I, Cometerz48 has decided that she wil now start a thread of her own OS in this fanfic forum. *yeay*

And now, since it's my dearest, flawless Umeda Ayaka's birthday, my first OS will be about her mostly and her way of celebrating her birthday. This is not real, but I'm imagining if this actually happened for real it would be quite interesting.
Thank You
Umeda Ayaka sighed as she slid her train card on the sensor and walked out from the station. It was her daily routine since for seven years now if she counted it correctly, seven years since she would come nearly everyday to the suburb of Akihabara. Her mind was taken by memories that flowed in by it self as she walked towards her destination, only stopped to see the big billboard displayed on one of the buildings.
AKB48's 5th Album - Tsugi no Ashiato
She managed to curved a thin smile to the billboard before starting to walk again. It was unusual for her manager to tell her that there's a team B show today at the theater urgently just less than 24 hours before the actual show. Even if she was quite tired out already after an interview for a magazine last night, she still have a responsibility to be there as the captain of possibly 48 Group's Cutest Team. She told her manager later on that she'll manage to perform and look at her now, she's walking towards the theater for the show's preparation. Her decision was made up after she remembered something that is quite important for her.
Today is her 25th Birthday after all.
It was wonderful to receive text messages from her family and friends back in Fukuoka. Not only that, her twitter was overflowed with many birthday greetings from her fans worldwide. Looking at those, she couldn't help not to tear up a bit seeing how much love people has give to her on this special day. Realizing that she's now officially the oldest one in the whole AKB48 after Shinoda Mariko graduated from the group, and also the fact that she'll be the only captain to stay in the group after the 2012 Shuffle Announcement since Yuko just announced her Graduation just a few moments before New Year's eve.
Graduations of course have popped out into her brain for a few times already. As a second generation member from the biggest idol group in the world, she wasn't really put on the front line like Yuko and Sae. Although she managed to feel the sensation of the spot light, she was quickly forced to come out of it after she broke her leg bone badly. She really felt the desperation of staying in crutches for more than a year, forced to leave and unable to perform on the stage. If it weren't for her parent's support and her fans shaking her hands on the hand shakes events that she's allowed to participate on, she would probably graduate for real.
It was true that once she came back with her leg in fine condition, she wasn't put on the spot light anymore. But she remembered how much effort she put for the next years of her membership in AKB48, so much determined to get back on the spot light that she thought everyone as rivals instead of friends. But one person in the same generation managed to change her view of rivalry until now, she made her realized that in AKB everyone work hard towards their dreams together. She's also the first to save her from the despair she experienced when she was forced to leave the stage and the first to welcome her back into the team after her leave. The person was none other than Miyazawa Sae.
Sae was younger than her and yet she would led her towards the other member of the team and opened up a conversation for them to get her started interacting with each other. And as the times flowed, the cold Umeda Ayaka started to melt away and her view about rivalry changed. She started to get more active and blend well with others. Pretty much without Sae's action towards her, she wouldn't be a captain now. A captain must have good communication skills to others so they can lead and guide their members forward.
Speaking about Sae however, reminded her that the tomboy unusually didn't text her at all today despite it's he birthday. In fact, none of the second generation member gave her birthday greetings. She found it quite odd for them not to give one since AKB48's second generation was known for their solidarity and friendship in the whole 48 group. But then she reminded herself that everyone might be too busy to remember her birthday, Sae's activity in China, Sayaka and Yuko's project and much more.
The short captain turned right to a shortcut that would take her faster to the theater, the road was empty accept for a white van parked nearby. The van's front window was suspiciously darkened, making her unable to see if there's anyone in there. She gripped her bag straps, it's too late to turned back and she'll be running late to the theater if she didn't take the shortcut. She walked quickly and passed the van with fastest steps her boots allowed her. After she walked passed, she heard the van's car slid open and the next thing she knew someone covered her mouth with a handkerchief.
"HEL-" she tried to yell but the fabric has muffled her voice. She struggled, feeling arms wrapping on her body trying to pulled her back into the van. She turned her head frantically but all she saw was some figures with black mask that only has three holes for eyes and mouth.She tried to scream even with her mouth muffled, she breathe in some air. The air smelled like chemical and all the sudden she felt hazy and her body becomes so light that she couldn't even lift her eyelids.
Getting kidnapped on my birthday... What a great day.. she thought before she slumped into unconsciousness.
Umechan opened her eyes hazily, her head hurts like she just banged it a couple of times to the wall. She tried to move her arms and found it freely in front of her, she scrunched her eyebrows it was unusual for kidnappers not to tie her hands. She sat up and groaned when she felt how sore her neck is, she glanced around the room. The room was colorless of paint and it's walls are still rough of cement, the only window in the room was covered with wood pieces nailed to it. She got up and approached the window, she leaned her head forward to peek but all she saw was vague scenes of a forest.
Wait.. I'm not in Tokyo?? she asked herself. The kidnappers must have took her out of Tokyo and placed her here, far away from the crowds. The sky looked dark as if it's night already, Umechan cursed. She's meant to be in the theater and performing now! She looked around bag, her manager must have been calling her for hundreds of time. She couldn't see her bag anywhere which has her cellphone, wallet and other important things.
They must have taken it... she thought again.
She approached the door and turned the knob, her eyes widened in amazement that it wasn't locked at all. She opened it slightly and peeked out side, coast clear. She walked out carefully without any noise, it seems like the building is still under construction since it's walls are rough and there are some signs that says
"UNDER CONSTRUCION, CAUTION" as she walked around. Her eyes and ears are open for any signs of life in the building, the kidnappers might have been still in the building.
I need to get out of here... thought Umechan. She looked around through some hallways, she stopped her footsteps when she heard a bellowed voice far away behind her.
Yabai... thought Ume in panic. So panic that she started to run through the hallway, making noises as her heels touched the floor. Her heart beats faster than ever hearing footsteps coming behind her, chasing the frightened her. She was scared out of her life on that moment, so scared that she started to run in tears. She came to a stair flight, either up or down she have to choose. The footsteps getting closer and she heard more footsteps coming to from the stair that leads down, leaving her no choice but to go up. Poor captain, she was running in tears on the stairs. Each time she met a door, the door would be locked, making her forcefully to go further up the stairs. The footsteps getting closer now and she's closing in to the rooftop door.
Is this the end of me..? she asked herself in tears. The kidnapped idol that possibly could be dead being killed by her kidnappers, leaving family, friends, fans, and team members, grieving in despair for the idol who just turned 25 years old.
Someone, please save me... she choke in tears and still running on the stairs.
Sae... she thought about the genki girl whom acted so much in her life for the last seven years. Wishing that she could tell her how much she's thankful she saved her from despair, how much friendship she has taught her...
Sae, thank you for everything.. she cried and turned the rooftop door. As soon as she opened it, a blinding light came out and forcefully making her close her eyes.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" she heard the crowds yelled and party poppers popped around her. Umechan opened her bluffed eyes and saw people surrounding her, party poppers ribbons swirled in the air, and AKB48's Namida Surprise played loudly. She blinked in awe, trying to process what's going on in her head, she looked around and saw her team members were smiling to her.
"Did you just cried?" asked a familiar voice behind her. Umechan turned and saw the figures of the kidnapper behind her still in their mask. She yelped in surprised and fright seeing the eight figures that kidnapped her earlier. The one closest to her which spoke opened the mask, revealing the grinning face of Miyazawa Sae. "Surpise~" she cooed as she frantically shaking her hands. Umechan's jaw just dropped as the others start to open their own mask. Yuko, Sayaka, Kana, Yuka, Natsumi, Tomo~mi, Nonti, and even Meetan, was laughing as soon as they opened their mask.
"You should've seen your face!!" laughed Yuko as she gave a high five to Sae. "I never thought that you could cry like that, you know?"
"Best moment ever." grinned Yuka and Tomo~mi. Umechan was lifeless for a moment before someone tapped her from behind. She turned and saw Nakamura Mariko holding out a birthday cake with candles lit on. She signaled everyone and soon the birthday song was sung by everyone.
"Come on captain, blow the candles~" said Komariko with a grin. Umechan smiled and her tears flowed again without her allowing it to stop.
"Hey, don't cry again!" exclaimed Sae, giving a round hug to her. "It's alright now. Sorry for the frightening experience, but really you're 25 now so don't cry."
"You..." growled Umechan giving a light punch to the tomboy's chest. "And you all.." she growled to the other second generation members. they all have the same apologetic grin on their face. "YOU ALL ARE THE BEST!!" she yelled with happy tears and hugged Sae back tightly.
"Oww.." pouted Meetan seeing such a touching scene. "Let's give her hug too shall we, minna?" she said embracing the two girls. Before Umechan knew it, she was in the middle of a group hug. She couldn't help not to cry in happiness having such friends like them for all these years.
"Ehem, Sachou.." cut Komariko while she's enjoying the group hug. "The candle please?"
"Oh, right.." said Umechan. She let go off Sae and blew the twenty five candle lights on the birthday cake softly, as the crowd's cheer went out loud which then continued to a big party with barbecues and pool party . It was the best birthday night ever in her life.
Everything turns out to be false about the urgent theater show, it was a plan organized by the second generation with the help of her manager and the whole members of Team B. The building they're partying on was actually Meetan and her husband's new house that's still under maintenance accept for the rooftop which has a swimming pool and big space large enough for such a party. It was amazing as the night continues and the underage were to go home early, leaving the adults choices whether to go home or continuing the party. Umechan of course as the birthday girl, stayed until late night partying under the star lights.
"You're enjoying it?" asked a voice came behind her, the shorter girl turned and found Sae standing behind her with a drink in her hand.
"Thanks for the party." said Umechan. "You all did a really good job freaking me out down there."
"I hope that's fine with you." smiled Sae. "Sorry for the fright."
"No, really thank you." said Umechan gazing at the tomboy's irises. "Thank you for the things you've done for me all these years, Sae-chan.. Without you I might be somewhere else instead of here and enjoying my 25th birthday." said Umechan starting to get tear up again. Sae laughed and brushed her tears away with her finger and returned her smile.
"It's alright." said Sae before leaning in closer towards Umechan's face. Before she knew it, Sae kissed her right cheek and whispered to her ear. "Happy Birthday, my best friend.."
Comments are very welcomed