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Author Topic: Atsumina : An Old Story To Tell (Chapter 4)  (Read 31342 times)

Offline sadrilim

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Atsumina : An Old Story To Tell (Chapter 4)
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:29:46 PM »
Ok, I am bored so I try to write some fanfic. Hope you like it. No comment please~. Btw, its a short OS.

Sorry for my bad eng. This is my first time post it on jph. I hope it is work.

Btw, i ever post it on my blog, so do not think i copy it from anybody.

Takahashi Minami, 17 years old, boy, a very nice boy, love to play basketball even though he is a midget. Nickname Takamina.

Maeda Atsuko, 17 years old, girl, a playfull girl that everybody love, many boys are after her, very beautifull and have a nice body. Nickname Acchan

Takamina is not as his usuall self. One may say he has something on his mind.
Takamina OS
At the roof top
Haaah... What will I do, my feeling toward her are stronger than before. 

And those smirk at her face, just like she really know my feeling. I wish I could tell her that I love her, but I am afraid that I could not stand a chance. There are a lot of boy who fall in love with her, but everybody who confess got rejected.

Ahhh... With those angelic smile, brownise eyes, cute nose, and lastly that seductive lips. I really want to make her become mine.

Takamina met Acchan when he at his first day move to a new school that he attend now. That time, he lost his wallet at cafetaria and unable to buy any food. Since he hadn't eaten from this morning, he really not in any mood to do anything. But he still try to find his missing wallet.

Then suddenly somebody tap his shoulder. Its was Acchan with her angelic smile.

Why my heart beat so fast?, Takamina thought.

Acchan : anoo, did you lost something? You looks troubled.

Takamina : ye..yeah, my wallet is missing.
Damn, why did I suttered

Acchan : hmm~ souka. Let's me help you.

Takamina : eeeh!!!??? Really? Thanks you really help me a lot.

They try to find it for quite a long time. But the missing wallet are now here to be found. Takamina didn't know that actually, Acchan have found the wallet, but she decided to tease him a bit.

Acchan : umm... My name is Maeda Atsuko, people call me Acchan.
Btw, what is your name?

Takamina : ough! How rude of me. I haven't introduce myself. My name is Takahashi Minami. Just call me Takamina.
Takamina then smile and show his dimples. For everybody information, Its made Acchan blushed a little.

Acchan : say~ Do you want to eat? The class will start soon, and I bet you still not eat any lunch yet. It will be my treat ~♥♥.
Acchan said with playfull tone.

Takamina : its is ok? I am really grateful for it.  I am really grateful.

Acchan : hehe, its ok ~. Wait here ok?
Then Acchan go to order the food for both of them.

After a while, she back with two plate of food. She order the most expensive food and that make Takamina somehow fell uneasy.

Takamina : say.. It is really ok for me to eat this?

Acchan : what? You don't like it?
Acchan pout cutely.

Takamina : nooo!! That's not what I mean. It's just that the food you order are very expensive, and cost a lot.

Seeing Takamina trying to explain himself desperately make Acchan giggle.

Acchan : hehe, its ok~♥. I just got some money. So I will treat you.

Takamina : some money?

Acchan : yup! I got it from here.
Acchan then point out the missing wallet.

Takamina can't describe his feeling right now. Angry? Sad? Happy? All become one. When Acchan look at Takamina's frown face, she just laugh.

Acchan : moo~ you are so cutee. I am just kidding, My father just give me some money today, so I didn't use your money at all. Let's eat nee.

Takamina faced became so red, not because of embrasshment but because Acchan call him cute. They then started to eat the food. After he finished the food they decided to go back to their class.

Day by day their friendship grow. Every day Acchan would try new trick on Takamina. She loved to see the boy reaction and see how easily his faced became red. She also find that Takamina actually are very kind and care toward everybody. That make him become the class president.

And same goes for Takamina. He find the girl are very special, because she always  try to trick him in every aspect, but never failed to make Takamina blushed and fall for the girl more and more. Even though she trick him, but Takamina always forgive her when Acchan give him, her puppy eyes.

Takamina actually aware of his feeling, but he is too coward to confess it to Acchan. Fear that Acchan will reject him and refuse to talk to him anymore.

Until one day, there a new transfer student in their class. Oshima Yuu. This new transfer student soon become attach with Acchan, and Acchan didn't mind at all. This guy even love to hug Acchan. This make Takamina hurt so much.

Acchan : moo~ Yuu chan, you are too close. (Trying to be free from his hug).

Yuu : but, I want my skinship ~

Takamina : sigh... Stop it Yuu!! Acchan did not like it! (Give a deadly glare to Yuu).
Why they looks so close?? Did I miss something. It is true that this stupid Yuu have a quiete good looking face, with that dimples. Arrgh.....!!!, Takamina said in mind.

Yuu : ara~ Jealous Takamina is scary.

Actually Yuu chan is Acchan cousin, but Acchan didn't tell Takamina about it. Acchan is planning some trick to Takamina. And Yuu agree to help his cousin.

Acchan : its ok Takamina, I don't mind.

Takamina just sigh and then leave.

Acchan : wait!! Takamina where are you going? Let's go home together.

Takamina : sorry Acchan, I have something to do.

Acchan then pout and give him her trademark puppy eyes.

Takamina : ugghhhh... not that puppy eyes again. Fine, tomorrow we will go home together ok?

Acchan : yeah~♥ Takamina daisuki.

Deg DEg DEG...
Takamina blused and his heart pace are quickly than ever. He then held Acchan shoulder and think to confess.
Takamina : Acc... Acchan...

Before Takamina could finished his word, Yuu come to the class.
Yuu : Acchan what takes you soo long?? Upss..Did I distrub something?

Takamina : no its okay. It is not something important. Umm..see you tomorrow Acchan.
Without wait for Acchan respond, he quickly run.

Actually Takamina didn't have anything to do. But because of Yuu, now he has a complicated feeling and decided to spend time at arcade.

Present time
While he kill some time, some body tap his shoulder. It is turn out to be his old friend at his old school. Itano Tomomi, the queen of fashion.

Itano : long time no see Takamina. I see nothing change at all huh?

Takamina : yeah. But you do change become more beauty yourself. (Takamina smile to show his sweet dimples)

Suddently Takamina have an idea.
Takamina : say..Tomochin, are you busy. Can you help me?
Takamina then wishpered something to this fashion queen. And makes Tomomi grinned.

Itano : well, what the deal then?

Takamina : umm.. Free voucer to eat all you can eat at my father shop for a week?
For information, Takamina father owned a shop cake and it is quiet famous. He sometimes help his father and learn some skill from there.

Itano : deal! Now let's go to buy some stuff first.
She then held Takamina hand and start to drag him out of arcade.

Tomorrow morning..
Takamina : sigh... Why I do have an idea to change my style. What if Acchan hate it?
Takamina usually just a normal guy with normal fashion sense. But yesterday, Tomomi had made Takamina to change from up to down. She teach Takamina to be fit in nowdays fashion in exchange of one week voucher

Now Takamina change his old fashion glasses into contact lens, dyed his hair from black to gold. And of course change his hair style. He change how he wear his uniform. Though you can still call it neat. He looks handsome despite of his height.

At school
So handsome, kyaaa...
Who that? New transfer student?
Did we miss that hot dude ever?

Takamina just ignore the whispers, since what really matter is Acchan comment on him.

At Class room
Acchan is talking with Yuu, and they stop when they see someone sit at Takamina chair. Actually that someone is Takamina, but because he change his appereance they didn't recognize him.

Acchan : excuse me, but this is not your seat. And the owner will come in any minute. Please move away.

Takamina : moo.. Acchan, you don't recognize me?
Takamina said smilling to her.

When Acchan see those dimples, and look on his eyes, Acchan is shocked by Takamina new apperance. She just frown and see Takamina from head until toe. And the reaction same goes to Yuu.

Notice this, Takamina then said.
Takamina : do I look good?
He then looks at Acchan passionately.

Acchan : y.. you looks g... good.

Yuu : wow! Takamina, I don't know you are that handsome before. Do you want to interest someone?

Takamina : un.. You can said like that.

Soon after Takamina said that, the school bell rings. So they quickly return to their own seat.

But out of what Takamina expect is there are so many student who came to see him. Well most of them are girls, and he miss the chance to talk to Acchan.

Girls : Takamina~♥♥♥ daisuki!!
Takamina I want you, I need you, I love you~
Chant the girls who became Takamina fans.

Takamina : nooo!!! Help mee...
Start to running and find somewhere he can free from those girl. He then go to roff top and after see no one there, he start to feel relieve.

Takamina thought
Sigh... why everything I do always ends to failure?! I just want to impress Acchan and I get fans instead. I wonder what Acchan doing now? Damn.. I hope she didn't hang out with that baka Yuu again.

Mean while at other place
Acchan is walking together with Yuu. And seems that Acchan has lost in her mind.

Acchan mind
Uggh.. I am bored. I wish Takamina is here. Stupid him, why he need to be so kakoi all of sudden. And that stupid fans of him!! Try to touching him.

Acchan release her dark aura. And Yuu is really tense beside her. But because she still lost in her mind, she tripped. Yuu quickly hold her on her waist. And make their distance become very close.
Note : if you see from different angel it can be seen as kissing.

Back to Takamina.
Takamina is bored so he decided to see around to look for Acchan. Beside he is at roff top, so it will be easier to him to eagle eyes everything. And his eyes stop at certain someone.

Yes! It is Acchan, but he also see some other, Yuu chan. His eyes widened by what he had seen, they both kissing. Suddently there is something snap from his head.

Back to Acchan and Yuu
Silent were between this two. Before Yuu broke the silent.
Yuu : you need to be careful, Acchan.
Acchan : yeah.. Sorry Yuu chan and thanks
Acchan give him, her angelic smile

Yuu : mou so cute~ I wish you are my girlfriend Acchan.
Yuu are just about pinch Acchan cheek, when suddenly somebody  slap  his hand. And yes! That somebody is Takamina.

Takamina : don't you dare to touch MY ACCHAN!! Back off!
Takamina give him a dead look

Acchan and Yuu are stunned by Takamina action. Before, he just let it pass if Yuu pinched, tapped her head.

Acchan : Ta.. Takamina.

Yuu : easy my boy. Don't get me wrong, but Acchan is free by her own. What's wrong with me touching her?

Takamina : what did you say?! Sure, she is no body one. But that's doesn't mean you can do what ever you can. Kissing is forbidden!!! Not before you are in relationship!

Yuu &Acchan : What?! We kissing?!

Takamina then held Acchan hand and then start to leave Yuu.

Being left alone Yuu just smirked.
Yuu : well, my dear cousin. I wish your plan works~

Acchan : Takamina, slow down please
Takamina ignore her and keep walking.

Acchan : Takamina... Taka.. Minami!
Finally Takamina stop and look at her. Now they are at the back yard.

Takamina thought
Ok! Now or never Minami. I won't wish anymore. But I will make it happend.

Takamina : Acchan.. um. Maeda Atsuko, I know I am not a great guy but one thing for sure I will give you my everything just for you. My effort, my love, my time, my heart, and lastly my life just for you. I love you so I will give you my everything. Will you be my girlfriend?

Takamina looks her with passionate yet nervous eyes. And Acchan started to cry.

Takamina : Acchan! I am sorry, did I do something wrong? Sorry if It is ok if you don't feel me as what I feel for you.

Takamina is about to leave when suddenly Acchan hug him from behind.

Acchan : Bakamina! Don't leave me. I.. I love you Minami.

Takamina then turn around and faced Acchan. He now understand what the meaning of Acchan tears. It was tears of happiness.

Takamina thought
Takamina you baka! You fail again huh?! But not again this time.

Takamina then lean closer to Acchan. Their face just inched away and they can feel each other breath. Takamina then slowly capture Acchan lips. It was soft and sweet. He kiss her gently and slowly. Trying to feel her lip. Acchan then return the kiss and soon their kiss become more passionate.

After a few minutes they broke the kiss and stare at each other.

Takamina : Thank you Acchan for your love. I promise I will love you till my last breath.

Acchan : Atsuko, call me by my name Minami. I just let my special person to call me by name.
With that Acchan move closer wanting to another kiss.

Takamina smile and lean closer, soon they have their second kiss.

Although he is happy but he still remember the kiss Acchan shared with Yuu. So, he stopped the kiss. This made the girl confused and look him at his eyes.

Takamina : But I want you to promise not to kiss Yuu anymore or even stay close to him.

Acchan : hihihi.. Minami, to tell you the truth Yuu is my cousin and I see him as my brother. And I never kiss him, I keep my first kiss to you, Minami ~. Yuu chan just help me. He prevent me from falling down.

What? Cousin?!. Takamina frown his face. One can said he is very shocked. So this means he is being tricked again.

Acchan see his face and lean closer touching his cheeks. This make Takamina looks at Acchan.

Acchan : gomenne Minami. But I did this so you can feel jeaolus. I really wish you to confess your feeling to me. I have been waiting for your confession.

Takamina : mou!! How you can be so sure about my feeling? What if I love another people? I even didn't give any extra reaction  when Yuu hugged you.

Acchan : Minami~ Sorry, but I hear what you say when you are at the roof top the other day. When you said about your feeling.

Takamina : eehh??!! Mouu.. Atsuko, don't said it anymore.
Takamina now blushed like tomato. His cheek are very red.

Acchan : ahh~ Shy Minami is cute ~♥ I love it.

Acchan then lean closer to Takamina searching for another kiss.

Acchan : I love you Minami

Takamina : I love you more Atsuko.

Offline cisda83

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Re: Kai acchan OS (my feeling for you)
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2015, 07:38:31 PM »
Nice KaixAtsuko OS

Great sweet love story

Thank you for the lovely OS

Can't wait to see more

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: Kai acchan OS (my feeling for you)
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2015, 06:28:58 AM »
cute atsumina

Offline sadrilim

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2016, 10:31:44 PM »
okay, here is another OS for WMatsui. Yeah!!! :cow:

i manage to finish it at 4.40 Am in the morning (in my country).  :sweatdrop: That really drain my energy.
But, I love to write in the morning or night like this. I can focus and finish my Fanfic.

Any way enjoy and sorry for bad English.

W Matsui OS : The Woman in Black

That woman in the black dress, her face is so beautiful. That brunette eyes, white porcelain skin, shoulder length hair. Sadness can be seen in her eyes, her face doesn’t smile, but only made her become more beautiful and gorgeous.

The way she walked and the way she see the man in front her, make me wonder, what had happened to her. In the middle of night, walking alone like that. It is her beauty that I was drawn by her, or the other thing. She play her hair a little, as she watching the man disappear with another women, watching them go away with his car.

She looking at the car till it disappear, then she walking  up to the ladder, standing on the top, while picking her shoes, looking down stair.  She looks stunning and if not because of night and her black dress, one might mistake her as a goddess that come from  heaven.

Tear slowly fall down from her red cheek, as she looked at the sky where there weren’t any star that night. She slowly closed her eyes as her face looked down again. The woman in the black ready to fall down from the stair, hitting the dark and cold floor.

Until a pair of hand holding her back from falling down. The woman in black opened her eyes, and find out the other pair of black orb looking straight at her. With desperate she try to release the grip from the person. Only to find out that she doesn’t have enough strength. Desperate can be seen on her beautiful brown eyes, tear continue to fall down from her eyes.

“let go of me!!!”


“I said let go of me!!”

Instead of answering or follow her demand, the man held her tightly on the hand and started to pull her from the stair. The woman refuse to move, but the more she refuse, the grip become tighter and tighter. It hurt her hand so much. In the end the woman was drag by the man.

The man bring her to the nearby park, silent engulf both of them, as there are the only person in there. As the woman stopped resisting, the man release his grip, and exchange it by a gentle touch in her hand. As if saying sorry for hurting her.

When their eyes met again from the second time, the man black eyes soften. As if looking for forgiveness. The girl still crying and sobbing.

“Let go of me.. please”, said the girl with the cracking voice. As if she is struggling to say a word without chocking herself.

The man let go of her hand, and silent engulf them once more. As the wind blow, the women feel shiver because of the cold. With the dress that reveal her shoulder, it will be matter of time before she feel completely frozen. And yet, a pair of arm pull her and give her a warm jacket to cover.

“why are you doing this?”


The man just sigh, he looked at her with that warm gaze, as if he has fallen in love with her. The same gaze the woman will give to the man who leave her just for another woman. the woman look at him with those straight eyes, before the man moving his gaze.

“You should go home, it is not safe for woman to stay this late”, the man said.

“Home? I have nothing called home. Tonight I lost everything. Only me alone, nobody want me”, said the girl.

There are some surprise look at the young man, but it is soon disappear.

“come with me”, said the man.

The girl look at the man with surprise look, she look at his eyes again, looking for some evil in him. But, she find nothing, instead she find a determined gaze. As if proven that he is serious with his word. never she see that gaze, even with her ex, there never been any like that. She want to trust him, but her memory of man betray her guts.

“why should I, we are stranger to each other”, said the woman.

“my name is Matsui Jun. For you, I may be just a mere stranger. And I know this may sound creepy. But to me you are not a stranger, I always looking at you. Happy face, frustrated face, smiling face, sad face, crying face. No word exchange but, I know you, Matsui Rena.”

Rena : how di..

Jun : you always sitting on the corner of our café, with the same order. I know, because everything happened right in my eyes. How you always waiting for that man, how he broke his promise to you, how he broke you heart again and again, and yet you always come back waiting for him. Until how he broke up with you tonight….

Flash back

In the café

Rena : how could you!! I believe in you, I waited for you to come back. And now, you want to broke up with me, and kick me out from our apartment?

Airin : apparently that is not our apartment. but it is mine from the start. I am sorry, but I should say it sooner, we are not mean to be together Rena. I have packed your things, and put it in front of the apartment. This is good bye Rena. I have sold the apartment.

Rena : you can do this to me! I thought you have the same feeling with me.(crying)

Airin : I am sorry, please be happy Rena.

With that Airin, leave the café, leaving Rena alone. But, little did he know Rena follow him and then she saw that Airin met another girl, and then they kissing before go inside the car.

End of flash back

Rena : why should I? I have enough of man bullshit. All they said at first is love, but in the end it is all just a lie!! I better die.

Rena is crying hard right now, she started to run again. Run to that stair once more time and feeling hopeless. She run and manage to be on top of the stair, ready to fall. Her body is falling down, and she can feel the gravity pulling her down. she closed her eyes and ready to feel the impact. Until she feel a pair of strong arm pulled her into a hug.

The next thing she know is, there is a blood that cover her body, but it is not her blood. It is Jun blood. Blood come out from his head covering half of his face. Still hugging Rena tightly, he then used his last strength and whisper to Rena.

Jun : Please give me a chance to prove that you deserved to be loved…


Rena POV

Ten years has passed since the accident. How I broke up with Airin, and how I know the man named Matsui Jun who become my husband. Turn out, he is the owner of the café where I always come to wait and met with Airi.

At first, I think I met some crazy guy who are a stalker, but seeing his action, his word, and also his gaze. I know that day there is something in left for me in this world. Before that day, I was so sure that I love Airin, but turn out that I am wrong. The feeling I have for him is not love. Jun taught me a lot of thing. the meaning of life  and the meaning of true love.

I really are thankful that he jumped and shield me, so that I still alive, safe and sound until now. through it really make Jun almost lost his life, that day, he got bone fracture on his ribs and leg, and also fall to coma for 3 months.

At first I didn’t come to the hospital, because I am afraid, guilty. But the day when I come to visit him, that day he opened his eyes. His parents are really happy. They thank me a lot even though I am the one who is at fault. I try to explain, but Jun said that all is his fault. He cover me, and saying that there is nothing wrong. that he decided to jump and help me that day.

after that I often come to visit him. At first it is so awkward, and there is nothing to say between us. But gradually, the feeling is off. Turn out, we have the same hobby, and the way he see me really make me flustered. Slowly I am able to completely move on, and love this amazing guy.

End of pov

“Re.. Rena… Rena!”

Rena : ah, I am sorry Jun kun. What did you said?

Jun : why you day dreaming huh? is it something that bother you?

Rena : hm.. nothing

Jun : then, what are you thinking? My beautiful goddess. (stealing a kiss)

Rena : mouu, Jun kun (blushing)

Jun : I just can’t wait to kiss your lovely lip. He he I love you, Rena.

Rena : I love you too, Jun (leaning and give a kiss to Jun)

With that they walked together and ready to go home.

End of story

Offline Blackdawn

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2016, 12:58:47 AM »

thats so cuteee *thumbsup

« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 01:11:57 AM by Blackdawn »

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2016, 02:24:40 AM »
Thanks for wmatsui os
(\´▽`)/ (\´▽`)/ (\´▽`)/

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2016, 05:38:39 AM »
Yipppiii.... Wmatsui os :hip smile: :shy2:
Thanks, Author-san :on asmo: :gmon bang:

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2016, 06:50:02 AM »
Thanks for the wmatsui gender bend OS :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2016, 10:11:07 PM »
wow!! wow!! i like it!!!!!!
btw.. when will you update My Instant Girlfriend?

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2016, 03:03:23 PM »
I love wmatsui ~
Thankss :)

Offline sadrilim

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Re: WMatsui OS : The Woman In Black
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2016, 07:57:10 PM »
@key17 : i will update the next chapter next week, but please don't hope too much.  :nervous I can guarantee I will update it soon. there is some other fanfic in my mind. I hope you don't mind.

@gokulin, @emprezz48, @kumabear : thank you for liking my fanfic. Yeahh!! :cathappy:

An Old Story To Tell


Someone POV

“If your beloved one commit a crime, what will you do?”

 Will you help her/him?  will you protect the one you loved? Will you willing to change place, so he / she will be saved.  Or will you ignore your feeling and be true to the justice. will you let her / his get taken away from you because you are too afraid to help him / her? What will you do?

There never be an answer of that, in the end when things like that happened whatever you choose doesn’t really matter. People will always judge you, although they didn’t know about the truth or about your feeling, they will keep talking about you as if they understand you the most, as if they have a right to say things about you.

That is human. The races that I disgusted the most. But whatever I do, that filthy blood of human will always be part of me.  The blood that I ever feel proud of it, the blood that has give me some hope, has give me calamity. I hate part of myself. I hate it…

End of POV


In this world not only Human as a great race, there are many of other race that far more excellent that Human being. Once Human called them monster, God, legend, fairy, mutant. As they have their own name. Together with  Human, there are four different race :

1. Anima

This race has animal ability in them. As they blend with nature, Human called them half blood. As they come in many variant. They grow claw, grow tail, grow wings, grow horn. Whatever they become, they are a lot stronger than Human.

2. Fai

This race has know for their ability of healing. They are know for their kindness, as they always befriend with the other race, but they hate Human the most, because for decades, Human has taken them for granted. Kidnapped their races and sell them. Torture them to get their blood and tears as it is the most effective to heal a disease. They have a fairy trait in their blood. So their ears are pointy.

3. Elem

This race is the mysterious one. they have the same appearance with Human, but one thing that differ them with Human is their eyes. Their eyes are Red. They are very intelligent as they can communicate with Rune. They can control five element (fire, water, light, earth, wood, wind). But they hate war,and will always try to avoid other race than them.

4. Human

The weakest race in the world, but has the ability to learn, adapt better the the other three race. They didn’t have fangs like Anima but can create machine or item like to match them, don’t have healing ability like Fai, but they have the alchemist to make potion for healing, they didn’t have ability to control element, but they take benefit from them, and make some spell out of the element. They are called witches, blacksmiths, and many others.

Once, four of the race live happily with each other, they are ruled by a wise king. That king is different from the four race, he has heart as good as Fai, as smart as Elem, as strong as Anima, but most important he has ability to adapt with any situation like Human. No body know what race he is, but  everybody respect him and loved him so much, they trust him, but not his older brother. And in his rule everybody found a peace.

Despite being the younger one, the precious king has choose him as a king, not his brother. And because of in his brother heart, grew something that is very ugly. That is hated. His older brother hated him so much to take his place as a king, hate him so much because he is loved by many people, hated him so much because he is too kind as if he is happy of what he has. He hate him so much as he willing to change anything for what his younger brother get.

The younger brother know that the older brother hate him, but he choose to love his brother, despite all the harsh word and action that his older brother give to him. As the younger brother grew older, he find his love one, they get married and have kids. But, the last kid have bring him  troubles. The last kid that born, has the rarest power among his siblings. He has claw and fang like anima, his appearance like human, but he has an ability to control fire and lighting, and an ability to heal his body fast like Fai.

Therefor people become afraid of him, even his own siblings never want to be close to him, Get no trust, no loved, people started to called him monster, many of them worship him as a God, others call him Mutant of four race. But it doesn’t matter to him, as his father loved him and his mother doted him. it is enough for him. And he willing to seal his power so nobody can get hurt by him in any way.

As the king older brother realize that he has an opportunity to take what his younger brother have, he began his plan. He tricked King youngest son, as the youngest fall in love with Human girl, he order the Human girl to betray the youngest son, and he began to feel distrust, hate, broken.  As those feeling come to his heart and with his uncle breaking his seal, he began to lost control of his power, and started to destroy the kingdom. Soon many people call him, Calamity.

In order to safe the kindom and his people, King together with his other son, go to stop his youngest son. And to do so, it take the King and his son life. As the king  died, the older brother began his  rule. As his govern make many races suffer, many of them began a war to each other, and from that day the four races never come along with each other.

But, as war come in few decades and its never end. Four races agree to stop the war for the sake of all people in this world. And  life their own life in their own contry. So in the end the world come into peace once again.

end of Prologue

psst!! this will be another Atsumina plus other pairing.
but the main is Atsumina  :cow:

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (prologue)
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2016, 06:03:50 AM »
can i expect mayuki adn wmatsui too..??
cause i think u love em too~~~and

cool prologue sadrilim san~~~
waitin for chapta 1~~

:ding: :ding: :ding: :ding: :ding:

:kneelbow: :on GJ: :on drink:

Offline xswordeyesx12

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (prologue)
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2016, 12:54:24 PM »
nice  intro :wub: :wub:
great prologue , Love the main pairing Atsumina
is this going to be a multi-pairing  :)

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (prologue)
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2016, 10:55:36 AM »
Too late... I do hope too much now haha
Well i will wait for it
I'm thinking about wmatsui while reading 'an old story to tell' hehe

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (prologue)
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2016, 08:32:03 PM »
Chapter 1 : A fresh Start

“so what happened with the King’s youngest son, granny Gumi?”

Granny : well nobody ever know what has happened to the youngest son. Legend say that he is died, killed by the other sibling. Many said that he run away to the sky and never return, and the other say that he is hiding, waiting to take revenge, because he has been tricked by the Human whom he loved so much.

“but not all human is bad.” (pouting)

Granny : that’s is right Acchan. Not all people is bad. Nobody can judge who is bad or who is good base on your blood. You are you. Don’t ever let people judge you, just because you are Human, Acchan.

Acchan : un! I will granny Gumi. I will try my best to be the great witch that make you proud.

Suddenly the room become dark, and Granny Gumi is missing leaving Acchan alone. Nobody in there except Acchan. That make Acchan become very scared. But she then hear some voice. She doesn’t know who it is, but somehow in her heart, she know that she really missed this voice. It is just she can’t remember who it is.

“ hey.. please don’t leave me..”

Acchan : who are you..?

“ you forget about me..? so cruel, I wonder if you also forget about our promise..?”

Acchan : promise..?


Acchan : so.. sorry.. but,I don’t even know you. did we ever met somewhere?

“it is okay. Even if you don’t remember the most important is I remember, our promise that we make together that day. I will be waiting for you.”

Acchan : eh?.. wait!


Acchan blinked her eyes so many times, wondered why she see that dream again.

Atsuko POV

Sigh.. this is the fifth time I saw those dream this month. Why I always remember the way granny Gumi told me about those story. And my promise I make to Granny Gumi when I was young, but every time after those story, I always dream about other room, the dark room, and I can hear some voice, but I never have those memory, a weird dream. Maybe because I am nervous? 

My name is Maeda Atsuko. This year I am 24 years old.starting today I am a witch. I live in Arslyn. Arslyn is a town where all races come together in peace. Yes, just like what the old legend tell. The four races never really befriend to each other. And there been a war since I ever remember.

Arslyn is the only place where all the four clan can live peacefully together. And a place where you can met many people from different place and different time. The four race promised each other that they will not attack Arslyn. If one dared to attack, that’s mean war toward the other Races.

In Arslyn, you not only can met many people but there also many thing you can learn and buy. So here I am in the Arslyn. I am in my first year to study to be a great witch.  And today is my big days. Today I is my first day at Infinar School. Let me tell you, Infinar is the greatest school on Arslyn, or may be on this world. In there, not only us Human, but also Fai, Anima and Elem that study in there. Infinar used to be a old castle but they turn it to be a school where ever body can learn and study more about each other races or to achieve the title Grand. Grand is the title that people give you in other to acknowledge your ability, status or achievement, but not many get the title. And I want to have that title one day.

Arslyn is a great place, where it is ruled by Four people. Well, they are the represent of each Races. First is Oshima Ryouki, he is the an Elem, unlike other Elem race, he is not a mysterious one. He is friendly and trustworthy. Second, Kojima Riku, he is a Fai. Have a handsome trait just like other Fai. They always beautiful and handsome, but other than that, he is gentle and very wise. Third, Akimoto Sayaka, she is an Anima. Well, don’t dare to mess with her. she has the great sense of justice. And she can transform to be a big wolf with three head if you make her angry. Other than that, she has an special ability for Anima. Rumors say she can transform herself to become other monster, but no body ever see that. Last is my own Granny, Yup.. Granny Gumi or should I say Ohori Megumi, she is the great witch that can mastered all spell in this world, that all people say. But, Granny always say that there is a probability there are other spell that she doesn’t know.

 I walked to the gate school, even though I always stay in Arslyn, but I never get inside the Infinar. Only the choosen one can become the students in here. And aside from the council, teacher, and students, nobody can go inside infinar.  Many people try to get inside.
But alas, they will not be able to go inside Infinar. If lucky enough, they will land their feet in the garden.  Infinar has a great defense, just like guarding something, but no body know what those building guarding at.

As I  come faster, there aren’t many people yet. But, there is somebody that stand in front of the gate already.  Standing there, he is Kojima Riku, beside him there is a beautiful lady, her hair is long, has a milky skin, round eyes that make perfect to fit her beauty, and model like figure. From the look I know directly that she is a Fai.  Seems like she is one of the student here.

End of POV

“ Papa, I am scared. What if people inside are bad?”

Riku : don’t be my baby girl, there won’t be any people that are bad inside infinar. All is the choosen one. beside, you are strong. Don’t let me down, Haruna.

Haruna : but.. Papa. I wonder why I should move to Arslyn? I want to go back to our country. What if they used me as experimental thing?

Riku just chuckled at Haruna reaction. Well, truth that Fai never really want to interact with other races if can. that why Fai is very rare in Arslyn, they prefer their own kind, up until now. and so does his daughter. But he know Haruna need to study in Arslyn to be more open minded, that’s why he register her daughter in, and luckily Infinar choose her daughter as one of their student.

Haruna : mou!! Papa don’t laugh.i mean what I said.

Riku : well, I already teach you how to defend yourself if something happened right? Don’t worry, you are strong and Infinar is a save place.

Haruna : but.. I don’t like to hurt people…

Riku : you don’t need to Haruna, how many times I said, that Infinar is a save place. well, why don’t you make a friend with her? (point to Acchan)

Haruna : eh?! but…

Riku : come on my baby girl, made me proud.

Haruna then come closer to Atsuko. But she seems afraid of Atsuko. Afraid of human. As Atsuko notice Haruna, she then try to befriend her.

Atsuko : hi, nice to meet you, my name is Maeda Atsuko.

Haruna : h..hi, my name is Kojima Haruna.. are you a student in here too?

Atsuko : yup! let’s go inside together. Nice to meet you, Kojima san. You can call me Atsuko or Acchan.

Haruna : un.. you can call me Haruna or Kojiharu. You are nice..

Atsuko : eh? thank you. let’s be a friend, Haruna?

Haruna : un.

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (chpt. 1)
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2016, 06:57:37 AM »
Super cute, I love the Kai Acchan one!

Another chapter plz!!
Atsumina and Wmatsui for life.
Takamina Oshi!!!

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (chpt. 1)
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2016, 11:49:26 AM »

Acchan and Haruna ^_^

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (chpt. 2)
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2016, 04:54:04 PM »
Chapter 2 : Infinar Gate

Atsuko and Haruna want to get inside the school. Before they can entered the school there are two big statue that stand beside the school gate.  And there is some word engrafe in front of the gate.

“only the chosen and special one can enter Infinar”

Atsuko and Haruna try to open the gate but there isn’t no used.

Atsuko : hm… what should we do? isn’t we are a new student here? why we can’t enter the gate?

Haruna : I also don’t know. Papa never told me anything about the gate.  But if we see the word that engrafe its said “ only the chosen one or the special one” does that mean we are not the one of that?

Atsuko : hm.. how about we try another gate?

Haruna : gate?

Atsuko : yup,  Infinar have four gate. So may be another gate will do? how about it?

Haruna : hm.. I am not sure. But, let’s try it. where is the other gate?

Atsuko : it on the other side of the building. This is anima gate, the nearest one is on the west, Fai gate.

With that Haruna and Atsuko go there and when they are arrive they met the other new student. From his appearance, he look like a human. He looks confuse to open the gate. As they come closer, they see the guy emits some aura. there are some of water ball that appear near him. And he attack the gate.

Atsuko : what are you doing? Stop it! you will wake the gate keeper.

Guy : huh? Who are you? I just want to go inside. but the gate won’t open. So I think I will try to open it by force.

Haruna : guys.. looks like it is too late.. look!!

The statue is moving, they looks angry and ready to destroy the intruder. As they moving the ground is shaking. The statue turn out to be Golems. They are the creature that create by magic, and they have no soul. As one of them see Haruna is the closest one to the gate, it try to catch Haruna.

Haruna : noo!! help me!! aahh!!!

Haruna closed her eyes ready to feel trap by the statue hand, but she feel nothing. As she opened the eyes again. she can see that the golem hand is being push away by big water ball. As the water ball hit the golem core, it is broken and can’t move. As one of them is destroyed, the other try to slam Haruna and that Guy.

But suddenly the Golem stopped moving. No, if you are really look at the Golem, the Golem become slow. As they are too amaze by the Golem, Atsuko shout from behind.

Atsuko : quick move from there, I can held it for any longer.

Haruna and the Guy quickly dodge the Golem, but before they move, The Guy create a big water ball and hit it to the Golem. But then there a claps sound.  When the see, there is somebody come out from the school.

“Hilarious! You two really have a great team work. But, there is not the way to enter the school the new one.”

Then the guy claps his hand and the golem directly stand up again. Stay in their old position.

Oshima Yuu : my name is Oshima Yuu, I am the second year and also the student council president. Nice to meet you guys. As you can see, I am a Elem.

Haruna : My name is Kojima Haruna, I am a Fai. Nice to meet you.

Atsuko : My name is Maeda Atsuko, I am a Human. Great to meet you, Watanabe san.

Guy : My name is  Watanabe Yuma, I am an elem. So how can we get inside?

Yuu : straight to the question, huh? You are not really funny aren’t ya? (smirk). Just see the clue from the gate, and you will know it. and if you can’t get it, may be you can start to next year.  Oh, please don’t break the Golem again. Or you will be out of this school.

Yuma : cih! I better see the other gate.

Haruna and Atsuko then see the word.

“May the blessing bring you to Infinar”

Atsuko thought

What blessing? And why I never heard anything from Aunt Gumi about this. I know every year the test always different. So there isn’t any chance for the new comer to have a clue about the test.

Haruna : Atsuko, do you know about the clue? I really don’t understand about it.

Atsuko : I have no idea. Blessing… what is blessing mean?

Haruna  : ah! I know! Papa always said that us, Our clan can save a life, it is the same with bless from God, right?

Atsuko : un.. you got a point, there.

Haruna : I will try it.

Haruna then stand in front of the gate and put her hand in the gate. she then hold her breath and close her eyes. She feel nervous because she never really used her ability. After a few second, she then opened her eyes and from her hand there is some green light  from her hand. The light than emit surround the gate and the gate opened.

Haruna : yatta! Atsuko I did it!

Haruna then go inside and Atsuko follow her from behind. But then there is a barrier that prevent Atsuko to come inside, the gate then close again.  Leaving Atsuko alone outside the gate.

Haruna : Atsuko! Wait, I will open the door again.

As Haruna want to opened the gate again, but the door won’t opened. She try and try but the gate still closed.

Haruna : no! open! Open!!

Atsuko : Haruna, I think I need to find the specific gate, I also try by using my magic on the gate, but it won’t open.  Let’s meet inside the school. I promise I will find a way to go inside.

Haruna : ok.. it’s a promise.

With that Haruna go inside the school together with Yuu. As Atsuko is searching for another way to go inside.


I can sense her present. she must be near. She is back!! I want to play with her. giggle….

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (chpt. 2)
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2016, 01:04:52 PM »
cool....more character ahead~~

oooo...why atsu and haruna got block at first??
and how come atsu the one got block again??

and whose the one giggling???
usually..rena the one whose giggling
cute like*remember geki

thankss for the update
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: An Old Story To Tell (chpt. 3)
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2016, 05:01:10 PM »
@kuro_black29 : I am sorry, but the person I mention in this story isn't Rena. I still debate to have her inside my story or not. Since her graduation I seems lost interest in Wmatsui. I try to make it, but the story seems bad. :nervous

Chapter 3 : The Guardian of Lost Forest

Atsuko try to search the other gate, as she know that there are still two other gate, but as she think about it, she think she got the clue.

Atsuko Pov

Haruna is a Fai, and she got inside via Fai gate, as the first gate it is an anima gate, so if my analysis is correct then I need to find Human gate. it is quiet far away from Fai gate. I need to go there faster. But why I feel insecure when I arrive here… sigh

May be it is just my feeling.  I need to be focus, I promise Haruna that I will meet her inside. And I promise to Aunt Gumi to not let her down. I really need to be focus.

If I want to go to Human gate from here the only shortcut is to pass the ‘Lost forest’.  But it is a bit risky. I ever read from the book that ‘Lost forest’ is actually alive, the forest have feeling and there is a guardian who have live very long time.

But, I am sure the forest won’t get mad if I don’t do anything wrong. All I have to do is pass this forest and I will be able to reach the Human gate. Alright, here goes nothing.

End of Pov

Atsuko then go inside the forest. At first there is a gentle breeze that pass her, and there isn’t anything weird, so she decided to go deeper to the forest. As she go deeper and deeper, there is a thick fog around her, but she try to act calm, she can’t help her insecure feeling. Atsuko don’t know why she keep walking instead of turning back. Even though there is a thick fog, she feel that she know the way out, but then she hear a sound.

“ you are back… I think you won’t come to here again. I wonder why…”

Atsuko : wh.. who are you.. where are you? show yourself!

“hm..? you don’t recognize my voice? That a bit sad you know…”

Atsuko : I .. I don’t know you, this is the first time I go inside the forest. Please, I just want to pass the forest to go to Human gate.

“Liar.. with this thick fog, there won’t be any creature that can know the way out. but you almost pass the forest. This is not your first time.”

Atsuko : no! it is really my first time. I don’t understand what are you talking about.

“ well, that’t not important, now..why don’t you stay and play with me, just like the old time?”

Atsuko : what?! No! I am sorry but I need to go now.

Atsuko then  started to run away, but as she is running, the tree suddenly move and started to warp her. she manage to avoid the tree. As she look in front of her, there is a light and she sure there is a way out of the forest. As she run and reach the end of the forest, she failed to pass the forest. There is a vine that warp her leg and pull her inside the forest again.

As Atsuko desperately want to relase the vine, she then release her magic. As she doubt to used this magic. She know her magic can hurt the forest. But, she can do anything right now.

Atsuko : I am sorry..

Atsuko then release her magic, and there is a small fire ball from her palm. She aim it to the vine and the fire burnt the vine.

“ How dare you hurt it, you know that we only miss you and now you hurt it. I won’t forgive you!”

With that Atsuko can see there is a big tiger that come out behind the tree near the entrance. It fur is white with golden strip,  it is very big,  bigger than a normal tiger.  The tiger then show it fang to Atsuko, and ready to charge Atsuko. But luckily Atsuko quickly put a barrier on her.

“ wow! Great barrier, but this small magic won’t be able to protect you for a long time. you has become weak now, huh.. but I don’t care. You need to be punished.”

The tiger then tackle the barrier again and again. as Atsuko magic really used her energy. She lost her energy gradually until then the barrier broken. She then fall down and pass out.  before she pass out, she see the tiger run into her.


Where.. where am I ..

As Atsuko awake, she is now in different place, she never know this place. so she walk around the place. until she hear a voice calling her name. as she turn around she see a guy around her aged that run into him. she is about to greet the stranger back and asked him a lot of question, but then she realize there is something wrong. The guy just passed her.

Atsuko Pov

What!? Why he just run away and didn’t even looked back when I called him back, didn’t he called me just now. I think I just need to follow him. gosh… he sure can run. He is very quick. I bet he is an anima, but he is a bit weird for an Anima, I think I saw a pointy ear from him. A Fai?! For a Fai, he sure a bit short.

Hm.. he went inside the room, what room it is,  well, I just need to go inside. but why I can’t touch the door. my body, it is invisible?! But, why? Did I died already. No! I refuse to think about it. But, did the tiger eat me and now I am a ghost?!

End of Pov

Atsuko sit down near the door, she started to cry as she think she is died already, but then the door opened and from there is a girl that come out from the door followed by the guy. When Atsuko look at the girl, she is very shock to see the girl. she have the same face as Atsuko.

Atsuko : no way! It is impossible, how can it is happening. Who is she?!

“stop following me!!”

“why you are so angry? I didn’t do anything wrong…”

“sigh… go away..”

“at least, let me know your name..”

Atsuko now can clearly look at the guy face since they are standing near her, and the guy is facing her. He has a pointy ears like fai, red eyes like elem, and when he smile, she can see his fang. What is he?!

Atsuko POV

I never see somebody like him, an elem?! No… an anima… not really. Fai ..? but a bit short  for a fai. When I looked at his face, somehow it make me very calm, there is something about this guy. I fell like I know him. it is because of his aura… but why I feel sad, and guilty in the same time. did.. I ever met him somewhere?...

End of POV

Atsuko then snapped from her own thought, because the girl who have the same face with her are leaving the boy, and the boy trying to chase her. it is not take long time until the guy pinned the girl to the wall. The guy looked at the girl intensely. The girl then whisper something to the guy before smirking.


Hey… hey… wake up!!

Atsuko : huh?!

Atsuko slowly wake up and she see a short girl who sit beside the white tiger. Atsuko then realize that she is being tied with very strong vine. And it is night already.

Atsuko : how long did I fall asleep?! where am I?! who are you?!

“now, you forget about me again. she is so cruel, right Tora?”

Atsuko : I don’t have any time anymore. I need to go to the human gate. did I pass the midnight already?

“and now she is leaving, even without playing with us.” (pouting)

Atsuko : please..

Yuka : alright, since we don’t meet each other for a long time. I will tell you again, my name is Yuka. Tano Yuka. I am the guardian of this forest. it been a long time, Acchan!

Atsuko : Acchan?! How do you know my name?!

Yuka : like I said, we ever met and we are friend. you used to play with me..

Atsuko : but, friend didn’t tied and attack each other.

Yuka : that because you are leaving so soon. I still want to play with you.

Atsuko : I promise to play with you, but I really need to go now. please Yuka chan..

Yuka : you promise to play with me too that time, but you broke it… and now you are leaving again.

Yuka looked at Atsuko with those hurt eyes. There is a bit of tears in her eyes.

Atsuko : I am sorry…  Yuka chan, i will be back. but right now I really need go to human gate or I won’t make it. They just accepted new student until today!! If I didn't go there before 12.00 AM then I will fail the exam.

Yuka : are you in hurry?

Atsuko : yes, I am!

Yuka : why  don’t you said it soon? I thought you don’t want to play with me again.

Atsuko : seriously?!

Yuka : Tora and I will take you there.

With that Yuka release Atsuko and they went to the human gate.

Atsuko : I hope I still make it to the Human gate.

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