First of all, I'd like to apologize for the long delay before posting the 4th episode. TBH, I'm not in the right mood throughout this semester to write this kind of fluffy love story.

Episode 5 will be delayed even longer, perhaps until my holiday comes

Anyway, I added poll (2 weeks time limit) to help me decide what I should do with episode 5. Inputs are exactly welcomes.

Also, huge thanks to everyone who has read and commented AND WAITED FOR THIS UPDATE!!

@bunny_rabbit: Haha, maybe next time for Maritroll

as for Tomochin's assets.... yeah, I agree with you.

@kurosawa87: WUT, you read my mind with #1 LOL

#2 is... hmm, please do with the poll

@cisda83: well Tomochin didn't exactly write about her crush to Yuki so... we shall see

@Diegy48: Hehehe, I hope you will love this episode, then.

@stv_wong: YEP. IT'S MY SHAMELESS KAMIOSHI PLUG HAHAHA. *is shot* Yuka is a guy here, though, and I took her character from an old fic profiling draft

And excuse me for this editing of ikemen Mr. Kashiwagi image

I edited it myself and.... Isn't he so good looking?

*is whacked*
For Tomochin's image, I use this one:

*Ahem* Anyway, I talked too much (yes you do). *is whacked* My gratitude for Deukie a.k.a LoyalFlutist for proofreading this episode.
*warning* diabetics level of sweetness ahead. douzo!

Virgin LoveEpisode 4"Jaa, I shall leave first. See you tomorrow, Tomochin. Wish me luck!"
Tomo~mi hugs me before she leaves, joining the guy who stands near the school gate, waiting for her. Must be Masuda-kun. Now that I think of it, I see why Tomo~mi is so eager on dating him. Good-looking gentle guy and of course, he’s the ace of basketball club. I can see other girls looking at them with envy in their expression.
"See you, and good luck." I shout at Tomo~mi. She turns her back and smiles, then continues her date.
I look at her walking away and decide to leave too since I need to buy some materials for my dinner.....and hopefully tomorrow's bento.
After I've done with the grocery shopping, I walk home, only to see a certain someone walking with a bag of papers.
"Yuki-san!" I call him and he turns his back, looking for the source of the voice.
"Ah, Itano-san!" He seems surprised. "Back from shopping, it seems?"
"Yes, can't keep on eating instant ramen forever." I stick my tongue out at him and he laughs.
"Yeah, you shouldn't. It's not good for your health either Itano-san."
"I know, right!" I reply, but then I realize...
"Wait. Yuki-san, didn't I tell you to call me Tomo outside school?" I pout.
He stops walking, looking at me, then starts walking again.
"A-ah, you did." And he stuttered at his words. "O-okay, Tomo." He smiles shyly. HE'S SO DAMN CUTE LIKE THIS, OH GOD I HOPE I WON'T BLUSH.....wait, this feels like a deja vu.
"T-Tomo, are you okay? Your face looks.....reddish." He taps on my shoulder, looking confused and worried and that snaps me back to reality.
"A-a-ah, I'm okay. Totally okay." See, I wasn't kidding when I said it felt like deja vu.
He sighs. "You should take care of yourself more, and eat well." And he pats my head. Okay, that's my weak point, the head patting. I think my legs have gone jelly and my face is totally flushing red.
"Ehhh, Tomo, you're totally not okay!!!" He is shocked when he sees me going down and sitting on the street. I wanna feel sorry when I see his panicked face but I can't. Hell, he's the one who caused it!
"Tomo, can you walk?" He looks extremely worried now so I try to stand but I can't. Damn legs.
He crouches and looks at me, looking troubled as if he has something on his mind.
"Yuki-san?" I feel embarrassed when he looks at me like that, seriously.
"Hmph. Okay. O-o-okay...." He takes a deep breath. He seems nervous.
"Y-yes?" He makes me feel nervous, too.
"S-since you're still unable to walk home..." he smiles nervously. “I will carry you home." And he shows me his back.
"A......a piggyback ride?" I ask. And he nods. My goodness, what kind of development is this.
He turns his head to look at me. "So... please make yourself comfortable," he said as he smiles.
"O-okay." I nervously get on his back, trying to position myself well so I won't fall.
"Ah." He gasps when I hug him from behind. Can't help, you know, for safety reason. I don’t wanna fall on my back. It does make me blushed even more, though. Isn’t this a bit too intimate?
“Are you seated properly?” He asks nervously.
“Y-yes, ready for departure sir!” I crack a joke. What, I’m nervous, too!
“O-okay... I’ll stand and walk now, okay?” He carefully rises to walk.
"Okay..." I see the back of his ears flushing entirely red. Seriously. He must be extremely nervous.
We have another walk in awkward silence. To be honest, I can feel my heart beats so fast and with this kind of closeness I'm even more nervous, knowing that he might be able to feel my heartbeat on his back. I lay my head on his shoulder. It feels so embarrassing, yet so comfortable.
"Aren't you tired, Yuki-san?" I try to break the awkwardness.
He laughs. "Nope. Anything for you, missy."
"You treat me like a child, don't you?" I pout.
He laughs even more. "Of course not! I just..." He stops in the middle of his words, as if something troubles him.
"You just?" I try to 'fish' the words out.
He shakes his head. "Nevermind."
"Tell me?" I poke his cheek... okay I think I've crossed the line a bit there. He looks to the side, staring at my face and thinking for a long time. I feel nervous as I can feel his breath due to our closeness so I try to look forward, pretending I'm not eyeing him. And that's when I realize we're getting really close to my home.
"Errmm, Yuki-san, I think I can walk by myself now." I snap him back to reality by the words, it seems.
"A-ah, are you sure?" He slows down before he stops.
"Yeah, besides, that's my home." I giggle and leave his comfortable back to stand on my own. Good, I can stand properly.
"Oh, you're right." He straightens his body, ugh, I feel really sorry for him.
"Thanks for carrying me all the way, Yuki-san. I'm really sorry. I must have made you exhausted from my heavy weight." I bow down.
"No no no, you're not heavy at all! Really, it's been my pleasure to help you." He waves his hand in a panic.
"Would you like to join the dinner at my home tonight? I'll cook." I offer him my gratitude. He blushes at the idea almost the moment I tell him.
"No no no, I don't think that's a good idea," he immediately rejects. Hmmph, I must force him a bit.
"But I insist," I say as I grab his hand and drag him toward my home. He still tries to resist but somehow I manage to drag him to the front door. I open it and tell him to enter.
"Please come in, Yuki-san."
He hesitates so I pull him inside. I start to regret my own idea, honestly. Way too aggressive for my personal preference. Sigh. Oh well, I'm in too deep.
I guide him to the living room and tell him to wait as I leave to prepare the dinner. After I enter the kitchen, I check my shopping bag to check on the ingredients.
"Hmm, eggs, sausages and bacons."
I check the refrigerator, only to have frozen french fries. Nothing special, huh. Damn, I'm so unprepared. I guess I have to feed him junk food.
I cook the ingredients I have and serve it on the table. He is still waiting at the living room so I go to call him, only to see a certain neighbor sitting across him with a huuuge smirk on her face when she sees me. Sigh.
"Tomochin, my mom asked me to invite you for a dinner..." she pauses, eyeing Yuki-san before she continues with tongue in cheek, " but I guess I should tell her you can't today."
I roll my eyes. I wish it came sooner so I don't have to feed him those junk food.
"You can just deliver the food here."
Tomo~mi chuckles. "Maybe later. Just enjoy your time now." She winks. I swear that she's going to tease me so much when she visits after Yuki-san goes home.
After Tomo~mi walked out the door, I turn to Yuki-san to bring him to the dining room, where the junk food I prepared is ready. He still seems awkward, and I think Tomo~mi's sudden visit has increased the awkwardness.
"So Kasai-san lives next door, huh..." he asks.
I laugh. "Yeah, we have been next-door neighbors since I don't even know when."
"By the way, Tomo, I haven't seen your parents...."
"Oh, they're having their second honeymoon, leaving their single daughter home alone." I roll my eyes.
"Ah... I... see...."
Oops, I think I've just increased his nervousness into a whole new level by revealing the fact that there's only the two of us in this house. Not that I will do anything to him, like seriously.
"Anyway, Yuki-san, here is your dinner. I apologize that I couldn't prepare anything special." I bow to him sincerely.
"A-ah, no, really, I appreciate this so much!" Again, he waves his hand panickedly so I giggle.
"Let's just start eating, Yuki-san. I don't want you to leave too late in the night." I smile at him.
He blushes from the subtle care I showed him. I didn't have any intention when I said that, honestly, but now that I think of it... yeah.
"S-sure." He replies and starts eating the junk food I feed him.
We eat our dinner in silence. Nobody does the talk since both of us are pretty nervous about the situation. When we finish, I stand up to take care of the dirty dishes. I am taking his plate when he stops me.
"I, I'll help you with the dishes," he offers.
I'm surprised and my heart beats even faster now, I hope it won't be exploded.
"But you're my guest and I should serve you as a form of my gratitude." I try to give him a reasonable excuse. Not going to lie here, but I am still a normal girl and he's still a normal man (I assume) so ANYTHING can happen. As in ANYTHING. You know what I mean.
He looks somewhat disappointed, yet relieved at the same time. I wonder if he has same thought as me. I smile at him as I walk away to wash the dishes. Another moment of silence engulfs us before he finally breaks it.
"I'll wait at the living room," he says as he takes his leave.
It doesn't take me long to finish the chore so I immediately follow him to the living room, where he waits patiently.
"Sorry for the wait, Yuki-san."
He shakes his head as he rises from the sofa. "No, no problem at all." He smiles.
I walk him to the door. "I'm really sorry that I only have those to eat this time."
"Thank you for the dinner. It was simply delicious." He tries to assure me. That's very kind of him. I giggle.
"W-well, then, I should leave now."
"Y-yeah, you should. It's getting late."
I accompany him to the gate. Then an idea passes my mind.
"You definitely should come for dinner next time. I'll cook better food for you." There, I threw the bait. Will he bite it?
He seems a bit taken aback by my sudden invitation for a 'dinner next time' and seems really flustered. He gives a thought on it and replies with a shy smile.
"Sure. And..." He pauses for a while. "In exchange for the meals, if you have any difficulties with the study, I will help you in my free time."
Wow, not only he took the bait, he also gave a counter-attack. I... I think my heart can't take it anymore.
"O-okay." I blush. I think this is a good chance to...
"M-m-may I have your phone number? If that's okay with you..." I ask him with quiet voice. This is beyond embarrassing, really.
"E-eh?" He's a bit shocked by my question but recovers fast. "S-sure." He gives me his number, and of course, I give him mine. Amazing. This has suddenly escalated to new level. I'm all squealing inside.
After the phone number exchange, Yuki-san excuses himself and leaves with a huge smile on his face. I decide to pay a visit to my dear neighbor instead of waiting for her to come. Plenty of stories to tell!
"Girl, I'm so proud of you. You finally dare letting a guy enter your home. On top of that, there were only the two of you at home."
Tomo~mi holds my shoulder while pretending to wipe tears from her eyes. Crocodile tears, meh. Tomo~mi and her never-ending teasing.
"It's not like we did anything in particular." I roll my eyes.
She chuckles. "Said someone who cooked junk food for her crush yet still got to exchange phone number with him."
Sigh. I better try changing the topic.
"Anyway, how was your date with Masuda-kun?"
"It was... okay." Tomo~mi pouts. Oh? She seems unsatisfied there.
"Hmm? You don't sound excited. What happened?" Curious, I am.
"He had to leave earlier," she said.
"I thought he had no basketball practice today, didn't he?" I asked.
"His part-time boss called, saying one of the part-timers were sick and he had to sub her position." Tomo~mi sighs.
I pat Tomo~mi's head. "I see. That's so unfortunate."
"Nah, there's still next time. He apologized so much before leaving."
"Good for you." I smile.
"Not better than you, though." Tomo~mi laughs. Damn, she recovers way too fast.
"You mean?" I put up innocent face.
She rolls her eyes. "Girl, Yuki-san let you piggyback-ride him! To think that he's such a shy guy... that's very courageous of him!"
"Surely." I shrug.
Tomo~mi looks at me with disbelief. "I'm not sure if you're trying to joke around or you're hiding your embarrassment by playing innocent."
Ugh, she hits the bullseye. I'm pretty sure the redness of my face is unmeasurable now because Tomo~mi actually grins at the change in my facial expression. No, wait, she's laughing at me now. Damn best friend.
"Stop laughing! Mou, I'm leaving!" I pout as I stand up and leave her bed.
"You know, you really should see your own face now. It's like tomato!" said Tomo~mi as she giggles.
"Don't want. And don't need." I tell her off. I don't need her to tell me how red my face has become.
Tomo~mi pats my shoulders. "Yuki-san is so lucky to get such a pure virgin like you."
I roll my eyes. "Girl, we haven't even on dating stage yet."
"Well, at least you're progressing well." Tomo~mi assures me.
I can only smile back at her. No matter how much teasing she has done to me, she's still a very supportive best friend.
I look at my watch. "Anyway I really should go home. It's getting late and I haven't had my evening bath."
"Okay." Tomo~mi sends me off, then cheekily adds, "I'd rather you don't take a bath. You wouldn't want Yuki-san's scent to leave your body, would you," and she grins really wide.
I feel my cheeks getting the heat again hearing her words--remembering the comfortable warmth I felt on Yuki-san's back.
Comments and critics are welcomed.