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Author Topic: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 5 [24/5/16]  (Read 24574 times)

Offline calista_castro

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Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 3 [13/5/16]
« Reply #40 on: May 13, 2016, 05:20:08 PM »
@Genkikid, yes, that's pretty much the strongest and most dangerous power that there can be.
@anin98, actually, your question (well if wasn't really a question, but still) is answered in this chapters.
@Minami-chan, her powers are really scary, indeed...
@Blackdawn, thanks for the comment!
@Bakamina_Oshi, yeah... poor Minarun had to pay the price... that's what happens though usually... innocent people that have nothing to do with the actual danger suffer the most... maybe she's in better place now (at least).

A/N: I haven't forget this story, but yeah it take me literally forever to upload, sorry about it. I think my inspiration was missing at some point and I didn't want to 'force write' it. But I'm happily posting next chapter that I actually felt inspired to write (also, after it... I'm pretty sure my inspiration is back, all I need is time now,hehe). So yeah! If anyone here is still waiting for this, hope you'll enjoy! Sorry once again for the long wait!

Volume 2: Chapter 3: Broken Hearted Girl(s)

[Present Time]

Rino and Rie were sitting in their usual spot. A little bit farther away from the crowd but at the same time able to see everything that is happening around them. In most cases, noticing even more than they should but its not like others worried about the two as they never voiced out their thoughts out loud. It always stayed in their heads, whatever secrets they shared, whatever things they heard.

With time you get used to people never speaking to you and Jurina felt quite comfortable with both of them. She couldn’t have gone to have a talk with Nao, because the poor girl herself wanted to be locked away from others, trying to control her powers and understand why Minarun decided to leave.

That seemed unreasonable but Yokoyama, Haruka and Rena were convinced of it and kept repeating it to everyone who had their doubts. After some time of convincing… Nao forced herself to believe that it is what actually happened.

Jurina never felt comfortable enough talking with Haruka, yes, they had their weekly talks but it always looked like older girl can read her like a book, and sometimes she mentioned things from Jurina’s past that the girl wasn’t sure she still wants to keep on hearing about… especially as the though of not putting Mayu first always came to mind.

Younger Matsui couldn’t remember a moment in time where she had a normal conversation with Yokoyama Yui so she didn’t think about her, Mayu wasn’t around and Rena seemed to be gone most of the time, so these two ‘weirdos’ in the corner was all that’s left for Jurina. She didn’t mind it though…as they looked sympathetically and seemed concerned about what she wanted to talk about. They nod sometimes or Rie touched her with an attempt for comfort.

This time Jurina needed this more than anything. She sat in front of two girls who already saw the need and nod shortly letting younger girl speak her mind.

“I think I could have done things differently… we always have a choice… I was foolish too…”, Jurina laughed shortly with relief “I’m kind of glad…that you’re not talking…or you know… the courtesy requires people to say that: no…you’re wrong… we all make mistakes… but I don’t want to hear any of that. I would rather hear a confirmation that it is the truth… why deny it… that’s how I see it…”

Rino: “She can’t move on… it is still about Mayu disappearance?”

Rie: “That’s strange for all of us…first Mina…then Mayu… I don’t remember anyone else disappearing before that…”

Rino: “Oh come on…people disappear all the time…but…”

Rie: “yeah…what do we know… is Jurina expecting that we will nod our heads? It looks like it. I’m not going to do that… why is that any of her fault?”

Rino: “They had those fights but… I don’t think so either… but… is she’s going to stare at us, that’s just weird?”

Rino probably didn’t think about the fact that it was exactly what the two of them kept on doing all the time. It didn’t matter what others told them or when they first got there… whatever others asked they had the same reaction. Two quiet souls mysteriously staring back at them. Despite Rino’s thoughts, not even for a second she realized the irony of that on spot question.

So not being able to handle the pressure Rino nod her head shortly and it seemed that it was all that Jurina needed to keep on talking.

Rie: “You shouldn’t have…”

Rino: “And keep sitting this way for hours? I know we’re trying to be nice to people but… the only other person that I actually liked in this place was Mayu…so…”

Rie: “Still…that’s expected…”

Rino: “As if you even remember about the outer world or what is expected from someone…”

Girls turn at each other giving the stinky eye for the other and shook her heads annoyed but soon agreed to leave this for further conversation when younger Matsui sigh. It is not polite to have your secret conversation when there is someone in front of you expressing their feelings.

Jurina had a lot on her mind, so much, that she didn’t even know where to start. That was probably the reason why she couldn’t convey everything that she thought about and sometimes felt lost for words.

“You remember how Mayu and me… well we fight… right before her disappearance… a lot… I mean of course… I had no idea that she’s going to disappear… no one knew… Mayuyu was probably the only one who had those thoughts but… if I would have known… You know… you all have these feelings… well I think that everyone do… why else would we be here… but why can’t no one change the past? Yes, Haruka can see it but is that really enough? She probably knows about yours too…”

After Jurina’s comment both Rie and Rino moved in their places as if right at that moment, the idea of that made them feel uncomfortable. They didn’t remember their past but if someone else does… wouldn’t it make it more awkward?

Not that either of them is going to speak with Haruka about the issue. Some people believe that it is easier to live with the unknown. What you don’t know can’t hurt you. Probably.

“Haruka told me some things about me also… but does it matter now? It has no meaning anymore… you have witnessed some of our fight, rights?”

This time without giving it a second thought Rino and Rie nod their heads encouraging Jurina to continue.

“It never made sense to me… what Mayu told me… especially that last fight… I still repeating it my head… trying to figure everything out but… it just leaves me even more confused… Still I can’t forget it…”

[About two months ago]

“Just stay away! It is better this way!”

Jurina couldn’t understand Mayu’s behavior. All of a sudden, one morning Mayu started avoiding her, locking the training room, never joining to eat breakfast with others anymore. She avoided younger Matsui like a plague. It didn’t matter anymore what Jurina said or did… nothing change these strange things.

Obviously, Jurina wouldn’t have surprised at first, since Mayu was not an easy person to be around and she usually disliked when others interrupted her alone time, but her amount of time spend with Rino and Rie didn’t change.

Actually, she started spending even more time with those two, in a way holding them as some sort of weapon while avoiding Jurina.

“But…why? Is it something that I did? You know I can’t do anything about it or change if you don’t tell me!”, Jurina commented both desperately and angrily. It was the first time in a week when she got a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with Mayu and she wasn’t going to miss it. No way. No matter what.

“Because I don’t like you and I don’t want to spend time with you anymore, how about it?”

Mayu asked coldly and tried walking away, but this time Jurina was faster and catch the girl’s hand. Eventually, she had to hold on to Mayu’s both hand, so slightly older girl wouldn’t run away.

“I don’t believe you”. Younger didn’t want to give up. None of Mayu’s words indicated that she knew about the deal… the part where Jurina chose to hear about her own past instead of Mayu’s… even though, none of those words indicated it, something told Jurina that it is possible. Why else would Mayu use these sort of phrases?

“Because you give me nightmares! I get it now! Those dreams! They’re some sort of pathetic memories from my past which I don’t even want to remember! I’m not like you… I was never interested in any of it! What’s the point of knowing if you can’t remember? Someone could tell me that I was a poll dancer or something, but would that make it real? Would I remember it myself? I truly doubt it! But all of those stupid dreams that I can’t understand started when you came here and I want them to end! You make me weak! I can’t spend time around you anymore, Jurina. Just…”

The words hurt. Unconsciously, Jurina let go of Mayu’s hands and just kept on looking at the girl with a shock expression.

“Just stay away, will you?” Mayu commented a bit weakly, which indicated that she was both mentally and physically exhausted.

As thorn as Jurina felt, she couldn’t do anything, she could only watch Mayu’s back when she walked away. It was also the last conversation that those two had together before Mayu’s disappearance.

[Present Time]

After my visit to Nao, I walked out slowly deciding to check on other girls. I barely get to see Jurina lately. The reason might have been that I still felt guilty about everything that happened.

Jurina didn’t know much about Minarun… so when it involved the latter, I could only feel awkwardness around Nao. Even if we tried explain everything what had happened to the others… that wouldn’t change anything.

I wouldn’t know how to explain this ‘soul-mate’ things, or the fact that I’m the only one who’s safe while being with Yukirin. The girl’s powers weakens when I’m around her (the same, like I can’t use mine too) and she calms down a bit.

Yukirin still doesn’t understand what is happening around her, she gets confused, but it is the time Yui, Haruka and me use. Well, we used it once in the past and that time few months too.

My calming voice and appearance, like a force, directs Yukirin where to go, so we can lock her. It is a temporary thing, but the best choice we have.

Honestly, how could you explain such thing to other that have no idea how this world works now? I can’t tell Nao, or she might try to hurt Yukirin as revenge…I can’t talk with Jurina about Mayu either. I try avoiding her instead, but I can’t even do that properly, since I want to check on her, see how she’s doing… now is she handling it.

I hear the last part of hers, Rino and Rie conversation, though obviously, Jurina is the only one who actually talked out loud. The other two just listened at stared at younger girl.

“That is the last conversation we had… that fight… I know Mayu wanted to stay away from me… but… she wouldn’t have ran away… she has never planned on disappearing… she never planned on…”, Jurina’s voice broke at the last part. I think I knew what’s coming from her mouth next.

“She’s probably dead already… and I don’t even know what to think…how to… look at any of this…”, she couldn’t continue as the tears stream down her face. I saw Jurina breaking down after the news for the second time already.

I can’t even imagine what she does at night… does she cry herself to sleep?

I did… when I remembered who am I… who we were… when I remembered that we were together… I did…

I can’t lie, at least not to myself — seeing Jurina broken, especially when I’m the part of the cause — break me too.


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 3 [13/5/16]
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2016, 09:06:20 AM »
Mayu is gone too now. What relationship does she have with Jurina really???
Who's pov was that at the last part? Sayanee?

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 3 [13/5/16]
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2016, 02:40:26 PM »
I think I need to reread the chapters :nervous

Offline calista_castro

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Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 4 [20/5/16]
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2016, 05:34:02 PM »
@Genkikid, In the past Mayu and Jurina were lovers. Here, it was well close to it though it was never expressed out loud. Also, it was revealed by Mayu previously (well what she read in the journal), that she and Jurina are actually soulmates.
It was mentioned that Rena spends time with Nao, also she helped with "capturing" Yuki.  The last part is Rena's POV. Sayanee is not in there (she's on a mission). Yeah, so this is the answer to your questions. Thanks for the comment and curiosity :)  p.s: that probably wouldn't be the worst idea, I haven't posted for quite some time!  :)

Volume 2: Chapter 4 - Living a Lie

[About 2 Months Ago]

After opening the safe, the secret hiding place of Sayanee, Mayu found more information than she ever plan or thought it was possible to find. Obviously, the girl was unaware of everything that happened during that time when she pressed the button. The fact that she let Yukirin escape for a little while and that resulted with the “disappearance” of Oba Mina… or that four girls (Haruka, Yui, Rena and Yukirin) walked right passed Sayanee’s room while bringing Yuki back to her lockout.

Instead of worries about the outside world, Mayu concentrated on all the documents that she had in front of herself. Sayanee collected a lot of articles, everything what happened after the incident that almost ended this world. Some sort of experiments that rich and powerful group took upon themselves, but it resulted in people with powers.

Mayu would have laughed if she found or read something like this in the past. It somehow reminded her of X-Men… Mayu was not sure why she remembered a movie she had seen a very long time ago, but the plot thickness in her mind and there were people who helped the humanity with their powers, while at the same time hiding, since they guessed that people will hate them or try to hunt them down.

In this case, all those super-humans didn’t care about people at all. They used their powers, killed them… after those experiments, which were probably also done on them, and when they managed to escape, they started attacking everyone what was in their way.

Death after death. Article after article.

Apparently, humans went into hiding, in hopes of surviving another day. No one knew when the next attack will happen, in a part of the city they live in, or on the other side of the world.

Mayu kept on reading about countries destroyed, people left without home or just laying down death. Some tried fighting against the super-humans, but always lost, others just gave up, tired of the pointless running that always had the same ending in the end.

With time, all hope for the better tomorrow was lost. So called super-humans, though Mayu couldn’t really understand why they were even called that way, expect of course the part of“super”, kept on searching for humans that managed to escape and hide. Ironically it was like playing cat and mouse for them.

Fighting against (who knows how many people… or should Mayu even call them people anymore… with who knows what kind of powers…was truly… honestly… pointless…), the more Mayu read, the more she got a clear view of the situation.

In this facility they heard everyday — that they’re preparing for a fight, that they have a chance to win, that they are not ready to go outside, but one day everyone can.

But was any of that true? Mayu get the point how this situation actually was. They were in the hideout. Only couple of them left (like Haruka or Yui), because they knew what was happening outside these walls. They knew what to expect and maybe how to protect themselves for a little while. All the others, locked in for as long as they can remember. Can they really have hopes of fighting something bigger than themselves?

It is impossible. There is no hope. They’re just being lied to.

Even though Mayu has always avoided these kind of thoughts and only concentrated on her training, wanting to develop powers. Since the day Jurina appeared she started feeling different… even though her dreams didn’t make much sense… she learn to accept them. They were some parts of their memories.

But why can’t they remember anything? Is it because of this place, because of protection? Then how about Haruka… she knows pretty much everything.

Does that mean that she remembers everything from her past? How about Yui — so confident wherever she goes, always knowing the answer, just never giving them to those who ask (of course, others learning that it is really no point in asking her anything, since you won’t get what you want).

Also Rena, who always say that she doesn’t know what is happening, but her eyes tell a different story. Eyes are the mirrors to our soul. You can say a lot with your lips, as many lies as you can muster, but eyes… they never fail others. Maybe that was the reason why Jurina disliked Rena that much? The simple fact, that her eyes were lying all the time.

If you don’t know — you don’t know. If you know, but you confess that you can’t speak about it — that is fine too. But if you know, but you pretend that you have no idea. Isn’t that the worst?

People tend to say that ignorance is bliss. Yeah, it might be true for some folks, but when you start figuring things out… there is no stopping it anymore. And when Mayu found some extra notes, scribbled by Sayanee about files. Files about them all, their superpowers… they previous life. Mayu knew that she need to find it.

Haruna’s office. It was the safest place in the facility to hide something like that. Mayu just had to decide if it is really worth risking it all… if they lied for so long and hide everything from them… what are they capable of doing? How far those three can go?

Mayu was always determined. That was a part of her powers too. Keep on going, no matter what obstacles there are. The girl wasn’t even aware of it, but something pusher her further and made her do things, before thinking.

Putting everything in the same place were Sayanee hide it, Mayu left the room, but unexpectedly ran into Jurina. The same conversation happened. With Mayu telling Jurina to stay away, because it is better this way, and leaving the girl standing there broken, unsure what she did wrong. Mayu didn’t really have time to think or consider younger girl’s feelings. It wasn’t the time. Not when she was determined to find everything out.

Living a lie was not an option anymore. Though of course, if she knew that this is going to be the last conversation (for a very long time), that she will have with the girl. Maybe she wouldn’t have left Jurina standing there broken… maybe… just maybe… she would have said so much more.

[Present Time]

I forgot to knock, ironically, that was one of those very rare times when I did. Me, Matsui Rena, never forgot to do that. I had better manners than it, but of course, there are always exceptions from the case. We’re all just humans in the end.

Obviously, after that one slip of mine, I didn’t expect finding Yui and Haruna making out on Haruka’s desk. Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised. Really. I shouldn’t have.

After all, that is how things usually are. People decide the rules, dictate them out loud, but they never think about those rules themselves. They create everything for the sake of other people, to keep them on the leash, so they couldn’t make their own decision, but when it comes to their own personal life… they do whatever they like… how they like it… and when they feel like it…

That is why I didn’t even see any shame when Haruka and Yui finally separated from each other and the latter smirk slightly “how can… we help you?”

“I wanted to ask about… should I visit them all?”, and yeah, I never voice it out. The hypocrisy of this situation. The fact how they can have whatever they want — but I can’t have even one thing. Or person… I can’t even have one person by my side.

“Obviously. I doubt that either of those three would be friendly if we go there…” Yui pointed out loudly, while still taking care of her shirt. I really don’t need to see this.

I don’t need a reminder how fucked up this life is now. How me…a person that always hated lies and liars… become one of them. And what for? Will I even see a point of doing all of this in the end?

“Keep it up the same way as usual, Rena. It is better like that… You do remember how I dislike surprises”, Haruka commented shortly, letting me understand that this is also the end of our short interaction.

Yeah… I’m well aware how things can get when unexpected things happen. Something not according to plan or something that Haruka couldn’t foresee earlier. The situation always gets worse after it… was there ever a time when it got better?

“I’m not sure if…well… Yui can affect people, so it is better when she’s around… usually”.

“You know I could sense if something might happen… we would be right there… you don’t need Yui every time. She has responsibilities here too”.

I almost managed to stop myself before voicing out her so called responsibilities out loud. Yeah, doing it on the table probably counts as that. I need escaping this atmosphere, maybe it is not the worse thing to go and a bit farther away. And that is true… Haruka can sense things… she can sense pretty much everything.

[About 2 months ago]

All of a sudden, unexpectedly for both Yui and me, Haruka stood up saying in a cold quiet, but firm voice “we need to go to my office. Now.”

When you hear something like it, you can do anything else, but panic. P.A.N.I.C might be a strong word, but still it is something that surges right through you. It makes you stand up and do thing, even though those things is just… running after someone else that made you this alert.

Haruka hasn’t even explained us what the reason for that was, she just went ahead for her office and as puppies we ran after her. Rushing.

When we got there though, I didn’t expect to find Mayu, with a lot of files surrounding her. Files that I haven’t seen before, but by the reaction that Haruka gave… I had no doubt that those files were important.

Mayu didn’t seem scared when she saw us three. Instead she squinted her eyes slightly and her eyes spoke ‘realization’. Without moving her lips she told us “I know”.

It was clear that younger girl found all the reasons how we got in her, what happened with those ‘super-humans’, how we’re probably too weak to fight. It seemed like she also figure out our past. Secrets that were revealed to me a bit earlier.

Despite that realization of the situation, Mayu looked most unsettling than any of us. Like some light just died down. Like she’s ready to jump at either of us and just end this here and now.

If not Yui’s quick reaction. I’m pretty sure that is what Mayu would have done.

[Present Time]

After some time with Nao, later on with Yukirin, I had my last location to go to. The only one I dread to see.

I sigh, deeply. Doing this for the sake of calming myself. After that, I knocked once letting the person inside to know about my visiting, and pressed the button which revealed the person behind the glass that separated us. Like a prisoner and a guard. That’s the only way you could describe us at this point.

I was never sure how to do things since every day was different. Full of surprises. This time… Mayu just sat calmly on the floor while staring right back at me with a cold, dangerous smirk:

“So…Matsui… have you already lied Jurina about my death?”


Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 4 [20/5/16]
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2016, 07:14:41 PM »
So now that Mayu knows everything she got prisoned in the facility where no one knows where except the higher ups and Rena and they make it as if Mayu is already dead and Jurina believes that

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 4 [20/5/16]
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2016, 11:41:50 PM »
oh noooo....!
They have enclosed Mayu.
The good thing is she is not dead.

Offline calista_castro

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Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 5 [24/5/16]
« Reply #46 on: May 24, 2016, 01:06:28 PM »
@Minami-chan, yes Mayu was captured, but looking on the positive side - she's alive!
@Genkikid, yeah... poor Jurina... since she believes that Mayu is probably dead... (well she doesn't really want to believe it, but when people keep on telling her that it is probably how it is), she starts believing them...

A/N: This whole chapter is pretty much written in Sayanee's point of view. Enjoy! (or not), that's your choice really  :)

Volume 2: Chapter 5 - Love and Protect Your Enemy

[Present Time]

I’m trying to remember how everything started. How I stopped wanting to get back home or carry on with the mission. What was the point of that mission in the first place? Bringing back more humans? More experimental bunnies which might or might not develop powers?

I have always done everything that Haruka expected from me, without giving it a second thought. That’s how things were from the moment everything went down the drain. It was pointless to fight or try to change the system. Like in the real world: why bother to go against people that are in power? What one person could do? We do think a lot like that, don’t we?

Since I met Watanabe Miyuki and two humans that were the ones I probably had to bring back to the facility, my life changed. I wanted to hate this girl with powers which weren’t put on her, which she had from the very start, but I felt helpless whenever I was near her…

It felt like Milky observed everything… I felt the intention of protecting her and staying by her side no matter what. I forgot about Haruka’s and Yui’s expectations and their stupid games… their lies…

Instead of wanting to get back, I started wondering whether someone will ever find my notes, will they manage to escape that place. What Rena does now? Did she just gave up and took over? She must be complying and taking care of all the things I was responsible of.

Rena was always a good soldier, but there was a reason for that. She had no other choice, but to do how she was told. She knew it… those two knew it too… she kind of become the villain of this story along those too… ironically… Also, Rena was probably the only reason why I still had doubts… sometimes I thought of going back…

But those thoughts usually disappeared when Milky was around. Oh…how much I hated her at first… the fact that I was incapable to fight back her feelings… the fact that I looked at her like my number one enemy, the one we always feared in the past… but spending more time with the girl…just traveling the world…. avoiding other ‘super-humans’, I wondered what made me hate her in the first place.

At first, I was convinced that she’s in control of my decisions and my feelings. That’s her powers. I could feel them. But trying to compare this…and the mind games of Yokoyama Yui, that I had been put on in the past… somehow it felt different. It didn’t felt forced.

I felt like I made a choice to stay… I could have ran… used opportunities when we had clear distance between us. No one could have caught me… I have learn how to hide properly with years. But I didn’t see a point on doing that. I didn’t see a point in escaping.

I thought that Milky used Kumi and Yuri too. Two humans that were incapable of making their own decisions. Oh…how convinced I really was about the matter. I forced myself to stay awake at night and wondered of ways how I could help those two escape. They were adorable couple, going everywhere together, still enjoying the time, even though no one knew how much of it was left.

I felt a bit jealous that I never had a relationship similar to that. They weren’t oblivious for the rest of the world… oh no… their family and friends were dead… they were the only survivors that managed to escape… apparently, the only reason why they escaped in the first place, was because Milky got in their way. If I listen to their words… Milky let them tag along, since traveling in a company of three gives you more hope of survival than in two.

How I tried to pretend that it is not true. That they’re condition is similar to being ‘drugged’. But as much as I forced myself to do that… there were signs. Very small ones, for instance, how Milky smiled shortly with content whenever she saw those two excited. Also, Yuria even hugged Milky a couple of times after tiring they — as if they were friends.

I still had my doubts, but… yesterday confirmed it. Yesterday was a sad day… not unexpected… but heartbroken. Some other ‘super-humans’ caught up with us. I guessed that maybe Milky couldn’t use her powers on others that were like her, since they wanted to have fun… and what is more fun than attacking humans… right?

It broke my heart seeing what happened… lifeless Yuria’s and Kumi’s bodies… I pretty sure that Kumi could have escaped at the last moment… no… I’m SURE she could have… but she chose to stay with her love on the very last moments. Milky and me… we barely got to a safe place.

It was the first time when I didn’t see Milky joking around as she usually does, joking, voicing out sarcastic remarks, smiling as if the world is a nice place to stay in. No… I knew Yuria and Kumi only for a couple of months and I cried my eyes out… guessing that Milky would just shrug her shoulders and move on. Honestly, that was what I expected from her…but instead…

She was broken.

I didn’t see a tear. Not even one. I think it was way more than crying your eyes out, like I did. I let my emotions flow… while this girl… her voice didn’t let me see what was inside. Instead she told me coldly:

“Stay here and don’t you dare moving”.

I couldn’t understand what she meant by that, but right after it she ran off. Back there… Something made my state rooted in my place. Not some magical power… just a realization… in a way… when Milky said those words… she begged me not to move. She didn’t force my actions… she didn’t wait for my protest or my agreement… she just used the first change she got to get back there.

I could have escaped right then and there. As I had mentioned… I did have chances like that… even in the past when Milky disappeared for a day or so and left me with Kumi and Yuri… those two wouldn’t have stopped me… they were only humans… no powers… even though my own powers weren’t physical… they wouldn’t have managed to stop me in any way.

I stayed in a place and just waited. I found myself hoping that Milky will actually comes back…and she did… after some time… a bit bleeding… distant like before… but she did get back. “We can go now”.

I didn’t know where we were going until I noticed what she did… she revenged. She used her powers, though she couldn’t do that before. Those two killers get what they deserved… Milky forced them to use powers at each other. Fire and ice… it destroyed you in the end. It destroyed our human friends… and yes… I did get a confirmation that they were friends of Milky.

We even had a small funeral. Standing there in silence. For as long as possible. But not long enough… it will never be long enough…

I noticed Milky crying then… after she finished up with the business, there was nothing else holding her back. She stood up and turn to look at me coldly “If we get in situation like that. Get away from me… as far as possible”.

I couldn’t understand what she had in mind. I voice it out uncertainly and the girl sigh. Milky looked at me like I’m the dumbest person in this planet “I can barely used my powers when you’re around Sayanee. It’s like I am a human incapable of protecting me…or others. You obviously saw it a few hours ago with…Kumi and Yuri… you’re just… are you an idiot? You’re my soulmate. Our powers interfere for some reason… I’m pretty sure you have read on stuff like that… you always pretend to be such a clever girl”. She shook her head shortly and started walking off.

Another blow came after about 20 seconds “We’re going to that facility of yours. It wasn’t my destination at first. But I don’t have humans with myself whom I should protect… there is only one power in this world that could still save everyone… and you have locked that girl inside some cellar…”

I still tried to process everything what I heard. First of all, Milky is my… soulmate? Why haven’t I though about it… how come I haven’t realize it? I felt her powers only the first time we met… later on… I just knew that she had them… I didn’t feel her… actually using it. Does that mean that all this time… I just stayed by her side because I… wanted to?

Also…what is she even talking about and how can she know about our facility and our powers… well, I might have mentioned something during our first meeting… but really… I barely said anything during this time and she never asked.

“What do you mean?”

She didn’t answer me. I had nothing else to lose so just kept asking.

“Milky… what are you talking about?”


“Who are you referring to?”


“Are you talking about Yukirin?”

“Who is Yukirin?”, she finally spoke up, a bit coldly and disinterested.

“The girl with the strongest powers I know… she’s…”

“I have no idea who your Yukirin is… I’m talking about… well… honestly I don’t know her name”.

“That’s just weird… can’t you just tell me?” I pressed on. I had enough of secrets. Why people prefer secrets over talking things through and sharing their thoughts and knowledge?

“How about you tell me everything about you life in that place… your past… people staying there…and then I’ll revealed what I’m talking about?”

So maybe she doesn’t have Yukirin in mind. Well… I can’t be sure since she obviously doesn’t even know the name of someone who can ‘magically’ save us all.

I got annoyed. I have to ask. Even if she avoids my question again. “Why such a sudden change of a heart? I thought you were find with this life? You mentioned that a lot to Yuria… that you just like traveling around”.

“I made a promise to them. They’re already dead, so I obviously won’t need to risk their lives again. Now…what is left to do is just keep up with that promise. So if we ever get in danger again… I would be thankful if you ran away from me giving us distance so the situation wouldn’t have to repeat itself. And don’t start saying stupid things that I would actually be better off if you were death since I could use my powers without any distractions… you’re my soulmate. Whether I like or not. I care about you… and one more thing…”

Why is my heart beating so fast when she said that she cares about me? What the hell is wrong with me?

“If you’re not going to tell me everything you know. Don’t expect me to speak up either. If one day you’ll use your patience and speak up…I’ll reveal what I know too. Communication goes both ways”.

I sigh and had to run a bit to catch up with Milky. We still had a long way to go until we get back to the facility… I knew I’ll be safe there… I’m a part of that place… but how about Milky? Would they just lock her up like a threat? She does sound like one… whenever Haruka and Yui find someone dangerous they didn’t spend time wondering about the consequences. They just deal with it.

“I’ll tell you things…”, I gave up. I really did. “First thing you need to know…there is a person… her name is Haruka… she can see past, present and future. She knows we’re going there, because she…”

“She can’t.”


“If you’re sharing things with me.I’ll share things with you. Like promised. We’re soulmates… I’m barely human anymore… even if I can’t use my powers properly… as long as we spend all of our time together… they have no idea were we are… so Haruka… or what’s her name… won’t see us coming”.

“That’s… wow… I had no idea…”

For the first time since the incident Milky smiled shortly while looking back at me. “That’s a lot you still don’t know. Keep on talking and I’ll share my knowledge with you too”.

How didn’t I notice it before? How come I haven’t notice that smile directed at me leaves me breathless? At one point I started loving my so called enemy?


Important Note: The story will continue in SEPTEMBER. I Autumn. I'll be traveling and working for almost three months during the Summer so I won't get a chance to write... unfortunately... I those who still read this will continue waiting and supporting the story. I would really appreciate it. As well as likes/comments since as you might know it is like motivation for the writer and readers' opinion matters. (There will be few more posts from me before the summer in other threads, I'm not disappearing instantly yet... I have about a week since June hehe...). But either way, this is goodbye for the time being! Hope you all will have a great summer!

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 5 [24/5/16]
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2016, 05:10:40 PM »
There are many things about this soulmate thing. Their power get weaker and can't be seen by Paru's power... hmmm...

Offline DeNight

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 5 [24/5/16]
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2016, 07:24:36 PM »
I really really reaaaally like this story!
With the multi-PoV, reading this feels like watching a TV series.
Really love the post-apocalyptic theme as well. It feels like watching Heroes + The Walking Dead combined, and even better since all the casts are AKB member XD
All the plot twists are great. The end of every chapter always left me wondering about the next one.
I've been wondering why no one tried to attack the facility since a few chapters back. But, I guess, I really need to wait until Milky reaches the place to find out. :)
I've been wondering about the Soulmate concept as well. Are the power Soulmates will also be soulmates in romantic way? Didn't Paruru's power got weakened when she's around Yui? Or are they... *gasp* not Soulmates? I've been wondering the same thing regarding RinoRie...
And somehow... I was kinda hoping that Yukirin's power didn't actually kill anyone--just transported them to some limbo or something, leaving some dust behind...
*Yes, there should be some casualties in every war. But, I am bad with sad ending. Even until now, I'm still regretting why the end of Majisuka Gakuen 5 should be that way (althought I know that was the best ending for that plot)...

Aarghh... so many questions and curiosity in my mind regarding this story!
Awesome writing, Author-san!
I will surely be waiting for September to come :)

Offline hakase309

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Re: Psychotics - Vol.1 (11/11) Volume 2: Chapter 5 [24/5/16]
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2016, 04:16:13 AM »
oh my god it's been forever since I saw fic like this
so much feels  :fainted: :fainted: :fainted: :fainted: :fainted:

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