@AI712, @Bakamina_Oshi, @cisda83: Thank you!

Thank you everyone for reading my fic!

Here is chapter 26
Chapter 26: Painful Heart
At night
On the west side of the island
In a big houseThere are two men sitting and talking to each other
“Minami, did Shin kill him?” A man angrily said and slams the table
“Calm down, we still can’t find his body yet. Let hope that he will be fine” Another man said
“I should come here sooner. If anything happen to him, how I can face Akiko in front of her grave” the man said
“Let’s go back to that cliff and look around once more time” the taller man said
“Uh” he nods
In the forestThere is a hooded man standing on the tree branch and look up at the moon. Then a woman approaches him
“It is rare to see you standing and enjoying the scenery like that Darky” she said
“Lighting, what do you want?” Dark said in cold tone
“Nothing, just come here to check on my boyfriend” she said and shrugs
“If you don’t have any order from him, then I will leave now” Dark said and jumps out of the place
“Wait” Lightning said
However Dark already leaves the place
“I don’t understand you at all. One day, you be nice to me, then the other day, you will treat me coldly. And this time you treat me so cold.” Lightning sighs
In Maeda Clan
At Atsuko’s room Atsuko cowers herself in the corner of her bed.
“I will make you all pay. I will make all you pay. Minami, wait for me. I will take revenge for you” Atsuko whispers in tear
She looks at Minami’s necklace on her hand
“Atsuko, I love you”
“I won’t leave you alone”
“Everything for my lovely girlfriend”
“You are my everything, Atsuko”
“I will always hold your hand and be with you no matter what”
“I will always stay by your side”She remembers all her memories with him.
“Minami, I miss you” Atsuko whispers in tear
“If I remember about him sooner, thing will not be like this. It was all my fault.” she sobs
“What did I do wrong? Why did everyone around me one by one go out of my life? Papa, Mama, Uncle Aki, and now the most important person in my life is gone, too. What left for me in this world?” Atsuko said and laughs bitterly.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be born in this world after all.” Atsuko hurtfully said
“Minami, Minami” she buries her face on her knees and cries in silent
OutsideThere is a figure standing at her window and looks at her in silent while holding his fists tightly
At midnightAfter Atsuko fell in sleep because of tiredness, a figure steps into the room. He stands there and looks at her sleeping face. There are still some tear in corner of her eyes.
“Minami, Minami” Atsuko unconsciously call Minami’s name
The figure notices that in her hand, she still holds the necklace very tight. He bends down and moves the hair that covered her face.
“Don’t ever say that. You always have me in your life.” The figure whispers
Then he raises his hand to caress her face and leans to kiss her forehead. Atsuko’s face is more peaceful, and she forms a small smile on her face.
He sits on the edge of her bed and looks at her for a while. Then he stands up and leaves. Suddenly, Atsuko catches his hand
“Minami don’t go. Minami” Atsuko said
The figure is surprised.
“Atsuko, I…” He turns around
Then he realizes that Atsuko is still sleeping. He smiles and slowly takes her hand off him. He pulls the blanket to cover her. Then he goes out of the room.
At Jun’s sideJun’s ship is still on its way to Forbidden Island. Jun is standing on the ship deck and looking around with his binoculars.
“I hope Acchan and Takamina are safe” Rena said
“Uh, I hope so too.” Jun said
Then his servant rushes to him
“Master, our ship is getting near Forbidden Island” he said
“Good, find an isolated part of the island and park there. Don't let anyone suspicious about us” Jun said
“Yes sir” his servant said
The he goes back to control the ship to the west part of the island.
In a big house“Sir, they are getting near the island” a man said
“Good, as I expected. They will find suspicious and come here.” Shin said
“Go and take some men with you. Remember, I only want Kashiwagi Yuki. Think of something to lure only her here. That is an important trump card in my deck” Shin said
“Yes sir, I won't disappointed you” the man bow and said
In the early morningYuki is standing on the ship deck with Mayu.
“Mayu, I’m worry about Atsuko-nee. I don't know why but I always have some uneasy feeling. Like she is in some kind of danger. This feeling I have never had before.” Yuki worriedly said
“Atsuko-nee will be fine, Yuki. She is a pirate. There is nothing that she didn't experience. I believe that she can handle everything.” Mayu reassures her
“Don't worry ok. We are about to get there soon” Mayu pats her head and said
“Uh, thank you Mayu” Yuki said and pecks on his lips
After awhile the ship reach the island. While parking the ship, a group of men come to them. They wear Maeda clan guard outfit.
“Yuki-sama, Atsuko-sama knew that you are back. She orders us to escort you home. She misses you a lot” one of the men said
“Then Atsuko-nee is fine.” Yuki thought in relief
“Ok, I will go with you guys now” Yuki happily said
“Yuki wait for us a little. We are about to finish our preparing” Mariko said
“Ok” Yuki nods
After awhileThey finished their preparation. Then the four follow the guards. They lead Yuki's group to a big house. Then they leave.
“Please come in our guest room” a servant comes out and said
“Uh” they nod
“Please have a seat; I will prepare tea for you.” He said
“Yuki-sama, Atsuko-sama is waiting for you in her room.” A maid comes into the room and said
“Ok, I will go with you” Yuki said
“That's weird” Mariko thought
“Wait, why don't Acchan come here to meet us?” She asks
“Atsuko-sama is sick. Therefore she can't go out here.” The maid said
“Atsuko-nee is sick. Let's go to her room now” Yuki worriedly said
“Then we will go there, too. We also want to visit her” Mariko said
“But Atsuko-sama said that she only want to meet Yuki-sama” the maid bows and said
“Don't worry we are all her friends. She won't mind about it” Mariko said
“But we can’t go against Atsuko-sama order. I’m terribly sorry about this, but I can't do that. If Atsuko-sama upsets, I will be punished. I still have parents to take care. Please forgive me” she scarily said and bows
“That can't be helped. Mariko, I will go in first and tell her that you three also here, ok” Yuki said
“Uh, I think so. We will wait for you here” Mii said
Mariko still looks at the maid with suspicious look. Then she pulls Yuki and whispers in her ear
“Yuki, don’t you feel weird?”
“I know, but I want to check on Atsuko-nee. That maid, I felt her voice very familiar. You guys must be careful” Yuki whispers so that only she and Mariko can hear
“But that is so dangerous” Mariko said
“I will be fine. I’m worry for her” Yuki said
“Ok, guy. I will meet Atsuko-nee. I will tell her that you guys also here” Yuki said
“Let’s go” Yuki said
“Yes, Yuki-sama" The maid said
Then they leave the room. After awhile, they reach a big room.
“Please come in Yuki-sama” she said
Then the maid suddenly pushes Yuki into the room and slams the door.
Outside“Done” she thought
“Now I will deal with those three” she said
“That brat. If I'm not disguise, I, Lightning will kill you for talking back to me like that. Such a clever brat” lightning said
“Now, I will make you never talk to me like that again” she laughs and goes back to the guest room.
Inside the room Because of the push, Yuki falls on the ground.
“So Atsuko-nee is really in danger now” Yuki thought
She stands up and looks around
“Where am I?” Yuki thought
Then she sees Shin steps out
“Welcome back my long lost niece” he said and smiles
Yuki looks at him with confused look
“Let me introduce myself. My name is Maeda Shin. I’m your adopted father’s older brother.” Shin said
“Hello uncle” Yuki bows and said
“What happened? Why the maid suddenly pushed me in here? And where is Atsuko-nee? I want to meet her” Yuki said and looks at him with doubting look
“Don't rush Yuki, you will meet her very soon” Shin said
Feeling something weird, Yuki steps back and asks
“Where is grandpa? I want to meet him” Yuki said
“Yuki, Yuki, Yuki, don't rush. I promise that you can meet them soon. Don't be that caution with me. You make me sad” Shin shakes his head and said
“I want to meet my sister now” Yuki takes out her sword and said
“Don't be that hot headed person like your father, Yuki. Don't you see what is the consequence of a hot headed person can cause? Take your father's case is an example. Because of his characteristic, he indirectly killed Maeda Atsushi, Takahashi Kai and their wives. So tragic” Shin said and comes closer.
“How did you know that? Only grandpa knew that” Yuki said
“I knew that because…” He comes closer and whispers to her ear
“I was the one ordered Daiki to K.I.L.L his F.A.M.I.LY” Shin said and emphasizes his words
Yuki widens her eyes in surprise. When she is about to react, Shin hits her neck making her lost conscious.
“Take a good nap Yuki. You will meet her soon” Shin said
Then he bends down to take off the ring on her hand
“This will be a good tool for me” Shin smirks
In the guest room Lightning opens the door and walk in
“Now my preys…”
She stuns because the room is empty. She sees her servant lies on the floor.
“Wake up” she kicks him to wake him up
The servant wakes up and kneels down before Lightning
“Where are they?” Lightning asks in anger
“I’m terribly sorry Lightning-sama, they escaped.” He said
“What? How can they escape?” She asks
“They notice that I put something on their drink. They hit my neck, and then when I woke up, I only see you here” he bows and said
“Useless” Lightning shouts and kicks him
Then she claps her hand. From the door, a group of men rush in
“What can I do for you my wonderful?” The leader said
“Catch those three for me” she said
“Yes, Lightning-sama” they said and leave
In the afternoon
In Maeda ClanAtsuko walks out of her room. She wants to go to the cliff once again. The place she lost her most important person. When Atsuko walks to the main hall, she meets Shin. Atsuko holds her fists tightly
“I can’t go against him openly by myself.” She thought
She takes a deep breath and walks toward him
“Good morning Acchan. How are you doing?” Shin smiles and said
“Good morning” Atsuko said shortly
Then she walks past him
“Acchan” he calls her
Atsuko turns to look at him.
"What can I do for you, uncle?" Atsuko said in calm tone
"I just want to ask where are you going." Shin said
"I just take a little walk around here, can't I" Atsuko said and smiles slightly
“Of course you can. Anything here is belong to Maeda Clan. You can go wherever you want. I just want to know that because I'm afraid that you might get lost since you just came back" Shin said and walks slowly toward Atsuko
"I see. Thank you for your concern, uncle. I will be careful.” Atsuko bows and said
“Can I go now?" Atsuko asks
"I still have once more small thing to tell you" Shin said
"What is it uncle?" Atsuko asks
"I want to invite you to my house for a small dinner as celebrating for your back” Shin said
"That is also your grandpa idea. He wants you to talk more to me because you seem to be scared of me" Shin said while caressing a ring on his hand
He tries to emphasize the word "grandpa" to Atsuko. She notices that. Then she looks down at his ring
“Yuki’s ring? How can that be?” Atsuko thought
“He got grandpapa, Taka grandpa. Don’t tell me he got her too.” She continues her thought
“Uncle, your ring look so special. Where did you get that?” Atsuko said
“This?” He points at the ring and asks
“Uh” Atsuko nods
“I got it from a very special person this early morning. Maybe that person is with father and Uncle Takashi right now" Shin said
"Can I meet that person?" Atsuko said
"If you come to my small party, she will definitely be there to meet you" he said and emphasizes each of his word
"Of course, I will come. That is my uncle's party after all. Plus, you make that party for me. You also ask me very nicely" Atsuko said with a friendly but coldly tone
"That is my niece. I promise that you will not feel disappointed when you come there tonight" Shin said
"I'm so looking forward to it" Atsuko said and smiles slightly
"Now, please excuse me" she continues and turns around
"By the way, Acchan" he calls her
Atsuko stops but doesn't turn around
"Don't go too far, or do some unnecessary things. Just enjoy your walk. Therefore, we can have a happy party tonight with that special guest" Shin said with a slowly tone but dangerous sound
"Of course, I know" Atsuko said in monotone and walks away.
Shin looks at Atsuko’s back and smirks
Atsuko walks as quickly as she could out of the big house. The house once she thought will be her house, a warm place for her. However, now, in there, there are only selfish and greedy people. Anger, hurt, pain, sadness, hopeless, a ton of depresses feeling invade her.
No one stays by her side to comfort her. No one hugs her and said to her that ‘everything will be alright.’ There is no shoulder for her to lean on. She is all alone. She has to face everything by herself. Her grandpa was captured. Her sister is held as hostage. She is at lost.
She speeds up her pace and rushes to the cliff where separated her and the person she loves the most forever. On her way, everything she eavesdropped last night floods in her head
“He was stabbed in the heart”
“His throat was cut”
“He threw him down the cliff”Each memory makes Atsuko’s legs weaker. She can't bear this hurt. It is so painful. Her heart is going to break. She kneels down at the cliff and cries silently.
“Why did they do that to you, Minami?” Atsuko whispers and chokes
“Why? Why? Why? Why?” She said while using her still injured hands to hit the ground.
“If he wants that position, why doesn’t he just kill me right away? Why did he do that to you? Why did he have to capture Yuki? Why did he imprison grandpapa and Taka grandpa? Just kill me” Atsuko said
“Minami, I wish you were here for me” Atsuko whispers
“Please Minami, please tell me what should I do now” she looks at the necklace and said
Her tear doesn't stop.
“If I could, I would jump down from this cliff to meet you, to be with you right away.” Atsuko whispers
She lies down on the ground under the cold wind. She looks up to the sky.
“However, I have some important thing to do first. I have to save Yuki and our grandpas. Also taking revenge for you. I will fight with him. I will definitely do that even if it costly by my life.” Atsuko thought
“Minami, give me your strength. Please wait for me. We will meet each other soon” Atsuko whispers
She closes her eyes and lies still.
At the west side of the islandJun reaches the island. He parks at the most isolated part of the island. He turns and said to his servant
"Go back to Matsui Clan and prepare a lot of skilled fighter for me. Then takes them here and wait for me" Jun order his servant
"Yes sir" They answer
“Remember, everything have to be secret” Jun said
“Yes sir” they said and leave
Then Jun and Rena go into the forest. They plan on finding some information from people who live around the city first. Suddenly he sees someone rushes toward them. Behind them is a group of men.
“Kill them, don't let them escape” the man shouts
Rena furrows her eyebrows trying to look more closely to the three running. Jun does that too
“Mariko, Mii, Mayu” Rena and Jun said in surprise
Then they rush to help them. Seeing them, the three are very surprise
"Jun, Rena? What are you two doing here?" Mariko asks
“Talk about that later. Why did Maeda guards chasing you three?” Jun asks after seeing their outfit
“They are imposters. They are Lightning’s servant. I will explain later” Mariko said
“Ok” Rena and Jun nod
After awhile, they defeat all the faked servants. They rush to the deep forest to hide. The found a cave and rush inside. They sit there and begin their talk
“What happened to you guys?” Jun asks
“They tried to poisoned us” Mii said
In the guest room“What’s wrong, Mariko?” Mii asks
“Their act is so weird. Plus, I know that Acchan will not act like that” Mariko said
“Uh, come to think of it, you are right?” Mayu said
Then the door opens
“Sorry for making you all waiting” the servant said
“Please enjoy the tea” he said and bows
Then he puts and cups on their table. Mayu takes the cup and smells it
“Something weird in this tea” he thought
Then he signals Mii and Mariko.
“Please enjoy your tea” he said again
“We know” Mariko said
They fake drinking the tea and drop on the table
“Hahahaha, Lightning-sama’s plan works very well” the man laughs and said
Suddenly Mariko stands up and hits his neck. He falls on the floor and lost conscious
“We better gets out of here” Mariko said
“How about Yuki?” Mayu worriedly said
“Yuki properly is in their hands now. We will save her later” Mii said
Then they all rush out of the house
End flashback“After that is what you two see” Mariko said
“I see” Jun said
“That’s mean Acchan and Takamina are also in danger now” Rena said
“Uh, I guess so” Mariko nods
“By the way, why are you two here?” Mayu asks
"We on our way to Atsuko-nee place." Jun said
"We suspect that Acchan and Takamina are in danger right now" Rena adds
"You think that too?" Mariko asks
"You guys feel the same?" Jun asks
"Uh, we were attacked when we reach my home. We felt something strange so we quickly come here" Mii said
“However, when we reached here, and heard the servants said that Acchan ordered them, we thought that she is ok. However the incident at her house makes me change our mind. What is really happened?” Mayu said
"My servant found Naku dead body. We suspect that he was killed by someone in Maeda Clan" Jun explains
"That person also hold a very high position. The person we suspect is Acchan's uncle Maeda Shin" Rena adds
"Maeda Shin?" the three widen their eyes in surprise
"Uh, my grandpa said that Shin is a greedy person. Taiki grandpa doesn't trust him much. He also was very mad when Atsuko-nee's father became head of Maeda Clan" Jun said
"I see" the three said
"If so, we should go there quickly. Maybe Yuki also is in danger right now." Mayu said
"Wait, we have to have some plan first. We also have to wait for my reinforcement" Jun said
"You have your men with you" Mii asks
"No, not yet. they are on their way now. They will come here in three days. My grandpa told me to come here and take a look first. If I bring too much people, they will suspect" Jun said
"I see" The rest nod in agreement.
In the eveningAtsuko comes to Shin's house not far from Maeda Clan's house
"Atsuko-sama" the guards greet her
Atsuko silently walks in. Shin happily steps out
"Welcome to my small house, Acchan" Shin said
"Stop that act. Now I'm in your territory. Just take off that mask" Atsuko coldly said
"Don't treat me like that Acchan. You make me sad" Shin said
"Enough, where is Yuki?" Atsuko said
"Don't rush. Just follow me" Shin leads her to his guest room.
There is no one inside the room. Atsuko is getting impatience. She takes Shin’s collar and shouts
“Maeda Shin, where is Yuki?”
“Don't shout at me like that. You make me sad. And you know what? When I'm sad, I will want to kill someone” Shin said in dangerous tone
Atsuko slowly withdraws her hand. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breathe
“What do you want? The person you need is me right? Then I'm here. Release her now" Atsuko said
"Of course, I will release her. You are the only one I need. Just because you are too hard to get that is why I did this" Shin said
"However, firstly, let drink this together to celebrate" Shin said and gives Atsuko a small cup
“If I drink this, you will release her right?” Atsuko said
“Yes, I will. Definitely” Shin said and smiles
Then Atsuko takes the cup and drinks it up without any hesitation. Dead to her now means nothing. There is nothing left for her in this world.
“Don't you scare that I will poison you” Shin said
Atsuko laughs out loud
"I don't care. Minami is gone. I will be happy if it is poisoned. That way I can meet Minami sooner" Atsuko said
“Takahashi Minami again. All you think was him” Shin shouts
“Don't worry, I will never let you and him be together. Never” he continues shouting while holding her arms tightly
“Let go off me" Atsuko shouts and struggles out of his grip
Suddenly, she feels dizzy. Her sight slowly turns blurry. Then she falls on the floor. Shin stands there and smirks. He bends down next to her
"Good night my Atsuko." Shin said
In the forest
In the cave"Yuki, help me. Yuki, help me" Atsuko is tied by a big chain and said
"Atsuko-nee" Yuki calls while running toward Atsuko
However, the more she runs to her, the further Atsuko from her is. Then suddenly, Shin appears in front of her. Then he takes out a sword and stabs Atsuko
"No...." Yuki shouts-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Atsuko-nee" Yuki sits up and shouts
Mayu and the rest are woken up because of her shout. Mayu rushes to her
"Yuki, calm down. Everything will be fine" Mayu hugs her and pats her back to calm her down
Yuki slowly calms down. Suddenly she realizes something
"Mayu, Everyone? How can I get here?" Yuki asks
"Don't you remember anything Yuki?" Rena asks
"I just remember that I was tricked by Shin. He hit me, and I lost conscious. When I wake up, I'm here" Yuki said
"I see" Jun said
"When we were about to investigate around Shin's house, we saw you unconscious behind a big tree" Jun said
"We immediately took you back here. I'm glad that you are ok" Mayu said and sighs in relief
"Uh, we thought you will know something." Mii said
"Seem like there is someone follow us around and help us" Mariko said
Then the dream flashes on Yuki head
"Atsuko-nee" Yuki whispers
"Everyone, I believe that Atsuko-nee is in danger right now. That Maeda Shin plans on doing something to her" Yuki worriedly said
"Then we should hungry" Rena said
"Uh" Jun nods
When they are about to go out of the cave, 5 figures walk in.
In Maeda ClanA shadow jumps into Atsuko's room
When he is about to call Atsuko, he notices that there is no one in the room. He suddenly feels something isn't right
"Atsuko, where are you?" he thought in worry
He quickly rushes out of the room. At the same time, a maid walks toward his direction. He immediately rushes to her and places a knife on her neck
"Where is Maeda Atsuko?" he fakes his voice
"Please don't kill me" the maid scarily said
"Answer my question" he repeats
"Atsuko-sama is at Master Shin's house. He invited her there for her welcome party." the maid said
"This is bad" the figure thought
Then he release the maid and jumps out of the Maeda Clan
He quickly rushes to Shin's house
"Atsuko, I shouldn't leave you alone" he thought while rushing there
In a dungeon Atsuko is tied by chains. Her two hands were chained and hung by two big chains which attacked on the wall. Her legs also were chained by two big chains which attach to two big metal balls. She is still unconscious because of the sleeping poison.
In front of her, Shin is sitting comfortably on his chair.
“Did you found her?” Shin asks
“No sir, we are looking for her everywhere.” a man said
“Who release her? Can she escape by herself?” Lightning looks at Shin and asks
“No, she can’t” Shin said
“You people are stupid, useless, cannot even guard a girl.” Shin slams the table and shouts
“My plan was nearly ruined because of your stupidity” Shin shouts
“Sorry sir. We also didn’t know why she disappeared. I just went out a little. When I came back she was nowhere to be found” the man said
“Useless, idiot, useless” Shin shouts while slapping each of his servants
“We are terribly sorry sir” they said in union
“Get out of my side.” Shin shouts
Then they rush out of the dungeon
"Please calm down sir. Even without Kashiwagi Yuki, you still are able to capture Maeda Atsuko” Lightning said
“She is really a naive little girl. Easy to get trick" Lightning said and laughs
"No, don't underestimate her. She is a very smart little girl. It is just that her mind is now unstable.” Shin said
“She has to bear the pain of losing that man, Takahashi Minami. Plus, I pressured her by her beloved sister, Yuki, her grandpa and Takashi old man. That is why she easily fell into my trap” Shin said
“That is because you are a great person, my wonderful Master. They are like little mouse run into your trap” Lightning said
“What do you want to do with her, my Master” Lightning asks
“I have a lot of thing to do with her. I also need her so that I can talk to that old man. She is a very important card. I have her which means I have the entire Maeda Clan” Shin said
“Then I will congratulate my Master first for your success, a future head of the most powerful clan. Additionally, soon will become the ruler of all the Clans in this region” Lightning said
“Good words. When that day come, you will be my most trusted and loyal servant.” Shin said
“Thank you sir” Lightning said
“I will never forget you. When everything is done, I will reward you a big award, Lightning” Shin said
“Thank you sir. Just being able to be your servant is my luckiest thing. You don’t have to reward me. Giving me the opportunity to be your servant is my big award” Lightning said and bows
“Good. Hahahaha…” Shin said and laughs
“I still have one question left” Lightning said
“What is it?” Shin asks
“What about her friends, and that traitor, Thunder?” Lightning said
“I’m not worrying about them much. They cannot do anything to me. I will find a chance and kill all of them” Shin said
Then he stands up and walks toward Atsuko
“Maeda Atsuko, you are finally in my hands now. I will make you obey me completely” Shin said and laughs
TBCThat is chapter 26. Hope you guys enjoy reading it.