Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 129187 times)

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #100 on: August 10, 2015, 06:57:36 AM »
i just read it last night, finally i can catch up  :glasses:
what are you doing jurina?? you can't flirt with another girl!!  :scolding:
hmm.. rena and jurina getting closer.. i'm happy  :on lol: :on lol: :on lol:
next next next!!  :kneelbow:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #101 on: August 10, 2015, 05:57:36 PM »
Thank you for this chapter
He he he~
Wmatsui moment~
Love it
Please update soon

Welcome new reader! Glad you liked the chapter :)

SayaMilky appeared.. :luvluv1:
Jurina's horse wooing Rena's mare? Tehee... :shy1:
Can't wait for the owner's part in wooing another owner.. :shy2:
Awesome. :mon thumb:

If there is Miyuki in the story, there has to be Sayaka as well, right?
Yes, the wooing is going on strong. Too bad Rena's mare likes to play hard to get...  :P

*closing eyes*
Inhale.. Exhale..
I can feel it.. The image of Rena filling my mind..
:shy1: :shy1: :shy1: :shy1:
:on GJ:

Well, I'm happy for you then  :P

wooow! two chapter!!
thanks a lot autor san!

No problem. I was really inspired, so why wait to post the next chapter?

i just read it last night, finally i can catch up  :glasses:
what are you doing jurina?? you can't flirt with another girl!!  :scolding:
hmm.. rena and jurina getting closer.. i'm happy  :on lol: :on lol: :on lol:
next next next!!  :kneelbow:

Glad you were able to catch up. Jurina's flirty attitude - in this fanfic - is like second nature to her. It's like asking her to stop breathing. Besides, if you read my other fanfic, Heartbeat, you'll realize I like to write Jurina and Churi as really, really close. It's not something I can explain as I don't really ship them, it's just something that happens naturally during the writing process. Nothing to fear or worry about ^^
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 08:47:06 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Kiri-el

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #102 on: August 12, 2015, 11:17:24 PM »
Oh, you remembered my comment for Partners... :) Yes, my absolute no1 ship is MaYuki, whatever happens. I like how they lightening the atmosphere in your fics. They're a strong point, a relationship role model, and not least, they're always so sweet and perfect together. So, yeah... I'm a hopeless shipper...

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #103 on: August 13, 2015, 12:08:24 AM »
@Kiri-el: I remember every comment each person makes  :)

I'm glad you like my version of MaYuki. It's true, I use them mainly to lighten up the atmosphere (especially when the WMatsui relationship is a bit angsty ^^'), but I also think this pairing works well alongside WMatsui. Both ships balance well one another, and I like writing RenaYuki/ JuriMayu interactions at every given opportunity.

I'm sorry for you that I can't write more about them though. MaYuki is your n°1 ship, and mine will always be WMatsui. In any case, thanks for reading, and commenting. Always appreciated  ;)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 02:52:47 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 14 [WMatsui] (09/08/15)
« Reply #104 on: August 13, 2015, 10:10:30 AM »
actually, i read heartbeat before i join this forum hehe
and i like that fic too ♡♡ but i haven't read partners
sometimes, when i read it, i felt kinda jealous hehe XD XD XD
i like jurina's character in this fic, cold but warm(?) at the same time haha
when will you update this fic?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:29:07 AM by key17 »

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 15 [WMatsui] (16/08/15)
« Reply #105 on: August 16, 2015, 03:15:59 PM »

Jurina took a few step towards the middle of the dojo, her both hands holding her bokken, while locking eyes with the older boy facing her. After successively defeating her fellow trainees one by one, she had finally reached the long-awaited final of the kenjutsu’s tournament. The young girl studied the 5 feet 8 dark, short-haired samurai carefully, knowing she would have to be more than cautious with this one. Despite her best efforts, she had never managed in the past to find a weak point in the defense of the unshaken samurai.



At the referee’s signal Jurina didn’t waste a moment to attack, knowing the next minutes were going to be decisive. Despite her determination, Jurina was well aware of her disadvantage. The twenty two year old samurai was not only taller; he had also been in the clan longer than her, and as a result was more experienced. However, Jurina was absolutely convinced she had her chances against him. After all, she had definitely not gone easy on herself these last months. From her first kenjutsu lesson she had trained every morning with the other trainees in the dojo, and shaped her body - as well as her mind - at every given opportunity.

In fact, Jurina had never spent so much time at the clan - and as a result with her protector - since the latter had agreed to teach her sword fighting. Yes, the trainings had been intense from day one - the kenjutsu instructor never one to give a moment of respite to her young trainees, and even less tolerating the slight mistake - but Jurina had loved every second of her training. That was why when the kenjutsu instructor had announced her decision to organize a tournament between the trainees, a broad smile had immediately plastered Jurina’s face. She just couldn’t wait to show all the progress she had made.

Each time she managed to defeat an opponent during the tournament, her eyes unconsciously searched her protector, pleased to receive a small satisfied smile in reply. Jurina was well aware of all the samurais seated in the dojo and watching her every move as well as those of her opponent, but she didn’t care about the others. More than anything, she wanted to prove her protector that she had been right to finally relent to her demand to teach her kenjutsu.

Out of all the trainees, Jurina was probably the one who chose the most to attack rather than defend during fights. Her protector had a few times warned her about the importance of defense, but Jurina always felt a rush of adrenaline coursing her veins when she relentlessly attacked her opponent with her bokken, not giving him a second to breathe.

However, the strategy that had always paid off until then was not accomplishing anything against the impassible giant. The samurai was deflecting her attacks one after another, and not even breaking a sweat in doing so. If anyone was starting to tire themselves out, it was definitely herself. Jurina took a step backwards and paused when she realized she wasn’t going anywhere. Her hands tightened around the wooden sword, frustration washing over her as she blinked a few times.

Jurina was well aware that she was starting to lose her composure, and as a result doing exactly what she was not supposed to. Her gaze was not as focused as before, and her emotions were getting the best of her. She tried to loosen up a bit her hold on her bokken - in order to find the right balance again - but her body was unnaturally tense. Her brain searched a solution for her unfortunate problem, knowing she had to find one very fast if she didn’t wish for the calm samurai to defeat her. Which was definitely the direction this fight was leading to, if she didn’t change her strategy fast.

The roles were suddenly reversed when her opponent decided to take the lead of the fight. This time, Jurina found herself at the end of a very strong and precise bokken. The attacks came one after another - always carefully measured - and never precipitated. In the past, Jurina had watched the kenjutsu instructor’s demonstrations with great interest, and one thing was for sure: her current opponent was the one who had adopted the most her defensive techniques. Indeed, none of her counterattacks seemed able to reach him, as he deflected them with great ease.

The referee suddenly announced a break, and Jurina more than welcomed the interruption. Not only her heart was racing like it never had before during a fight, she was also starting to lose her temper. Her eyes fell briefly on her opponent - not surprise in the least by his relaxed features - before stealing a glance at her protector seated amongst the other samurais. Despite her quiet appearance, she could well discern the disapproval directed at her, and no words needed to be exchanged to know the reason behind it.

The referee announced the resumption of the fight, and Jurina faced the twenty two year old samurai again, pondering over the strategy to adopt. Swift and relentless attacks were obviously out of the question: they had merely served to drain her energy until now. Her protector’s words - uttered during one lesson - suddenly came to the forefront of her mind. A young trainee had asked her what was the proper response against a samurai stronger and more experienced than them, and the older girl had immediately replied, with a small confident smile on her lips: patience.

Jurina didn’t like this option one bit, as patience still wasn’t her strongest point. Yes, she believed to have progressed a lot on that particular aspect of her personality - thanks to her protector’s meditation technique - but she didn’t fool herself by thinking she could change overnight. After all, she had easily let frustration wash over just a few minutes ago. Why would it be any different in the second part of the fight?

Jurina snapped out of her thoughts when her opponent raised his bokken, in the apparent intention of attacking again. This time, Jurina was more than decided to not repeat the same mistakes. Seconds transformed in minutes, and went by excruciatingly slow as she deflected his attacks as calmly as possible, not willing to let her emotions take control over her this time. Her eyes followed his movements with great attention, in search of a very needed opening. After all, she knew she couldn’t keep up with this constant rhythm forever. Her pounding heart was resounding in her ears too loudly for her taste, almost eclipsing the sound of their clashing bokken.

Her eyes widened slightly when she - all of a sudden - noticed a certain pattern in the attacks. Indeed, her opponent was attacking slightly more from the left, repeating a few techniques he obviously had mastered well. Jurina figured she would have failed to detect it if she had not successively cleared her mind, and focused entirely on her opponent’s actions.

Jurina relaxed her arms and prepared herself when she saw a cunning yoko guruma coming from the left again. After keen and patient observation of her opponent’s techniques, she had finally managed to anticipate his next move after what seemed an eternity of countless attacks. Jurina gathered all of her strength as she deflected it with a perfect maki otoshi, projecting the tip of her opponent’s bokken between his legs, and disarming him in the process effectively.

The wooden object fell on the tatami with a thump, the referee immediately announcing the end of the fight. Jurina lowered her bokken at the sound of his voice, her chest heaving up and down quickly as she gazed at her opponent. Surprisingly, stupor flashed in the usual always perfectly composed samurai, although quickly fading as he regained his composure, and retrieved his fallen wooden sword. Jurina’s mouth tugged into a broad smile in content, not caring in the least if her true feelings were now definitely showing on her face.

“So, what did you think?”

Just as Rena was finishing checking the dojo and about to leave she noticed the young girl leaning against the doorframe, a smile plastered on her face in content. “It was a good fight.”

“That’s it?” Jurina arched an eyebrow at her protector’s collected enthusiasm. “I just won against the strongest trainee. I thought you would be proud of me.”

Rena chuckled a bit at her protégée’s feigned offended tone - hearing the slight playfulness behind it - and she slid the door of the dojo behind her as she replied. “You made a lot of progress, but it was only a trainee, Ju…” Rena started, her amusement vanishing when she realized what she was about to say, and she quickly corrected herself. “Watanabe-san.”

Unfortunately for her, the small slip of the tongue had not been unnoticed. “You can call me by my first name, I don’t mind.”

“No, it’s not proper,” Rena replied, avoiding her protégée’s amused eyes in embarrassment, and trying desperately to figure out why on earth she had almost called the young girl with such familiarity. If someone valued respect among members of the clan to the highest level, it was definitely her.

“I do it all the time,” Jurina countered with a frown, following the older girl who was now moving away from the dojo.

“Yes,” Rena conceded, “and you know you shouldn’t.”

“You’re always so serious,” Jurina growled in disapprobation.

“It’s not a question of character, but of respect,” Rena explained absently, still awfully lost in thoughts. Suddenly, she was pulled out of them when she felt a hand encircling her arm, and she turned in surprise to the girl who had stopped her in her tracks.

“I respect you, Rena-san,” Jurina declared. “I really do.”

Rena was momentarily taken aback by the calm but very serious tone of her protégée. It was not that she didn’t believe her, quite the contrary. A few months ago, it would have been a different matter, and she would definitely not have agreed with her. Now, the situation had thankfully clearly improved between them, and she knew she meant those three words. However, she did not expect them to fall from her protégée’s lips. “I know.”

“So, will you?” Jurina insisted.

Rena sighed at her persistence. Her better judgment was telling her to not relent to the demand, and keep a professional distance between them at all costs. Fingers were still clutching her arm - though very softly - and Rena knew her stubborn protégée would not let it go easily. Of course, she could simply end the conversation with a final “no”, but for some odd reason, her mouth said the exact opposite of what her mind was telling her to. “Alright.”

Rena noticed the pleased expression on her protégée’s lips who slowly released her hold, and sent her a small thankful nod. Rena knew it was too late to come back on her words, but she spoke up nonetheless, willing to correct a bit the mistake she hoped she wouldn’t regret. “But only when it’s just the two of us.”

Rena wondered what could be crossing her protégée’s mind when she didn’t answer straight away. Indeed, the kenjutsu instructor noticed the intensity in those penetrating eyes staring at her and she tried hard to not look away, as they were starting to make her feel slightly nervous.

“As you wish, Rena-san.”

Jurina’s playful smile caught Rena by surprise, and she watched her without a word as she left her side and walked away, destabilized.

Rena followed her until she was out of sight, soon lost in thoughts. Questions piled up in her mind one after another, trying to find an answer to her own unpredictable behavior.

“What are you doing, Rena?” The kenjutsu instructor whispered to herself, as her feet starting moving again slowly towards her next destination.

After Airi’s death, it had taken her so long to trust someone again, and even more to call her kyudo friend by her first name. Yes, she was a very guarded person, always treading carefully with people. Her life in the clan went like clockwork, never deviating from the usual path. Everything started to change when Momijimori no kami entrusted her with the young Watanabe sister.

Despite their clashing personalities, the kenjutsu instructor never let her protégée’s attitude deter her once, keeping her composure at each confrontation carefully. Rena had witnessed - and more than welcomed - the gradual changes in her protégée’s personality, but now she was starting to fear they were the reason for her peculiar behavior. Indeed, her perfectly controlled manners were starting to slip, transforming her into a person she was having a hard time recognizing.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 04:07:57 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 15 [WMatsui] (16/08/15)
« Reply #106 on: August 16, 2015, 04:26:55 PM »

Rena chuckled a bit at her protégée’s feigned offended tone - hearing the slight playfulness behind it - and she slid the door of the dojo behind her as she replied. “You made a lot of progress, but it was only a trainee, Ju…” Rena started, her amusement vanishing when she realized what she was about to say, and she quickly corrected herself. “Watanabe-san.”

Oh. God knows how much I wish she slipped her tongue at that moment... :OMG:

Indeed, her perfectly controlled manners were starting to slip, transforming her into a person she was having a hard time recognizing.
Isn't this what happens to us when we have a special feeling to someone? Turning us into someone else. :mon cute:

:on slopkiss::on GJ: :kneelbow:

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 15 [WMatsui] (16/08/15)
« Reply #107 on: August 16, 2015, 04:30:52 PM »
hoho... thanks for updating and wmatsui moment :D :D

jurina!!! you're really cool!!!

finally rena called jurina's first name XD

update soon!!! XD XD

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 15 [WMatsui] (16/08/15)
« Reply #108 on: August 17, 2015, 05:55:06 PM »
*save spot 'vanish

Back~..yeay~ banzaii~

Rena reached out for Jurina's hand that was resting on her thigh and she placed her palm upon it, encircling the fingers underneath gently. The young girl's hand grew stiff at the contact but she didn't try to retract it

Rena didn't how long they stayed simply looking at each other without saying a word

that close contact~ doki doki~

Mayu tilted her head towards the girl sleeping next to her. Warmth filled her chest at the view of her protector's peaceful sleeping expression, and she couldn't ignore the faint acceleration of the beating of her heart as she gazed at her longingly.

she wondered at which point during the night her protector's arm ended up in such a position

All she could currently think about was the pleasant contact of her protector's hand, as it laid still on her stomach in the air~

"You're welcome," Yuki replied, a warm smile forming on her lips as she witnessed her protégée's flustered expression. She truly believed she would never grow tired of seeing it. "Don't hesitate to come back if you feel the need."

Mayu nodded softly at her protector's kindness, already missing the warmth of her embrace. Torn between her desire to stay by her side and the will to not worry her sister she hesitated, before making up her mind and moving towards the door. For now, her priority was to make sure her - already troubled sister - would not find her futon empty upon her return.

Dont even bother mayu..jurina already know..and why u have to ruined the short sweet moment..

Shooting a last glance at the kyudo instructor over her shoulder, she knew that her affection for her, growing stronger day by day, would prompt her to take up on her invitation very soon.

yeah~...go go~

Sayaka watched as Miyuki leaned seductively across the table, and she didn’t refuse her advances this time when she captured her lips in a lingering kiss. From their first encounter, Miyuki had managed to put a spell on her, clouding her mind with the passion each touch inspired. Sayaka was more than conscious that her true weakness originated from the woman who had enchanted her but, unfortunately, she was too far gone to do anything about it

can never resist that charm

“I’m not asking you to,” Rena shook her head, resting her hand on her shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. “But I can help you control your emotions better.”

Rena’s kind words finally prompted Jurina to look back at her, and she pondered her suggestion carefully. A part of her was a bit suspicious of what her instructor had in mind, but another got swayed by her desire to progress, and to a certain extent by the genuine smile on the older girl’s lips. “Alright.”

good job on calming her rena dono~

Jurina's horse wooing Rena's mare? Tehee... :shy1:


“She is quite good looking,” Churi affirmed nonchalantly.

“Who?” Jurina mumbled sleepily.

“Your protector,” Churi clarified.

At those words Jurina briefly popped an eye open - assuming the older girl was joking - before noting her serious expression and genuine smile. “You think? I didn’t notice.”

wut..u didnt even i believe u..and fyi SHE IS REALLY GOOD LOOKING

Rena slid the door open at the invitation and what she found behind it made her freeze instantly. Her protégée was well present in her room as her sister indicated, but the sight presented to her was not the one she expected. Indeed, before her was laying on the futon and on her stomach her apparently still half asleep protégée, entirely naked.

Rena found herself momentarily at a loss for words, and she couldn’t help but observe the nude form offered to her, her gaze falling at first on the tip of her dark hair spread over her shoulders, before moving downwards to her naked slender back, and finishing on the curves a bit lower.

Rena would probably have kept on staring at the unexpected sight in front of her if she had not been interrupted in her observation by the small grunt escaping the young girl’s lips, and her startled eyes fell into her protégée’s sleepy ones as she tilted her head towards her.

Rena cursed at herself for all the stupid questions adding themselves in her head, wondering why on earth the view was making her feel so abnormally agitated. There was probably a very simple and logical explanation for her protégée’s current undressed state, one that should never have unleashed this peculiar behavior of hers. When the young girl began to slowly sit up on the futon to face her Rena tilted her head to the side, definitely not wishing to repeat the shameful staring she had been doing just a few seconds ago. our innocent Rena dono

Jurina didn’t know exactly why and when it happened during the process but, at some point, the bright smile of her sister vanished, the image of her instructor filling her mind. Jurina had tried to brush it aside at first - a bit disturbed by the unexpected intrusion - until relenting when it refused to leave her after a few fruitless attempts.

Maybe the older girl’s current presence by her side had caused the sudden vision; Jurina had stopped trying to figure out the strange occurrence when no other explanation came to mind

when the mind realize fast "its more than that" than the heart or the person

*closing eyes*
Inhale.. Exhale..
I can feel it.. The image of Rena filling my mind..
:shy1: :shy1: :shy1: :shy1:


Each time she managed to defeat an opponent during the tournament, her eyes unconsciously searched her protector, pleased to receive a small satisfied smile in reply. Jurina was well aware of all the samurais seated in the dojo and watching her every move as well as those of her opponent, but she didn’t care about the others. More than anything, she wanted to prove her protector that she had been right to finally relent to her demand to teach her kenjutsu

I'm only searching for you~ as my eyes sets on you~..lalala~

Rena chuckled a bit at her protégée’s feigned offended tone - hearing the slight playfulness behind it - and she slid the door of the dojo behind her as she replied. “You made a lot of progress, but it was only a trainee, Ju…” Rena started, her amusement vanishing when she realized what she was about to say, and she quickly corrected herself. “Watanabe-san.”

Unfortunately for her, the small slip of the tongue had not been unnoticed. “You can call me by my first name, I don’t mind.”

Yeah..jurina didnt mind her that~

 :on gay: :kneelbow: :on drink:
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 03:04:06 PM by kuro_black29 »
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 15 [WMatsui] (16/08/15)
« Reply #109 on: August 19, 2015, 10:26:59 AM »
Finally I have time to read this..  :sweatdrop:
And gosh Jurina you have changed, well at least a bit.. XD
Seeing Jurina calm is amusing and weird at the same time haha.. Usually she is so wild.. Love to see both side of Jurina.. :w00t:
Rena now you should open your heart for Jurina... :banghead:
Thanks for update Sopcharo-san.. :twothumbs

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #110 on: August 19, 2015, 11:45:47 PM »

A loud exasperated sigh escaped Jurina’s mouth when she wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. A small neigh caught her attention and she looked downward to her stallion, hearing the animal panting repeatedly. Obviously, she wasn’t the only one having a hard time adjusting to the weather of this region. Of course, she had long ago swapped her thick grey kimono for a light yukata, but the fabric stuck nonetheless to her skin under the scorching sun. Now, the young girl only wished for one thing: for Fall to arrive fast.

Jurina pulled on the reins slightly and halted her horse, scanning the vast forest surrounding her. A few days ago, she has learned the existence of a lake nearby the clan, and the impossible hot weather had finally decided her to search for the place, more than decided to ease her burning skin. Despite following the instructions given to her at the clan the promised stretch of water was still out of sight and, after wandering around the clan for so long, she was beginning to believe she would never find it.

Jurina looked over her shoulder, now seriously considering turning around. The idea of going back to the clan empty-handed was not very enticing - far from it - but she had to face the harsh reality. She was not going to feel the pleasant sensation of fresh water against her skin today. Unfortunately, she would have to settle for a simple bath at the clan.

Jurina was about to instruct her stallion to move when the animal suddenly produced another neigh - this time much louder - his ears immediately raising in alert. The rider frowned at his curious behavior, watching him as she had stilled abruptly and was looking in front of him, now very quiet. When the horse didn’t seem to want to snap out of it Jurina pulled on the reins again and, this time, the animal moved forward indeed, but absolutely not in the direction she had ordered.

“What are you doing?” Jurina exclaimed, not believing her stallion’s disobedience.

She pulled on the rein again, this time more forcibly, but the animal simply refused to comply to her wishes. Jurina was about to voice her protest out loud again when the sight of a horse not far away caught her attention and she narrowed her eyes, trying to distinguish the place her stallion was obviously leading her too.

The other horse was attached to a tree and Jurina could see the glimpse of a clearing in the distance. Her stallion was now speeding up a bit, and Jurina understood the reason for her stallion’s haste when her eyes recognized the familiar hazelnut coat of the horse peacefully grazing grass.

Worry immediately washed over her when the owner was nowhere to be found, and Jurina placed her fingers over her tanto as she scanned the area in alert. Soon, her stallion’s nose brushed the calm mare’s one affectionately, and the young sister didn’t waste one minute to get down from the saddle, wondering what her protector’s mare was doing alone in the middle of nowhere.

The memory of the attack flashed in her mind, and her heart started beating faster in apprehension. She was well aware a simple knife would not do much again a heavier armed opponent, but she surely wasn’t about to let the past repeat itself. Jurina approached the young mare, studying her in search of any sign of a potential ambush. However, the animal wasn’t in the slightest agitated, even welcoming the caress on his forehead with a small pleased neigh.   

Jurina’s attention shifted from the horse to the clearing, her fingers slightly more relaxed over her knife but her gaze still cautious as she moved forward. The sun, against which she had been well protected under the branches of the trees until now, fell upon her when she stepped in the clearing, her eyes widening slightly when she noticed the unexpected view in front of her. After what she had believed to be a fruitless research, she had finally found what she was desperately looking for. And a bit more than what she would have expected.

“Rena-san?” Jurina murmured to herself.

Discovering her protector was in no immediate danger Jurina paused in her steps, her hand moving away from her tanto. After admiring the crystal clear small lake in front of her, her eyes fell on the woman swimming inside. Jurina noted from her peripheral vision the clothes as well as the katana laying at the feet of a tree nearby, but her attention didn’t shift once from the swimmer who had not noticed her presence yet.

After a little while of silent observation, Jurina decided to take a seat under the well appreciated shade of the tree a few feet away. Her fingers soon brushed the saya of the familiar sword, her eyes falling next on the neatly folded black yukata and hakama by its side. After that, Jurina leaned her head against the trunk, her eyes following the form moving slowly and gracefully in the water.

She didn’t know how long she kept her attention on the nude figure, but for some odd reason, she just couldn’t look away from it. Much of it was hindered by the water and Jurina found herself wishing to discover more than what was offered to her. She didn’t try to understand where her sudden curiosity came from - nor the reason for her slightly accelerated heartbeats - simply relishing the view instead.

A sudden loud neigh disrupted the quiet atmosphere and Jurina turned around in the direction of the forest in surprise, gazing at the two horses. Her stallion was still stubbornly trying to get the mare’s attention, apparently in vain, as she was now looking the other way. It appeared her stallion’s patience was growing thin day by day. Jurina shook her head, somehow guessing the mare’s attitude was not going to deter her proud stallion.

Jurina shifted her attention back to the lake, immediately freezing when she saw two small brown orbs looking back at her from the middle of the lake. The older girl had stopped swimming and Jurina muttered under her breath, knowing her stallion’s attitude had just alerted her presence. She was seriously considering ordering the young stable boy to diminish her stallion’s food ration for a few days in retaliation. 


Jurina knew she couldn’t stay seated under the tree and continue her peaceful observation any longer so she stood up at the sound of her name, taking a few steps towards the edge.

“Rena-san,” she smiled, a bit amused by her protector’s startled and slightly nervous expression. Obviously, she wasn’t expecting to be disturbed during her peaceful alone time. “I wasn’t spying on you, if that’s what you think.”

The kenjutsu instructor raised an eyebrow at her teasing tone, and Jurina could tell by the look on her face she was not believing her one bit. The fact that she had not announced her presence as soon as she stepped in the clearing - and choose to take a seat under a tree instead - manifestly proved otherwise in her protector’s eyes.

“I was told about this place,” Jurina explained when her words were met by silence, guessing it was best to change the subject. “I was starting to lose hope of finding it and was about to turn around, until my stallion detected your mare’s presence.”

Jurina watched as Rena’s attention shifted briefly to their horses, her eyes soon falling back on her. The young girl could tell her protector was pondering the sincerity of her words carefully - considering her long scrutiny - until her features finally relaxed. 

“Yes, this place is hard to find,” Rena conceded, with a small nod. “And you can easily get lost in this vast forest.”

“Don’t mention it,” Jurina sighed. If not for her keen senses, she would probably have gotten lost a few times. That would definitely have been the icing on the cake.

Silence surrounded them anew as both stayed quiet after that, Jurina somehow guessing her protector was waiting for her next move. Indeed, the older woman was standing still, the water covering her shoulders, and Jurina’s gaze fell on the vast stretch of water in front of her. She had come here for one good reason, and the tempting sight was making it hard for her to resist.

“I’ll leave you alone,” Rena declared.

“Why?” Jurina jolted out of her thoughts, watching the older girl moving towards her, in the apparent intention of getting out of the water. “The lake is big enough for the two of us.”

Rena paused in her tracks, raising her eyes to witness her protégée - at first - confusion, quickly replaced by light playfulness. Rena was used to this feature of hers - having been at the end of it quite a few times, and finding it amusing until now - but for some reason, she really wished she would stop acting this way with her. In such a situation, it was making her somewhat uncomfortable, and preventing her from thinking clearly. “It’s already quite late, and I need to go to the village.”

It wasn’t a lie as she really had a few errands to run, but Rena knew it wasn’t the only reason for her shameful attempted little flee. Despite desperately failing to gather the reason behind her current uneasiness, she knew she didn’t like the prospect of spending some time alone with the young girl. Especially not when they would be so close and undressed. It didn’t go particularly well last time she happened to stumble upon the naked form of her protégée.

Rena frowned when she noticed the young girl turning on her heels and heading towards the tree - bending underneath it to retrieve the clothes left there - and walking back towards her, a small genuine smile on her lips.

“I promise I won’t peek,” Jurina said, placing the black hakama at her feet, and undoing the matching yukata carefully.

Rena was momentarily at a loss for words, wondering why the young girl would offer to preserve her dignity. Had her discomfort been that obvious? Rena nibbled briefly on her lower lip, considering asking, before refraining from doing so. If she had to admit, her protégée’s suggestion was most than welcomed and appreciated. She never considered herself as a prude person but, somehow, the idea of having her protégée’s gaze on her naked form was making her feel unsettled.

“Thank you,” Rena murmured, sending her a faint smile in return, that the young sister didn’t catch as she had already closed her eyes in accordance with her own words.

Her feet soon met the grass as she approached and faced the young girl silently, her arms slipping into the sleeves of the yukata presented to her. Her fingers caught the hakama and she started tying the knot, noting that the young girl had indeed kept her promise, and not gazed at her once during the whole process.

“You can open your eyes,” Rena declared, two brown orbs immediately staring back at her at the invitation. 

Just as she was finally regaining her composure the intense look on her protégée’s face managed to make her loose it in an instant, preventing her from focusing on the task at hand effectively, and her fingers slowing down unintentionally.

A small laugh suddenly escaped Jurina’s mouth, and Rena’s eyes widened in surprise, noticing the young girl’s amused expression as she was staring at her fingers.

“Rena-san, you’re doing it the wrong way.”

Rena looked down in confusion, before indeed noticing her horrible work. Tying a hakama was a long and hard process for a novice samurai. Rena could still vividly remember the reprimands directed towards her during her young adulthood when she entered the clan and happened to fail at it at first. However, after years of repeating the process everyday over and over, she could now almost do it her eyes closed.

“Let’s pretend you didn’t see anything, alright?” Rena murmured, undoing her work quickly, and doing it again, this time with great diligence.

“It will be our little secret,” Jurina replied.

Rena ignored purposely the teasing and the delight dancing on her protégée’s lips - instead drawing away to pick up her katana under the tree - before moving towards her mount.

Rena took a curious peek over her shoulders when she caught the faint sound of clothes falling in the grass, only to witness the young girl undressing hastily, her attention now drawn to the lake. Rena caressed absently her mare’s muzzle when the animal brushed her sleeve affectionately, her eyes still following the young girl who was entering the water.   

Rena’s mouth tugged into a smile and she shook her head softly, amused when she heard a strident squeak escaping her protégée’s lips. Despite having obviously been slightly surprised by the temperature of the water the young girl didn’t let this small fact deter her, soon immerging herself from head to toe under the surface.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 04:08:28 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Haruko

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #111 on: August 20, 2015, 03:32:45 AM »
wow their relationship is going on.. I like it a lot!

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #112 on: August 20, 2015, 05:02:05 AM »
Yes yes yes.. Wmatsui moment.. :inlove:
Jurina you should close your eyes in the first place not staring at Rena openly.. :banghead:
I guess you can't bear to not see it right? :lol:

Offline junchan48

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #113 on: August 20, 2015, 09:35:12 AM »
Like what you see, Jurina? XD
Don't declare your pervertness openly to Rena-san-,-
WMatsui relationship is better and cuter now~
And 'someone' start to fallin' love~~~~

Thanks for the update, sophcharo-san^^
I'll wait for the next chapter!
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #114 on: August 20, 2015, 10:32:45 AM »
It appeared! Jurina's horse aggressive move on Rena's mare. :on lol: I LOve this! :heart: :heart: :heart:

And the "It will be our little secret" could be the start of many sweet things... :hee: :hee: :hee:

:on GJ: :kneelbow:

Offline key17

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #115 on: August 21, 2015, 08:07:47 AM »
i can't stop grinning!!! 

it's great!!  :on GJ: thanks for updating!!!  :kneelbow:

update soon!!  :onioncheer:

-sorry for my bad english, still learning with uncle Sae :hee:

Offline RenshuChan

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #116 on: August 21, 2015, 12:35:57 PM »
It has been so long since I last comment on this fic, eventhough I always read it,
And now... Asgdhdiekjskskskadagkk.... I can't say any proper word.
 What's with this Jurinaxharem feels?! Damn it! I love that part!
I can't be selfish to wish that Jurina will marry all of them :lol:
I'll leave it to you my dear author...
(≧∇≦)/well done! Update quickly!

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 16 [WMatsui] (20/08/15)
« Reply #117 on: August 21, 2015, 07:02:57 PM »
*saves spot

*comes back with telescope

her eyes widening slightly when she noticed the unexpected view in front of her. After what she had believed to be a fruitless research, she had finally found what she was desperately looking for. And a bit more than what she would have expected.

“Rena-san?” Jurina murmured to herself.

Discovering her protector was in no immediate danger Jurina paused in her steps, her hand moving away from her tanto. After admiring the crystal clear small lake in front of her, her eyes fell on the woman swimming inside. Jurina noted from her peripheral vision the clothes as well as the katana laying at the feet of a tree nearby, but her attention didn’t shift once from the swimmer who had not noticed her presence yet.

After a little while of silent observation, Jurina decided to take a seat under the well appreciated shade of the tree a few feet away. Her fingers soon brushed the saya of the familiar sword, her eyes falling next on the neatly folded black yukata and hakama by its side. After that, Jurina leaned her head against the trunk, her eyes following the form moving slowly and gracefully in the water.

She didn’t know how long she kept her attention on the nude figure, but for some odd reason, she just couldn’t look away from it. Much of it was hindered by the water and Jurina found herself wishing to discover more than what was offered to her. She didn’t try to understand where her sudden curiosity came from - nor the reason for her slightly accelerated heartbeats - simply relishing the view instead. wmatsui gonna exploded *wipe runny blood from mah nose

“Rena-san,” she smiled, a bit amused by her protector’s startled and slightly nervous expression. Obviously, she wasn’t expecting to be disturbed during her peaceful alone time. “I wasn’t spying on you, if that’s what you think.”

The kenjutsu instructor raised an eyebrow at her teasing tone, and Jurina could tell by the look on her face she was not believing her one bit. The fact that she had not announced her presence as soon as she stepped in the clearing - and choose to take a seat under a tree instead - manifestly proved otherwise in her protector’s eyes.

“I was told about this place,” Jurina explained when her words were met by silence, guessing it was best to change the subject. “I was starting to lose hope of finding it and was about to turn around, until my stallion detected your mare’s presence.”

Jurina watched as Rena’s attention shifted briefly to their horses, her eyes soon falling back on her. The young girl could tell her protector was pondering the sincerity of her words carefully - considering her long scrutiny - until her features finally relaxed.

Rofl...good reason there ju..haha..

Despite desperately failing to gather the reason behind her current uneasiness, she knew she didn’t like the prospect of spending some time alone with the young girl. Especially not when they would be so close and undressed. It didn’t go particularly well last time she happened to stumble upon the naked form of her protégée.

*blood coming out a bit more.....dubdabdubdab~ *died from blood loss

 :on bleed: :nya: :shy2: :on gay: :kneelbow: :on drink:
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 03:02:56 PM by kuro_black29 »
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 17 [WMatsui] (28/08/15)
« Reply #118 on: August 28, 2015, 04:58:56 AM »

The young stable boy was currently attending to a white mare when footsteps distracted him and he looked over his shoulder in interest, his gaze falling on the twenty four year old samurai walking through the entrance of the stable.

“Matsui-dono,” he said as he turned around to greet her with a smile, bowing at her courteously. “Momijimori no kami dono asked me to prepare her horse, I won’t be long.”

“It won’t be necessary, Akihira-kun,” Rena shook her head softly, “I’ll take care of my mare myself.”

Rena suppressed a laugh when she witnessed the lad’s stupor. Obviously, he wasn’t expecting her to suggest such a thing. “You don’t have to. I promise I’ll be quick.”

The kenjutsu instructor reduced the distance between them, amusement dancing on her lips when she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’m merely going to the village.”

Rena could tell the internal debate going inside the boy’s head - probably wondering if he should insist or not - but this time, he kept quiet instead. “Come on,” she said when he didn’t make a move, patting his shoulder lightly, “Shinoda-dono’s horse is more important than mine.”

The lad jolted out of his thoughts at the reminder of the mare waiting behind him and he nodded quickly, focusing his attention on the white horse again.

The kenjutsu instructor walked away when she knew she had managed to convince the thirteen year old boy successively - though not without noticing his embarrassment and somewhat reluctance as she left his side - engulfing herself in the stable. A few minutes’ walk was necessary to find what she was looking for - considering the place held more than a hundred horses - her eyes lighting up at the familiar view of her calm chestnut mare. 

“Here you are,” Rena murmured as she opened the door of her horse’s box, greeted immediately by a soft neigh and a tap on her shoulder.

The samurai replied to the affectionate gesture with a caress of her own, before moving towards the saddle and placing it carefully on her mare’s back. Just as she was attaching it a loud whinny distracted her attention and she looked over to the left, noticing a black head popping up from the box next door, and two ears raising in alert.

Out of the corner of her eye she noted her mare turning to look at the new presence, and Rena wondered briefly what they could be saying to each other as her mount replied to the stallion with another soft neigh. The kenjutsu instructor got back to the task at hand when it was obvious she would never be able to understand the conversation they were currently having, remembering suddenly a small incident that had occurred when the stallion had joined the stable of the clan months ago.

Apparently, her mare had caught his eye quite quickly, because he simply refused to be placed in the box that was originally planned for him, instead insisting to be by her mare’s side. When the young sister had been informed of his impossible behavior she had only laughed, stating that the stable boy should simply relent and let him have it his way. Rena was absolutely against such an idea but she had let it go nevertheless, not wishing to enter a fight with the girl. Their relationship was challenging enough at the time.

“Why won’t you just give up?” Rena sighed, gazing at the stallion when she was done harnessing her mare.

Horses were very sensitive animals, and she had been well aware of the gradual changes in her mare’s attitude, especially when the stubborn horse happened to be around her. Stress was the last thing she wished for him to inflict upon her docile mount.

“Are you telling my horse what to do?”

Rena turned around at the voice directed at her, startled when she witnessed her amused young protégée leaning against the door of the box, arms crossed over her chest.

“Jurina-san, I didn’t hear you approaching,” Rena admitted.

“Yes, you seemed awfully lost in thoughts,” Jurina chuckled a bit. It was uncommon for her protector to be so distracted, and to not detect her immediately. According to a conversation they had had not so long ago, she was - apparently - as discreet as her horse. Which said a lot about her capacity to hinder her presence. “What were you thinking about?”

“Your mount,” Rena replied, choosing to keep half of the truth to herself, and leading her horse by the reins out of the box. “l really wish he would stop bothering my mare. She doesn’t like it.”

“What makes you say that?” Jurina arched an eyebrow, straightening up and opening the door of her stallion’s box.

“She’s ill-at-ease around him,” Rena explained, staring at her in incredulity. She believed this small fact to be more than evident, and the thought that it had possibly escaped her protégée was inconceivable.

“Maybe she is,” Jurina conceded with a nod, while placing the saddle on her stallion’s back with expertise, “but it’s not for the reason that you think.”

When her words were met with silence Jurina looked over her shoulder in curiosity, noticing immediately her protector’s confusion. “Give me your hand.” 

“What?” Rena exclaimed, startled by the awkward and out of the blue demand, and trying to decipher its meaning through the confident look of her protégée.

Jurina reached out for it when her protector didn’t comply to her wishes, feeling it tensing up a bit when their fingers met, and placing her palm against her stallion’s neck.

“Look into his eyes,” Jurina instructed, keeping the older girl’s hand in place, “what do you see?”

Though very puzzled by the peculiar demand Rena did as she was told, trying to ignore the pleasant warmth emanating from the palm covering hers softly, to focus her attention entirely on the black animal.

Her touch had - at first - abashed the animal whose pupils had slightly widened in reaction. Now, after a few seconds, they had turned back into their original form, and the stallion was even tilting his head towards her, trying to reach her with his nostrils. 

“You appease him,” Jurina murmured, amused lightly by her protector’s wonderment. “And I’m convinced your mare has the same effect on him. That’s why he can’t let go.”

Jurina wondered what could be crossing the older girl’s mind when silence surrounded them for a while. She could easily read her body language and see how agitated she now was, and she asked herself what could have triggered this whole behavior. Unconsciously, her fingers squeezed a bit the hand beneath hers, and the gesture seemed to stir something in Rena, as she immediately snapped out of her stillness.

“Maybe he should.”

Jurina frowned at her declaration, slightly taken aback when her protector gave her a serious look, the hand slipping away from her grasp instantly. Much as she wanted to prove her wrong and question her about her enigmatic words, it was clear the matter was already over. Indeed, Rena had now mounted her mare and was securing the reins - her eyes set on the entrance of the stable - in the evident intention of leaving the place.

“Where are you going?” Jurina asked, still confused by her protector’s discomfort.

“To the village,” Rena replied as nonchalantly as possible, her attention still very much in front of her. “I need to go to the market.”

“Me too, Churi wants to meet me,” Jurina informed, brushing aside her interlocutor’s awkward behavior and placing one hand on the saddle and her left foot in the stirrup, pushing herself up to mount her stallion. 

“In broad daylight?” Rena blurted out without thinking, gazing at her immediately.

“She asked to see me for some reason but stubbornly refused to tell me why when I questioned her,” Jurina trailed off distractively, missing her protector’s perplexity. “It’s unusual for her to be so secretive. She never hides anything from me.”

I bet she doesn’t, Rena mused, before cursing herself for letting her protégée’s relationship with that woman impact unexpectedly her mood. What the young girl did on her free time should be none of her business - as long as it didn’t interfere with her daily kenjutsu training - and apart from a lesson she had missed that one time, she had always been very punctual. 

“Maybe we can travel together?” Jurina suggested, already ordering her horse to move forward with a firm pressure of her heels, and entertained when her stallion’s head immediately went to brush the mare’s one when he passed by her. “This one will definitely not take no for an answer.”

Just as Rena was about to ask her protégée to keep her horse in check she observed her mare accepting the obstinate gesture and she stayed quiet, astounded by her unusual reaction. She raised her gaze from her horse to watch her protégée as she was walking away, a smile unguardedly falling on her lips when she threw her a playful look over her shoulder. “Of course.”

Jurina couldn’t fathom exactly why, but she was still thinking about her protector’s peculiar attitude when she followed Churi through the market a while later. Despite the fact the place was buzzing with noise and packed with people, she barely paid attention to her surroundings, hardly reacting when she happened to bump into a few people on the way, and received complaints in protest.

Her eyes were boring into her friend’s back and her left hand was leading her black stallion, but her thoughts were still on her protector and their recent conversation. The awkward meeting that followed between Churi and her protector had not been unnoticed as well, indeed not fooled one iota by her apparent composure and the polite greeting. She could tell the kenjutsu instructor was somewhat bothered by her closeness with Churi, even though no words had ever left her mouth to indicate so once. After spending months by her side, she could now better see through the collected appearance of her protector - discerning a few cracks here and there when she happened to let her guard down - but some of her reactions still remained a mystery. One she couldn’t help but want to solve.

“What do you think?”

Jurina snapped out of her musing at the questioning voice and she raised her gaze, noticing that her friend had suddenly stopped in her tracks and was now standing in front of a stand, studying an object in her hand carefully. The young girl paused by her side, looking down at the jewelry that had caught her attention. It was a small rounded pendant hanging at the end of a chain, representing the head of a horse. His mouth was opened wide as he was releasing a loud neigh, and his mane was drawn as if it was floating in the air. The true portrayal of a proud and fierce animal.

“It’s nice,” Jurina conceded, immediately noting the satisfied smile on Churi’s lips. 

“How much?” Churi asked, showing the object to the man in his forties standing behind the stand full of different kind of jewelries.

Jurina frowned when Churi slipped the coins inside the man’s palm - obviously satisfied with the price indicated - wondering why she would want to buy such an object. She had not lied when she had answered her question, finding indeed the simple - but well crafted object - to her taste but somehow, she couldn’t imagine her friend wearing such a pendant around her neck. It simply didn’t suit her looks.

“Open your hand,” Churi required when she turned to look at her and Jurina did as instructed - though very much confused by the demand - until feeling the silver object against her skin when she placed it into her palm gently.

“What are you doing?” Jurina asked.

“It’s a gift,” Churi replied, suppressing a laugh at her friend’s confusion. 

Jurina opened her mouth to speak but no words left her lips, too shocked by the revelation. No one had ever bought her a present before, and she couldn’t fathom why her friend would do such a thing. A part of her wanted to repeat the question in order to make sure she had not imagined it, but she could tell she had heard correctly when Churi gave her a kind smile.

“No, I don’t need it,” Jurina protested, holding the pendant by the chain and trying to give it back. “Keep your money.”

“I already bought it,” Churi retorted, in vain as the jewelry was placed into her hand forcibly a few seconds later.

“He’ll take it back,” Jurina addressed the merchant who was about to protest, before agreeing reluctantly at the intimidating look directed at him.

Just as she was about to walk away in order to make her opinion clear on the matter she heard the soft calling of her nickname, and she couldn’t help but pause in her steps at the pleading tone. Fingers encircled her arm gently but she refused to turn around, more than decided to not come back on her words.

“You’re the only person in this world who really cares about me,” Churi admitted. “Let me do this for you.”

Jurina noted the small tremble in her voice, and she could feel her own resolve faltering as the seconds went by painfully slow. Now, she understood better the reason behind her friend’s offer, but she still didn’t consider herself worthy of it. What did she truly do to deserve it? 

Suddenly, Churi’s alarmed shout reached her and she turned around, confused, until seeing her staring at her right empty hand in shock. The jewelry was gone, and Jurina looked over her friend’s shoulder, noticing a man drawing away hastily, the pendant swinging by his chain in his left hand.

“Stay here,” Jurina indicated, not waiting for Churi’s reply to climb hastily on her stallion, “I’ll get it back.”

“No, it’s not…” Churi trailed off, her protest falling on deaf ears as the young girl had already ordered her horse to move forward.

She watched her in apprehension as she was making her way through the crowd, cursing herself for failing to react in time. Much as she wished for Nobunaga to accept her present, she certainly didn’t want her to put herself in danger for it. Unfortunately, considering the decided look she had witnessed upon her face before her swift departure, she was afraid she would do anything in her power to retrieve the object.

Jurina was already far gone when Churi felt a presence by her side, her eyes widening in surprise when she noticed the familiar sight, and the reassuring look directed at her.

After a few minutes’ chase, Jurina realized she was truly at disadvantage on the back of her horse. Indeed, the thief was making his way through the dense crowd with much more ease by foot, and the distance was growing between them. If only she could get out of the market square more quickly…

Relief filled her chest when she saw him turning in a street on his left, knowing she would have better chance to catch him now he had left the market square. However, her joy was of short respite when she noticed a horserider waiting at the end of it, holding the rein of another horse with obvious impatience. It didn’t take long for Jurina to understand it was probably his partner in crime, considering her agile thief was running towards his direction at full speed.

Jurina ignored the loud protests directed at her when she finally engulfed herself into the street, now hoping she could make it before he could jump on his horse. However, her own struggle to move forward into the market square had slowed her down significantly, and she watched in frustration the two men galloping away on their horses.

“I have not said my last word,” Jurina gritted her teeth, refusing to relent. She pressed her heels against her horse’s flank, receiving an immediate response as he sped up instantly.

For the first time, Jurina realized the luck she had had to stumble upon her stallion. His great shape and fierce look had immediately caught her eye when she had spied on the horse’s merchant back then, a theft she had not regretted once since that day. Indeed, it obeyed to each of her orders with great accuracy, enabling her to turn in the following streets without the need to slow down one iota, and avoiding a few horrified bystanders successively.

Jurina was starting to catch up when the two horseriders entered the main street of the village. She ignored the distressed cries of the people on her way, trying desperately to reduce the distance with the thief instead. His companion was apparently failing to match with his speed, as Jurina soon found herself by his horse’s flank.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the sharp tanto in the man’s hand, avoiding it narrowly when he tried to wound her. Jurina took out her own knife swiftly, injuring his arm in retaliation with a sharp cut. A scream escaped his lips at the pain and he dropped his tanto, enabling the young girl to focus entirely on the man who was escaping her.

Jurina tensed when she saw the thief exiting the village and galloping towards the wooden bridge crossing over the river. In the distance, the maple forest could already been seen, and she knew she had to stop him before he could reach it. Indeed, her chances to catch him into the dense forest would then be greatly reduced.   

The young girl was well aware that what she was about to do to be a tiny bit risky, but she couldn’t come up with another solution when she finally managed to catch up. She didn’t know when another opportunity would present itself, and she surely didn’t want to take the risk of losing him in the fast approaching forest. If she had to act, it would be on this bridge.

She waited until their horses were finally galloping flank by flank - briefly leaning to her right to avoid a threatening tanto coming her direction - before releasing her hold on the reins in one swift movement and throwing herself at the other horserider. Just before their bodies came into contact she noticed the shock passing through the thief’s eyes, who was unfortunately too stunned to react in time.

They crashed violently against each other and the horse rider lost his balance, the reins of his horse escaping his grasp when he got unhorsed, and they both fell into the river below. Thankfully, it was only a five meters fall, and Jurina held her breath in preparation, not releasing her hold on the thief one moment.

Water surrounded them completely as they dived it, and Jurina had to avoid another threat directed at her when the man tried to injure her with his tanto anew. Thankfully, his moves were substantially slowed down by the water, enabling her to react in time and deliver a strong punch in his face.

The action stunned him effectively and Jurina took advantage of his disorientated state to retrieve the pendant at his waist, before preparing herself to regain the surface when it was finally secured in her hand. Unfortunately, her escape plan was put to an halt when she felt a hand gripping her feet tightly, preventing her from moving any further. It seemed her thief had not said his last word.

Jurina tried to free herself from his strong hold, but the furious man was holding tight. A few punches were exchanged when they came face to face, and - for the first time since she had plunged into the river - Jurina was starting to fear the issue of their confrontation. Indeed, she could now feel herself lacking some air, and she knew it was a matter of time until she would completely run out of it. Her opponent seemed to have the same problem, but none of them wanted to give up. 

The young sister suddenly noticed her opponent’s attention drawn to something over her head, and her eyes widened in surprise when a tanto appeared from her peripheral vision, slitting the thief’s throat accurately. Blood blended with the water as he held his throat in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, much in vain. Jurina stared into his lifeless eyes as he fell deeper and deeper in the water, before diverting her attention to her right at the touch on her shoulder.

She didn’t even have time to look at her savior that lips were pressed against hers hastily. Jurina was about to push away the person responsible for this unexpected act, until freezing when she realized who was facing her, and feeling air engulfing her lungs gradually through her partially opened lips. Shock washed over when she stared into her protector’s eyes, questions piling up in her head one after another at the unforeseen help. However, all vanished into thin air when their lips finally parted, and the kenjutsu instructor pointed at the top of the water. Jurina gave her a small nod in reply - knowing she could now indeed reach the surface thanks to the welcomed exchange of air - and she swam towards it.

Jurina had never been so happy in her life to feel the earth under her feet. As soon as she reached the edge of the river she slumped on the grass, her heart hammering inside her chest while she tried to catch her breath. Her hand squeezed the object still secured inside her palm, relief filling her chest that she had not done all this for nothing. Her attention got drawn to the woman sitting by her side, and her eyes widened in surprise at the look directed at her.

“Why would you take such a risk?”

Her protector’s voice was calm and steady, but Jurina wasn’t fooled by it one iota. Indeed, she could well identify the anger burning inside her eyes, and she sat up - an explanation already forming on her lips - when she suddenly felt two arms embracing her.

“Don’t ever do that again.”

Taken aback by the unexpected gesture and slight tremble in the kenjutsu instructor’s voice Jurina failed to come up with a proper retort, instead feeling the hold tightening around her. After a little while, Jurina raised her hand and buried her fingers in the damp hair of her protector, pressing her cheek against hers. She could feel the older girl tensing up a bit in reaction but she refused to let go, hoping to convey as much as possible in the simple gesture.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 04:09:25 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 17 [WMatsui] (28/08/15)
« Reply #119 on: August 28, 2015, 05:04:21 AM »
I already commented on Tumblr, but why not here too?

I loved this chapter, one of my favourites, I'll be waiting for the next one to see how Rena will react when she discovers why Jurina put herself in danger