." Eriko said. "Oh. Okay. We’ll go." I told Sayaka and handed her the notebook.

"Might as well get yourself busy." I smirked at her and left with Eriko the poopoo bear, leaving a confused Sayaka.

Fin hahaha what

I fucking love nail art.

Offline deguchi

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/27/13 Seven Things (SayaMilky)
« Reply #196 on: December 27, 2013, 05:51:54 PM »
Its funny XP
and sayamilky just to cute back then.. :)
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline chaya

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/27/13 Seven Things (SayaMilky)
« Reply #197 on: December 30, 2013, 05:49:25 PM »
Wow. I love your story. Thank you very much.  :w00t:

Offline noel nguyen

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/27/13 Seven Things (SayaMilky)
« Reply #198 on: January 01, 2014, 03:27:27 PM »
This fic is so sweet, I love it  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

I read many fic you wrote it so great  XD. Can I trans your fic???

Offline p-o-p-e-y-oppa

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Re: [Scribbles] 12/27/13 Seven Things (SayaMilky)
« Reply #199 on: January 01, 2014, 03:30:00 PM »
@noel-san: hi! yeah sure. i don't mind, as long as you credit it as mine, im fine with it. thanks for liking my stories!  :twothumbs

I fucking love nail art.

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