@ XxRoByNxX78 : Thank you~ Please keep reading

@ Chichay12 : Who is the cat --> revealed here

(but I guess you already know =.=''')
@ Haruko :

sorry, I don't know 'ranma' >.< no one get the right answer for the long black hair woman~ hehe... (I have kojiyuu in this story too

Black Cat
Chapter Two – Taking Care of a Cat
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“What happened?” asked Atsuko.
Jurina stands still behind her and pointing the direction of her room, “STINKY!”
They slowly approach their room, opened the door, and smell something stinky… that’s probably because…
// She hasn’t get bath for days…??!!! //=======
Fifteen minutes later
“Acchan, the water is ready~”
“Okay, let’s get inside” Atsuko prepared change clothes for the girl and lead her to the bathroom.
She placed the clothes neatly and turned to look at the girl. The girl is strangely looking at the bathtub and playing the water with her finger. To her surprise, the girl stick out her tongue and drink the water just like a cat. Atsuko went to stop her from drinking the water. The girl pushed her away which make Atsuko fall back and her arm accidentally turn on the faucet. Water from the faucet squirt directly at the girl and make her panic.
“KYAAAAAAAAA”Atsuko managed to grab the girl to make her calm but ended up falling into the bathtub together. Jurina comes inside and saw Atsuko and the girl was kinda like wrestling inside the bathtub.
“Stay!” Jurina commanded.
The girl stopped straightaway and sitting quietly in the bathtub. Her eyes are wet, looking at Jurina with sad expression. Jurina approaches her and saw her bruise arms. “Acchan, you are harsh at her” Jurina pouted.
“I accidentally turn on the faucet and she becomes panic. Not my fault” Atsuko tried to defense herself.
“Be obedient and I’ll give you many many fish” Jurina patted her head. The girl simply smiles and smells Jurina’s hand.
// She really takes care of her as a cat // thought Atsuko.
// Somehow, she reminds me of Minami //“Acchan, can I name her Minami?” asked Jurina.
“Eh? Why?” Atsuko surprised by Jurina’s question.
// Did she just read my mind? //“She is behaving like the little cat once we kept but she is missing. I miss her…”
Seeing Jurina’s sad expression, Atsuko just agree with her opinion, “Okay, let’s call her Minami from now on”
“Yeah~! Acchan is the best~!” Jurina began to jump and dance in the bathroom. Minami also jumping in the bathtub, copying what Jurina did.
“Jurina, tell her to remove her clothes and take bath properly. I putted new clothes right there” Atsuko walks out as she finished.
“Acchan, you don’t join?” asked Jurina.
“Umm… you two bath first. I’ll get change in room. I’m gonna prepare dinner” Atsuko blushed.
Once Atsuko get out from the bathroom, Jurina show a smirk at Minami then show off her innocent big smile “Okay~ I’m gonna wash your hair first~”
&*#$%)@($%@)#%*(@^*)%(@)#%(@)#%(_#@#%(#)(random sounds coming from the bathroom)
“Minami! Sit down!!”
After done bathing
“Minami-chan~ don’t run! you’ll make the floor wet!” Jurina is bringing a towel and chase after Minami. While Minami keeps running around to avoid her (and of course with another towel wrapped on her body).
“No running inside the house” Atsuko is bringing the last dish from the kitchen.
Minami stopped running all of the sudden and looking at where Atsuko was. A pair of deep dimples appeared on her face as she shows a big smile at Atsuko. “Acchan~~”
“Eh? What? You can speak?” Atsuko surprised that the girl called her name all of the sudden. Her heart beats a bit faster seeing the lovely smile comes from Minami.
“Acchan~” Minami approached Atsuko dangerously then stole the fish from the plate. She ran to the sofa and watching her fish with big smiley face, full of happiness. “Acchan~ Acchan~” she open her mouth widely and ate the fish eagerly.
Atsuko got more surprise to see that girl called the fish Acchan and eat it eagerly.
// She named the fish, Acchan??!! How can she compare me with the fish??!! // She dazed at her spot and dropped down the plate. Seeing the fish dropped down, Minami ran with extraordinary speed and lay down on the floor, waiting for the fish fall into her mouth. “Acchan~”
HAP” The fish fell perfectly into Minami’s mouth.
“How did you do… that?” Atsuko can’t believe her eyes,her speed is unusual for an ordinary people.
// Who you really are? I begin to doubt, should I keep you in my house? //“Not fair, Minami should calls my name too, call my name~” Jurina begins to nagging at Minami. “J-U-R-I-N-A, repeat me, J-U-R-I-N-A” she commands Minami to say her name. “Come on, say it. J-U-R-I-N-A”
“Juna” Minami says it with smile face.
Jurina shakes her head and repeat her name, “J-U-R-I-N-A”
“Rina” Minami says it again with smile face.
“J-U-R-I-N-AAAAAAAAAAAAAA”Jurina jumps and wave her hands, losing her patient.
“RINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Minami copied Jurina’s behavior.
“Hiks… Huwaaaa…huwaaa…” Jurina ran to Acchan and complained it, “She can’t say my name… hiks… she can’t say my name…”
“Ssshhh… don’t cry Jurina. Gives her some time to learn, okay?” Atsuko hugged Jurina and strokes her back to make her calm.
“Riiina??” Minami feels worried to Jurina, she approached them and sit obediently on the floor. But suddenly she is acting weird, “Ri… Re-na?”
ZZIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGG (an electric shock suddenly burst inside Minami’s head)
“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH” Minami screams and keeps hitting her head repeatedly.
Atsuko feels something is wrong with her. She hurriedly took Jurina inside her room and told her not to come out until she called. She closed the door and locked it. Minami is still acting weird and keeps growling out loud. Atsuko went to hug her in order to let her calm down but the result is completely opposite. Minami swing her arm at Atsuko and began attacking her. Minami’s nails suddenly an inch longer than before. Her facial expression changed completely, her eyes went red, her face shows only anger.
// No good, If she continue like this, I don’t think that I can handle it // Atsuko forms her fight position and ready to take Minami’s attack. Her right arm was scratched and bleeding. Minami dashed towards her with high speed, Atsuko launched a kick from right but not faster enough to hit Minami. She dodged and jump high, doing a somersault and hit Atsuko’s back. Atsuko’s body sliding on the floor and hit the wall. Minami didn’t give time for Atsuko to get up, she dashed at her, held her hand up high for another punch. Feels desperate, Atsuko closed her eyes while her hands didn’t stop moving to find something she can use to shield her attack.
Atsuko open her eyes and found out that Minami is staring at the fish in her hand. “Want to have it?” Atsuko threw the fish away. As expected, Minami went to chase after the fish. Taking this opportunity, Atsuko hit Minami’s head hardly from behind with a vase. Minami turned to face her with the fish still in her mouth, her red eyes went back to black and then she collapsed into Atsuko’s embrace.
// This girl is so dangerous. Should I send her away? // Atsuko dragged Minami to the sofa and slowly put her down. Noticed a black mark on her right shoulder, Atsuko move closer can’t stop herself from curiosity. She lowered the towel a bit and revealed a mark…
What happened to Minami?
Why is she change so suddenly over the name 'Rena'?
Who are the people going after No36 ?
To be continue.......
@ aruka: The reason I pick the tittle 'Black Cat' is because : (1) The main character will be Minami (2) Minami likes cat ^^ (3) I love see her wearing black training outfit with black jacket that have little wings... so I use 'Black Cat' ~~ (>.<)... why I use No.36 as Minami's number? because No36 looks like NO3B