I should end this story soon, or I'll make it more confusing, not just you readers, but me too.
So this is the last chapter.
Boring and a no good way to close the story.
Sorry for the crappy English and mistake here and there.
I should create a new story, later (^_^)/
By The Time I Saw You - Part 6 (END)It has been 2 weeks. The last time I saw the most heart-breaking fact about Jurina both from Churi and my very own eyes. Thank God, I didn’t need to go inside that club since Airin helped me to get my purse back.
Again, I tried to forget about my feeling towards Jurina. The very first person I fallen for also the very first person who told me what breaking heart felt like. I had no idea, but I just couldn’t accept the fact that Jurina was, truly, really, a flirt. I really would love to deny the fact, but, there was no way my eyes would lie to me.
Why do I have to feel this? “Thinking about her again?” a too familiar voice broke my daydreaming about my first love. I couldn’t say no if she asked me that question, but it was too hard to believe that I was like being dumped before I could say anything just because of that fact about her.
“My God, Rena-chan, you really need to stop. There’s no point to think about her. Look, she never looking for you, right?” Churi a bit pissed about me loving Jurina. I knew it was her way to show her care towards me. She left me at the usual table where I always sat in her cafe to greeted her customer.
Even Churi already been my best friend, but I didn’t tell her everything. Including the fact that Jurina actually looking for me. Not like she looking for me like I was a lost person. She had my e-mail, thus she kept sending message since the day I left the club. She asked me the reason why I left that day, asking where I was, why didn’t come to her house. Even until this very day, she kept asking about me. But none of them I replied. That night still haunted me, not just in my reality but also in my dreams.
My phone vibrated, a new message.
From : Jurina
Subject : I miss you 
Where have you been losing all this time? Didn’t you already promise me to always come to my house. You’ve been losing for 2 weeks. Did I do something wrong to you? Then I’m sorry. Please, don’t mad at me 
No, I shouldn’t reply that message. I still had too many thoughts about her to consider about replying her message or not. But
I felt bad not replied those message. Again, my mind circling around her.
What should I do ...? Screw me up ! I had no idea why my feeling was stronger than my positive mind. I should really visit a psychiatrist, I guess my mind have broken since the first time I met her.
I stood up in front of Jurina’s appartment door. I replied her message that day and promised to visited her on the weekend. But it was postponed because I wasn’t ready to meet her. So the next weekend I visited her.
I pressed the bell and waited there. It was a cold night and I almost frozen by the wind. I waited impatiently because of the wheather. Glad that Jurina wasn’t too long to open the door.
“Rena-chan !!! I miss you !!!” Jurina throw her body to me right away after openning the door. It was too tight, but it was very warm. After loosen the hug, she pulled me inside her appartment.
“Say, was it true?” Jurina suddenly asked me after served a cup of hot tea for me. Really, why she couldn’t start with a normal conversation like normal people did when she met her old friend? More importantly, what she was asking about?
“What?” I asked confusedly.
“Yesterday, Mariko told me that you were following me that night when I was going out with that girl. Was it true?” she didn’t look into my eyes. Was she embarassed ? could it really happen?
Instead of answering with words, I was just nodded as an agreement, agreeing what Mariko said to her.
“Oh, well. So, err... did you... did you saw...me?” I felt that she was really embarassed.
A nod.
Yeah, I saw you, clearly.“Was it the reason you walked away from the club without saying anything to me that night? Also the reason you never replied my message?” her voice cracked, could it be that she was crying?
“I...I’m sorry Jurina, really. I didn’t mean to go that far, I was... I was just curious. I was je-... I was a jerk, I’m sorry for crossing your privacy, and sorry for not replying your messages,” I said. All this time, I was just about to say about the real fact about our problem there, glad that I was abled to cover that.
“That girl was my smex partner,” Jurina said out of the blue.
“What? Err, you don’t need to tell me if it’s your private life, I’m okay, I-“
“She only come when she need me to fulfill her lust,” Jurina cut my words with a shocking new fact about her and that night girl. “Mayu never sees me as I see her. Even so, I still accept her everytime she comes to me to get some smexy time,” Jurina smiled bitterly.
I heard too much. Why did my heart hurt? Why this Mayu girl made Jurina like this? Could I still love her after knowing all these fact?
“But that night was the last time she would visit me, because I asked her to leave. I wanted to run my life without her messing around. And I said to her that I already have someone who care about me, looking after me. And the most important thing is that she never wants me to juat fulfill her lust, but filling her heart,” Jurina explained.
So, she’s no longer with that Mayu in any kind of realtionship. But she has another person who seemed to really love her. Huh, I guess I have no chance at all...“Do you want to know who the person is, Rena-chan?” Jurina smiling at me.
I already going to cry, but I really need the continuation. Maybe it was my last time being with Jurina before she and her new special person being in a relationship, soon.
“This girl has a long dark hair, but recently she change the color into brown. She got an almond-shaped eyes, a pale skin that I thought she was sick, a sweet smile, she got this princess aura surrounding her that makes me feel that I only could be her fan, she got a same family name as mine, but she’s not my sibling,”
I cried at her description about that person. How could it be? Was it real?
She run her thumbs in my face. Taking every teardrop with her soft touch. She smiled before landing her lips into mine.
“Yeah, it was you all along, Rena,” she looked at my eyes.
“Is it real? Or, is it just one of your many ways to flirt me before taking me onto your bed for a smexy time like what my friend said to me?” I asked her seriousness. I didn’t want to be one of her victims like Churi said.
Jurina let out a chuckle, “I never do that, I swear. Who told you that ?”
“Churi did,” I answered sharply.
“You know what, Churi is Mayu’s cousin. If Churi told you that I was a flirt and slept with many girls back in high school, well, that was what Mayu said to her,” Jurina explained.
I only gave her a questioning look.
*sigh* Okay, the flirt part was right, but the sleep thing, ugh... I sounded like a ho. The sleep thing wasn’t. Mayu told Churi, not only her but the whole school about that so people stayed away from me so she said that she could have me on her own,”
“Can I trust you? Because I’m just a dumb, I never fall in love, I never have a relationship, you’re the first. So if you hurt me when the time being, I might never going to trust anyone and anything when it comes to love,”
She made a swear sign. I didn’t know why, I fell so hard in her waves of sweet smile and love.
“I hope, I can rely on you, Jurina,”
“Like I told you before, I will always be by your side, today, tomorrow and forever. I guess I’ve been in love with you, by the time I saw you at the cafe. But stupid me, I still didn’t realize about that until you left me that day and Mariko told me why you left,”
“Same here,” I hold her tight, I wanted to feel her warm and feel her love.
“Can I asked some questions, Rena-chan?” she asked while hugging me.
“Just answer me with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ okay?” she said.
I looked up to her,”Why does it seems fishy?”
“Mou, I said answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’,” she started whinning like a child. It was cute...
“O- umm, yes,”
“I love you, Rena-chan. Do you love me?” she started the chain of questions.
“Yes,” I answered with 100% sure ‘yes’ from my deepst heart.
“Next, do you trust me now, Rena-chan?” her next question was kinda serious.
“Yes,” I soften my gaze toward her.
“Last question! Are you ready?” She was really childish ! But why did I have a bad feeling about the next one ?
“Y-yes...?” instead of an answer, my answer sounded like a question.
“Can I ...” she held my hand tightly and closed the space between us. “Can I get my smexy time with you now ???” she looked at me with her puppy eyes.
“HELL NO !!!” I answered her. No, not this fast ! But, oh well... “Just one last ki-“
She even didn’t let me finish my sentence and kissed me straight away.
“Thank you Rena-chan, for trusting me,” she leaned closer and tilted her head to deepened the kiss.
Well, yeah, that's all folks...
See you in another story....