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Author Topic: RAPPAPA: Lost and Find - 3.1 ~ Aug 4  (Read 110001 times)

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: Untitled Part 2-2 (updated 16/07)
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2011, 03:23:43 PM »
I'm seriously speechless. All I could say is.....

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe~  :w00t:

Rena is  :heart:

Good work! I love it! I'm looking forward to your next chapter! Gekikara's plain adorable I'm puking God damned rainbows. Seriously, she's too cute for my own good.  XD

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Untitled Part 2-2 (updated 16/07)
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2011, 03:29:38 AM »
Flean: I had to write that because, the image keep appearing in my mind  :lol: Glad you like it.

RenaChii: I'll have the next part up soon  :thumbsup

Tejinashi: Thanks, if you are looking for more Mayuki action, I posted a one-shot of them a few days ago  :twothumbs

kahem: Geki and Black are my favorite from Maji  :inlove:

AAAice: Well the fic itself is pretty much finished, but I'm trying to add some details with side stories... and so far I'm not getting any images in my brain to write about   :lol: might just have to leave a I.O.U on those and make it up with one-shots later   :depressed:

BlackRockAnon: Thanks for leaving me a comment, and Yes I agree Rena is  :heart:

 :cool1: now back to writing

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover - 3 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2011, 09:41:51 AM »
Here is the next update, sorry it's also a little short :sweat:

RAPPAPA: Undercover - 3

For the next few weeks, the girls rotated watch duties after school to tail Jurina making sure to keep harm away from her. So far since that night, there hasn’t been any other big events. The eight undercovers are starting to get comfortable in school, started to make some friends, well more like grouped up with Jurina and her friends usually, but it is still nice to live a normal high school life. Of course there are times where they almost blow their cover, especially when Mariko glaring at a few girls that were making fun of Miichan for eating all the time, the few girls almost died from heart attack from the aura and glare Mariko gave off and from then on no one dares say anything when Mariko is present.

“Wow, so many people at the mall today!” Yuko looked around “Hmmm, lets meet up for lunch later, give me a call when you are ready,” she said before dragging Haruna with her in a random direction into the crowd.

“Where is Acchan and Takamina?” Miichan asked

“Oh they said they had something to do, so they can’t come,” Tomochin answered as she eyed one of the clothing stores up ahead.

“Let’s go over there,” Tomomi pointed after she caught Tomochin eyeing the store.

“Alright, come on lets goooo!” Sae, Jurina and Miichan half skipped, half bounced their way to the store, way too much energy as the rest shaked their heads and slowly made their way over.

The girls were in the dress section, trying on different sets as the Rappapa members watched, Mariko caught a couple guys in the corner checking the girls out so she signalled the rest. Yuki stepped up beside Mariko as Rena and Tomochin made their way towards the guys.

Rena walked right up to one of the guys and whispered in his ears “I’ll kill you” and let of a couple insane giggles before stepping back and glaring at the guy, while Tomochin just grabbed one of the guys collars and pulled him down to eye level and told him to get lost after kicking him in the shin. Of course the rest of the girls missed all of this as Mariko and Yuki perfectly shield the two from their view.

“Rena-chan how does this look?” Jurina asked as she stepped out from the changing room.



“Answer the question, and you are drooling,” Mariko whispered after nudging Rena,

“It looks very nice on you Jurina-chan” Rena stumbled a bit with trouble finishing her sentence as her brain doesn’t seem to be functioning properly.

“Thanks Rena-chan” Jurina ran over to give Rena a hug, Mariko just watched her team mate stand there so she lightly kicked her leg to restart her brain function.

“Hey, how do I look?” Sae asked as she walked out of the changing room

“KYAAAA” Yuki screams as she saw Sae come out in a biker leather jacket, leather pants and boots while sporting shades. Mariko, Rena and Tomochin looks over to Yuki, with eyes wide open and jaws painfully wide open as they never thought Black can give that kind of reaction.

“Kakkoi~!” Jurina said while Tomomi also screamed excited as she saw Sae come out from the changing room.

“We can do better than that,” Tomochin retorted after she saw Tomomi’s reaction to Sae’s danso.

“Eh? We?” Rena asked confused.

“Do it, do it, I wanna see too” Jurina said now all excited, while Tomomi just nodded anticipating the other’s danso. Tomochin dragged Mariko and Rena along with her as they disappeared into the men’s section, while Yuki continue to stare at Sae.

“Yuki, Yuki!” Sae said as she waves her hand in front of Yuki snapping her out of dreaming.

“Ahhh, Sae?” she took a step back as she didn’t expect the sudden invasion of her personal circle, but regretted doing so after she stepped back.

“Are you okay, you look a little flushed,” Sae asked as she put her hand on Yuki’s forehead.

“I’m fine, it’s just... just a bit hot in here hehehe”

“How do you think the others will look?” Miichan asked.

“I don’t know, but Rena doesn’t seem to fit the idea of danso, so I really anticipate what she will look like,” Jurina replied.

“Mariko should look pretty good since she is nice and tall” Miichan said as she tried to imagine Mariko in danso.

“hmm what about Tomochin?” Sae asked.

“I think Tomochin will turn out to be very cute, who know’s maybe we will be surprised” Tomomi answered as she glanced over to the direction they left in seeing if they are back yet.

“Sorry to keep you waiting” Mariko said as she walked into view, wearing a suit with glasses, with a short messy style wig on. The girls are just speechless, Miichan was definitely correct, Mariko looks stunning in the suit and glasses.

“Do I look okay?” Rena asked as she came out wearing a dress shirt half buttoned up with the first few buttons left open, t-shirt underneath with washed jeans and boots, she had a short black wig on, which made a sparking contrast with her pale skin. The girls went crazy over her appearance, a few of the female workers have also joined the girls after they first saw danso Sae, they never expected the others to come back so breath taking as well.

“How is this?” Tomochin asked as she stepped out wearing a male school uniform, shirt left loose out the first few buttons also left undone, with a silver chain on the side of her pants, with a short cut wig on as well. The girls and all of the female staff once again went wild after they saw Tomochin, dressed in the male school uniform while giving off that bad guy vibe with the shirt left undone and out loosely. Tomomi can’t help but continue to stare as she slowly take in the sight in front of her.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:12:46 AM by immortal_K »

Offline kahem

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Re: Untitled Part 2-3 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2011, 10:13:46 AM »
Yeah! Danso!!!!!
Lol Yuki's reaction and Rena was drooling

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Untitled Part 2-3 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2011, 02:30:30 PM »
this is way better than majisuka 2...

 :bow: you're great!!!!!

Rena is so lovable!!!! she's like Rappappa's baby!  :D

yey!!! DANSO!!!!!

LOL @ Yuki's reaction!

too bad... haruna's not there...

no Jack Kojiro or Visual Kei!  :rofl:

update soon!!!!

Offline blughise

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Re: Untitled Part 2-3 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2011, 04:19:46 PM »
What happen to Acchan and Takamina...................don't tell me.......that they're ONTO SOMETHING :grin:
THANK YOU and UPDATE ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Untitled Part 2-3 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2011, 11:13:56 PM »
Wow~ Danso~!!  XD

Yuki's reaction so big~ as expected from reaction queen~  :D

Please update soon~  :twothumbs

Offline AAAice

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Re: Untitled Part 2-3 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2011, 11:49:19 PM »
Now I want to watch all the Danso episode again. Ren!!!  8) Mariboy! Tomochin! Sae! Augh if only Yuko didn't drag Haruna somewhere. -.-

LOLLAGE at Yuki's reaction. The quiet Black become a Sae fangirl. :]] :smhid
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 1 + 2 (updated 18/07)
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2011, 04:05:59 AM »
kahem: I love their danso so much I just had to add it in  :drool:

aoi_sora: Yea, curse Yuko for dragging Haruna away. :doh:

blughise: Well, there were too many of them to keep track of and keep together, since the group is too big so they went off somewhere....

RenaChii: Yup very out of character for Black, but very fitting for Yuki as she practically jumped out of her chair when she saw bartender Sae.  :inlove:

AAAice: I was rewatching the danso episodes when I was writing that section  :lol:

So here is the reason why I was stalling, the first of the side stories off of the original story. I had some trouble coming up with what I wanted to do and after trashing a good half of the ideas, I finally set in with the current versions, it didn't help that these two are actually the last that I wrote. I tried to make it different for each, since I didn't want all of them to end up the same, that would be too boring  :P
Hope you like them, but feel free to leave me feedback of what could be better, for future references.  :twothumbs

For those of you that wonder where the Kojiyuu and Atsumina pair went, here is your answer.

RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 1 (Kojiyuu)

Haruna watched Yuko happily beat the crocodiles with the hammer, after breaking apart from the group they somehow ended up in at the arcade. They were walking along when a large squrriel plushy hanging out the store window caught her eyes. She pointed it out to Yuko saying it looked super kawaii, and since then they have been in the arcade going through as many games as they can. To Haruna's surprised Yuko hasn't attempted to latch, hug and grope her all day.

She walked up to Yuko and placed her hand on the girl's forehead, "Are you feeling alright Yuko?" she asked concerned.

"I'm okay, why?" Yuko replied, confused at the sudden question.

"It's just you aren't yourself today, you haven't tried anything all day..." Haruna trailed off, not wanting to sound like she missed those moments.

"Nyan Nyan, I want you to know I care about you, not just your body, I feel happy with you here by my side, anything else is just extra," Yuko said as she smiled, hands starting to itch closer and closer until they landing.

"Yah!" Haruna slapped Yuko's hands off of her as she felt two hands rub down her back until they landed on her ass.

She then pulled Yuko into a hug and placed her head against Yuko's, "Nyan Nyan, I..." Haruna silenced Yuko with a finger to her lips, "I know... mieta" She whispered to Yuko before pulling apart.

"I want my squirrel," Haruna demanded, "Right on it!" Yuko saluted to the taller girl, then turned around to pick up the hammer, ready for another round of smashing crocs. Just as the game was about to start Yuko felt to hands placed on her shoulder, spinning her around to face Haruna, "I want this one," she said a poked her finger on Yuko's forehead.

Even without reading Yuko's mind, Haruna already know how much the girl loves her, she doesn't need the words, she only need her. Even when she refuses and rejects the endless skinship, Haruna will always love her squirrel, that is just the way their relationship work.

RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 2 (Atsumina)

Takamina stood there watching Acchan, clean the stone ahead, shifting a bit unease as they currently stood in the middle of the cemetery. Her focus shifted back to the taller girl as she watched her removed all the dirt and dust on plate. 'Minami' Takamina thought as she looked into the photo placed in the middle, this is the girl that saved Acchan with her life. Takamina had originally offered to help but Acchan insisted she do this alone, so Takamina stood there watching the girl fuss around to clean the area, a butterfly perched at the side caught her attention.

"Minami, it's been a while, let me introduce you to captain Takamina, she is also named Minami" Acchan chuckled as the shorter girl step forward a bit when her name was mentioned.

"We decided to help the police with another case, to protect a girl at school. Even though its only a mission, I have been studying hard, hoping that one day I can become a nurse, I won't play around anymore." Acchan said as she begin to remember the times she and Minami were together, scenes flashed by her eyes, until they came to a stop, images of the life leaving a heavily injured Minami continue to repeat in Acchan's mind. Involuntarily tears begin to make their way down following gravity.

"I hate you, I hate you for leaving me," Acchan whispered.

Watching the sobbing girl beside her, Takamina felt her heart twist and tug, she turn to glance at Minami's stone again before making up her mind. Acchan felt a pair of arms embrace them around her from behind, unconsciously she leaned back into the shorter girl. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Acchan heard the captain say softly into her ears.

"Acchan, in life I believe that there are different degrees of love. There is friends love, love out of respect, selfish love, parental love, selfless love, and.... I found that I have developed a love for you." said the short captain as she tighten her hug of her affection.

"I can imagine if I was with you ten years from now, I would still have a pure sincere love for you. That will never change." she continued, leaning her head on the shoulder of the girl.

"It will not change the fact that I have a love for the person you are, because I love all that makes you beautiful." Takamina felt Acchan's hands rest on hers as the taller girl continue to stare into the photo of Minami. 

"I...I love you." Takamina finally said it out with much courage, "You can take that as a present,
you can simply smile, or you can return... this love. I am willing to wait as long as it takes" finally the captain revealed the words in her heart, before her sight landed on the same photo Acchan had been facing.

Takamina, released her hold on Acchan, stepping back she bowed to pay her respect for the girl that shared the same name, before turning to leave.

To her surprise, she was held in place by the taller girl, who came up and hugged her from behind.

"Takamina, I promised Minami to live life seriously, and I tell you now, with all the serious in my body, I want you to stay with me forever. Please don't leave me." Acchan said as tears roll down her cheeks, she tighten her grip, afraid that if she let go the smaller girl will disappear.

Takamina turned around to embrace the crying girl, tears starting to soak through the frabic as she felt the warm moisture on her shoulders. She turned to look up into the eyes of Acchan, "I promise you, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part, I will never leave you, I pledge you my faithfulness."

Takamina pledged to Acchan, as she pulled on the collar of the taller girls shirt to bring her closer for a kiss to seal her vows. They felt a sudden breeze circling around them, causing the sakura pedals to fall from their place above. The beautiful rain of pedals surrounded the two, as if the wind has given them their approval and wishes. When they pulled apart, resting their forehead against each other, their eyes met and like eternity they stayed.

They left hand in hand, as they walk away Takamina turned around once more 'Minami, I promise you, I will treasure her, I will protect her with my life. Please give me a sign of blessing.' Takamina asked deep within, hoping it will be heard. A gentle breeze brushed by Takamina as she felt a tug from Acchan, taking that as a sign she turned and smiled to the girl beside her while they left the garden of remembrance.

The lone butterfly flew up into the skies, its duties are completed.

Sorry for the short Kojiyuu and weird Atsumina story  :kneelbow:, to be honest this wasn't planned, it wasn't until I finish the story I realize I'm lacking moments...... :cool2: 
Next update will be back into the story.  :hee:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:13:44 AM by immortal_K »

Offline blughise

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 1+2 (updated again 18/07)
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2011, 04:39:39 AM »
The Atsumina's side story is really nice and sweet :wub:


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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 1+2 (updated again 18/07)
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2011, 05:53:53 AM »
I do wonder where the Kojiyuu and Atsumina pair went~~ XD

the AtsuMina part is really nice... :heart: :heart: :heart:

Thanks for the side story...  :twothumbs

Offline AAAice

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 1+2 (updated again 18/07)
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2011, 10:33:39 AM »
Haruna wants her Squirrel!  :inlove:

Aww Takamina fell inlove really quick huh? :]] That's so lovely for Acchan. To the both of them too! I just hope Takamina will keep her promise.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline anoni2

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 1+2 (updated again 18/07)
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2011, 10:38:05 PM »
weee that was like a marriage!  :inlove:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 1+2 (updated again 18/07)
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2011, 07:33:35 AM »
kojiyuu and atsumina
 :on woohoo:

update soon!!!! :bow:

more action!!!!

 :on crazygran:

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 1+2 (updated again 18/07)
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2011, 10:21:02 AM »
Lol you live in Vancouver? Me too o:

Thanks for the updates.
You know I love the kojiyuu :)

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover - 4 (updated again 20/07)
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2011, 05:11:11 PM »
blughise: thanks, I was afraid the atsumina might come out a bit weird since the setting isn't where normal pairs would go and confess......  XD
Flean: Glad you like the side stories, I had to add those since I kinda neglected the pairs..... :sweat:
AAAice: had to speed it up or it will take many boring chapters  :kekeke:
anoni2: it was basically a marriage vow from takamina   :twothumbs
aoi_sora: LOL yes there will be more action in the story  :wahaha:
Arakawa: Yup I live in Vancouver    :lol:

Finally! Quality computer time YAY! I got called into work last night, it was a bit busy and forgot to bring my usb with me so wasn't able to update, until now. This update is a little longer then the previous ones. Hope you like it.  :) The next update might be a bit delayed as I have work tonight and the next few nights as well, if everything settles down, I might be able to update sooner.  :thumbsup

RAPPAPA: Undercover - 4

Yuko was strolling down the hall with Mariko and Haruna, when a poster caught her attention.

"Hey look at this, they are looking for a band to perform for their annual school festival" Yuko pointed at the poster. "Nyan nyan, let's do it! I haven't played in so long." she latched on the taller girl beside her.

"Yah! Keep your hands to yourself!" Haruna tried to push Yuko away but only to be attacked by the flying squirrel again, "Yuko we still need to get the others to agree." Haruna said, then glanced back at Mariko as she tried to free herself from the smaller girls grips. Yuko followed Haruna and turned to Mariko with a sad puppy face, asking the girl silently to agree.

"You know, all you have to do is go ask the others, they will agree to anything you say." Mariko smirked as she examine her nails.

"Sadist," Yuko pouted as she was hoping Mariko can go ask the others for her.

"I know, hehe" the pout on her face turned into a full range smile, removing herself from Haruna she hop forward on one leg twice then landed with her feet apart as she held her cell phone in front of her.

"Yah, don't pretend to be Nezumi" Haruna said as she lightly hit Yuko in the back of her head.

"Keke, I always wanted to try that." Yuko replied while rubbing the back of her head with a silly grin plaster over her face, which only happens when Haruna hit her, anyone else will be twitching on the ground.


Rena felt her phone vibe in her pocket, she saw a message from Yuko.

[Let's jam at the annual school festival ~Yuko]

Rena turned to look over at Yuki to see her phone out as well, clearly they all received the same message. Their eyes met, as if they understand the silent question, they nodded before turning back to reply the message.

From the corner of the room Sae caught the interaction between the two, she has seen them together before but she gets the feeling they are closer then they appear, and suddenly she get this unease feeling that she can't describe. Sae tried to shake off this feeling but it keep coming back, especially when she is around Yuki. Unconsciously she turns her head to Yuki's direction and once again her eyes lands on her source of trouble.


"When was the last time we played together?" Yuko asked.

"Right before you were admitted to the hospital..." Mariko trailed off

"So what are we going to perform?" Tomochin asked curious what their leader has planned.

"Well this is what I have in mind, but before I tell you, Acchan, Takamina can you play any instruments?" Yuko asked the two buddies sitting in the corner of the room.

"Ermmm, I use to play bass..." Atsuko whispered.

"I can play drums, but I haven't played in a long time." Takamina said

"Perfect!" Yuko quickly started passing papers around so they can discuss how they can pull off a perfect performance, to revive 'Rappapa' in a different method.

They spend the next few hours planning before they started to practice. Takamina and Acchan received some help from the others to get re-acquaint with their instruments, before looking through the music.


As the school festival creeps closer, the members spend more time practicing to make sure everything will be perfect. They already prepared their stage clothes and all the audio equipments that they will need. Even so they can't help but be a bit anxious about the performance, since it has been a while since they played together and definitely a long while since they last perform. Fighting they are confident but pulling a perfect performance, they still believe in more rehearsals and practice.

Even so they never forgot their original mission, each day one will stay behind to watch their charge to make sure she gets home safe.

"Finally, end of the day," Jurina got up from her seat and stretched out her arms "Rena-chan, are you free? Let's go grab something to eat." she turned to Rena with one of her famous smiles.

"errrm... Juri...Jurina-chan, sorry I can't I have something to do afterschool." Rena stumbled a bit with her words, and with one look at Jurina's sad puppy look she quickly added, "but I am free tomorrow, my treat?"

Jurina immediately closed their gap and hugged Rena, "I just know Rena-chan is always the best" Jurina tries to lean in to kiss her on the cheeks, as Rena struggles to avoid the younger girl, her cheeks glowing a light shade of pink... make that red.

*bang* The sound of a book hitting the ground broke Jurina's concentration, she turned towards the direction it came from to see Mariko bending down to pick up the book she dropped.

"Oops, did I interrupt you two? By all means go ahead and continue, I don't mind." Mariko indicated with a passive uninterested look.

"Sorry, Jurina I got to go," Rena quickly excused herself after she caught Mariko's signal.

Jurina just pouted as her victim made a haste exit out of the classroom with her books in hand. She turned over to Mariko and gave her a 'it's all your fault she got away look'

Mariko chuckled "Come on, I heard there is a new place that opened up nearby, let's go try it."

"You are paying." Jurina said as she head for the door.

"Won't have it any other way, it will be my return for interrupting you lovely birds." Mariko said.

"It's not like that!" Jurina quickly said then looked away, if you look carefully you can see her cheeks testing out shades of red as images went through her mind.

"Right, right come on little one lets go," Mariko signalled the younger girl, "Jurina, are you planning to go to the school festival?"

~~At the same time in one of the many hallways,~~

"Yuki, you want go watch a movie together? I remember you said you wanted to watch it last time." Sae asked as she leaned on the locker beside Yuki's watching her pack her books.

"Sorry Sae, I can't, I have something to do."
"Aw, what do you have to do? The movie is going to come down soon." Sae asked, just when she finally decided to ask, she gets rejected.

"I'm really sorry, maybe we can go next time, if not we can rent it and watch it together?"

"I guess, remember you said next time okay, I'll walk you to the gates" Sae said a little defeated and disappointed.

~~Elsewhere in the school,~~

"Tomochin~" the said girl paused mid step to turn to the caller, already knowing who it is, she waited till her caller closes the gap and just smiles.

"Tomochin, I heard there is a cosmetic sale at Shibuya, let's go there together?" Tomomi asked as she catches her breath from rushing to catch up to Tomochin.

"Ah... I can't I have something to do," Tomochin said a bit disappointed.

"Chiyuu..." Tomomi pouted.

"It's okay, how about we go next time, I'll treat you to dinner too," Tomochin said as she tried to cheer up Tomomi. She really want to go with the girl but she doesn’t want to face Yuko’s wrath if she doesn’t show up to practice.

Tomomi only nodded initially but decided to add in "but I get to choose where to eat" not that she don't trust Tomochin but her taste in food is a bit peculiar.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at school."


For the next week, the girls has been seen holding sheets and reading over them whenever they can, but no one has been able to figure out what exactly they are looking over. Of course their mysterious disappearance didn't help the imagination of some of their lovely classmate. Hence the reason why these classmates have decided to meet up.

"Did you notice recently all of them have been disappearing after class?" Miichan asked.

Jurina nodded "Rena-chan is always reading something, I wasn't able to get a good look so don't know what it is."

"I haven't been able to talk with Yuki all week other then that time I asked if she is free for a movie. I even tried running to her locker right after class but she is already gone." Sae complained to the others.

"Same for Tomochin," Tomo~mi pouted.

"I've been trying to find Mariko to go try that new place with me too," Miichan said.

"I went there with her a few days ago, she did ask me if I am going to the school festival, said it sounded fun?" Jurina said as she thought back.

"But the school festival is so boring every year, last year the performances was so lame too." Sae reminded the others.

"Now that you mention, the poster looking for performers have been taken down already, last year they were still up till the day of..." Miichan pointed out.

"Let's go to the festival, maybe they will be there too?" Tomomi suggested.

“By the way has anyone seen Mayuyu? Haven’t seen her in a while too?” Jurina asked.

“Oh she’s busy, been stalking this girl in the other class”,” Miichan said as if it’s nothing new.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:14:06 AM by immortal_K »

Offline anoni2

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Re: Untitled Part 2-4 (updated 20/07)
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2011, 05:19:10 PM »
oh i get it! a surprise !! :lol:

ahh mariko interrupted hahah  :rofl:

still stalking people  :shocked
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Offline blughise

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Re: Untitled Part 2-4 (updated 20/07)
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2011, 05:49:06 PM »
Mayuyu in nezumi stalking mode :grin:
I wonder who she's stalking? Yukirin won't do since she's paired up with Sae-chan already

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Re: Untitled Part 2-4 (updated 20/07)
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2011, 07:31:31 PM »
Haruna and squirrels lol
Takacchan is just awesome!!!!! I like the part with supernatual ^^
Who is stalked by Mayuyu? Love-tan?

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Re: Untitled Part 2-4 (updated 20/07)
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2011, 08:55:56 PM »
I WANT TO READ(Read?) THEIR PERFORMANCE!!! Woo.  :shakeit:

Mayu?! Too hard to predict who Mayu is stalking. -.-
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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