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Author Topic: Ruka's 48G New Gen/Random pairs collection - The Cruel Ritual of the Rose  (Read 39885 times)

Offline kuro808

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (MakoNaanya) 150814
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2015, 08:55:06 PM »
That was a touching story :thumbsup

Naanya becoming human for the sake of Mako :)
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (MakoNaanya) 150814
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2015, 12:51:39 AM »
All of ny feels! GAHD. :mon inluv:


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (MakoNaanya) 150814
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2015, 03:48:46 AM »
@kuro_808: Glad you liked it.
@ChibiRine: Kawaii. X3

More feels coming this way.

This next OS is based off a Vocaloid song I love.


Suki Kirai ~Love & Hate~ - Ryouka x Naanya


“Love you”
“Hate you”
I don’t know…
I hate you!

I, Oshima Ryouka, also known as the kusogaki (ksgk, for short), have an admirer… Or, more like, someone who’s obsessed with me. Owada Nana. She loves me… too much. But… I can’t stand her! I don’t like her. I hate her!

“Love you”
There’s no other
I love you!

I, Owada Nana, the girl with the angel face, as my classmates say, am in love. Madly in love. With someone no one would have expected. Oshima Ryouka, even though she’s known for being a troublemaker, I love her. I love, love, love her!

“Love” and “Hate”
I don’t know which
It won’t stop
Love & Hate

Dang it! “That person’s” confessions
They’re spinning around and around in my head
“Love”, “Hate”, is there not a third option?
I can only choose one or the other

“Ryou-chan~!” I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind as a familiar voice rang.

Ah, it’s her again… She always does this. She comes into the classroom just to see me.

“Hi, Naanya.”

“Hi, Ryou-chan~ How are you?”

“Um, good, I guess… Maybe a bit tired, though.” And I don’t need her clinging to me this early in the morning.

“Oh, still sleepy? I’ll let you sleep on my lap~”

“No thanks!”

“Oh, come on, don’t be shy~”

“I’m not being shy, I just don’t feel like napping on someone’s lap.”

“Aw~” Naanya pouted. “I wanted to see Ryou-chan’s sleeping face~.”

I looked at her pout, then sighed. “How about… we eat lunch together, in the courtyard?”

Her eyes sparkled like diamonds.


“Sure. Why not?”

“Yay! Thank you!” She hugged me again. At least she’s smiling…

Seeing her sad, made me feel guilty…

Well! The answer is decided already!
Our “WEDDING”! Yes, the vision is perfect!
Yes, a place with lots of trees would be nice
And maybe we could raise three children

But wait, why? We’re only 16! Hello?!
Something like “going out”...
I love you!
Listen to me, idiot!
You have no guard up, and lots of people like you!

“Let’s get married, Ryou-chan!” I said as Ryouka ate. She coughed suddenly and looked at me.

“Haa?! W-w-wedding?!”

“Yup! We could move in together, somewhere with lots of trees. And we could adopt children.”

“Woah, woah, woah! We’re only 16! We can’t get married and have kids just like that!”

“I’m planning for our future. It’s common sense I’d be thinking of marriage.”

“But… we aren’t even dating. And, going out would be--”


“Listen to me for a second!”

I pouted. “Fine~”

“Naanya, I know you… like me, but…”


“Just… just let me think about it, okay? Let’s not rush into this.”

No rush… Am I going too fast? Maybe I was too pushy on her…

“Okay… Sure… We can do that.”

I want to fall in love - fluffy, fluffy
I smile at the principal’s speech
Milk and a panda makes a polar bear
The world is so lively

“Love you”
“Hate you”
I don’t know
I hate you, but I love you..?

You wanted that rainbow quartz on the way home
I saw you looking at it
It’s opposite from the school road
But, hey don’t mind that.

The next day, I didn’t see Naanya rarely at all. She didn’t come to class to hug me, and I didn’t see her at lunch either… I wonder if she’s okay.

The end of the day came, and that’s when I finally saw her. She walked up to me, a smile.


“Naanya. Uh, I’m sorry if I--”

“Here!” She suddenly handed me a panda bear stuffed doll.


“I saw you staring at it through the shop window. You wanted it, right? So, here.”

I took the doll. The ears look like hearts… indeed, I did find it cute.

“But, how..? It’s too far away from the school. Don’t tell me…”

“Don’t worry about it,” she winked. She then pulled out a polar bear doll identical to my panda. “I got one for me, as well. Now we each have one.”


At any rate, you aren’t exactly my type
So why am I reacting like “that”?
I see, because you suddenly showed me kindness
Now I’m shaking from this feeling

Even if I do slowly, surely become an adult
There’s no doubt
No matter what, I love you!
It’s “NO PROBLEM”, just believe me!

I hope Ryou-chan doesn’t find out… I faked a cold in order to go to that store and buy her the doll. What would she think of me..?

I hugged my polar bear doll.

“Nee, Polar bear-chan, do you think Ryou-chan loves me like I love her?”

No answer. What am I doing, a stuffed doll won’t reply. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

“I wonder if I did the right thing… or maybe…”

Maybe… Ryou-chan just hates me….

No.. No, I refuse to believe that! I don’t believe that Ryou-chan could hate me. Maybe she’s just confused about her own feelings.

I won’t know until… I confess to her.

“Yosh! Tomorrow, I’ll definitely confess my love to her! Seriously and sincerely!”

See! You lit a fire in me - shaking, shaking!
It burns and rises into a high, a pyromania
“I love you!” I’m not so sure
But it has to be the answer

Oh no, I feel myself being dyed
Because of the kindness I came to know
You can be a weirdo sometimes, but…
I’m being dyed by your love

Another day came, and for a while, I thought the same thing from yesterday would happen. Naanya didn’t come and it’s almost lunch.

Maybe I really did hurt her feelings…

“Ryou-chan!” She then appeared, approaching me.

“Na-?” She grabbed my hand and gave me a serious look.

“Come with me.”

She guided me down the hall, up to the roof of the school. After the door shut, she looked at me straight in the eyes.

“Ryou...ka. I… I love you, Ryouka.”

“Naanya, you tell me that everyday.”

“No, I… I mean it! I’m… in love with you! For real!”


“Did you not think I was serious? At first, I was doubting as well, but… now I have no doubt. I am really, truly in love with you, Ryouka. So… can we give this a try? Will you.. be my girlfriend?”

My heart… it’s pounding so hard. I don’t know how to respond.


“Ryouka… kiss me.”


“That’ll show you I’m serious, right? So, please.” She closed her eyes, waiting for me to give her an answer.

The only now, that I’ll know if this is real… is to go full speed ahead, huh?

So, I closed my eyes and kissed her.

I want to fall in love - sparkling and shining
The panda fell asleep, how boring
It appeared because of our love
And we raised it for the first time by giving it water

We didn’t pull away for a few seconds, only until we felt it was time.

I met her gaze again. She smiled.

“I do…”


“Naanya… I love you. I really do! I know that now! I was so confused on what the heck was going on with me, but… now I see. I’ve loved you all this time.”

“So, does this mean..?”

“Yes, Naanya. I will gladly be your girlfriend.”

I smiled and hugged her tightly, feeling her return it warmly.

“I love you. I love you so much, Ryouka.”

“Me too. I love you, Naanya.”

Two fateful people who “loved” at the same time
Created an intertwining fromage
Even if we hate each other, we love each other
The two of us now, are in love.

“Love you”
“Hate you”
Now I know
I love you.

“Love you”
There’s no other
I love you!

“Love” and “Hate”
It never ends
Love & Hate


« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 03:07:09 AM by Ruka Kikuchi »

:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (Ryouka x Naanya) 150815
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2015, 05:09:15 AM »
RyoNa is my guilty pleasure~! :mon inluv:



君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline Haruko

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (Ryouka x Naanya) 150815
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2015, 09:07:37 PM »
awww new generation pairing.. they are cute enough for me!

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (Ryouka x Naanya) 150815
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2015, 11:24:47 PM »
I love these great job could you write a tano and mako one shot I am shipping this couple lately

Offline junchan48

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (Ryouka x Naanya) 150815
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2015, 08:52:00 AM »
MakoNaanya, then RyoukaNaanya, now I'll wait for YuiriNaanya XD
Naanya is surely know how to make girls fall for her~
She willingly become a human for Mako and she skip her class for Ryouka. Well done, Naanya! XD

Thanks for the fic, Ruka-sama^^
I'll wait for the another pair~~~
Newbie. Yoroshiku Oneigashimasu ^^

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (Ryouka x Naanya) 150815
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2015, 05:26:39 PM »
Hi Ruka-chan!!! Amazing OS there! They are all sweet and CHESSY in a GOOD way! LOL
I know your request list is long so I'm not going to add to that! Looking forward to your new updates! :fap

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (Ryouka x Naanya) 150815
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2016, 10:21:03 PM »
It's been a while since I've been on this thread. But now I have a new OS! As a request from DiamondRose. Hope you all enjoy~


Secret Garden - MeruUme (feat. SakurAnna)


“Oi~ Meru-chan~~~” A loud voice from a certain Murashige Anna startled Meru as she was focused on her phone, looking through the mobile apps, until the half-Russian girl ran up from behind and hugged her, making her look up.

“Mou, Annya, it’s way too early in the morning to be this loud!”

“What’re you doing~?” She said as she looked over to see her phone. “Ah! What’s this? Another text from your ‘secret admirer’~?”

“Shh! Quiet!” Meru covered her mouth, embarrassed. “..Yes. It’s her, again.”

“Mmph!” Anna’s voice was muffled. Meru uncovered her mouth, “What’s it about this time?”

“She says that… she wants to meet me.”

Anna squealed. “Oh my God!! Where, where??”

“She gave me a picture of this…” She showed her the picture on her phone, which was on a gazebo in a rose garden. “I looked up the address and it’s actually near the park that’s close to the old school house. She says she wants to have a tea party there with me.”

“So, are you gonna go?!”

“I guess I should.. It’d be disappointing for them to get stood up like that.”

“Oooooh, this is so amazing~” Anna hugged the girl tightly. “Congratulations~”

“T-Thanks, I guess.”

“Annya~” A new voice chimed in as Miyawaki Sakura came by, waving to her best friend.

“SAKURAAA~~~” Anna rushed to the cherry blossom girl and hugged her, spinning her around. “Nee, nee, guess what?? Meru-chan’s going on a date!”


“That’s what she said!” Anna dragged her best friend to Meru’s side. “Show her the text!”

Meru did what was told and showed Sakura. When Sakura saw what was on the text, her face turned slightly pale.

“Is that… the park near the old school building?”


“Meru-chan…” Sakura looked at Meru, a bit shaken. “Haven’t you heard the stories?”


“Wait, what do you mean, Sakura-chan??”

“That building… it’s said to be haunted.”

“EEEEHH?!” Meru and Anna both exclaimed.

“People say that a ghost of a girl wanders through the area. I wouldn’t go if I were you.”

“O-Oh…” Meru felt a bit uneasy, looking back at her phone. Indeed, the garden and gazebo looked beautiful, but the thought of a ghost haunting the place was making her have second thoughts.

“Wait a sec! Who’s to say that your secret admirer is really the ghost girl? We don’t know for sure,” Anna said. “Plus, you just said you didn’t want to make her feel bad!”

“Well… yeah, I did say that.”

“Then you should go!”


“But nothing! You need to go and see her!”

Meru looked back at her phone, looking at the message from her admirer.

“I have to go,” Meru murmured. “Thank you again, Annya.”

As Meru left, Anna and Sakura looked at one another.

“Do you really think she’ll be okay, Annya?” Sakura asked.

“I hope so,” Anna replied.


Meru finally arrived at the park, standing in front of the entrance to the garden. She felt a bit nervous about walking in, debating on whether or not she should go. The words of Sakura talking about the ghost was making her feel anxious, but whenever she thought about Anna’s words or the messages from her admirer, it just made her keep going back and forth. She paced in front of the garden entrance, clutching her phone while holding it close to her chest.

“What should I do..?” she kept asking herself.

Just then, she could hear someone singing. She looked and saw a figure standing at the gazebo. A girl in a white dress and wearing a sun hat with a sunflower in it.

As if being drawn by the voice, Meru stepped through the gates and started walking down the garden path to the gazebo. The fragrance of the flowers completely surrounded her. Roses, lilies, lavender, poppies. All those different scents entered her nose and relaxed her mind.

She made it to the gazebo and saw the girl standing there, singing. When she felt Meru’s presence, she stopped and turned around to look at her, showing her face for the first time. Meru saw a cute girl who looked about her age with short black hair.

“You must be…”

The girl smiled. “I’m Izumi. Umemoto Izumi. I’m so happy to finally meet you, Meru-chan.”

Izumi pulled up a seat and gestured Meru to sit down. She did so and examined the table that was in front of her. There were tea cups set out, along with the teapot, sugar, and cream, and also various sweets like cakes and cookies.

“Wow~ these look yummy,” Meru said, smiling. “Did you make these?”

“Yes. I was hoping you would like them.”

Meru took one of the cookies and munched on it. Her eyes widened and she smiled brightly.

“I love them!” Meru kept munching the sweets, not noticing that Izumi was smiling as the girl enjoyed herself.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

Meru looked and saw that Izumi’s eyes were filled with sadness.

“Why the long face? You should be happy, too.” Meru stood up to look at her. “Besides… you’re my secret admirer, aren’t you?”

Izumi nodded shyly.

“I loved reading your messages. They cheered me up when I was having a bad day.”

The short haired girl smiled. “That’s good. I’m glad I could make you happy.”

Meru then looked around at her surroundings. “But still… Why this place of all places?”


“Why did you choose here to meet me? My friends said that this park was haunted.”

Izumi leaned against one of the pillars. “I can’t leave this place.”


“I don’t know, actually.” Izumi looked out into the field, where the old school building was present. “That was my school, y’know.”


“Yes… Actually, my last memory of being there was when…” Her voice grew softer. Meru could see her face growing more sullen.


“I was waiting… to confess to the upperclassman I liked… But, he didn’t come… I kept waiting, and.. When I thought I saw him, I…!” Izumi then clutched her head, wincing in pain.

“Are you okay?” Meru asked with concern.

“Y-yes… my head just hurts whenever I remember that day…”

Izumi sat down, sighing heavily.

“I’m sorry…” Meru said. “I wish there was some way I could make you happy. After all you’ve done for me and made me happy…”

“Thank you for showing concern. But I don’t think you can do anything for me…”

“There has to be!” Meru urged. She stood up and started pacing, thinking of ideas. Then, it hit her. “I got it! Confess to me!”


“The only way for you to be happy is if your confession gets accepted!”

“Do you really think that’ll work?”

“I know it will!”

“Well, okay. Let’s try it,” Izumi then stood up. She took in a deep breath before facing Meru. “Meru… there’s something I want to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“The truth is… for a long time now, I’ve really liked you.”


“Yes. Ever since I first saw you. I always had my eyes on you. For a long time, I would watch over you.”

“Thank you. I really like you, too, Izumi-chan.”

Izumi smiled, putting some of her hair behind her ear.

“So… one last thing.”


“Can I…” Izumi started to blush before continuing. “Kiss you?”


Izumi slowly walked closer to Meru, who closed her eyes as she approached her. Izumi leaned in closer and gently kissed Meru’s lips.

What was strange to Meru was that, she couldn’t feel Izumi’s lips. Rather, she felt as if something like a gentle breeze had brushed against them.

“Thank you, Meru. For everything.”

When Meru opened her eyes, she saw that Izumi was gone. And almost as if by magic, the sweets and tea that were set out on the table had disappeared as well.

“Eh..?” Meru touched her lips. “W-what was that..?”

She felt another gentle breeze and looked up to the sky. She somehow still felt as if Izumi was watching over her.


Just then, her phone buzzed, and she got a new text.

“Thank you, Meru. I’ll always love you.”


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline kuro808

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (MeruUme) 160808
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2016, 03:52:16 AM »
Seems like using Kataomoi no Karaage as a backdrop to the story (knowing all four :nervous)
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S (MeruUme) 160808
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2017, 04:29:03 PM »

Mad Hatter - JuriSaku


Alice Syndrome: A hallucinatory psychosis in which the subject believes to be “Alice” in their own Wonderland. The delusions held by one with Alice Syndrome can be very vivid, in extreme cases, making it hard to distinguish the delusion from reality. They may also have vivid recurring nightmares and dissociate from peers due to daydreaming, panic attacks, or talking to imaginary friends. They will also develop somewhat of a split personality, even referring to themselves as “Alice”.

Any individual who shows signs of Alice Syndrome is advised to seek immediate psychiatric therapy and are to be prescribed with regular doses of medication for any and all auditory/visual hallucinations and/or insomnia due to nightmares.

“3… 2… 1.”


Jurina felt her mind spring awake, finding herself laying on a couch in her therapist’s office. She had just finished her hypnotherapy session, her mind waking up from the trance she was in. She slowly sat up, her eyes blinking furiously as she faced the woman.

“How do you feel, Jurina?” the woman said in a soft, calm tone.

“I feel… fine. Better than the last time, actually.”

“That’s good,” the therapist wrote down her notes, with a pen that had a red rose on the top of its lid. “The visions have calmed down greatly. We’re making progress.”

Jurina smiled a bit, adjusting her hair as she watched the woman write.

“You’re still taking regular medication?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. And I’ve noticed your journal entries have become much better. Things have calmed down up there, that’s a good sign. Maybe you can finally go back to writing.”

“I plan to, actually,” she said, receiving a smile from the woman.

“I can’t wait to see your official comeback work.”

“Thanks, Rena-san.”


A writer with Alice Syndrome. Matsui Jurina, 20 years old. College student. A girl who’s life would otherwise be peaceful and normal, if it weren’t for her condition.

She was diagnosed at age 11, when her parents noticed her vivid imagination. How she would play with creatures visible only in her mind, and how she would often refuse to play with kids in school and retreat to her “Wonderland”.

Middle school is when the situation grew drastic. Her nightmares and panic attacks were more violent. She developed mood swings and her grades were flunking. By the time she was 14, Jurina shut herself away from school, only wanting to stay with her White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, and beloved Mad Hatter.

Treatments began a year after. Regular appointments with Rena, and three regular doses of medication a day. Morning before breakfast, afternoon or after lunch hours, and just before bed. Journal entries chronicled her progress. Visions of cats smiling grimacingly, animals in suits and dresses, flying pigs... And a wretched Queen of Hearts after Jurina’s head.

Almost 5 years now, and she found through her high school creative writing class that she enjoyed writing. No matter how vivid her hallucinations, she found comfort in sculpting worlds of stories on pen and paper.

At 17, she won the high school state championship for young writers. At 18, she published her first novel. She had an otherwise well career, if it weren’t for the delusions that held her back.

She had to take a break from writing. It seemed even when she was doing something she loved, Wonderland found a way to haunt her. No matter how hard she tried, she could hear the Mad Hatter’s singing, and the loud ticking of the White Rabbit’s clock…


“That’s great, Jurina-san!” Sakura, a high school student and fond comrade of Jurina’s spoke as they sat in the cafe.

Sakura was a long time fan of Jurina’s work. She had the three novels she published before her hiatus, the second of which actually signed by Jurina herself. That was how they met, and they frequently rendezvoused in this coffee and fresh baked bread scented sanctuary ever since.

“I can’t wait to read your next novel! Kyaa, thinking about it already has me fangirling!”

“Hey, not so loud,” Jurina said, receiving a shy giggle from the girl.


“I’m glad you’re so patient, though. Social media’s constantly bombarding me with ‘When the hell are you going off hiatus?!’, so I decided to break away from that as well.”

“I must. I mean, your situation is very difficult. I don’t have AS myself, but… it must be hard to write when all you can think about is talking animals and mad people.”

Jurina looked around, before giving a smirk.

“Actually, can I tell you a secret?”

Sakura nodded silently.

“Before I went on hiatus, sometimes… I skipped my afternoon dose.”

“Y-you would?!”

“It helped me to… think. I always had an active imagination as a child. So, I just, every now and then, let myself give into the madness.”

“Now that I think about it, your third novel was a lot more surreal and strange compared to your others,” Sakura pointed out. “So… it was really because you gave yourself over to your delusions? You let yourself become.. ‘Alice’?”

“I just needed to control it, that was all. But as I was transitioning into college and into the responsibility of adulthood, I found the stress was making my hallucinations worse. So I had to take a break from writing and strengthened my prescription.”

“That sounds bad.”

Jurina gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it. My mom helps me through it all, my teachers understand my situation, and Rena-san is extremely nice.”

“And you have me!” Sakura said with a wide smile, making the writer chuckle as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Right. And I have you.”

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock…

Jurina’s ear twitched. She looked over and saw a cuckoo clock hanging on the wall just across the room. “Did they always have that? No, it’s new… How come I didn’t hear it till now?”

Tick… Tock… Tick… Tock…

The gentle swaying of the pendulum under the clock was mesmerizing. It was strangely reminiscent of the pendant Rena would use in her sessions. A metronomic swaying that was captivating her attention…


Jurina shot her head back to Sakura. The high school girl was now dressed as the Mad Hatter, staring at her with wild eyes and a mad smile. An eccentric giggle escape her lips as she lifted up a teapot, pouring blood red tea into a porcelain cup which soon started to overflow.


“Jurina-san,” Sakura nudged the girl, making her blink as the hallucination faded. The high schooler looked at Jurina worriedly. “Is everything alright?”

“Ah, yeah. I’m fine,” she said briefly as she took out her prescription bottle to take her medication.


“Where are you, Jurina?”

“I’m… in the street. Faces are blurred.. There’s no color…”


“There’s a cat. I want to follow it…”

“Don’t follow it.”

But I want to know where it’s going..!


“Someone’s calling me… Alice…”

“Don’t listen to them, Jurina. Say it with me. You’re not ‘Alice’.”

“I’m… not Alice.”

“Say it with certainty.”

“Alice, weren’t you told never to take orders from the Red Queen?”


“Jurina, she’s not real. Say it. Say she isn’t real.”

“Alice~ Come, it’s time for tea.”

“You’re.. not.. real...”


Jurina retreated to her room straight after dinner. The first thing she did was move to her desk and started brainstorming what she would write about. A full year without writing seemed to have dulled her creative gears in her head.

She sat, and thought, and waited for an idea to come…

Then thought, and thought, and thought some more. But no use.

She let out a small groan, tapping her pen against the wooden desk. She leaned back in her chair, looking out her window, and seeing a butterfly perched.

Butterfly… Caterpillar…

As she was staring, she saw how vibrantly blue the butterfly was, while the city was a monochromic grey.

Now that she thought about it, things around her were so boring. Lacking of any true excitement. No matter how peaceful and calm, it just didn’t feel right.

Only in her mind, in her dreams filled with delusions, was where the fun was. She didn’t really care how neurotic the White Rabbit was, how troublesome and tricky the Cheshire Cat acted, or any of the Red Queen’s temper tantrums.

So… why? Why was she letting herself give up Wonderland? Why did she let herself say the Mad Hatter was just a figment of her imagination?

“Because that’s what they want. Rena-san, mom… They want me to be normal.”

She decided to write about the world she had always envisioned in her mind. Her Wonderland… She wrote about the talking cats and rabbits, about the flowers that would sing and talk for hours. She wrote of a girl with butterfly wings having tea and discussing riddles with a mad man. And of other crazy visions like eyeballs with wings and giant mushrooms.

Why is a raven like a writing desk? Can you riddle me that?

“I haven’t the slightest idea.”

Without even realizing, words were trailing down the page. Images of her crazy and eccentric world were brought to life on the page. She could practically see the world around her changing as she let her delusional mind whirr in whimsy. And she completely forgot about her pills.


“Alice… Why did you say such hurtful things?”

“I’m sorry, Hatter. It wasn’t me.”

“I know. Jurina wants to be normal. Because she knows that’s what everyone wants her to be.”

“It’s boring… I can’t be me. They’re going to erase you and make me ‘proper’. I’m not going to be able to see you or Rabbit anymore.”

“You know what I think we should do?”

“What’s that?”

“ you awa…?”

“Why don’t we take
her head before she takes ours?”


Jurina’s eyes snapped open. She found herself on the floor, hearing her mother’s voice.

“Jurina! Are you up, sweetie?”

“Y-yeah, I’m up!”

Jurina sat up, seeing her room was a mess. Her pills were scattered across the floor, and on her desk, she saw the same phrase over and over on the white pages.

Let us be mad!

“Oh no…”


Jurina bolted to Rena’s office, pounding the door in a panic. Once her therapist opened the door and saw her, she immediately became worried.

“Jurina, what’s wrong?”

“I-I don’t know what’s happening… Last night, I.. I was just writing and.. Suddenly, the hallucinations..! The visions..!”

“They came back? But you’ve been taking your prescriptions, haven’t you?”

“Yes, but, I don’t understand. I-I shouldn’t be having relapses! The pills should be working!”

“Calm down,” Rena said, holding the tense girl. “We’ll figure this out. Just relax. I’ll make tea, if you want.”

Tea.. Hatter..!

“N-no thank you…” Jurina declined, sitting down in her seat.

It was then that the phone rang.

“Sorry, I gotta take this,” the woman apologized before answering the call. “Hello?”

Rena’s voice drowned out as Jurina tried to calm herself, closing her eyes momentarily. She tried to focus on the ticking of the clock in her office. Maybe that would…

“Wait… since when was Rena’s clock so loud?”

Jurina opened her eyes and looked around. She couldn’t find a clock that could’ve been making the loud sound she was hearing. So where..?

Buzz buzz!

She then felt her phone vibrate. She looked and saw it was from Sakura. She quickly answered, seeing Rena still on the phone.

“Sakura?” she whispered. “I can’t talk right now. I’m with Rena-san, and--”



Off with her head.

Jurina blacked out for a moment. But when she came to, she saw a horrifying sight. Her psychiatrist, Rena, collapsed on the ground. Her eyes wide and lifeless, and a pool of blood under her.

Her hands shook, until she saw the woman’s very blood on her hands. She breathed in sharply, her heart pounding in her ears.

“I… I killed.. Rena-san..!”

Blood, red as roses, took over her vision. Her mind overloaded.



Someone kicked the door open. They waltzed in with a satisfied grin, their eyes laying upon the dead woman.

“The Red Queen has finally been dethroned,” the girl said as she picked up the rose pen, breaking it in half.

She then approached Jurina, who had fainted on the carpet. She smiled, caressing her face.

“Well done… Alice.

Jurina’s eyes opened. She saw the face of Miyawaki Sakura, smiling down upon her. However, her mind was calm and clear. She smiled back at her.



Mad Hatter’s Disease: A mental condition in which the subject experiences psychosis and psychopathic tendencies. They will act violently if their emotions are triggered, often have mood swings of manic happiness and anger, and are shown to be very smart and cunning, but unable to feel empathy or attachment to most people (or sometimes an unhealthy obsession toward one person).

You could say, it’s a variation of Alice Syndrome.

One and a half years since they met. One and a half years ago, Sakura fell in love with Jurina…

No, she fell for the madness within.

She loved the Alice inside her. So of course, she couldn’t accept anyone trying to take away Alice. To take away the crazy would be taking away fun. And the Queen of Hearts was a killer of dreams. If she didn’t do something, she’d become just like everyone else, unable to think for herself and drained of all her individuality.

So, she did the one thing she knew she could do to save Alice; neutralize Jurina’s treatments.

It was all very simple. Sakura wasn’t just going to let the world turn her dear Alice into a mindless puppet obeying the Queen’s law. She needed to free her; she needed Alice to give into her madness. The Queen’s propaganda brainwashing needed to be broken. She needed to condition her. Reverse hypnosis.

Make sure the delusions are still present. A few triggers should do the trick.

“Poison mushroom” Don’t take the pills.

“Tick tock tick tock” Always be alert and aware.

“Off with her head” Kill the Red Queen and any of her subjects.

Make her accept who she is.

“Say it with me, Jurina. You are Alice.”

“I am Alice…”

“You can trust the Cheshire Cat.”

“How could I say no to that smile?”

“Would you like some tea?”

“I’d love some.”

Sugar pills to keep her from sleeping. Subliminal messages hidden in music.

And art. Sakura loved drawing and painting. She drew the world she envisioned, her paradise. A utopia for her and her Alice, Wonderland. And she made sure those images were engraved in Jurina’s mind.

“This is home, Alice. Wonderland is the only place we can truly call home.”


“Red Queen bad~, mad tea parties good~.”

“Down with the Red Queen! Off with her head!”

“That’s right. Off with her head! Hahaha!”

“Hehehe… Hahahahaha!”

Yes, all to protect Alice. Jurina was the Alice to Sakura’s Mad Hatter. And this boring world would soon be their Wonderland…



“Good cat…” Jurina smiled, a small giggle escaping her lips as she petted the dirty stray. “Let’s go home, Cheshire.”

She picked up the cat, unaware of the dirty looks being given to her and Sakura.

“Come, Alice, with the Queen of Hearts gone, someone has to tend to Wonderland,” Sakura said with a mad grin. “I think we’re the perfect ones in doing so.”

She held out her hand, which Jurina took with an affectionate smile.

“Let’s not be late.”



:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S - Mad Hatter (JuriSaku) 170525
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2017, 07:21:29 PM »

Very curious the story.

Offline kuro808

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S - Mad Hatter (JuriSaku) 170525
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2017, 08:20:02 PM »
This was quite interesting although that trigger of Sakura becoming part of the infestation of Jurina's mind  :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline shortcut48

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S - Mad Hatter (JuriSaku) 170525
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2017, 04:28:44 PM »
It's triggering but it's really good.  :twothumbs
I love girls in short cut...

Offline akbdaisuki48

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S - Mad Hatter (JuriSaku) 170525
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2017, 02:51:46 PM »
its ..what is the word...whimsical?
thou I feel like I would keep reading it even its not because of my Jurisaku fetish calling me in

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S - Mad Hatter (JuriSaku) 170525
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2017, 04:44:17 PM »

Dream Eating Monochrome Momo - MomoJuri


Jurina was told from a young age stories of a dream eater demon. A devil who could make people dream wonderful dreams, but then eat them up and turning their world black and white. It was a being not of this world, from a monochrome dimension where human dreams were a delectable meal.

Her mother always warned her, never leave her window unlocked; the dream eating devil could enter her room that way. And, if she ever met someone who had platinum white hair, not to trust a word they said.

That’s what she was always warned. However, on the night of her 20th birthday, she found that she was having trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned restlessly, unable to slip into slumber.

With nothing to do, she simply opened her window and looked out at the starry night sky. She thought maybe doing that, she’d eventually fall asleep. She closed her eyes, feeling the cool night breeze gently blow against her face.


She opened her eyes, looking down. She saw a bottle of what looked like yellow star-shaped candies. On the bottle was a note.

“It seems you’re having trouble sleeping, milady. Take some of these, and sleep will come. -Momo”

Jurina looked around cautiously. She saw no presence of anyone stalking her in the darkness. It made her anxious, slightly paranoid. She wasn’t afraid of the darkness, and she never believed in monsters under her bed or in her closet.

What scared her was the mysterious appearance of this bottle. Was it the dream eater? How could she know for sure? Feeling shaken by the growing thoughts, she immediately shut her window, locking it.

She opened the bottle, pouring some of the tiny candies into her hand. She took one in between her fingers, eying it nervously.

“What if it’s poison… or a drug?”

She sniffed it, then licked it. There was a sweet taste present, a sugary taste like cotton candy.

Mustering up her courage, she finally placed it in her mouth, crunching it. “Sweet…” Her fingers twitched, taking hold of some more candies and eating them. The taste was addicting.

Then, Jurina felt a dizziness overtake her. Her eyes fluttered closed as she collapsed on the floor, fast asleep. She then dreamed of a tea party, with tea made out of starlight and those same star candies…
And a person in front of her with pointed ears and white hair.

Morning came and Jurina woke up in her bed, her mind in a daze. She wondered if what happened last night was all merely a dream. The bottle of candies was gone and her window was locked.

“That had to be a dream, right?” she bit her lip, staring at her window before unconsciously muttering a name. “Momo…”


The next night, Jurina suddenly awoke from a nightmare. She gasped for air, sitting up from her bed as beads of sweat fell down her forehead. Holding her head, she slowly walked up to her window, opening it to let the cool air in.

She stared down at her hands, which were still shivering slightly from the shock of her vivid nightmare. She tried to calm her breathing, feeling her heartbeat as she started to relax again.

“Having trouble sleeping again, milady?” a voice rose.

Jurina’s head shot to the side, seeing a person with pointed ears and white hair. The person wore a yellow and black suit with a bowtie and fedora, wearing short white gloves and holding a white cane.

“A girl? Or, a boy..? No, they aren’t human,” Jurina gulped as the person approached closer to the window.

“You know who I am, correct?” the person asked, revealing a snaggle tooth visible.

“You’re… the dream eater demon. You’re Momo?”

“I’m glad you remembered.”

“So, that wasn’t a dream. Last night, you…”

“Did it help?” the devil asked, holding out her hand to reveal the same star candies from the previous night. “These gave you good dreams, didn’t they?”

“Y-yes… I will admit, they tasted sweet. And, I didn’t have any nightmares or any trouble sleeping.”

“Is that your way of saying thank you?”

Jurina was silent a moment before answering, “Thank you.”

Momo held their hand out, lifting the girl’s chin.

“Please, let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I won’t do anything bad; I just want you to have happy, sweet dreams.”

Jurina felt almost hypnotized by the devil. She knew of the warnings, but there seemed to be something swaying her thoughts. She recounted her nightmare to the demon, who listened to every word with care.

“Oh, poor girl,” Momo petted her head, stroking her blonde hair gently. “If you’d like, I can take away those nightmares.”

“You can?”

“Of course. I am a dream eater. I can eat up those nightmares and leave only the good dreams for you.”

Jurina felt her heart fluttered, a smile curving her lips. “Really?”

“Yes. Here,” Momo then held out her pinky. “We’ll make a pinky promise.”

The blonde girl took her pinky, wrapping it around the devil’s. After she did, Momo opened up her hand again, offering her more of the candies. Jurina immediately took them, humming in delight as she crunched the sweet candies.

Seconds later, she fell asleep in Momo’s arms. Momo waved her hand above the girl’s head, conjuring several black stars. She ate each one up like a cookie, licking her lips satisfyingly.

“Sleep tight, milady,” she whispered, hearing a soft sigh from the blonde’s lips.


Soon, every night, Jurina would meet Momo at her window. She wiped away her nightmares, and in return, she blissfully slept with sweet, star-filled dreams dancing in her head. Fairytale-esque stories and desires from the depths of her heart.

Momo wasn’t a devil, she began to tell herself. If anything, they were an angel. She had fallen for temptation, mesmerized by the dreams she was shown.

Then, the night of a full moon came. Jurina waited excitedly, impatiently, as she wanted the best dream Momo could give her. Anything would do for her, even a naughty fantasy.

“Momo~” she called out the devil’s name.

She then saw the demon appear before her, flashing a devilish grin at her.

“It’s the full moon, milady. Do you know what that means?” she held her cheek, staring deep in her eyes. She smiled again, “Ahh… what beautiful eyes. Full of hope and color.”

Jurina’s wide smile slowly disappeared, hearing a hint of evil in her voice.


“I’m here to collect my payment.”

“P-payment? What are you talking about?”

“What? Don’t you know?” Momo stepped through the window frame, causing Jurina to back up. “Did you think my services would be free of charge?”


“But, nothing,” she interrupted, silencing her. “We made a deal. A promise. I’d take away your nightmares and give you all the dreams you asked. You desired more and more, each night.”

Momo smirked, her eyes glowing yellow.

“And just as I planned, you have indulged yourself in your dreams. You’ve ripened them up to the perfect degree.”

“S-so… what are you going to..?”

“Hmm,” she held her chin, their faces so close, she almost thought they would kiss. “Why don’t I just take… all of them?”

Jurina’s eyes widened, her body freezing, unable to move. She soon felt as if her mind itself was being invaded. Like the devil was starting to paint over all of her thoughts, and slowly draining out her memories.

Her golden hair started to turn pitch black, her body losing all of its color and turning a monochrome black-and-white. Her eyes became empty, and lifeless, almost doll-like. She slowly fell to her knees, Momo holding a bright, glowing mass of stars circling in her palm.

She took the orb of light and gulped it down whole.

“Delicious~ You truly had lovely dreams, Jurina,” she commented. “Welcome to the monochrome world.”

The devil then disappeared, leaving Jurina alone, staring blankly at the open window.

She no longer thought. She couldn’t recall any memories. And when she slept, she no longer dreamed. No whimsical fantasies, no nightmarish visions. Her mind was completely empty.

And just like her appearance, everything reflected in her eyes was black-and-white.


Based off the Kagamine Len song "Dream Eating Monochrome Baku"


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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The sequel to Mad Hatter! Enjoy~

White Rabbit - HaruSaku/JuriRuppi


Miyawaki Sakura, otherwise known as the Mad Hatter. A serial killer with Mad Hatter’s disease. And Matsui Jurina’s captor.

This girl was the White Rabbit’s target.

White Rabbit. A government special ops force that deals with neutralizing crime and stabilizing those who suffer from extreme mental illness. It was the White Rabbit who created the medicine to help those with Alice Syndrome.

Right now, Kodama Haruka, one of the youngest officers for White Rabbit, was assigned with one goal.

“Stop the Mad Hatter, Miyawaki Sakura, and free Matsui Jurina.”

“Would I have to kill them?” she asked her chief officer.

“If Mad Hatter threatens to kill you, then fight back if you must. But let no harm come to Jurina. We plan to send her to one of our top rehabilitation centers so we can treat her.”

Stop Sakura, at any cost, and free Jurina-san…

Haruka placed the tranquilizer bullets into her gun, strapping it onto her waist.

“I’m sorry… Sakura-chan.”


Jurina was an unaware victim, trapped in her own delusions. Her broken mind kept her hallucinating, not knowing that Miyawaki Sakura, her “Mad Hatter”, was orchestrating a plan to set off bombs all around Tokyo. To destroy the real world and reform it into their “Wonderland”.

She wasn’t confined in a cage or cuffed to the bed. The only thing Sakura needed was to keep Jurina in her delusions. Never let reality slip into her mind. She was “Alice”, and reality was threatening to kill her.

Sakura needed to destroy reality.

“Good kitty… good kitty…” she said with an empty smile, petting the cat that lay on the floor. She then picked up a rabbit doll, talking to it, “Rabbit, what’s the matter? You look wound up about something.”

Sakura looked over at the delusional girl, grinning.

“Good, Alice. Stay asleep in your dream land. You don’t need to wake up, to see what a nightmare reality is.”

She then heard a loud knock pounding on the door. Jurina’s eyes immediately shot up, staring at the door. Sakura’s eyes widened, stepping in front of Jurina.

“Here, Alice, have some tea,” she said, handing her a cup, “I’ll go see who’s at the door.”

Jurina just smiled, nodding at Sakura before sipping her tea. Before Sakura completely left the room, she glanced over at Jurina.

“Hatter… this tea tastes stra…” Her voice trailed off as she sat the cup down. Her eyes fluttering shut, she collapsed on the floor. The cat licked her face and curled up against her.

Sakura smirked, removing the hat on her head before walking to the door.

“Coming~” she called out innocently as she entered the living room. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see a face she hadn’t seen in a long time. “Haruppi!”

“Hey, Sakura.”

“It’s been too long! What are you doing here? I thought you were still in Hakata.”

“Summer break just started, so I thought I’d come visit you,” Haruka said, adjusting her glasses. “Speaking of, why are you in your uniform?”

“Oh, haha, I ended up having to do laundry. This is all I had to wear,” Sakura lied, her friend just giggling.

“You’re so weird, Sakura.”

She saw the girl about to approach her room, but stopped her.

“Hey, Haruka! Want me to make you something to eat? I recently bought some cake from the bakery; it’s really good!”

“Really?! I’d love some!”

“Alright. Just wait here, I’ll go get it.”


As Sakura walked to the fridge, Haruka started looking around the apartment.

She must have Jurina locked in her room. That’s why she doesn’t want me going in there… Now where is her laptop?

“Here it is!”

She snapped back, turning to see the cake.

“Woah! It looks really good!” Haruka’s eyes sparkled. But behind her smile, she thought, I hope Sakura doesn’t suspect me… Otherwise, she might’ve drugged the cake.

“I’ve been pretty bored lately, so I’m glad you came over!”

“You sit down and turn on the TV. I’m gonna get us some drinks. You want tea?”

“Nah. Milk.”


Once she saw Sakura leave again, she immediately whispered into her communicator watch, “Stay on guard, boys. I’m in. Once I give the signal, enter and subdue Mad Hatter.”

“Roger that, Kodama.”

She hid her watch as Sakura approached, hoping she wouldn’t notice the insignia of the White Rabbit on the face of it.

“Anything good on?”

“Hmm, let’s see…” Haruka flipped through the channels, her eyes quickly glancing at Sakura, and the food in front of them.

Okay, I need a plan. Sakura seems to trust me, so she probably hasn’t drugged the food. But I can’t let her find out I’m part of the White Rabbit. More importantly, I need to distract her long enough so I can get in her room and free Jurina. The question is, how?

“Ah! Look, Yokai Watch!” Sakura pointed out, humming in tune with the anime theme song. “This has gotten super popular at my school.”

“Mine too,” Haruka chuckled, looking around for a moment.

“Hm? You not hungry?”

“Ah, right!” Haruka grabbed her fork, picking up her plate to eat the cake. As she munched on the cake, the sweet taste of the cream hit her mouth, making her squeal. “Oishii!”


The two chuckled as they enjoyed the anime while eating cake.

Nothing unusual with the cake. Good, she trusts me… I’m sorry for what I have to do, Sakura, but even though you’re my friend, you’re a criminal now. I need to do my job.

“Hey, Sakura, where’s the bathroom?”

“Oh, down the hall, to the right. It’s just beside my bedroom.”

“Thanks,” Haruka smiled, walking down the hall.

Sakura glanced back, watching Haruka go down the hall. She wanted to make sure she didn’t go in her room.

"Don’t go in… Don’t go in…"

She looked back, seeing Haruka open the bathroom door and locked it. She chuckled.

“Perfect. She’s none the wiser…” she chuckled. “Oh, Haruppi… I love you, but you truly are naive.”


“Open up!” A loud voice called, making Sakura jump. “This is the White Rabbit!”

“Eh..?!” She got up from the couch, her body tensing. “How can this be? How did they know my location?! Did they track it from my laptop? No, that’s impossible!”

“Miyawaki Sakura, we know you’re in there! Come out with your hands up, and if you cooperate, no harm will come to you!”

She gritted her teeth, grabbing a baseball bat at the side of her couch. She gripped it tightly as she walked to the door, looking through the peephole. She could see men in white suits, the insignia of the organization they worked for on their chests.

"White Rabbit… Who sent you?!"

“Miyawaki-san, please! Unlock the door and let us in!”

Sakura growled, opening the door and immediately attacking the men in white. She swung her bat furiously, screaming as she violently fought them off.

“Freeze! Stop what you’re doing!” one of them said as they took their guns out.

Sakura just started laughing madly at them, continuing to swing her bat. She hit one of the men over the head, causing him to fall down, holding his bleeding head.

“Let us be mad… Hahahahaha! Let us be MAD! LET US BE MAD!!!” she laughed as she swung the bat blindly.


She suddenly felt a sharp pain at her back. She turned and saw Haruka holding a gun, pointed at her.

“W-what…? Haru..ppi…?”

“Sorry, Sakura. I forgot to tell you,” she showed her watch. “I’m part of the White Rabbit, too.”

“No..way…” she whispered as she dropped her bat, falling to the ground.

Haruka sighed, putting her gun away.

“She’ll be knocked out for an hour or two. Jurina is in her bedroom, drugged. Transfer them both to their designated locations.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the men spoke. One picked up Sakura and carried her over their shoulder while two more went inside to retrieve Jurina.

Haruka knelt down to the man with the injured head, taking out a small spray bottle and spraying it on the wound to heal it. He hissed a bit before smiling at the young girl.

“Thanks, Kodama. You really are a prodigy.”

“Just doing my job.”


The next day…

“The bombs have been defused and Sakura is now locked up in our highest security prison. You did a job well done, Kodama. As for Matsui Jurina, we’ve already made plans to begin her recovery. She’s resisting us a bit, though. Perhaps you should regularly check on her.”

Haruka walked down the white hallways to the room where they were keeping Jurina. A padded room, where she could be monitored, and where she couldn’t get hurt.

“R-Rabbit..?! Cheshire..?!” she panicked as she tried to break down the walls of the room. “Where’s Hatter..?! Where are they..?!”

Haruka knocked on the door, making her turn around. She ran quickly to the door, holding onto the bars on the door window.

“Please, help me..!” she said while breathing quickly in her distress. “I don’t wanna be here..!”

“I know you don’t. But you need to.”

Jurina shook her head. “I want to be with Hatter..! Where is she..?!”

“The Mad Hatter… She did bad things. You won’t be able to see her anymore.”

The girl started to cry hysterically, leaning up against the door.

“No… no no no no no…” she whispered.

As she cried, Haruka reached out through the bars and touched her face. Wiping her tears with her thumb, she then handed her a rabbit doll. A doll that she owned and used to play with as a child.

“Rabbit..!” she hugged the doll tightly, petting its head.

“Jurina, I want you to listen to me,” she said. “It’s okay to go to Wonderland every once in a while. But if you always stay down in a rabbit hole, you’ll miss out on the world above you.”

“But… reality is scary. I want to always stay in a dream…”

“I understand that. The reason why people love dreams is because we only have them when we sleep. But they’re only precious if we wake up from them to go back to reality. If you’re always in a dream, even the vibrant colors you see will fade.”

She stroked her cheek gently, giving her a kind smile as she calmed down.

“It’s time to wake up, Jurina. You can’t stay in Wonderland forever.”

Jurina slowly nodded, still holding the doll close. Haruka then left, smiling in relief.

She’s going to be just fine. Once she recovers, she’ll be good as new. Of course, her Alice Syndrome won’t disappear completely. What she’ll need to do is learn how to balance her mind and not let the madness fully take over. A mix of sane and crazy, logic and imagination.

I’ll be the one to teach her that… After all, I have Alice Syndrome too.


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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Now it does need a side back story of Haruppi as much :lol:
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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@kuro_808, ask and ye shall receive!


Down the Rabbit Hole - Haruppi's Story


When I was diagnosed, my parents sent me to a special reform school. This school was a place where students with special needs could go to get their education, and also be treated for whatever problems they might have.

It wouldn’t change, though. Autistics still have autism, bipolars are still bipolar, Alices still have Alice Syndrome. We just have to adjust ourselves, so we’re ready to go out into the world. Our conditions won’t go away; we learn to make due with them. To turn a negative into a positive.


“Haruka-chan, this is Sakura. You two are going to be classmates in the Alice program.”

The first time I met Sakura, she was still innocent. Her Mad Hatter persona had not consumed her. She was a happy girl, and was honest. As the two of us were part of the Alice program, we spent a lot of time together. We were best friends.

“Wow~ Sakura-chan, that’s an amazing drawing!”


“What is it, exactly?”

“It’s an apple house.”

“Haha, how funny! I wonder what it’s like to live inside an apple.”

“As long as there are no giant worms! Hahaha!”

Our lessons throughout the day were normal. Sakura found them boring, always doodling in her notepad, which usually got her in trouble. And she also liked taking naps in the library. Gym wasn’t her best subject, either, and definitely not her favorite.

Me? Personally, my favorite class was music. I loved singing, even as a child. Singing was always what would calm me down.

“Sakura-chan, once we graduate from here, what do you wanna do?”

“Hmm, I dunno. What about you?”

“I’m not sure. I guess I’d want to do something that will help people. Maybe I’ll go to Tokyo University and study psychology, or maybe go to medical school and become a doctor.”

“That sounds amazing… Good luck, Haruppi.”

At that time… I still had no idea of what was really going on.


When I turned 15, my family was moving to Tokyo, so I couldn’t be part of the Alice program or see Sakura anymore. I’d be going to a new school, starting a new life. I wanted to say one last goodbye to Sakura…

Knock knock!

“Sakura-chan? Are you home?”

I opened the door, seeing a horrible sight. Sakura, standing in the kitchen… covered in blood.


She just looked at me and laughed. Her eyes, which were once bright… were empty.

“What did you do? Sakura-chan…!” I walked in slowly, and saw Sakura’s parents lying on the floor, stabbed to death and bleeding out.

Their red blood stained the white kitchen floor… and the sight was making me sick.

“Haruka… Mama and Papa said that they were going to take me somewhere… Someplace to… ‘fix’ me… Hahaha…”


“They were so blind! So stupid! I’m not broken… I’m not broken at all! Hahahahaha! I wasn’t going to let them take me from you… Alice.”

The person I saw in front of me… was no longer Sakura. She was the Mad Hatter.

“Alice, let’s run away! Before the Red Queen finds out!”

“Sakura, stop!” I tried to talk to her, tried to reason. “We need… to go to the police. You need help. Your AS is--”

“AS? Alice Syndrome? No… Hehe, no, Alice. I’m not an Alice. They misdiagnosed me!”


“I’m the Mad Hatter! And we’re the rebellion! Up is down and truth is lies! Riddles are knowledge, and madness is all that keeps us sane!”


“Don’t call me by that name!” she yelled angrily, slapping me. “Where are you, my Alice? What has the Red Queen done to you?”

“Sakura… I’m sorry!”

I ran away from her. I ran from my best friend… Or, really, what I was running from…

Was a stranger with my best friend’s face.

I ran to the nearest police station, telling them about what happened and what I saw. The incident had me shaking, my hallucinations started surfacing…

“Someone, get this girl some medicine and tea. Calm her down.”

After that, I was alone with another officer. We didn’t speak for a long time, he just sat and let me slowly calm down from everything that happened.

The first thing I asked was…

“Why did Sakura do this?”

The officer had gone through a background check, and told me everything I didn’t know about my best friend.

Sakura’s parents were abusive. They despised the fact that their daughter was mentally ill, and they were going to throw her into a mental hospital to try and make her “normal”.

It was an awful thought… It was horrible, how they treated her.


“But she didn’t have to do that!” I started crying.

“I’m very sorry, Kodama-san.”

After all that happened, after all I learned about Sakura, I finally made a decision. I wanted to be the one who helps those suffering from their madness. I want to set them free before it’s too late.

So I joined the White Rabbit, at age 16.


Years later…

“I’m here to see Jurina-san.”

“Of course. She’s in the lobby.”

Jurina’s condition has gotten exceptionally better. She’s stable now and back to her old self, the only catch being she lost a year of her memory.

She doesn’t remember Rena-sensei’s death or about Sakura being a serial killer. I plan to tell her in the future, but not now.

The doctors say she’ll be discharged in a week, and back to her normal life.

I made it to the lobby and saw Jurina eating lunch happily.

“Ah! Haruka-chan,” she waved at me, seeing me approach her. “Nice to see you again.”

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Yeah. The doctors told me I could leave in a week, so I’m happy.”

“That’s great. I’m really happy for you.”

“And, I was wondering,” she set her spoon down, “We’ve been spending a lot of time together now, and I’d hate for it to stop once I’m discharged, so…”


“How about after I leave in a week… could we go on a date?”

I blinked. “D-Date? Like, what boyfriends and girlfriend..?”

She just giggled. “Of course, I don’t mean the romantic kind! Just as friends!”

“Ah, right. If that’s the case, then I don’t mind at all.”

“Thanks. I really do like spending time with you, Haruppi.”

I nodded. “I like… being with you, too.”

Madness will never go away. But as a member of White Rabbit, and as someone with Alice Syndrome myself, I will act as a guide through this Wonderland.



:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


Offline Ruka Kikuchi

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Re: Ruka's AKB/48G New Gen pairings OS/2S - Down the Rabbit Hole (170810)
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2017, 10:45:31 PM »

Spirits After School - UhaRion


“Rion-senpai! Good morning!”

“What are you doing after school?”

“If you’re free, do you want to come to karaoke with us?”

Ryouha watched as some 2nd years were talking to a short boy with slightly messy hair. She placed her hand on her cheek, seeing him smile cheekily.

“Sorry. I already promised a friend of mine we’d spend the day together.”

“Ah! Could it be Furuhata-san?”

“She’s my childhood friend, after all. I promised her we’d go to the amusement park; she’s been excited for it.”

“Eh~? I’m jealous.”

“Maybe next time, though,” Rion smiled, waving goodbye to them.

“Rion-kun’s too nice…” Ryouha said aloud, but her words were heard by no one.

Sakae Ebi High, 2nd year Kitagawa Ryouha, is a ghost.

How she died or why she remains tied to the school she went to, she doesn’t know. But the ghost girl has grown a liking to the 3rd year, Azuma Rion.

He was goofy and energetic, like the protagonist of a shounen manga. And he was talented piano player. He’s been confessed to several times, but he doesn’t have a girlfriend. For the longest time, there were rumors of him dating his childhood friend, Furuhata Nao, who he’s always with.

Or at least, that’s what Ryouha knows. She can’t talk to the boy or anyone else. She’s merely an observer. She watches and listens to him play his piano after school, and always sees him spending time with Nao and walking her home in the afternoon.

“If I were still alive, I wanna do that with Rion-kun… Nao-san has it so good.”

For whatever reason, Ryouha decided to take a nap. Of course, as a spirit, she doesn’t feel tired and doesn’t need a sleep. She just wants a nap, nothing else.

Sitting down in her empty desk, her presence invisible to those around her, she closed her eyes for a short nap.

Hours later…

Ryouha woke up, looking around to see the classroom was empty.

“Eh..? What time is it?!” She stood up, looking at the clock. It was already after 3; after school classes had started! “Oh no! Rion-kun’s already..!”

She quickly ran towards the door, only, to her surprise, it opened and someone walked in. She was about to run into her, when…


“...ow! Ow~ that hurt!” Ryouha winced, slowly getting up from the ground. But, then she realized something.



I’m a ghost! Why did that hurt?

She looked around for the person she had just bumped into, but couldn’t find anyone else in sight.

Was it my imagination..? No, I’m definitely sure I ran into someone…

Someone… who..?

She closed her eyes and remembered the face of the person who entered the room.

“...Nao-san? Hm..?!” She looked around again, but couldn’t find Nao. “Nao-san? Na… ah… Huh? My voice…”

She then noticed the bag on the floor just nearby. A mirror had fallen out of one of the pockets. Slowly, she reached out and took a look at herself in the mirror.

What she saw was Nao’s face in the reflection.

“Eh?!” Ryouha jumped back, looking down at her own body. “Nao-san’s uniform… Nao-san’s hair… Eh? So I possessed Nao-san?!”

She slowly got up, staggering a bit before pacing around.

“W-what do I do? How did I..?” She picked up the mirror again and looked. “I’m in Nao’s body. I’m Nao-san now, so that means…”

Then, Ryouha remembered Rion’s words from that day.

“I promised her we’d go to the amusement park…”

“Her date with Rion-kun..!” Ryouha’s heart skipped a beat. A familiar feeling, but one she hadn’t experienced in a while due to lacking a living body. She nervously thought of what to do, tried to separate her spirit from the girl’s body, but to no avail.

If I can’t leave her body, then that means…

“Nao-chan?” Ryouha then heard a voice call out. She turned around and saw one of Nao’s classmates, Matsui Jurina. “There you are.”


Jurina raised a brow. “‘-san’?”

“Er, sorry! Jurina-chan, I meant!” She quickly replied, trying to act like Nao. Jurina just tilted her head, more confused. “...Jurina?”

Jurina nodded; that was correct.

“So? What did you forget?”


“You came in here saying you forgot something. What was it?”

“Uh, um…” Ryouha looked around before walking to the girl’s desk. She opened it up to hide her face. She looked inside, trying to find whatever it was Nao forgot.

“Hey, you dropped your bag,” Jurina then said.

“Ahh! Thanks!” Ryouha grabbed it, quickly looking around inside. “Cell phone, check. Homework, check. Hand mirror, check. What else is there..? Mou...”

“Could it be, you lost your tickets to the amusement park?”

“Eh?!” Ryouha looked up, seeing a grin from the girl.

“Didn’t you say you’d keep them in between your music sheets so you wouldn’t lose them?”

“My music..?” Ryouha pulled out the sheet music book from her bag. That’s right, Nao-san’s part of the brass music club…

She opened it up and saw the two tickets in between the pages.

“Ah, thank goodness… Nao-san, thank you for being so responsible.”

“You’re thanking yourself?” Jurina chuckled, flustering the ghost.

“A-ah, I’m thanking my ‘past’ self! Hehe.”

“Whatever. Have fun,” Jurina said with a pat on the girl’s back. “I’m off to track meet!”


After Jurina left, Ryouha gathered the girl’s things and left the classroom. Wondering where to find Rion, her first instinct was to look in the music room to see if he was playing piano.

She could already imagine the boy sitting at the piano playing. It was making her heart race, wondering how he’d react when he saw…

Ah… right.

I’m in Nao’s body.

It wouldn’t matter how he reacts. It’s not to me.

She walked into the music room, only to find the boy was not there.

“Eh..? Did he already leave?”

Ryouha ran out into the hall again, dashing down the stairs toward the exit. She then stopped, seeing the boy leaned up against the shoe lockers.

“Ah! Nao,” he waved with a kind smile. “There you are. You ready?”

“I… y-yeah,” Ryouha looked down, gripping onto Nao’s bag.

“Hm? What’s wrong?”

“I’m… just excited,” Ryouha smiled. How would Nao-san say it..? “I love spending time with Rion!”

She then wrapped her arms around his, surprising him.


“Let’s go! Today, you’re going to spoil Nao!”

Even if it’s not me… I want to enjoy this day to its fullest.

Nao-san, forgive me! I’ll be Rion-kun’s date today!


Ryouha’s first step outside of the school in a long time. And her first date with her beloved crush, Rion. And, of all places… the amusement park she always wanted to visit.

“Uwaa! Everything looks so much fun!”

“You’ve been here before, right?” Rion asked. “With Jurina and the others.”

“Ah… O-oh, right. I have. But, it’s different cuz I’m with Rion, now!”

“So, what do you wanna do?”

“Hmm…” Ryouha looked around, then seeing a roller coaster. She gave a mischievous grin. “Rion will do whatever Nao wants, right?”

“Uh… yeah?”

She then pointed at the roller coaster. Rion’s face grew pale.


“Come on, I dare you! We’ll ride together, front seat!”

“N-Nao, what’s gotten into you today?!”

“Rion is gonna spoil me today! You’ll do whatever I want, right? So come on!” She took the boy’s hand, dragging him towards the ride.

“Hey, hold on! Nao!”




I… regret my decision.


“Uwa… that was crazy fast.”

“Hehe, sorry,” Ryouha chuckled, only to receive an evil laugh from the boy. “Rion..?”

“I said I’d do whatever you want, but… you should be punished.”



“GYAAAH!!! GHOST!!!!” Ryouha clinged to the boy tightly as they ran through the haunted house.

“This is what you get for forcing me on that roller coaster!”

“I’m sorry! I’m really, really, deeply sorry!”



“Rion, you’re so mean!” Ryouha repeatedly pounded the boy’s shoulder. “I had no idea you could be so cruel!”

“Huh? Even after all the times I teased with you?”

Ryouha was scared… No wait, I can’t say that.

“Nao was scared…” she gave him puppy eyes, the boy taken aback.

“I… I was just kidding, Nao,” he quickly apologized. “I’m sorry. Were you really that scared?”

“Rion, you meanie…”

“I-I’m sorry! I… How can I make it up to you?”

Ryouha pouted, then.

“Ice cream!”

“...Huh? Come again?”

“Buy me ice cream. Then I’ll forgive you.”

Rion sighed out, patting the girl’s head. “You’re so hopeless…”

Rion-kun’s hand… is so warm.

After ice cream, the two went up to the Ferris wheel. Ryouha stared in awe at the sight down below, giggling seeing everyone so tiny from up above.

“It’s nice, huh?” she then asked Rion, who seemed to be staring off into space.

“Ah… Oh, yeah! It is!”

She raised a brow, getting up from her seat and scooting beside the boy. She laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

“Oi… you must have a fever or something. You’re not like yourself at all, today.”

“I’m just happy being with you.”

“We’re always spending time together at school. What makes today so different?”

“Because…” Ryouha looked up, seeing his confused look. Of course she knew, Rion was seeing her as the girl she was possessing. Nothing more, nothing less.

But the happiness she was feeling right now was real. It didn’t matter who she was.

“I like just being around you… even if you don’t notice,” she whispered the last part. “I like you, Rion…”

The boy was silent. Ryouha just felt another pat on the head, making her heart warm.

If only we could stay like this…

Time, please stop. I want to savor this feeling.


Ryouha held onto the pink teddy bear Rion had won “her” at a carnival game, the two of them walking down the street into the city.

“Hey, there’s a purikura!” the boy pointed out. “Nao, you want a picture?”

“Sure!” she smiled widely, following him into the booth.

“Hai! Say cheese~”


“Oooh, they turned out really well,” Rion smiled, Ryouha giggling at the pictures and silly faces they were making.

“Now we’ll always remember today!”

“Yeah. Today was a lot of fun.”

“Yeah! It was the best!” Ryouha giggled, still holding the bear.

She then wondered… when would this end? When would her spirit be lifted from the girl’s body?

Once that does happen, she thought, she’ll be back to being a spirit. And she’ll probably never go on another date with Rion like this.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”


“I’ve been so busy with after school piano lessons, that this is the first time in a long while we’ve spent time together. So, I’m happy.”

“Me too…”


Ryouha turned around, seeing Rion was suddenly leaning close to her.

Eh?! A kiss?!

She closed her eyes, waiting for impact…

“You aren’t Nao, are you?”

“...What?” Ryouha opened her eyes, seeing a smirk on the boy’s face. “What did you… just say?”

“You aren’t really Nao… I can tell.”

“W-why would you say tha--”

“The real Nao knows, I have keen sight. Especially, to those things invisible to others.”

W-what?! Rion-kun can see… spirits?

“Your aura is a little different. And plus, it’s easy to tell that you’re acting very unlike the Nao I know,” Rion chuckled. “So no need to hide it anymore. Tell me your real name.”

Ryouha clutched the bear, blushing a bit.

“It’s… Ryouha.”

“Ryouha-chan. Why did you possess my childhood friend? Could it be, you were jealous and wanted a date with me?”

“N-no! It was all by accident!”

Rion just chuckled again, making her pout.

“It’s true!”

“Sorry, sorry. But, whatever the reason, today was still fun. As long as you were happy and had fun today.”

“Aren’t you upset I got in the middle of your date with Nao-san?”

“I’ll find some way to make it up to her. I wonder how I’m going to explain this, though. I’ve never had a spirit possess my best friend before, hehe…”

Ryouha sighed. “I’m so relieved…”


“Hmm, I wonder… I just feel like, a weight’s been lifted off me.”

“Mind if I ask a question?”


“When you were still alive, did you ever go on a date?”

Ryouha shook her head.

“I always wanted to… I had a person I liked, but it ended up not working out.”

“Will you let me hear your story?”

Suddenly, with those words, something was unlocked. As if it were like any other conversation, Ryouha began telling him about the last thing she could remember of her crush.

My crush… my first love…


“I like you, Sae-sensei!”

“Ryouha-chan, you’re a nice kid. But, I’m sorry…”

A rejection… and regret mixed with her heartbreak.

Why did I confess..? I knew it was impossible..!

And then, suddenly…



“Kya!” Ryouha held her head, her memories suddenly flowing back to her.

I saved Miyazawa-sensei… from dying in a car accident.

“I see… Is that why?”

“I-I… think so.”

Rion rubbed her back, comforting a ghost. Ryouha just started crying into his chest, clutching his jacket.

“Are you satisfied? Remembering what you did to save his life? And going on a date with me?”


“Does it lift your spirit?”

She looked up, seeing him smiling kindly.

“...Not yet.”

She then stood on her tiptoes, leaning forward and stealing a kiss on the boy’s lips.

Now I’m satisfied…


“Woah!” Rion caught Nao’s body as she collapsed in his arms. He grinned, looking up at the sky. “Guess that was your last wish, huh? Was it your first kiss… Ryouha-chan?”

“Hmm… Hm..?” Nao slowly stirred, looking around confused. “Huh..? Rion-kun..? Why are we outside..?”

“Welcome back.”

Nao furrowed her eyebrows. “Welcome back? Did I go somewhere?”

She then saw the pink bear in her arms, and the night sky above her. Rion just chuckled.

“Eh?! Ehh?! What time is it?! The amusement park?!”

“Sorry, Nao. There was a bit of an intruder on our date.”

“What are you talking about? What happened?!” Nao shook the boy’s shoulder.

“I’ll explain on the way home, come on.”

“Hey, wait~”

Ryouha’s spirit watched from above the Sakae Sunshine. She smiled seeing Rion teasing Nao whilst the girl clung to him for answers.

“Nao, you’re a lucky girl. Treasure him, okay?” she whispered with a smile before her body disappeared into starlight.

And yes, Rion-kun… That was my first kiss.


:heart: l Completed: Fire and Ice l Black Chocolate l My eternal blue rose l Dishonored l The Black Rose l Fruits of a Rose l Remnants l :heart:
:heart: l Dropped: Tentomu chu l REBORN l Bite me l NMB Gakuen l YumeToki l Cafe 48 l :heart: l Hiatus/Indefinite: Samurai l Blood Bonds l Night Wind's Deed l PRISM l Time Travelers l :heart:
:heart: l Collab threads: Sky&Ruka l Ruka&Michael l :heart:
 l Compilation thread: 48G New Gen l :heart:


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