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Author Topic: One question, two answers - Chapter 4 (Atsumina/Atsuyuu & others)  (Read 7207 times)

Offline Nyami

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This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic. Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes ´д` ;
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it~! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Atsuko's p.o.v

It was a tiny playground not too far away from our house. Going there everyday I would meet up and play with Yuko and Takamina. The three of us were close friends along with our parents. One day we were playing house we got into a argument. I wanted to be the wife, however Yuko quickly claim the title of the dad and Takamina had the same idea. They started saying things like "I love Acchan more" and "She likes me better". I never took them seriously and just wanted us to stop fighting. Our parents later came to calm them down and everything went well. None of us mention that day ever again. Who knew that later in the future the same problem would occur again except this time it might ruin our friendship forever.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 04:12:04 AM by Nyami »
Atsumina and Nyanmina

Offline black_maa

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 08:27:39 PM »
Hmm... oka~y.. :roll:
Curious about how things will go ..  8)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Offline ryu201

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2016, 11:36:01 AM »
hm..... :mon huh:

please continue author-san!!!!!!  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

Offline rindg

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2016, 04:52:21 AM »
Wow,  I'd really like to see a next part to this. It's very interesting.

"One question, two answers." "Atsumina/Atsuyuu"

That reminds me of an OPV I watched on Youtube. It was very interesting but short.

If it IS based on that OPV, then, please do continue.

Actually even if it isn't I still want to see the next part!

No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline Nyami

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One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2016, 11:39:33 AM »
Woah, I didn't know I would get some replies along with many viewers right of the bat with just a prologue ((((;゚Д゚)))))))
Thank you so much guys~!! (・ω・)


ryu201: I will try my best!! (´・Д・)」

rindg: Yes, this story is base off the video. When I watch it many good ideas came to my mind and I wanted to type a story for it since I couldn't find any. It may not be perfect but I hope you'll like it~!

Sorry if there's grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy it. Douzo~!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Chapter 1

Atsuko's p.o.v

I stared outside the window as the gentle fluffy clouds slowly float around in the sky. Right now we're on a lunch break from class, which I really needed after the long boring speech from the professor. Ever since college started it has been nothing but pile of work after another.

Suddenly without warning a hand wave in front of my face as I quickly snap out of my thoughts, surprised to see Yuko standing beside my desk.

"Acchan, are you spacing out again?" Yuko said with her arms folded together and gave me a worried look.

Normally Yuko wouldn't be in class since the soccer team always practice in between classes or whenever they have a chance to. Don't ask me why, they just do.

Yuko has been playing soccer ever since elementary school and has always been the ace in every team. Takamina and I would always go watch one of her games to cheer her on and I admit, she looks cool after shooting a point for the team.

"I thought you have practice today?" A sigh came out of Yuko's mouth before she rub her head in frustration.

"They cancel it since the Student Council said they need to clean the soccer field again, which I think is perfectly clean." I giggle a little at Yuko's childish behavior. Even though we are the same age Yuko would always act like the little sister. I would be like the middle sister and Takamina the oldest sister. Speaking of the devil, the door slide open as Takamina walk in with a pile of paperwork in her arms.

"Yuko, you must be getting old since your eyesight are getting bad and can't tell how dirty the field has become." Takamina looked irritated, from Yuko's statement at the end. She probably heard our conversation before arriving.

"Hey! We're both the same age so you don't have any rights to say that." I stare both at Yuko and Takamina as they did a mini staring battle.

Takamina became the student council president after middle school. At first she was afraid to take on such a big role and kept arguing about it even though I insist. Eventually she tried it out and has been doing it due to many successful things she has done.

Everybody in the school knows us as the Big 3 Sisters. I'm great in acting, Yuko is the ace of the soccer team, and Takamina is the student representative for the whole school. Most of them admire us and our deep friendship bond. However Yuko and Takamina aren't my only friends. We have Mii-chan who the school nicknamed "Girl Clown". Mariko-san the "Sadist Queen". Nyan Nyan the "Beauty Model".  Jurina the "Puppy". Then last, but not least, Rena the "Princess".

"Acchan! Tell Bakamina that the field is clean enough as it is!" Yuko pointed her finger towards Takamina as if she took her favorite toy in front of her mother.

"No, you tell stone head here that the field is dirty as her socks!" I stare at them for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"Both of you quit acting like children and grow up already."

"We're grown up already!" They said simultaneously while glaring at each other.

Obviously not...

The door slide open once again as Minegeshi, Mariko, and Nyan Nyan came walking in. They stare at the two midget who were still in their own little world.

"I take it that it's another midget battle." Minegeshi said as she watch in amusement. However both the midget heard what Minegeshi said and we're ready to attack her but the bell ring signaling that the break was over.

They all return to their seats as the professor came in to start another lesson once again. As time went by it was finally time to go home. Yuko quickly grab her things and was ready to head out to soccer practice when she suddenly stop in front of the door.

"Oh no! I forgot to do my journal report from yesterday!!" Hearing this Takamina sigh before replying.

"I knew you would, just go on ahead to practice and I'll go explain to the teacher." Hearing this Yuko let out a big grin.

"Thank you Takamina~! I own you one!" With this Yuko quickly dash out the classroom as Takamina let out a chuckle under her breath.

"Even though you guys fight I can tell you two are always joking around in the end." I smile gently at the thought of our childhood life.

"Well, Yuko can be a baka once in awhile." There was a moment of pause in the air before Takamina continue. "You can go on ahead and head home if you want."

"It's okay, I can wait for you." I didn't feel like going home today by myself. Plus I enjoy spending time with Takamina. It's like her presences calms me down.

"Then I'll hurry up. Meet me at the school's front gate." I gave her a nod before she walk out the classroom.

I grab my things and head out the door. There were still some students still hanging out in the hallways as I walk pass. Soon I notice Minegishi and Mariko hiding behind a vending machine as they tried to peek into the hallway. I slowly walk up towards them before whispering. "What are you guys doing?"

This made Minegishi and Mariko turn around in surprise.

"Acchan! You almost scared half to death." Minegishi let out a breath of relief. From the way they are acting they are spying on someone, probably one of our friends. I look over the vending machine to take a peek on who was the victim this time.

What I saw was Yuko and Takamina standing there alone, however there was a thick air of tension in between them. It made me a bit worried since I've never seen them so serious with each other before.

Doesn't Yuko have practice? Isn't Takamina suppose to talk to the teacher right now? Why are they here? What is going on?

All these questions were floating around my head as I watch them from afar. Finally after a while Yuko took a deep breathe before speaking.

"So what are you going to do? Give up our friendship or go with what your heart tells you?"

Destroy our friendship...?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 02:47:44 PM by Nyami »
Atsumina and Nyanmina

Offline black_maa

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2016, 01:32:18 PM »
Oh...  :huhuh
What next, what next.!?  :roll:
 XD 8)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
                                                                AtsuMina writer!                My OS & Stories area
                                                                Last update: [26.01.17]  "The games of sins"

Offline Takaminayuko

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2016, 03:45:04 PM »
Hello author-san, i'm new here~ :bow:  XD
i like your story :inlove: please update it soon~ :nya:

Offline ryu201

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2016, 07:30:03 PM »
hey! i just realize that u are new here!!!
welcome auhor-san please enjoy writing here  :welcome

finally chapter 1 has come!!!!
are??? takamina and yuko in bad term already?
nande? it is because maybe takamina have feeling with acchan and yuko know it?
as far as i hate atsuyuu pairing but i really hope some cute moment of them in this story.
so...please continue author-san and thank for update  :kneelbow:

Offline Nyami

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One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2016, 04:38:40 AM »
Thank you guys for more replies~! It really motivates me to write more when I see people posting comments and their reactions. So please post something, anything, I would love to read it~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I'll try my best to make this as interesting as possible


Takaminayuko: Welcome then~! I'm new here myself too so we're in the same boat (´・Д・)」 Thank you so much for liking it~!!💕

ryu201: Yep! New and fresh here! Thank you, I'll try to ( ゚д゚)
Sometimes I like to move the story plot really fast so it's interesting (at least for me that is) but you're going to find out more later as you chapter two. I'll make everybody a sweet moment! I mean, everybody in here at least deserves that much right?? I will plan on continuing this and thank YOU for liking my story so far ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Anyways~ I hope you guys will enjoy chapter two. I'm sorry if there are grammar mistakes and plus I was half asleep typing in some parts (I've been getting only 5 hours or less these past few days) so I hope you guys won't mind (・Д・)ノ Douzo~!!

Chapter 2

Takamina's p.o.v

Hearing that question made me froze up. Our friendship which we've built up for 9 years will be destroy within few seconds.

Is love that powerful? I guess that's why people say that love changes people.

I gave Yuko a serious look before speaking.

"Yuko, isn't there another way?" Without a warning Yuko slam her fist against the wall.

"There isn't another way!" Slowly Yuko turn around with a painful expression. Seeing this made my heart full up with guilt and sadness. "Please make your decision. I don't want to do this either." With that Yuko walk away back to soccer practice.

I stood there as the question kept replaying over and over again in my head.

Both of us has been in love with Acchan ever since we were little. She was a new girl who just moved to our neighborhood.

During school Acchan didn't have any friends and always sat alone during recess time. At first I didn't want anything to do with her but Yuko insisted that we add another person to our "cool" group since she had an "aura" of one.

Yuko was the first person Acchan talked to. It was Yuko who pulled all our friends now together. Without her I wouldn't be here right now with all my friends.

After a few weeks of hanging out with Acchan the three of us became really close friends. However one day Yuko told me her feelings for Acchan. I didn't want to ruin her mood so I didn't tell her that I felt the same way towards Acchan as she does, plus I wanted to support her also.

Eventually Yuko found out around our last year of high school and ever since then we had a awkward atmosphere around us but both of us knew without saying that we shouldn't let Acchan know that our friendship is slowly crumbling down. So we joke around constantly in order to hide that fact.

Just now I was getting ready to head to the teacher's office when I saw Yuko standing there in the hallway. I knew right of the bat from her expression that she wanted a serious conversation. However as you know already, things didn't go well.

I let out a deep sigh that I've been holding in for quite awhile now and head towards the teacher's office.

"Sorry for disturbing you Sensei." The professor look up from his paper work and smiled.

"Ah, if it isn't Takahashi-san. What brings you here today?" I slowly close the door behind me and walk towards his desk.

"Is it okay if Oshima Yuko finish her journal next week? Since you know she has soc-" Before I had the chance to finish my sentence he quickly cut in.

"I understand. I'll let it slide this time as long as you grade it." I quickly bow down and thanked the professor before heading out.

"Oh no, I forgot! Acchan is still waiting for me!Gotta hurry!" I grab my belongings and head towards the school's gate as fast as possible. However while running in the hallway, which was something you're not suppose to do, I bump into Nyan Nyan.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay Nyan Nyan?" I help up from the ground and kept apologizing.

"I'm okay Takamina." She giggle a little before dusting away some dust on her clothes. "Are you in a hurry to meet with Acchan?" I nod to her question. "I just saw her leave not too long ago. She's probably at the school's gate entrance."

"Thank you Nyan Nyan!" Without any hesitation I ran out the school to meet up with Acchan.

Acchan stood there looking at the ground as if the ground suddenly became interesting. I pant as I try to recover the air I release from running.

"Sorry for making you wait. Should we get going now?" Without saying anything she nod to my question. 

It was quiet as we walk back home. I glance at Acchan once in a while, recalling the event from earlier with Yuko.

What should I do now? I mean, Yuko and I have been friends since birth basically, but me and Acchan have slowly gotten to know either other more and it just makes me want to protect her.

"Takamina." I snap out my thoughts and quickly look up at her.

"Yes?" There was a awkward pause for a moment before Acchan took a deep breathe and continue.

"Is there something, you know, going on between you and Yuko?" A lump form in my throat as I felt pressure slowly building up on me.

"No, not really. What makes you think that?" I quickly gave Acchan a smile and those lies without hesitation.

Acchan look at me for a moment before smiling back.

"That's good to hear. I don't want us to ever split apart. Even if one of us is gone I don't know what I'll do."  I stare into those pure black eyes as I felt guilt wrapping around my heart.

No Takamina! You did the right thing! This way Acchan won't get hurt and you'll have time to figure out a way to fix this whole mess before it gets any farther. You can't let Acchan get hurt!

Before I realize it we finally arrive at Acchan's house as we wave and say our goodbyes to each other.

"Don't forget to do your homework." Acchan giggle a little before replying.

"Okay okay 'mom'. You be careful and get enough sleep." I pout at Acchan's joke as she suddenly laughs at my reaction.

As Acchan walk back to her house I notice a rock in front her path.

"Acchan, look out!" Everything happen so fast as I went and caught her and somehow end up having to pull Acchan's body towards me. It was almost as if it came out from any typical Princess movie where the prince saves them except it's a smaller person and a female.

"Are you okay Acchan?" I look at her and notice how close our faces were to each other. They were basically inches away as I could smell her nice perfume.

Without warning she quickly push me away as her face turn completely red.

"I-I'm okay! Th-thank you for saving me, you should head home now since it's getting dark." I gave her a worried look. Acchan quickly notice this. "I'm fine! There's not a single scratch on me! You should quickly get home now!"

I took a last look on her to check if she was lying before finally giving up. "Okay, I'll see you at school tomorrow then."

"Bye Takamina" We wave at each one final time before finally going back to our house.

"I'm home!" There was a moment of silence before I head in. The house was pitch dark and everything was still were I left it at this morning.

My parents has been working overseas ever since I was little so they rarely come home. Most of the time Acchan or Yuko would come over just to hangout and keep me company.

I head towards my room as I get ready to do my work. As I sat down I notice the picture where the three of us were still little kids hanging out in the same park. I smile at the sweet memories however I was also afraid what would happen between me and Yuko. 

I let out a sigh that I've been holding in.

"I wish I could fix this mess right now..."
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 01:27:32 AM by Nyami »
Atsumina and Nyanmina

Offline Takaminayuko

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2016, 05:49:31 AM »
atsumina~  :farofflook:
what's next? what's gonna happen?   XD

Offline ryu201

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2016, 06:25:14 AM »
yoohoo~ author-san!!!
nice update!
but wait!!!
so yuko know acchan first but actually takamina first who loves her first?

Offline Nyami

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Re: One question, two answers (Atsumina/Atsuyuu + other couples)
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2016, 01:17:15 AM »
Yes, Yuko knows Acchan first but both of them fell in love with her at the same time  ( ゚д゚)
Atsumina and Nyanmina

Offline Nyami

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Please let me know if you guys want me to continue with this story~!! I know I haven’t been active at all for about 2 years (sorry!!) Like I said, if you are interested in wanting to know how the story will continue, please comment or reply! I will make some time to write more just for you guys~! (*´꒳`*)

Chapter 3

Yuko's p.o.v

After the talk I had with Takamina I head back for soccer practice.

Acchan has always caught my eyes ever since I saw her. She was unique from everybody else. Even when I try groping her she would give me a 'touch me and you'll be dead meat' look. It was hard to get her to become friends with me. However that was what made me so attracted to her. I love to obtain things that are hard to get. Life would be boring if you can have everything given to you. I like to be challenged but that's not the only reason why I'm attracted to Acchan. Her crinkle nose when she smiles, her adorable laughs, her calm voice, everything about her just makes me want to keep her all to myself.

As I walk pass I notice Nyan Nyan standing in front of her locker with some books in her hand. I quickly got an idea and slowly sneak up behind her.

"Guess who?!" I grope Nyan Nyan as a cute 'kyaa' came out from her mouth. She drop her books and quickly remove herself away from me.

"Yuko! How many times do I have to tell you not to grope me in public!" I saw hint of blush on her face which made me want to tease her even more.

"So that means I can grope you when we're alone right~?" Nyan Nyan hit my head and yelled "pervert" really loud. Luckily nobody else was in the hallway right now to hear us or else they'll  spread some weird rumor.

"So what are you doing here? Perhaps you're meeting a secret boyfriend?!" I pretend to act surprise and shock as I did a dramatic gasp which made Nyan Nyan roll her eyes at me.

"No, I was ready to go home until 'someone' came." I chuckle and apologize to her.

"Are you free right now? Do you want to head home together after my soccer practice?" Nyan Nyan took a moment to think about it.

"Alright, I don't think I have anything to do after school anyways."

"Yatta~!! Nyan Nyan, I love you~!" I gave her a quick hug before I get another smack.

As we head to the soccer field I notice Takamina and Acchan standing in front of the school's gate. My eyes never left them as they slowly walk away from us. I could feel a tug in my heart as my gut keeps telling me to go after them.

"Nyan Nyan, sorry but can you go ahead and head home by yourself?"

"But what about soccer practice?"

"I can just skip it for today." Before I could chase after them Nyan Nyan grab onto my wrist.

I can't afford to waste time right now. I was about to tug out of Nyan Nyan's grip but her eyes caught my attention. Why were they so sad? She look so fragile, almost as if she was going to break at any moment.

"Yuko...are you sure you want to go chasing after them?" I look back at the school's gate and back at Nyan Nyan.

"I'm sorry Nyan Nyan. I have to go" With this I quickly pull out of Nyan Nyan's grip and ran as fast as I can out the school ground.

Finally after a while I could see Takamina and Acchan in my sight. I slow down and try approaching them quietly. However not being close enough I couldn't hear their conversation. Suddenly I notice both of them stop and notice we're at Acchan's house already. They talk for a moment before Acchan finally goes back to her house but without warning Acchan trip over a rock.

I was getting ready to jump out from my hiding spot and catch her but the midget caught her instead. As I watch the scene unfold in front of my eyes I could feel my fist clinching together tightly. I wanted to look away but somehow my eyes can't. I notice Acchan blushing which made me even more furious. They quickly said their goodbyes and parted ways. I stood there watching them as if they never left.

"Takamina, I see how it is. I thought we were truly best friends but I guess I was wrong..."
Atsumina and Nyanmina

Offline arfi

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Yes I do, i like your story, please continue! :heart: :bow:

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One question, two answers - Chapter 4 (Atsumina/Atsuyuu & others)
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2018, 04:06:42 AM »
Here is the new chapter~ I know it is short but I don’t know how to continue this while making it interesting >~<
arfi: Thank you so much~! I’m glad you liked it (^∇^)I will try to upload as much as I can!
Sorry for the grammar

Chapter 4

Haruna's p.o.v

I let out a deep sigh as I saw Yuko disappear. I guess my words were not strong enough than what her guts told her.

"Did she ditch you again?" I turn around to see Mariko standing there with her arms crossed and a glare. I smile a bit before answering her question.

"It's not like this is the first time she has done this." I guess ever since I saw Yuko back in elementary school I've always had my eyes on her, however, I know that Yuko isn't looking at me. It kind of hurts to admit it sometimes.

"One day I'm going to toss that squirrel into the trash can." I giggle a little knowing that Mariko is trying her best to cheer me up right now.

"Maybe you should go out with me instead Nyan Nyan~" Minegishi quickly pops out from behind me with a large grin on her face. Mariko on the other hand burst out laughing.

"Date you?! The last thing she'll be dating is a textbook!"

"Hey! At least I'm not tall like a rain forest tree!" Mariko flinch a little at the comment thrown at her. She was a little sensitive when it comes down to her height. I decided to leave them be and left the school ground.

Being a little curious, I follow Yuko knowing where she's following them to. Without warning, for the second time today, I bump into someone.

"Itte..." I rub my sore head.

"Are you okay Kojima-senpai?!" I look up to see a panicking Jurina with Rena standing next to her.

"I'm fine." Slowly getting up I quickly wipe the dust off my uniform. Rena gave Jurina a "you are so dead later" look as Jurina mouthed sorry to her.

"So what are you guys still doing at the campus?" Right about now students should be leaving the school instead.

"Jurina here forgot her homework again at school right when we were in front of her house door." Rena let out a sigh. Jurina on the other hand, sticked her tongue out and made an “tehee” face.

“Be careful on your way then.” I wave them goodbye as both of them bow in appreciation before dashing off. I try to walk as fast as I can towards the direction Yuko went. By the time I realize, I was somehow lost.

“Ehhhhh?? Where am I? Have I been here before?” Sometimes I want to blame myself for being an airhead. I tried to loop around in circle in order to figure out which part of Japan I am standing on.

“Nyan nyan?” A familiar voice broke my lost cycle. I turn to the direction of the voice and see Takamina standing before me.

“Takamina! Thank goodness!” I rush over to her side and almost tear up from the happiness of finding someone who is reliable. Takamina looked at me with a worried expression.

“What’s wrong Nyan nyan? Did something happen?” I shake my head side to side.

“I was lost! I didn’t know how to go back to where I was.” After hearing this, Takamina let out a laugh. I pout at the response.
“Geez, it’s not funny!”
“Sorry sorry. Here, I will take you back as a apology.” Hearing this made me feel relief. We slowly walk back.

Silence fell down between us as the busy street of Akihabara continued on with the busy day. I look at Takamina from the corner of my eyes. Her face was relaxed surprisingly, however, I could see in her eyes that she was worried about something. I feel like it’s not my place to jump into someone’s private life. Even though we are friends, we keep dark secrets to ourselves.

“Umm, Nyan nyan?” I was caught off guard by the sudden attention.
“What do you think about love?” It was a simple easy common question to me.
“I guess, it’s something special.” Takamina chuckle at my quick response.
“Yeah, I agree with that. Love can be sweet yet bitter at the same time.” Her eyes slowly travel to the ground. The sad expression cover her eyes as we kept on walking. Somehow I felt like I should have said more but seeing how Takamina is right now, she might want some quiet time.

Before I realize, we had finally arrive at the mall where the AKB Theater was at.
“You should know where to head home from here right?”
“Yes, thank you.” We say our goodbyes.

As I start walking home, I finally realize that I had forgotten about Yuko.
“Ahhhh. Baka baka baka baka baka!” After calling myself an idiot I calm down a bit. Maybe everything will work itself out. Only time will tell.
With that, I finally head home without noticing what Yuko had witness that day.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 04:15:43 AM by Nyami »
Atsumina and Nyanmina

Offline blakwhite

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Re: One question, two answers - Chapter 4 (Atsumina/Atsuyuu & others)
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2018, 02:28:21 PM »
I just want you to know, i like this fic, hope u update soon  ;)

Offline koyatsum07

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Re: One question, two answers - Chapter 4 (Atsumina/Atsuyuu & others)
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2018, 08:49:34 PM »
I really love this story and I hope it ends up being atsumina, although if it comes out otherwise, I'll adapt XD

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