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Author Topic: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "It's a Love-Hate Business! pt 3" (WMatsui & Mayuki)  (Read 94517 times)

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Squirrel Jealousy" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2013, 12:20:02 PM »

P.S: I'll patiently waiting for 'yuuwaku no garter' story XD m(_ _)m

oh lol. yeah! i'll be waiting for that too xD  :heart:  :lol:

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Offline embee5442

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Of Elephants, Frogs & Durian Chips" (WMatsui)
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2013, 04:40:34 AM »

Sup, guys? Gotta be quick coz I'm gonna get on some rides after this... O0

Here's a WMatsui OS!!! I don't think this is good... I'm having writer's block for WMatsui... :banghead: Someone help me, ONEGAI!!!

BTW, seems like everyone is waiting for the YuuwakunoGarter scene...  :smhid  You'll have to wait a lil bit longer for that  :lol:
Looks like I'm torturing you guys...  XD

IN THE MEAN TIME, ENJOY this short lame shot, guys!  :cow:



“I… I think so…”

“Okay, just stay calm.”

“Yeah…sure…wait, wait WAIT WHAT IS- GYAAAAH!!!”

“Jurina, you okay?”


“Just hold tight, Juri-chan! Everything will be fine!”

“It’s just an elephant, Juritan!”

A certain girl walked towards the crews…

“Excuse me, Director-san… Why can’t both of us sit on the same elephant like everyone else?”

“Because I want to take solo shots of you both…”

“Well… can’t we share though? It will lower the cost of video production… plus I don’t wanna hurt the poor big guy with my boots…”

NO. Now go get up on yours… We have more things to do after this.”

Rena let out a defeated sigh. She looked at Jurina, guilt and worry shown all over her face while the puppy smiles in trembles…

Are you going to be fine?

I’ll manage… thanks, Rena-chan…

- - - -

“What’s for dinner?”


Everyone eyed the weird green thing with its legs spread out… Airin poked one of it repeatedly…

“It’s… A FROG!”


“Is it edible?”

“They wouldn’t serve this if it’s not…”

“In courtesy of the generous lovely street vendor lady who’s giving these for free, everyone must eat one WHOLE frog by themselves…” The manager said while holding back a smirk…


“No problem! This looks delicious…”

“Yeah, I heard it’s a good source of protein… I’d like to try one!”

“Me too!”

Everyone was enjoying the delicacy when a certain girl just stared at the poor amphibian lying on her plate… Understanding the situation, Rena grabbed the frog from her plate…


“What? I’m hungry… besides it’s rude to waste.”

Jurina keeps her gaze on Rena, grateful that the older girl is actually concerned about her well-being…

“Hey, Akane-san… here.”


The manager brought out a large whole-roasted duck, after Rena ask them to order one… Even if she can’t eat it, the other ace should be fed with proper food to replenish her energy. Besides, they can’t be filled with only a single frog for dinner…

- - - -

“I’m bored…”

“Well, what do you want to do?”

“Let’s play a game…”

“What kind?”

“A Pocky game! Just like old times!”

The older Matsui had a slight tinge of red on her cheeks. Thank goodness for her blusher that seems to hide the color…

"Does it have to be a Pocky game?"

"I want Pocky game!!!"

"Can't we-"


“...Fine...Do you have a Pocky?”


Rena thought of an idea…

“Well, let’s use this…”

“Eh? What’s that?”

“Durian chips.”


"Why not?"

"The smell is NASTY! How can you even eat that thing???"

“Oh come on… it’s not that bad… let’s just try one, okay?”

“Ummm… can I close my nose?”


Rena opened the packet containing chips flavored with those smelly fruits. It’s a wonder how Rena managed to stand the smell of durian where everyone else would have throw up their lunch just by seeing the thorny fruit from afar…

“Here… you ready, Jurina?”


Rena starts to bite followed by Jurina… Jurina was struggling with the distance so she puts down her hand that is blocking her nose. She was surprised to feel nothing with the taste, but after the 5th bite she started to feel the effect of the smelly fruit… Jurina closed her eyes as she feels her gut swirling, trying to push everything out.

Just as she was about to pull away to throw out the content in her mouth, she felt a pair of soft lips attached to her own… In shocked, Jurina gulped the remaining chips. Rena pulled away just as she felt Jurina relaxed from her kiss… Both of them were in awkward silence inside the moving van as they kept their stare to their feet, not to mention the tomato faces their having right now...

"I was... just helping you... you know, the mess we'll have to handle...if know..."

"Ah...y-yeah... I understand... I mean, to clean them afterwards? Yikes..."


Jurina keep her stares outside the window while her mind floats about her trip... Suddenly, warmth enveloped her hand, intertwining their fingers together... She unconciously smile as she reminisces of all the times they were together back in Thailand... Of elephants, frogs and durian chips, having Rena-chan by her side is definitely the best.


Speaking of durian chips... have you ever had them? I DID. My friend gave me a packet from her trip to Thailand...
I don't know if it was the same brand BUT it was definitely good!  :twothumbs
Okay I know some of you are probably grossed out by now... :P
It's always a wonder to me how our sense percieves smells, like durian. For me, the smell is HEAVENLY great I can probably eat like tons of them... if the price is not that high, that is...
I don't think Japanese could stand the smell tho, like how Akicha responded when she ate the ice cream...

Ahh... Enough with my thoughts... Matta neee~  :peace:
« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 06:29:12 PM by embee5442 »
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline cisda83

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Oh... KojiYuu story is at 'Sakura no Hanabira' concert...

The small game that they did 'Which member would you choose as your wife?'

I like those small plot.... the best....

And Wmatsui...again... with the random plots... but funny...

Enjoyed reading them...

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for the OSs

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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@cisda83: Yep! You're right bout that  :D Just had to write something from that scene... 

I mean Yuko was reaallly cute as she pushed Takabear away from Kojiharu ahahaha...  XD

Ok I'm gonna stop fangirling now.  :P
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

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:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2013, 03:58:15 PM »
As requested firstly by Haruko-san followed by others with perverted mind, Here's the Yuuwaku no Garter featuring

Not sure if it's living up to your expectation... Sorry if it's lame...

P/S: I don't know what's up with my innocent mind!!! Is it even legal to post this OS here? lol



A small girl is wandering around after her training, trying some dance moves with small steps while singing an imaginary song only known by her, at that time...

"I know you want it... UH! But you're a good girl... OH YEAH! The way you grab me...CHECKITOUT! Whoaa... that is seriously gonna be a hit song... if only Aki-sensei wants to hear it. Hahaha... dream on Yuko, dream on..."

On her way of swagging some moves, she approached team A’s dancing room…

“Oh? There are still people in there… Wait. That’s NyanNyan and… Mari-chan? What are they doing?”

The short girl stand on her toes, peeking through the small window attached on the door. She watches as the two tall girl go through some seductive dance moves. Her blood pumps furiously as she saw Mari-chan stole some glances down her NyanNyan’s sexy back… She could almost see a smirk riding up that sadistic face…



The door slamming open caught both girls’ attention… Yuko leans on the door with a calm expression, albeit a nerve can be seen bulging out with rapid pulse on her forehead. Haruna glows brightly seeing her squirrel, unaware of the black clouds hanging above her lover’s head…

“Yuu-chan! What are you doing here?”

“Ooohh nothing… just… looking around… then got here… was about to walk away… you know… until I saw you here... withapoleeyeingmygirllikesomeeyecandy.” Yuko mumbled the last sentence like an express lane while shooting daggers onto the naive Mariko…

“That’s right… Hey, Mari-chan… Takamina talked about you just now.”

“Really? About what? I’ve got a dance training to do with Haruna here…”

“Oooohh I dunnoo… something bout… paying back for eating her Katsudon lunch?”


Mariko sprints away to god knows wherever she is running to… Haruna lets out a defeated sigh.

“Now how am I going to perfect this dance…”

“What dance?”

“Yuuwaku no Garter.”


No wonder the moves they were doing were so appealing…

Wait, now I remember! NyanNyan’s going to do a solo for this… Ehehehe…

Yuko thought of something brilliant to get some skinship with her NyanNyan…

“You know, NyanNyan… I can teach you that… I mean, we’ve done this before… Besides, Sayaa, Mocchi and Mayuge practice this song countless of times, it got stuck in my mind…” Not to mention the provocative moves… UNGF I gotta see my Haruna do this!

“Really? Is it okay with you?”

“Yeah! Anything for my NyanNyan! Just dance like usual and I’ll correct whatever mistakes you did…”

"Okay..." Haruna press the remote control, blasting the song from the Hi-Fi surround system.

As the beat starts pounding from the speaker, so does Haruna. She sways her body, turning all the swift movements like some fluid dancing in the air. The way she holds her chair while stepping on it, doing some smexy turns and rolls... even Yuko is getting jealous of the poor thing. They’ve perform this song before but to see it LIVE from Haruna alone, that’s like getting a private lap dance. If only Haruna would wear the outfit right now, perhaps the hentai squirrel might faint from blood loss...

Wow wow WOOOW!!! I could die from too much nosebleed here! Dayyuum my NyanNyan is sooo HOT I can't even...GAAAH!!!

Okay Yuko, keep calm... you've gotta help Haruna with this, remember?

But she's soooo PURRFECT there's absolutely nothing to help here!!!

SIGH... man why did I even bother to become your inner voice... just, do something! Anything to keep you from fangirling over her... SHEESH! Just join her already...

OH! That's a great idea!

Yuko pause the song while approaching Haruna. She shakes her head disapprovingly...

"No no noo... that's not good, NyanNyan... Not good at all..."

"Eh? It's not?"

"Weeelll... there's nothing wrong with the's just...there's this... tiiiny lil thing... juuust something... missing...what was the word... ummm... oh yeah! That's it!"


"Your feelings. You're not putting enough feelings in your dance... there's not enough emotion going through your moves, making them kinda empty and... forced."

"Is that so..."

"But no worries! I'll show you how to do it nicely with some...YUKO STYLE."

The squirrel girl grabs her dumbfounded lover to sit on the chair… “Just sit back and relax, NyanNyan… this is going to be some rough ride…” Yuko gave a playful wink to the curious lady sitting on the chair…

Yuko stands beside Haruna while holding the remote... She closed her eyes before inhaling deeply. As Yuko's eyes open, the glow from her face changed. It's as if she had turned into a mistress that's about to seduce a high status man with some foreplay before getting laid...

"Watch me."

The beat starts pounding.  Yuko rounded Haruna on her chair with slow steps… then, the lyrics started.

Yuuwaku no GAATAA
Miseru CHANSU mo naku
Itoshisa wa karaburi
Yuuwaku no GAATAA
BEDDO no sono ue ni
Wasurete kaeru kara

Yuko swayed her hips behind Haruna while sliding her hand on the tall girl’s shoulder. She rounded the chair, stopping in front of Haruna while rolling her waist just a mere centimeter apart from her face, following the beat of the music… Yuko’s face is filled with so much desire, showing exactly what she is feeling about Haruna right now. On the other side, Haruna was in awe, her mouth slightly opened… she was entranced by Yuko’s emotions while she danced around her with those alluring moves. Never had she felt an experience as ravish as this…Yuko sits herself on Haruna’s lap… Her hand playfully caressed her lover’s jawline, pulling her face closer to hers while she bit her lips temptingly…

Fujitsu wo towarete mo
Onnatachi wa shoujiki ni
Yokubou no uzu wo kanjiteiru
Idakarete shimaitai
Daiji na mono kowashitai
Karada wa hotetteru ima

“You feel it, Haruna?” The tall girl shuddered from Yuko’s whisper… The squirrel calls her ‘Haruna’ only when she is in serious mode. This means she is definitely serious about this dance… Haruna can feel her heart pounds in frenzy, her gut swirling in excitement. Then, Yuko starts grinding their hips together making a little bit of friction… just to tease the girl underneath. Haruna gasped as she felt the pressure from the friction. Seeing Yuko smirks seductively make her lose her mind…

Haruna pushed Yuko off her lap roughly while pushing her back towards the chair, making Yuko whimpers slightly. The role has been changed. Now it was Haruna’s turn to play the flirtatious character… She started to roll her body down while pulling the zipper of her sweater, showing the white tank top. Her curves were all showing at the right places, making Yuko salivate in her mouth… She gulps as Haruna step in between her knees on the chair, just barely missing her crotch.

Yuuwaku no GAATAA
Miseru CHANSU mo naku
Itoshisa wa karaburi
Yuuwaku no GAATAA
BEDDO no sono ue ni
Wasurete kaeru kara

“Two can play the game, Yuko.” Haruna caressed her squirrel redden face down towards her neck, stopping just above her cleavage of mounds… teasing just like how Yuko did to her. On the other hand, Yuko was having the greatest thrill in her life. She had never seen this side of Haruna before… a flirty Haruna is definitely what she imagines all the time. She can’t even count how many times she had swallowed her spit. Haruna then kneeled in front of her, gaining the same height as the small girl sitting on the chair… Yuko gasped as she can see two oppais waiting to be ravished… Haruna pull the midget on her collar as she gets nearer towards Yuko’s face…

I wanna be your pleasure toy…

Both feeling their heated breath on each other’s lips, just waiting for the crash… only the crash was made by unwanted people outside the room.



The same door was roughly slammed once again by none other than Gori-Sayaa… The lovers quickly detached themselves while trying to keep a compose manner. 

“Oy what did you do?? The best part was about to appear…” Minnegishi smack Sayaka right on her head.

“Really? Oh… sorry dude…”

“Tch… such a waste… Yuko-san, someone from team A’s looking for you. I don’t know what you did but she’s in a bad mood right now…” The other peeper, Mayu speak loudly, her face showing robotic emotion...

“Must be Mariko… *SIGH* Alright I’ll go…” Yuko give a flying kiss to Haruna who is in a flustered state at the moment… “I hope I helped you enough with the dance… See ya, NyanNyan.” 

Yuko walks out of the room in a carefree manner, unabashed by her friends’ whistles and teasing… Her phone vibrates signaling an incoming message. Seeing it coming from her lover, she quickly opens it with a smile. Her smile grew wider, showing those cute dimples with reddening cheeks as she read the message…

From: My Dumb NyanNyan <3

You sure helped me a lot, Yuu-chan…
As payback, come to my room tonight…

P/S: I’ll make sure to bring the garter too…

Oh our squirrel sure is lucky tonight…

Don't kill me! *runs away*
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline kahem

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2013, 07:53:01 PM »
OMG!!! A lap dance version of Yuuwaku no garter!!!!!!!
For the durian, well, my parents are thai, so I like durian xD

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2013, 09:34:13 PM »
What am I supposed to say???!
My mind just going wiiiiiiilldd! Crazy! (≧▽≦)づ♥
Need blood transfusion now (♥•̩̩̩•̩̩♥)
nyannyan's yuuwaku no garter sure is the best, I even have the video on my phone so I can watch it anytime and anywhere XD lol
Squirrel is extremely happy, isn't she? *whistle*

Oh what did you say about perverted?
I'm not~ just blame that certain squirrel for invaded my innocent mind XD XD XD

Very well author-san, thankyou for fulfilled our req :D m(_ _)m

Offline embee5442

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2013, 03:27:27 AM »
@kahem:I know rite? Can't seem to get  the lap dance out of my head...  :doh:
So you're from Thai? Sawadee ka~  :) is that right? HAHA i only knew a few words...courtesy of my best friend

atsukojiyuu_C:Lol you're like the ultimate Kojiharu oshi! XD
I'm not blaming squirrel on this. NyanNyan's the one making everyone's mind going wild!  :cathappy:
My readers happiness is my utmost priority (even if it's a horny req lol) so THANK YOU!  8)
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2013, 04:03:57 AM »
What am I supposed to say???!
My mind just going wiiiiiiilldd! Crazy! (≧▽≦)づ♥
Need blood transfusion now (♥•̩̩̩•̩̩♥)
nyannyan's yuuwaku no garter sure is the best, I even have the video on my phone so I can watch it anytime and anywhere XD lol
Squirrel is extremely happy, isn't she? *whistle*

Oh what did you say about perverted?
I'm not~ just blame that certain squirrel for invaded my innocent mind XD XD XD

Very well author-san, thankyou for fulfilled our req :D m(_ _)m

Yeah! I agree..

Thanx a lot for take my request.. It was so hot!  Both of them!! I love this song but with Marikojiyuu was a lot better!

:3 THANK YOU THANK YOU Im so happy...

Offline ifzhaa

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2013, 09:25:33 AM »
 :twothumbs smexy kojiyuu time~~~~ love it !!

Offline ptrd3009

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2013, 12:18:39 PM »
i love it~ thank you  XD

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2013, 08:21:54 PM »
eh? actually my kami-oshi is a certain perv squirrel there, yeah the mighty Oshima Yuko  XD
but who can resist the hotness of airheaded princess??? NO I CAN'T XD XD XD  :luvluv2: lol

all thankyou!!!  :on woohoo:
yuuwaku no yuuko, seducing yuko.. omg i can't stop read this over and over again  :on GJ:
totally happy~

Offline cisda83

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2013, 11:35:27 PM »
Ah... Haruna's sexy solo....

Yeah I know the solo in a concert...

What concert was it? I forgot...

The way you descriped the scene, the plot...

The hormone is running wild here...

Great OS

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for another amazing OS

    :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2013, 05:07:21 AM »
Ah... Haruna's sexy solo....

Yeah I know the solo in a concert...

What concert was it? I forgot...

The way you descriped the scene, the plot...

The hormone is running wild here...

Great OS

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for another amazing OS

    :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Budokan last concert

Offline embee5442

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2013, 03:02:43 PM »
What are you guys doing still lurking in here??? lol Damn ecchi mind HAHAHA  :lol:

@Haruko: I WAS actually intending to do marikojiyuu but it didn't work out as I expected... Oh well, next time perhaps?  :D

@ifzhaa: Thanx~ Expect for more next time! :oops:

@ptrd3009: lol you know what? I barely missed your comment up there coz your column is soo smaaallll XD Thank youuu!

omg i can't stop read this over and over again  :on GJ:
totally happy~

I think I should take this OS down... It could be harmful for certain mind. Like YOU XD jk jk

@cisda83: It seems Haruko-san (who might be reading this OS multiple times... :P) had answered ur question already...
I'm just a newbie :D Perhaps there are other OSs that's better than this hehe Thanks~
A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2013, 05:15:11 AM »
thank you for this masterpiece.. i'll be waiting the next part on pervy section loljk!  :lol: really great xD

Silent reader for now

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2013, 08:23:36 AM »
What?! No no no no no, you can't do that! XD
I agree with tamaki-san, this is a masterpiece (≧▽≦)づ♥ XD

Oh my, guess I should standby here in this thread of yours lol XD XD

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2013, 02:14:22 PM »

OH MY GOD!!  :shocked

That KojiYuu fic was just GAARGHHH!!  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:

omg i can't stop read this over and over again  :on GJ:
totally happy~

I think I should take this OS down... It could be harmful for certain mind. Like YOU XD jk jk

If ever this will be taking down I certainly need a hard copy!!  :P

And will there be a sequel for this?? if YES, COUNT ME IN!!  :bow: le perv section needs a little visit if you know what I mean ;)

Everything is just truly AMAZING i love how you write each pairings and I can't wait for your future works   :twothumbs

Keep Up the Good Work   8)

Milky: “With Sayaka… I’ve been wondering what she thinks of me.“It’s not that type of relationship, but I wanted to figure out what she thought of me so… I kind of tried to seduce her. And she blushed.”

Sayanee: “I did not!” || Milky: “You did.”

Sayaka: “I actually wasn’t though! I didn’t know what she was trying to convey with that in the first place.” || Milky: “She was kind of shifting around in her seat and looking really puzzled so it was fun.”

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2013, 08:11:03 PM »

OH MY GOD!!  :shocked

That KojiYuu fic was just GAARGHHH!!  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:

omg i can't stop read this over and over again  :on GJ:
totally happy~

I think I should take this OS down... It could be harmful for certain mind. Like YOU XD jk jk

If ever this will be taking down I certainly need a hard copy!!  :P

And will there be a sequel for this?? if YES, COUNT ME IN!!  :bow: le perv section needs a little visit if you know what I mean ;)

Everything is just truly AMAZING i love how you write each pairings and I can't wait for your future works   :twothumbs

Keep Up the Good Work   8)

yeahyeahyeah me second this!!!  XD XD XD
though i can't access the perv section  :badluck: :fainted:

Offline embee5442

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Re: Short Shots of Lame Plots - "Yuuwaku no Yuuko" (KojiYuu)
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2013, 04:09:47 AM »
@Tam_atsu: @atsukojiyuu_C: @anonymousstalker:


I'll write smut alright... after 5 YEARS! HAHAHA so dream on! :P

I don't even wanna know about le peeerv section lol I wanna keep my thoughts as pure as mother Theressa :halo: (Ignore this kojiyuu OS for a sec... XD)

A silent user. A silent reader. A silent writer. A silent killer. Meh, whatever.

My List of Stories:

:roll: Short Shots of Lame Plots :poof:
:new!: Wait for Me (hiatus) :skull:
:note: Beats of Love (collab fic with Zhen the Annoying Monkey) :guitar:

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