Thought I would make this since there is a thread for Japanese
Hangul is the Korean alphabet. This is for anyone wanting to learn how to read hangul. If you are learning the Korean language or plan on doing so it is very help to learn hangul before you start learning the language.
These are the letters and the sounds they make.
Consonants:ㅂ- b
ㅈ- j
ㄷ- d
ㄱ- g
ㅅ- s
ㅁ- m
ㄴ- n
ㄹ- r
ㅎ- h
ㅋ- k
ㅌ- d
ㅊ- ch
ㅍ- p
Double Consonants:ㅃ- bb
ㅉ- jj
ㄸ- tt
ㄲ- kk
ㅆ- ss
Vowels:ㅏ- a
ㅓ- eo
ㅗ- o
ㅜ- u
ㅡ- eu
ㅑ- ya
ㅕ- yeo
ㅛ- yo
ㅠ- yu
ㅐ- ae
ㅔ- e
ㅚ- oe
ㅟ- wi
ㅢ- ui
ㅒ- yae
ㅖ- ye
ㅘ- wa
ㅝ- wo
ㅙ- wae
ㅞ- we
These letters are combined, atleast one consonant and one vowel, to make blocks. These blocks are one syllable. Blocks are read left to right and up to down.
란 - ㄹ is read first followed by ㅏ and then by ㄴ.
Notice that I left the sound for this letter ㅇ blank. The reason for this is if this letter comes at the start of a block it is silent. However if it comes at the end of the block it makes the ng sound.
이 - this would be pronounced ee.
빙 - this would be pronounced bing.
Here are a few words to help you get used to reading.
Anyong haseyo