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Author Topic: Chibi mode:AKB Kindergarten days~ Acchan's side story ~ Editing in progress  (Read 54871 times)

Offline anoni2

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Chibi Yui adventure:Kindergarten Days

Just the start~

"Minami-chan!!where are you dear?We have to leave!"Ma Takahashi was calling her Greatest Legs in the Universeest child."Sora,can you look for your little sister, we are running late".

"Ok mum, just wait."Sora went to look for Minami.

"Minami-chan~I know you're there"Sora was standing in front of the curtains.She could see red little shoes sticking out of it.

Minami keep quiet,not moving from her spot.But then her big sister removed the curtains.

"Gotcha!"Sora lifted Minami and spinned around.

"Kyaaa Sora nee-chan put me down!!"Minami was trying to free herself but since she's small it was hard.

"No,we have to leave now see?Mum is waiting so be a good girl and let's go."Sora put Minami down.

"Demo demo,I don't wanna go to new school!"Minami pouted.

"Kawaii~Don't worry lil sis I know you'll get a lot of new friends there.Trust your oneechan's words."Sora patted Minami's head.

"You think so?"Minami said hesitantly.

"Yup!!so cheer up I don't like it when I see you sad"Sora smiled at her.

"Yosh!I'm going to make new friends today!"

"That's the spirit!.But we better get going. Ma is getting impatient."Sora took Minami's little hand.

"Oh,you found your sister.Come here dear, are you ready?"

"Yes! Minami will go new school and get new friends!!."Minami raised her small fist as a sign of victory.

"That's my baby girl, always so genki"Ma Takahashi smiled at her daughter. "Ok then let's go. Sora don't be late also."


The family happily left the house.


Don't kill me yet >_< i'll update later but since i'm a gamer i'll go play for a while? fighting!!!!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 07:46:44 PM by anoni2 »
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~just the start
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2011, 04:58:40 PM »
gah!!!!  :ptam-glow:   kawai!!!! this is so cute!!!!!  :wriggly:

UPDATE!!!! UPDATE!!!!  :bow: :bow:

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~just the start
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2011, 05:39:03 PM »
woooooaaaaaaaa..... i'm taka nee-chan ????   :shocked :shocked yokattaaaaaaaa~ :farofflook: :farofflook:

even only in the fanfict i already happy.... thank u mom, and please update fast  :grin: :grin: :grin:

Offline blughise

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~just the start
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2011, 05:39:58 PM »
that's so CUTE!!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: write more please

Offline kahem

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~just the start
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 07:35:12 PM »
Little Takamina is cute!!!!

Offline anoni2

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~just the start
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2011, 11:41:20 PM »
eto, I'm not dead yet !!!! BIEN POR MI YUHOO!!! :cow:

New Classmate?~

Akb kindergarten School~

"Hai~We're here Minami. Isn't your new school big?"Ma Takahashi asked her child.

"Yes mama and mitte! a swing!!"Minami was about to run off to the swings but her ma stopped her.

"Later dear, after you enter your class."

"But.."Minami looked at the swing one more time,'I guess I could play later...'"Ok, Ikko mama"Minami grabbed her mama's hand.

Outside Principal's room~

"Escuse me. Is Ms Yang inside?"Ma Takahashi asked the secretary.

"Oh, you must be Mrs Takahashi. Yes,she's inside right now. Please wait a moment."The secretary picked up the phone and talked to someone.
Minami was watching behind her ma's.

"Mrs,You can go ahead."She stood up and opened the door,"Douzo".

"Thank you".Minami and her Ma entered. Minami waved back when Bouj,the secretary waved at her.

"Kawaii~"Bouj said after the Mother and child entered the room.She went back to her position.

Inside a classroom~

"Miichan!!!Give me back my crayon!!"a 6 year-old Shinoda Mariko was chasing a 5-to-be-soon Minegeshi Minami around the room.

"Noo!This is mine!"Miichan keeps on running until she was cornered.

"Haha,give up already and give back my crayon."Mariko slowly made her way to Miichan who keeps on shaking her head no.

"They're at it again"A tall little girl with short hair was watching them smiling.

"Sae-chan!!"A raven-haired girl tagged at Sae's shirt.

"Nani Yuki-chan?"Sae immediately turned her face to Yuki.

"Help me draw pony pwease" Yuki asked sweetly at Sae.

"Pony?oh you mean a horse! Ok here I show you!"Sae began to draw something on the paper.

After a few moments....

"Tada!!!Here your pony!"Sae happily showed off her drawing to Yuki who excitedly checked it.

Itano Tomomi who was on the same table,curiously looked at the drawing.Then she started to laugh after seeing it.

"What's funny?" Sae pouted.

" a dog!"Tomochin keeps on laughing.

"She's right Sae-chan,you drew  a dog"Interrupted Kasai Tomomi who happens to passed by to go to her seat.

"Uso!I thought horse was like this...Gomene Yuki-chan.."Sae was about to cry. But a sudden kiss on her cheek stopped it.

Sae touched where Yuki kissed her.A blush appeared on Yukirin's small face.

"Eto..that's for so you won't cry..I don't really mind if it's a dog really."Yuki smilled shyly.

Their attention went to another when a high pitch scream was heard.

"Let me gooooo!"A long-haired girl was trying to push away a certain little squirrel.

"But I wanna hug you NyanNyan!!Pwease let me!"Oshima Yuko was holding Kojima Haruna from behind.

"Yuuchan really likes Harunyan!!"Shizuka Oya said clapping her tiny hands.

"Deshoo!!"Takajo Aki joined Shi-chan.

Not far from the noisy kids, a cute little girl was busy on her drawings.

"Now I need color red"Maeda Atsuko checked her crayons. But the color she wanted was missing.

"Where can it be..."Atsuko stood up on her chair and looked under the table.Then, a pair of tiny little red shoes showed up in front of her.

"Ano...are you looking for this?" Atsuko raised her head to see who was talking. She saw a girl around her age with brown hair tied into a rather big ribbon. Her red crayon was in her hand. It seems the little girl picked it up when she dropped it.

"My crayon!!"The little girl handed over her crayon.."Arigatou! I thought I already lost it" Atsuko smiled at the little girl.

"You're welcome. I'm happy you found your crayon." The little girl smiled back.

"I'm Maeda Atsuko and you are?"Atsuko introduced herself.

"Boku Takahashi Minami, 5 sai" Minami showed 4 fingers though.

"You're funny" Atsuko giggled. Minami confused, only tilted her head.

"But wait..are you new here?Cause it's the first time I see you.."Atsuko asked.

"Oh about that..!"


aaaaaaaaaaaa no no who made me type this fic iyaaaaaaa   :mon headbang:

anyways enjoy-su and about T's and J's update..i'm sorry I will have to rewrite all the parts i've lost ,same goes to Love Impossible   :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 10:43:12 PM by anoni2 »
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 11:48:30 PM »
I'm so in cute mode when i read this!!!  :luvluv2:

they already lovey-dovey LOL...  :on lol:

more update!!!  :bow: :bow:

Offline Ninjatigerdemon

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2011, 12:07:11 AM »
So cute  :cathappy:

Update soon! :cathappy:
No ordinary ninja.

Offline blughise

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2011, 12:18:57 AM »

Offline AAAice

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2011, 12:19:07 AM »

MariMii - Haha Mariko you bully! :]]

SaeYuki - Yuki making the first move eh?

Kojiyuu - Yuko... *Facepalm* really born as a pervert.

Takacchan/Atsumina - I like it when Takamina raised her 4 fingers instead of 5. :]]

CHIBI48!  :shakeit:
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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2011, 03:03:36 AM »
AhhhhhH! they are all so CUTE!!!

Please continue  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline AFLynx

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2011, 04:12:51 AM »
all I can say is...


Offline hott3stson3

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2011, 05:47:15 AM »

:nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya:

They're sooooooooo cute!!! I wanna bring one home!!!  :luvluv2: :luvluv2:

Chibi versions of AKB... You're a genius anoni2- san!!!  :farofflook: :farofflook:

Update soon~~ 

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2011, 08:22:41 AM »
update moooooom~  :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya:

Offline kahem

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2011, 10:39:09 AM »
Oh little Takamina said 'boku' interesting

Offline anoni2

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~New Classmate?
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2011, 08:08:31 PM »
haha thanks for reading XD

uhm non non you guys are not allowed to take them home  :lol:

let's have some more shall we?.

Introduction and Playground

"Oh about that..!" Minami was about to tell why she was there when her mother appeared behind her with the principal and another lady in blue attire.

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing  to see what was happening.

"Minami-chan~That wasn't good you know, running off like that."Ma Takahashi was  playfully scolding her daughter, hands on her waist.

"Gomenasai..."Minami lowered her head.

"Now now~ She was just excited Alex, and look she already made a friend right Minami-chan?" Principal Yang smiled at Minami.

"Yes! Ma, this is Acchan my new girlfriend!!"Minami happily introduced Atsuko to her mother.Not knowing the meaninh of what she has said.

"Ara,so cute~ Nice to meet you Acchan..!! ."'Huh?girlfriend?'Ma Alex was questioning herself if she heard it right.

"Hajimemashite Maeda Atsuko desu..."Acchan politely bowed to Ma Alex.

"And very polite too~"Ma Alex gently pinch Acchan's left cheek.

"Ne ne.. Taka J Sensei who is she?"little Yuko asked pointing at Minami.

"Oh,Principal..Is it ok if I start now?"

"Of course, go ahead."Yang made her way next  to the door along with Ma Alex.

"Thank you" Taka J headed in front and ordered the children to sit down.

"Girls please welcome your new classmate"Taka J then signed Minami to introduced herself.

"Boku wa Takahashi Minami desu, 5 sai"this time she showed 5 fingers."And I like to play a lot"

Ma Alex just laughed at the statement.


"I think we can leave her for now. It seems she can handle the rest don't you think so Alex?"whispered Yang.

Minami was now happily talking to her new classmates with Acchan beside her.

"Yeah, look at my little happy to have new friends"Alex was grinning.

"Not only friends but also a girlfriend..does she even know what girlfriend is?" Yang was now laughing.

"Well.. they're still pure and innocent afterall.I guess I'll let it pass for now~" Alex joined Yang and laughed also.

After their laughter submerged. Alex called her daughter.

Minami said be right back and went to her mother's side.

"Nani Ma?"Alex picked Minami up.

"I'm leaving now ok? Your Sora nee-chan will come pick you up later so be a good girl and have fun dear."Alex patted Minami's head.

"Un!"Minami kissed Alex's cheek.

"Have fun young ladies and good day." Yang and Ma Alex left the room.

"Sa minna-san I think it's time to go to the playground."Taka J sensei said while eyeing the clock.Then there goes the bell.

"Yay!!"everyone were jumping excitedly.

"Yatta playground! now I can go play swing swing!"Minami shouted yearning a chuckle from Acchan.

"Can I play with you Nami-chan?" Acchan asked.

"Of course!"Minami took Acchan's hand and dragged her to the playground. Being smaller than Acchan, Minami sure was hiper.

They played together. First on the swing, then at the sand..just then.!

"Minami-chan,Acchan asubo ni iku yo!!"Minami recognized who was it.It was Yuko and behind her were Yuki, Haruna, Sae, the two Tomomi, Miichan, Shi-chan, Aki-chan, and Mariko.Yuuchan was holding a ball.

"Sure!"Minami and Acchan said in unison.

"Yosh!!!Dodgeball time!I'm with my NyanNyan!"Yuko hurriedly secured Haruna.

"Mou Yuko!!"The others just laughed at the two.


just.....enjoy.... argh that was waaaaaaa   :mon headbang:

« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 11:34:41 PM by anoni2 »
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Introduction and Playground
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2011, 08:22:25 PM »
This was like the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!!!  :banghead: :banghead: kill me!!!

"this is Acchan my new girlfriend!!"Minami happily introduced Atsuko to her mother.Not knowing what exactly she just said.

"Of course!"Minami took Acchan's hand and dragged her to the playground.Being smaller than Acchan,Minami sure is hiper.

They played together,first on the swing,then at the sand..

"Yosh!!!Dodgeball time!I'm with my NyanNyan!"Yuko hurriedly secured Haruna.

"Mou Yuko!!"The others just laughed at the two.

Gah!!!! so lovey dovey together.....  :shy2:

Offline blughise

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Introduction and Playground
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2011, 08:22:34 PM »
So cute  :inlove: Yuko really love NyanNyan no matter what,  even if she a kid  XD

Offline kahem

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Introduction and Playground
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2011, 08:30:01 PM »
Takamina said girlfriend cute!!!x3

Offline Ninjatigerdemon

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Re: Chibi mode:Akb Kindergarten days~Introduction and Playground
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2011, 08:38:52 PM »
JUST TO CUTE  :cathappy:
 They just are to cute that I want to hug all of them
No ordinary ninja.

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