First of all, I want to thank all my readers! Whether you're a silent reader or someone who comments, I still love you.

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Stay awesome guys!

Loving a Yankee
Part 2
My first day of high school became one of the most interesting days in my entire life. Everything scary, funny, creepy and lovely happened that day. It was also then the day that I met my first love, Muto Tomu.
After that day, she always picked me up every morning with her cute scooter that she named Rori. For just a simple reason that the motorcycle releases a sound 'roar' whenever she turns the engine on. Well isn't she so adorable? And after almost a month of guarding me, the other group of yankees finally gave up on me or which we thought so..
"Ah Tano-chan, finally, Shimada left you alone already." Tomu said while we were walking to my house. Tomu and I became closer too. But today, Rori was in the motor shop. Rori's engine gave up on Tomu yesterday which made her really sad. Tomu lives far from school so she needs Rori to go home without any hassle. And since tonight's Friday, she finally gave in to my offer to sleep over at my house.
"Yeah, I'm really glad they finally gave up on me. I mean, what can they get from me anyway?" I chuckled as I skipped happily. With just the thought of having Tomu at my house made my heart jumped with joy!
"They're just a bunch of yankees that fights for nothing. They just do it to look good or to be famous."
"What do you mean?"
"They're not really yankees on my view. They're just bullies." Tomu nodded.
"Well.. don't you bully?"
Tomu looked at me weirdly and smacked me at the back of my head.
"Stupid! Of course I don't. I'm a yankee because I have the passion for fighting. Let it be corny but I have a yankee soul." Tomu said while smiling. She looked sincere while she was saying that. I wonder what's a yankee soul though. Maybe it's the passion or the rush that drives you to fight.
"Don't you care about your image? What about your parents?" I was so curious about Tomu's family. She doesn't even talk about them.
"Who cares about my image? I am what I am." See? She didn't even answer my question about her parents. I was going to ask more but we already arrived at our house. I already saw my mom standing by our house waiting. It's always been the same. Everyday, Tomu would pick me up in the morning and drop me off in the afternoon. My mom was so greatful about Tomu ever since she dropped me off from school at the first day.
"Hi mom. I'm home." I greeted my mom and kissed her cheeks. Tomu bowed at my mom and greeted her too. "Oh mom, Tomu's staying by the night. Is it okay?"
"Yuka, if it's Tomu then it's fine. Come Tomu, come." My mom said while she calls us to go inside. See? She really likes Tomu. I'm starting to think too that everyone in the family likes her. Tomu then nudged me and winked at me. Ah, this wink, this wink of gluttony. Sleep over means dinner and dinner means good food. Tomu here, is a big eater. She's thin but she has a big appetite. And she really loves my mom's home cooking.
"Ah, Tano-san, that smells good."
"Oh course, Tomu. It's I who cooked it. So sit down already and we'll eat now." My mom literally dragged Tomu to the dining room and Tomu was willing as ever. I chuckled at the sight and went to my room to change and to prepare Tomu's bedspace.
The whole dinner was so fun. I never knew that Tomu was a funny person. She seemed to be cold and rough but inside, she's a punny girl. My mom and dad liked Tomu a lot and so did Miko, my dog. As dinner ended, my dad told us,
"Oh Tomu, you're such a nice girl. That's why I think you will be a good senior to Yuka. So keep an eye on her, will you?"
Tomu looked at me and smirked. The smirk looked scary and it meant something else. My parents didn't notice it though and she nodded at my dad like she did nothing.
"Don't worry, Mr. Tano, I'll take care of this little brat." She ruffled my head and my parents chuckled. I blushed a little and looked away from Tomu's glare.
As expected, dinner went well and we all prepared ourselves to sleep and resumed what we're doing before dinner. Tomu and I went upstairs to take our rest already.
"Wahh, your room is big!" Tomu said in amazement as she entered my room. When I got home earlier, my room was such big mess but I cleaned it up real quick so at least, it would make Tomu at home.
"Make yourself at home, senpai." And so she really did. She threw her bag onto the side and threw herself on my bed. I guess she did take the "make yourself at home" literally. I shook my head and got my excess clothes from the closet for Tomu to wear for the night.
"Tomu-senpai, here's your clothes. I guess they'll fit your since..we look.." I gasped as I saw Tomu in front of me..
With only her underwear on.
Oh my God.
She was wearing a black bra and a pair of boxers. She was so goddamn sexy. I kept staring at her while she adjusted her bra's straps. I didn't notice how long I was staring at her till she smacked me in the head again.
"Ow!" I winced in pain as I felt the impact on my head.
"The hell you staring at? Hand them over." Tomu said like it's the most natural thing ever. She grabbed the pajamas from my hand and wore them in front of me. Her body was like a body of a goddess. I swear, if she wasn't older..I could've..
"Tano, are you sleeping or not?" Tomu interrupted my thoughts as she already lied on my bed.
"Wait, why are you on my bed?! You're supposed to sleep on the floor!"
"The floor's cold. You can just sleep here with me. Besides, you don't mind sharing right?" I swear! I saw a big smug on Tomu's face as she said that. Gosh, I can't believe this girl! First, she changed in front of me. And now, she's sleeping beside me? I don't hate the sleeping part but the bed is too small to fit both of us.
As if I like groaning, I groaned again as I went to lie with Tomu. I hate this. My heart's beating fast once again and I can feel my cheeks burning. I'm afraid I'm going to lose control! I calmed my self before lying on the bed.
Tomu conquered the left side already so I was left with no choice but to have the right side.
"Good night Yuka." Tomu then turned off the lamp and everything went pitch black.
It's 3:00 am.
And I cannot sleep.
Not because Tomu's beside me but because I fell out from the bed and ended up being in the floor. Crazy as it seems but Tomu has weird sleeping positions. First, she kept kicking. Second, she snores. And third, she talks while she sleeps. C-c-combo breaker indeed.
As soon as she turned off the lamp, she quickly fell asleep. I guess being a yankee takes all the energy in you. But I hardly see her in school during class hours. She just magically shows up whenever it's already dismissal time. I wonder where she goes anyways.
I sighed and tried to sleep on the floor and Tomu was right. The floor was cold.
"Ughhh..can't sleep on the bed..can't sleep on the floor. What should I do?" Should I try counting sheeps then? Oh. I remember!
I quickly got up from my seat and scrambled all over the room. I guess all the noises I've made woke up Tomu.
"'re not sleeping?" Tomu said as she got up from the bed. She looks like a kitten who just woke up! Cute!
I tried to hide my blushing face and masked it with irritation instead.
"You kicked me out of the bed. And you expect me to sleep? Psh." I hid my small smirk as I finally found the secret passage for the way up.
"Yatta!" I celebrated for a moment and looked at the yankee on the bed. "You coming?"
"Roof top."
"Right now? It's like 3 am."
"Well, you kicked me out and I can't sleep."
Tomu's expression was like a defeated one's. Perhaps, I made her guilty.
I smiled as I brought down the ladder from the ceiling. The roof top that my dad made was never finished. It just had a flat surface so people can sit or lie on the roof. I called Tomu and both of us made our way upstairs.
For the second time tonight, Tomu was amazed. The view was really breathtaking. Tokyo at night is really majestic. I smiled once again as I saw her bedazzled. I sat on the roof grabbed Tomu down to sit with me.
"Tano, your house is really amazing." I chuckled at Tomu's statement. Looks like I'll be expecting her to be here all the time. I sat in silence as both of us took in the awesome sight in front of us. Tokyo's night life can be seen from where we're from.
"Yuka." Tomu tapped me on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
I turned to Tomu and smiled.
"No worries. At least, this sight made me alright."
I watched Tomu groaned and said,
"Fine. I know you've been curious about me and stuffs repay what I've done. Let's do Q&A."
Woah. That shocked me. I never thought..
"Really? It's okay for you? But you have to answer honestly, okay?"
"Yeah yeah whatever. Hurry up before I change my mind."
I grinned at her and thought for a question for a while. But she was looking at me intently, while waiting for the question. And her intense stare was ticking me off. Although I like the attention I'm getting from her, her stare is so powerful that I can feel it's burning a hole inside me.
Then a question popped out. Ah! Got it! I leaned on her and asked her,
"Why don't you like talking about your parents?"
Her short reply bothered me. It sounded like there was really something wrong about her parents, or her relationship with her parents. She scratched her ear and frowned.
"Okay, let's make the story short." She sat properly and continued, "My mom died when she was giving birth to me. So my dad, wanting a son, hated me a lot and blamed me for my mom's death. He left me and went away. My grandpa, mom's dad, took care of me instead. He raised me and took me in. He was my only family. But after he died when I was in 1st year high school, my dad came back and claimed me. And now, I don't want to live with my father. I rented a small apartment far away from him and he just sends me money for me to live on."
Tomu sighed heavily as she ended her statement. She looked troubled though. I nodded and asked again,
"Well, so that's the reason why you've become a yankee?"
She tilted her head and answered,
"Well, to be honest, I wasn't a yankee when I was in middle school. After my grandpa died, I felt like in my dad's eyes, I can and never will do something right. Everything I do will always be a mistake for him. So, I became a yankee instead. I actually have a passion for fighting. When my grandpa was still alive, he let me take Taekwondo lessons and I became a black belt then. He also thought me how to yield a katana. So, the passion for fighting was there, but I don't like hurting people.. As much as possible, I don't want to hurt anybody."
She paused and sighed again, but continued,
"I was only good in fighting. I was just an average student before. But since my dad can't see anything right in me, I pursued to become a yankee and rebel against him.. There. The question's been answered."
I nodded, contented with her answers. But I wanted to know more. I want to know her better. I looked at her and asked,
"What's your best experience as a yankee?"
She chuckled and smacked me in the head,
"I told you, I don't like hurting people. I just protect some people from those yankees who are have bird brains. So I guess, saving you will be the best experience. I get to eat good food, sleep in a comfy bed and get a chance to look Tokyo at night in a roof top."
I looked at her again and blushed, and finally asked what I was dying to ask,
"Tomu, do you like anyone?"
The question made her jump a little. She was surprised. She rubbed her forehead and said,
"Well, yeah. I do."
The answer surprised me and made me nervous, I like where this is going.
"Do I know him?"
She waved her hand and said, "It's actually a girl."
Her answer made my head spin and made me happy. Maybe I have a chance!
"Who is it?"
"Oh. It's someone from school whom I've known for a very long time."
For a second, I was happy and now I feel like my world's shaking..I frowned.
"How did you meet her anyway?"
She started chuckling and said,
"Well, I met her during the first day of school. She was a late freshman who looked desperate for a ride."
Oh my God. I swear, I felt a party going on inside me.
"It's you, you butt brain. I like you."
She looked me and smiled. I had my mouth opened due to shock and I was blushing so hard. I never knew and expected this! This is the best day of my life.
I saw her leaning closer to me and before I knew it, her lips were already with mine. I closed my eyes as I felt her warm lips collide with mine. Right at that moment, I felt like the time stopped. Both of us were the only things that mattered. This is my first kiss and I'm happy that she was my first. I want this moment to last forever. But after a few seconds, she pulled away.
"I like you Yuka. I like you so much." She held my hand, "I want to protect you everyday."
"Am I going to fast?"
"No. In fact, I like you too."
Tomu suddenly smiled and hugged me.
"Please don't stop making me fall for you more, Yuka. I like you but I don't like to rush things. I want to know you more."
This is so the best day ever.
"I just want to be with you, Tomu-chan."
She kissed me again and I felt like floating up in the air. Tonight, both of us confessed to each other and will a night that I will never forget for the rest of my life.
The next morning, I woke up next to a sleeping angel. She was hugging me tightly to refrain me from falling out of the bed again. I smiled at the sight in front of me. As we slept together last night, she didn't snore and didn't kick me. She just held me tightly and swore that she'll never let me go. I kissed her forehead and noticed that she stirred a little. She slowly opened her eyes,
"Good morning Tomu."
She quickly pecked my lips and closed her eyes again. I swear, if I wake up from this everyday, I'm going to die from Tomu's cuteness.
"Good morning, butt brain."
She hugged me tighter and inhaled my scent.
"Let's sleep more, okay."
I nodded and closed my eyes. I've never been happier in my life like right now. Both of us are happy right now, I wish we'll be like this forever.
This happiness will last long..or so we thought so.
I was going to put a smut part but I remembered that Yuka's a minor.

So...that's really inappropriate.

Tomu's such a good yankee, isn't she? Well, that's just for now.

By the way, this shot is dedicated to my best ol' pal, Jasmin.

Thank you Jas for reading my shots even though they're completely weird to you and thank you for being a good friend!

I guess I'll be writing a WMatsui fic next. I'm so deprived.