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Author Topic: New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) Chapter 18 [10/3/16] COMPLETE  (Read 36289 times)

Offline calista_castro

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I'm rewriting/remaking my old story that does not gonna exist anymore in other forms. In case that makes you uncomfortable though I'm taking full ownership of the story, I can simply suggest you reading other amazing fanfics on this forum!  :thumbsup (this is the second story that I'm rewriting and there might be one more... well these are actually my favorites). I'm not sure about this one outcome because I stop writing the story pretty much in the middle of the events so I want to finish it this time.

If you chose to read and enjoy this old story of mine, let's stay in touch  ;) (if you have some questions, I'm also open to answer them). So here it is! Welcome to my mind from few years ago with some improvements of the present  :)

I know I'm writing quite a lot fics at the moment but the truth about me is... that I'm either write a lot or nothing at all. Of course I prefer to write a lot if I have two of these choices.

I'm halfway there with this story so I guess just like 'Consequences' I will upload it weekly (or maybe more often).



Sashihara Rino
Kitahara Rie
Kashiwagi Yuki
Watanabe Mayu

Supporting Characters

Kuramochi Asuka
Takajo Aki
Yokoyama Yui
Shimazaki Haruka
Takahashi Minami


Main: RinoRie, MaYuki.
Side: YukiRie, Asuka/Aki, YuiParu.


Sometimes... new love - is the best thing that could happen to a person. Sometimes - with new love people find THE ONE.

Published: 2015-12-03          Completed: 2016-03-10            Words: 31.407

Chapter 1

Everything started at the party… does it mean it has to end the same way as well? When we turn one page and open the other we still leave a piece of ourselves in the past... but at the same time its an opportunity to move on. Moving on means finding new love. Surprisingly, in most cases, new love is just around the corner...

Sashihara Rino POV

“I have an idea!” I heard Mayu shouting from another room and sighed exasperatedly. This girl couldn’t stay calm even for one evening. All I wanted to do know was to lie in my bed, listen to some music and maybe watch one or two movies. Instead I will be drag out again because it was impossible to say no to her.

“What this time?” I asked angrier just to show her how I’m not into this. She just laugh as usual, that was our routine for the last four months since I move in with Mayu because her house was closer to my college.

I knew Mayuyu practically from my birth because our parents were friends. So we spend most of our childhood and then teenage years together. Now we even lived together and attended the same college which was insane.

“Remember Akicha? She invited me to a party tonight…and there is going to be that girl…you know… the one which name I don’t know but…” Mayu asked innocently which was kind of unusual sight that made me worried a bit.

“The one you have the biggest crush for about four months? Yes…I think I have heard about that unknown girl for few hundred times…”

Mayu bit her lip unconsciously “Yeah…well…she broke up with her girlfriend recently…so…We have to go there!”

“Akicha invited only you! Do I have to?” I asked still not impressed. Though happy for Mayu at the same time. Maybe at least now she will have a chance with the girl she likes? Single is better than taken, so of course everything is going in her favor.

“I need some moral support, Rino! Come on, move your oshiri!” not again with oshiri sign… o_o

Damn…why she has to be so demanding? Though this gets me going when I stood up and went closer to my closet searching for some decent clothes “Do I have to try hard?”

“There has to be someone in that party that you like! Come on! There has to be someone in this world you like!” I think about her words. Yes, there actually is…one girl that I have been noticing and we’re kind of close, well we do chat when we accidentally meet in college and we understand each other without much of explanation… it wouldn’t hurt to dress nicer. It wouldn’t hurt to go and try to have fun… I think…

Watanabe Mayu POV


I feel quite self-conscious even though I choose better clothes for this occasion I still looked out of the place with so many gorgeous people around me. I walked looking around, admiring the sight in front of me until I bumped into someone I haven’t noticed before ready to apologize but I got literally lost of words when I saw the same girl I have been crushing on for some time. She looked even more beautiful than she usually does. Just breathtaking.

She looked at me coldly and asked with disinterest “You need something?” I was trying to form words but I was trembling and just stared back at her.

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

I have no idea who this girl right in front of me is but she is probably one of many students in our college which I gave no attention to. She stared at me like she had the biggest crush on me and that was probably true. I mean I haven’t met her before…but that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t noticed me.

She looked completely hypnotized and I was about to turn her down because I had no interest in other girls except Rie. Of course Rie broke up with me few days ago… but that’s not the point.

Rie and Me go back and forth and I have already got her back half a year ago when we had the same crisis like this time. Also, there has been a lot of ‘small’ break ups in between. So it’s not going to be any different. I noticed her glancing over at us and decided to play it ‘nice’ as I usually did.

The girl in front of me still couldn’t stop staring at me so now I reached my hand and put few of her stray hairs behind her ear smiling slightly this time asking in both polite and seductive manner “Do you need something?”

She gulped trying to form words and I gave her time, leaving my hand on her face which was probably not helping and looking at Rie at the same time. This was more like eye-sex for both of us and I smirked when she looked away knowing that I have already won.

I took my hand away from the girl in front of me and asked simply “Do you want me to show you around?”.

She nodded shortly and gulped again when I took her hand again walking away and showing the girl around as promised.

Sashihara Rino POV

I lost a sight of Rie which I have chatted just a minute ago. We met accidentally and she was smiling back at me but then she looked somewhere for few seconds. Maybe she was looking at her girlfriend? Well…ex girlfriend apparently.

I know Yukirin but I have never asked Rie about her. We usually talked about our hobbies, things we liked, adventures, music or college life.

So the thing was… after she noticed something her expression changed completely. I don’t know how or when and why everything happened so suddenly but she just walked away and I couldn’t stop her.

For about an hour I tried partying and searched for Rie or at least Mayuyu who was also lost for most part of the evening. I have no idea where both of them where (just like in that weird ‘where the girls at’ song) but I knew I have to find at least one of them.

Finally I noticed Rie standing near the bar but she was completely wasted and I hated the sight in front of me rushing closer to her and asking “Rie? What’s wrong?!” I grabbed her drink and push it away now taking her face in both of my hands “Did something happened?” I asked concerned and worried.

Though she looked at me at the same time she looked right pass me. I knew she wouldn’t tell me anything and the best thing I can do is take her home but I have no idea where she actually lived so I had no other choice just take her back to our (Mayuyu and mine) place.


Kitahara Rie POV

I knew exactly what Yukirin was doing and as hard as I tried not to show it I knew she understood that she got me. I was jealous and angry. I thought she would play it off for a while, she usual got bored with whoever she spend time with. I was the only exception. But she kept on dragging that girl with her, flashing her smile, touching her hand, showing her around. I saw when they went upstairs…

I didn’t like where it was going and decided to stop it running after them. I walked around disturbing few couples make out sessions when I opened doors to peek inside.

Then I opened one more door and looked at Yukirin and that girl. Well I actually saw only the back of that girl but I could see Yukirin clearly.

She probably whipped that girl around her little finger and was now leaning closer. The girl didn’t hear the doors but Yukirin did and looked directly at me smirking slightly and didn’t stop leaning closer.

I immediately turned around and walked out of there. I have no idea if she continued to do what she was doing but I all could think about was alcohol. So I did what I do best. I got completely wasted.

Watanabe Mayu POV

I still try to understand what is happening around me. I can’t think straight. And I am straight. I mean…I knew about my crush for this Yukirin but all girls have girl crushes right? All I could feel is this tingling feeling all over my body.

Her hand in my hand. She dragged me around as if showing me off. Like I’m her girlfriend but I can’t remember any of those people’s names and next thing I know is that Yukirin is dragging me upstairs. Isn’t that’s there were couples go to make out?

But I have no time to think about it or protest, though I probably wouldn’t.

Her lips looks really inviting, when she closes the door behind us and comes closer to me. Now she faces me and leans EVEN closer whispering asking simply “What’s your name?”

Only know I realized I haven’t even introduced myself. To my surprised I managed to answer to this question without stuttering “Mayu. You can call me Mayuyu” and looked at her expectantly. After a second so so she leans in even closer and I forget anything apart from this moment in time.

Her lips almost touches mine but then I hear the door being smashed when someone probably wanted to come inside but saw us here. Yukirin pulls back looking me up and down and smiling shortly “That was interesting” stating finally as if summing up this whole evening experience while I still have no idea what is happening.


Sashihara Rino POV

I forgot all about Mayuyu. She’s a big girl.She can take care of herself, right?

Now my only worry is Rie who’s clinging into me tighter by a second. She murmurs something near my neck which makes me shiver but I try to push all these thoughts aside.

Fortunately I haven’t drunken anything so I can drive us both home. My home. Wow…I have never imagined Rie coming to my place.

She’s too drunk to do anything so I have no other option but to take care the matter in my own hands. I practically carry her inside in bridal style which is unusual for me and Rie’s hands around my neck isn’t helping because she’s trying to get closer every time she gets the chance.

I decide to do what always helps me when I’m drunk and take her to cold shower.

That’s not the best idea because the second cold water touches Rie she starts screaming and pulls me inside as well and I’m not too happy about this but I forgot about cold as being so close to Rie makes me really hot.

I think I feel myself sweating though I’m standing under cold water. Rie hugs me really tightly around my waist and leans closer whispering something I couldn’t quite make out.

I am not sure if that’s my name or if she’s trying to say something. I try leaning closer just to hear what Rie has to say but she uses the situation and kisses me.

Rie kisses me and all I instantly kiss back without thinking. I know I shouldn’t do any of this because she’s really drunk and she might not even remember anything but I guess I can’t think clearly with her lips on my lips and her hands grabbing me harder and punching me to the shower wall.

I moan because of the aggressiveness and pull her closer as well. I know I might regret it… no… I mean I for sure know I will regret this next day. But the hell with this. I can’t do anything except kissing Rie and letting her do everything with me and when I say everything. I mean E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 08:10:41 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Yurena

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 1 [3/12/15]
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2015, 07:13:49 PM »
Poor mayuyu and lucky sashi ...... I hope mayu will do something evil lol but i don't think she can this fic is good i'm going insane  :w00t: waiting for the next chapter :w00t: :drool:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline sophcaro

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 1 [3/12/15]
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2015, 08:12:01 PM »
I know I'm writing quite a lot fics at the moment but the truth about me is... that I'm either write a lot or nothing at all. Of course I prefer to write a lot if I have two of these choices.

To be honest, I don't think it's a good idea to write too many stories at the same time. Experience has proved (on this forum and on other websites) that a writer who has too many ongoing fanfics will never finish them and will end up abandonning them. I know it's hard when you have lots of multiple ideas in your head to not write about them (it happened to me too in the past), but I would advise against it and focus instead on a few stories. Trust me, your brain just can't handle so many plotlines at a time! And it's not very fair towards your readers who like what you write, but might end up never knowing the end.

That's why I personally don't read anymore a writer who decides to write too many stories at a time. Experience has taught me he/she will never finish them. It's too frustrating for a reader  :(

I don't think a writer should write more than 3 stories at a time. As a writer myself, it's already hard enough to be constant with two...

Just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter. Nothing personal against you, of course  ;)
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline sasshirie

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 1 [3/12/15]
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2015, 07:18:49 PM »
Me reading rinorie moment:


update fast,okay?

Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 2 [6/12/15]
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 01:22:41 PM »
@sasshirie, thanks, I'm glad it had such effect!

I understand and respect your point of view @sophcaro, I haven't got an issue with writing more than one story before, actually its quite the contrary, when I try to write only one I lost that whole excitement (that's also from my experience as I do learn to know about myself with time).What I can say to my readers that I do intent to finish all of my stories. I can say this as a promise because just as well as you I have been in a lot of situations where I got really sad after finding out that a writer decided to stop writing a story that I really enjoyed, or without even announcing they simply disappeared without ever posting again. Also, we are all different people with different preferences you find it difficult to write two fics at a time (as I understood for your comment, right?) and I find it hard to write only one or two.With these two rewrites I have it quite easy because I have pretty much all story figured out and written down so all I have to do is keep posting every week while of course at the same time continuing to write my other stories. That's just my way.   But thank you for your opinion! I have noticed from the comments on other fics that you have strong beliefs about this whole 'writing more than few stories' situation  :peace:

@Yurena, don't go insane  :lol: here is next update, thanks for leaving a comment  :thumbup

If you like the story, let me know  ;)

Chapter 2


Kitahara Rie POV

I heard the birds outside the window and open my eyes slowly. I soon close them again when I began feeling horrible pain. I soon remember that I got completely wasted the night before.

After few painful minutes I force myself to open my eyes again. Maybe because I feel that’s someone is sleeping beside me and I’m sure it’s not Yukirin. I rub my eyes slowly and look down seeing Rino. Oh… damn…wait! Rino? She sleeps so peacefully next to me with a small smile on her face it’s almost heartbreaking.

I honestly don’t know what I’m doing here or what happened last night which makes me feel horrible. I have probably did something I have to regret now, and I’m too embarrassed to face Rino after this.

I manage somehow slip from her arms and immediately put my clothes on. I feel like the biggest coward but I silently slink away and close her doors after myself getting face to face with Rino’s roommate.

I remember her… she lives with Rino, well I haven’t witnessed their living situation but Sasshi has mentioned Mayu more than once as they are also best friends. Her eyes are wide and confused when she sees me and my walk of shame becomes even more embarrassing. But I got nothing to lose so I can run away without saying a word and leaving her standing there all confused.

Watanabe Mayu POV

What the ... just happened? Was that Rie? I know Rino left with her yesterday because she texted me apologizing that she couldn’t take me home.

That’s the reason why I had to ask that girl (unfortunately I still don’t know her name). Of course my asking her to drive me back was done awkwardly.

Rie actually had a walk of shame in front of me and I guess Rino is still sleeping because her lectures will start around 2 o’clock. Maybe I should wake her up and ask what happened?

When I look at my clock I realize I can’t do this because then we would start talking and I would probably miss my lecture, I have actually happened few times before. I guess I will have to corner her and get all answers later tonight!

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

I smile slowly when I see Mayu, the girl from last night, rushing to our college. She looks like she’s late to one of her lectures but should I care about it? I catch up with Mayu “Hey, beautiful!”

I try not to laugh when she falls down scared because of my sudden outburst and looks at me confused. I giggle shortly but then put my hands wanting to help her stand up “You okay?”. She still looks at me confused but this time bites her lower lip unconsciously. At least I think she did this unconsciously but I could not stop staring at those lips at that moment.

Watanabe Mayu POV

I managed to embarrass myself once more this time lying on the grass while the girl I am crushing on gave me her hand helping me stand up. I awkwardly stood up thanking her and was surprised when she didn’t walk away immediately.

Instead of that she smiled looking at me face and not breaking eye contact “So Mayuyu,what’s your plans for today?”

I couldn’t breathe for few seconds because she remembered and said my name. Who would believe that such Goddess would take her time remember you name? I forced a smile because I was too nervous and answered:

“Lectures…I guess..I mean…I’m late…I can’t miss this one…because I have already missed it few times before…”

Meanwhile the girl laughs shortly raising her eyebrows with curiosity “If you miss them before than maybe they are not so important?”. She has a point thinking this way but I didn’t miss it because it wasn’t important I miss it because I overslept and usually that was Rino’s fault because she turned down my alarm clock.

“No No!” I tried protesting honestly “I can’t miss it again…it’s very..important…”

This time she smiled slightly “Well…that’s your choice isn’t it?” and laugh to herself as if she thought of some joke but didn’t say it out loud which left me feeling not included. I wanted to laugh as well. But I was too nervous to ask anything and just smiled awkwardly one more time.

I was really late but I couldn’t just run away from her saying that I have to go, or can I? Wouldn’t that be rude?

She just stared at me for few seconds and I forgot where I was going in the first place but she decided remind me “Good luck with your lecture, Mayu. See you after it?” she asked somehow mischievous. I gulp and nodded instantly then practically ran away.

We haven’t said where we’re going to meet and she will probably forget about me by then but I couldn’t control my smiling face. I was too confused because I have no idea why we’re meeting in the first place. Can it really be that she finds me interesting? I mean… I guess I should ask her this… but would I dare?

All I knew was that I’m meeting the girl I have been watching for the past four months from afar while admiring her beauty and now she wants to spend more time with me!

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

I watch Mayu running away, she almost trips again and I try not to laugh because she still looks back few times as if trying to convince herself that this is really happening. At least I made one person’s morning glorious.

I look around still bored and notice Rie rushing here as well as Mayu before.

She looks…differently.

Obviously I don’t miss my chance walking that way and crossing Rie’s path as if accidentally, as if on purpose. She can think whatever she wants. I smile instantly but coldly “Good morning”.

As you can see I don’t take break ups well. Rie knows it as well. We have broken up half a year ago but I got her back almost instantly. It just me — you can’t say NO to this face and I can use all my charm whenever I want.

But as I mentioned before Rie looked different this time. Somehow…guilty? I don’t know. I couldn’t understand emotions that were showing on this pretty but distant face.

“Yukirin, I’m late, I don’t have time now”. She tried walking passed me but I grabbed her hand lightly “I don’t think so, Riechan. I think we need to talk first” I started walking and dragging her closer to the girls bathroom and even though she tried fighting back we both knew she can’t do that.

Watanabe Mayu POV

The lecture was so boring or maybe I was so distracted that didn’t understood what professor was talking about. He asked me few times to pay attention but every single time I tried I usually end up thinking back about the same girl.

I’m used to having crushes on girls, usually celebrities and they stay only for a while until I find something more interesting but this time it’s different and scary.

I know I’m zone out when professor shouts at me again but at this point I don’t care anymore and give up letting all the thoughts about her sink it. I remember the night before and our ride back home.

I got the text from Rino telling me that she couldn’t drive me home because she had to take care after drunk Rie and she has no other option so I was left alone. I had no taxi number and I actually had no money on myself for that matter so I have no other option. I was really nervous but I walked out closer to this girl though right at this second she was laughing and having good time with her friends.

I was really nervous, probably fidgeting and couldn’t keep eye contact but I still manage to ask “Am…my friend..left..without me…can you…take me home?” I looked at her shy and ashamed. I could have walked right? Maybe it’s not very far.

To my surprise the girl in front of me laughed shortly. I looked at her confused. Maybe she’s going to make fun of me? Instead she simply stated “I will be back guys, let’s go” and walked right pass me slowly.

She soon turn around her shoulders and raises her eyebrows shortly “Are you going or…?”. Her friends were now whispering and laughing I don’t know if that’s because of me, or they’re just enjoying their time here but I soon ran after her.

Next thing I know she’s driving me back home looking even more gorgeous in this light. I couldn’t stop staring at her and I guess she noticed because she smirked and at the next stop looked at me “Do you want to ask me something, Mayu?”

The way she says my name gets me overwhelmed. I guess I look even weirder staring at her eyes, lips, eyes, lips…crap… meanwhile she smirked again.

“ just…” I try to think about something and come up with an idea “I just wanted to thank you…you know…for…for driving me home…”

“But I haven’t driven you yet, have I?” I swallow quite loud after this now eyes wide open.

She simply laughed “Don’t worry, I’m not thinking of abducting you or something” and keeps moving because the traffic light changes into green again.

I guess I unconsciously keep on staring at her because she comments still with smile on her face “And Mayu…?”


“Can you like..not stare at me all the time? I’m trying to drive and it’s distracting”

I feel my cheeks getting warmer and I feel embarrassed not that I’m not used to this while I’m around her. I murmur sorry and try looking from other window but once again I can’t control myself and try to peek at her.

Fortunately, the lecture ends and I can just run away from this place. I wouldn’t have regretted if I haven’t come here in the first place. I should have said ‘Yes’ to that girl. Maybe she doesn’t want to spend time with me now? I walked out of the class and look around scanning the scenery.

I couldn’t see her. I stay here for like five minutes until I notice her and…Rie… they just said few words for each other and then Rie walked away. The girl in question (aka my biggest crush for a moment) noticed me and walked slowly stopping when she was in front of me.

“Look Mayuyu…I don’t think we should…” I don’t know what she wants to say but I will probably wouldn’t hear it because I’m too curious “You know Rie?”
She looks at me confused “What? Yes…why are you asking this? Do you know her?”

I shrug my shoulders “I don’t know Rie personally…just from my best friend Rino…if you know Rie than maybe you know Rino as well? I mean…Rie stayed at our place last night…that’s all I know” I ended my short explanation smiling awkwardly but still curious about this situation“And how do you know her?”

She looks angry for a brief second and then smiles coldly “That’s not important. Let’s go, we have a date, have you forgotten?” and takes my hand dragging me with her.

Wait? What? Date?

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 3 [9/12/15]
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2015, 10:07:23 PM »
Chapter 3

Kashiwagi Yuki POV


I took Rie to the spot I usually took her while we dated. Bathroom. Of course I did everything just the way I used to from locking doors behind us to facing my ex and maybe future-to-be-girlfriend because it was too easy to get her back. Rie couldn’t be without me only for few days and past year proved that.

Rie looked at me still out of balance and somehow distant. There was something in her eyes I couldn‘t quite understand and it annoyed me “I‘m not in the mood to talk, Yuki…really…“.

She was about to run away,or at least try to walk but that never happened with me and I stopped her now facing her and smirking slightly while leaning in “We don‘t need to talk, Riechan“.

She squinted her eyes slightly “Stop calling me that“. Meanwhile she answered me I put my hands on her waist still looking at her face as if admiring it.

Though I probably did that without acting or trying to show who‘s stronger here. Then I leaned closer and whispered near her ear earning the shiver I wanted to get “But you used to like it when I called you, Riechan, especially in bed“.

She tried to push me away but instead her hands now ended up squeezing my shoulders “Yuki…“ she breathed out trying to form words but my face was only few inches away from her face and I whispered before closing the gap between us “But I missed you, Riechan“.

Rie’s lips soon find steady rhythm with mine and turned out into long make out session when I didn't let her pull away and she wasn't trying too hard.

Until some inpatient girl knocked on the doors annoyed and we we‘re forced to separate and breath.

Rie tried to catch her breath while forming words “There‘s something I have to…“ but I shushed her again putting my finger on her mouth “You‘re still mine.We will talk about this later“ and dragged her out of the bathroom. The girl that knocked on bathroom doors before looked annoyed at us but we just ignored her and ended up in the yard of college.

Rie looked at her watch worried “I‘m late! I have to run, Yuki! We will talk…?“ she started but I finished “Later“ while smiling shortly as well.

I looked around and only now remember about Mayu. She was looking my way and I had no other choice just to call out on our plans. I practically got my girl back. That was my plan from the start and that‘s the only reason why I talked with this one.

When I stopped in front of Mayu I was about to say that I can‘t go anywhere with her but she asked if I knew Rie and even told me that her friend Rino knew her.
I know Rino. I have noticed that she runs after Rie like a lost puppy who wants to be patted. I don‘t know why Rie lets her do this, we have even talked about it and she actually confessed that she noticed it but she likes Rino as friend.

Bullshit, I don‘t think Rie would just spend night with her friend… shouldn't she have left the party alone? I mean… have I pushed too far?

I got annoyed because of the news and decided that it couldn't be worse if I go on a date with this Mayu. Let‘s see where we get from here.

Sashihara Rino POV

I wake up and immediately felt cold. When I looked around I noticed Rie was not here. She probably left a long time ago and I just slept all this time. She just ran away… I guess she saw what happened and decided… I should have stopped her. She was completely wasted…she might not even remember any of this.

But it felt good and soooo right. I waited for it for so long… I tried to clear my mind and my head was still spinning when I finally woke up and walked around my small apartment.

Mayu was already gone and all I had on my mind was Rie. I need to see her and try to talk with her. I don‘t even know how to start this conversion but I have to… it might meant nothing for her but it meant the world to me. I need to clean myself and go to the college. We still have few lectures together. Let‘s hope she will be there.

Kitahara Rie POV

I couldn‘t force myself to tell Yuki about what happened between Rino and me. After all, I wasn‘t sure that something actually happened. I can‘t stop thinking about this though.

I know it wouldn't count like cheating because we were‘s not like we‘re now together… but it somehow felt wrong.

I needed a day or maybe few days to clear my mind but I didn't have it because I saw Rino who practically run to meet me when she saw me. Gosh, I just want to disappear and burn in shame.

“Hey!“ she said shyly. Of course I did something! How could I even doubt it! I do lots of crazy stuff when I‘m drunk… I usually regret it later..and this time…

I tried and forced a short smile “Hey…“ then looked around and decided “I think…I guess we need to talk…“ and breathed out mentally preparing myself for what happens next.

I believe that I will end up feeling like the worst person in the world… “Look I‘m sorry about…I‘m sorry that…“

She looked at me confused “Why are you sorry?“ then laughed nervously “Did something happened? I mean…you shouldn't be sorry that you got drunk. I understand you‘re not…well… that you‘re after break-up and it still hurts…but you haven‘t done anything wrong“.

I sighed “Look, Rino…I‘m sorry if I did…if we did…“ I still couldn't form words though I was always blunt while talking about these kind of things with Yukirin.

“We haven‘t done anything, Rie. Calm down…“.

Sashihara Rino POV

“We haven‘t done anything, Rie. Calm down…“ the lie left my lips when I saw regret in her face. Rie was obviously about to apologize because of last night and my heart couldn't take it.

Its better that she doesn’t know what happened. I don’t want to hear how it meant nothing to her, that it was just a mistake and we need to forget about it.

I saw how she relaxed and even smiled after believing me. I guess she had her doubts but she actually wanted to believe me so I tried to look as genuine as possible “And know… do you want to talk about Yukirin and everything what happened recently? You don‘t usually drink too much and I know it got something to do with her. I think you need to speak your mind… you will feel better“.

Rie seemed doubtful for few seconds but then nodded agreeing with me “Yeah…I guess I need to talk this through…we can go and get some coffee if you don‘t have nothing better to do“

I winked at her smiling “I‘m all yours“. Unfortunately, I mean it literally.

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

I can’t believe I took this girl with me.I don’t even know what we suppose to do. I usually plan out my dates with Rie and now everything is happening out of the blue. She’s still confused and doesn’t even understand what is happening and I’m trying to think of something right this moment.

Finally I come to the conclusion that I should take her to the park I like to go. Mayu didn’t mind and agree with whatever I suggest so we go there by car.
We’re at the place already and I can see she’s actually amazed by the view. It’s better in the evening but it’s not bad as well.

We walk slowly and finally she starts speaking. I don’t know if it’s nerves or does she do this kind of thing all the time but she tells me all about her family, her parents, her friends, her and Rino living situation, even the fact that she saw Rie sneaking out this morning.

I’m not sure if she knows that I have dated Rie but I decide not to mention any of this. After all it’s nothing serious I’m just spending my day with someone different. Mayu’s enthusiasm actually inspires me as well.

Sashihara Rino POV

Rie and I went to the closest cafe and we both asked for simple tea. I wouldn’t let her drink in front of me again. I think I had enough of this experience. But I do want her to talk even though her words might hurt me.

She seems relaxed and at least now she won’t feel awkward around me and I can have that night…only for myself. Treasure it.

“So…how are you feeling?”

“I don’t know. Confused I guess… I know I want to be with Yuki. I know she wants me and she always gets what she wants but this also stops me… I don’t want to be an easy prey for her. I want to fight… you know… and there are always…different days… some days with Yuki are amazing she’s like the most attentive, the most romantic and sweet girl on this planet. Other days she completely ignores you, she doesn’t care about your feelings… During those days I really hate her…I want to end everything forever and never look her way… but then there are those others days…so I’m just really confused. But she got me whipped… I don’t want it to be like that. I want to be free…” she sighed shortly in deep thought.

I looked at Rie’s face up and down concerned and worried. I didn’t like any of that. I thought she was at least really happy with Yuki. In that case I would have no choice and wouldn’t do anything… but now…

It’s not fair what that girl is doing to her… that’s just not the way any relationship should be and Rie…Rie is amazing… she deserves all the happiness in the world.

I put my hand on hers looking deeply in her eyes “If you need me… I’m here for you, Rie… I’m always here… whatever you need…” I said sounding convincing because I actually meant it.

Kitahara Rie POV

Rino’s last words made me smile for real. She sincerely cared about me and that’s more that anyone could wish for. I don’t know if that was the reason, or because I felt really safe with her and knew about her little crush on me that made me make this decision.

“Rino, can I ask you something? It’s quite a lot…big step but…”

“I said..whatever” she said squeezing my hand and smiling.

“This might sound really crazy…but I think I need this…” I still told with doubt in my voice.

“Rie just tell me!” she urges me already impatient.

“Will you be my girlfriend? I mean.. okay that’s not actually what I’m actually asking… would you pretend… that you’re my girlfriend.. I mean… I just need time to get away from Yuki…and all these feelings… I don’t really know what else to do…and if she thought that I’m in relationship… you know…” I try explaining because even hearing myself I do understand how crazy this sounds.

I don’t dare to look at Rino because of how stupid I should have sounded but she lifts my chin with her free hand so I will look at her meanwhile she forms a sweet smile “I said everything. I would love to be your fake girlfriend” she said winking mischievously somehow making me lost in her eyes for few seconds.

Then she interlocking her fingers with mine and smiles again “I can’t wait to tell this to Yuki, that girl believes that she can get whatever she wants. It’s time to show her otherwise”.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline faanpal

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 3 [9/12/15]
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2015, 12:18:21 AM »
Hoho. Now everything's gonna be interesting. Can't wait to see Yuki's reaction on that plan. :grin:
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

Offline Yurena

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 3 [9/12/15]
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2015, 09:37:28 PM »
Woah let's start the game i'm excited what will happen i hope mayu is not an easy prey yuki should learn how life is hard LOL thanks for the update
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 4 [15/12/15]
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2015, 05:34:54 PM »
@faanpal, well Yuki's reaction is surprisingly... (wait I can't spoil this chapter) you will have to read about it below  :roll:
@Yurena, there are going to be some difficulties (not at this point but with further chapters), Yuki won't get her so easily  :bigdeal:

Chapter 4

Watanabe Mayu POV

Everything about this date is perfect. I can’t believe I’m actually on a date with my crush. I know I’m talking too much and telling to much but I’m so nervous in a good way though. I feel all these butterflies every time she looks at me.

When she winks, or tilts her head. When she looks me up or down or looks really interested and curious about my stories. It looks like she actually listens to me because later on she asks questions or my opinion.

The time flashes before my eyes and I don’t even realize that’s it’s already evening and it’s time to go home, do my work for tomorrow and then go to sleep because tomorrow will be another long day in hell. But maybe it won’t be in hell if I got to see her again?

I can’t believe I zoned out again we’re already near my home and she already get out of her car walking around and opening the doors for me with a small smile formed on her lips “I guess I’m a guy in this relationship”.

I jumped off the car immediately “No?What?Why?” forgetting to add relationship to my questions. Are we’re actually in relationship or is just a figure of speaking?
I mean maybe she just means relationship as girls who knows each other? Stop over-analyzing it Mayu! She’s standing right in front of you waiting while you come back to earth!

“I’m just saying that I would definitely be the dominant one in this relationship, considering this whole interaction”.

I want to protest but at the end only smile while we walk out to my apartment. I mean she’s just escorting me so I will come back home safe. Or at least that’s how she put it.

“Thanks for the amazing date, Mayu. I had fun” she says stopping in front of me when we actually reached my door and there was no other option just to say goodbye. Well probably there was but at that moment I couldn’t think of anything because of my clouded thoughts with this beauty in front of me.

“Right!” I shouted too loud and too excited and the girl laughed at this about to go away but I had something else in my mind when I stepped closer immediately and kiss her on the cheek with lingering kiss. I guess some people kiss after first date but as long as I don’t know what’s actually happening here I don’t want to do anything drastic. Maybe she’s just joking and saying these things for fun not because she actually wants something with me.

She now smiled again though looked a little bit surprised because of my action. I smiled and waved goodbye while running into my apartment blushing slightly but at the same time I’m literally started jumping around until I realized I still didn’t knew her name and ran outside wanting to ask her.

I guess I jumped around for too long because her car wasn’t here anymore so I just sighed and decided to investigate this thing tomorrow.

I stepped inside and Rino greeted me surprised “Mayu? Did you just run inside then outside and then inside again?”

I ran hugging Rino and forcing her to jump with me for a while. Finally I pulled away but still hold her hands ready to start jumping at any second now “I just went on a date with that girl that I have been crushing for the longest time! She finally noticed me!”.

Rino laughed surprised “wow! I’m really happy! When I get to meet her?”

“Soon hopefully! I hope she will like me.. that’s she’s not like…you know… regretting that she even went on a date with me…”

“Are you kidding me, Mayu? Who couldn’t like you? You’re adorable and obviously she noticed you. But actually there’s something I wanted to tell you as well…and it’s good news”.

“Tell me then!” I shouted impatiently.

Sashihara Rino POV

“Rie and I… we started…dating today” I said slowly trying to look and sound as genuine as possible because we agreed that no one of our friends can’t know that’s it’s fake relationship. Actually I don’t want to think this way myself.

Mayu looked at me with wide eyes but didn’t look as surprised as I thought she would be “I knew something happened last night! I saw Rie sneaking out this morning!”

I was fast to lie again “Nothing happened…I mean…yeah we cuddled..but that’s all…” I guess I didn’t sound so convincing because Mayu just laughed to my face “Oh come on…I do know how the walk of shame looks like! Don’t need to lie me about this! But tell me everything! And how’s her ex-girlfriend? You said it’s complicated. Tell me! Tell me!”

It’s not good that Mayu thinks that something more happened. I mean… It did happen but… I don’t really want Rie finding out about it. It would ruin all my chances if I have any. But I don’t think they would sit up and talk about it and I like the fact how genuine interest Mayu became right that second. I do want to talk with someone all about my (fake) relationship. I couldn’t find better person than my best friend.

Watanabe Mayu POV

I sat down with Rino ready to listen to the whole love story of her and Rie.

Actually I already knew every detail of their every meeting because Rino told me about it.

“I’m kind of worried…” she began honestly “I mean.. she’s just broke up with her girlfriend and I know it’s really risky… I mean… I can get my heart broken quite easily but… I think she’s worth it. And Yukirin… Yukirin doesn’t deserve her…”

I got curious because she never mentioned Rie’s ex name “Her ex name is Yuki…rin?”.

Rino nodded “Yeah. I mean… she’s really a... eh you don’t want to hear what I really think about the matter and that girl. The truth is all she did during this past time was playing games and hurting Rie. Rie deserves better. She deserves to be happy. And I want to be the person she will be happy with. You know what I mean?”

I nodded my head already thinking about my date “Yeah…I get your point… I hope Rie can give you the love you deserve”.

Rino smiled to herself and asked more excited “but tell me all about your mysterious girl and your date! I want to know all about it!”

I got excited though it was strange not knowing her name and having to refer to my biggest crush as ‘She’ but still I told Rino everything about our first amazing date and all the emotions I had inside. All the butterflies that didn’t leave my stomach even when I was simply talking about her.

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

After dropping Mayu I decided to visit Rie and talk with her about what had happened earlier. Once and for all I needed to find out what happened last night. I don’t even know why but that Rino send me bad vibes I never liked her though I had no competition because she was like lost sad puppy running after Rie.

Somehow I still sometimes found myself wondering if Rie wouldn’t get interested in this dork. I think she kind of had a weakness for her from the moment those two met.

I reached Rie’s home and knocked on her door waiting patiently. Unusual for me when you think about it. It took Rie about five minutes to open up her door shouting while I heard her running “Wait! Wait!” which was funny in a way.

She looked surprised when she saw me and I invited myself in before she managed to say anything else “Didn’t wait for me?” I asked faking innocence and looking around shortly. I knew this place too well.

Rie coughed as if giving herself more time to think but then she sounded honest “Not really. What do you want?”

“I thought we still have things to talk about. For example, about our make out session in girl’s bathroom today. Or… about the fact that you stay the night at Rino’s after the party?”. I said while rising my eyebrows and showing that I know.

Surprisingly I wasn’t angry. That was also strange. I don’t really know what’s happening with me today. I feel so calm after the day with Mayu.

“Mmm…actually… there’s something I have to tell you…” Rie answered looking guilty and avoiding eye contact.

I squinted my eyes probably unconsciously… I do this a lot. “Eh? We don’t have all night” I sassed but then added “or we do?” faking that innocence again like showing that I’m up for it.

“No…I…you have to know…that I’m dating Rino… we started dating recently and…”


Rie looked confused to say the least “do you want me to repeat or…?”

While I just felt empty. Surprisingly empty. And calm.“Not really. I have to go”, I answered shortly ready to leave.

I guess she wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction “don’t you…aren’t you going to say something?”

I looked at my phone already texting Mayu “actually I’m busy. We can talk next day”. I don’t understand what’s happening with me myself so I’m not expecting Rie to understand this kind of reaction. I guess we both expected me shouting, claiming her, saying how pathetic this all is and she should dump Rino because she has no feelings for her.

But at the second I found out about all of this the only one on my mind was Mayu. I don’t know why but I wanted to see her again. Just for a short time. Is she like my favorite distraction now? I need to figure this out.

Kitahara Rie POV

After Yuki left I felt kind of hurt. I thought she cared more about me and I guess I hoped to get different reaction…maybe her trying to get me back. That was strange. Too strange… I decided to call Rino. She knew about this whole situation and after all she was the only one I could talk to talk about the matter.

She answered almost instantly “Hey, Rie!”, surprised because of the hour but excited to hear my voice.

“Hey…I just…can we talk? Something happened and…”

“Sure…I’m always here for you. Just like I said…but I’m kind of in my pajamas and in my bed…and…”

“I can come to you if that’s okay…and if its okay with your roommate…?”

Rino laughed shortly “She just left. So I’m alone and sleepy…but if you hurry up…” she added giggling which made me smile as well.
“I’m on my way”.

See you next time  :byebye:

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline faanpal

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 4 [15/12/15]
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2015, 07:58:08 AM »
Alright. Yuki's surprisingly calm.
Did she, probably, already have a feeling for Mayu and doesn't realize it?
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

Offline Yurena

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 4 [15/12/15]
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2015, 01:31:39 AM »
Ehhh?? Seems like yukirin have feelings for mayu from a while 🙈 woaah that get more interesting
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 5 [23/12/15]
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2015, 07:39:41 PM »
@Yurena, I'm glad you think this way (obviously I mean that 'get more interesting' part)   :hee:
@faanpal, anything is possible and without a doubt Yukirin is showing interest in Mayu  :hehehe:

Chapter 5

Kitahara Rie POV

I smiled when Rino opened her apartment door with still sleepy expression on her face though she obviously tried covering it up and pretending that she’s not so sleepy after all.

I just smiled not commenting anything and coming inside closing doors after myself “Tonight’s plan?”

Rino laughed lightly and her eyes sparkled (kind of… I think… but they do that a lot so it’s not so new to me right? Maybe I just decided to acknowledge it right now of all the times before).

“My plan was to sleep because that’s what normal people usually do when they have lectures next day. Early in the morning… but you know… as your fake girlfriend I obviously have responsibilities now. So you can decide what we will do. I’m down for everything”.

“Oh so you’re down for everything?” I asked laughing and looking around “don’t tempt me, Rino” I added again. I was used to flirting, sometimes subtitle short comments or compliments. That’s the way I usually talk with people.

Well people who I found attractive and Rino was obviously one of those rare exceptions.

“How about a movie? You’re never wrong with a movie”. She looked more excited now dragging me to show her little collection of favorite movies.

I felt kind of guilty remembering that I disturbed her sleep but I really wanted to spend more time with Rino. This way. I wasn’t really thinking about the consequences or what this meant but I decided not to worry myself with questions today. I will have the rest of my life for all the worries. Won’t we all?

I chose “Pitch Perfect” because I was thinking of watching it for awhile but just didn’t find enough time to do that and Rino seemed really excited with my choice “I love love LOVE it! You will LOVE it too!”.

She didn’t look so sleepy now and prepared blankets for the movie positioning herself far away from me just getting comfortable.

Of course I took it as invitation soon positioning myself close to her as if cuddling which couples usually do when they watch movies together “don’t give me the cold shoulder”.

Rino let me scoot closer and I put my head on her shoulder while pressing ‘Play’. “Let’s just watch the movie” she said with a pout acting as if I was disturbing her.

This made me giggle while I decided it’s the perfect time to hear her laughter and started tickling the girl next to me. I knew she was ticklish and soon she started screaming and tried escaping my hand “Rieeee!” scolding me angrily “the movie!”.

I stopped for a moment my hands still on her waist (her most ticklish spots) “what? There are only titles I’m not loosing any important part, do I?” and move my hands a little bit again earning her laughter while she tried to hide her face in the pillow and don’t give me the content I was waiting for. Of course this only encouraged me to give her sides more squeeze while I laughed as well seeing how she’s trying to control the laughter.

Finally Rino was out of breath though still tried hiding her face and said breathlessly “…I…need…to… breathe…ple..ase!”

I laughed again “Beg me” not really stopping my movements.

“Rie!” this time she shouted angry and actually grabbed my hands taking them away, next thing I knew now I was the one on the couch with Rino on top of me still holding my hand with her face only few inches away from mine which made me a little with nervous. I’m not really sure why. And have I mentioned how beautiful she’s? I guess I haven’t seen her face so close to mine and I took the time to look at it not so discretely.

“That’s not funny, Rie.” She said looking at me with angry eyes for few more seconds and then released my hands sitting calmly with exhale “ I’ve almost died.” She complained pouting.

I missed the contact and her face instantly. But instead of giving up easily I attack her again tickling the same spots as before. Rino fallen down on the couch shouting helplessly and tried to stop me but not so successfully “Rie!”

Watanabe Mayu POV



That’s basically how human being welcome each other right? Well I think I was more excited than most people. She said her “Hey” with a sweet smile which captivated me instantly.

It was quite unusual to see her smiling this way but at the same time it did make my heart beat faster than it usually did on normal circumstances or even when I was spending time with this girl.

Meanwhile I probably sounded like an alien with my weird overexcited “Hi!” shouting loud though she stood right in front of me and then I even gave her an awkward hug. Have I mentioned that being awkward was one of my specialties? Obviously she’s the only one who gets to enjoy this awkward side of mine. I’m really not proud of it.

She didn’t mentioned anything just returned my smile and winked as her signature sign. Have I mentioned that her winking was making me go crazy as well? Why is she doing this to me? I start rambling and talking about everything and nothing when I’m nervous I don’t really want to repeat what happened during out…date? meeting? day?

I was too scared to ask and find out what it was so it’s still unknown territory for me and she probably thinks I’m really stupid after all of that. I wouldn’t blame her though.

“Aww…you’re adorable”, she said while pocking my cheek lightly which made me blush.

“eh..oh…mhm…mmm..” so yeah,obviously I can take a compliment like normal people do.

This amazing girl just laughed at this now interviewing our hands while walking down the road “wanna walk for awhile? I love the stars.They’re shinning so bright tonight”.

I mumbled something which she probably couldn’t understand but I guess she didn’t mind because she didn’t mention it. “I had quite entertaining day, Mayu. All thanks to you. I missed things like that”.

“Things like what?” I asked before thinking and regretting it instantly though she didn’t mind my question.

“Things where you don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not. Where you can relax and enjoy time. I guess the fact that you talk so much when you’re nervous helps in this situation because I’m not so much of a talker but… though I usually zone out and don’t listen to people I made an effort listening this time and though most of the things you told me where…well…absurd… but it was interesting because even telling about small details or your obsession with anime… all of that makes you interesting. Very interesting. It was one of the best…first dates I ever had”.

She ended finally looking at me and smiling again with the same smile like a moment before. I think I have an issue not only with her wink but with her smile too.
It’s not that usual smirking where you enjoy that you know something about someone or you know that you make them nervous and enjoy it. It seems… actually genuine. Like she’s showing me something that she’s not usually open with other people. And I’m ready to take it all. I mean come on…I have been crushing on her for some time… maybe I have even fall in love with her during this short period of time.. at least that’s what my heart is telling me.

But wait a moment? Date? Did she actually said… date? Oh my… if that was first date is this counts like second one? No no no… I’m getting nervous again.

I’m speaking again… it’s not that I can control myself. No… shut up! Yes…obviously I’m telling her my life story again.

After the whole walk and talking (basically me because it’s hard for me to let her tell or comment something) we said our goodbyes agreeing to meet tomorrow before lectures which I’m really happy about.

The fact that she still wants to see and spend time with me after that surprises me but I’m just so happy. I can’t believe that this is real life or maybe it isn’t?

Maybe I confused dreams with reality?

I come back home as quietly as possible but obviously I tried keep quiet for nothing because when I come back Rie and Rino were watching Pitch Perfect.

I know this movie because Rino force me watching it for like five times, I know every scene by heart.

“Becca and Jess don’t get together in the end? That’s absurd!” Rie said protesting acting as if she was shocked about this. “I mean.. they obviously like each other!”.

I just laugh at this (that’s exactly what I though while watching this movie for the first time) but then they both look at me surprised. That’s just me. Always making everyone around me awkward. Surprise surprise!


I say awkwardly as I always do for the second time in a row. They greet me as well Rie a little bit awkwardly meanwhile Rino smiling happier than I ever saw her. Like literally. Ever.

I mean…. It’s not that I’m biggest Rie fan. She didn’t notice Rino liking her for so long… but as long as she’s making my best friend happy I don’t mind. They look really cute together so why should I mind.

I left them watching the movie too excited to sleep while thinking about this day that still seems unreal and I can’t wait for tomorrow when I can see this girl again.

A/N: What can I say? See you in 2016 probably  :) 2015 is coming to an end... eh...  :byebye:

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 5 [23/12/15]
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2015, 07:12:33 AM »
Thankssss for tha update calista-san
:thumbsup :thumbsup
Waitin for next

Offline sasshirie

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 5 [23/12/15]
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2015, 07:35:46 PM »
cute date with both pairing! thank you for this one!  :ding:

Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 6 [26/12/15]
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2015, 10:46:02 AM »
Thanks for the comments and for the wait, and thanks for reading  :roll: unexpectedly I'm adding new chapter again which I have corrected before and done some proofread. The Christmas celebrations back at home are almost over so using I'm simply using this opportunity! Once again, thanks for reading  :hee:

Chapter 6


Watanabe Mayu POV

Coffee. That’s the first thing I think of when I think about this girl. About this amazing, glorious girl that I get to see every morning though she doesn’t even notice me.

I always sit in the same corner at the back just texting Sasshi or looking through my blog until she comes inside and every time when I look at her entering I feel like the world stopped for those few seconds.

As if someone slowed down the time so I could see her. She leaves me breathless and only after a minute or so I remember that I have to breath embarrassing myself in front of people that are sitting around me. But I find it advantageous because she comes here really early so there’s not so much of them.

She never stays and usually talks with the bartender for few minutes until she gets what she wants and leaves. She never looks around as if the world around her doesn‘t exist but who could blame her?

Though her eyes never looked directly at me but I can feel the power of it. Even from far away. And I know that I’m always staring with my mouth open because Takamina usually notices it “Again?” asking and making fun of me because she’s used to this sight.

I’m not annoyed because she’s a good friend and I can talk with her about random things, she actually likes my awkwardness and randomness and I need more people like that.

“Stop it…” I try and fail because well its the routine we repeat every day expect weekends.

Takamina sits in front of me not that I’m surprised. I’m a little bit annoyed that I can’t see the girl I like as clearly as before “You should go and talk with her. You know it’s like stalking?”

“She wouldn’t go for someone like me, Takamina. And she’s like…my crush…I guess I will…get over it… eventually…” I say not believing it myself.

Takamina laughs because probably she thought the same thing “It’s your choice, Mayuyu, but you never know if you don’t try and I mean…her answer might surprise you. At least you know that’s she’s into girls so…”

“It makes it more difficult…if she would like boys…well…I wouldn’t have false hope” I say sadly now because of sudden realization.

Takamina sighs with frustration “just go for it” and stands up leaving me alone. The same routine as she always does trying to convince me to do something instead of sitting and staring at her.

And as well as probably hundred times before I stand up trying to compose myself and go closer to this girl but I couldn’t move just staring at her leaving this place without a second glance.

I can see Takamina’s judgmental look from afar while she takes care of other orders, meanwhile I sit back in my chair and continue to look at  her through the window.

The girl disappears from my view completely after few short minutes and I left alone with my thoughts and stupid dreams.

All I hope now is that I could see her again tomorrow. I don’t even know her name but I’m head over heels nevertheless.


Watanabe Mayu POV

As soon as I woke up I went to the kitchen for breakfast because that was the most important meal of the day as they say… though I eat whenever I can and whatever I can so every meal was really important for me. Of course when I came there I wasn’t expecting to see Rie sitting there and eating my food. So okay maybe that wasn’t my food it was Rino’s but still… I guess they’re jumped in this relationship pretty soon, haven’t they?

I decide that it’s not really my business and food is the first priority “Good morning” I say as excitedly as possible though I want to die because its so early and all I could think about is sleep.

Rie smiles back at me and slightly nods her head acknowledging me “hi” saying while still eating “I hope you don’t mind that I have stayed? I mean…I fall asleep while watching movie and…”

“Wait?You fall asleep while watching Pitch Perfect?” I asked with disbelief “Rino probably hates you now!” I say shocked because I guess that was one of my friends favorite all time movies.

“No no… we watched new Hunger Games movie after it… I’m not sure why we started watching it because Rino was practically sleeping and I was really sleepy as well… but yeah… She’s still asleep on the couch I didn’t want to wake her up. Oh... and sorry if I‘m intruding your space.”

That was actually sweet of Rie and I liked the fact that she cared for my friend enough to let her sleep. I mean.. that’s kind of girlfriend I would like to have.

Or just her… (still don’t know her name which is embarrassing…I really need to ask it today!)

“Aww…but I don’t mind… it’s not the first night you stay here after all…and at least this time you were quiet” I said without actually thinking how it would sound. I mean… come on… it was still morning. I don’t really know how I managed to drag myself into the kitchen. Okay… I kind of know it… food is the only reason.

Though Rie looked at me suspiciously “what do you mean?”

I guess I would have noticed and realized that something is off but like I mentioned before it wasn’t the best time for that.

“When you stayed after the party.. I mean… I couldn’t actually sleep for the whole night because Rino was quite…loud…so…oh crap… it’s so awkward I shouldn't have told you this!” I said suddenly feeling my cheeks getting red “I mean… I just…it’s… okay… so I was actually thinking of asking her…well but now I’m talking with you…so I guess…I already embarrassed myself enough… maybe next time you can…like… do it in your place?”

“Do it?” Rie asked still confused of what was happening and looking at me with wide eyes shock written all over her face.

“Don’t make me say it out loud!” I almost shouted already embarrassed enough but I guess that’s the moment when realization finally hit her. “Oh…”

Though it’s not that kind of realization you would expect from someone. She looked surprised as if hearing this for the first time and I guess she’s not the only one realizing something right at this moment.

We heard Rino groaning in the background and I know my friend is almost awake but still too lazy to wake up.

Rie took the opportunity suddenly leaving all the food on the counter and looking around (just like the first time when I saw her running away after the night with Rino) “I need…to…go..really… say goodbye to Rino for me okay? I just…can’t be late…” she said with obviously bad excuse but I didn’t try to stop her.

Rie practically ran from our apartment only few seconds before Rino appeared in the kitchen looking around a little bit surprised “I think I heard Rie’s voice or…?” she asked confused.

I smiled but I guess guilt was written all over my face “She has just left…can’t be late somewhere…but I guess she will see you later?” I added.

Rino nodded simply too tired and too sleepy to actually notice my expressions and took the food that Rie left “Let’s eat and hurry up!”

I know I should tell her what I blurb out but now I honestly have no idea how to do that. I mean… should I?

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 7 [30/12/15]
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2015, 12:35:36 AM »
Chapter 7

Watanabe Mayu POV

I’m still unsure what to do next. Should I tell Rino what I have told Rie or not? Or maybe I’m just interpreting situation differently and I just misunderstood something.

Okay… I didn’t misunderstood the fact that they had … you know… they did it… (oh gosh I don’t really like repeating myself especially while talking about any of this. One of the reasons is because well… I haven’t done it before so it’s not very… convenient topic for me) but still… Maybe it was only because it was morning and I was too sleepy to understand everything correctly.

Maybe Rie left because she really had something important to do and it couldn’t wait any minute?

Yes, I know it’s stupid and I’m only consoling myself so I wouldn’t feel guilty but… can it be that they… you know… and Rie forget about it and Rino didn’t tell her about it and now they are dating?

It’s just very…very strange… and I don’t know if I should interfere or leave it as it is. Maybe it’s a couple thing? I don’t really know much about dating…

I don’t even hear what Rino is telling me though she talks a lot. Mostly about Rie and their night watching movies together. She’s obviously excited but I’m too thorn out what to do next and I didn’t dare to talk with her about it. I can’t believe I actually asked Rie that next time they do this in her place! What got into me?!

Gosh I don’t think I will ever dare to look at her again! Next thing I know is that I need to wait for Rino as she goes to the bathroom.

Sashihara Rino POV

Mayu looks distant today which is quite strange because she’s usually really enthusiastic. I though she will tell me about her evening with that girl but she was just listening… Honestly, I’m not even sure that she was listening to what I was telling her, but I guess I wanted to talk about it either way.

I was kind of disappointed when I found out that Rie left without saying goodbye but I will see her later today. We have few same lectures and then I can continue our talk.

I wash my hands and leave the bathroom but when I see the sight in front of me it actually surprises me. I had no idea Mayu knows Yukirin I mean when I told her about the girl it looked like she didn’t.

She even said that she didn’t like her and wouldn’t want to talk/meet with person like that.

I waited patiently until they ended their conversation, Yuki didn’t notice me and she rushed to her lecture and I confronted Mayu “Hey, what was that about?”
She looked at me wide eyed and confused “What do you mean?” asking honestly. So maybe she didn’t know that it’s Yuki? That’s logical. Probably Yuki just asked her where should she go and Mayu told her and I stood here assuming things.

“That was Yukirin” I stated simply but now Mayu looked shocked. I was taken back by her reaction as well. “Whaaat?” she asked shuddering. “ she’s not…” she said trying to convince herself more than me.

“Rie’s ex” I added looking more attentively at Mayu’s changing expressions. I could see confusion, anger, surprise, disbelief and I guess I would have seen much more if Mayu wouldn’t have shaken her head from one side to another and then blurted out quietly “I have to go!”

“What? Where? Our lectures…”

But it was too late to catch up with her.

“I have to go!” Mayu shouted back while running through the grass to the opposite side of the our college.

Takahashi Minami POV

Mayu come to the coffee shop looking like a mess and I took it upon me to take care of it. It was honestly the first time I saw her this way and I saw her drooling over Yukirin for few months without making a move which I thought was the lowest someone could fall. Obviously I was wrong.

“Hey…what’s wrong?” I asked sympathetically. There was something I liked about Mayu and she needed a friend right now. She tried to compose herself but I guess she was crying while coming here.

“It’s just…”

“Come here…let’s talk in private” I leaded her to the farthest table where she usually sat and asked friendly “You know you can tell me anything..what happened? Is this have something to do with that girl?”

Mayu nodded her head simply and one tear rolled down her cheek. The sight of it was actually heart breaking. I was used to this goofy girl who didn’t care about anything and her only issue was that she was too shy to talk with her crush.

“What did she do?” I asked a little bit angry. I feel like older sister, protecting her.

Mayu tried answering but then shook her head and couldn’t. Like on queue Yukirin appeared as she always did on the exact time. I guess Mayu forgot about it and come here out of habit and now looked honestly shocked like a lost puppy.

Yukirin obviously did something to hurt her and I couldn’t stop myself now “I will take care of this” I said walking away angrily.

Mayu still tried shouting after me scared “Takamina? What? No…!” But it was too late because after few more seconds I was face to face with Kashiwagi Yuki and I had a lot to say.

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

I was about to order my coffee as I usually did every morning when Takamina appeared out of nowhere. We haven’t talked a lot but sometimes she took my order and was always smiling mischievously as if knowing something I should know as well but it just slipped my eyes and I didn’t notice it.

This time opposite than all the others times she looked kind of furious and I really haven’t done anything to deserve it so it did make me feel alert.

“Can I help you somehow?” I asked kindly while taking my coffee. I was in a good mood today which was strange because I should be furious at Rie and her new little puppy and their sudden relationship.

That was stupid and I guess that was somehow a way to get to me but for some reason my mind kept coming back to Mayu and I didn’t really analyse this whole situation.

“What have you done?” Takamina asked suddenly and looked at me like she will kill me if I say something inappropriate. She always seemed like kind, funny and friendly girl and this change of heart definitely through me out while I looked at Takamina surprised not really knowing what to say.

“What do you mean?” I asked honestly waiting for some kind of explanation.

It look like she was going to explode when I heard weak familiar voice “She didn’t do anything” and looked behind Takamina’s shoulder noticing Mayu.

Mayu looked really sad, her nose was red and eyes puffy. She looked like she was crying and the second I realized this I wanted nothing but to hug her and ask what’s wrong.

Takamina looked at her surprised “Mayu!”.

She hesitated for a moment but then said more confident “Can you leave us…alone please?”

Takamina still looked uncertain “But…” This girl was really getting on my last nerve. What’s with her? Mayu obviously wants to stay alone with me. Go away would you?

Takamina exhaled and throw her hand in the air as a sign of giving up “Fine! But don’t come back here again crying!” She added harshly and I was about to attack her but Takamina left sooner than I could say anything so I gazed back at Mayu expecting some kind of explanation.

Sashihara Rino POV

Surprisingly Rie wasn’t here during our lectures and she never missed them before. I guess she has a reason for that but still… she should have showed up here and it got me worried. I texted her few times between lectures asking if everything is okay, where is she, is she going to show up or simply asking for some kind of text but she didn’t text me back and I got more anxious by a second.

I had no idea what to do in this kind of situation and it’s not like I have real girlfriend before… yes, I did kind of dated Akicha for some short time before… but it wasn’t really serious and you can say it ended before it even started.

We stayed friend and had no issues with this only because we haven’t seen each other often and I guess she always saw that I was crushing on Rie even when I was with her so yeah… that definitely didn’t help with that situation.

Either way I was getting nervous and when our last lecture ended I was the first one to run out of the class rushing while calling and trying to reach Rie but she didn’t answer me at all.

I hoped that everything was okay with her and I‘m just being paranoid. Maybe she overslept or maybe met some old friends, maybe her family come to town and she decided to spend time with them.

I mean there could be many reasons but something told me that it was nothing like that. Something inside (like six sense I guess) told me that either something bad happened or Rie was avoiding me but I had no idea why.

There could be a lot of reasons whether she decided to be with Yukirin again or she… no I don’t need to think about worst things I just need to reach her as soon as possible and figure it out.

Watanabe Mayu POV

I had no idea what to say or how to start this. I come here without thinking but I couldn’t let Takamina say about my stupid crush, stalking and all that stuff… it’s embarrassing as it is. I already feel horrible there no reason to torture me any longer.

Still I guess Yukirin could have seen hurt in my eyes because she looked worried and concerned which kind of surprised me at the moment when I was trying to stay angry at her. Though I never really asked her name so why should I be.

We were standing near the coffee shop now because Takamina kept on glancing at us and Yuki got annoyed so she pulled me with her still looking at me attentively and waiting until I will explain what is happening.

“Yuki…” I started for the first time saying her name out loud and waiting for some kind of reaction though she didn’t look surprise that I know it.

“Yuki…” I started again not really knowing that to say next.

She noticed that asking “Do you want to ask me something or…?”

And finally I managed to form words “You’re Rie’s ex…and…”

She squinted her eyes annoyed “I see people do talk about me. So what?” she ask somehow angry. No scratch that. She looked pissed.

“What about Rie and me? What it has to do with any of this? I mean… why would Takamina attack me?”

“Be..because…I didn’t know your name when…”

“You didn’t ask my name”.

“That’s not the point…I mean it is…I…”

She sighed again, more annoyed this time “I don’t really want to talk about any of this in the middle of the street. Let’s go” she said without hesitation taking my hand and dragging me with herself while walking to her car. I was incapable of saying something or protesting because of skin on skin contact and just followed her still unsure what to do or say next.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline sasshirie

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 7 [30/12/15]
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2015, 01:21:18 AM »
me *nervousrly sweats and waits for next update*  :mon hobo: :mon fyeah: :mon pray2: :mon curtain:

Offline Yurena

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Re: New Love (RinoRie, Mayuki) Chapter 7 [30/12/15]
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2015, 03:13:28 AM »
I just imagine mayu as a little puppy awww  she is so cute lol waiting for the next chapter so much prob  :banghead:
MAYUKI are real !!!


Offline calista_castro

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New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) Chapter 8 [4/1/16]
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2016, 12:33:55 AM »
@Yurena and @Sasshirie, thanks for waiting  :) and of course... below is the continuation where we left of last time  :)

Chapter 8

Watanabe Mayu POV

Yukirin took me to the same place where we had our first date at and I awkwardly step out of the car walking with her to get better view of this incredible nature.

She kept quiet all the way here and I had no intention of starting conversation because my mind was blank at this point and I still didn’t know what to say or do.

The more I thought about it the more I realized that I had no reason to be angry at Yukirin. First of all, I never asked her name so it’s not like she was forced to say it in the first place and even if she wanted to I was talking all the time so I guess… probably that was an issue too…

Secondly, it’s not that I have any right to ask about her relationship with Rie, that has nothing to do with me or with our spending time together (not sure how should I call it now) and … well Rie’s dating Rino now right?

I still wanted to cry wondering what Yuki really wanted from me. I mean… she could have wanted to get closer to them right? She probably knows that I live with Rino and… no… I can’t start crying again.

I don’t want to get at this point again and I couldn’t run away from her because I have no idea where I am or how to get home. I was so stupid that I even left my phone with Rino so I couldn’t call anyone to come and pick me up. I was definitely in messed up/complicated situation and I wanted nothing but disappear.

Of course Yuki decided to let me talk and didn’t encourage me just stopped and looked directly at me with those eyes… those eyes that made me weak… that’s not good. I will start telling my life story again.

I guess we both waited for the other to start speaking and Yukirin was winning this round. But she always wins everything, doesn't she?

“Takamina…I’m sorry about her…” I started mumbling and trying to control my words that I wouldn’t start saying useless nonsense.

“Your sorry about what exactly?” She didn’t make this easy on me at all.

Actually Yukirin was attacking with all force. Those eyes that looked through my soul and with her short but direct words. She was all business and had no intention on messing around.

“I’m sorry that she…you know… kind of attacked you… she shouldn’t have done it…or…”

“So why did she attack me, Mayu?” she asked sharply. I was not used to this Yuki and it kind of scared me. Okay I’m lying. It’s scared me a lot.

“I’m just sorry…I just… can you take me home?” I asked hopelessly and she looked incredulously at me.

“Are you serious? I took you here to talk. You told Takamina you want to talk with me alone” She was losing her patience meanwhile I was losing my voice incapable of forming words when I realized my eyes can start watering any second now.

“I just didn’t want her…attacking you… that’s why I told Takamina that…so she will…go away and don’t say…”

“Don’t say what?” she cut me off before I could finish but to tell the truth I was too scared to finish my thoughts in the first place.

“I don’t want to talk about it…can you please take me home?” I almost begged too emotionally drain to try any harder.

She was taking none of it. “Fine.You know what…I could just go back there and ask Takamina herself. I bet she will tell me whatever she was thinking of telling me”. She turned around and started walking back to her car.

I panicked and didn’t know what to do and just stood there confused and scared. So is she…like leaving me here…all alone and…

“You coming or not?” Yuki asked sharply not looking at me while sitting in her car. I literally sprinted so she wouldn’t leave me alone.

The way back home was similar to driving here. She said nothing and I kept quiet as well too scared to open my mouth. When she stopped the car in front of my house I panicked and though of one thing I’m capable of doing in any situation when I got really scared and panicked. My first thought was to jump out of the car and run away but Yuki beat me to it.

When I tried opening the door I noticed that they were locked and when I turned to look at Yuki she was looking straight ahead in front of her firmly. I opened my mouth but wasn’t able to say anything and just looked at her shocked and wide eyed.

After few minutes she finally looked at me “You’re not leaving until you tell me everything. I have no intention of hearing about it from third party” (she meant Takamina obviously). “So…it’s your choice how long we will sit here. I have all night.”

Sashihara Rino POV

I was rushing but unfortunately for me Mocchi appeared out of nowhere almost knocking me down but the second she saw me she immediately handed me the flayer she had in her hand.

“Hey, Sasshi you should join us! We’re going to hand out on Friday after lectures. You know before all the exams while we’re still in this calm state of mind…” she also showed a sighed of going crazy what usually happened with students during session.

I can’t believe I forgot about exams that were actually close enough. Rie was all that I got on my mind lately and that wasn’t such a good thing considering the fact that real life exists out of this bubble.

I smiled doubting “I don’t know…maybe I should better get to my studies… you know start preparing and stuff…”

Mocchi cut me off before finishing “you can’t be serious! Come on! Everyone is joining! Even Rie and Mayu! You live with Mayu, right? You should both definitely come!”

Mocchi and I… well we didn’t really talk a lot so I was surprised that she was asking me to come with such persuasion. This also made me realized that she will got something out of it and I decided to use this and got the information “okay…I will come…”

She already smiled widely before I continued “but…first of all…tell me what’s the reason? Let’s face it we don’t really talk and you’re more of Yuki’s friend and Yuki… I guess she doesn’t like me at all and I don’t blame her. It goes both ways”

Mocchi squinted her eyes doubting but finally exhaled deeply giving up “Fine. So you know Akicha… you guys still talk a lot right? And she doesn’t know many people…and when I invited her I kind of told her that you…Mayu…and many other people that she knows will be there…so…and I want her to come and…”

“Wait? Why? You don’t really….” I was going to say ‘talk’ but then it hit me “Wait a sec…you have a crush on Akicha?” I asked loudly surprised but also excited. I don’t even know why honestly.

“You couldn’t be louder, could you?” She asked glaring angry at me now. “I guess it’s not a secret anymore when you shouted this so loudly!”

“There no one here…and in this case… I would love to come” I said smiling friendlier. Who could have thought self-confident and sometimes even cold and distant Mocchi could have a soft side. Especially to Aki who was complete opposite from her.

Watanabe Mayu POV

I was starting to panic really hard. I think I even started sweating which was embarrassing because Yuki didn’t take her eyes out of me. Sometimes she glanced around and those short moments I used to breathe or exhale or just try to compose myself.

I though she will give up after 10 minutes silence but she sit as nothing. Like it didn’t bother her.

I guess I finally cracked asking “Yuki..rin…can I go home? I’m really tired… and…”

“Tell me what I want to know and you can go whenever you want.”

“Do you at least know what you want to hear?” this time I asked angry not really controlling myself and I definitely surprised Yukirin because of the way she looked at me. As if… hesitant.

Kashiwagi Yuki POV

“Do you at least know what you want to hear?” Mayu asked me and honestly I’m not sure what I was expecting to hear from her. That’s the truth. Of course I soon hide my surprised face though she noticed it and can use it against me in further conversation.

“The truth. I don’t really care what is it but…”

She sighed and growl with frustration while hiding her face then finally looked at me and she had tears in her eyes. “ know what…fine…you wanna hear it… hear it… I..I was…” she murmured unsure but soon continued not facing me and sometimes hiding her face in hope that she could disappear and forget about it.

“I…Takamina was going to tell you…that I was crushing on you…for…for some time..because I… saw you everyday in that coffee shop…actually I go there…there…just to see you buy your coffee… that’s how I met Takamina actually…and today I come crying and she thought…that you’re responsible for it…and was going to attack you and…you know…probably say bad…things… because you hurt me…but it’s not like…I mean…it’s my problem that I got in a way…because…you’re Rie’s ex…and she’s now with Rino…and Rino is my roommate…and…”

“Wait?What did you say? Rino is your roommate?” this kind of surprised me because I heard this for the first time.

But Mayu also looked at me a little bit shocked that I didn’t know about this asking “you…didn’t know about it?” and immediately started rumbling again “I mean…I though you knew…and…still…you used me, right?”

Wow this kind of hit me bad. It even hurt in a way. I don’t even know why but it did “I…”

“You don’t need to say anything…I know…I just…stupid…liking…like you…you’re too…you’re Kashiwagi Yuki…and I’m…I’m me…can you please let me out? I really can’t take this anymore!” this time she asked me desperately and I already saw tears rolling down her cheeks while I couldn’t stop myself and touched her face gently brushing it away.

“Yuki…” she shuttered and looked at me sadly meanwhile I leaned closer whispering until her face was only few inches away from mine “We have a problem here, Mayu… because I like you too…”

I didn’t leave time for information to sink it just saw her confused look and leaned in closing the gap and kissing her gently. I guess she was too shocked to answer and kiss back but I didn’t really mind.

I kissed her few times keeping it simple but long at the same time and then sit back looking at her lips then at her eyes “I got my answers” I told her unlocking the doors and smiling shortly. “See you tomorrow?” I asked hopefully with the same sweet and genuine smile on my face while Mayu stared at me shocked.

It took her long enough but she finally realized what just happened, she blushed which was adorable and smiled shyly “Mmm.ash..aauafea…yeah…”

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline faanpal

  • aozora and shirokumo is a perfect combi
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Re: New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) Chapter 8 [4/1/16]
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2016, 02:43:03 AM »
:lol: Mayu's mumble in the last is EPIC!! :rofl:

I want to say that i love u Calista-san... :thumbup:
Jaa... 48 is about skinship

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