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Author Topic: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM - Chapter 16 (Part 3) *190223*  (Read 91140 times)

Offline xswordeyesx12

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 1) 151220
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2015, 03:52:33 PM »
thats quite drama  :cry: poor jurina  :cry:
don't use rena-san  :angry: you villians  :angry: :angry:
thanks for update author-san  :) :) :) :)
waiting for next  :)

Offline hackata48

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 1) 151220
« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2015, 04:44:15 PM »
Rena has gone to the DARK SIDE! (Just saw Star Wars when I read it)

*Rainoric unsheathes 'Ulfberth'*

Ready for round 2 Geki?

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 1) 151220
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2015, 05:04:59 PM »
Mystery figure 1: You won't get in our way this time.

Mystery figure 2: Annihilate him, slave.

Geki: *giggles* Yes, masters. *runs up and punches Rainoric in the face, then his gut*

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 1) 151220
« Reply #63 on: December 21, 2015, 05:12:54 AM »
Exalted Blade!

*slashes like crazy*

"Gimme back my friend who shares my name! She was gonna show me Chili's!"

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 1) 151220
« Reply #64 on: December 21, 2015, 02:22:32 PM »
Geki: Oh, I'll give you something spicy~ Hehehe *she then grabs both of his wrists and body slams him, then proceeds to bite his arm*

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 1) 151220
« Reply #65 on: December 21, 2015, 08:08:35 PM »
We now return to your regularly scheduled fanfic.


Chapter 10 (Part 2)

Back at the base, things were proceeding as normal. The others were training while Yuko and Kana were looking over some things on the base monitor.

The four decided to take a break, but since they couldn’t go out for food, they could only resort of the snacks and leftovers in the fridge and cabinets. Sayanee then remembered she packed some bentos from Takamina’s restaurant and started searching for her bag.

She walked past Jurina’s door, but stopped when she heard a strange noise. She opened the door slightly and saw Jurina moving around in the bed, mumbling in her sleep.

“Must be a weird dream...” she thought.

She thought it was nothing at first and started to leave, but then she saw Jurina’s expression. She looked scared, cold sweat forming on her forehead. Her sleeptalking became louder and Sayanee was able to hear some distinct words.

“No.. Don’t go… don’t leave me..! Please, don’t leave me alone..!”

Sayanee walked back into the room. She walked closer to Jurina and heard more of her sleeptalking.

“Please..! Don’t leave me, I don’t wanna be alone..! It’s dark.. I’m scared..!”


“Please, I need you..! You’re the only family I have left..! Rena-chan!”

Sayanee’s eyes widened.


“RENA-CHAN!!!” Jurina screamed and shot up from the bed. She breathed heavily as she calmed herself from the intense nightmare.

“Jurina, are you okay?”

The younger girl hid her face with her hair. “I-I’m.. fine…”

“You sure?”

Jurina didn’t look at her. Sayanee held her shoulders and made her look at her eyes. She saw tears welling in the young girl’s eyes.

“Jurina… you were talking in your sleep. You were saying things like ‘Don’t leave me, Rena’ and you seemed really scared.”


“You really love Rena, don’t you?” Sayanee sat down beside her. “I know that she cares for you a lot, so you must feel the same way.”

“The truth is… since my parents are always so busy with work, they travel a lot, especially overseas. Me and Rena never see them anymore, so they hired a bunch of servants to look after us. To me, Rena’s the only real family I have. She’s the only one who stayed by my side no matter what.”

“She came by earlier today, wanting to check on you. She’s really worried about your health,” Sayanee then said in a serious tone. “You can’t push yourself to the limit. You have to rest and eat proper meals.”

Jurina only nodded. “Un…”

“I mean it. We can’t have one of our precious knights sick like this,” Sayanee then patted her head.

Jurina smiled. “Arigato.”

There was a knock at the door. Jurina and Sayanee walked into the main room, where everyone was already gathered.

“Jurina!” Mako and Haruppi smiled happily.

“Feeling better?” Yuko asked.

“Un, a little… More importantly, who’s at the door?”

“Let’s see…” They looked at the camera footage, and saw Rena standing out there again.

“It’s Rena...”

“Jurina~ Can I come in?”

Yuko looked over at the girl.

“Let her in,” Jurina said.

She then unlocked the door. Rena opened it and stepped inside. Before she could see the high tech computers, Yuko quickly shut it down. With the holographic screens not up and running, the place looked very much like a modern apartment.

“Rena,” Jurina walked up and hugged her sister.

“I heard you were sick.”

“I know. I’m sorry I made you worry. I know I should tell you about these kind of things. But--”

“No, no, don’t apologize,” Rena said, breaking the hug. “You’re my sister. I must trust you to take care of yourself now that you’re becoming an adult as well.”


“Ah, that’s right. I brought curry, so let me feed it to you.”

“Eh? Maji?! Awesome! You’re the best, sis!” Jurina smiled brightly.

“Jurina, you sure you’re feeling better,” Yuko asked. “You had us all worried sick.”

“Oh come on, it’ll be fine. Ne, Rena-chan?”

“That’s right. You have no need to worry.”

Yuko felt a bit of a disturbing feeling when Rena looked at her. Even her speaking made something feel off.

“Well… if it’s Jurina’s older sister, I trust you, but…”

“Yatta~ Thanks, Yuko!” Jurina hugged Yuko before she could finish, then clung to her sister’s arm. “C’mon, Rena-chan, you can feed it to me in the bedroom.”

“You’re always a spoiled one, aren’t you?”

“Haha, I can’t help it~”

Yui noticed that Yuko had a worried expression.

“Yuko, you alright?”

“Uh, yeah…”

However, Yuko looked back as Jurina and Rena walked away together.

“Something feels… very, very wrong.”


“Here,” Rena set out the tray in front of Jurina.

“Wow~ it smells good.”

“Go on and eat.”

“Un! Itadakimasu~” Jurina spooned the curry rice and ate it, a bright smile painting her face. “Oh my gosh, it’s so good!”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I always like Rena-chan’s cooking,” she said as she continued eating at high pace.

Rena just silently watched, her sister often taking a glance and smiling, to which Rena just smiled back. Then, Jurina tasted something strange about the food and blinked a bit.

“Hey… what flavor curry is this..? It tastes so….”

Jurina couldn’t finish her sentence as she felt her mind slowly go blank. The spoon fell out of her hand and she fell back onto the bed, her eyes shut as she fell into a deep sleep.

Rena, who blankly stared at her sister, gave a sinister grin.

“Good work,” a voice said as the two figures from before appeared.

“Sweet dreams, Green warrior,” the other figure said. “You won’t be waking up for a while.”

“Now, take her Gem.”

Rena nodded and ripped the necklace off of Jurina’s neck, the green crystal dangling and shimmering in front of her.

“Her power is ours now~”

“Time to go now, slave. Master Obsidian will be pleased.”

“Yes, Master will be pleased,” Rena said in a monotonous voice.


As everyone was finishing up the last of the bentos, Yuko saw Rena leave, noticing her placing something in her pocket. She bid her farewells to the girls and left the base.

“So that’s Jurina-chan’s sister, huh?”

“She seems really nice.”

“Oi, Kana, you’re such a messy eater. Here,” Yuko handed her a napkin for her face, which was littered with rice. The others giggled at the sight.

“I wonder if Jurina finished eating…” Kana said as she wiped the rice off her mouth.

The group walked into the bedroom where they saw Jurina asleep, the curry still placed in front of her.

“Mou, asleep again, huh?” Yuko walked over and shook her shoulder. “Jurina, come on, get up. You were just sleeping not too long ago.”

But Jurina didn’t respond, which immediately made her worry. She shook her a bit harder, but the girl still wasn’t waking up.

Then, her eyes widened when she saw Jurina’s Gem was no longer around her neck. She remembered seeing Rena leave, something in her hand. She didn’t see what it was, but she was sure she saw a green light flash for a bit.

“No… Rena stole Jurina’s Prism Gem.”


Yui and the others quickly went to Jurina’s side. Yui shook Jurina hard, trying to wake her up.

“Jurina? Jurina, wake up!”

“It won’t work,” Yuko said. She then saw the curry and smelled of it. “This curry… there’s Sleeping Lavender in it.”

“Sleeping Lavender?”

“It’s not deadly. But… consuming a heavy amount of it will make them sleep for a long period of time. Weeks, months, who knows...”

“But, it doesn’t look like she’s eaten much of it,” Sayanee said, noticing how so much was left.

“That should be good then. For now, we have to deal with Rena and get back Jurina’s Prism Gem.”

“Right! Let’s hurry,” Sayanee then said.

The four ran out of the base and saw Rena walking down the street. They quickly ran down and caught up to her.


Rena stopped when she heard Mako’s voice. She turned to them and smiled. It was an empty smile

“Give us back Jurina’s necklace!”

“We know you have it!”

“Sorry, but I can’t do that,” Rena took out the necklace from her pocket and held up the Gem. “It will belong to Master Obsidian soon.”

“Master Obsidian?!”

“Does this mean Rena works for him? She’s like Lapis?”

“No… it’s not like that,” Sayanee said. “I know Rena well enough to know she is sincere and deeply cares about her sister. She would never do this.”

“Then why is she doing it now?” Haruppi asked.

“I think I know,” Yui said, then pointed at Rena. “Look at her eyes...”

Rena’s eyes were dark, cold, completely soulless… no hope of light reaching them.

“She looks like she’s...”


After seeing the look of Rena’s eyes more clearly, Yuko’s suspicions were confirmed.

“Girls, be careful! She’s being controlled,” Yuko spoke through the communicators.

Just then, the green Gem in Rena’s hands glowed and a strong cyclone circled the group. The force of the wind made it hard for the girls to move, they felt like they were going to be blown away.

“Rena-san, stop this!” Mako yelled in the storm.

“You have to wake up! You’re being controlled!” Haruppi yelled as well.

“This is wrong, Rena! Don’t you care about Jurina?!” Sayanee said. “Didn’t you say she was your only family left?!”

“If you care about her that much, you have to fight the mind control!” Yui yelled out.

“That’s enough, slave,” a voice rose and Rena stopped the cyclone. The wind died down and Rena simply stood with the same blank expression.

“Rena,” Sayanee tried to grab her, but Rena took a step back.

“That’ll do no good. She cannot hear your pleas,” Sayanee then heard a voice.

“Who’s there?!”

As Rena backed away, two identical figures appeared behind her.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Jadeite,” one of the figures said.

“And I’m Alexandrite,” the other said.

“So you’re the ones controlling Rena,” Sayanee growled angrily.

“Yes. And she’s done so well for us,” Jadeite said as she took out the green Gem from Rena’s hand. “She retrieved it so easily, because no one would suspect her.”

“Not even her little sister who loves her so dearly.”

“That’s sick!”

“Using people like their puppets you can control and making them betray their loved ones… How cruel!”

Alexandrite chuckled. “Oh, but we merely gave a helping hand.”

“We heard her deepest heart’s desire calling. The desire to help her sister.”

“Help Jurina?”

“Yes. She knew about all the pain and suffering she went through. And she wanted to help.”

“But she was weak and had no power. So we gave her just that.”

Sayanee balled her fists tightly. “You brainwashed her! You took advantage of her weakness!”

“What you call weakness…”

“We see opportunity.”

Sayanee became very angry. She hated that these two were using Rena to take advantage of both her and Jurina. She hated that they toyed with her feelings and made her do those awful things.

“All of this… is UNFORGIVABLE!!!” Sayanee took out her Gem. It glowed brightly and she transformed, immediately taking out her knives to slice the two.

However, they dodged her attacks and made her nearly cut Rena.

“Sayanee!” Yui held the girl’s shoulder as her eyes widened in shock. “Don’t let them get to you. I understand your anger, but anger can be reckless.”

Sayanee calmed down, looking at Yui. “Right.”

“Transform, girls!”


The other three transformed and began fighting the twins. They dodged most of their attacks, and fought back pretty well, but this time, the girls managed to avoid their attacks as well.

Haruppi shot one of the twins’ shoulder, but she saw the wound heal. Yui and Sayanee slashed them, but the saw the cuts become connected by vines and healed. It was as if each attack they landed only made them stronger.

“How are they so strong?!”

“Why don’t you have a look?” Jadeite said as she and Alexandrite raised their arms.

The girls then saw what looked like two vines connected to Rena, almost like puppet strings.

“These vines have a very strong hold.”

“Once they have obtained a heart, that person can be controlled. And this darling rose could not help but let herself fall victim to its thorns.”

“Its also her strong desire that makes us stronger. Her wish truly has benefited.”

“Indeed, sister.”

“So that’s why they heal,” Mako said.

Yui tried to cut one of the vines with her sword, but saw that it was really hard to cut. She pushed down harder, the vines feeling like iron, but then, Rena suddenly cried out, making her stop.

“Oh, that won’t work either, dear,” Alex chuckled sadistically.

“She’ll feel that. And you wouldn’t want to kill her, would you?” Jade replied.

“No..! That’s...”

“You..!!!” Sayanee slashed her two knives again at Alex, but she blocked it by holding up the vine.

When Sayanee cut it, leaving only two small scratches, Rena yelled out in pain.

“This can’t be happening…”

“How are we supposed to defeat them..?!”

“R-Rena...” Just then, Jurina appeared, weakly walking towards her sister.


“You can’t fight in that condition. Go back to headquarters!”

“No...” she weakly said. “I won’t.. f-fight Rena.”

“Ah, so the Green knight appears,” Jade smirked. “How very interesting.”

“Perhaps she should be destroyed by her sister’s hand,” Alex said.

“No, don’t!”

“Go, slave. Kill her and relieve her of her pain.”

“Relieve Jurina of her pain…” Rena started walking to Jurina.

“Ren--” Sayanee tried to stop her, but then she and the others became bound by thick, thorny vines.

“J-Jurina..! Rena’s being controlled,” Yui warned the girl.

But Jurina didn’t listen, she kept walking towards her sister, still dizzy from the effects of the sleeping lavender.

“Don’t worry, Jurina,” Rena gave an empty stare. “You won’t suffer any longer.”


Jurina slowly fell forward onto her sister’s body, Rena collapsing to her knees as she held her in her arms.

“Rena..-chan… I know this isn’t.. what you want… This is all my fault… I’m sorry…”

Rena stared at her sister with empty eyes. Seeing her cry tugged at something deep within her.

“What are you doing?! Kill her!” Jade commanded.

“Kill… kill..?” Rena suddenly formed a confused expression, as if she was struggling. “Kill.. Jurina..? I… I can’t…”

“That’s right… you can’t and you won’t… That’s why.. I love you so much, Rena-chan…”

Rena blinked, looking at her sister as life returned to her eyes. “Jurina..?”

“Tokubetsu no kono SUUPU anata ni… ageru...” Jurina sang weakly as she felt herself slipping into slumber again. “Attakai~n dakara….”

Her eyes gently closed again, falling deep asleep in her sister’s embrace.

“Slave, why won’t you listen?!”

“Do as we comand!”

Rena caressed her little sister’s head, her soft hair running through her fingers.

“Jurina… my beloved sister…”

Rena started to cry, her tears falling freely. The vines which controlled her snapped and disappeared, releasing her from Jade and Alex’s control.


“This can’t be!”

“Warm… light...” Rena held her sister closer, a bright light surrounding them as all darkness that clouded Rena’s heart faded. She closed her eyes. “Jurina...”

Suddenly, a bright green crystal emerged from Rena’s body, shining bright.


“It’s a Prism Gem…”

“This whole time, it was inside Rena?!”

“How did that happen?” Haruppi said, a bit confused.

Yuko and Kana also happened to see, their eyes both wide in shock.

“Woah…” Kana simply said while Yuko’s jaw was dropped.

“Yui, I’ve seen this Gem before! It was held by a very powerful Gem wielder from Ange-sama’s realm.”

“What power does it have?” Yui then asked Yuko through the intercom.

“Healing. Whoever wielded it had the power to heal the sick and injured.”


This was when Yuko suddenly felt a chill up her back, as she saw something dark appear on the monitor.

“Oh no…”

She quickly grabbed her white Gem and headed towards the teleporter.

“Yuko?!” Kana shouted, shocked. “Are you going to..?”

Just then, a dark energy was shot near Rena and Jurina. Yui looked and saw a figure from afar, about to attack, so Yui raised her Gem and shot a beam of light, missing the figure.

It disappeared, and reappeared just in front of Rena and Jurina.


Black Amethyst took this to her advantage and appeared to take the newly emerged Gem.

“I’ll be taking that Prism Gem now,” she declared.

Before she could grab the Gem, Yui immediately blocked her with her sword.

“Black Amethyst, you won’t take that Prism! I won’t allow it!”

The dark warrior growled and grabbed Yui. “Out of the way, weakling!”

She threw the knight away and was about to grab the Gem, until she felt a strong presence which made her freeze in her tracks.

“You won’t harm these girls while I’m here!”

From where the girls are, they were surprised to see none other than Yuko, standing before them with her white Prism Gem in hand, as well as what looked like a sword made entirely out of light.

“It’s Yuko-san!”

They never expected Yuko to come outside of headquarters in person to fight.

Yuko ran towards Amethyst and clashed her sword against hers. The two engaged in a dual that showed both sides just how fierce they were.

“Amazing…” Haruppi’s eyes sparkled.

“So that’s what a true Prism knight looks like,” Sayanee said in awe, Yui nodding in agreement.

“Yui, grab Jurina’s Gem!” Yuko said.

Yui nodded and she and Sayanee started battling Jade and Alex again. Without their hold on Rena, they were weaker and the wounds from their attacks no longer healed.

Sayanee slashed Jadeite’s hand and caused Jurina’s Gem to fly out of her palm. Yui caught it and placed it safely in her pocket.

Meanwhile, while Yuko and Black Amethyst were fighting, Amethyst saw the glow of Yuko’s Gem was weak. She scoffed.

“I am already aware you barely have power, White Knight,” the dark warrior spoke, “Do you think you have a chance against me?”

“I may not have my full power yet… but I can still fight!”

They clashed swords again, but then, Yuko felt something. An awful feeling in her gut, which was similar to what she felt when mind-controlled Rena entered the base.

Amethyst saw this to her advantage and pushed Yuko back with her sword.

“Stay out of my way,” she said coldly before slashing a powerful shockwave and blowing Yuko back, making her cash into a brick wall.

“Yuko-san!” The team ran to her side.

However, Yui saw that Amethyst was going after the Prism again. She ran up and caught the warrior off guard, slashing her shoulder and grabbing the bright green Gem.

“Got it!”

She held it in her palm and sent it back to base through her communicator watch. Seeing that Amethyst had fallen due to the surprise attack, Yui went back to her senpai’s side.

“Yuko, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m alright… just used a bit more of my energy, but…”

“Yuko, you can’t push yourself like that,” Yui said. “Don’t let us worry like that, okay?”

“I know…”

Now for some reason, Black Amethyst paused for a moment when she heard something that sounded familiar to her for some reason.


However she didn’t let this thought disturb her forever. She only shook it out of her head and forgot about it. She turned back to the group and glared at them, still holding her injured shoulder.

“You may have gotten lucky this time. But we’ll finish this another day,” she announced. “Jade, Alex, let’s leave.”

Without any retort, the two only nodded and silently left.

The group then focused their attention on Rena and Jurina. They went over to the girl’s side and helped her stand up, carrying her sister.

“Sorry for all the trouble, Matsui-san,” Yuko walked up to her, holding out her Gem. “This’ll be over soon.”

A white energy was then absorbed from Rena’s forehead, into the Gem. The girl’s eyes fluttered and she fell unconscious, Yui and Sayanee supporting her.

“Good thing I have enough power left to erase her memory. She won’t remember a thing that happened today.”

“It’s probably for the best. The whole ‘brainwashed to nearly kill your own sister’ can definitely be traumatizing.”

“Neither she or Jurina deserved this to happen…” Sayanee looked over at the two sisters.

“Let’s go. they both need a LONG rest after today.”

As the group started leaving, Yuko stared at the spot where Amethyst disappeared. She remembered that awful feeling in her gut, and it was making her seriously wonder why she only felt it with Black Amethyst.

“Who is she really..?”


Jurina finally regained consciousness back at Headquarters. She saw beside the bed that Rena was sat down in a chair, fast asleep.

On the other side, Yuko was beside her.

“Yuko…” Jurina got up, sitting on the bed. “Is Rena-chan--”

“I erased her memories. She’s fine. And here,” Yuko then handed the girl her Gem back.


“You going to be okay? Today was crazy.”

“It’s fine… I just hate that Rena had to get involved,” Jurina looked over at her sleeping sister. “She’s always been there for me… I didn’t want to worry her.”


Jurina remembered something from about a year ago. It was one night when she was sleeping by herself.

She was having a terrible nightmare. It felt like she was being drowned by darkness and she couldn’t breathe. She tossed and turned in her bed, thrashing about as she cried in her sleep.

But then, she felt the presence of someone and she immediately felt calm. She wasn’t drowning anymore and her crying ceased. Outside her dream, she was embraced by someone and could feel their warmth. It was Rena.

“I’m here, Jurina… you’re safe now. Everything will be okay...”

“Rena...” She called out to her sister, holding her hand.

“I’ll always be here for you.”

End of Flashback

“After all that she’s done, I wanted to be the one who’d protect her.”

“I understand.”

After a while of waiting, Rena finally woke up. Having no recollection of what happened, she decided it’d be best if Jurina came home with her and they took a good long rest.

As the two sisters were ready to leave, Sayanee approached Jurina and tapped her shoulder.

She handed Jurina the bright green Gem that was once inside Rena.

“You can decide what to do with it.”

“Eh..?” Jurina took the Gem and saw her serious face. She smiled and nodded. “Alright.”

She then hugged Sayanee, startling the latter a bit.

“Thank you. You and everyone did so much for me.” She then parted from the hug. “I promise I’ll find some way to make it up to you.”

“No need. You just get yourself back in shape, alright?”


“Jurina, let’s go!”

“OK~ Bye guys,” Jurina waved goodbye to her teammates and left with her sister.

“Jurina… you really are mature, even though you’re still a kid at heart.” Sayanee couldn’t help but chuckle at heart with that thought in mind.


A week later…

“WOOOAH!!!!” The two youngest of the group watched the TV excitedly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Jurina’s single hit #1!!!”

“Really?!” Everyone looked at the TV. Indeed, Jurina’s name was on top of the list.

“That’s awesome!”

“I bet she’s really happy!”

As they were watching, the door to the base opened and Sayanee turned around and saw the very person they were talking about standing there.


When Jurina came out, she looked healthier and definitely well rested. And furthermore, her long, raven black locks, were now cut short. She had looked more mature and even more beautiful than she had days ago.

“Oh my gosh, your hair looks so cute!” Mako exclaimed as she and Haruppi admired the girl’s new hairstyle.

Yui smiled. “Glad to see you’re doing better.”

“Don’t get us worried like that again, okay?” Yuko said.


Sayanee then approached the girl.

“So, the Prism Gem...”

“I...” Jurina scratched her neck. “I gave it to Rena.”


“I didn’t tell her its true purpose, but… she promised.. she’d keep it safe.”

Yuko looked over at Sayanee, “What do you think?”


“Please, you can trust her… I know. She’s my sister, after all...”

Sayanee then smiled. “Alright. If you trust her, then that’s all we need to hear.”

The older girl hugged Jurina, causing the same startlement she had previously gave Sayanee.


Sayanee broke the hug and smiled, “You really are a mature young woman, Jurina. You surprised me.”

Jurina blushed a bit. “Mou~ why are ya praising me like that? I’m gonna blush~”

The two laughed. Yuko then nudged the younger girl.

“Yeah, yeah, you may be mature, but you still act like a little kid around Rena-san,” she couldn’t help but mention.


“You really love your sister.. don’t you, Jurina?”

“Of course I do,” Jurina said. “She was always there for me.”


To Be Continued


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 2) 151221
« Reply #66 on: December 21, 2015, 08:22:23 PM »
"Yeah! The Sleepy Drug Melon Pan works!" Gizzur cheered

Drags Rena to wrestling ring.....

"And my name is John Cena!" Gizzur threw himself to Geki slamming his body at hers.

(There's a part 3 m8? Jurina just hit the Oricon!)
At Least Rena is safe :3

(This is what my imagination is like when Im sleepy)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 08:41:59 PM by hackata48 »

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 2) 151221
« Reply #67 on: December 21, 2015, 08:25:00 PM »

I can't believe you just John Cena'd me and Geki.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 08:48:44 PM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 2) 151221
« Reply #68 on: December 22, 2015, 04:34:56 AM »
nice fight,  :) :)

woah, thats quite surpise a prism gem inside rena's body. :w00t: :w00t:

really curious about Black Amethyst & Yuko's connection  :roll: :roll:

nice hair cut jurina and congrats being 1st.  :D

now there is a chance that rena-san being a prism knight  :) :) :)

thanks for update and waiting for next  :) :) :) :)

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 2) 151221
« Reply #69 on: December 23, 2015, 05:09:43 AM »
Black Amethyst's identity intrigues me a lot. I have a feeling that it's either Sae or Sayaka LOL

Sayanee X Jurina is cute  :inlove:

Thanks for the update, Ruka-senpai~~!!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 10 (Part 2) 151221
« Reply #70 on: December 24, 2015, 04:20:45 PM »

Chapter 11 (Part 1)

Another battle had commenced between Lapis and Black Amethyst versus the five Prism knights. However, things were proving rather difficult, as the two were holding their ground.

The one having the most difficulty was Haruppi. She wasn’t keeping up with the enemies attacks and found it very hard to focus. Amethyst saw this as her opportunity to catch the girl off guard.

She appeared behind the girl suddenly and pushed her back with a powerful shockwave. Haruppi’s body felt weak and sore all over from enduring the long battle.

Amethyst scoffed. “Looks like Topaz was right. You are weak.”

Haruppi tried to get up, but then Amethyst raised her sword to Haruppi’s neck.

“Why are you even a knight? You can’t do ANYTHING!”

Those words suddenly broke Haruppi. The girl stood frozen as she was about to slash her, but then, Sayanee and Jurina came from behind and intercepted her.

The two pushed Amethyst back from Haruppi and clashed their weapons with her sword. Jurina created a strong cyclone with her spear, then Sayanee added her water powers and created a storm that blew the two enemies away.

The two looked back down at Haruppi, who was still weak. Lapis came up with a plan in his head.

“Enough for today, let’s go.”

The two then disappeared. The five became rather confused as to why they had left so suddenly, but for now, their main concern was the injured Haruppi.

“Here,” Mako helped her friend up.

“I’m sorry…”


“What do you mean?” Sayanee asked.

“I.. lost… I couldn’t fight.”

“That couldn’t be helped. Amethyst is strong and--”

“No… it’s my fault.”

“What?! No!” Jurina tried to reassure the girl. “This wasn’t your fault. Haruppi, they only caught you off guard.”

The girl shook her head.

“I get it guys… I’m not strong like all of you,” Haruppi said in a depressed voice.


“Forget it… I’m just gonna go home,” Haruppi transformed back to normal and started leaving.

“Wait,” Yuko’s voice was then heard on the communicator. Then, a small pink bottle was materialized. “Your injuries are rather bad. Drink this, it’s a healing potion.”


Haruppi gulped down the potion and her injuries were healed. She then bowed to her team and started leaving.

“Poor Haruppi…”


“The pink knight… She is undoubtedly the weakest, isn’t she?” Amethyst said as she and Lapis were walking down a dark hallway.

“Indeed, she is. And with the battle several weeks ago, when we had the Onyx Saber, she apparently also took a lot of mental affliction from Topaz.”

“You’re WEAK! You can’t do anything, so why even bother?! You’re just a pathetic human!”

“Since that moment, she’s definitely had trouble on the battlefield… Perhaps we can use this chance to get at her where it hurts, where she is most vulnerable.”

“And how do you suggest that?”

“We go after the people she treasures most; her friends, her family, and eventually her own teammates. She’ll be so weak and desperate, unable to fight…”

As Lapis continued, however, Black Amethyst suddenly stopped walking. A strange vision entered her head that gave her that same buzzing she felt before. It made her feel dizzy and she didn’t like it at all.

Lapis turned back and saw her a few feet away from him

“Amethyst,” he called out. “Are you listening?”

The dark warrior quickly snapped back and walked to him.

“Forgive me, I was lost in thought.”


“I…” she tried to remember what she had seen, but all that came was a blur. “It’s nothing. I forgot already.”

Lapis glared for a moment, a thought clicking in his mind.

“Very well…”

They then came across a door and stepped outside, revealing a large garden, filled with monstrous, alien-like plants.

“Why would Lord Obsidian have such a garden?”

“For poisons and such. Jadeite and Alexandrite look after it mostly, though. They informed me of a flower that we can use against the pink knight.”

They then came across a wall filled with black roses, covered in black vines and sharp thorns. Without being pricked, Lapis took one of the roses.

“And this is it.”

“A rose?”

“This is much more than a rose. It’s a cursed rose. One prick of its thorn and its victim will become so weak, they can’t even stay conscious. They fall into a deep slumber that is near impossible to wake them from.”

“So that’s how you plan to take them down.”

“You’ll see, she won’t even be able to fight after we take down her precious friends.”


Desperately needing a break from fighting, Haruppi concentrated only on school. Around lunch, she was still thinking about all that had been going on for the past few days.

By the way, some of you might be wondering just how did Haruppi manage to get all the way back to Fukuoka...


Some time ago, Haruppi was frantically trying to find a way to get back to her home in Hakata so she wouldn’t be late for school.

“Ah! Oh no! This is bad this is bad…! I have to get back to school!” Haruppi panicked.

“No worries,” Kana reassured, “You can use the base portal.”

“The portal?”

Up till now, the girls only knew how to travel between the base and to Akihabara, but now, thanks to a few upgrades, the base portal could now take them anywhere in Japan.

This made travel from their homes to Tokyo easy for the girls who lived very far away.

End of flashback

However, she was still thinking about the battle, and really, her slow progress as a knight in general. She’s had struggle with training, and when she froze during the battle, all this fear consumed her.

“You can’t do anything!”

Haruppi sighed. “Why did I let her get to me…?”

“Haruppi, you okay?” Sakura came up to her.

“Ah, yeah… Just tired.”

“You must be doing a lot in Tokyo. I’m surprised you can still focus on your schoolwork here.”

Haruppi chuckled. “It’s not a problem.”

Sakura gave her a smile. “Come on, let’s head up to the courtyard. I wanna eat underneath the cherry blossoms.”

“Hai, hai. Cherry blossoms, bloom.”

The two laughed as they started to make their way out, but when Haruppi left, as Sakura was gathering her things, she noticed something strange. There was a black rose blooming at the window, the vines had grown out from the bottom of the wall.

“What on Earth..?”

When Sakura touched the rose, a sharp thorn poked her finger, causing her to wince in pain. She pulled back, seeing a drop of blood on her finger. She then suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed to the floor, her eyes shutting gently as her body fell forward and she drifted into a deep sleep. At once, the vines shrunk away and Lapis appeared, holding the rose.

“Sweet dreams, miss Sakura.”

He disappeared right when he heard footsteps approaching.

“Sakura, what’s taking so--?”

Haruppi was shocked to see her friend collapsed on the ground.

“Sakura?!” Haruppi ran over to her friend and picked her up. She started shaking her, trying to wake her up. “Sakura, what’s wrong?! Sakura!”

Just then, another student, Anna came into the classroom. When she saw Sakura unconscious, she panicked and ran out. Not looking, she accidentally ran into Sasshi, who was walking the same way.

“Murashige-chan..?” Sasshi could’ve sworn she saw something.

She thought she saw Anna crying.

The girl hurried in the direction she came from and found Haruppi with a comatose Sakura.

“Sasshi… help..!”


The older girl helped Haruppi pick up her friend and carried her to the infirmary. The two watched over her as they tried to figure out what could be wrong.

“She won’t wake up at all… No matter what I did, she wouldn’t respond.”

Sasshi felt her forehead. “She’s not running a fever…”

“Go tell the principal to call Sakura’s parents. I’ll stay and watch her.”

“Alright,” Sasshi left the girl alone, looking after her friend.


It was then that a familiar figure appeared before Haruppi, causing her to stand up.


“Having some trouble, dear?”

“Why are you here?”

“I just came with a gift,” he held out the rose.

“You did this..! I should’ve known!” Haruppi held out her Gem. “Rose Quartz Gem, energize!”

But, when she looked, nothing happened. She tried again, but still, nothing.

“Wh-what’s going on..?!” Haruka looked at her crystal. It wasn’t shining. “I can’t transform!”

“Oh, a bit of a problem, I see. How sad… I guess this just proves how weak you are.”

“Quiet!” Haruppi shouted, tears forming.

“Oh, and if you want to save your friend, I’m afraid such an act is nearly impossible, especially for the likes of you.”

“Please! You have to tell me how to save her! You used to be a Prism knight, right?! Don’t you have any sympathy left?!”

Lapis scoffed.

“Please, I’m begging you… I…” Haruppi fell to her knees. “I don’t know… what I can do…”

The man glared down at Haruppi as she cried. He clearly remembered the look that Yuko had when she found out he betrayed her and his old team; it was the same desperate look, tears streaming down her cheeks. He clicked his tongue.

“Fine then,” he spoke. “If you’re this desperate, I’ll give you one last hope. There is a way for this girl to be awoken from the sleep curse.”

Haruppi simply nodded, not looking up at Lapis.

“However… it can only be broken by someone whose heart is true.”

“Eh..?” When she looked up, Lapis had disappeared. She gripped her hands. “I have to break the curse, or else Sakura will sleep forever.”

She got up, thinking about what Lapis had told her.

“Someone whose heart is true… True of heart...”

Just then, Haruppi’s communicator sounded.

“Haruppi, we just noticed there was a momentary Black Gem activity in your school. Are you okay?” Yuko spoke.


“Haruppi? What’s the matter? Why are you crying?”

“I… I..!”

As Haruppi was crying, talking to Yuko, she didn’t notice that someone was watching her from afar.

“Haruppi… are you a..?!”

“Haruppi, come to the base so we can talk. Say ‘Flash Warp’ and you’ll be immediately taken back to here.”

Haruppi nodded and held her Gem. “Flash Warp!”

However, just as last time, nothing was happening.

“It’s not working..! I don’t know why..!”

“The power readings on your Gem are really low. Maybe you used up too much energy. OK, we’ll just do it manually. Hold tight.”

Haruppi closed her eyes as a magic circle formed under her and she was surrounded by light. She disappeared, leaving the sleeping Sakura alone in the infirmary.

This was when the person watching her stepped out, having witnessed the entire scene.

“I thought so… Haruppi is a Prism knight.”


To Be Continued


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline hackata48

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #71 on: December 24, 2015, 04:36:41 PM »
Nnnnnooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saaaaaaaaakkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry Sak I will kiss you..... oh wait..... I'm a Broken Lord..... I don't have lips.......


*repeatedly whacks Sakura with Helmet/Head*

Wake up! Please! Ulrich will go mad if you don't cook his ribs.

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #72 on: December 24, 2015, 04:38:55 PM »
*Lapis appears*

That won't work, fool.

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #73 on: December 24, 2015, 04:43:28 PM »
*Lapis appears*

That won't work, fool.

There he is!

*Pretty much every Gimaelic man from 10 year olds to 100 year olds appeared armed with, swords, axes, clubs and spears.*

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #74 on: December 24, 2015, 04:45:20 PM »
Lapis: *snaps fingers*

*An army of over 5,000 Black Gem monsters rise*

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #75 on: December 24, 2015, 04:47:18 PM »
*sounds horn*

3000 Vanoran Legio appears.

1000 of which are the Tagmata.

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #76 on: December 24, 2015, 05:40:39 PM »
Lapis: *snaps fingers again*

*1000 very fierce Black Prism soldiers appear with corrupted weapons*

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #77 on: December 25, 2015, 03:59:47 AM »
*Exalted Blade!*

*charges towards Lapis and his minions*

"Get Rekt Senpai!"

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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #78 on: December 25, 2015, 04:07:00 AM »
Lapis: *points forward* Kill them.


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Re: {Sky and Ruka} PRISM [Yokoyama Team K] Chapter 11 (Part 1) 151224
« Reply #79 on: December 25, 2015, 04:29:08 AM »
"Hussaria! Infernal Blitz! Charge!"

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