@Kuro-nii: seems like it... It was like I really wanted to show the desperation she's facing and will be facing throughout the story.
@Ame-chan: Yes I do know~ Thus that is why I wrote the fic

Minna, Umechan's graduation has been a pretty saddening moment for me. It goes fast and surprisingly I wasn't crying much but it felt like she left a hole gaping in my heart. Proceeding was hard, but I know I have to finish this. Credits to Kuroiyuki as my proofreader on this.

Chasing You – Chapter 4
Umeda Ayaka's Graduation Fic
By Cometerz48
“The DNA doesn’t match Dorslen’s.” Informed Jo as Shu inspecting Dorslen’s cupboard in her apartment. “But it came back positive for male and a long term drug addict, no match in database though.”
“If it is true that Miyazawa and Kobayashi recognized the other one, Dorslen must’ve been standing by to help the kidnapping.” Said Shu. “Any results on what kind of drug they are using?”
“Can’t get any results on that if it’s just from sweat.” Said Danny. “You’d need to run a blood test to determine that.”
“So that means girls team kidnapping one hot disabled man.” Whistled Adam. “What? Miyazawa is indeed hot, even for someone in a wheelchair.”
“Umeda said he was one popular agent back in the days.” Said Shu. “Apparently pretty much every woman in the branch has thought of him once.”
“How is she accepting her status?” asked Danny. “This girl is quite neat.” He complimented as he looked through her study table. “The journal is pretty organized.”
“She…” Shu hesitated. “… is accepting the fact and accepts the conditions as well.”
“You don’t look convinced.” Said Jo.
Shu tilted his head, “She’s a woman with a difficult history, Mam. I can’t read what is on her mind sometimes, but she is determined to accept now.”
“Anyways… It is strange for someone with hit man as a work at night to be that organized.” Frowned Adam. “What if the whole thing is about revenge? You said Miyazawa was popular, I bet there were rejections.”
“I supposed so.. That could be a motive.” tilted Shu. “I’ll go ask my mentor later and also others on the department where Miyazawa used to work.”
“Hey, check this out.” Signaled Sheldon near the bookshelf. “What do you see?”
“Spider webs.” Said Adam.
“Thick dust.” Said Jo sliding her finger on the wooden linings of the bookshelf.
“Thick books.” Answered Shu pointing at the encyclopedia. “Why would someone with a fitness trainer as a noon job and a hit man at night, would have collections of encyclopedia?”
“Exactly there, young man.” Smiled Sheldon before walking to the side of the bookshelf. “Help me move this aside.”
Shu and Danny helped the man pushing the bookshelf to the side. It was a lot of work for three man, but they moved it aside and found a hole big enough for one person to enter.
“Talk about secret tunnels.” Whistled Danny. “After you, Jo.”
Jo entered the hole, followed by Shu. The young agent pulled out his mini flashlight and looked around the small room hidden inside. “Wow..” The room wasn’t very big but it fits a table as well some cupboards and shelves filled with weapons. From army daggers to rifle and handheld guns along with the ammunitions, everything was stuffed neatly and organized on the shelf with labels of which firearms they belong to.
“I don’t think she’s just a mere hitman, Jo.” Whistled Adam. “This is more like a terrorist base than one hit man’s house.”
“This is like a vault of weapons for a task force..” said Shu while he was inspecting the firearms. “We have a bigger one in Japan of course. But this is… “
“There is no way Dorslen can have this many firearms.” Simplified Danny. “We need to take it all back to the base to identify the firearms, to see if we can find at least one with legal license.”
“Found a hair, people.” Said Sheldon. “And it’s brown.” She held it up to the flashlight.
“Dorslen’s hair is blonde.” Said Jo. “This could be the other person’s hair, our kidnapper.”
“I’ll check this one in the lab later.” Said Sheldon as he bagged the hair. “Found something, Adam?”
“Yeap..” said the younger man as he fumbled through a nearby cupboard. “Found these.”
What he found was an old handycam, with a video tape inside the slot.
Shu rose his eyebrows, “I thought people don’t use that kind of camera these days.”
“Oh, it’s been a hip here to use something classic and old.” Said Jo inspecting the video tape. “Look though.”
“Autumn..” read Shu. “As in season?”
“We better find out.” Motioned Jo. “There’s a player there, let’s see what we can get.”
Sheldon turned on the player and inserted the tape before standing next to the others, pressing the TV remote as he did so. At first the TV screen was white, as if something was covering the camera. Then it the object was pulled out of the way, showing the camera a figure strapped to a chair, beaten up but alive.
“Look up now, Sae.” The figure looked up, revealing Miyazawa’s face. His perfect look was beaten up completely: bleeding nose, a cut on the cheek, and shades of blue around the eye. His white shirt was messy as well as dusty, splattered with blood.
“You…” growled Miyazawa looking at whoever behind the camera.
“You’re a disgrace, you know that?!” “Now… Now.. Don’t be such a naughty boy now we both know you tried to-“ “AND I KNEW IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!!” yelled Miyazawa.
“You manipulator son of-“ *ZAP* Shu held his breath as his eyes widened upon the sight of an electric stun gun was shot to Miyazawa’s chest. Miyazawa roared in pain as his body shook against the chair, but still constrained by his bounds. His eyeballs rolled backwards, Shu knew it must have been quite a high voltage. And it finally stopped just in time, where Miyazawa slumped forward but still sitting on his chair, panting.
“Now, no swear words Miyazawa.” Chuckled the voice.
“You’re just like your mentor, one tough nut but very impulsive. So easy to get into your head.” The camera then was removed from the tripod, and turned to the cameraman as if they were taking a selfie. Shu held his breath again this time, much shocked than before. The cameraman’s face was familiar, too familiar indeed after studying the case five years ago on the flight to New York.
Oshima Yuu was smiling at the camera casually. He was wearing a green sweatshirt with a grey hoodie, as if he was a normal man.
“Wait, is that..?” asked Adam.
“Oshima Yuu.” spoke Shu still in shock. “He’s supposed to be dead two years ago.”
“Ever play cat and mouse, dear policemen of New York?”grinned him.
“Let’s see if you cats can catch a mouse with big stocks of cheese in this city’s maze… But I should warn you.” “Even mouse can bites back it’s predator.” ===============================================================================================
“Ayaka..” she heard Takahashi’s voice. “Come here for a second.”
“What’s up?” she sat next to the former head of the agency on the bed, eying photos of the evidence found from Miyazawa’s place. “Yea, I was thinking Sae and Kana were looking back at the case from two years ago.”
“Look,” Takahashi picked up a photo. “It says here, about the death of the psycho.”
“Yes..” fumbled Ayaka as she squinted her eyes to see the newspaper writing in the picture. “I read this one, his death was caused by a heart attack. Minegishi was in charge of the investigation, her team concluded the case in less than a day.”
“Is it possible to look at the autopsy files?” asked Takahashi. “I want to look at it. If Miyazawa and Kobayashi put this up on the wall, there must be something they found.” She pointed a red string on the newspaper in the photo.
“That must’ve lead to somewhere.” Said Ayaka. “But if I called the agency especially Minegishi, she’d reject the request. All the leaders must’ve knew about my current status in this place.” She grumbled.
Takahashi raised an eyebrow, “My my… You must have forgotten that
‘she’ is still there, aren’t you?”
“Who are we on about?” Ayaka’s eyes widened after she finished the sentence as the name of a person popped in her head. “Ah… Yes.”
“She’s definitely going to listen to you, Ayaka.” Nodded Takahashi. “She’d listen to me as well… but she might be storming here with the file instead of sending it secretly.”
“I’m sorry about your resignation.” Said Ayaka. “I heard about it from Sayanee. You had to leave without telling anybody even her.”
“I know.” Said Takahashi eying the horizon. “Yuihan and the director told me it would be saver for me to run away from the country, at least until the agency has more proof to pin it on him.”
“Damn, I hate politic cases.” Swore Takahashi. “I see now why Atsuko decided to retire earlier before her marriage.”
“Speaking of marriage,” said Ayaka. “Asuka-kun is a married man now.”
“Kuramochi?!” yelped Takahashi in surprise. “seriously?”
“Yeap.” Nodded Ayaka looking through her laptop to look for a certain contact. “He resigned about six months ago, and three months later, he sent me a picture of his wedding in Guam.”
“Wow…” whistled Takahashi. “I’m getting old… and my kouhai beat me to the wedding aisle.”
“Same team here.” Said Ayaka. “Now shush so I can call this person.”
“You’re calling her via skype?”
Ayaka nodded, “You missed her, don’t you?”
“Yeap.” Admitted Takahashi.
The laptop screen then connected Ayaka to a certain woman reading an adult novel on her chair as piles of files waited to be worked on. Ayaka raised her eyebrows in amusement as the woman had yet to notice how Ayaka could see her via the camera.
“I see you are busy there, Nakamura. Maybe I’ll just drop by some other time,” said Ayaka.
The woman turned to the screen,
“Who the he- UMEDA-SAN?!!” she dropped her book in surprised.
“Oh Jeez, you surprised me!!”“Gotcha,” smiled Ayaka to see such reaction. “Hope you are doing great working under Yokoyama now.”
“Ah Yuihan? She’s great. Listens to my findings, simplify things for others to understand, very capable to connect with as well.” Shrugged Nakamura.
“Umeda-san, why are you contacting me? I’ve heard tha-“
“I need your help, Nakamura.” Said Ayaka. “I know you’ve heard the news of my status, unable to investigate any further on Miyazawa’s disappearance but I knew he was working on something. It might be the cause of why he was kidnapped.”
“I-I…” fumbled Nakamura. [
font=andale mono]“Are you sure you’re alright to go? Look I’ll help, but I don’t want you to overtire yourself especially after Milky-“[/font] “I can handle myself!” Ayaka yelled from frustration. Nakamura’s eyes widened upon Ayaka’s sudden outburst. Realizing what she had just done, Ayaka took a deep breath to calm herself. “Sorry.. It’s just frustrating that everyone has been treating me like I’m going to die soon.”
“You’re not and you won’t.” said Nakamura straightforwardly, showing concerns.
“I know it is frustrating, but we’re all worried about you..” “Thanks,” smiled Ayaka thinly. “I’ll make sure I stop before getting too exhausted. Please just don’t tell anybody I’m still working on this case secretly, you know why I must.”
“Alright.. I won’t tell anybody.” nodded Nakamura.
“What do you need?” “I need all the files about The Psycho’s death. Coroner’s reports, prison watch, anything on him.” Said Ayaka. “Send it all through my mail.”
“Okay…” said Nakamura as she typed the commands and scanned the files as well.
“Well,… what do we have here?” “What’s up?”
“The file is encrypted.” Said Nakamura frowning.
“Strange.. All solved case files should be free access to me and Yuihan whereas this one isn’t..” “Can you fix it?” asked Ayaka.
“Give me a moment..” said Nakamura before starting to stare at her computer and typed in various commands, hacking techniques to her keyboard. After a few minutes, the young woman showed a wide smile and clicked the enter button.
“Okay I sent it to your email but I took my curiosity to look into the file.. Do you mind?” “Nope. Not at all..” said Ayaka. “What do you see?”
“The one who signed off the whole report wasn’t Minegishi-san.” Said Nakamura.
“It’s Shimada..?” “Well.. Shimada is Minegishi’s second in command right?” asked Ayaka.
“Yes but….” Said Nakamura.
“Would you open up the part of the toxic report where there is a diagram of the Psycho’s blood cell?” “Okay..” said Ayaka motioning Takahashi to take look at it from her laptop. “It looks pretty normal here..”
“No no, try using the microscopic zoom.” Said Nakamura.
“The color of the cells looked normal at first but when you looked more into it you can see that there is something different.” “You’re right..” said Ayaka. “Anybody can mistake this as a natural cause of death, but this is different.. It was as if the psycho was poisoned but not a regular one.”
“Not cyanide, definitely.” Nakamura shook her head.
“If the procedures were done correctly, there should be a blood sample stored at database, I’ll go and have a double check on that.” “Who’s in charge of the toxic reports?” asked Ayaka a bit annoyed. “This should be done correctly and it should’ve been doubled check by whoever confirmed the report.”
“Let’s see…” said Nakamura.
“It’s Takajo-san.” “Takajo as in Takajo Aki?” asked Ayaka frowning. She glanced at the confused Takahashi. “She’s pretty observant, she should have noticed the cells.”
“Yeah…” nodded Nakamura.
“I mean she has a degree in forensic chemistry as well as biology… She should be aware on this.” Nakamura looked up from her screen, her eyes widened.
“Oh crap, Yuihan is coming. I’m going to turn the connection off okay?” “Wait Nakamura-“
“I’ll check on the blood samples later and I’ll inform you guys later on.” Said Nakamura.
“Wait,” said Ayaka. “How do you know I’m not alone?”
“You’re with someone right? And that somebody has your laptop and looking to the mail I sent you.” said Nakamura.
“I really need to go now, bye!” she flashed a smile before her camera goes black.
“She seems to be doing well.” Said Takahashi. “She does a great job, that kid.”
Ayaka nodded, “But why would Takajo missed on that? I mean if she did done it manually, she could have used a program to identify the substance in the blood cell.”
“Strange..” frowned Takahashi as she scanned down the newly arrived reports. “I didn’t know he has a property in New York..”
“The Psycho.” Said Takahashi addressing her old mentor. “Look, he has a property in Long Island, a warehouse by the looks of it by and he had it since fifteen years ago.”
“He participated in the collaboration training with Navy SEALS before, right? If he’s well prepared, he would have the place as a back place to stay.”
“But the property has been checked by the Agency.” Said Takahashi. “Minegishi’s team was assigned completely on him.”
“Let me guess, Shimada signed off the report?” Takahashi nodded. “We need to check the property.”
“I’ll check, but you are not going anywhere, Umeda.” Said Takahashi firmly. “You need to rest, you’re getting paler.”
“Oh shit, I think you’re right.” Said Ayaka suddenly feeling nauseous, she tried to walk towards Takahashi but instead falling forward. Luckily Takahashi caught her on time.
“You shouldn’t be doing this Ayaka..” said Takahashi helping Ayaka to sit back on the chair. “Yuu wouldn’t like it to see you like this..”
“He also wouldn’t like it if Miyazawa is not anywhere to be found.” Swallowed Ayaka. “We have to find him, Takahashi. You know there is something going on..”
“I know,” said Takahashi. “I’ll check the warehouse but I need you to stay here and rest. If the New York police knew your condition, they’ll definitely send you back to Japan.”
“I know..” said Ayaka weakly. “Promise me you’ll be back.”
“I will,” smiled Takahashi before giving a quick hug to Ayaka. “catch you later.”
“So we have a situation where there is someone who’s supposed to be dead but came back alive through a video and suspected as a kidnapper.” Said Jo firmly. The whole team including Shu was back in the CSI’s meeting room.
“Oshima Yuu was supposed to be dead two years ago.” Said Shu while handing copies of the case file regarding to Oshima Yuu’s death. “Oshima died when he and Miyazawa tried to rescue Umeda-san from an escaped criminal who held her as hostage. Oshima and Miyazawa broke the rule of the agency in order to rescue her.”
“Oshima and Umeda were dating, says this file.” Pointed out Danny.
Shu nodded, “The criminal wanted to revenge on Oshima for arresting him. That is why he kidnapped Umeda.”
“It is actually much more complicated than that, Yabushita.” Said a new voice by the door. Shu looked up and raised his eyebrows upon the newly arrived figure. “Hello, I’m the agent assigned to replace Umeda-san. My name is Matsui Jun and this is my assistant-“
“Emika??” burst out Shu as soon as she saw the Captain of his department behind Matsui. Noticing that all eyes had turned to him, he blushed. “Sorry..”
The captain smiled to Shu, “Hello Shu-kun. I’m Kamieda Emika, I will be assisting Matsui Jun and Yabushita in the case as well.” She introduced herself to the Americans.
“Talk about a lot of foreigners…” whispered Danny before receiving an elbow from his wife. “Ouch!”
“Please do join us,” smiled Lindsay after throwing a scowl to her husband. “I’m Lindsay Messer, CSI.”
“Thank you..” nodded Matsui before taking a seat next to Emika whereas she sat next to Shu. “So as I was saying, there is more to tell than just the criminal wanted revenge for his arrest. Oshima was his student a long time ago, he puts all his hope in Oshima thus he was also part of the Agency.”
“What made him turned bad then?” asked Flack flipping through the folder he’s given.
Matsui looked at Emika, urging her to continue the story. The captain nodded, “The criminal fell in love with a wanted traitor, he was assigned to kill her but instead they developed a secret relationship.”
“Talk about modern day Romeo and Juliet..” whistled Adam before being eyed by Jo. “It’s true!”
Matsui smiled amusedly at the comment, “Well that is true. However, once the agency knew the fact, they sent Oshima and Miyazawa to eliminate her. They did the job and they were also assigned to eliminate the Criminal himself, but when they got to the place he was already long gone.”
“A month after that, the central office of the agency was bombed by him.” Said Shu, knowing the rest of the story. “Miyazawa lost his lover, and Oshima, his best friend, died three years later.”
“Except that guy is alive out there with Miyazawa in his hand.” Said Flack. “Either his death was faked or someone imposes to be him.”
"So you are suggesting whoever kidnapped Miyazawa has something to do with the criminal’s death and the cases back then?” asked Jo.
Emika nodded, “It’s possible. I have seen what Shu sent in about the video, we compared the voice recorded with Oshima Yuu’s voice. It’s a 44% match.”
“How about the other 56%?” asked Adam. “Have you run the scanner to reveal editing on the voice recorded?”
Emika nodded, “I did and still 44% match. It is not impossible that Oshima Yuu is still alive, his remains were cremated after it was confirmed a match to him. It must’ve been someone trying to be him.”
“Then what should we do to find Miyazawa?” asked Jo to the agents. “We do know he might be kept somewhere in a warehouse.”
“The criminal has a warehouse under his undercover name located in Long Island.” Informed Jun before handing out a paper to Flack. “The rent goes for a 10 years already, and it ends in three months.”
“I’ll get the raid team. Miyazawa might be in the warehouse.” said Danny. “You may join us as well.” He told the agents.
Matsui nodded, “Yabushita and I will be coming with you. Emika will stay here to give you access to our files regarding to what Miyazawa was involved in.”
“Alright then.” Said Jo. “Let’s move out.”
“You must’ve been wondering how did I got the job.” Said Emika as soon as the others were preparing for the raid, leaving Shu and Emika alone in the conference room.
“I am more interested how do you become Matsui’s assistant, actually.” Said Shu. “But yes, that one as well.”
“Matsui knew Miyazawa personally.” Explained Emika. “Miyazawa was his mentor back then, and he felt guilty just like Umeda when the incident occurred two years ago. He wanted to help but couldn’t do anything to stop Miyazawa or at least get him and Oshima to think straight. He felt responsible when Miyazawa returned in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.”
“Worked with him one time, professionally. This time he asked me to be his assistant since the obligation for the case was given to him and he gets choose his company.” Answered Emika simply. “How’s Umeda-san?”
“She’s under the police’s watch, luckily the Americans didn’t know she’s sick.” Said Shu. “Emika, amuse me.”
“What do you have in mind, Shu?” asked Emika before opening her laptop, not watching him.
“It’s not just a fever, isn’t it?” asked Shu suddenly. Seeing Emika paused her movement for a second, he continued. “I saw a speck of blood near her lips and a tiny drop in her collar in the plane.”
Emika kept silent. “Come on Emika. She’s not okay, isn’t she?” Shu urged. He placed a hand on the older woman but she avoided his eyes.
“Shu..” she mumbled. “I can’t tell you… I’m sorry.”
“Why can’t you?!” asked Shu a little loud. “You know she’s my mentor!”
“Shu,..” said Emika biting her lips. “Umeda made me promise not to tell anybody. She wanted herself to tell you later when the time comes. I’m sorry…”
Shu let go off Emika’s shoulder and exhaled in frustration. “At least you should’ve stop her from this mission, Em.”
“That’s not my authorization and you know that.” Said Emika. “Yamamoto told me the mission came first before in order before her letter of resig-“
“She’s planning to resign?” asked Shu with widened eyes. “and you’re not telling me about it?”
“Oh damn…” muttered Emika realizing what she nearly said. “You know what, you need to go now Shu.”
“Not until you tell me the whole sentence, Em.” Said Shu with a serious face. “I will not-“
Shu’s voice was cut by a knock on the door where Matsui was standing with a Kevlar vest on his torso. “Sorry to interrupt, but we’re leaving in any moment soon. Yabushita?”
Shu hesitated for a moment, “I’m coming.” Then he turned to Emika, “I’m going now, we’ll talk later.” He sounded in his best serious tone before leaving the room as he heard Emika took a deep breath.
Papers sprawled on Ayaka’s bed, papers she had on the case before she was dismissed from the case. Her laptop was on as well, looking into the data that Nakamura sent in a few hours before. Ayaka sighed after reading about seventy pages long of the reports. She leaned back to the bed and eyed the opened window, showing the night sky of New York.
She hated the fact that she was dismissed and time is running out to find Miyazawa now. The first 48 Hours are the most critical time to find him, hoping he might be alive. Beyond that, hell knows.
She picked up her ringing phone and saw the caller’s number before picking it up, “Yes?”
“I found the warehouse.” Said Takahashi in the other line.
“Darkened but it seemed like it had been used recently.” “How do you know that?” asked Ayaka scramming her computer now, opening a software to detect where Takahashi was through a tracker she had given Takahashi beforehand.
“The generator for the warehouse is still warm.” Said Takahashi.
“They didn’t want to attract any electricity resources, they used the generator powered by petrol. I’d say they turned off this generator about an hour ago.”
“If somebody is using it before, there must be something we can find in the warehouse.” Said Ayaka. “A trace, fingerprints or footprints perhaps.”
“I’ll try to get in.” nodded Takahashi.
“There are cameras in each corner of this street. See if you can hack them and use them to keep an eye on the street here while I’m inside.”
“Give me one minute…” muttered Ayaka before her fingers worked on the magic of hacking. “Okay got them. You have half an hour upmost before the server notices I hacked the camera.”
“That’s more than enough.” Said Takahashi.
“I’m going in..” “Careful, are you using the front door?”
“Nope.” Said Takahashi.
“I prefer using the windows, it is much more challenging.” “Don’t break any glasses, Takahashi,” said Ayaka. Then she saw another call coming in, an intercom. “Ah it’s Nakamura..”
“What do you have for me, Nakamura?” asked Ayaka after she clicked the speak button, revealing Nakamura’s face.
“Some information and a message…” said Nakamura grimly. She was biting her lips and looking anxious, wondering what had happened. Ayaka then knew what made the woman anxious as soon as the camera turned to a figure standing behind Nakamura’s seat.
“Umeda-san, it has been a long time.” Nodded the figure behind Nakamura.
“Yokoyama..” spoke Ayaka eying the Head of the Country’s Agency, Yokoyama Yui through the camera. “Yes it has been a long time..”
“May I ask, something Umeda-san?” asked Yokoyama lightly.
“Don’t blame Mariko here.. It was my curiosity that caused me to find you contacting for a file from Mariko, correct?” Ayaka didn’t answer straight away, “I have my suspicions, Yokoyama. There was something odd in the investigation file, the toxic reports are not-“
“I’ve seen what Mariko is looking through for you.” Said Yokoyama.
“Now that I’ve seen it, it is odd as well.” “Then you must understand that-“
“I do, but we have our policy, Umeda-san.” Said Yokoyama.
“No private investigation especially when you’re-“ “THEN FIRE ME YOKOYAMA!!” Yelled Ayaka, surprising herself and the other two on the line. But she didn’t care, “YOU KNOW THERE ARE FAULTS IN THAT REPORT AND YET YOU ARE IGNORING THEM INSTEAD OF LETTING ME-“
“Umeda-san,” said Yokoyama.
“calm down.” “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOKOYAMA!” Yelled Ayaka. “You do know that psycho killed many of us.. I don’t intend to die unless he goes to hell first.”
“Umeda-san!” said Yokoyama firmly.
“Listen, I’ll let this slide.” “What?” asked Ayaka stunned.
That was quick.. “But in conditions,” said Yokoyama with a raised eyebrow.
“Mariko will help you on what you needed and I will try to help as well.” She said to the now smiling Nakamura.
“And if you are busted by the authorities that you’re still investigating this case, you are on your own.” Said Yokoyama.
“If this gets reported to the higher ups, there is possibility that you’ll get in trouble once you’re back. So it is better that you run off and conduct the investigation on your own until you’re done with it.” “Done,” said Ayaka. “I put in my letters already anyway. They may as well kick me out anytime.”
“I know.” Said Yokoyama.
“And do not pass out. If they knew of your sickness, according to the law, you will be deported to Japan straight away.” “Deal.” Said Ayaka. “Thanks Yokoyama.”
“Go get this case uncovered, Umeda-san.” Nodded Yokoyama.
“Miyazawa senpai and Kobayashi senpai are great people, find whoever did this to them..” “You don’t need to tell me such things.” Replied Ayaka with a satisfaction. She saw the director smile before turning the camera back to Nakamura.
“Okay,” said Ayaka. “What have you got for me, Nakamura?”
“Got the toxic results from the blood sample that has been stored in the database.” Said Nakamura showing a diagram on the screen.
“In the original coroner’s report it says negative for any types of poison or suspicious substance. But after a further look into it, I found traces of Grayanotoxin in the blood.”
“Grayanotoxin..?” asked Ayaka with a frown. “Isn’t that a toxin from flowers? Damn, I don’t have my old notes but I think I’ve heard of it before in university.”
“To be exact, you can get grayanotoxin from roots of tree roses.” Said Nakamura.
“But the toxin itself gave many effects when consumed, vomiting, headaches, stomach aches are the first symptoms. The next that might come are heart attacks, seizures, and even death.” “Nakamura, is paralyzing also a side effect when it is consumed?” asked Ayaka.
“Yes, that is also included.” Said Nakamura.
“You don’t think-“ “What have you got on the authorization of the report?” asked Ayaka quickly. She knew what Nakamura was thinking as she also thought the same thing.
“Shimada said he signed it off in the replacement of Minegishi when the report came in. Usually the secretary checked it out first before giving the OK sign for Shimada to signed it off.” Sighed Nakamura.
“Common practice apparently.” Ayaka raised her eyebrows, “You have to sign off Yokoyama’s reports too?”
“Nah, just checking and did some explaining regarding to some terms included in the reports.” Said Nakamura.
“Honestly, since you and Takahashi left only Yokoyama did her job well. Minegishi was alright but she left it all mostly with Shimada.” “Who’s the secretary?” asked Ayaka.
“Mariyagi-chan.” Answered Nakamura.
“she was Itano-san apprentice.” “Really?” asked Ayaka. “Then, what’s Takajo doing now? She missed a terrible mark in that blood examination.”
“Well… Takajo-san is on an absence leave since six months ago.” Said Nakamura.
“Precisely, a month after the autopsy report was signed off by Shimada.” “What’s the reason?” asked Ayaka.
“Family matters.” Answered Nakamura.
“Umeda-san, do you think with the Grayanotoxin was in the criminal’s system, he might possibly just be paralyzed and-“ “The Gyaranotoxin paralyzed him so much that even his heartbeat almost as if gone..” Finished off Ayaka with widened eyes, realizing the truth. “He’s alive.”
“Oh shit…” said Nakamura looking terrified.
“This is bad. We have to report this, Umeda-san. If he’s truly alive, he’d be seeking for revenge and-“ “He already has Miyazawa in his hands.” Said Ayaka. “Whoever hired Dorslen must’ve work with him as well. Perhaps, they were the ones helping him to faked his death. We find them, we find Miyazawa.”
“Nakamura,” she stared at Nakamura through the camera. “Find out Takajo and Nagao’s whereabouts. They definitely knew something about this.”
“How about you, Umeda-san?” “I’m on my own now.” Said Ayaka. “But don’t worry I have friends here.”
“I know.” Smiled Nakamura.
“Please tell Takahashi-san that I miss her.” She smiled before the camera shuts off.
“Did Nakamura just figured out that I’m helping you?” asked Takahashi’s voice on the other line.
“I think she did.” Smiled Ayaka lightly. “Smart kid, she watched my communication log by hacking into my system. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I’ll expect her calling me soon.” Chuckled Takahashi.
“I’m in the warehouse, it’s dark.” Ayaka heard the clicking noises as Takahashi was trying to turn on her flashlight. “What do you see?”
“A chair placed in the middle of the warehouse.” Described Takahashi.
“Surrounded by crates and other junks… and a video camera.” “Video camera?” asked Ayaka. “Anything in it?”
“The battery is down.” Mumbled Takahashi.
“But there’s a memory card.” “Bag it.” Instructed Ayaka. “The video camera too, there might be fingerprints on it.”
“Done.” Said Takahashi after a few rustling noises.
“Should I check the chair too?” “Yes.” Said Ayaka. “Check if there are any hair around it or footprints.”
“Got a brown hair.” Said Takahashi.
“Bagging it an-“ her voice was cut off by sound of serene. “Ayaka what is that?!”“Damn it,” said Ayaka rustling to other window where she hacked the cameras before. “NY Police, you better get out of there now Takahashi!”
Her eyes scanned the screen as her fingers typing furiously on the keyboard, she tried hacking through the police camera positioned in front of every police vehicles. She found her target and saw the CSI team standing by the door. Then she noticed someone else, Matsui.
“There’s someone inside.” Said Danny talking to the others.
“Adam’s heat detector found one source.” “Good enough.” said Flack holding a megaphone. Ayaka saw him instructed a couple of man in black armors with his fingers to take the sides of the warehouse.
“Takahashi, they’ve got a SWAT Team with them.” Informed Ayaka. “They’ll be covering every side of the warehouse.”
“Got a blueprint of the warehouse? Any sewer access?” asked Takahashi.
“Damn, they even got a chopper above.” “Stay low, there should be a passage to the sewer on the northeast of the wareho-“
“YOU ARE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED. COME OUT PEACEFULLY WITH HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!” she heard Flack’s voice from the line with Takahashi. Ayaka glanced at the window and saw Flack instructing a team on his back from the front door of the warehouse.
“You guys are on me.” “Takahashi, one team coming in from the main entrance of the warehouse.” Warned Ayaka. “Tell me you found the sewer access.”
“Found it and locked.” Cursed Takahashi.
“ Let me tr-“ *CRACK*
Ayaka watched in horror as Flack’s team just broke into the front door of the warehouse, “TAKAHASH-“
“Smoke bomb!!” yelled Flack.
*BOOM* “What is that?!”
“I’m in the sewer.” Said Takahashi on the line.
“Gotta use explosives to open the damn thing.” “Great, now run!!” said Ayaka. Then she heard a gunshot, “Takahashi!!”
“Over there!!” she heard someone yelling.
“She’s getting away!!” “Damn it.” Cursed Takahashi.
“They’ve got people standing by in the sewer too?!” “STOP RIGHT THERE!!” Ayaka heard a familiar voice yelling.
“Damn, I wish I can shoot at that lad…” said Takahashi.
“Don’t you dare!” said Ayaka. “That’s my menthe over there yelling.”
“Eeh really?” asked Takahashi. Then there’s another gunshot,
“MY GRANDMA CAN SHOOT BETTER THAN THAT KID!!” yelled Takahashi in English.
“Takahashi, just get out of there and stop taunting my kid!!” yelled Ayaka. Then she heard another gunshot and Takahashi bellowed in pain. “TAKAHASHI!!”
“Grazed my arm,” panted Takahashi.
“It’s nothing. A junction up ahead, which one should I take?”“Right and three hundred meters before taking another right, there should be a hole leads to another city sewer.” Instructed Ayaka. She listened carefully to the footsteps and Takahashi’s pant.
After a few minutes, Takahashi spoke.
“I think I lost them.”
“Good..” sighed Ayaka falling back to the bed in relieve. “See you back here.”
“You’re okay?” asked Shu approaching Matsui whom breathing in from an oxygen can. The smoke bomb that exploded before has given him difficulties to breathe normally. “She escaped.”
“I know..” said Matsui breathing in the air again. “Has the Americans figure out who it is?”
“Not yet.” Said Shu. “They believed it’s the female perpetrator, the other suspect besides Dorslen. But others believed that it’s Oshima Yuu himself since they saw the small figure about as tall as him in the warehouse.”
“How about you?” asked Matsui. “What do you think?”
“It’s a woman,” said Shu pinching his eyes as he tried to remember everything in the sewer. “Small figure, medium brown hair, and Japanese by sound of her accent. She taunted me when my shot missed her, but then I managed to get my bullet grazed her arm.”
Instead of the look of surprise, Matsui offered a small cheeky smile, “I knew it..”
“Yabushita,” said Matsui returning back the canister to the medics. “you did well.” He patted the young agent’s shoulder.
“What do you mean?” asked Shu confusedly looking at Matsui’s back.
“I’ll tell you once the two of us meets back with Emika.” Said Matsui. Then he turned his neck so he could see Shu back, “Don’t tell the Americans that you shot her.”
“You might’ve just hit one of the best agent Japan ever have.” Chuckled Matsui.
To be Continued