YAAHH HEY LOL So I'm back here with the anecdotes from HKT. I couldn't update this quickly because I haven't really been watching theater shows (which is the best source for their behind the scene stories lol). Thanks for reading all of the have-fun-go-mad drabbles

@kuro_808: HALP!!!
@ryo_heartkreuz: Now you got them

So here I present you the 4th volume of the slice-of-life comedy by the Hakatan girls
31. Hikaeme IkemenChiizu: *browses G+* *sees new kyappu photo* *smiles* *leaves comment* "kawaii."
(Not too long later)
Chiizu: *checks G+ notification* Ah Kyappu leave a comment. *sees reply*
Chihiro: "Ume (^_^)"
Chiizu: *surprised* *types reply* "Whoa, kyappu came visiting."
(Next reply comes)
Chihiro: "I did"
Chiizu: *smiles as she types* "isn't it your bedtime already? Please go to sleep." *types for mobame* "Kyappu's new short bangs hit my soft spot. I like it." *sends* ah right. *leaves comment on G+* "Nobody's telling my mobame content, okay."
Ume: *sees LINE notification* hmm? Kyappu? *opens message*
Chihiro: "Ume, I read your mobame. Thank you, I'm so happy~~"
Ume: *shocked* WHA- HOW IS IT EVEN... SHIT!
(The next day, Chiizu ran away every time she saw Kyappu)
32. Young lovesMashiro: Meru, you said you love Ume but lately you get close to Piichan and said you like her as well. What do you mean?
Meru: Well, I still love Ume. I like Piichan but it's different from my love for Ume.
Mashiro: How?
Meru: I like Piichan like Nako likes Piichan.
Others: Eh? Isn't that the same?
Nako: *not impressed* Then you shall be my rival!!!
33. Unexpected in many waysMeru: Chiichan~
Chihiro: Hmm?
Meru: Nothing. *leans closer*
Chihiro: Eh?! *steps backward*
Meru: *grabs Chihiro's waist* *tries to kiss*
Chihiro: *struggles* SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE?!
(Nobody goes to help)
Haruppi: Errmm, I'm so sorry, Chiitan, but this looks fun and interesting. *excited*
Chihiro: *inside her mind* I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME, HARUPPI?!
34. Age does matterMiku: Anai-san, may I ask you something?
Chihiro: *smiles* Go ahead.
Miku: How do you feel when you perform OshiMeshi?
Chihiro: *shocked* Errm... Well... You know, like... I feel that I love Nacchan or Jiina?
Miku: *jumps excitedly*
Chihiro: *confused* W-why are you jumping around??
Miku: *exclaims* I want to perform OshiMeshi with Anai-san!!
Chihiro: *sweats* Errm I don't think it's a good idea...
Rikopi: Yeah, it's better if you don't understand what those lyrics mean yet...
35. Height is a sensitive issue(In the backstage during Pajama Drive stage)
Chiizu, Nako, Hazuki: *changes clothes*
Rikopi: Oh, Nako, Ume and Hazuki for Pajama Drive, eh?
Nako: Yeah, we're the Chibi Drive unit!
(an: all three of them are short lol)Chiizu: YOU, STOP IT! *mad*
36. Age doesn't matterMiku: I want to marry Chipi-san
Chihiro: Me? Why?
Miku: Because looking at how incapable you are makes me want to do anything for you.
Chihiro: *smiles* Oh, I'm delighted.
Natsu: Chiichan, you were just told that you're incapable by a girl much younger than you, you know...
37. Do not feed MerusaurusMeru: I'm hungry... *looks around* Oh! Madoka-chan~~
Madoka: Hmm?
Meru: May I get a bite of your bread?
Madoka: *uneasy* Sure.
Meru: *smiles* *bites* Thanks! *walks away happily*
Madoka: *looks at Meru walking away* *looks down to see her bread half-eaten* *talks to herself* ........I swear I won't ever feed Meru anymore.
38. Rivalry(at the clam farm)
Aoi: I will do the best today! *tries to pull up the rope of clams* UGH SO HEAVY. *finishes* Damn, so tiring... Misaki-chan, can you do it?
Mirun: *silently nods* *picks up the rope* *pulls it without sweating* *finishes*
Aoi: *inside her mind* HOW CAN SHE EVEN DO THAT?! I WON'T LOSE.
Mirun: *starts pulling the next rope* *finishes again with no sweat*
39. Pure MindRabutan: *reads WPB* Nako, look at this!
Nako: *closes her eyes* *turns her back* Don't want! I know you will show me the nude gravure, won't you?!
Rabutan: No, not this time! *grins*
Nako: Really? *Turns to face Rabutan. still covers eyes*
Rabutan: Yeah! *opens magazine spread*
Nako: *opens eyes* *flushed* *closes her eyes again* I KNEW IT YOU LIAR *points to the nude gravure spread*
Rabutan: *LOL*
(Meanwhile Miku stares at it closely)
40. Chiizu is not impressedChihiro: You know, Jiina never wants to face me and always offer me her cheek on the kissing part of OshiMeshi... *pouts* Why?
Jiina: I don't want my lips to be stolen in a kiss.
Chiizu: Do you hate it?
Jiina: It's not like I hate it, I'm probably okay with Chiichan.
Chiizu; *not amused* Then you should go for it!
Chiizu: NONONO YOU SHOULDN'T *protects Chihiro*
Rikopi: Kyappu, how is the idea of doing it with Naopon?
Chihiro: *sweats* I guess it's not a good idea.