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Author Topic: Surprise Gift (Kai X Atsuko) - COMPLETED  (Read 38446 times)

Offline Haruko

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Surprise Gift (Kai X Atsuko) - COMPLETED
« on: December 04, 2012, 03:10:11 AM »
Hello Everybody! I´m Haru and this is my first english fanfic, so I hope you enjoy it.  Yeah! I need to say sorry with my grammar is awful, but I hope that you enjoy reading this fic. Its short but not a oneshot. Everybody in this forum know that I love Kojiyuu so much but this time is a Kai X Atsuko, I don´t know why.. but they make me happy too. Im so nervou about your opinion -_-.. well.. Enjoy it!



Our story begins like any other story about two friends who have known since childhood. Atsuko Maeda and Kai Takahashi have been friends since elementary school, when Atsuko moved to Kai's school. He defended some abusers and since that day have been friends until now, the two have grown up together, they have laughed, they cried and of course they have been fought.

Now they are in the University of Tokyo, one of the most prestigious in the country, while Atsuko (20 years) decided on an acting career, Kai (21 years) was to study architecture. Both are very popular in the university because they are good looking and smart.

- And now I will do about it? - Atsuko thought as she walked down a hallway. All her problem started a week ago.


- Acchan! - A small woman cries while also jumping over Atsuko - where are you? I'm looking for you ...
- Ah! Yuko not scare me, what happened? - Answered a surprised Acchan, Yuko was indeed Acchan's best friend since they entered the University as the two were attending the same career. Yuko is also popular in the campus like acchan with her 1.53cm tall, she was the dream of every man and every girl wanted to be like them.
- Don't run away from me! - said Yuko and Atsuko embrace leaving behind and facing it - Well I was looking for because it's your birthday soon and I have already the perfect idea to celebrate your 21 years old birthday.
- Eh?! seriously but there is still a few weeks -
- Yeah! but now I'm gonna make a girls-only party - said Yuko in a cheerful tone  - So I wanna rent a private room.
- Mmm But only girls right? - Atsuko said while looking suspiciously at Yuko
- Well, maybe a couple of Strippers can join us, you know because they already fulfill your coming of age you need to start get into the adult`s world - Yuko replied with a mischievous smile
-Eh?! Yuko!  I swear that you are thinking of doing something perverted, right?-
- What? I .. not as you think - responded with a doubtful tone - Your only wait the day of your birthday for the big party that you brilliant and beloved friend Yuko Oshima going to make

[End of flashback]

- From that day she has not told me anything about it  right now my parents are informed  about that but Kai .. - Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling her name.
- Acchaaaaaaan!, Land  calling Acchan - said  yuko but she doesn't have responds - Oh! Is not that Kai?! And who is this sexy woman who is hugging him ? -
- What? as one with a sexy woman ... who dares to touch my K.. - Exclaims Acchan
- So your Kai huh? - Yuko asked with a mischievous look
-! Huh?! Ah .. I did not say anything .. -Said a blushing Atsuko
- Well, well I'll believe - Yuko said nonchalantly I was looking to finalize details of the party, I have the place, the food and the music . I want to know who you want to invite, not other guys rather say nothing of Kai and company even if is my Riku ... - Out of his reverie goes on to explain - This will be a special night also think they would not be agree if  they knew that there will be strippers -
- yeah! it would  be troublesome when they arrive .... What! - Answered an exalted maeda -, You said  Strippers!? Yuko! What kind of show have  you planned? -
- Jajaj well you know that "kind of show" anything goes - Yuko said with apparent calm - Where handsome and sexy boys take off their clothes and stuff like that .. so you gonna need money. you know for put it in their..-
- What? No way, I thought girls only party was fine ..  you know only girls -
- Aww Acchan give me tenderness sometimes you lack so much to learn but do not worry that's why you have me, I'll show you everything a woman should know - Yuko said with a voice of experience - By the way, you told Already your dear kai this year are not going to spend your birthday with him?
- First, its not my dear Kai,  Second, the last party was a normal party and Third I haven't see him yet-
- Then do it quickly, maybe he is already  thinking in ask your hand in marriage that day - Yuko says laughing.
- Ja Ja - snicker - Very funny Yuko ... I need to see him first and the Im going  to tell Kai.. -
-Tell me what? - Heard a voice at the back of them
- Waaaaaa - both shouted simultaneously
- Wow girls .. not shout so loud-Kai said while his blocking his ears.
- don't scare us like that Kai, you appear so suddenly - said an angry Atsuko
- Jaja, you are chatting so much that you didn't hear me but in the end I heard my name so... What are you gonna tell me Atsu? - Kai said a little intrigued.
- Well .. pair of lovebirds I go .. and then  Acchan give me the guest ´s list ok?.. Hey Kai, have you seen Riku? - Yuko said
- If you leave in the coming but a girl group cornered him and decided better escape -
- Argh .. not again .. these girls trying to approach my Riku'll see - says Yuko while raising his fist in the air - I'm out, see you in class Acchan later tell me what kind of Strippers do you want  it, ok?- Yuko says as he walks away quickly.
- Eh?! Yuko! - Says Atsuko ashamed
- Eh?! Strippers??!  what that´s mean? .. do you wanna talk me about that? - said Kai a little upset.
- yes! .. no! I well.. - Answered nervous - I wanted to talk to you, you'll know that within two weeks it will be my birthday, it turns out that Yuko planned a girls-only party this year so we can not celebrate as usual - while atsuko said that kai´s face goes a little sad and She immediately added, but we can celebrate another day ... you and me .. well ... if you want .. -Finished Acchan said blushing.

- Sure! if you want we can go to the new convention center that just opened, but I have a question - immediately changed the face of Kai by one seriously - How is that about “the strippers thing”  at the party, you do not say that it is just for women -
- it is!, but Yuko insists that I must know all the pleasures that come with reaching the stage of adulthood, you know Yuko and her eccentric ideas, hehe - Before that acchan said that He only could blame was Yuko as she is known on these issues not for nothing is going to haunt the Riku with these sexual advances but she wants disguise daily calling them "skinship"
- This .. Kai Kai?! - Atsuko spoke but Kai was a little gone - Wake up! - You hit your head
- Auch Atsu .. was it necessary? -Referring to the slap
- You was in the moon, well I said I'm going to my next class We gonna see you in the opengate or do you have another activity today? -
- Oh yeah! no, now I´m free, I see you at the entrance-
- Ok .. Bye - WHILE Atsuko says goodbye kisses him on the cheek and runs
- O / / / / O - a blushing Kai just looks like Atsuko is lost on the horizon, sometimes unforeseen her displays of affection left him stunned. For anyone who saw them are a couple in love but they are just friends unfortunately for Kai as he has always been in love with Atsuko since they were children, but it is a secret that only a few friends know (actually the whole school  know it's so obvious, even fan club of both know about this ”secret”  love) - Then.. I need to know where is that party.. i don't wanna any bastard touch my girl, i need a plan ... -

[Change of scene, an hour later]
- Riku! My bro How have you been? - Kai said as he came to a very surprised Riku by his friend's attitudes toward him. Riku and Kai have been friends since they began university, strangely they were presented by nothing more and nothing less than Yuko, and she wanted to know  about Riku (that hot guy in yuko´s words) and  Force to kai to talk with riku and know more about him. As one of the most popular in university like Kai felt identified and immediately became best friends, as well as Kai , Riku was besieged, had his own fan club. But obviously the number one fan was Yuko, since according to her, Riku loves her but has not yet realized so is giving opportunity to declare it, for while they are only "friends".
- Well, why? What do you want? -
- What? A friend  can not approach a friendly manner with his BESTFRIEND without thinking you want something? -
- Rather you can not get closer in a friendly way - said Riku
- Jaja Riku don't be so mean, In deed I need you to do me a favor ... -
- I knew it! and the answer is no! -
- What? but if you don't know what is the favor.. -

- No need to know, for sure going to do something crazy and your voice is very unpleasant for me ... or maybe dangerous..or both -
- Haha don't be paranoid, its not dangerous well.. not much -
-Mmm What do you want? -
- You know I know Acchan so many year ago ... - tried to explain  Kai but Riku interrupted.
- And you want my help for her birthday ... will you finally going to declare and propose! Good for you Kai - Riku said jokingly
- Yes! .. What?! I  NO! .. if I need your help for her birthday but that's not what I want.. - said blushing Kai - Well the thing is that your beloved Yuko apparently are planning a party and I need you to take out the information about the party you know the details location, time. You know using your charm with her -
- Never!!, You know how complicated it would take off  Yuko if for once I  try to be nice to her,  or seduce her, ask me another favor not his.. my answer is no -
- Ah well .. then let the strippers undress in front of her and touch her a lot of course.. Yuko gonna be so happy for that... -
- What?!! Who the hell is gonna dare to touch my wife, bastards .. -
 - Riku calm down! I have a plan but We need the information about that party ok? -
-  If you said so.. Done - said Riku still really angry was so jealous that he had not realized that declared his love and possession by Yuko, Kai  this time doesn´t say nothing but He need to remember this talk and bother Riku in another occasion, because  oftenly Riku doesn't show his true feeling against yuko. Then both of them get back to their class.

[Scene change .. hours later]
Yuko is taking some things from her locker at that moment when her phone rings.
- Hello?!.. Kouji!  Yeah!  All is ready then.. do you going to came? Yeah!!  - While Yuko started talking did not realize that Riku is behind her sneaks, but when he saw that yuko was on the phone stopped a little because He want to know who is the person and the other phone line - Yeah! the party is for my best friend jejej don´t be a player ..yes.. she is cute but not as much as I do .. haha sexy? you make me blush - Riku before this was not happy hearing about a guy talking about her woman in that way. He was about to interrupt the scene when He heard - Yes.. the party is in BIG PLEASURE at 8, do you know that place right?.. In VIP´s entrance I leave instructions to let you pass, .. Kouji! .. eh?! Ah .. Yukirin?!? Yes she will be there why?.. ohh a friend of you have interested in her.. well its ok but i need to warning you she is a difficult goal.. eh.. yeah.. She doesn't have boyfriend.. me? you know that I have no boyfriend ... haha we'll see,  yeah!.. full show with nudity and more.. well we decide it on the party ok? OK!! See ya bye- when Yuko hangs an evil smile appeared on his face now, everything is ready now finally She can teach to Atsuko about adult things. Meanwhile Yuko have this though Riku was furious who was that such Kouji? .. the stripper ...  He never gonna let that this guy be near to his yuko. Then Riku was furious but he was so close behind yuko than he can't just run ways from her so he slowly approach to Yuko.
Hello Yuko, What are you doing? - Asks a carefree Riku.
- Ah! Riku scared me - asks a frightened Yuko while Riku is slowly approach to herself -  Since when are you there? - ask so nervous
- Not much time  I just arrived a second ago - lied
- Do you need something? -
- In deed I need a lot of things from you-  Riku said this words in a sexy tone and he puts both arms on each side of the head of yuko and she is trapped between his body and her locker. Yuko was frozen she couldn't  believe what´s happening, She was dreaming because is impossible that her  Riku is just inches from her cornering her in a public hall and talking sexy on her ears.
- In .. that ... you ... Can ... help? - A very nervous Yuko said. The truth Riku had no idea what to do next because he is only acting by impulse righ now he is too furious and jealous about that Kouji trying to seduce his girl and he just wants to prove that he is the only one who  can make yuko getting nervous, but now being so close to her, He can see how beautiful she is when she is nervous without that eternal chatter that characterizes it.
- Well actually just wanted to know ... - Riku had to think of something fast and only came up with - you seen Kai  today... - But he said it in a very sexy tone and approaching her right ear. Yuko trying to process what he said but She was too shocked by the proximity of Riku when finished processing a voice was heard behind them..
- Oshima! Kojima! if you have much time for those cuddles I recommend to wait until your class  end - They didn't realised  that the bell rang and they are also giving a public show. Hearing the voice of his professor, Riku finally get out of his trance and slowly as he turned his gaze to the teacher and many students around them including their fans, some girls sobbed and whispered that they had lost their Riku. Moreover Yuko finally came out of her trance and realized what was happening and She is so happy about that, Riku finally showed his love for her in public so  She embrace him so tight and doesn't let him gone.
- RikuNya!  You've finally accepted my love! ..  Come on kiss me.. We need to sealed our love and make it official - said  yuko trying to bend Riku as she says finally "seal their love"  meanwhile Riku is just trying to get away from Yuko but its just practically impossible.
- You'll pay Kai, now I have to see how to rid off Yuko - Riku thought as he tried to take off Yuko  with many students like witness about that hot scene.

[Change of scene, the next day]
- YOU! I was looking for you - said kai to Riku
- Really? Why?
- As you so that I leave you a mission yesterday. Did you get the information?
- Hey! Obviously, if I could, indeed owe me  I big one because  I could not get off Yuko after a while -
- Well! Now that we have the information we need to know what are we gonna do  -
- Do what? - Then came a tall, short hair named Sae Miyazawa, best known as the playboy of the school.
- Kai, plans to sabotage Acchan only girl´s party - Riku answered in a cheerful tone
- Oh, really! - Answer a surprised  Sae because He knows that Kai is a very serious person.
- Well, I would not use the word sabotage rather be something like .. change some things for the party. Sae, Will You join us?
- Hey! No thanks, if it is against Acchan .. I don't wanna, this woman has a temper -
- Jajaj Sae is afraid of Acchan -
- Shut up Riku, fear is not the correct word I like to say careful, this woman is not tempted as a matter of revenge when you make her mad -
- Well - Answer Kai - Yukirin will have the freedom to touch the strippers on the party -
- Hey! What are you talking about? - An exalted Sae said
- What do not you know what it means to only girls party? .. It means that men go to strip in front of them and I heard that one guy want to approach to your beloved Yukirin and He is ready to conquer  her in the party - said Riku
- Over my dead body, I would never let someone touch her - Sae turns to Kai - What is the plan?
- The plan is... -



PD: If someone can help me with my grammar before I upload Im gonna be so happy -_-. So this person can read my fic before that everyone.. well just send a inbox :B.. maybe is just a chapter by week or two but no more.

If someone want the original fanfic in spanish :B just tell me. Bye bye
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:25:27 PM by sophcaro »

Offline steftakami

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GOD!!!!!!!!! I like your fic!!!!  :grin:

please continue!!!!  :bow: :bow:

Offline dark48

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I can check your fic if you want to

By the way I really love it :heart: :heart:
So interesting

Please Continue  :bow:

Offline saeyukilover

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hello! i like your fic its great.....

about your grammars actually theirs nothing much to fix....just some couples, but grammar who cares as long as the story is great...

but still if u want help, ill be glad to help and give you a hand :)

 :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Wmatsui22

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It's very Nice chapter!

Please Update and Continue writing!

Thank You :)

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Oooh! I like this one~

I don't really read Kai X Acchan too much but I hope this would turn out well and will not wind up being crappy like other fics I know. Not to judge, though.

Oh, and about the grammar thingy-thing, I would be glad to help you fix them since I've found some lol. But seems like there are also some people up there who offered too, so yeah. I'll just be here so just tell me if you need my help :3

Update soon too lol.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 01:56:25 PM by ChuuuPuffss »
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline cisda83

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Yeah....great coupling... and story

Can't wait for the next one... nice development for the plotting

Thank you for the fic.

Offline Haruko

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Response to Comments:
Thanx for your support, you are my first... comment XD

THANX for check my chapter! love ya!

Yeah! And you need to wait for the next chapter

Thanx, in deed I appreciate your offer :B

Yeah! Thanx.. you need to prepare for the next chapter

Jaja I dont know how they become crappy but its a short and funny fic.. you need to wait for the next chapter :B

Thanx for your comment, yeah the next chapter is golden :D

Offline Haruko

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Surprise Gift ║ Chapter: 2/4║ Updated: 21-12-12║ Pairing: Kai X Atsuko
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 03:35:03 AM »
Hey guys! I´m here again!.. thanx for the comments that make me so happy, yeah! Im a little late but i hope that with this chapter you forgive me please!!!...

Last but no least I wanna say thanx to dark48 who help me with my awful grammar :B.

Everyone who offer to help me thank you i just chose dark48, because dark was the first :B

If you wanna practice your spanish its ok, you can PM your message because this is my mother tongue.


- YOU! I was looking for you - said kai to Riku
- Really? Why?
- As you so that I leave you a mission yesterday. Did you get the information?
- Hey! Obviously, if I could, indeed owe me  I big one because  I could not get off Yuko after a while -
- Well! Now that we have the information we need to know what are we gonna do  -
- Do what? - Then came a tall, short hair named Sae Miyazawa, best known as the playboy of the school.
- Kai, plans to sabotage Acchan only girl´s party - Riku answered in a cheerful tone
- Oh, really! - Answer a surprised  Sae because He knows that Kai is a very serious person.
- Well, I would not use the word sabotage rather be something like .. change some things for the party. Sae, Will You join us?
- Hey! No thanks, if it is against Acchan .. I don't wanna, this woman has a temper -
- Jajaj Sae is afraid of Acchan -
- Shut up Riku, fear is not the correct word I like to say careful, this woman is not tempted as a matter of revenge when you make her mad -
- Well - Answer Kai - Yukirin will have the freedom to touch the strippers on the party -
- Hey! What are you talking about? - An exalted Sae said
- What do not you know what it means to only girls party? .. It means that men go to strip in front of them and I heard that one guy want to approach to your beloved Yukirin and He is ready to conquer  her in the party - said Riku
- Over my dead body, I would never let someone touch her - Sae turns to Kai - What is the plan?
- The plan is... -


[Birthday Day]

From the day before  Yuko stayed home for Acchan to finalize the details of the party. After a greeting by Kai, by a message, for her birthday, she went out with her parents. Atsuko was so happy because tonight it’s going to be a great party but on the other hand she is a little worried about yuko´s surprise. She knows that yuko sometimes is a little.. crazy.

[Party Time]
One by one they arrived at the party, the place was really nice, the music echoing in every corner, because Yuko knows the owner.
- Wow, Yuko this place is awesome and look at all this food. Acchan looked astonished in all directions, it was definitely the best place for a private party . In front of them you could see the stage with a karaoke machine.
- Alright girls, let the fun begin - shout Yuko with joy - Who will be the first to sing?

[in other place]

- Ok, we are all ready, we need to reach our goal- said Kai
- We're gonna die, we're gonna die - repeated Sae
- Don't be a baby Jaja nothing is going to happen, i didn't know  that you are so afraid of Acchan- responded Riku with a mocking smile
- You do not know what that woman is capable of doing -
- Hey! In part you deserve that for what you did to Yukirin -
- I told you that girl suddenly kiss me and then Yuki came but I didn't kiss her back.. I swear -
- Well, that's not what Yukirin told us, A sexy girl on top of you half-naked ..kissing you.. wow are a naughty boy - told Riku bothering Sae
- But .. -
- Stop it you two that's over, Sae already paid for it, now focus .. it’s there Riku - said Kai while he is watching the map in his hand pointing to the place where you could see in big letters the name "Big Pleasure"
- Well, now we have to figure out how to join the party -

[At the same time at the party]

- Do you like the party Acchan? - Ask Yuko while watching the party. In this time a singing Miichan and Sashii was on stage.
- It's perfect, thanks Yuko You're the best - tells Acchan while hugging her
- Jeje thanx, I`m glad that you liked it, save more hugs for later.. when I give you my special gift- Yuko replied smiling
- Yuko, I told you that no stranger at the party, you promised me -
- And you have my word, don`t be so paranoid acchan.. no stranger  in your party-

[While at the same time outside the party]

- Well we're in but the girls are not, that means they must be in the VIP area - says Sae
- how do you know about that area, Sae? - Riku asks suspiciously
- Because unlike you, I used to go to this kind of party --
-  mmm look there, It´s a sign  - Kai said pointing to a door that is located in a corner of the dance floor
- I hope that the stripper part  haven’t started yet because it would be Riku´s fault- Sae says
- Hey! It´s not my fault - says Riku
- Well, if only you had driven faster.. -
- You two shut up, we're here now we'll have to see how we can get in - says Kai as they approached they saw Yukirin left the party room, and they can see a little inside the party
- Well apparently We are still in time, now we have to see how to enter in the VIP area -
- Those guards will not let us get in - says Sae
They see Yukirin enter the room but she left the door slightly  open so you can hear what's going on inside. At that time they can see the lights turned off and a voice echoes inside.
- Welcome Ladies! - a voice of a host echoed throughout the room - Today I bring you the most amazing show in earth directly from New York our gorgeous show “The Wild Dreams strippers show". A big scream that can be heard for all the VIP area was hearing and the music starts to play.
- What the hell Riku! You said that the show would start at 8 - Asked a very altered kai
- Damn don´t blame me, I swear that I heard its 8 -
- Dafuq We need to enter ASAP! - Sae said just worried that Kai almost to panic
- Excuse me, Can you let us enter? ... - They hear a voice behind them

[A few moments before Yukirin Left the room]

- Are you enjoying the party? - ask Yuko
- Of course I am..thanx Yuko - says Acchan while she kiss yuko´s right cheek
- Hey, Hey. Calm down or I”ll think that you love me!- Yuko tells in a playful tone as she winks at her
- Yeah, sure - says Acchan but at that moment  Yuko´s phone start to ring...
- Hello? Hey! If ..yeah .. ok .. is last room, Just say my name ..bye bye - Hearing these answers Acchan began to suspect
- Who was that? -
- Eh?! -
- Who was that?
- Ah! eh! anyone?! .. a friend- and Yuko gave a nervous laugh
- Yuko! I said nothing of strangers at the party! -
- Hey! I told you and I promised no strangers at the party and if Oshima Yuko promises something she’ll keep her word - After this Atsuko relaxed if there something you would trust it’s the word of Yuko. Now curiosity came about the gift she has prepared for her, she thought maybe it could be a cake or something. But It´s yuko her crazy friend so anything could happen
"Phew! I was almost discovered... I need to be more careful “ Yuko thought while a perverted smile forming on her face. After 20 minutes all the girls had already sung. While  Acchan starts to worry about her friend because she disappeared  15 minutes ago.
"Mmm She told me that we need more drinks so she went behind the stage but she has not returned yet" Acchan thought.
Just as the last song ended they suddenly heard a voice that was curiously Yuko´s voice
- Okay girls I hope you're having fun because now comes the best, please Mariko, Tomochin ..Do it now!! - Mariko then put a chair in the middle and this is just curiously facing the stage while Tomochin take a surprised Atsuko and obligate her to sit on the chair.
- Ready Yuko! - Mariko says with a smile style "trollface" that only she can do, for sure she and Tomochin don´t know what will happen but coming from Yuko anything is possible
- Welcome Ladies! - a voice of a host echoed throughout the room - Today I bring you the most amazing show in earth directly from New York our gorgeous show “The Wild Dreams strippers show".

That starts playing the music of LMFAO - I'm sexy and I know it

Right in front of the stage there is a curtain where you can see three muscular silhouettes, the middle one is seen to be the smallest while the other two are taller.
As the curtain fell down all the ladies in the room shouted so loud while Acchan thought of many ways to torture Yuko, She clearly told her the “no strippers” rule but It´s Yuko what more can you expect . Also she prayed that Kai never finds out about her party but she lost all hope when she saw all her friends recording videos with their cell phones and /or taking pictures. She was so absorbed in her world that she did not realize that in addition of all screams you can also hear laughters? really? what is so funny about this surprise? Then fixed her gaze to the center and what she saw made her eyes wide open because OMG! that .. is..  totally indescribable .. is ... is ... incredibly funny.
In front of her were Yuko, Miichan and Sashii  with muscular men costume.

According to them, they are dancing sensually but actually they look like more of a parody instead of a sexy dance.
Now Acchan could not help but laugh and decided to enjoy her gift and go along with this “hot males” . Then the “strippers” approaches to her and make a sexy dance just for her all the ladies was so pleased for this gift and shout and clapped, indeed some of them gave them a little money while Mariko-sama shouted indecent things.
Then Yuuboy (yuko) steps closer to Acchan telling her that She could put money in her swimsuit, Atsuko got the message and proceeds to put a few of money while she is laughing so much. Everybody was enjoying this act so much that they forgot about the “stripper rule” form atsuko .. everybody know that it was Yuko´s idea.
After the song ended everybody approach this “Sexiest man” and took pictures together
- What do you think about my surprise? - Said Yuuboy (Yuko)
- Haha Thanks! It has been one of the best gifts - said Maeda
- I looked so sexy, right? – sai d Yuuboy doing a macho pose
- Yeah! you are so sexy, i think I'm falling for you - Acchan said laughingly
- I'm glad you liked my surprise but this is only half of it  - Tells Yuko with a mischievous smile and immediately went away to take pictures with her fans as they are a celebrity now for the girls while Acchan gets thoughtful.

[While outside but about 30 minutes back in time]

-- What the hell Riku! You said that the show would start at 8 - Asked a very altered kai
- Damn don´t blame me, I swear that I heard its 8 -
- Dafuq We need to enter ASAP! - Sae said just worried that Kai almost to panic
- Excuse me, Can you let us enter? ... - They hear a voice behind them
- Ah! Sorry- Kai, Riku and Sae step aside. In theur view there are three men who are close to the door where a security, that gives access to pass, stands.
- Sorry, a lady ...Oshima Yuko.. is waiting for us - says one of them, apparently the leader. It is noteworthy that the three men were sculptural specimens that would make any woman drool.
- Yeah, wait a minute I will just confirm it with the manager - said one of the security as he walked away. As they realized the situation the boys began to pay more attention.
- You see Kai, those idiots are the ones contracted by Yuko-Riku said with a very annoyed tone
- Yeah.. I heard it.. - says Kai with a very annoyed voice because He doesn't like the thought of  naked man dancing around her Atsu
- Now.. What are we going to... - Says Riku but Kai did’nt let him finish because He rushed to catch up with the guys before they could gain entry.
- Hey you! Stop it!.. What are you going to do?- ask Kai while Riku and Sae followed him closely
- Eh?!  You talk to me midget.. you better control your mouth - said one of them
- What if I don't wanna shut up..uh? - responded Kai angrily
- Well, I'll close it for you- he said as he came dangerously close to Kai with all the willingness to start a fight when suddenly ...
- Stop Kouji - the other guy says - remember that Yuko does not like violence and do not spoil it because tonight might be the night - he went on to say with a mischievous smile
- Right! I must control myself Yuuchan awaits for me today  I´ll use all my weapons to finally conquer her and make her mine - Kouji replied with a look of lust
- Over my dead body! - Riku responded angrily, as he dared talk like that idiot of Yuko in his presence - She is my woman - screamed as he held kouji against the wall
-  Da Hell! She never told me about a lover thing are lying.. - boasted kouji
- I .. eh. I .. I am her boyfriend and lover, KOJIMA RIKU -
- What? Boyfriend? – Kouji does not know how to react as Yuko had never mentioned having a boyfriend - Ok. If you say so I think it will be more interesting to take a sexy woman like yuko away from a loser like you
- Loser? hehe - Sae replied haughtily – Don’t you know who we are?
- Should I know about idiots like you? - Said the other guy - let's go..  my lovely Yuki  must be waiting for me I need to show her what is a real man and not the idiot that she used to date-The face of Sae change drastically because now He knows the idiot that is trying to steal her yuki from him 
- What are you saying bastard?! I will .. - But He was interrupted again
- Is there a problem here? - The voice was of the general manager
- These idiots started to bother us out of nowhere,  We have an appointment with Oshima Yuko -
- Ah!  Yeah! Miss Oshima gave me instructions to let you guys in ..come on. go ahead! - said the manager while he walks away with the other three guys
- Hey!  We arrive first.. we need to talk to you guys.. hey.. where are you going?  -  They scream aloud while they see that these guys are going to  Yuko´s Party
Then Sae places a hand in Kai´s shoulder and says - and now..What´s next?-
- We need to follow the original plan ..don't you think? - answer Kai with a serious voice

« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 09:09:45 PM by Haruko »

Offline Sydney W

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Jealous Kai, Riku & Sae !!! Haha...

Offline Haruko

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@Sydney W
Yeah! They are so jeaolus.. Thanx for read my fic :B

Offline miayaka

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Kai being jealous!!
 I like it!!!

Offline Haruko

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Kai being jealous!!
 I like it!!!

Yeah! In deed he needs to be worried for the yuko´s surprise gift..

Offline cisda83

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Well... That's not going to be good for the ladies in the VIP room... the guys that Yuko invited all seemed to be bad people.

What Kai, Riku and Sae are going to do to enter and protect their love interests?

Can't wait to see the next update... Thank you for this fic.

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Could be.. but some ladies love bad people :B

Offline Haruko

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Hey readers! HAppy ney year and christmas.. Sorry for being to late.. but I´m so lazy.. gomen ne. Here is the new chapter, enjoy it! just onething YOU NEED TO WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW HERE, ok?


- Stop Kouji - the other guy says - remember that Yuko does not like violence and do not spoil it because tonight might be the night - he went on to say with a mischievous smile
- Right! I must control myself Yuuchan awaits for me today  I´ll use all my weapons to finally conquer her and make her mine - Kouji replied with a look of lust
- Over my dead body! - Riku responded angrily, as he dared talk like that idiot of Yuko in his presence - She is my woman - screamed as he held kouji against the wall
-  Da Hell! She never told me about a lover thing are lying.. - boasted kouji
- I .. eh. I .. I am her boyfriend and lover, KOJIMA RIKU -
- What? Boyfriend? – Kouji does not know how to react as Yuko had never mentioned having a boyfriend - Ok. If you say so I think it will be more interesting to take a sexy woman like yuko away from a loser like you
- Loser? hehe - Sae replied haughtily – Don’t you know who we are?
- Should I know about idiots like you? - Said the other guy - let's go..  my lovely Yuki  must be waiting for me I need to show her what is a real man and not the idiot that she used to date-The face of Sae change drastically because now He knows the idiot that is trying to steal her yuki from him 
- What are you saying bastard?! I will .. - But He was interrupted again
- Is there a problem here? - The voice was of the general manager
- These idiots started to bother us out of nowhere,  We have an appointment with Oshima Yuko -
- Ah!  Yeah! Miss Oshima gave me instructions to let you guys in ..come on. go ahead! - said the manager while he walks away with the other three guys
- Hey!  We arrive first.. we need to talk to you guys.. hey.. where are you going?  -  They scream aloud while they see that these guys are going to  Yuko´s Party
Then Sae places a hand in Kai´s shoulder and says - and now..What´s next?-
- We need to follow the original plan ..don't you think? - answer Kai with a serious voice


[Inside the party, the show was over]
 Half an hour has passed since the big show of the "strippers" and all were having fun while Yuko ( her regular clothes) looked impatiently at her watch.
- Why are you so impatient?  - Mariko asked to an impatient Yuko
- Mou.. mm my gift it´s late.. –Yuko replied
- eh! Another gift?! really? - Mariko curiously asked
- That is ... - At that moment the man in charge of the VIP area makes a nod to Yuko, she understands the signal then proceeds directly to where Acchan. Taking a microphone in one hand, while the other hand takes Acchan's arm and made her sat on a chair at the center of the room.
- Well, well, be quiet girls. I have another gift for the birthday girl - All begin to look at Yuko for  they know  that if she is the one that’ll be giving a gift it is going to be awesome - As you know, when a woman reaches the age she must experience things for her age. Now we will have a taste of what to expect in the life of an adult woman and see what it really is like. Especially for my dear friend Acchan, as I promised no strangers at the party, well at least they aren´t strangers for Yukirin and I - She winks to a very flushed Yukirin - so  You can`t say that I broke my promise  -

[Author Note: To display better all have to watch the video:

 All person who doesn´t like bad and sexy attitude or explicit lyrics please stop read it, ok?, All choreography is the same except a few steps are changed,  Yeah! you need to watch the video for enjoy this part of the fic. I can't find a video with english lyrics so Im gonna post here the english lyrics]

The lights are switched off again and the curtain on the stage falls. You can see three silhouettes, and then the music starts "Make you wet Chapter 2 - Koki Tanaka" [Play music or video]. The first thing that you can hear are zippers being zipped down, apparently these mysterious characters are using jackets.
- Kochi iko I Make U Wet chapter 2 I! Make U wet again ... mwah! – You can hear the voice of one of them,  at the same time the curtains were drawn   revealing the back of the three figures, the middle one is very small compared to the other two and is wearing a white shirt with tie and white pants, on the other hand the other two wear dark clothes.

Hagitore lingerie, wakidasu love juice,
Koshi fure up and down, mermaid Nureta
Midara USAGI chan

Strip off the lingerie, gush out love juice
Touch your waist up and down, get wet mermaid
Dirty little bunny

Kami wo furimidashi ecstasy toiki morashite
Tanima no Yubisaki jirashite komu suberi ageru I
Mimi wo kami Akaramu sasayaku hagitore lingerie
Yeah na koe wo midara kikasete ore dake ni wa

Mess your hair in ecstasy and release a sigh
I’ll slide my teasing fingers into the valley
Make you blush and whisper in your ear, “Strip off the lingerie”
Yeah, your dirty voice only saying...

The entire women in the room are skeptical of what was happening at first. They felt curious on what kind of dancers Yuko had hired because obviously it was Yuko after all. But when the curtain was drawn and the dancers turned around. Outbursts of shouts of joy were heard in the halls continuously. Nobody could believe what they’re seeing, all were awestruck. Because in front of them  were nothing more than Kai Takahashi, Sae Miyazawa and  Kojima Riku, dancing so sexually. While Kai's voice was resonating around the room seducing all the women, Riku and Sae are his back dancers.

"Give me some more" feel good baby
"Do not stop now" face to face?
Doggy style? Wich do you like?
Yogoreta USAGI chan

“Give me some more” Feel good baby?
“Don’t stop now” Face to face?
Doggy style? Which do you like?
Get dirty little bunny.

Asebamu hada wa scandalous
Koko kara dangerous
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Kimi no kao yugamu Miorosu zureteku shiroi sheet
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Touch your secret point, kiss my shhh

Sweaty skin is scandalous. It’s dangerous here.
Please call my name, kiss my lips ( Hah hah haaah~ )
Looking at you bent over, face rubbing against the white sheets
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Touch your secret point, kiss my shhh…

Acchan cannot believe what she is seeing, the shy and gentleman Kai is there in front of her singing and dancing one of the world's sexiest songs, and with lyrics that would make any woman blush and making those movements that should be banned, his face was totally different from what she knew. He was totally focused on his public performance. He was enchanting them with his voice and sexual dance steps. “When did he learn to sing that way? It makes all the women scream, hysterical and melt with their movements.” - Acchan thought watching the show without even blinking.

Make u wet, oku kara nurashite
Oku no oku made todoite kowashite ageru I
Tsukami Kami wa kimi ga kiss tsugi ue koshi fure up and down
Yeah nokezoru tsume Senaka wo mada Tateru Owaranai

Make u wet, from behind
I’ll go deeper until I reach the break point
Next I grip your hair kissing you up and down your waist
Yeah throw your head back and claw at my back still not finished

"Give me some more" feel good baby
"Do not stop now" face to face?
Doggy style? Witch do you like?
Donna na hiwai pose?

“Give me some more” Feel good baby?
“Don’t stop now” Face to face?
Doggy style? Which do you like?
What is that obscene pose?

Yuko was equally or more surprised than Acchan because she had invited her friend Kouji and two friends of him, but this show is a thousand times better than them.
 - Damn that takamidget is so hot, I never thought that he can be so.. but the person who is enjoying this show the most is Acchan. She can´t even take her eyes off of Kai and she look at him so perversely and lasciviously? wow wow so Sexaddichan is awake ... -  Well, her mission is complete, after the show she needs to talk with them. For the mean time she is going to enjoy the show.  While the show continued Mariko started shouting nasty thing at them as well as the other ladies, not only at Kai but also at Sae and Riku who look so sexy too.
 - Oh my god! - Yuko knew that her Riku was a sex symbol but now seeing him dancing this way is making her drool, his just too sexy - Just for this time others girls can see her Riku dancing with his sexy moves - yuko thought

Asebamu hada wa scandalous
Koko kara dangerous
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Kimi no kao yugamu Miorosu zureteku shiroi sheet
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Touch your secret point, kiss my d ***

Sweaty skin is scandalous. It’s dangerous here.
Please call my name, kiss my lips ( Hah hah haaah~ )
Looking at you bent over, face rubbing against the white sheets
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Touch your secret point, kiss my d***...

[In this part begins a segment the minute 2:18 of the music video / song]
- It's time - Kai thought, he began to make eye contact with Acchan, then he walks forward to Acchan and starts dancing in front of her only. While He is dancing, he takes off his white shirt and made eye contact with Acchan. He then starts to dance increasingly close to her, closing the distance between their bodies [begins the part of the whispers] puts his shirt on the back of the chair, but leaves both hands on the back which makes Acchan fully tilted, just when it was about to finish, he starts whispering close to her mouth, at the last moment he spontaneously withdraws back and continues with the next line of the song.

Asebamu hada wa scandalous
Koko kara dangerous
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Kimi no kao yugamu Miorosu zureteku shiroi sheet
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Touch your secret point, kiss my ... mwah!

Sweaty skin is scandalous. It’s dangerous here.
Please call my name, kiss my lips ( Hah hah haaah~ )
Looking at you bent over, face rubbing against the white sheets
Please call my name, kiss my lips
Touch your secret point, kiss my *mwah*!

They finish the song and head back again, at the same time they start to unzip their pants

 [Song had finished]
At the end of the song, the lights turn on. All the girls went crazy because that was too much for them. Kai finally comes out of his trance and start watching them all. He was ashamed for what he just did, the girls are closing in to take pictures and get autographs. Sae is the only one who feels confident while Riku and Kai are very embarrassed, while all the guests are surrounding them Mariko, Yuko and Acchan gather a bit away from all the crazy girls.
- OMG! Yuko, this surprise was amazing but how did you convince to them about this? I think that they never gonna do this kind of stuff - Mariko said shocked.
- Jeje What if I told you that I did not plan this – Yuko said
- What?! - Mariko and Acchan replied in unison
- Wait a moment, you did not planned this your not .... then .. - Said Acchan surprised
- They came because.. I don´t know why they came. In fact I had hired some strippers but not them, but I think they are much better, I didn´t knew that Kai was so hot Acchan and that He can sing so sexy t- Yuko said with a mischievous smile
-Well .. I .. - Answered  a very flushed  Acchan while watching Kai, since all three were still shirtless, only with their pants on. Then Kai tried to escape from her news  fangirls and started walking towards Acchan. Her heart starts beating faster as Kai comes to her with firm steps .. Well ..that was what she thought.
- Damn it! I can`t look Acchan in her eyes because I´m so embarrassed about our lame dance. I know that we are not professional dancers and we made it so bad -  Kai thought while he approached Acchan, a little afraid of what would br her reaction on what just happened.
- Etto.,, Happy Birthday Acchan - Kai said with a fearful voice
- I hope you enjoyed the surprise, we were rehearsing the dance for weeks - Sae said - If you have a complain you can blame Kai because it was his idea.
- Hehe,, thanks guys... I love your gift.. the surprise was... "Sensual, daring, magnificent" fine - said Acchan
- But It was great boys, Where did you learn to dance that way? And Kai you sang really amazing, like a professional - asked Mariko
- Well.. You have to thank our choreographer Sae, about Kai´s voice, We don´t know about his hidden talent too  - Riku answered
- Aww Riku-nya because you didn´t tell me you were coming to the party to do this show I had prepared in advance - Yuko said as she cling to Riku - I knew you had been very suspicious in these recent weeks.
- Yuko! Don´t get too close to me because I´m shirtless.. By the way where  are our clothes? - Said Riku, while Yuko clung more because his Riku was half naked.
- Buu.. You’re going to dress again, so sad even Kai looks so hot with his sexy clothes- Yuko said as she sent a sexy smile to Kai, making Kai feel nervous, Maeda and Riku put a jealous face and Riku tense his arm because he knows he could puch kai on the face. Otherwise Yuko feels so happy because Riku is jealous about her comment but she knew that he would never admit it - But of course the first place is my Riku, I tell ya I imagined that you are so hot honey but seeing your hot body live is much better - she finished saying with a smile on her face, while Riku only managed to turn red.
- Cough cough we better get going because this is an all-girls party - said Riku trying to escape the clutches of Yuko as her hands were beginning to come to life, roaming everywhere on his body.
- Riku don´t  run away, you have to make your woman happy - Sae said trying to get back at Riku
- Aww Riku-nya you tell your friends that I'm your woman - Yuko said excitedly
- What?! Not! I never said that, Sae you better start running if I catch you ..
- Calm down guys, We better take our clothes and get out of here - Kai said, causing the disappointment of the girls who thought that they were going to  stay a little longer (shirtless of course)
- This .. well .. Acchan, We hope that you enjoyed this surprise - Kai said while He start to put on her shirt again while the others had already gone in order to give the lovebirds a little alone time,
-  Come on Takaboy, Kiss her! We need to convince you so a lot to do that, just finish the mission - Sae said, while Mariko and Yuko looked incredulous at what he said.
- I knew it was your idea not Kai`s! - Said Mariko
- Something like that, when we knew what Yuko planned that stripper thing - Riku staring angrily at Yuko - Kai was the one who started the plan he wanted to do something to prevent other ma to touch  Acchan or give Acchan bad thoughts and then Sae suggested the idea that it would be good to give a private show for Acchan but obviously he refused at first so we told him that if he didn´t, Yuko was surely going to take her to a nightclub  to watch this kind of show and it`s gonna be worse. Finally he accepted our suggestion about the dance but we didn´t know that he have this hidden talent.
- Ah! That`s why you are here, I thought you were going to confess your love to Yuko - Mariko said jokingly to Riku
- Eh?! - Riku exclaimed
- I have a question about the strippers ..the real one.. what happen with them?- Mariko curiously asked trying to change the conversation.
- Well.. We had a big fight with them outside the VIP area but at that moment the manager came and He knows that Yuko and I are friends so he believed that Yuko was waiting for us - Sae said with a pride tone
- Heh! Yeah! Those idiots... - Riku said sounding so proud, which surprised the girls because they had never seen the boys so angry and cocky to someone but apparently the thought of strippers dancing around their girls made them so angry.

[Returning to the lovebirds]
- EHM. Acchan congratulations and I hope we can have a lot of good time together and again Happy Birthday! -  Kai said. The original idea was to give her a kiss and a special gift but at the last minute he had second thoughts and didn´t make a move on her,so he turns around to get out of the party.
- Kai .. wait! - Acchan says, which made Kai stop and turn to where she is - Thanks for everything! - She kiss him on the cheek
- You are welcome  - Kai says while he is all flustered like Acchan
- Well, well lovebirds, Acchan better take this hunk before any female in here chooses to take him home, Congratulations Acchan! See you Monday at school - Sae said as he walked toward the exit with Kai and Riku ,while winking at the  screaming audience as if they were a famous rock band.


Go to Chapter  4:


Just Kidding.. See you the next and final chapter! :B

I just wanns say thanx to all people who read this fic and the people who leave a message I love them more :B..

special thanx to DARK48, thank you!! :B
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 05:20:13 PM by Haruko »

Offline Sydney W

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Thanks for updating. I want to read the final chapter soon !
Btw, loves the guys especially Kai showering his love to Acchan

Offline Haruko

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@Sydney W
Not problem :B, I love this guys too :B

Offline saeyukilover

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SeXy LaDY!!!  :on slopkiss: acchan kiss him on the his freaking lips cause ur man is pure bakamina :)

 :drool: I did drool in that lyrics my imagination attacked again ...... my brain keep picturing NAKED KAI, NAKED RIKU and NAKED SAE :)


Offline Haruko

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Jeje yeah that lyrics are so dangerous for our innocence minds.. But. why naked? jeje :B

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