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Author Topic: A country named ベリーズ  (Read 4057 times)

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A country named ベリーズ
« on: July 28, 2007, 08:54:44 AM »
I realized i shouldn't invade stefy's thread and have moved my one-shots here.

First, let us inaugurate the new thread with a video I found on youtube entitled "Berryz Koubou go crazy"


The Loop Workshop

With school over, Saki is navigating the convoluted passages of the train station. Her intended destination is the Westbound Marunouchi line. As she passes platform F, a train pulls in. It has a huge advertisement of a genie spiraling out of a magic lamp plastered across its doors and, drawn to it almost hypnotically, Saki boards the train. She realizes a confused half-minute later that she’s boarded the wrong train. Whipping out her trusty pocket-sized subway map, she begins to trace where this line will lead her. She frowns a little as her finger follows the green line on the map and is veered off course by the random rumblings of the carriage.

Risako’s dog, Anapiriwaiwaijuba-san, is in a restless mood. His hyperactivity leads him to bump into Risako’s portable CD player, which skips quite badly. She sees this as a sign that it’s time for his walk, and she decides to take the quite irrepressible Anapiriwaiwaijuba-san on the scenic route today. Passing a loaded seesaw, Risako muses that the playground contraption, for all the frantic gesturing of its riders, only ever seems  to move in one way. Tilting left, tilting right, tilting left, tilting right…. WOOF! Anapiriwaiwaijuba-san’s attention is caught by a shop display-in-progress. The armless, legless dummy in the window is oddly unsettling to Risako.

Miyabi is struck by a sudden urge to play LocoRoco. After a quick search of the house, she finds her PSP in the hands of her little (ikemen!) brother, who has fallen asleep playing some stupid racing game or other. With the skill of a surgeon, Miyabi extracts the PSP from his hands and loads up LocoRoco. Though this is her umpteenth time playing the game, watching an obese LocoRoco split into dozens of little orbs still puts a smile on her face.

A lightbulb appears next to Chinami’s head, or at least so she imagines. She has suddenly thought of a clever joke. Well, maybe more bad than clever, but anyway. If Berryz have their concert at the Saitama Super Arena, where will Grapez have their concert? The answer? The Budoukan ! Bwahahha! Chinami laughs to herself. She must tell that one to Yurina. In good spirits, she breaks into a skip. Skip, skip, tanoshii na ! Alas, she has forgotten that she has just bought new sneakers two sizes too large and looks back to find one of her shoes looking lonely on the pavement.

Yurina is attempting to study English, but having stayed up until late last night watching TV, she can’t quite seem to concentrate. She happens to flip her textbook to a page which has a funny nursery rhyme on it:

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread,
Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed

After reading some notes on grammar, Yurina falls asleep. She dreams that a fat old man tells all the members of Berryz to pack their things for a camp. The campsite is a large shoe, and upon arrival Fujimoto-san barks at them viciously, gives them watery soup and threatens them with a whip. It’s rather harrowing in the dream, though it may sound pretty funny here. At the appointed hour, all the Berryz go to wash up and change. When they return to the dormitory, everyone is wearing a baggy T-shirt and trackpants except Miyabi, who is wearing matching red and green checked flannel pajamas. Yurina’s chuckling wakes her up-- she never thought Miyabi would have such scandalously uncool pajamas!

Momoko closes her Maths book as her mind strays to the vaguely annoying memory of having lost the patchwork Christmas quilt for which she won first prize in school. This in turn makes her think of the beloved security blanket of her childhood which she hasn’t seen for years. Her mother is a bit of a neat freak and has kept all Momoko’s old toys and clothes in a suitcase on the highest shelf of her room. Momoko wants her blanket! She piles up the volumes of her encyclopedia to form a makeshift staircase, but just as she is about to climb this construction, she remembers an old wives’ tale which says that stepping on books will make you dumb. In a bit of a fix now, Momoko sits down and stares at the tomes. She decides to use her parasol to hook the bag off the shelf instead. Easier said than done, however.

The book Maasa read in the Kokuhaku PV had nothing to do with schoolwork. Nor was it a Karaoke catalogue. What was it? Nobody really knows but Maasa, and even she doesn’t actually know. She keeps the book in a corner of her closet. Now, she opens it and sits cross-legged, eyes closed. A parasol drifts into her mind’s eye. Opening the book, she flips through its pages of arcane symbols as if they were the yellow pages. Parasol corresponds to Aladdin, she finds. Hmm. Putting the book away, Maasa ambles towards the kitchen and cooks omuraisu, munching on the ingredients as she does so . Over the radio, there are reports of a major accident on the Marunouchi line with twelve dead and many more seriously injured.


I like this!

The title - "loop" = how the story comes full circle to Saki's mistake of catching the wrong train?

I wonder why you placed a selection of drabbles with each other.  Maasa's karaoke book is... not a karaoke catalogue but hieroglyphic? O_O  And ^___^ 'Anapiriwaiwaijuba-san'... how on EARTH did you come up with that?

Loop refers to a sort of loop of berryz consciousness which flows from each member to the next..... and which also has a sort of benevolence of its own in saving saki from a train wreck. you see, they're not actually stand-alones..... each one links to the next, and maasa's back to the beginning. i've pmed you with more! 

Anapiriwaiwaijuba is simply an amalgamation of some berryz songs/ lines:
Anata nashidewa ikiteyukenai, piriri to yukou, wai wai is a line I love from munasawa scarlet and koi no jubaku. I find that I tend to give pets fancy names. I wrote something where Takahashi's cat was named Eleconius Rimsikel... and that really had no basis!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 09:38:20 AM by bot »


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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 08:59:03 AM »
Another Berryz 'shot' :P
this one more demented than the last. can you guess who's who?

The young master was troubled, and took to shutting himself up in his room and being altogether sour to anyone who entered. His little sister had been born remarkably small and in poor health. Her cries lacked any of the sometimes obnoxious vigour that marks those of most infants, and he wondered if this was a result of weakness or gentility. Upon peering into the cradle and discerning the incredible sadness in his sister’s eyes, he decided it was a bit of both and neither.

Lady M’s eccentricities were only magnified by the sickly child and its subdued nature. She would by turns order servants to throw open all the windows of the house and to close them all. A week ago, she had ordered that all mirrors be covered with purple drapes and that no speech be allowed in the house for the duration of the sun’s course. Her husband, and the young master’s father, made no effort to perturb her from issuing such outlandish orders and instead tolerated the absurd behaviour with a furrowed brow, walking it off with long strides to and fro along the mansion’s corridors.

One can imagine, therefore, that the strain on the household staff in these trying months was severe, and indeed it was. The head housekeeper resorted to bringing her eldest daughter Lisa along to help out with the errands, and she proved invaluable as her mother was called upon repeatedly to cater to Lady M’s every whim, each of which seemed to exceed the last in peculiarity.

So it was that Lisa was asked one day to serve the young master his tea, as her mother was busy placing papayas in every corner she could find. The young master was taken aback at the appearance of another soul of around his age, but the tinge of surprise that flickered across his face was fast replaced by his usual scowl. He sat with folded arms at a desk that overlooked the small lake on the southern side of the estate and refused to cast Lisa another glance as she quietly placed his tea tray on the table and withdrew.

Lisa was later to recall the encounter vividly, and while she was by no means blind to the young master’s hostility, she could feel even more intensely his unhappiness. She resolved to contact her fairy godmother and wrote her a brief letter, to be delivered by chalky pigeon, requesting that she attend to the matters of this thoroughly melancholy household. Being a very pert and prim individual, the fairy godmother arrived within three days, gestured dramatically with her little finger and promised Lisa that she had done just that.

That evening, Lisa discovered a potted sunflower in the East Wing attic, and she returned every following evening to find it larger and brighter. Her excitement could not be contained by one person alone, and she informed the young master of the appearance of a small marvel in the attic. He sneered coolly in attempts to hide his eagerness, but nonetheless agreed to investigate the curiosity. They were astonished to find that the sunflower had abandoned its pot and sprouted spindly stalks of legs and arms; it was at that moment grinning at them.

Thus began days of lawless plenty. The sunflower leaned over the baby’s cradle and gave her a smile. The sunflower told her father bad jokes. It admired shifting colours with Lady M whilst laughing mightily. With the younger generation, it danced special jigs.

This would not last. The young master was watching his sister toddling carelessly on the lawn when he found himself face to face with the fairy godmother. After a brief exchange between the two which involved the young master insisting that the fairy godmother looked far too young to be credible and her retort that she had looked the same for centuries, she made the sobering announcement that the sunflower would have to be returned. This she effected instantly with a wave of her pinky. Perhaps this has contributed to the egregiously undeserved  impression that she is a stick-in-the-mud.

Naturally, the young master and his family were quite overcome by the sudden departure. Feeling faintly guilty for her haste, the fairy godmother conjured a garden of sunflowers which, she promised, could be harvested and transformed into a rich and delectable liquor. This liquor the family enjoyed seasonally, and the drink played differently on each who imbibed it.

The young master and Lisa drank the liquor as honey. His little sister, from a sip, felt stronger by the instant. Lady M’s open windows welcomed cascades of petals, and her purple mirrors spilled over with lavender. Her husband would cease his pacing and stand peaceful as a tree.

-- Excerpt from a, probably translated, Berryz Estate brochure on The History and Appreciation of Sunflower Liquor by an obscure writer-historian. To this day, sunflower liquor is prepared in Berryz Fields. 


Offline kitaoji

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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2007, 09:20:10 AM »
Mmmm this should be fun ^_^

Lisa = Risako (she sent that message via the chalky pigeon in the "Kokuhaku" PV to whom I'm convinced is Miyabi, but this is neither here nor there...)
The Fairy Godmother = Momoko. It's all about the pinky.
The Sunflower = Chinami. Chinami said that she threw away her book of puns some weeks ago, but I'm not convinced.

I expect the parents to be Saki and Maasa, 'cos that's the roles they have in the group. (Arguably, Saki calls herself the matome character, which I translated as 'the summarizer', but Chinami insisted that Saki was the father of the group.)

I can't work out the others, though...? I'd be going too far by claiming emo-Yurina a la 'Koi no Jubaku' as the troubled young master.

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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2007, 06:21:24 AM »
Mmmm this should be fun ^_^

Lisa = Risako (she sent that message via the chalky pigeon in the "Kokuhaku" PV to whom I'm convinced is Miyabi, but this is neither here nor there...)
The Fairy Godmother = Momoko. It's all about the pinky.
The Sunflower = Chinami. Chinami said that she threw away her book of puns some weeks ago, but I'm not convinced.

I expect the parents to be Saki and Maasa, 'cos that's the roles they have in the group. (Arguably, Saki calls herself the matome character, which I translated as 'the summarizer', but Chinami insisted that Saki was the father of the group.)

I can't work out the others, though...? I'd be going too far by claiming emo-Yurina a la 'Koi no Jubaku' as the troubled young master.

Yup! first three are all right. maasa's lady M but saki's not dad.

Saki is the baby.. i remember once seeing a berryz family by one of the girls which has saki as the baby. 'young master'-- doesn't that alone sound like miya? :p and imo yurina has a laissez-faire sorta calm about her which casts her as the father. plus he listens to the sunflower's bad jokes!

anyway, kitaoji, Thanks for being my only reader! bwahhahhah
i have now replied the most to my own thread!
watashi ga suki, mune ga itai

PS can you find the hidden.... kamei reference and berryz single?


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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2007, 06:49:33 AM »
Yup! first three are all right. maasa's lady M but saki's not dad.

Saki is the baby.. i remember once seeing a berryz family by one of the girls which has saki as the baby. 'young master'-- doesn't that alone sound like miya? :p and imo yurina has a laissez-faire sorta calm about her which casts her as the father. plus he listens to the sunflower's bad jokes!
So, she really was the young master. Even if I've never seen her scowling, her reputation precedes her.  :lol: Oh, and I really had no clue about the baby and the father.  :P

PS can you find the hidden.... kamei reference and berryz single?

Papayas in every corner, and younger generation?  :-\
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 07:02:46 AM by Amarghetta »

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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2007, 07:39:03 AM »
-Aha! Special dances for the younger Generation!
-Does BERRY FIELDS count as well?

-how does Eri relate to papayas?

I'd always thought of Miyabi as Miki Jr. and couldn't find anyone who resembled Miki, so... Ah well ^_^
BTW, the video comes from the opening of their DVD Magazine 5. It certainly is crack.  My personal favorite is DVD Magazine 7, simply because of that sloppily recorded but brilliant testament to Saki's dancing skills.

Bad-ass Yurina (because I'm stubborn and random like that):

« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 07:47:02 AM by kitaoji »

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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2007, 08:16:49 AM »
-Aha! Special dances for the younger Generation!
-Does BERRY FIELDS count as well?

*slaps self* Berryz Fields! It was soooo obvious, lol.

-how does Eri relate to papayas?
Actually, I'm still thinking about it... But I figured the reference is more about the corners, and not about the papayas. As random and eccentric as Lady M could be, she must have her reasons; so I thought the papayas might be a treat for someone who likes corners = Kamei.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 08:24:35 AM by Amarghetta »

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Re: A country named ベリーズ
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2007, 02:23:28 PM »
Hello Amarghetta!

Well eri and papayas has to do with an old hello morning challenge in which she and takahashi had to make mango pudding. the first step was to choose a mango from a bowl of fruit. unfortunately, eri chose a papaya, made papaya pudding and looked really grossed out when she tasted her creation.  XD


JPHiP Radio (32/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Going Under Ground - Tashi