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Author Topic: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l  (Read 22654 times)

Offline ShipEveryone

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  • The ♛ Of My Life Is Someone Unreachable.
Title ll Friendship Between A Devil & A Human
Pair ll Atsumina - Maeda Atusko & Takahashi Minami ( Kai )
Character in this fanfic other than the pair ll Itano Tomomi . Kojima Haruna ( Riku ) . Matsui Rena . Matsui Jurina . Oshima Yuko .


“Ano .. You’re not a ghost right .. ? “

[ .. I won’t really say I’m a ghost . ]

“ Why can’t I see you ? “

[ You’re not even suppose to hear my voice . ]

“ Ehh .. Really .. ? By the way , I’m Maeda Atsuko . You ? “

[ .. Takahashi Kai . I really recommend you to stop talking to me . After all .. You’re in a public area right now .. People around you are thinking that you’re crazy . ]

“ Hehe . Alright . I got it . “


So , I have no idea why she can hear me but yea . I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it . I follow her everywhere . Just not when she’s in the bathroom , I don’t want to see something I shouldn’t see .

To be true , she’s pretty clever . Good looking too . So I often see people putting love letter into her locker but – She just ignore it . Her friend are okay I would say .. Just not for .. Er .. I forgot her name but yea . She will suddenly appear out of no where and grope her boobs – As a devil , I didn’t notice her coming .. I already failed my job as a devil.

“ Are you still around ? “

She whisper , should I answer her back ..

“.. No .. ? “

[ .. Yea . Is there anything you want to ask ? ]

“ How long have you been following me ? “

[ About a week now . ]

“ You .. Didn’t peek when I bathe right .. ? “

[ Don’t worry , I didn’t . ]

Now she just keep quiet and keep walking to her class .

[ .. Since when you can hear my voice ? ]

“ … Since yesterday . Does devil sleep too ? “

[  Not really .. I just feel too bored and fell asleep .. Don’t tell me that .. I snore ?! ]

She chuckled .

[ I really did !? Nooooooo – So that’s how you know that I’m around huh ! ]

“ Did something funny happen Acchan ? “

“ Eh – Ah , Ohaiyo Rena . Iie , nothing happen . Just remember some funny stuff . “

“ Heh ~ Is it really that funny ? Share with me ! “

“ Ehh , but how do I say it .. “

Rena , Matsui Rena . Matsui Jurina’s older sister .
Both of them have sexual relationship – Even though both of them are sister and .. girls . Well .. If they really like each other in that way , nothing can stop them , other than themselves .

No no , we’re not in a all girl school , it’s actually a mix school but I have no idea why both of them are together .

“ Sou ~  If you don’t know how to say it then don’t say it , ja , I’m going for my class . See you later ! “ Rena then wave her hand and leave .

“En ! Byebye ! “

“ Ne Takahashi-san , do you have the power to read peoples mind ? “

[ Hmm . I’m not sure . Do you want me to try ? ]

“ Maybe later . I have to go for lesson , chat with you later ! Byebye ! “

[ .. Bye . ]

She thinks that I’m gone , but I’m still with her .
Listening to what her teaching is saying .. Even though I don’t really understand what does the teacher say .

But I guess she get bored too , she start to scribble on her notebook  .
Her drawing ..

[Pfft .. ]

She notice that I’m with her again , but she can’t talk right now . Her teacher will definitely ask her go to the blackboard and do some questions .

You’re here ?

[ Yea I am . I follow you almost everywhere .. Even when you date . But don’t worry . I see nothing much - ]

Yes , she’s dating . When they’re out for a date I will leave her alone with her boyfriend , you see . I don’t want to be a light bulb . So I will go and chat with her .
Itano Tomomi .  She has lots of human friend who doesn’t know that she’s a devil .
You guys really better be careful of her , once you mess with her .. You really don’t know how will you die .   

Even when I’m dating !?

[ It’s okay – I didn’t see anything I shouldn’t see , like kissing . Or maybe even more ? ]

Her face totally turn red in a instant .

[ Your face is totally as red as the tomato you like to eat right now you know . ]

She then buried her face with her hands .

That action make her more cute .

[ Alright , I will stop . Plus , concentrate on class , your teacher is giving out exam clues . ]

And then I leave her alone .
Should I go find Tomo-chin ?
… Nah . I’m too lazy to find her right now .. Maybe I should go to the rooftop .


And so I started making my way to the school rooftop .
As I’m gonna open the door , I hear something . Seems like someone is having a phone call right now .

“ ..I will break up with her soon anyway . She’s way too boring .  “

Unlucky girl . Hope that the girl didn’t fall too deep in love with him –
“ Who else , that Maeda of course . “

.. What .

Maeda ? Will it be her ?  You dare to hurt her feeling you idiot -

So instead of open the door , I actually kick the door open , with full power ..
Until the door actually fly out .. I use too much strength .

“Woahh ! The hell ! “

Oh yeah , this guy can’t see me or hear me .

“Hey I will call you back later , something strange is happening right no – “

Too late mother ________ -

I punch his face , but of course not with full power . I don’t want to end up with some serious trouble .
But the punch still cause his nose to bleed , and .. both front tooth gone .

‘ Opps ..’

After I calm down , I think for awhile .

W-What if I got the wrong Maeda .. O A O .

“Hoi . “

I appear in front of the guy .

“G-Gho – “

“Continue to speak , I will zip you mouth . Now answer my question . “

The guy just look like at me timidly .

“The Maeda you talking about , is it Maeda Atsuko ? “

“S-So what if it her ? “

“ Then you’re digging your own grave . “

And I gave him another punch .


.. I’m the one who punch him , I’m also the one who send him to infirmary .

But good thing is – No one saw me since almost everyone are busing studying .

Not even the nurse – So I told myself if the nurse didn’t appear for the next 5 minute , I’m gonna leave .


But less then 3 minute , the nurse is already back and start to treat the injury . Fast work nurse . Well , I think I have wasted enough time .                                       


[ Your teacher still teaching the same thing ? ]

Again , she’s surprise that I’m back .

En . I get most of the exams hint already .

[ That’s pretty good . Just study the topic needed , I believe that you will get great result . ]

En ..

[ Is there something wrong ? ]

She think for a while before continue to write on her notebook .

Is there way for me to see you ?

[ .. Why ? ]

Cause I want to .

[ You can be quite demanding sometimes . ]

I don’t want her to see me .
I got a bad feeling about it .
It’s like once she sees me , something will happen .
But I don’t know is it to her .. Or to me .

But before I could answer her , something happen .

< Kai , come back for a while . The lord wants to see you . >

[ Well , Maybe ? I have to go now . I will check you out again later . ]

And I left the class .


The Devil Realm , have just summon me back .

“ Kai . Welcome back . “

“Thanks , my lord . Is there any problem that need you to summon me back ? “

“ Actually , no . It just feel like it’s been a long time that I last see you . “

“ My lord , the last time you see me was last week .. “

“B-But it feel so long ; A ; . “

“ .. Riku – I mean , my lord . What about you go to the Human Realm too .. I found a interesting girl . She’s a friend of the person I’m protecting right now . “

“ Interesting .. ? How interesting ? “

“ .. Erm .. She’s .. small .. But powerful some how . And a .. pervert .. “

“ And you call it interesting ?! “

“ Yes ! Your life will be much more enjoyable when you’re friend with her . “

“ Nooo ! I don’t want to ! “


But in the end , I still manage to drag him down .
After all Devil Realm has nothing to do . Everything is .. Under Constructing .
Every devil is actually in Human Realm too . But of course , if they do anything that’s Lord , which is Riku didn’t give . They will be destroy .

So I bring him to find Maeda friend .. Will they become friend ? I won’t know about that . I just leave him there and went to find Maeda .

But , I can’t find her anywhere in school .
That can’t be happening  , it’s still school timing .

Maybe she’s in the toilet .. ?
B-But as a guy , I can’t go in ..
Seems like .. I need to ask Tomochin for help .

Kai ;[ Tomo , Tomo . Can you hear me ? ]

Tomo ;[ No , I can’t . ]

Kai ;[ Then the hell are you replying me !? Okay , that’s not the point , I need your help right now .]

Tomo ;[ What . I’m kind of busy right now . ]

Kai ;[ Please , I can’t find the person I’m protecting . I think that she might be in the girls toilet but I-I can’t go in . ]

Tomo ;[ No one will know even if you go in .. So just go . >_ > ]

Kai ;[ Won’t I be a pervert for doing that ?! < _< ]

Tomo ;[ You’re a pervert in the first place , just haven’t awaken  . Ja , bye . ]

Kai ;[ Wait ! Tomochin . Tomochin !! ]

Great . I really need to go in and look for her ?

And here I am , stand outside of the girls toilet.
I do feel that she’s inside . But .
I don’t want to go in .

But I heard her crying ..

So I don’t care no more . And just went it .

[ .. What happen ? ]

Seems like she cried for some times already .

“ M-my boyfriend .. “

[ What’s wrong with him ? ]

“ T-There’s nothing wrong with him but .. He request a break up . “

[ It’s okay . He don’t worth your tear . You will find someone better anyway . ]

And she get out .

“ But I can’t control my tear , it just fall on it own . I tried to stop it but – “

She continue crying , harder than before .
She can’t see me , but that doesn’t mean that she can’t feel me .
So I patted her head , hoping that she’ll feel better .

“Eh .. “

[ Feel surprise that there’s actually something touches your head ? ] 

She nodded her head .

[ Don’t worry , it actually me patting it . Everything will be alright . You will find the guy that’s meant for you . If the guy left you , means that he isn’t your Mr. Right .]

She just stand there , enjoying the feeling of getting pat .
She really look like her . The girl I met before back few years ago .
She’ll be around this age too . But .. It can’t be her , right  ?

[ .. Say , do you ever met with a boy with blonde hair and has some weird scars on his hand ? ]

“ .. Ehh ? I’m not really sure if he has scars or know .. But I do remember I met a boy with blonde hair like almost , 8 years ago . We always play a lot , but I didn’t even have a chance to ask his name and he’s gone . “

I could feel that my heart is beating faster .
She can’t really be her . No .
Is that why Riku asked me to take care of her ?
He still remember the things I told him back then ?

Flashback ;

“ Ne ne Riku ! I met a girl today and she super cute !! “
Riku totally seems uninterested .
“ Sigh , if only I’m not a devil , I could be friend with her .. “
Riku look at me for a while .
“ .. Who say that devil can’t be friend with a human ? If you want to be friend with her , just go ahead ! “
“B-but , what will happen if she know I’m a devil one day .. Human always say that devil are always the bad guy .. “
Riku just sigh .
“ Once I’m the Satan , I’ll find the girl , and let you protect her . I promise . “
I just sigh unbelief .
“ I don’t believe that you’ll remember it .. “


“ He once dropped something in the playground , but I didn’t have the chance to give it back to him .. “

[ What is it .. Is it a .. Badge .. ? ]

“ Ehh , I don’t know if it is a Badge , but it look like a letter – “

[ K. ]

“ How to you know that it’s a letter K ? “

I use my power and let myself appear in front of her .

“ Do you still have it ? Can you give it back to me ? “

She stand there , look at me .

“You .. The scars .. “

She then took my hand and check it .

“ The scars .. You have it ! “

She looked at me as if she’s has found someone she’s missing a lot .

“ I finally .. Found you . “

“ .. Hmm ? We only met a few times when we were young isn’t it ? “

I look at her and smile , but me myself is happy that I actually get to meet her again .
Been protecting for week already , but didn’t notice that its her .

“ I always wonder how the person protecting me look like , and wonder how does the boy look like now .. But I didn’t expect the person who’s always behind my shadow is actually the boy I met in the past . “

“Frankly speaking , I didn’t know it was you , until you smile , and told me about the things that I drop . “

I took a breathe and said the next thing .
“Hey , can I be your friend ? I think I might have a little bit of feeling for you since young , but I can’t be sure . So can we be friends ? “

She look at me and smile ,
" And I thought we are already friends .. Well , nice to meet you . I'm Maeda Atsuko "

I look at her and smile too .
"Hi , I'm Takahashi Kai , a devil . Nice to meet you too . Atsuko . "


ll I Totally Rush The Ending . ll
ll Well , I just ran out of idea so - I hope you guys don't mind . ll
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

ll One-shot collection ll"

One does not simply update without inspiration .

♥ Sink as member started announcing their graduation.


Offline cisda83

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Interesting introductory of Kai and Atsuko

'Hi I'm a Devil' "Hi I'm a Human' 'Lets be friends'

very unrealistic... but interesting though

What's going to happen with their so called friendship?

How are their friendship develop?

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ShipEveryone

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  • The ♛ Of My Life Is Someone Unreachable.
ll Your Christmas Present Is Me ll
Pair ll KojiYuu

I have never thought that me as a girl will actually fall for another girl.
She might not be the perfect girlfriend type... Nevertheless, she is beautiful.
She is kind. In addition, airheaded.
She is the type of girl who has her own pace . So do not try to disturb her .

Moreover, for myself ?
I will pretty much call myself a pervert . ( Eh )
Well , in AKB48 , we need to change our clothes fast isn’t it .
I will always look at the member who is changing beside me . (LOL)
And when it time to go back , I do touch member butts and boobs .
Especially her , Kojima Haruna .

Her skin is soft and tender .
So is her boob . Soft like marshmallow – I’m not suppose to say that .
Treat it as if you see nothing .

KojiYuu , is our ship name .
I do like her . But I don’t know if she likes me back .
Well both of us do really have lots of ship ..
Ever wonder which ship is real ?
I do wonder about it myself .

And now . I have already graduated from AKB48 .
The time we spend on each other is lesser.

“ Will KojiYuu ever be real . “ I say it out loud . Forgetting that I’m actually in a café with Acchan .

“ Will Atsumina ever be real ? “  Acchan say as she looks out .

“ You already have a boyfriend isn’t it . “ I ask , confuse by her question .

“ That guy is cheating on me . “ She says , still looking outside .

That guy is cheating on Acchan ? He’s digging his own grave .

“ Does Takamina know about it ? She doesn’t know about it right ? “ I pick up my coffee cup and start to drink it .   

“ I don’t want to make her worry , she already has lots of things she need to worry about . “

“ I’m proud to say that , Atsumina is real ! “ Acchan just look at me surprise .

“ And here I thought you don’t care about Takamina , but secretly you are ! “

“ N-No , I’m not . I’m just speaking the facts . She always worried about the others than herself . She will collapse one day if she continues to ignore her health .. “

“ Still saying that you’re not worried about her huh Acchan ? “ I smirk .

“ Then KojiYuu is real too . “ She looks straight at me .

“ What makes you say that . “  I say as I look back at her .

“ Couple ring , plus . NyanNyan do care about you too , it’s just that she doesn’t show it to you . She knows that we hang out a lot now days so she asked me about you . “ Acchan then show me the message send by NyanNyan on her phone .


To ; Acchan .
From ; NyanNyan (6B6)

Ehh ! You didn’t invite me to the art museum ! (6B6)

To ; Acchan .
From ; NyanNyan (6B6)

You and Yuu-Chan seems close eh ? (6B6)


“ She’s jealous eh –  “ I never thought that she will be jealous .

That’s something new .

“ Ah , she just mailed me one message . “


To ; Acchan
From ; NyanNyan (6B6)

I see you with Yuu-Chan ! You didn’t invite me again ! D:<


I looked at the message and laughed .

I then took my out my phone and mail her .


To ; NyanNyan (6B6)
From ; Yuuchan

If you saw us , when don’t you join us ? :P


To ; Yuuchan
From ; NyanNyan (6B6)

Both of you seems to have a great time so I do not want to disturb . And , I am not alone right now .


To ; NyanNyan
From ; Yuuchan

We do not mind another person to join in .


Right after I send it , I could hear the bell of the door opening .

And yes , she’s here . But of course . She is not alone like she said .

“ Eh Takamina ? “ Acchan is the one who surprise the most .

“ Yahoo . Are both of us disturbing you guys ? “ Takamina says as she looks at me and Acchan .

“ BakaMina , both of us were talking about you . “ I say , then asked both of them to seat down .

“ So .. Are you talking bad things about me behind my back ? “ Takamina look at Acchan .

Seems like she notice there’s something different about Acchan mood today .   

“ Hmm .. Maybe ? We’re just talking about AKB48 ship between member . By the way , what drink do you guys want ?“  I ask , but both of them don’t want it .

The mood right now is weird .. It’s just too quiet .

“ … NyanNyan , shall we go out date or something ~ “

“ E-Eh ?! So sudden ? “

“ It’s been quite a long time we go out together ! “ I pout .

Yeah , been long , for months already ? Even if its just weeks , I will feel like its been a long time I last seen her .
“ I don’t want to .” She reply coldly .

“ Ehhhhhh ! Why not !! It’s been some time we go out together ! “ And I cling on her arms and then whisper some thing to her .

“ Takamina and Acchan might need sometime to be alone . “

Haruna then look at Takamina and Acchan , and then look back at me .

“ Hmm , alright . But now I need to buy – “

“ Hehe , I know what is it .. Swimsuit ! “ Then I grab her boob .

“ Hentai ! “ I’m too late to block it and she hit my head .

Eh .. I didn’t really expect her to buy swimsuit , I was just joking .

“ Eh NyanNyan – Do you really need to buy swimsuit .. ? “

“ En , mine is getting smaller . “

“ Well , you boob did grow . “ As I look at her and remember the feeling just now .

“ Don’t remember the feeling of it hentai ! “ She start to blush hard .

I have never seen her blush when I talked about the feeling of her boob.  Today is really the first time.

“ Nyannyan , don’t tell me that .. “

She look at me like I’ve found out something I shouldn’t know .

“ You secretly dating – Itai ! “ Before I could finish asking , she hit me once again .

“ Of course not Baka ! I only date the person I couple ring with ! “

“ You are not serious about isn’t it . Who have you couple ring with other then me – Eh . Wait , me ? “ 

Her face is getting redder .

“ Really me ? “ I got a mixed feeling right now . Shock and happy .

“ M-Maybe , even if it’s really you .. If we did not talk for weeks again , the feeling will fade away too isn’t it . “

“ I will take it as a yes then Nyannyan . Ne ne ne , why don’t you just be naked – Itai ! “

She looks at me angrily ,

“ Who will be naked for you ! “

“ I didn’t say its for me ! By the way isn’t it too early to buy swimsuit now , its still winter . “

“ Now that you say it. Even if I buy it right now, it might not fit again after few months later .. Then I shall change it to buy Christmas present ! Yuu-Chan , what you like for Christmas ? “

“ Naked NyanNyan on my bed ! “

And the next thing I know , I got slap by her .
Well , I do deserve it .


ll Christmas Night . ll

All I get from NyanNyan today is a mail , asking me to go back home earlier .
Meh , why should I go home earlier anyway .
Did she prepare food for me ? Can’t be anyway .. There’s a lot of AKB work during Christmas .

I unlocked the house door , nothing special .
Maybe she just want me to rest early ?
I switch on the TV .

AKB48 is performing right now , but there’s something different .
NyanNyan is not in it .

[ Thanks for performing for us AKB48-san . However, there’s something different from usual isn’t it . ]

[ Yes , Kojima Haruna-san isn’t with us right now . She told us that she busy acting like a present for someone special . I need to rush back for someone too . ]

Everyone know who you rushing back for Takamina ~
But for NyanNyan ..
Acting like a present ?
I don’t think there’s a present box that’s actually can fit NyanNyan .

I open my room door , to see something I didn’t expect .

“… I – I got in the wrong house .. Wait . This is my house and my room .. “

Curious about what I see ?
NyanNyan , and some ribbon to cover her important parts . On . My . Bed .

“ It’s too embarrassing to be fully naked .. So .. >////< “

“ This is enough .. To make me faint from blood lose .. “

I didn’t knew she took what I said so seriously .

“ So you are my present for Christmas ? “

She nodded her head . The blush on her face , just making her more cute right now .

“ .. Then let me enjoy my present now . “

And I take off the ribbon that’s covering her important parts .

“ Thanks for giving me yourself as present , Nyannyan . I love you “
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 05:10:00 PM by ShipEveryone »
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

ll One-shot collection ll"

One does not simply update without inspiration .

♥ Sink as member started announcing their graduation.


Offline Haruko

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Re: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2014, 01:57:24 AM »
thaaaat present!

Offline cisda83

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Re: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2014, 03:22:26 AM »
Such a present....

Very lovely...

Making lots of people jealous....

Thank you for the OS

Can't wait to see other story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ShipEveryone

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  • The ♛ Of My Life Is Someone Unreachable.
Re: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2015, 09:21:37 AM »
" En .. I will be your girlfriend. " She wiped her tear of happiness.

" What do you want to eat for dinner later ? " She said it with a smile.

I miss those days.


" I don't want to see you anymore ! " She left while she cried.

I'm sorry.

" Sorry .. But do I know you..? "She look at me as if it was the first time we've met.

" It's been years after we left each other ..Right .. Milky. "


She had change , so do I.
She had her new love , but I don't.
I regret the mistake I made.
On the 5th Years Anniversary of our relationship, we had a small fight.
I went to drink at a bar near my house and became drunk.

And she caught me with another girl when she has already cool down.
And whats worst is.
On the bed.

Naked Mistake.
I'm just kiddin' Haven't thought of a name yet.

For your information -
This might not have a happy endin'.
It will take years to complete.
Sayanee x Miyuki
x Her random boyfriend
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

ll One-shot collection ll"

One does not simply update without inspiration .

♥ Sink as member started announcing their graduation.


Offline niineechan

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Re: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2015, 11:31:15 AM »
I'm saving my spot here so that I'll notice an update..  :roll:
I Love ur shots. :heart: :heart:
See u.. :byebye:

Offline ShipEveryone

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  • The ♛ Of My Life Is Someone Unreachable.
Our Mistake.
------------ Part 1.

All this is Sayanee point of view. And yes of course she's a dude here.
Miyuki left me after she found me with another woman in the hotel room, she didn't give me any chance to explain the situation.

But indeed, what else can I say when we're both naked and just we two alone in the room.
I know that I'm drunk but I left and go to the room alone.
No one was around.

How did this lady get in?
I can even swear on my life that I did not cheat on her.
If I was given a chance and said the truth, will she believe it?

It has been years after that, we all changed.  But I still miss her and troubled over the incident.

How did she know where I'm in?
Who was the dude that brought her there?

I only know it all these time that the dude has been chasing over Miyuki over the years when we're still dating.

After the breakup,  Miyuki dated him in less than 3 months. But after that,  I know nothing more.

Right now I'm just sitting down in a cafe which young adult and officer workers like to have their time spend here after I found a job else overseas after what happened and come back to Japan as my boss trusted me with researching on certain topic here.

But, she.
Caught my attention .
She didn't change much, still cute but more mature to a fine lady now.

'Haa. I didn't expect to see her here.'

She's with her colleague I guess since I been able to hear something about their work as one of them speaks quite loudly.

But this subject takes a fast turn which faster than how fast I blinked.

" Hey Miyuki,  your boyfriend will pick you up later, right?   Can I have a free ride to the train station later? "

"Hehe sure,  I'm sure he wouldn't mind.  He speaks about you sometimes too. "

"Isn't it because you talk about us to him a lot? " Another different colleague said as she's looking at the menu board.

After a while, they placed their order and I'm leaving as I don't want to see her current boyfriend and listen to their sweet talk.

But as I leave,  someone drops their coin.

I picked up and passed back their coin,  to only notice the one who drops it was Miyuki.

"Be careful next time Miyuki. "

" Sorry. But do I know you..? "She looks at me as if it was the first time we've met.

"It's been years after we left each other. Right .. Milky. "
She looks shocked.

Maybe I did change a lot on my look for her to be surprised.

But without letting her continue or a chance to speak,  I left. I shouldn't have even said her name nor the nickname I used to call her with. I just want to leave immediately.


OK tbh I didn't expect myself to still remember my account.
So I was thinking like hey if I can still remember the password I should post an update or something.
And here I am to bring u boring update and I'm sorry to my old reader.

Do rest in peace aye.
As for new one,  Hi and bye.
ll The Idol MatchMake ll ;

ll One-shot collection ll"

One does not simply update without inspiration .

♥ Sink as member started announcing their graduation.


Offline 0jyuri

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Re: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2019, 09:15:51 AM »
Are a new fanfic. It's been a long time I see a new fanfic in here. I can't wait for next chapter

Offline Haruko

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Re: ShipEveryone's One-Shot Collection l Your Christmas Present Is Me l
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2019, 05:43:57 PM »
Can we know about what it's next about sayamilky situation?

thank you for that fic

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