Looky here! It's my first drabble finally ready to be shown!

This work here is the combined work of myself,
Ruka Kikuchi, and
MaYukiIsLife. Thanks guys!
For this first drabble, know that this is a parody based on a certain popular anime/manga series which I bet everyone will know of once you read it (or you'll actually figure it out in an instant after you read the title


With that, here's drabble #1!
Welcome to the AKB Host Club
A quiet place to study. That's all she is looking for.
Maeda Atsuko, an ordinary girl in high school with short shoulder length hair, wears a pair of glasses and wears a cheap looking school uniform, wandered the hallways of her school alone. The reason why is because she needs a place to study. Unfortunately for her, most of the study rooms and library were all taken and filled with students.
Eventually after walking for a while, she came in front of a pair of doors where a sign labeled 'Music Room #2' is seen hanging next the door. Come to think of it, Atsuko realized that this was a part of the school building she had never ventured before since she came to this school.
I've never been to this room before. Maybe I can use this," she thought.
With that, she reached out and turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door.
"Welcome," a group of voices are heard from inside.
Instead of finding the perfect place to study, she ended up finding the host club.
Allow me to explain properly. The school Atsuko currently attends, Akihabara Academy, AKB Academy for short, is a high elite school for those who are greatly high in society or for those that come from extremely wealthy families.
And at this great school, there’s the host club, a group full of highly distinguished and attractive girls that have too much time on their hands.
Their job is to please and entertain boys or other students at their school who have too much time on their hands as well.
That’s where our story starts....
After she had unwillingly stepped into this room and saw this group of sparkling, beautiful girls in front of her, Atsuko was speechless and stunned that she almost lost the feeling in her legs.
“This...this is a host club?” she stuttered.
Never did she expect a high school to have such a club.
"Hm? Hey it's a girl," said one of the girls who has long brown hair.
Now the tallest and oldest member of the group with short spoke to one of their members, “Miichan, I believe she’s in the same class as you right?”
The one who was called nodded. “Yeah, but she doesn’t really talk much,” the girl named Miichan said with the shrug of her shoulders, “So I don’t know much about her.”
From this response, the oldest member gave a rather sly grin while giving a chuckle. “I see…”
Why she’s grinning we do not know. But in her mind, a light bulb blinked on. Perhaps there’s something she figured out by herself that she finds interesting...
But for now, the short haired oldest member went on. “Well that’s no way to welcome a guest,” she said to her fellow club members. Then to the bespectacled girl that is about to leave, she spoke, “Welcome to the Akihabara host club...Ms. Transfer Student.”
At the word transfer student, the shortest of the group that has a ribbon on top of her head gave a gasp of surprise. “Wait! Could it be...you’re the new transfer student Maeda Atsuko?” she asked anxiously, “You’re the honor student we’ve heard about!”
Atsuko paused in her place when she heard what the short girl said. “...How do you know my name?” she dare ask.
She certainly did not recall telling anyone in this school her name except to her teachers.
“Who doesn’t?” the tallest spoke again, “You’re famous for getting in our school despite being born from the commoner class. That takes some audacious guts.”
The short girl with the ribbon in her hair then approached the transfer student to give her a warm welcome. “Of course!” she spoke in a bold voice and wrapped an arm around the glasses wearing girl’s shoulder, “The bravery you showed to prove to the world that even commoners can rise up to our school’s standards is admirable! The way I see it, you are like a hero to the commoners Maeda Atsuko!”
Atsuko was not really comfortable with the attention she’s getting, being labeled a big talk around the school and called a hero to the commoner class. “Okay...I’m just going to leave now…” she announced as she made her way to the door.
But before she could, someone grabbed her arm and a different voice spoke, “Hey don’t leave yet Acchan!”
She was dragged back by a girl with the facial features of a squirrel and is shorter than her. “Stay a bit why don’t you?” she insisted, “We can have tea and sweets together!”
Acchan took one look at this girl and thought she is talking to a middle schooler. “Uh...no thanks.”
But then she realized something’s off.
“Wait a minute, who are you calling Acchan?" she questioned a little harshly at the squirrel.
She had mistook the girl to be younger than her and needed to scold her on how to address seniors.
A little startled, the squirrel ran off and clinged onto the second tallest and masculine girl in the group. "Gyah! She’s scary…!” she whimpered as the tall chiseled faced girl and another tall boyish looking girl tried to calm the short girl.
The short girl with the ribbon on her head scratched her chin as she analyzed Atsuko’s appearance and behavior thus far. "Kinda tense aren’t you Maeda-san?” she commented, “Normally it’s rare for a girl to walk into our club requesting our services. But nevertheless, even though you're a girl, our job is to please our guests in any way.”
“Huh? Guests?”
The club’s president then began to introduce Atsuko to their club’s selection of members.
“So then, what type of girls suit you?”
“Huh? I’m not here to--” Atsuko began. But her sentence was cut off by the short president.
“We have a large assortment of girls here: the cutesy type, the sexy type, the lolita type, the mischievous type, the princess type, the sadistic type, the smart otaku type, the cool type. And if you’d like, we even have some ikemen here if you prefer the handsome girls. Would you prefer strong or energetic?” she inquired.
All Atsuko wanted was to say that she isn't here to be entertained by hosts. But again her chance to respond was delayed by the club president.
"Or perhaps…you prefer my type?”
Freaked out, Atsuko pulled away from the short president, she couldn't sworn she felt her heart beating faster just a second ago.
"No way! Listen all I wanted was a place to study!" she yelled.
Unfortunately as she backed up, she didn't look behind her in time to avoid a very expensive vase sitting on a stand. Her back hit right into the vase, knocking it off of it’s post and breaking it.
Her jaw dropped as the others looked at it, their faces all saying “Oh, NOW she’s done it.” She knew she's in BIG trouble at that moment.
"Uh oh…that's quite a mess," one of them quietly said.
A 1st year girl with twin tail ponytails went and crouched next to the mess of broken pieces and examined them. “If memory serves me correctly, I think we were planning to provide this for the school’s auction,” she mentioned, “The price we’ve decided on was about 8,000,000 yen I believe.”
The price made Atsuko’s mouth drop in shock. “8...8 million yen…?”
Obviously for her, who comes from the commoner class, that’s not an easy price that she can just pay with a few weeks of allowances and savings. If she can't for this vase with her money...then she's afraid of what's going to happen to her next.
“Well Takamina, what’s your decision on this?” the tall model looking 3rd year inquired their club president, “I guess it’s clear that we won’t be expecting a check from Maeda-san.”
The short girl chuckled as she sat down in her throne. “You know as they say...’When in Rome, do as the Romans do’,” she said, then pointing to the short haired girl in front of them. “Maeda Atsuko, as of today, until you can pay off your debt, you are now the Host Club’s pet!”
It happened so suddenly for her. Actually a lot of big things has happened to her recently. She attends this incredibly rich school for the rich kids, meets these girls who are a host club, and now, she is told that she will have to be their pet.
Having all of these thoughts swirling in her head, Atsuko fainted…
The other girls came and gathered around the girl that just fainted, concerned and worried.
“Is she gonna be okay?” said a girl who looked like she could be a princess and has a long neck.
A girl who acted as if she could be a puppy and was holding onto a cute stuffed animal toy, crouched down next to Atsuko and poked her a few times in the shoulder out of curiosity.
“Hello~?” a girl who looked so much like a boy called out to the girl who’s out cold and waving a hand over her face. Then to the person next to her she said, “Sayaka-chan, you may have to give her CPR~~~”
“Huh?!” came from the tall girl the ikemen girl was talking to.
“No, that won’t be necessary, you two,” Takamina told the club’s famed Twin Towers.
“How long til she wakes up?”
“Give or take an hour.”
The president smiled. “That’ll give us time to prepare. Prepare for today’s party.”
To Be Continued...?
Well? What does everyone think?

Did you figure out what this is based off of?

If you do, good for you! If not, don't worry. You'll find out!
I guess you can probably guess by the descriptions which girls appear in this fic.
Good news! I've decided to create a multichapter story of this plot in a new thread! Let me know if you like this idea!
The thread for this story will be posted eventually in the week or so! Keep an eye out!