Minna-san, thank you very much for your feedbacks! I'm really happy about it!
Sou, this is a first chapter. I hope you like it!
Chapter 1.Two days before the events described in the prologue.- Open the tutorials on page 265 ...
* Bzzz *
"Damn! Not just in time, "- Sae thought that buzzing of his cell phone hears the whole class, but to his surprise, no one even turned around.
Miyazawa quickly took the phone out of his pocket, and hid behind the textbook, read the incoming message.
"I'm waiting for you all on base today at 7 p.m. There is important news".
- Father? - Sae whispered, but Yuu seems to have heard him.
Oshima also hid behind a textbook and turned to him.
- The boss calls us? - he spoke in a whisper, so that no one else heard.
- Yes. We must warn the others.
- Miyazawa-san, Oshima-san, - apparently, them still heard because sensei now looking directly at them. - After school, go, please, to the director.
* DIN - DON - DIN - DON *
- Stand up! Bow! - The usual ceremony at the school. So how was the last lesson for Yuu and Sae is meant only one thing - to call to the director.
Without much enthusiasm they folded tutorials in bags, trudged to the third floor.
- If we leave now clean up the entire school, by 7 p.m. we can't get to the headquarters. This means that ... - Yuu's body was trembling. - We're finished.
- Do not remind me ... - Sae grimaced. - It is better to shoot myself.
When they finally got to the principal's office, then at the door they saw a shift from one foot to the other Jun - the younger brother of Sae.
- Jun? - Sae ran to his brother. - What are you doing here?
- This is ... - Jun hesitated and looked down. - This is ...
Then the office door opened, and three of them were invited to enter.
- So, - when they sat down on a specially prepared for them chairs, the principal began to speak. - I called the three of you today is not by accident.
The director of the school - Shinoda Mariko (or, as it was called disciples, ShinoMari) - a very beautiful woman with short light brown hair. She is a former student of this school, who returned here after university, but only as a teacher of English. Before the resignation of the former Director, she was the class teacher of class 1-1 (which has now become a class 3-1). But two years ago, she was asked to take the post of Director in spite of her youth, and she agreed.
- Jun, - Shinoda spoke very quietly. Always, no matter what. - Explain to me and your brothers, please, why are you today brought weapons to school?
- Weapons!? - Sae jumped up, simultaneously dropping the chair on which he sat. - Are you crazy!?
Yuu seems to have lost all power of speech. He looked from Jun, then Sae, then director and blinked.
- Sae, sit down, please.
- I'm sorry, - Sae lowered his eyes and raising his chair, he sat down again.
"If father finds out about this ... Will not find anyone ..."
- Jun, - the principal repeated. - Just tell me why you brought a weapon to school.
- I am ... - Jun trembling. - I ... I wanted to make an impression ... on Rena ...
- Rena? - like a Yuu is awake. - Could it be ... Do not tell me you're a crush on Matsui?
Jun blushed and stared at the floor.
- Ooh ... Yes, you seem to enchanted by her, bro ...
- Yuu, Sae ... - Shinoda broke ranting Oshima and looked at them. - I want you to explain to your younger brother that the school is forbidden to carry weapons. Of course, I understand that you are children of the clan head Miyazawa. But now, while you're in school, don't openly declare your allegiance to the yakuza - because it can cause problems. Understand?
- Yes, Shinoda-sensei!
- And, by the way. Yuu, Sae, - director smiled cunningly. - I heard a rumor that you were talking in class today instead of studying.
She took from the drawer of his desk two pieces of paper and gave them to Miyazawa and Oshima.
- This is a test of English language. Tomorrow the tests already implemented lying on my desk. Anything you can go.
When they were at the door of her office, Shinoda-sensei said:
- Jun, try other ways to win the heart of Rena. For example, take her to the restaurant - I heard she loves spicy food.
- Yuu, call Kai - let calling everyone else, - Sae strode down the corridors of the school at a rate clearly exceeds the human. He was still angry at Jun.
- It's not necessary, - Yuu barely keep up with the Miyazawa.
Sae stopped abruptly:
- What does this mean?
- Look, - Yuu handed him the phone.
- "We are already in the base. How to get away from the director-hurry to the base,"- Sae, scratching his head, he gave the phone back. - Ksooooooo ... How did they know? If they know, then, knows about it and the father.
The day after the events described in the prologue.- Aptchee!
- Sae, so where did you catch a cold?
There was a lunch break, so Sae and Yuu, as always, were sitting on a bench on the roof of their school. First years students in the yard playing football, sometimes jokingly cursing each other; in the classrooms and corridors could be heard perky laughter of schoolgirls who discussing fashion shows and their boyfriends.
- As if you do not know where I could get sick ... - Sae sniffled.
- Late walking around with the next girl again?
- Jealous?
- No. For me, in this world there is only one girl ... - Yuu smiled dreamily and closed his eyes. - Nyan Nyan ... She has such ...
He was interrupted by a cuff on the nape from Sae.
- Hentai. She do not even look to you, so come down from heaven to earth. She never, do you hear? Ne-ver won't go out with you, - especially Sae drawled the words to tease Yuu.
- How do you know? Sooner or later, she realizes that she loves me!
- Our nerd fall in love in me rather than you'll get dates from Kojima-san!
- Really? - Yuu jumped sharply from the bench and turned to Sae. - Bet?
- Bet! - Sae stood up too, having appeared on head above Oshima. - Time?
- Month! - In the Yuu's face was evident that he was fired passion. - The loser pays for the rent until the end of the year!
To be continued...
Sou, how do you? Please comment!
Sorry for my English... It's not very good...