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Author Topic: My first, my last (KojiYuu, SaeYaka + others) UPDATE!!! Ch3 Part 2 10/06/13  (Read 20475 times)

Offline Lost Heaven

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So, this is my new long fanfic.  :yep:
I'm still thinking about his name, so I'll be glad if you offer your own versions of the title of this fanfic.  :P :bow:
The idea for this fanfic was a long time, but I did not know where to start. But today I managed to catch my Muse, which prompted me to start.  8)
Hope you like it!  :roll:

My first, my last


Here was quiet and damp, water dripping from somewhere. Almost every step could trip over an old metal pipe, abandoned from someone for a long time ago and definitively rusted.

Here was closely, so they were moving line-up, man by man, trying not to make noise. But anyway, the hum of their steps repelled by the walls and echoed throughout the tunnel.

Here walked the wind, cold and ruthless. The wind was owner of these places - a free, calm, unstoppable. They despite the warm jackets, quickly frozen.

But they were don't care. Because that's what was on the premises, what were after that tunnel that could truly help them.

War threatened to them. The war between the two strongest clans. The war for life and death. So they tried to be as better prepared for this war.

In this war, there are no rules. After all, this is a war for control of the entire country. And the losers waiting for death alone. After all, they - the Yakuza ...

It's tooooooooo short, but I hope that you enjoy!

And, as always, GUESS THE PAIRINGS!!!
Help: there will be two pairings!  :P

How do you?
Please comment~!  :bow: :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 09:57:18 AM by Lost Heaven »

Offline Elo

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Re: My first, my last GUESS THE PAIRINGS! Prologue 04/05/13
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 09:11:52 PM »
ANN-chan so your are writing a new fic good luck

I think the pairings are if it is yakuza maybe kojiyuu mayuki marimii or atsumina

I wrote almost all pairings hehe you know I am clumsy  :P :P :P :P

anyway I think it will be a good fic keep it up we want to know more  :peace: :peace: :thumbup :rock: :rock:
Love AKB

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Offline Shinoki

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Re: My first, my last GUESS THE PAIRINGS! Prologue 04/05/13
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2013, 01:50:48 AM »
since I'm writing a yakuza-related fic (not posted here due to the fact that I want to first post the prequel)(now here)
in my fic, there is mostly W Matsui and Mayuki
just that feeling~~
W Matsui, gekikara Rena and Jurina who is just strong I guess....
Mayuki, BLACK super speed Yukirin! and Mayu who is Nezumi??
just a guess
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:22:40 PM by Shinoki »

Offline cisda83

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Re: My first, my last GUESS THE PAIRINGS! Prologue 04/05/13
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2013, 10:36:33 AM »
Nice prologue you have there....

Erm... 2 couplings...

I like Atsumina the best so I hope one of the couples is Atsumina...

The other one is WTower... since you seem to like this pairing lots

But any pairings are fine.... whether is KojiYuu, WMatsui, Mayuki

I can't wait to see your story...

Thank you for the prologue

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Haruko

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Re: My first, my last GUESS THE PAIRINGS! Prologue 04/05/13
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2013, 06:23:48 PM »
atsumina, kojiyuu! :B wmatsui?

Offline Lost Heaven

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Re: My first, my last UPDATE!!! Chapter 1 11/05/13
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2013, 08:47:09 PM »
Minna-san, thank you very much for your feedbacks! I'm really happy about it!  :yep:

Sou, this is a first chapter. I hope you like it!

Chapter 1.

Two days before the events described in the prologue.

- Open the tutorials on page 265 ...

* Bzzz *

"Damn! Not just in time, "- Sae thought that buzzing of his cell phone hears the whole class, but to his surprise, no one even turned around.

Miyazawa quickly took the phone out of his pocket, and hid behind the textbook, read the incoming message.

"I'm waiting for you all on base today at 7 p.m. There is important news".

- Father? - Sae whispered, but Yuu seems to have heard him.

Oshima also hid behind a textbook and turned to him.

- The boss calls us? - he spoke in a whisper, so that no one else heard.

- Yes. We must warn the others.

- Miyazawa-san, Oshima-san, - apparently, them still heard because sensei now looking directly at them. - After school, go, please, to the director.

* DIN - DON - DIN - DON *

- Stand up! Bow! - The usual ceremony at the school. So how was the last lesson for Yuu and Sae is meant only one thing - to call to the director.

Without much enthusiasm they folded tutorials in bags, trudged to the third floor.

- If we leave now clean up the entire school, by 7 p.m. we can't get to the headquarters. This means that ... - Yuu's body was trembling. - We're finished.

- Do not remind me ... - Sae grimaced. - It is better to shoot myself.

When they finally got to the principal's office, then at the door they saw a shift from one foot to the other Jun - the younger brother of Sae.

- Jun? - Sae ran to his brother. - What are you doing here?

- This is ... - Jun hesitated and looked down. - This is ...

Then the office door opened, and three of them were invited to enter.

-  So, - when they sat down on a specially prepared for them chairs, the principal began to speak. - I called the three of you today is not by accident.

The director of the school - Shinoda Mariko (or, as it was called disciples, ShinoMari) - a very beautiful woman with short light brown hair. She is a former student of this school, who returned here after university, but only as a teacher of English. Before the resignation of the former Director, she was the class teacher of class 1-1 (which has now become a class 3-1). But two years ago, she was asked to take the post of Director in spite of her youth, and she agreed.

- Jun, - Shinoda spoke very quietly. Always, no matter what. - Explain to me and your brothers, please, why are you today brought weapons to school?

- Weapons!? - Sae jumped up, simultaneously dropping the chair on which he sat. - Are you crazy!?

Yuu seems to have lost all power of speech. He looked from Jun, then Sae, then director and blinked.

- Sae, sit down, please.

- I'm sorry, - Sae lowered his eyes and raising his chair, he sat down again.

"If father finds out about this ... Will not find anyone ..."

- Jun, - the principal repeated. - Just tell me why you brought a weapon to school.

- I am ... - Jun trembling. - I ... I wanted to make an impression ... on Rena ...

- Rena? - like a Yuu is awake. - Could it be ... Do not tell me you're a crush on Matsui?

Jun blushed and stared at the floor.

- Ooh ... Yes, you seem to enchanted by her, bro ...

- Yuu, Sae ... - Shinoda broke ranting Oshima and looked at them. - I want you to explain to your younger brother that the school is forbidden to carry weapons. Of course, I understand that you are children of the clan head Miyazawa. But now, while you're in school, don't openly declare your allegiance to the yakuza  - because it can cause problems. Understand?

- Yes, Shinoda-sensei!

- And, by the way. Yuu, Sae, - director smiled cunningly. - I heard a rumor that you were talking in class today instead of studying.

She took from the drawer of his desk two pieces of paper and gave them to Miyazawa and Oshima.

- This is a test of English language. Tomorrow the tests already implemented lying on my desk. Anything you can go.

When they were at the door of her office, Shinoda-sensei said:

- Jun, try other ways to win the heart of Rena. For example, take her to the restaurant - I heard she loves spicy food.


- Yuu, call Kai - let calling everyone else, - Sae strode down the corridors of the school at a rate clearly exceeds the human. He was still angry at Jun.

- It's not necessary, - Yuu barely keep up with the Miyazawa.

Sae stopped abruptly:

- What does this mean?

- Look, - Yuu handed him the phone.

- "We are already in the base. How to get away from the director-hurry to the base,"- Sae, scratching his head, he gave the phone back. - Ksooooooo ... How did they know? If they know, then, knows about it and the father.


The day after the events described in the prologue.

- Aptchee!

- Sae, so where did you catch a cold?

There was a lunch break, so Sae and Yuu, as always, were sitting on a bench on the roof of their school. First years students in the yard playing football, sometimes jokingly cursing each other; in the classrooms and corridors could be heard perky laughter of  schoolgirls who discussing fashion shows and their boyfriends.

- As if you do not know where I could get sick ... - Sae sniffled.

- Late walking around with the next girl again?

- Jealous?

- No. For me, in this world there is only one girl ... - Yuu smiled dreamily and closed his eyes. - Nyan Nyan ... She has such ...

He was interrupted by a cuff on the nape from Sae.

- Hentai. She do not even look to you, so come down from heaven to earth. She never, do you hear? Ne-ver won't go out with you, - especially Sae drawled the words to tease Yuu.

- How do you know? Sooner or later, she realizes that she loves me!

- Our nerd fall in love in me rather than you'll get dates from Kojima-san!

- Really? - Yuu jumped sharply from the bench and turned to Sae. - Bet?

- Bet! - Sae stood up too, having appeared on head above Oshima. - Time?

- Month! - In the Yuu's face was evident that he was fired passion. - The loser pays for the rent until the end of the year!

To be continued...

Sou, how do you? Please comment! :bow:

Sorry for my English... It's not very good...  :nervous

Offline ptrd3009

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your fic is so interesting
please make other boys have couple
i wanna see this :thumbup

Offline Elo

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So a bet huh??

heeee interesting so the nerd is Sayaka maybe and the other Haruna

I cant wait to know what will happen next
Love AKB

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Offline Haruko

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So a bet huh??

heeee interesting so the nerd is Sayaka maybe and the other Haruna

I cant wait to know what will happen next
yeah! bet time!

Offline cisda83

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OMG... bring weapons to school to impress a girl...

That is so wrong in many level...

Is Jun trying to impress Rena or scared Rena off?

Ah... Sae and Jun are brothers, the sons of Yakuza clan? How about Yuu & Kai are they also Yakuza?

Yuu and Sae are betting about Yuu be able to get Haruna falling in love with him or not by a month

Can't wait to see how is Yuu going to go about wooing Haruna?

Thank you for the lovely update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Shinoki

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somehow, due to the fact that sometimes I act like 'Jun' I felt like I was getting scolded
but then again, even though I'm a sadist...
wouldn't it be interesting to be scolded by Mariko-sama??
so.... Sae-kun and who?? didn't really catch it in there~

Offline AgentBlueBear

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Kojiyuu..!   :love:

Please continue!   :bow:

Offline Lost Heaven

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Hai~!  :hand: Lost Heaven again!
I'm sorry for the late update  :bow: - I have my exams in school  :yep:
Sou, this is the second chapter of "My first, my last".
Douzo! Yoroshiku!

Chapter 2.

Two days before the events described in the prologue. 07:05 p.m.

Automatic doors of large high-rise office building, responded to the motion sensor, slid open, letting the three young men in the form of Hiryuu High School go inside.

Sae, unbuttoned his jacket and his hands in his pockets, walked a little ahead. It seemed that his thoughts were far away. Yuu, throwing a bag of books on the other shoulder, pulled headphones  out of the ears and put them in his jacket pocket with the phone. He was always a bit depressing procession through the dark corridors of their headquarters. Jun looked at the ground, not looking up. He was still ashamed in front of his brothers for today's event at the school.

They took the elevator up to the forty-eighth floor and headed to the office of their boss. Despite the noise that reigned on the first floor of the building, at last, forty-eighth, has always been a deafening silence. Always has been muted light, creating a sense of the crypt. Sound of footsteps of the three guys repelled by the concrete floor, ricocheted onto concrete walls and heard echoing. The guys were going through these corridors are always silent, so as not to violate the sacred silence for them.

They stopped in front of a huge iron door, on which a small recess was tablet with an inscription "Miyazawa-gumi." Sae reached out and pulled on her. The tablet finally delved into the door and in the wall opened a small door. Behind that door is a recognition system. Sae entered the secret code and the door to their main headquarters opened.

Miyazawa took a deep breath and walked into the apartment. He edge of the ear heard that Yuu and Jun did the same. The door slammed shut behind them, all the mechanisms have returned to their seats.


The day after the begin of the dispute. 06:35 a.m.

She liked to come to school early in the morning when no one. Open the gates, amenable to a soft squeak. Slowly up the stairs to the third floor to the classroom, looking at all, as if she had not previously seen. Approach her first desk on the middle row, pull out textbooks and exercise books, put them in a niche under the table, and hang the bag on the hook. Once again wash board, not cleaned after yesterday, preparing it for the lesson. Go out onto the roof to sit on the bench, specially prepared for such as her, to see how students individually, in pairs or in small groups flock to the school.

Akimoto Sayaka, 17 years old, prefect of class 3-2 ...

Always neat, ironed form - a neat appearance of schoolgirl; absolute readiness for lessons ... Classmates called her a weirdo nerd, and mocked her origin; joking or seriously saying that she will be alone in lifetime and never get married ... She was not offended. At least not filed a form ...

She got up from the bench and going to the edge of the roof, fenced grid, put her headphones in her ears and turned on the music. It helped a little bit distracted from thinking, recently gave her no peace ...

«Kimi no senaka no tsubasa ga orete ...»

- My Pegasus, do you will hear me sometime?


The day after the begin of the dispute. 08:00 a.m.

Perfect sleep of sleeping girl was interrupted by something, fallen down on her head.

- Haruna-onee-chan, mother said to wake you up. Or you'll be late to school, - came to the girl voice of her younger sister through the blanket.

- Sakura, get off me! - Throwing back the blanket, Haruna looked at the clock on the bedside table. 8:00.

Still sleeping Haruna instantly woke up, jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom on the way knocking little sister.

- Onee-chan is so funny! - Sakura, now fully ready for school, hurried down to the kitchen to pick up a bento box.

After a few minutes Haruna, fully assembled, ran out of her room and descended to the first floor, went to the kitchen to call Sakura. Then they both, shod, and went to school.

And on the kitchen table was left standing Haruna's bento box...

To be continued...

Sou, it was a second chapter  :)
How do you? Please comment  :bow:

Sorry for my English... It's not very good...   

Offline Elo

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Ann-chan welcome back ^^

So a bet betweem sae and yuu

where sae will make nerd sayaka fall in love

and where yuu will make airhead haruna fall in love

hahah haruna airhead as ever ^^
Love AKB

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Offline Haruko

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Ann-chan welcome back ^^

So a bet betweem sae and yuu

where sae will make nerd sayaka fall in love

and where yuu will make airhead haruna fall in love

hahah haruna airhead as ever ^^


Offline cisda83

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What will Sae and Yuu do to make their targets fallen for them...?

Can't wait

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Dieyg48

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Okay...That was an interesting one!!
 :lol: :inlove: :wub:

~What would Sae do to make Sayaka fall for him?? Must know!!
 XD :banghead: :panic:

~And what would Yuko do to make his angel Kojima fall for him?? I must know this since i'm on KojiYuu side!!!
 :twisted: :inlove: :panic:

~Ouhhh!! All of them!! I want to know all of them!!!
 :lol: :twisted: :D

~Pls continue on updating this fics!! Will be waiting for it!!
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline Lost Heaven

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Hai~! Lost Heaven desu.  :hand:
And it is a new chapter of "My first, my last". This chapter will be in several parts, so it will be long chapter (I hope  :nervous).
Sou, it's a Chapter 3 Part 1. I hope you like it!  :roll:
Douzo~!  :onioncheer:

Chapter 3. Part 1.

Two days before the events described in the prologue. 07:30 p.m.

As soon as the door closed behind them, the noise, standing in the room, immediately stopped. At the newcomers immediately stared six pairs of eyes.

Sae, meeting eyes with everyone, silently greeted everyone with a nod. After that, he immediately looked around the room.

- Where's the Boss? - his voice was suddenly harsh.

- Tired of waiting for you, and left. He did not say where and when to come back, - said the boy, who was sitting on one of the seven leather sofas. On his lap was a laptop, and he tirelessly type something. - Why stand still? Sit down, I suppose.

- Mayu, you're kind, as always.

Watanabe Mayu, 17 years. The black-haired boy with dark eyes, always wearing black-rimmed glasses. She is a student in the class 3-3. Crazy otaku - all the shelves in his room filled with volumes of manga and discs of anime. But despite this, he is a great programmer, so all named his a cyborg. The whole system of security in the building of their headquarters has been fully developed by him. He is also the chief strategist for their team. Sarcastic, sometimes rude, but ready for any sacrifice for his girlfriend.

Sae saw the Yuu and Jun sat on another couch. Yuu immediately sprawled and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. Jun took out a textbook on biology, became peruse the text of a homework paragraph. Sae himself went to the window, covered with a heavy blue velvet curtains, and leaned against the wall beside him, looking at his companions.

On the couch, the closest is located in Sae, located Minegishi Kuu from class 3-1. He was listening to music and not paying attention to nothing else. Dim sunlight filtering through the not completely closed curtains, forcing his black hair was a dark shade of blue.  All named his Gachapin because of the similarity of his almond-colored eyes and eyes of this cartoon frog. Usually Kuu active and constantly all pestering to everyone, but Sae began to notice that the last time he was thinking about something - in such moments in his eyes lapped longing.

On the carpet for a coffee table, standing middle of the room, sat on her lap Kashiwagi Yuki, or, as all called her, Yukirin - Mayu's girlfriend. Prefect of class 3-3 was kind, sweet and responsive girl. But sometimes, especially if she angry, broke loose out of her dark side. At such moments, her dark eyes grew even darker, facial expression became unreadable, and the voice - like a cold-blooded killer. Yuki became hers antithesis - Black. Kashiwagi joined the Miyazawa clan after began dating with Mayu. Yuki has twin sister - Matsui Rena.

On the couch across the room half lying and read something Takahashi Kai. Blond-midget with the growth 148.5 cm was the prefect of the class 3-1 and captain of clan's small team. Together with Yuu they form a duo called WMidget. And if it were not for these two, their team would have long since collapsed, despite the fact that they are all from the same clan. Kai - a born leader, always finding the right words in any situation.

To the left of Kai, on another couch, sat Itano Tomo and his girlfriend - Tomomi Kasai. Tomo had already managed to change out of school uniform in everyday clothes, napping, throwing his head back on the couch. Tomomi, or as all named her sometimes, Chiyuu, actively corresponded with someone via e-mail on her phone, her head resting on the Tomo's shoulder.

Tomo, a student of class 3-1, with its light brown (almost red-haired) hair and alluring brown eyes was popular with the girls. His protruding upper left canine gave him the look like a wolf cub, and fashionable brand clothing talked about the opulence of his family. More often his parents engaged in the financial side of attacs operations of clan. Tomo himself is not very interested in it and preferred to spend his free time either in the gym or in the Shibuya and Shinjuku.

But despite its popularity, Tomo already five years dating with Tomomi. She is studying in the same class with Sae and Yuu - 3-2, and it was Sae who, tried to "accost" to her, introduced her to Tomo. Chiyuu, despite their cute appearance and no less sweet child's voice, sometimes very cruel and getting one of the shinigami as Yukirin. She joined the Miyazawa clan three years ago.

"Is father so angry to us that he forgot about the meeting?" - Sae sighed.

Suddenly, next to his ear swept bullet, and the next moment there was a deafening shot. All, was not expecting it and being frightened, jumped up from the sofa, and Yuu, who apparently still asleep, fell off the couch onto the floor.

Near the door in dark glasses standing head of the Miyazawa clan - Miyazawa Ryo, Sae's and Jun's father and Yuu's uncle, his right arm was straightened, it was a gun. And the gun was aimed Sae's forehead.

- What the hell are you doing!?

Sou, it were a first part of third chapter.
How do you? Tell me, what you thinking!  :on hypto:
Jaa, mata ne~  :byebye:

Offline Elo

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So there are mayuki tomotomo pairs ^^

what happened in the end why points sae father a gun at his forehead ????

cant wait for more ^^
Love AKB

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Offline ptrd3009

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what will happen next with sae jun and yuu
i love this club so much :P

can't wait for next chapter and kojiyuu , saeyaka and other pairs :yossi:

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