Hey everyone! Since only two people actually told me which fic they wanted to see next, it will be Nisemono.
I'm kinda low key angry that Minami is now dating this older guy out of nowhere. First it's Atsuko, now it's Minami... my AtsuMina heart is breaking constantly
@Genkikid: Thanks for reading ^_^, not a lot of people read AtsuMina anymore so mine got buried lol
@ryu201: Arigatou ne~

I'm alive and well. Please continue reading my story
@phoenix0i: I wish the fics are real too. I'm hoping the thing that Atsuko said about marrying Minami when they're 40 is still true
@black_maa: Lol what do you mean by "finally simple AtsuMina story"? Are there weird stories out there? Please don't stop reading, ne?
@~roxas~: HIIII!!!! Welcome to the fandom! I'm really surprised that you're into AtsuMina since new people tends to like the newer couple. Thanks for reading
@Drakon: I plan on continuing the TakaYuu story and give it an official name, but idk yet.
Chapter 8Minami POVToday’s the day. The third date that I’ve been looking forward to. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the time I spent with Atsuko last night, but I also want to see what Uta has cooked up for me. She’s always so thoughtful, and spoils me crazy, but I kind of like that change.
I’ve always been the one to do whatever someone else wants, but that’s mostly friends, though it’s especially so for Atsuko. Whenever she pouts and whines, I just give in. Her smile is the death of me, so I’ve always spoiled her.
It was already 10AM by the time I got ready. Atsuko was still asleep since we stayed up pretty late last night watching some of the old movies that we’ve seen before. I know the car was already parked below my apartment to pick me up, but I feel that it wouldn’t be right if I left without a note.
I’ve already made breakfast and put it in the microwave.
I’ll be going out and won’t come home till later today.
Don’t wait up for me, okay?
-MinamiI quickly grab my bag and head out the door, going towards the taxi below. As I got inside, the driver greeted me, but said nothing else. I guess I really won’t find out until I get there.
The car ride was quiet, so I had a lot of time to think. What is really the point of this program? Is it even real? I mean, all the camera man is there and so are the staff people, so it doesn’t seem fake. Also, the time for my friends to meet Uta is coming up. I’m really nervous about that because no one is supposed to know who she is yet.
Since all the others think my date is a boy, maybe Uta could dresses up like one? What am I saying? I can’t ask her to do that. This isn’t some segment from AKBingo.
I think I just need to breathe and calm down. Try and think about the date instead of what’s to come, but if I delay this, who knows what’ll happen.
What I’m worrying about the most is how Atsuko would react to my date being a girl instead of a boy. We have such a good thing going on right now that I don’t want to ruin it.
I know she’s pursuing me as a love interest and a part of me still loves her, but I can’t go through her leaving me again. I think best friends like we’re used to be is the only option right now.
Best friend cooks for each other, snuggling up to each other while sleeping, and kisses each other on the cheeks, right? They hold each other’s hand and hug each other a lot too, right?
That’s what Atsuko and I did yesterday after we left the building to go home. I still can’t believe she was out grocery shopping for our dinner, and was stalked by that jerk face.
I’m just glad she felt better and that she came to me for help. I really wouldn’t know what to do had I heard this information from someone else. I think I would go ballistic.
Throughout the night, Atsuko has really been behaving herself. She only touches me or kisses me when I’ve given her permission. Never once has she strayed and do anything more than what she had asked for. Though I appreciate the effort, I feel that it’s not very Atsuko-like, and it’s kind of bugging me a bit. I don’t want her to change herself for me if it constricts her or makes her feel trap.
What if that was the problem with her last relationship? Did the guy want Atsuko to change? There’s nothing wrong with Atsuko at all, except for a few minor things, but that’s not enough to change at all.
Am I making Atsuko feel that way? I hope I’m not, and we still haven’t discuss what had happened yesterday at all. I’m frustrated with not knowing when it comes to her safety. I need to call her right now and see if she’s okay.
“Takahashi-san, we’ve arrived.”
Damn it.I didn’t think we would be here already. Alright, I have to put it in the back of my mind and enjoy this hang out with Uta since I didn’t get to see her yesterday.
“Thank you.” I replied to the driver before stepping out.
I can see the camera man rolling, but I kept walking, looking for my friend. When you’re in AKB for eight and half years, you’re used to the tech following you around.
I spotted Uta waiting for me on a bench. She saw me and waves enthusiastically. I chuckle at how adorable she looks.
“Minami~ I missed you.” She stood up and gave me a hug, which I happily reciprocated.
“Sorry I couldn’t make it yesterday.” I still felt bad for cancelling last minute on her.
“It’s okay, I understand, but I’ll have you all to myself today, right? She smiled widely at me. How can I refuse that?
“Yes, so where are we going?” I looked around, seeing many stores, so I couldn’t figure which one would be it.
“Right here, come on.” Uta pulled me with her to a manga store. Correction, it’s a manga café. We were immediately placed in a corner, I assume for privacy, which I’m really okay with.
“I heard they make some really good food that’s based off of manga characters. There’s one that has Luffy in it, and since I know that you like One Piece, I hope you’ll like this place. She said it so fast that I could barely caught all of it. I think it’s quite cute that she’s nervous because I speak fast when I’m nervous too.
“Uta, I really like it so far, relax okay?” She nodded, breathing in and out slowly.
“You’re really thoughtful for remembering that I like One Piece and for bringing me here.” I grabbed her hand and squeeze them, showing her my appreciation.
“How could I forget?” I still have our couple’s phone charm, see?” Uta showed me her cell, and true to her word, it was still dangling there.
“I still have mine too.” I smiled, showing mine as well.
We’re both grinning at each other like we’re idiots, as the waiter came by to get our orders. Though we asked for a few more minutes since we didn’t look at the menu.
“Hmm, what are you having?” She asked me over the top of the list.
“I think I’ll get… the gummu omurice. What about you?”
“I’m getting naru ramen, How about drinks?”
“Um… caramel miruku tea with tapioca. You?”
“That sounds really good. I’m gonna try the thai miruku tea with tapioca as well.”
We wave the waiter down and gave him our order. In the meantime, Uta told me that she had used my name a few times to get out of her work. I already told her that it’s fine, but she still feel the needs to tell me about it. I told her that I’ve completed most of my paperwork and had a few private dance lesson to myself to get into shape.
“Minami you’re already in good shape, you’re a bit too thin if anything else.” She laughs, but I know there was no harm behind it.
I couldn’t exactly tell her that my dancing was due to thinking too much. That would make me seem weird. Out of all the things that I could use to distract me, it would be putting my body into physical strain. I mean, who does that?
You…Our drinks came by which tasted really good. We traded sips to try the others’ and both are equally as tasty.
“Ne~ after this, I’ll be taking you somewhere else, if you don’t mind.” This girl is unbelievable. This is her date, so whatever she wants to do is fine with me, and yet, she still wants to see if I’m up for it.
“Yeah, I don’t mind at all, and I kind of figure we’ll go to many places.” She seems surprised that I knew there were multiple destinations. It’s not that hard to assume so, was it?
“You don’t happen to already know the next spot, do you?”
“I don’t.” I reassure her. She looks like she was going to freak out.
“Okay good.” She sigh a breath of relieve, but I can’t help to find it all amusing.
“Hai, sorry to kept you waiting. Here is gummu omurice and naru ramen. Please let me know if there is anything else that you may need. Enjoy.”
I look down at my plate and can see why it’s named after the devil’s fruit. The omelet rice was shaped into it, with ketchup outlining its bite mark. I glance over at her order and it was just a typical ramen bowl, but it included all the fillings and extra pieces of what Naruto would have. They both look too good to eat. We both quickly took a picture of the presentation before savoring the unique piece.
“Itadakimasu~” She digs into hers with mouth full, but I can still see her smile through it.
“It’s pretty good Minami, wanna try?” She put some noodles onto the spoon with beef on it and scoop up some soup before bringing it over to me.
“Ah~” She fed me and I have to agree, the ramen and the stock is quite tasty. The broth was thick and fatty. The noodles was firm, but also soft.
I look down at my food again before using a sppon to get a portion. The inside is pretty red, but I’m okay with that because I like ketchup.
The taste is pretty similar to other omurices that I’ve tried before, but it was still good nonetheless. I got another portion and brought it forth for Uta to try a piece. She smiled at me before taking the bite. She looks really adorable enjoying all these food.
Another similarity between Atsuko and Uta is definitely food. Their love for food is so great, I wonder if I would come first before the meals sometimes. Of course I’m only joking, but hey, you never know.
We both just finishes with our lunch when she’s already hyped about going to the next destination. We paid for our meals before she leads me upstairs. I was confused to why we’re going up there until she pushes me into a booth. Apparently the manga café has a resting place for people to relax and read manga or to go online using the provided computers.
I’ve heard of this type of establishment before, but never have I been to one or seen one. It is actually pretty cool, and I’m glad to experience it with Uta.
“I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t go anywhere else.” She told me. I won’t be leaving the booth anyway, but it’s still quite funny for her to have to tell me that. I won’t just ditch her. Is that what she’s afraid of?
I look around the small room. It’s actually nice looking and seems very homey. There’s a sofa for couples or friends. There’s two headset so that other people won’t hear it and you won’t hear them when you’re watching something on the computer.
“Alright, I’m back.” She brought in drinks and snacks, and settle it on the desk.
“So, what do you want to do?” I turned to her as she took a seat beside me.
“I thought maybe we could watch some anime that you haven’t seen before, but are interested in.” I believe she’s blushing under my eyes. I don’t think anyone has ever been this great with me, spoil me nonstop. It was really refreshing to be the girl in the relationship.
“I would like that.” I smiled, reaching out to hold her hand.
She picked up the remote for the computer screen and turned on Netflix. She went to the anime section, and turned to look at me.
“What do you have in mind?” She handed me the device.
“Hmm, how about Detective Conan? The new movie came out about a month ago.”
“Yeah, anything you want.”
I clicked play, and we waited for the screen to load. She handed me a bag of chips before scooting closer to me. I looked over at her, but she weren’t looking my way at all. I chuckle seeing the pink shades on her cheeks.
For the next 30 minutes, we were solely focused on the movie playing. It was just so good. The mystery, the solving, and the murder are always interesting.
We went through a few more bags of chips before Conan was over. I turned to look at her to see her reaction, but she was already looking at me.
“What did you think of it?”
“Your taste in anime and manga are spot on.” She smiled and looked down.
I eyed what she was looking at, and it was our hands entwining with one another. I wonder when we started holding hands. I gave it a squeeze so she can look back up at me.
“if you ever need any recommendation, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“Thanks Minami. Are you ready to go somewhere else with me?” She smiled with her nose crinkled. It reminds me of Atsuko’s special smile.
“Hmm, where are you taking me now, Kohaku-san?” I chuckled as she looks affronted. It really is fun to tease people.
“Hi-mi-tsu Takahashi-san” I laugh at her playfulness as she pulled me with her.
I continue to follow her without any question because I know the next place will be equally as enjoyable. I’m glad she picked out relaxing places. I don’t think I would like crowded area too much, unless it’s for shopping.
She led me into a tall building and we took the elevator up to the top floor. I read the sign that said beauty on it. Now, I’m aware of what activity is up next. I think it’ll be fun to get some treatment done and just chatting with one another.
“Hi there, I have an appointment for two under Kohaku.” While she checked us in, I skim through the area. I seems very mellow and quiet. A good place to let go and enjoy.
We were shown to the back room where we could slip into something different than our own clothing. We headed out and was asked to sit on a chair that sets our head over the sink
The massages that I’m getting on my head felt amazing. They’re shampooing my hair and conditioning them, but it has a cooling sensation afterwards, which I really like. I can really fall asleep right now if I wanted to.
“Hmm, yes?”
“I booked us for the whole treatment, so there are more to come.”
I looked up at her as my lady finishes up drying my hair. I don’t know how much they charged here, but I know a full service is quite costly, and I would not like it if she paid for everything.
“Let me pay my half, Uta.” I was lead towards a cushion table to lay on top of it face up.
“Actually, the program offer to pay this, so you don’t have to worry.” She reaches out to pat my hand in assurance.
We continued to lay and relax as the ladies put cream on our faces. I picked the aloe one and she picked the green tea. It smells quite good. I think you can actually taste these if you wanted to.
After our face, they moved down to our arms and legs. They put some kind of scented oil on and massages us. I don’t think Uta and I were talking at all since we both were just enjoying the services.
I think I even fell asleep for a bit. By the time I reopened my eyes, it was already five in the afternoon. I looked around to see Uta asleep as well. I gently tried to wake her up, but she whines just like Atsuko. I wondered why the staff member didn’t wake us up.
“Uta, it’s already five, we’re leaving soon.” I shook her gently, hoping that would be enough, but it wasn’t.
“Uta, wake up.” I tried a little harder, and she finally opens her eyes.
“Hmm, Minami…” She got up and rubs her eyes. She looks around to see only the two of us in the room.
“Come on, the shooting is almost over, we have to change.” I got into the changing room and put my clothes on. I took my time, wanting to look good for myself and for the camera.
We both met at the exit of the shop and walk down towards the street. We headed towards a park where there isn’t a lot of people, and sat on one of the benches.
I felt a warm hand sliding into mine. By now, I’m pretty used to holding hands with her. Even though her hands are bigger than mine, I kinda feel safe in them.
“Neh, Minami…”
“Nani?” I wonder why she seems so serious.
“What… what would you say if I retire from my career?” She turns to look at me, but I don’t have any answer for her. I was too surprised to form any coherent words.
“It’s okay Minami, take your time…”
I smiled at her to show my gratefulness. I like how she understood that I needed some time to tell her what I think, instead of jumping into conclusion, which is what Atsuko would have done. I’m really amaze by how quickly Uta knows me, when we’ve only known each other for about a month.
“What lead you to this thought?” I want to know if there was anything to do with this decision of hers.
“I… I would be lying if I say you didn’t have anything to do with it, but I also want to retire for my own self. I want to try other careers and see if I’ll do well.”
“I think it’s really admirable that you want to try something else, and of course I’m willing to help you, if you need it… I just don’t understand what I have to do with it…” I was genuinely confuse.
She laughs, and I think it’s at me, but there was no mal intent behind it.
“Well, if I were to date AKB48 no Takahashi Minami, I have to be respectable too.”
Now, I understood what she meant, but I don’t feel the same way. She doesn’t have to be famous or rich to date me. She just need to be herself, and that’s enough for me.
“I want to be clean, and I know my past can’t be erased, but… I don’t want people saying Takahashi Minami is dating a JAV Idol. I feel you deserve to date someone you can be proud of… and I want to be that person…”
“Please shut up.” The more she talks about how people would react and how she thinks she doesn’t deserve me, the angrier I get.
“I don’t care what people say, Uta. I only care about me and you. Please don’t think that I’m a pedestal that you can’t reach because I’m not.” Can’t she see that I’m just a normal human being?
“I’m not done.” I cut her off, and I know it sounds like I’m scolding her, but it’s for our benefit.
“If we were to date, it’ll be Takahashi Minami dating Kohaku Uta with no title attached, but it may be difficult because of the industry we’re in. I get that… Just, keep in mind that it’s us in the relationship, not other people.” I know I sound like I’m giving a member advice, but being straightforward seems to be the only way to get through to people.
“Sumimasen…” A staff-san gave me a card and told me to read it out loud.
“I wonder what it says.” Both Uta and I are curious.
“Takahashi-san and Kohaku-san, thank you for your hard work for the past few shootings. We have a few surprise guest that we’ll be bringing into the show, so please look forward to it.” I finished reading, and normally I look forward to having guest on the program, but I can’t help to have a bad feeling about it.
“Hai, owari desu. Otsukaresamadeshita” A staff-san shout out. Everyone collected their material and started packing up. We both stood and started walking towards the company cars.
“Takahashi-san, Kohaku-san, the show will on be TV tomorrow. Please continue to keep this quiet until then.”
“Wakarimasu.” We both bow and continue on.
“Minami, thank you for telling me off, and I’m sorry for making you feel that way.” She apologizes to me in a puppy dog manner, even though I wasn’t really mad.
“It’s fine. I know it’s hard for people to think Idols are normal girls sometimes…”
“Well, I’ll stop doing that then.”
I was about to reply back, but a kiss on my cheek had stopped me from doing so.
“Since I’m treating you like a normal girl, I should be able to kiss you whenever I want.” She grins widely.
“…” I’m too flabbergasted to say anything. I didn’t expect for this turn of event.
“I’m just joking Minami. I’m still waiting for you to tell me to kiss you.” She teases me by doing kissy faces at me.
“Hmm, I don’t think I’ll ask for one any time soon.”
“Eh? Minami hidoi~” She pouts, and continue to do so even after we reached my car. I chuckle at this girl’s tactics.
“Now stop pouting. We have to talk about tomorrow…”
“What’s tomorrow?”
“You’re meeting my friends, remember?” The look on her face is like she had seen a ghost. It was quite hilarious if it weren’t for the situation.
“So what’s the plan?”
“I’ll meet you somewhere before we go and see them.” I don’t really have any plans because there’s nothing we could really do to delay it since they are stubborn people.
“We’re not supposed to tell anyone though…” She has a point, but since the episode will be airing on the same day, it should be okay right?
“You could dress up as a boy and hope they don’t find out.”
“That’s a good idea. I’ll do it.” She smiled widely.
“Uh… I was just joking…” She knows that I was just playing, right?”
“I know hehe~” I detect something suspicious behind that laugh, but I’m too tired to find out.
“Alright, well good night Uta, I’ll text you about tomorrow.” I opened the door to my car, but before I got in, I gave her a quick hug.
“Oyasumi Minami.” She held me longer than what a quick hug should be, but I didn’t mind.
“Un, mata.”
The door was closed and we waved. I sit back and close my eyes. Even though today was relaxing, it was also tiring. I just can’t wait to go home.
I wonder what Atsuko has been doing all day…
Third POV“Hmm, Minami?” Acchan woke up from her sleep, but she didn’t know that Takamina has already left for her date.
“Minami?” She sit up from the bed, not feeling the other girl’s presence made her look around. She found a note sitting by the bedside table.
I’ve already made breakfast and put it in the microwave.
I’ll be going out and won’t come home till later today.
Don’t wait up for me, okay?
-MinamiStill holding the note, she walks out to the kitchen and heat up the food. She smiles, knowing that the shorter girl had made an effort to make her breakfast before leaving.
Where did she go? How late is she going to be?While brushing her teeth, she assumes Takamina had headed to the AKB Theater since that is the girl’s job after all, but she has this nagging feeling inside, and she doesn’t know why.
After finishing the delicious food, she went to change and head out to her company. They wanted her to do some photoshoot for some upcoming magazine, which she didn’t mind at all.
“Maeda-san, please tilt your head upward.”
“Yes, yes, that’s good.”
“Okay, one more, please smile brightly.” Acchan did as she was told, but the effect wasn’t satisfying to the photographer.
“Hmmm, not yet, one more like you’re seeing a love one.”
Seeing a love one? Minami…“Beautiful.”
That was the end of the photoshoot, the end of work for Atsuko today. It was still midafternoon when she finishes, so she decided to drop by the Theater to see her friend, and hopefully to grab lunch together.
The distance between her work and AKB isn’t far away, so she decided to take a walk, but what she didn’t know is that someone is trailing behind her.
She heard her name being called by a familiar voice. A voice that makes her go pale within seconds. A voice that held the power to make her frozen in place. A voice that she never wants to ever hear again. A voice coming from none other than her ex-boyfriend.
“Can we talk?”
She didn’t know what to do. All she knows is that she’s in public and he can’t lay a hand on her. She kept walking, but he guy wouldn’t let her go.
“Just listen to me, please.” He tried to stop her by holding her arms, but she yanked it away as soon as she felt him.
“I’ve been trying to get a hold of you at your apartment, but I always missed you.” He didn’t know that Atsuko has been living with Minami, or he did, but he can’t seem to locate it.
“I just want to apologize for the way I’ve treated you. I’m really sorry, Acchan, please give me another chance.” He pleaded with sincerity, but he’s an actor.
“We’re done, Matsuya-san, please give up on me.” Atsuko said her final words and left as quickly as possible.
She fast walk towards the Theater, knowing that he’s following her, but aware that he wouldn’t dare to step into the place.
She quickly went to find Minami, but the girl was nowhere to be found. She went to Haruna and Miichan, hoping they could give her an answer.
“Hey guys-“
“Acchan!” Minegishi rush to give her longtime friend a hug.
“What you doing here Acchan?” Nyan Nyan asked, also giving the girl a squeeze.
“Have you guys seen Takamina?”
“No, she doesn’t do practice with us today, even though it’s our upcoming single… Did you know she’ll be wearing a traditional two piece bikini?” Miichan tries to rouse the girl up, fully aware that her friend would love to see it.
“Yeah, I was really surprised too.” Haruna chimed in with the fun.
“What does it look like?” For a moment, the ex-ace forgotten about the creeper outside, and just fully focusing on what her love one would look like.
“It’s a lilac color with small polka dots. There’s a big ribbon that sits in front of her chest piece, and I think a smaller one on her butt.” Minegishi was really trying to recall the details.
“I want to see her in it…” Acchan blushes as she told them her inner desire.
“Of course you do.” The two No3b girls laugh.
“So anyway, if Takamina is not here, then do you guys know where she is?” The duo shakes their head to her dismay.
The girls didn’t have a clue either, but they think the soukantoku may be busy with her new segment, and they didn’t want to upset their ex-ace.
“Well, do you guys mind if I hang here for a bit? Maybe I could dance with you guys. It’s been a while.” Maeda has the urge to just dance again, it’s a good way to keep oneself fit, and it’s good to be near friends who can protect you while a creeper is outside stalking.
“Yeah, it’ll be like old times.” Even though Kojima isn’t the greatest dancer out there and she’s always forgetful of the moves, she did miss the times she and Acchan chatted about the latest fashion or just hanging around with original Team A before the shuffle in 2009. She had missed Tomochin and Miichan too because of it.
“Mina, look who’s here?” Miichan announced to the remaining members.
“Hey, everyone, hope you guys don’t mind me joining in.” The ex-center girl drops her bag on one of the bleachers and join them on stage.
“Wah~ to dance with Maeda-san.”
Everyone was pretty much okay with having Atsuko join them. To some of them, it’s like the old days and to the others, they get to dance with ex-face of AKB.
“Come on, you can dance Takamina’s part for us.” Minegishi suggested, glad everything went well, but she did noticed the urge to see their captain when Maeda first came in. She decided to send the chibi girl a text before showing Acchan the steps.
To: Takamina
From: Miichan
Subject: Acchan
Hey Leader,
I don’t know what you’re doing, but our eternal Ace is here.
She’s looking for you, and it seems like something happened…
Acchan is staying with us, so drop by or something when you get this.
The message was sent and it was received a few seconds later in the leader’s phone, but she wasn’t aware of it for she was on her third date.
Finally, having some times to herself, she checked her phone to see the message. Instantly, she’s worried, and told the driver to go to the AKB Theater.
Why didn’t Atsuko text me?Even if the taller girl did text the soukantoku, said girl wouldn’t have seen it in time anyway. What matters is the safety of her friend right now.
“We’re he-“
Before the driver could finish his sentence, the leader has already busted out of the car, and ran inside. She didn’t notice a pair of eyes was watching her. She immediately went to the stage room, and the sight in front of her was indescribable.
Atsuko was dancing gracefully with the other members. She has this smile on that reminds the shorter girl of the ex-center's time in AKB. She was really the epitome of the eternal ace of AKB. No one can take that title away from her is how the captain felt.
Minami continues to watch on as she was mesmerize. None of the members seem to notice their soukantoku standing their like a brick, but eventually the no3b girls did.
The tall and short duo on stage nudge their ace. Maeda look at them and where they were pointing at, she immediately blushed as she finally took notice of her ex-leader.
The chibi captain turns red for being found out. She looks down and started kicking around like a child would.
The duo on stage shook their head while looking at the baka couple. They thought they should give them a hand, so they gently push Atsuko forward.
That’s all it was needed for Maeda to make the first move.
As other members heard the nickname, they stopped what they were doing and stood to take a peek at their soukantoku.
Maeda got off the stage quickly and rush in for a hug. She squeezes tightly and lay her head on the girl’s right shoulder.
“I’ve missed you.” She whispered.
“I’ve missed you too.” Takahashi circled her arms around her ace’s waist, and fully return the embrace.
“Alright love birds, break it up.” Miichan being the variety queen that she is, had to cut in and embarrass her friends.
“What have you been doing here, Acchan?” After giving Minegishi the glare, she was curious to why the taller girl was on stage dancing.
“I… I was looking for you, but then I decided to stay and join them.” The captain can tell that her companion was hiding something, but she decided not to push the girl in front of the other members.
“Ah sou? Tanoshii?”
“Why don’t we dance together to one of our song?”
Takamina suggested as she took off her coat and place her things on the same bench as the other girl’s.
“I hope you remember which one it is, so put it on.” The leader grins, teasing her ex-ace, but she knows for sure that the other girl feels the same way and would pick the right song.
Everyone else continues to watch the duo. They’re curious to see how well the ex-face of AKB and their captain coordinate with each other. To some, they would like to see the magic that was the old generation members, while others want to see if Maeda can actually pick the one that Takahashi has mentioned.
“Mou~ I’ll get you later.” Acchan went to the playlist and scrolled to the song. She clicks start and quickly ran over into her position.
Right on cue.
While the girls were doing the difficult stomp, Takamina couldn’t help but to laugh. The actress joins in because it was too confusing and contagious at the same time.
Atsuko didn’t miss any beat. She kept up with the chibi girl easily, and shines brightly. To the senbatsu members, it makes them feel nostalgic to see Acchan dancing with their leader again, while the others can feel the center aura from the eternal ace and understood why there can never be another one like her.
The song ended and none of them seem to break a sweat, applauds can be heard around the room, making the two girls blush.
“Sasuga leader and ace.” Miichan went up to them and put her arms around each.
“It’s been a while since we see you two dance together.” Kojima commented.
“Maybe Acchan should just join AKB again.” Sasshi jokes, earning a laugh from everyone.
“Anyway, where have you been Takamina-san?” Sayaka asked, earning a quick look from the no3b duo to leave it alone, but it was too late.
“Minami?” Now Maeda was inquiring about it too.
“I was at the shooting for the upcoming program…” Takahashi was never the one to lie, so she told the truth.
“I see…”
Now the tension in the room isn’t happy and warm anymore. It was quite cold and gloomy. No one knows what to do or where it came from, except for four people on stage.
“Well it’s time for me to go, thanks everyone, I had fun today.” Acchan quickly grabs her stuff and leave.
“Oi, Taka-“
Before the gachapin finish with wanting to tell her leader to chase after the actress, the soukantoku already grabbed her stuff and did so.
“Atsuko matte!”
Hearing the voice of the girl she loves, she slowed down a bit, but still continue on walking. She was surprised that the other girl chased after her. The Takamina from back then would have been clueless and let her leave, thinking that she was busy with another work. This Takamina is different, she has grown up a bit more since her eternal ace has left AKB, and has understood what it really meant.
“Atsuko, don’t leave…” The captain caught up to the girl and held onto her wrist.
“Atsuko, what made you came to AKB and stay here?” The leader knows that part of the problem was that she went on the third date and Acchan didn’t know about it, but she has a feeling that the other one was a bigger issue.
“I… I wanted to have lunch with you after work…”
Takahashi pulled Maeda to the back staircase and sat them both down. She held onto the girl’s hand to encourage her to speak.
“On the way here… he was there, wanting to talk to me. He said he stopped by my apartment a few times, but I wasn’t there… He didn’t know that we’re living together. He apologized and asked for another chance…”
“Atsuko, please tell me you didn’t…” For some odd reason Takamina’s heart started beating really fast, it felt like it might break, depending on the answer.
“Of course I didn’t! I told you, you’re the only one for-“
Acchan was immediately being embraced by the other girl. She felt really warm and safe within those arms.
Hearing how relieve the other girl sounds, Maeda was really happy. She continues to hug the shorter girl until she remembered something that made her stay with the AKB girls.
“I believe he’s still outside waiting for me…”
“What?!” Takamina was angry for sure. She’s frustrated because she doesn’t know what else to do.
“M-Minami… can we just go home please?” Of course Acchan can sense the change in her friend since they’ve known each other when they were 14. She didn’t want to cause any more problems and would just like to go back to their sanctuary.
The pleading coming from the actress was hard to say no to, so the soukantoku agreed. She took them down the staircase and out the back door to avoid being followed.
From there, they walk towards another street and wave for a taxi to take them home. They know they won’t feel content until they walk into their apartment.
Once the door was unlocked and was locked again, that’s when the girls felt completely safe and at ease. They both went into their room to change into something comfortable.
Midway through changing, Maeda came up from behind and wrap her arms around Takahashi’s waist. Said girl jump slightly for being surprise.
“Let me stay like this for a bit?” Acchan laid her head down on the other girl’s right shoulder and closes her eyes. She likes to be in this position because it relaxes her and makes her calm. She can fall asleep standing up sometimes with how comfortable Takamina feels.
“Mou~ if you’re gonna sleep, let’s sleep on the bed instead.”
“Yada~ I want to spend more waking moments with Minami.” The younger holds on tighter, not ever wanting to let go of this person that is important to her.
“Fine, fine, what do you want to do?”
“Hmm, let’s watch a movie together~” The actress suggested, she always like to see films and she’s happy that she gets to spend one of her favorite things to do with her companion.
“Alright, let’s get into our pajama, and I’ll make some snacks.” The leader quickly puts on her pants and went to the kitchen.
While she opened up her cabinets for snacks, she remembered that it’s pretty much dinner time, so she decided to make food instead. She went for the fridge to see what she can make that would be quick, but also good.
With a quick decision, she pulled out some ground beef, an onion, and some vegetables. She got out her cutting board and a two pans for frying. She peeled the onion with carrots and started chopping them into small sizes.
She then mixes the onions with the beef and added some seasoning. She was too focused on the food that she didn’t notice Acchan had already finished dressing up and was watching her.
“I thought you were getting snacks?” The ex-ace walked up behind the older girl and looked over her shoulder.
“I was going to, but I figured you haven’t had any food since the breakfast I made.” Takamina started getting half of the meat, throwing it back and forth between her hands.
“It was delicious, thanks Minami.” The younger girl kisses her friend on the cheek in appreciation, causing the other girl to blush.
“Un, glad you like it.”
“Ah matte, can you make it into a heart shape? Please.” The actress voiced out before the leader could place the meat onto the pan.
“Mou~ kodomo ka?” Even though the soukantoku teases her companion, she happily made the hamburger into a heart shape and placed it on the pan. She quickly make the other half the same way and throw it on the pan as well.
“Hehehe~” Maeda laughs with her nose crinkled as she wraps her arm around the other girl’s waist.
“Atsuko, I’m trying to make food here.” Both the girls know that Takahashi was only fake scolding. The chibi girl continue on with chopping up the other vegetables and throw it into the other pan with the already cut carrots. She added salt and pepper for flavoring as she stirred them.
“Hmm, ii nioi~” Acchan feels hungry from the smell of the food. She didn’t even think about the food, but glad Takamina knows her well to make her some. She went to pull out the dishes and utensils, setting them on the counter.
“Almost done. I just have to make the sauce.” She moves the burger onto the plates and places the stirred vegetables on it as well.
“I want to marry you someday.” The actress speak softly and quietly as she took the plates to the dining table.
“Huh? Did you say something?” The captain called back as she mixes the sauce with the grease from the burgers.
“I said I can’t wait to eat it.” The younger girl turns red, but quickly fans her face to cool off.
“Dekita~” The soukantoku brought the pan over and pour the sauces over their plates. She put all the dirty things she used into the sink and joined her friend at the table.
“Se no, itadakimasu~”
“Hmm, Minami, oishii~” Acchan cuts more of the burger into bite sizes and eats them with the vegetables.
Takamina ate her own food as she watches her companion. She loves watching Atsuko eat because the girl could make something simple seems great.
“So were you able to keep up with everyone today?”
“Un~ I just need a few reminders. I know it’s been 2 years since I’ve graduated, but we’ve been in AKB for longer.”
We both finished up with our dinner and brought it over to the sink. The chibi girl started washing her dishes because she doesn’t want to leave it for tomorrow.
“Ne, Minami?” Maeda took the just finished dish, dried it, and stack it up.
“Hmm? Nani?” She continue washing.
“I really want to dance with you again…” The actress reach out for the next dish and grab it, but it was still being held by the other girl. She looks up to her friend who was wearing a serious expression.
“I would like that a lot… to dance with you on the same stage again.” The leader meant what she said because she feels that both of them belong together under the same AKB lights. It wasn’t the same when she was paired up with Yuko as the face of the group. It’s not to say that Yuko wasn’t doing a great job as the center girl, but to Takamina, her ace can never be replaced. No one can be like Atsuko.
“Come on, lets finish this, and then we can go watch a movie.”
The ex-center girl complies and did her part of drying the two pans that was leftover. She would love to see a film with her companion, but she feels like sleeping in the other’s arms instead. Maybe she can do both.
Right after putting everything away, the actress pulled her friend into the bathroom without an explanation, causing the other girl confusion.
“Let’s brush our teeth.” Acchan took both of their toothbrush and put paste on it. She dips them under the running water and handed one to Takamina. Said girl oblige, but continue to have the confusion on her face.
They both finished with their daily routine of washing up, and before the older girl could ask anything, the younger one pulled said girl into their bedroom.
The soukantoku got pushed down onto the bed, with the other girl grabbing for the tv remote, before she hopped on too.
“I want to lay in your arms and watch it together… dame ka?” Acchan pouted with her puppy dog eyes.
The actress was too cute for words. Even if she hadn’t pulled the adorable face, Takamina would have still complied with the girl’s wishes.
There was never a time where the leader had deny her ace anything, except for during practice, when the center girl disagree with her dance movements. Even though they had their fair share of argument, nothing really last long between them because once they started dancing again, they look to each other for confirmation that everything is fine.
“Come here.” The captain open her arms wide for the girl to dive in.
“Minami~” Maeda happily wrap around the older girl’s waist, and lay her head on the other's chest.
“Kodomo ka?”
“Alright, what do you want to watch?”
“Hmm… how about some AKBingo episodes? You recorded them, right?” The question was rhetorical because Acchan knew that Takamina did save them. Before playing the videos, she set the timer on the tv to turn off in 2 hours.
They both watched a couple of the episodes that night, embracing each other tight, and falling asleep together. The girls were so comfortable with each other that a smile is apparent on their slumbering faces, but because they were so at ease with one another, they forgot that the very next day is the same day they both dreaded.
Alright, I hope everyone likes that chapter.
So I haven't been reading any AtsuMina lately... Does anyone have any recommendation? Please no genderbender or sadness or out of character.
Also... would you guys be opposed to me writing TakaYuu fanfics?