@TTLuver497I'm glad you read this fanfic

Excuse me I don't know that.

In the Russian translation Voldemort called not only "He who must not be named", but also "You-know-who"...

It is necessary, perhaps, to read a book in English, is it?
@ leEwẬyAt first I was kinda confused but after a while read carefully I've understood it, perhap
You do not understand because of my mistakes? I'm sorry

Is it Takamina or another person?
Lots of questions but this chapter is not boring, after all
All answers to questions will be in the story. All the mysteries gradually unfold.
@cisda83Thank you for what you read!

Everything that happens in this fanfic, interrelated. Since this is only the beginning, much is unclear.
Thank you for your comments!
They are very important to me!And here is a third chapter! Douzo! Yoroshiku!I apologize for my grammar mistakes! 
Chapter 3.- Yuki ... - Atsuko sat on the younger sister's bed . - With you happened anything strange recently?
- Strange? - Kashiwagi, searching for something in her suitcase, turned sharply and looked at her. - Meaning?
- Well ... - Acchan shook her head. - Like that.
Maeda handed to sister the letter that she found in the morning. Yukirin read it and stood up abruptly:
- Invisible shadow?! - She looked at her sister with wide eyes. - What does this mean? Where did you get this?
- I found this this morning at the balcony ... Maybe it's someone's joke?
- Then obviously a joke turned out unsuccessful, - Yuki angry. - If I find the person who did it ...
- "Death sentence"? - Acchan giggled. - Stop being angry. At such moments you get darker. And I do not like it, you know.
- I'm sorry ... - Kashiwagi sat next to her sister. - If it a stalker, you need to be careful.
- Of course, - Acchan rested her head on Yukirin's shoulder. - You know I'm always careful.
- Here therefore I also worry! - Yuki corrected the strap of her dress. - If you die ... I do not know what I'll do ... I can not live without you ...
- Yuki ... - Acchan put her hand on her sister's hand. - I can not leave you ... We're twins, right?
- Yes, - Kashiwagi nodded. - We are always together ... No matter what ...
They both fell silent, thinking about something else. Atsuko thought about stalker and younger sister. Yuki is trying to understand the meaning of her dreams.
Silence would have lasted even longer, but Acchan as if waking up, jumped out of bed, with nearly pushed Yukirin to floor:
- We have to be in the living room!
After their breakfast (the two of them have breakfast in the Yuki's room) butler showed them the location of the room and reported that, "Miyazawa-sama will be waiting for you here at half past eleven."
Girls were already late because of their thoughts, so when they came into the living room, they are not surprised to see there the owner of the castle.
He was sitting on one of the chairs near the fireplace and attentively reading a book in a black cover.
When Yuki and Atsuko entered the room, Sae closed the book and stood up.
- Miyazawa-sama, we apologize for the delay! - After girls apologizing Sae laughed and said with a smile:
- You now look like two naughty secondary school's student... But you already senior pupils, if I remember correctly, right? - Sae looked at the clock above the fireplace. - By the way, you're not too late. So no need to apologize.
After that, he pointed to the sofa, standing near the coffee table.
- Have a seat.
Yukirin and Acchan sat down and began to look at Sae. Today he was wearing jeans and a white shirt, unbuttoned at the top two buttons.
"Ikemen~" - flashed in the Yuki and Atsuko's mind.
- So ... - Sae sat back in place. - Today, I want you to meet someone. They will soon have to be here, and yet ...
His words interrupted by a knock at the door.
- Yes, come in! - Sae stood up. - Here they are ...
Rang out barely audible creak of hinges, the door opened, and two guys entered in the living room. They came to the Miyazawa and shook hands with him and began to speak something to him softly.
At the same time, Yuki and Atsuko, whispering, trying to guess who they are.
- Maybe it's Miyazawa-sama's colleagues?
- Colleagues? - Yuki chuckled. - One - midget, in addition also blond, and the second one is not yet fifteen years old.
- Then a friends? Or relatives? Or younger brothers? - Acchan enumerates all the possible options.
- They did not look like!
- Girls! - They whisper stopped Sae's voice. - Let me introduce you to your bodyguards.
- Bodyguards? - on their faces was such a surprise that the blonde smiled, and the second guy chuckled. Sae, it seems, did not noticed it.
- Yes, the bodyguards. These places are not safe, so I thought it necessary to put to you a bodyguard. So, - he turned to the boys, who standing next to him. - Themselves introduce yourself or I try?
- Themselves, - blond man chuckled and took a step toward the girls. - Takahashi Minami, 21. But better call me Kai.
- Why is that? - Yukirin mentally slapped herself on the forehead. Her sister TOO curious.
- It's none of your... - Kai tried to speak, but Sae interrupted:
- In order not be confused with my younger sister, - and Miyazawa grinned, while Takahashi blushed.
- You again?
- Takahashi, stop, - the second guy came forward. - Tell Sae everything you think of him, a little bit later.
He turned to the girls:
- I ask for forgiveness. Kai always too hot-tempered.
- It's okay, we understand, - Yuki nodded, confirming the sister's words.
- My name is Watanabe Mayu. I think you take me for fourteen years, based on my exterior? I hasten to disabuse you - the look has a lot to hide. I'm 18, I'm the same age as yours.
"He heard us?" - In the Yuki's mind swept panic thought.
Acchan got up from the couch, and bowed to guys.
- Maeda Atsuko, 18. You can call me Acchan. I hope I'm not annoy you.
Yukirin stood next to her sister.
- Kashiwagi Yuki, 18. You can call me Yukirin. I hope you take care of us.
Mayu smiled slightly, and Kai nodded.
- Maeda-san, your bodyguard will be Kai. Kashiwagi-san, your bodyguard will be Mayu. From today, they will follow you anywhere, with any questions also appeal to them. I think you will get along well with ... - Sae did not finish the phrase, as in the corridor came a terrible clatter, and the next moment the door opened and the into living room flew two small hurricanes.
- PAPA!!! - With this exclamation hurricanes ran to Sai and tried to jump on it, but one of them fell to the floor and hit his head on the leg of a table.
- Ouch! It hurts! - fallen hurricane was very beautiful black-haired boy with big dark brown eyes. He got up, still rubbing his bruised by right hand, left hand slightly, as if in jest, hit the leg of a table. - Bad leg!
- Brother! - Second hurricane (was a girl) ran to the fallen boy and grabbed his arm. - Very painful?
The boy immediately wiped his tears, straightened his back and said proudly:
- That did not hurt! I'm a man! Girls should cry! - Then he turned to Sae. - That's right, papa?
Sae went to the boy and his sister and placed his hands on their heads and patted them, causing the girl laughed.
- Papa, stop it!
- P ... papa!? - Atsuko and Yuki recovered from the shock and could say something.
Miyazawa looked at them:
- Forgive me for not warned, - he smiled broadly. - And you couldn't think, perhaps, that I have kids.
- Yeah ... I look at you, so I can't say that you're a adult man, - Kai not miss the opportunity to poke fun his friend. - Most likely, I will say that Watanabe married.
- Uncle Kai, don't say that to papa, - Sae's daughter ran to the blonde man and took his hand. - You do not want me to be angry?
Kai sat down and smiled at the girl:
- Well, well, princess ... You can not get angry, you do not want to turn into an old witch?
Mayu, who was standing nearby, could not resist and gave cuff on the nape to Takahashi:
- Enough talk nonsense, she will then have nightmares!
- Sorry, sorry ...
- I'm sorry for our behavior! - Yukirin jumped up from the sofa and bowed. - We could not think that you ...
- Because I'm look so young? It's okay, I do not much older than you and Atsuko. You're probably used to, that people have children in the 30-40 years old, but our family is not so, - he adjusted the cuff of shirt. - But this is too confusing, so I'll tell you about that later. And now, I think it's time you get to know my children.
He walked over to his son and pushed him a little bit:
- Come on, - and he sat in a chair by the fireplace. Mayu and Kai went to the window.
Boy straighten up, cleared his throat and spoke:
- Miyazawa Ruka, the heir of the Miyazawa family . Nice to meet you!
When the boy bowed, Yuki noticed silver strands in his coal-black hair.
"This is strange ... Did someone may have such hair color?" - until Yuki thought, the girl ran to her brother and with a cute smile she said:
- Miyazawa Anna, but you can call me Aanya, - she curtsied. After that, she went to the girls who sitting on the couch. - Onee-chan tachi, who are you?
Ruka also ran up to them, and suddenly his eyes wide and he exclaimed:
- Sister, it's Yukirin and Acchan!
- Eeee!? - Yuki and Atsuko were amazed - they had never seen these children closely, and they already know their names.
Ruka, seeing their surprise, quickly added:
- I heard you this morning, when my sister and I walked.
- Ruka, - Aanya tugged brother by the jackets sleeve. - So, this is our older sisters?
- Sisters? - Acchan barely audible whisper it, but Sae heard it.
- Yes, you are now part of our family ... - Miyazawa suddenly remembered something. - By the way, Ruka, Aanya, where is your mother?
The door to the room opened again, and Yuki with Atsuko saw the girl that was with the Ruka and Aanya morning in the garden.
- I'm here. Sorry I'm late, - she bowed to Yuki and Atsuko. After that, she went to Sae. - Ume-chan with Yuttan again quarreled. I had to make peace their.
- As always ... - Kai spoke up.
- Have you already here? - She turned to the guys who standing at the window. - Kai, you as always sarcastic.
After that, she went to Yuki and Atsuko:
- Hopefully, Ruka and Anna is not too noisy?
- No, no! They are very cute kids, - Acchan smiled. - I want to have kids like they in future ...
And Acchan taken to the country of dreams. Yuki bit hit her on the arm, returning Maeda to reality.
- Kashiwagi-san, Maeda-san, let me introduce you to my wife. Miyazawa Sayaka.
- I am very glad to see you in our house. Sae a lot spoke about you. Nice to meet you.
- We are also very pleased!
- Here are all met, that's nice. I think you will meet with the rest in later. And now I must leave you - work, work and work again! - with these words Sae left the room.
- I think we're going too. Have a nice day! - Sayaka came to the door. - Ruka, Aanya, let's go.
The children followed her.
After the door closed behind them, Yukirin and Acchan left alone with theirs bodyguards.
In the next chapter "Hear my voice, my destiny":- Yukirin and Acchan sent to the city to meet with their friends! Of course, accompanied by Kai and Mayu;
- Arrived Sayaka's sisters and returning from nowhere Sae's sisters;
- Ruka's hair color - strange or normal?
Please wait for the next chapter!
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