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Author Topic: Sieka's Collections [01/20/13 - ON HIATUS]  (Read 104951 times)

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (I'll Reach You Again - KojiYuu) [03/24/12]
« Reply #60 on: March 26, 2012, 09:54:21 AM »
Not gonna post an update for Chinmoku, nor a one-shot, I would just like to place my feelings into words, its kind of hard to keep them bottled up because it feels like it'll explode...

I shouldn't be here to be honest, because I'm rather sick, I even took a day off from practice in school, but that little detail is nothing too serious, still the depression weighs in so badly... anyways, let's just get this on shall we? This will be a rather long post...

Thoughts on Acchan's graduation.

Frankly speaking, I have mixed emotions right now but the most of what I feel is discouragement.
I'm easily discouraged, especially when things start to get too tight, like its hard to breath.
This news is hard to digest, to be honest, I still can't believe this is happening, but that's life isn't it?
We just have to take it in, no matter how much we want to deny it.
It's already in front of us.

I'm not disappointed, I'm just depressed about this news, but after calming down and taking into consideration everything that Acchan said, I've come to the point where I realize that it is a great start, a good leap to start a new dream, and a new destination to start walking forward to and although the path towards the future might seem hazy and uncertain, I know that Acchan can do it.

Though there are still reminiscent of half wishful thinking that this is just some joke or a crazy prank, I know and I'm aware of the weight  and the gravity of this news, I'm quite serious while writing this right now to be honest. I don't think I can smile and shrug this off you know.

Although Acchan may not be my oshimen, I'm proud of her for taking this big leap in her life, I'm proud of her because she's determined to try to step into the cruel real world, I'm really happy for her that she has come to this terms, I'm glad that she has thought it thoroughly.

Jurina's transfer to Team K.

I know that Aki-P also gave this thought into deep consideration, frankly all this news is giving me mixed emotions, especially Jurina's rental transfer in team K, I'm worried about her to be honest, she may be SKE's center and all, but she's still young, the responsibility of handling a position in K and in S is quite large, I hope she doesn't overwork herself. I know everyone in SKE is worried for her, and I know everyone is monitoring her health too. I hope she takes care of herself.

I'm happy for Jurina though on her transfer, I know she'll grow more in AKB's environment, it will also be a good challenge for SKE and for Jurina.

I'm also happy for the kenkyuuseis and Miyuki for their transfers, though somehow, Acchan's news still has a big impact, I don't think I can be that much happy, can I? Somehow, the feeling of excitement for AKB's anime is running low on me, considering this news, I'll still look forward to what's to come, but I can't say that the fear in my heart will leave, somehow I have this big fear right now after knowing of Acchan's graduation.

If ever that another member will graduate from AKB, I'll probably get sunk on the mud even further, this is actually too much to handle even though I've come to the point of supporting Acchan on her decision. I'll probably sink into further sadness if my oshi from AKB, Yuki or my oshi from SKE, Rena, graduates. I hoping the other members won't graduate this year, not this year please, or in the next year...Acchan's is just too much to handle, another graduation to come will just make it hard for me.

(To think that I'm also graduating from high school this year, this has got to be the most saddest news I've heard, I don't think I can even look forward to my graduation knowing that it'll just remind me of Acchan... Year 2012 will be a big year imprinted on my head forever...)

With regards to my updates, I'll still continue on writing, although its rather discouraging to hear Acchan's news, I'll still continue on writing. I'm already thinking of a shot for AtsuMina, though I'm quite slow in the process of making my shots and all, I'll still work on that thought of mine and even if Acchan won't be there beside Takamina anymore, I'll still ship and write for AtsuMina, I can't exactly pair Takamina with anyone, seriously. AtsuMina will always be AtsuMina to me.

My update for Chinmoku will be rather late this time, I'm still sad, but I'm still writing it.

Any other future shots or stories in mind will still be written, yes, I'll continue on writing no matter what. I won't let this get to me, though its discouraging and depressing, I'm trying to put this as my inspiration to strive for the best in all of my stories.

Nevertheless in this situation, let's not forget to smile and look forward to the future!
(When we all finally digest this whole situation and accept all the terms in.)

We may cry and stumble at times when the hours of peeking sadness comes, let's not forget, there's always a beautiful tomorrow awaiting us at the end of the day.

The future may seem uncertain, but there's always a light behind the darkness, and no matter what happens, I will always support everyone through and through.

Thank you for the past six years.
Thank you for everything you've done!

I'll miss you Acchan!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 10:38:47 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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A/N: Update time. Gonna post Chinmoku Part V today, though I'm rather disappointed at myself on this update, not the best I've written if I can say, I don't know if because I'm being pessimistic right now because of Acchan's news, but I'm trying to be lively...

BTW, thank you for everyone who gave me their kind comments and thank yous in Chinmoku Part IV, its really encouraging, really it is, I've already commented on everyone's reply there, and it can be found here.

Gonna reply to the other comments I received before we go on with the update...


@kahem - Separation really hurts, especially when you have a strong bond with that person and out of nowhere you are forced to be apart from one another. Its really sad because you can't do anything about it, even if you want to, you can't do anything about it because you're overridden by your own emotions.

Yuko's hurting a lot there, but so is Haruna and even though Haruna is pushing away Yuko, she was doing it to lessen the pain between them, but its useless you know, because the impacts still the same.

- Thank you.

@yukofan - Gekikara was just desperate. Jealous even, just not that obvious. Black can move on, as long as someone guides her forward, a little help and a little push and she'll be back up, but it will take a long process though.

Again, I would like to say thank you to everyone who commented and gave me their thanks to the one-shots that I've posted. I would also like to say thank you to those who have given me their thanks on my post concerning Acchan and Jurina.

Now lets get on with this update. Whether this is good or bad, this is up to you guys, I still hope you enjoy this.



Part V


It was disturbing and the anxiety was floating about in the atmosphere.

The silence that was hanging around the two of them was too deafening that it cut deep through Black’s heart, painfully even, comparable to being stab by a knife.


She heard them.


Like a broken cassette tape, they repeated again and again.

“It seems…I can’t keep my end of the promise…”

Those few words, which were spoken by someone important to her, someone she would like to spend her forever with, hurt her deeply. Even with the distance parting them, she heard them. That was how sharp she was, or so she may as well say when it comes to the younger queen.

Black was that aware.

Her eyes never trailed away from the shadowy figure in front of her, this distance was too far, and she could hardly even see Gekikara’s face.

The distance was overbearing.

How she wished she could walk forward and erase the distance between them, how she wished she could see Gekikara’s face, or even her whole figure, but her body would not move, she could not move even a single inch, nor could she even open her mouth. Her throat felt dry, she could hardly even endure the pain that was threatening to tear off her throat apart. She wanted to call Gekikara, wanting to make her stop. It did not help one bit that Gekikara did not spoke again, it did not help that she started to hear footsteps, and in each step, the farther she could hear them, the more her heart ached.

Darkness always felt comforting to Black’s mind, but this time around, she hated the dark, the dark world where she could hide herself and feel at peace, this dark world of hers was slowly but surely swallowing whatever silhouette she could see that remained of Gekikara’s figure.

It was taking Gekikara away from her, yet…she could not do anything about it.

She felt powerless under this situation.

Nothing like this occurred in the past, Black was taken aback by everything that happened, she never had this kind of situation occur on her, whether she could call it a fight or what, and she could not just place a finger on what just occurred between her and Gekikara.

She was confused and hurt at the same time.

Her thoughts were lying on the floor even, scrambled like a broken jigsaw puzzle. She could not think of any concrete idea in her head.

She could not think at all, because all of her being is focused solely on Gekikara’s silhouette. Black could not even tear her eyes away from the younger queens descending frame even when tears clouded her vision and made her sight bleary.

If this were a bad dream, she would have loved to wake up soon and just shrug off these heavy feelings in her heart and the tears the build up on the corner of her eyes.

Black would have brushed them all off, if it just did not felt this real.

It was to be expected.

This isn’t a dream or a nightmare that Black preferably calls it.

This is reality.

How she wished that she had heard wrong, how she wished that for once, she was wrong with everything that she was hearing, but regretfully, she was awfully right.

It hurts.

The pain in her heart was building up with each second that passed by that the distance between them grew, she felt totally helpless, just like in that horrible day, she felt paralyzed and weak.

She hated this feeling.

She couldn’t do anything but make a fool of herself and let things happen.

Black hated how she couldn’t do anything but watch the scene unfold in front of her and watch as the person whom she cared leave. She was just letting someone whom she dearly cherishes, someone she asked to remain by her side for a selfish desire of eternal companionship.

That selfishness of hers left a bitter taste on her mouth.

Yes, it was very selfish of her to ask that much from Gekikara, she knew that the other queen depended on her a lot in the past, even at this current moment, and she took the younger queen’s dependence for granted.

Asking for forever, even an eternity together was too selfish of her, yet Gekikara tried to remain by her side, even at the worst times in Black’s life, even when Black sometimes shuns her, and just wanting to choose to be alone than to be in someone’s company in the past.

Yet Gekikara never stopped, she never did.

Gekikara, even knowing that she was not needed at some certain points, still continued to follow Black, even though Black would just leave her behind, even if Black would try to avoid her at some point. Gekikara did not falter, she continued to follow Black even from a distance or from the shadows, she was always around Black; that was how her loyalty stood, that was how much she valued her vow.

It was not fair.

It was never fair for Gekikara.

Even when Black was undergoing those painful months of her pregnancy, the younger girl stayed with her, even when she would at times lash out her anger over the simplest things, even when Black was cold to Gekikara, she stayed by Black’s side until the best of what her time could offer.

It’s not fair.

Black knew for so long of the younger girl’s hidden affections, it was obvious after all, especially when they were often alone in each other's company, yet she didn’t told Gekikara about it, knowing that the shorter girl would become defensive and evasive over it.

She already knew it for so long; the younger girl would often give it away due to her actions. Black knew of it because of how Gekikara would cling to her and stay by her side most of the times, even with her glances or stares, Black would often see the love and adoration in the younger girl’s eyes.

She would often ignore it, even when it sent her heart soaring, even when she knew that she herself had that kind of deep affections for the younger girl, she held them and lock them up in her heart.

She didn’t deserve Gekikara’s feelings.

She didn’t deserve everything that Gekikara’s giving to her.

She just doesn’t.

Black could never offer anything back, whether it would be her feelings, her body or her soul, she could never offer them. Everything about her was simply painted and marred with dark colors, and no one would love someone as tainted and scarred as her.

She knew to a fault that she could never deserve anything good in her life, what with all the misery she had given back to other people and after all the pain and heartbreaks she gave to her parents, there was no way she could accept something as gracious and pure as Gekikara’s feelings.

She could not accept them… That was why she resolved to be a reliable friend. That was the very reason why Black took it upon herself to change herself slowly, step by step, and be more caring, be more like the old Yuki.

It still did not mean that it did not left Black twisting and gnawing in pain over her actions, of her own refusal.

It hurts…

The younger girl was already within her grasp, yet she let her go, because she could never accept someone tainted, scarred and dirty as herself, she is never someone fitting for someone like Gekikara.

Her nickname, Black, had a big resemblance to how she is.

Everything about her was dyed with the most impure and darkest color, which was her nickname, Black. That was the very essence of how she got her name, she chose it so that she would never forget of her own impurity, of her sinful self and the pain and misery that she used to hurt her parents and taint her own family name.

It still hurts, whenever she remembers the look of horror, disappointment and remorse of her own parents.

It hurts when she first felt that her parents’ warm gesture turned cold and dull.

For the first weeks after that incident, Black would cry herself to sleep; knowing that not everything would be the same, knowing that she had clearly disappointed her parents’ expectations on her.

It hurts…

It hurts so much…

She lost everything because of that incident.

She lost all of her hopes, her dreams and her aspirations.

And in the process…

…She lost herself.

She lost everything that is Kashiwagi Yuki; she lost everything about her that her parents and friends loved, and it still leaves a sting in her heart.

Black still has not forgotten, nor has she still gotten over it.

She could never get over it.

Even until now, Black is trying to rebuild herself and pick up whatever remaining shards are left of the figure that was her in the past.

Black copped up with every pain she felt, every single time she increased the misery, every single time she disappointed her parents continuously, she copped with the pain in her heart.

This is a different matter however.

This pain is too much.

It hurts so much right now; it almost feels like this is a repetition of that past disappointment. It hurts so much because it even surpassed the pain that Black felt on those days.

It only became more painful now that the most valuable treasure Black held close to her heart was crumbling.
Their bond, which she wanted to last forever, was collapsing. Everything that they’ve established up from the moment they became friends in their early days of high school up till now was all for not, it hurts too much that it left a painful heartbreaking feeling in Black’s heart.

It hurts…

Black could almost hear her own heart break inside her, it was deafening, how everything was starting to fall apart like a jigsaw puzzle, each parts fell off with one of them slip off, making large gaps and holes until there was no concrete picture left but an empty case.

It hurts…

Please, stop this pain…


If the pain is this intense, what more if it was from the younger queen? She could not imagine nor feel what the shorter girl might be feeling, but she knew somehow that Gekikara could never resist feeling emotional pain.

‘I’m sorry…’

‘I’m hurting you too aren’t I? And yet I’m not doing anything…’

Black stifled a sniffle, she could not look any further and watch Gekikara from completely leaving so she opted herself to look away and grasp the hem of her jacket.


Everything was wrapped up in total silence; Black could no longer hear any footsteps or any other form of human activities present in her surroundings.

There was nothing anymore.

There was no one else around but her.

That realization left a very sharp bitter taste in her mouth; it made Black want to gag, it felt too foul.

She fought the tears from spilling off her eyes, but it was useless, she could not stop herself from crying. Drop by drop, her tears started to flow endlessly, and no matter how much she tried to wipe them off, tears continued to flow a new down her cheeks.

‘I’m so pathetic…’ Black thought, as her trembling hand reached up to touch the tears that grazed her warm cheeks, she felt the coolness of her tears running on her fingers, it made her tremble. When Black withdrew her hand back, she looked at the small teardrop in her fingers.

‘I’m…crying again…’

Black tried to smile, but it just came out as twisted bitter smile. 

Black could not stop herself from trembling all over, and before she knew it, her legs collapsed under her weight, the older teen tried to stand up, yet in each small attempt she did, she ended up failing miserably. She could not do anything about her whole body; it just would not stop itself from shaking uncontrollably.

The older teen leaned on the wall and looked up towards the sky, watching as the sparkling stars started to deform into a blurred light. There was never any concrete shape anymore, whether it was the moon or the clouds.

She could not see anything anymore.

Everything turned blurry and hazy, nothing seemed certain anymore.

Black bit her trembling bottom lip; her tears blurred her sight and her perception of her surroundings. Uncertainty crept into Black’s heart, she felt lost and most of all, alone in this world.

One of her pillar of support crumble, one of which was the most important support and strength she holds onto. Black would have took it rather well if it was a simple fight, if it was just a simple misunderstanding, but it ranged into something higher than what she would prefer to call normal.

Black hated misunderstandings, but she hated it the most when she could not even clear it up, she was never good with explaining her side, knowing that she had lost that option a very long time ago.

She felt guilty, she felt angry and disappointed at herself.

Yet she couldn’t do anything about it even if Black wanted to.


‘…You are such an idiot…Yuki…’
Black scoffed at herself as she continued to cry, small sobs escaped her lips as she grasped her clothes tightly.

Black was very aware that it was already deep in the night; she knew that she is the only person in the street, yet she did not care, she did not care whether she looked like a fool. She did not care whether her body was freezing from the coldness of the night breeze or when the clouds started to obscure the stars.

She could care less about them.

Nothing mattered more than the people she loves and cherish.

Nothing mattered more…

Black sat on the pavement, her arms wrapped around her body tightly for a long time; she couldn’t move herself from her position. She just couldn’t; knowing that this place was where she last saw Gekikara here, knowing that this was where she once had the other girl by her side.

She couldn’t just leave, knowing that she already let Gekikara leave her alone.

It was hard to digest, this situation of hers…

Just what had gone wrong?

Just a few minutes ago, they were happily walking together, just a few minutes, they held hands…and after those everything faded into a chaos, from Gekikara’s shocking declaration, to her sudden kiss, everything just went fast in just a matter of minutes.

It went too fast, time was never on her side; Black knew that fact very well.

It made her want to blame everything on it, but she knew she could not because she inflicted this pain on herself.

It was her fault, not just partly, but wholly.

It hurts…

Her heart hurts…

It hurts so much because of this separation, and it was killing Black.

Black gritted her teeth; she clutched her chest and winced as she felt her heart beating madly inside her ribcage. It was wildly beating, protesting inside of her body, asking and begging her to ease the pain within her storm-clouded heart.

‘I’m such an idiot…’ Black scowled at herself, belittling herself for being what she is and for not doing anything at all. She knew however that no matter how much she tries to place herself down, no matter how much she’s disgusted of herself, of her own cowardly hideous self, it wouldn’t solve this problem.

Nothing will change, no matter how much she punishes herself.

‘This…is really pathetic…’

Black moved herself a bit and adjusted her position, her silver rosary softly creating noises in each of her movement as the joints of the metals clink together. The rosary caught Black’s attention when the former queen looked down and stared at the shining cross dangling on her neck.

Raising her trembling hand up, Black grasped the cross and held it tight, feeling the pointy parts of the metal pierce into the flesh of her palm, yet she did not let go.

She could not let go of it.

This was the only remaining thing she held from Gekikara.

This rosary was far more precious to Black than herself; that was how much she treasures this little gift from the younger girl.

She could not just let go of it.

Because this is Gekikara’s encouragement gift to her.

This was a present to commemorate their friendship, Gekikara’s first friendship, and by whatever horrible prank or joke this was by a deity, the cross was given to her on the very day of when she was violated.

Yet she could not let it go.

Even though the item became one of her remembrance on that fate-altering day.

She could never let it go.

‘I’m sorry.’ Black stifled a sob while she scoffed at herself for her own self-destruction, for her own self-inflicted pain.  She shook her head in her own disappointment and brought her legs to her chest before embracing them with one of her free arm, burying her face onto her knees, letting out freely the sobs she tried so desperately to contain which eventually became a wail.

‘I’m so sorry…’


End of Part V


A/N: Author is angsting as well to be honest, it didn't help that I had a lot of sad songs lined up in my track list and they were all playing while I wrote this.

Has anyone ever wondered why this story's name is Chinmoku? You guys try to guess, no prizes, just for fun, try and guess why, I'll explain later on why.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 02:54:49 PM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part V: BlackGeki) [03/26/12]
« Reply #62 on: March 26, 2012, 09:15:26 PM »
About Atsuko's Graduation

Well said Sieka-san, Atsuko's graduation gave a huge impact to numerous fans around the world and she made a big decision to pursue her next dream. Many of her fans and AKB fans such as I, wish that this announcement was just a joke or a dream that we don't want ever to wake up, we can't do anything but accept the fact that this is reality and we can't run away from it. It's a big and a hard decision that Atsuko would have to make, because to pursue her next dream such as an Actress, Singer or whatever, she would have to give up something precious and dear to her: AKB48, which she had spend most of her youth in it, six whole years and a half.

I'm also depress at the news and I don't want her to leave yet and I would get even more depress if ever my oshimen; Takamina or my favorite members which is most of them, would graduate, but that's how life goes. There's nothing I can do to stop them from pursuing their dreams, but to support them until the end.

I'm sure going to miss Atsuko's smiles and laughs in AKBINGO and more, I'm going to miss her of being herself on shows. Though I'm sure I'm going to see her in numerous dramas but not her as being herself but as the character of the story.

Though I've only known AKB48 for two years, I'm really going to miss you; Maeda Atsuko, thank you so much for being yourself and being in AKB48. Thanks to you and AKB members, I've got a real interest in the group. And no matter what, I'll still support you and the rest of the AKB members till the end.

Thank you Meada Atsuko for the six years you've spent in AKB48.
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part V: BlackGeki) [03/26/12]
« Reply #63 on: March 26, 2012, 11:22:00 PM »
I can understand your own angsty feelings atm Seika, I think alot of us are going through those sorts of feelings in one way or another over one or more of the announcements, has rather taken the spirit out of me wanting to comment on your fic, but as you are carrying on with it I felt as though I owed you at least a response for what is another good chapter!

I feel that maybe parts of Black's story here are almost stories in a way we all feel about Acchan and other things no? Not quite so dramatic as it is here but still alot of the feelings Black has here sort of ring true don't they....

I feel sorry for poor Black though, much like Rena thinks that she has 'lost' Black because of her actions, Black herself thinks she has lost Rena, Black though is twinged with a sadness I feel that she blames alot of it on herself, even though she reacted like she did for good reason, she is angry with herself really that she reacted that way to Geki, she is angry that she forgot it was Geki in front of her and not someone else...

Maybe part od it is almost a guilt, because of the fact it was Geki who was her hope yet she still reacted they way she did, maybe thats why she let Geki leave, she felt she had done wrong, that maybe Geki deserved better than her that like Geki she dislikes herself though the other loves then and vice versa.....

sorry it's not so great, i gave it a go....

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part V: BlackGeki) [03/26/12]
« Reply #64 on: March 27, 2012, 12:25:11 AM »
Wow you just describe how I painful I feel right now through Black T___T This chapter goes so well with the mood surrounding me lately after all the shocking news at the concert I kinda want to go into self denial mood like Geki and Black too. Despite all of the angst, I love your writing as always. And for the title, I'm no good at Japanese but I'm guessing the meaning is silence? Have no idea how it gonna play out in the future but this chapter alone already have a lot of dreadful silence to me T__T

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part V: BlackGeki) [03/26/12]
« Reply #65 on: March 27, 2012, 04:12:31 AM »

I also feel disappointment about the news that reached my eyes and ears. I was really shocked with Acchan's decision to graduate, and I was disappointed. Really disappointed. But not with her. With myself. I never really paid her much attention in the past, thinking to myself that she'd become my oshimen sooner or later. Unfortunately, I was too late. Just when I was starting to take the time to pay her the same attention I give to my No# 1 Oshimen, she gave the news of graduating.

Her news also made me realize. That I shouldn't be so narrow-minded on paying attention to just my favourites, but to others as well. Why? Well, it's becuase I will never know when my favourites will announce their own graduation.

Her news also made me realize another thing. And that is the fact that no one will stay in AKB48 or SKE48 or the sister groups. They joined those idol groups, so that they can pursue their dreams as they prepare themselves. That fact is painful, I know. But it i inevitiable. They didn't join those groups to stay there or anything. And that made me look at Acchan in a new light. A better one than before.

At first, I thought that she was just a great actress, and that she's beautiful. But no. There's more to her. She's also courageous, and strong. Her decision, I'm sure, was thought of for a very long time. I know that because she's the FACE. The ACE of the group. And one of the first generation girls. It could also be seen that her decision pained her. But she had to choose the best for her future.

I hope that her fans would stop saying 'NO, ACCHAN!' and instead tell her that they'd support her no matter what. She must be feeling crushed and confused whether she made the right decision, because of what the fans are saying. I'm really proud of her. And now...I regret that I never paid her a lot of attention.

And because of her news, I have decided. I WILL support each and every one of them. I will NOT JUST focus on my oshimen.

ANYWAY, that has been my opinions. Onto the comments~

Sieka-san... What can I say? I feel that compliments aren't enough to make you realize just how much I like- no, ADORE, your fic. I LOVE it. And I can't help but crave for more. I like how you made this chapter about Black's sadness, her misery, and regrets. Wait, no. I LOVED HOW YOu MADE IT THIS WAY.

I can't ask of you to make them feel anymore pain, because I know that you'd do that yourself. I really feel the pain, and the sadness you were trying to make us readers feel. And I'm proud to say that YOU are my NUMBER #1 author. :kneelbow: Thank you.

There are no words that can explain just how thankful I am for reading a fic as great as this. I can just offer the words THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline Chikane Himemiya

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part V: BlackGeki) [03/26/12]
« Reply #66 on: March 27, 2012, 11:54:02 AM »
update soon I LOVE GEKIBLACK stories
I hope you will not be discouraged to write
even maeda is graduating I hope you continue to write

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Shot Collections (Chinmoku - Part V: BlackGeki) [03/26/12]
« Reply #67 on: March 29, 2012, 05:42:11 PM »
A/N: No updates for Chinmoku as of the moment, taking a break from all the angst in it, gonna update next week, I think? Not really sure because it might take me a long time to write Part VI. I'm not going on a semi-hiatus, don't worry, I'm just trying to think of how to incorporate some parts so that Part VI would go smoothly... :lol:

Gonna post a short prelude for a story, I just got this idea yesterday, after reading some mangas... Can't say I'll update this consistently as Chinmoku because honestly, I just write and post freely as I want, and I still have to continue on writing the next story for the second prize winner. Gonna fully start writing it after Chinmoku so that I can give my full attention to the next one.

Mah, before we go on, gonna reply to some comments, kinda noticed that the fanfiction thread has been down in the drains, its kind of...not lively? Can't blame the others though, what with the news and all, but I think that we shouldn't get easily discouraged, I also hope that the other writers would post their updates and all and never give up writing, its such an encouragement to see your fellow writers update to be honest. :)



@RJay - That's typically what anyone would feel after hearing such a big news, I'm quite shocked when I heard of it, I mean I never did expect that she would announce something like that soon, I always thought that she might stay there, but life just has so much surprises, I don't think I can handle another big surprise as that though. I'm sure though that everyone will think thoroughly of this, the day of their graduations, whenever the time comes, I know they are also thinking of their fans while they have this kind of depressing thoughts.

Its saddening to see Acchan leave, we won't be able to see her anymore in the shows where all the AKB members are in and other events, but I think that its a good challenge for her to stand up on her own two feet and use her own strength to push her career further up. Its a challenge, but I think its motivating and inspiring to see Acchan want to do such a thing.

@oddball - You don't owe me any comments, oddball-san. You don't need to comment if you don't want to, I understand the weight of the situation, everyone's feeling down so I know that they would like to be alone or think for a while. But thank you, I appreciate that you did comment, I don't think its poorly done, I have to say, I feel proud to see you try even amidst the sadness that you bear in your heart. :) Thank you.

Hmm, to be honest, I was writing Part V before Acchan announced her graduation, I didn't really think that it would fit well with the atmosphere now...and I couldn't bring myself to change it after hearing Acchan's news...I just think that it would be a waste not to go through with what I have written, even though I wanted to post something happy so that everyone would lighten up.

Yes, that's true... Partly because of guilt, but partly because of love. Black does like Geki, just that she doesn't want to push it in, that's why she just lets their relationship hang off as being friends, because she knows that she has some unresolved issues like her fear and about her past. I think anyone who experienced something like that would feel the same of not being able to be the perfect person or the ideal one to be with their loved ones.

@dukkong - Please don't go into self denial mode. :( I know its hard, but do your best! I know Acchan would like it if everyone smiles, even amidst all this shocking and sad news... Yes, Chinmoku means silence, though I didn't really meant to make this part seem that silent.. :sweatdrop:

@karomuwi - Yeah, I know what you mean... I kind of thought of that while I was writing through my thoughts about Acchan's graduation. We all shouldn't just focus on our oshis, we should focus on everyone because if we just pay attention to them by the time they leave, everything would just be hard on us, won't it? I mean, its like when you have something in front of you, and you just shrug it off and don't pay attention to it, later then when you want it, you'll see that you've already lost it before you can even have it...

I think everyone will come down into a term where they'll have to support her, I mean its her decision, we should respect it. Acchan had it hard on her too, we all know that its hard to separate one's self from your friends like that. Everyone should be open to the fact that the girls have lives of their own and dreams they want to achieve, not just in AKB, I do think when the tension and sadness calms down, everyone will find it in their hearts to support her wholeheartedly, I know all the Acchan fans can.

Well... I can't really distinguish whether I did great whenever I write, I do tend to reread them, but I guess there's this total rule in me that even though people think its great, I see a fault in everything in it. :lol:

U...Uwah... That's kind of too much karomuwi-san... I don't think I can uphold being your #1 author. I'm sure I'd disappoint you sooner or later on... :sweatdrop: But thank you for the kind comments, its really encouraging. :)

@Chikane Himemiya - I'll continue on writing, you don't need to worry. As long as my mind is active and I have plots circling around my head, I'll continue on writing. Though depressing is it with Acchan's news, I find it that its inspiring to see her aiming for her new dream outside of AKB. :)

@anzai48 - Ahahaha....I do make long detailed scenes, its kind of a problem you know....because I can spend five pages on just writing a scene like that and I still might not be able to progress over the next scene....... :lol: Though I'm glad, it seems like it made your head steam? Hohoho.... :heart:

What sensation? I want to, joke. :lol:

Its hard to forget about the past if someones trying to trigger it back again... Geki was doing just that. If only Geki took into consideration of Black's feelings, then maybe nothing like that would happen, ahh, but she was driven by desperation, need, want and jealousy....its in human nature, a terrible fact.

To be exact, I would only take less than 15 minutes for that scene to happen..... I'm just very verbose, its kind of a habit to be honest, I can't seem to stop myself from being overly detailed, I think its a pain sometimes when I go over the board and describe almost everything when it isn't even needed, it kind of.....wrecks the story when I'm overly descriptive. :sweatdrop:

Black IS a magnet for Geki. If melon pan is a magnet for Rena, then you might say that... Black = Melon Pan+Spicy Food

I call that insecurities, Black and Geki are insecure of each other, they don't see their selves as anything good for the people they love, now if they just move on and start going after each other, then these insecurities wouldn't be there. I should blame myself that it has come to this.... :lol:

Ah no, that's not a dere dere Yuki, that's angst Yuki... :)
Dere dere Yuki is a Yuki that's affectionate... :heart:

Thank you for the comment, and no problem about the vocabulary. :)

Did I reply to everyone? I think I did...
Anyways, gonna post this one here and leave it up to you guys whether you read it or not, still, its just a prelude.




I hate math.

I hate symbols and formulas.

I dislike the inequalities that make up math wholly.

Problems, solutions and errors, it’s always there.

There will always be many possibilities in every attempt and in every step.

Life is not like that however.

You cannot just use trial and error methods because in each time you try, and in each time you make mistakes, there will always be consequences.

This is a perfect fact, an unchangeable and cruel fact.

We do not even know what lies in our futures, we only have one life and few chances with so many mistakes and consequences lying everywhere like a landmine, waiting to explode on us.

I hate this inequality.

Our time on earth is very limited too.

Adults often say that we need to treasure our lives while we are young, but that seems impossible.

There are many possibilities, endless and countless.

We do not know what awaits us the next day, whether we live to see another day or whether we would forever lay in dark silence.

Time is never by our side.

It is a fact and a total law.

If eternity ever does exist, I doubt that humans can achieve something like that; that would be too good to be true. To be truthful enough, I doubt that anything they call as ‘happiness’ can be achieved in this cruel real world we are in.

Even from the very day we open our eyes to see our own parents, I doubt that happiness would ever be born from the time we open our eyes to the time we start to walk on our own.

Those are just lies; do people really know the definition of happiness? People just grasp whatever makes them feel giddy inside, dictionaries offer meanings that turn complex and weird.

I do not understand anything.

Emotions, they are just like math, they are hard to understand.

I often want to ask why do people have to have feelings? Why do people have to love one another? And why are people tied by blood and flesh?

I do not understand it.

They are all complex. Everything in this world is anything but easy, everything is extremely hard to grasp.

I hate it.

I hate everything that makes up all these pros and cons in our lives.

I hate these inequalities.

End of Prelude


A/N: Who's thoughts is this? Who's thoughts is this? Well guys, this is Mayuyu's thoughts. I have to say, this will be the first time I'm gonna write a MaYuki fic, I usually pair Yuki with I'm hoping I can do my best with MaYuki, I may not be as good as anzai-san or LeNosferatu-san when it comes to writing about MaYuki, but please be ensured, I'll do my best to make this one worthwhile reading!

Gonna post Inequality randomly. :lol: Can't say I'll update it consistently as Chinmoku though. :)
Mah, anyways, see you guys around... :cathappy:
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 05:58:55 PM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Inequality - Prelude: MaYuki) [03/29/12]
« Reply #68 on: March 30, 2012, 04:31:32 PM »
A/N: Posting an update for Our Past Together. Thank you for the thanks in my prelude for Inequality, seems like there are a lot of people who want MaYuki huh? Just means I have to make it good... Oh boy, peer pressure, hahaha... :sweatdrop: Not really though. :lol:


Our Past Together

Part I

I wonder, when was it that I started to wish my life was different, that it would start to get better from this trash of a living I have at present. Of course I can’t ask for it, no, I can never beg for my parents for such kind of living, I know what they would say, I know what they would do to me…

I’ve already tried to beg once, for them to stop, for them to treat me kindly, but they didn’t do that, they didn’t. They only snickered and snarled at me for such requests; I was not allowed to request, a hideous vile creature like me was not worthy for chances, they say.

I could still vividly remember what I went through after that, how my parents dragged me by my hair to my prison, my so called room and punished me for my insolence, as what they call it. I could remember how I tried to curl up and defend myself from each in coming punches and kicks from my dad, while my mother only stood behind him, encouraging him more.

I couldn’t fight back, I just laid on the cold floor for what seemed to be like an eternity, my expression emotionless, but my heart breaking, crumbling little by little with each day that passed that I’ve received abuse.

Ah, I can remember them all well, those days where I suffered so much.

Every day, everything that happened the other day begins again, there was nothing different, the abuse continued on, until I’ve collected a lot of wounds and bruises on my body.

Today was no different, it’s as if this is a never-ending cycle, I somehow feel that with each day that pass, the intense feeling of fear creeps slowly into me. I can already sense that soon I might die from this. Darkness was always creeping into me, I know that it will swallow me soon, pulling me to oblivion.

It’s cold.

It feels cold.

It hurts.

My tired and battered body tries to struggle to move up a bit, yet it rejects any movements, making me slump back down on the cold hard tiled floor. I tried to move my hands and my legs, but I felt resistance, I felt something cold and tight wrapped around my wrists and ankles, and the sound of metal clanking together, I know this sound. They were chains.

I struggled under my bound, trying to pry off the things that were binding my hands and feet together, but it’s useless. It was too tight; it was too secured that the only thing that I’ve made a progress off were making wounds.

It was useless.

I let out a groan escape from my dry sore throat, giving up from this useless struggle, I resolved to slump on the floor.

It hurts.

I can’t do anything.

And it’s dark.

I can’t see anything but darkness. It scares me, I can’t see anything, and what I can’t see is something I fear. I don’t know what’s in front of me or what’s around me.

There’s nothing I could do about this, this situation of mine.

It’s pitiful, how everything’s eating away on me.

It’s pitiful; I can’t do anything about it.

I waited in this silent darkness, until I finally hear a loud slam from behind me along with the sounds of footsteps heavily stomping on the floor echoed through my ears.

My body turned stiff as each steps grew louder, meaning they were coming closer; I inhaled a deep shaky breath, feeling fear eating away on me.

What kind of abuse will I receive now?

I don’t know.

Yet instinctively, I tried to scoot away before I turn around, slowly, until I was on my side and facing the intruder. Even though I couldn’t see anything, I tried to raise my head, I know it was a futile attempt, but I still did, knowing that my lack of response would only cause another onslaught of abuse on me.

I heard the figure in front of me click their tongue and scoff before I felt the floor shift under its weight. I waited, anxious of what will happen. I was surprised when I felt something being loosened up from behind my head; I could also see that there was light starting to seep out of the darkness until slowly everything was covered by it.

I squint my eyes before blinking a couple of times, trying to adjust to the light.

Everything came out as a blob of colors at first; I could hardly make up the figure in front of me until slowly it started to take form, a form of a person I did not want to see.

It was my father.

“You finally woke up you good for nothing trash.” This man, my father, as any normal child would dub it, said with a cold harsh tone, he looked at me with disdain and pure disgust. He reached up to me and grabbed my hair, pulling me up.

I could not feel the pain, I would have screamed if I did, but all I felt was pure discomfort while my father bore his dagger like glare at me. I wordlessly shifted uneasily in discomfort, the chains on my wrists and ankles making clattering sounds on the floor.

“Look, you garbage…”

“Get up, you better fucking hurry out of this house and go to school, you hear me, I don’t want to see your face here…” He snarled at me before he forcefully threw me aside. I released a groan as I hit the floor hard with a loud thud.

“Geez, what a pain… If it were me, I’d just let this fucking trash rot, what good could this creature possibly bring to this family…”

“Tsk! Nothing but trouble, fucking damnit!”

My father angrily stomped his feet on the floor, just almost near my face even, the action made my heart stop for a bit.

I tried to struggle up and move my body away from his foot, away from him when I could notice his shadow towering over me, I knew what was coming, but even then, I was caught off guard. Out of nowhere, I felt a strong kick launched onto my head, hitting right on my right cheek. It was hard, such intense power made my body roll off a few meters away from my angry father.

“Get up you freak… I’ll see you down stairs. I want you there and impromptu!” He hissed angrily before he left, shutting the door loud and hard.

I bit my bottom lip. That kind of thing was impossible; I can’t just get there quickly, not in my situation.

There was no use complaining though.

Knowing them, they would just beat me up if I don’t do it.

I try to move my body, slowly, slowly, until I was on a sitting position. I let a small groan escape from my busted lips, the taste of copper on my mouth made me choke a bit and cough out hoarsely. 

My tired body was already protesting, I can’t feel the pain, but I knew my body was tired, lying down felt heavenly all of a sudden, even on this cold hard floor. My body was too tired to even move that much, it was already protesting too much.

I wonder just when everything would end.

It seems like the days are already prolonging.

It’s almost like an eternity in hell.

I stand up, shaky, using the wall to help me up and balance my weight, I raise my head and look up at this prison, this room that was dubbed as mine, they say. It’s almost empty, save for a few closets and cabinets and a single bed, a bed that I never use.

It’s laughable, this situation I’m in.

I can’t even protest or cry, knowing that no one would be there to support me or hold onto me. I have no one beside me, and I have no allies or even friends, I have nothing at all.

It’s just me and this silent darkness looming over me, inching closer and closer, ready to take me to oblivion.

Seconds passed, something that seemed like eternity to me, I stood there, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did occur so I decide to leave, remembering that I still have school. It was going to be another long day, I know, yet I trudge off, dragging my feet towards the door.


The skies are blue, vast and wide, the clouds are floating around, like fishes in the sea. It was a wonderful day, a beautiful day, yet to me it felt dull, I held no interest in it, nor did I felt any spark of positivity on me.

This just looked like mockery to me.

I want to laugh and blame myself, but I can’t.

I’ve finally left the apartment, my home, my so-called cage. I would have been happy to leave, but I still have to attend school. I can’t skip out, my parents would just find out through my teachers, whom are their mutual friends. If they ever find out that I don’t even attend classes, they would just lash out at me again.

I’m not afraid of their abuse, but there was nothing I can do about it either, I’m weak and helpless. This body was too fragile for its own good. I’m already running out of breath and I’m just walking to school, I know that I’m already late, which was the first time I’ve had, it was way passed the excusable time even. I did not feel the need to rush though, knowing that it was a futile attempt, knowing that my body can’t push to that certain limits either.

When I arrived at school, the teacher guarding the gate scowled at me and lectured me of my tardiness, even pointedly taking note of my haggard and battered appearance.

I merely stared at him and try to listen to him until he finally let me off to get to my class, yet everything is still worse. I got sneering comments and disgusted looks from my classmates the moment I came in, I already know the reason why, what with the wounds and bruises marred on my arms and legs and the cut on my lips.

I could care less about their perception.

I continued my way to my desk, once I made my way, I sat down immediately, not bothering to bat an eyelash at their sneering and mocking stares. I averted my eyes away from looking up in front and stared through the window, finding the sight outside much more appealing than to see the expressions of my classmates.

It’s irritating and at the same time painful, even here, outside of my prison, there are still people who would look at me with disdain in their eyes.

It makes my blood boil.

I want to wipe off those mocking expressions off their faces, one by one, but I held these desire of mine. I can’t do something like that; my mind prevents me from doing anything like that so I resolved to grit my teeth, trying to reduce the tension inside me.

They don’t know anything.

They will never know.

They won’t understand.

No one will…

I restrain myself for what seem to have been minutes until no sooner, a teacher immediately came inside, after that, I could hear the clattering of seats and footsteps and the class started again. I continue to look through the window, finding it much more interesting than the blabbering teacher in front our classroom.

There was not much any point in listening to the lectures, much less study. I can never understand our lessons, it’s hard for me to cop up, I’ve never been the smart aleck type, like some popular princess-like girl in our class, I don’t know her name, I’d rather not even want to know it.

It doesn’t concern me.

I don’t care either way, whether about academics or sports, I don’t care if I do poorly. Besides, whether I have any abilities or not, my family will just cast me aside once they’ve used me up.

I’m no one important.

I’m just a toy, a stress relief toy and that’s all I’ll ever be to them.

I’ve learned to accept that fact better than anyone…

End of Part I


A/N: If some of you have forgotten, then I'd remind you, this is Gekikara, or rather, Rena's thoughts before she even becomes Gekikara.

Why is her thoughts not so shambled and crazy? Well the answer is because she isn't paranoid yet, is what I'd like to reason out, besides, the burden is not that much heavy on her yet... I don't mind if you think that its not Gekikara-ish because later on, I'll let you see how I'll turn this thoughts into something Gekikara-ish, somehow, yes, somehow.... :lol:
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 05:04:01 PM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Our Past Together - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/30/12]
« Reply #69 on: March 30, 2012, 05:59:20 PM »
yep, you're the number #1 author to me. and your latest updates are proof!!!

you have the qualities  of my ideal author!  1)able to write awesome angst fics. 2)able to make me feel the pain the characters are feeling. 3)able to let me imagine myself as the character.  4) able to make awesome story plots and lastly, 5)able to make me crave for more updates

see??? you have all of those qualities!

anyway, comments!!! ^^

what can I say about the two latest updates?? one word:awesome

I can't wait to read your mayuki fic, since they're one of my favorites! the prologue is already making,me nod
along with mayuyu's thoughts. it's really...what can I say? it is just awesome!

as for the other one, five words.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 02:14:04 PM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Our Past Together - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/30/12]
« Reply #70 on: March 31, 2012, 11:24:53 AM »
Reading chimonku part V made me depressed..I mean, seriously..When I read it I could feel Black’s heartache..Even my heart also felt hurt..Arrgghhhhhh  :cry:

you are one of my fav writer  :bow:

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Our Past Together - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/30/12]
« Reply #71 on: April 02, 2012, 10:54:12 PM »
Geki's past is so sad~

I'm curious about that princess-like-girl I bet it's Yuki~

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Our Past Together - Part I: BlackGeki) [03/30/12]
« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2012, 06:54:47 AM »
Time for Kiriban!
No special shot this time around because I'm still writing one......lolol, gonna post a drawing instead. :lol:

Kiriban at 2000+ achieved! Thanks for 2000+ page views

Link to drawing: BlackGeki

I drew this little quickie, to be honest, its been a long long time since I have touched my Wacom and drew something.
Why am I linking it this time around though? Because I don't want to post the pic here because I don't want it to pop, just check it for yourselves, you'll see why. Drew it out of a scene in Chinmoku - Part IV. :lol:

Specially dedicated to those two teasers who have been so cruel. :lol: LeNosferatu-san and anzai-san, I'll get back at you guys, wait and see what I can do! :lol:

Anyways, before I end here, gonna reply to some post.


@anzai48 - I envy you for being able to write emotional scenes using a short writing method though...

I have no specialties to be honest, I don't think BlackGeki is even my specialty. I just write anything that comes into mind in any kind of genre I feel like writing. :lol: Peer pressure, peer pressure, anzai-san's MaYuki is so good, I hope I can make mine great for you. :)

Well, if Chinmoku is angst, Our Past Together just has to be as angst as Chinmoku, I want it to be darker even than Chinmoku to be honest. :lol:

@karomuwi - Uuu....thanks...I guess... *blush*

Ahahaha...again, peer pressure, looks like I really have to do good with MaYuki if its your favorite...gotta keep it in mind that everyone likes MaYuki now. :lol:

@yukofan - Really? I'm glad it had that kind of effect on you, it wouldn't be angst if it doesn't work at all... :sweatdrop:

Okay, um, thank you...I'm rather honored to be one of your favorite authors, ahh, this is making me embarrassed... >////<

@RenaChii - Let's see whether that princess-like girl really is Yuki the next time I update. :lol:

Thanks for the comments everyone, as well as the thanks. :)

About Chinmoku though, again, I'm still writing Part VI, to be honest, I feel like I can stop with Part V because it feels like an end already to me when I reread it. But yeah, I am writing Part VI and I won't end Chinmoku just there yet, that would be too soon...and yes, I haven't fulfilled a part of the request that sakura-san told me...... :lol:
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 07:06:25 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Kiriban at 2000+ Thank you very much!) [04/04/12]
« Reply #73 on: April 05, 2012, 03:30:06 PM »
A/N: Finally! Dayum, took me quite a long time to write an update for Chinmoku. Sorry, the heat is really getting into my head, I can't seem to concentrate... :sweatdrop:

I don't think I did this part greatly, I can't really concentrate well while writing, I wish the weather here in the Philippines would cool up a little bit...I feel like staying in an cold room or even a freezer, I can't stand it, this heat is making me lazy, I'm sorry. :(

I'm also easily distracted, been fangirling over the picture in my sig...hahaha, I've been staring at it with a grin on my face because Rena and Yuki sure looks cute there, they sure look alike though. :lol:

Anyways, before the update, gonna reply to anzai-san's comment! :)


@anzai-san - Thanks. Haha, its dedicated to you two, that's why I wrote your names there. Oh great teasers, I'll really get back at you once I get the right time to write it. :lol:

Ehh...hahahaha, Kiriban at every 100+? I probably can't draw that much because its hard to think of a good pose for BlackGeki. :lol: I'll try making another drawing though for 3000+... O-ohh...You're complementing me too much, I don't really think greatly of it.

Of course it is darker. I did give out a few hints that Black and Geki's pasts are pretty...sad and painful, so you can say that I have no choice but to make it darker. My ideas for that one isn't that all too dangerous, anzai-san. :roll:

Oh right, thanks to those who have given me their thank yous in my Kiriban post, and also to anzai-san for commenting. :lol: Anyways, here it is! An update, hope you guys at least enjoy this? I tried my best even under this horrid heat...I at least hope that it would be a good read. :sweatdrop:



Part VI

She looked like a total idiot, Black thought to herself while she maintained her position. Only small sniffles and muffled sobs escaped from her after having calmed down from crying hard since long ago. The older girl no longer even had the strength to move too much considering how much taxing her crying was to her stamina.

Black embraced her body tightly, feeling cold from staying out for quite a long time. She could not remember what time it was already, nor could she remember how long she has been sitting on the pavement for what seemed to be eternity just from crying out her tears that never seemed to fall into an ending.

What she did remember well however was that she was all alone, that Gekikara left her and that she did not do anything to stop the younger queen.

‘…It’s my fault…’ Black bitterly thought, grasping her rosary tightly, the feeling of sharp metal digging into her palm, breaking the skin and flesh of her palm. Small drops of blood oozed from the wound, it felt painful and it stung but she did not let go of the metal cross.

She could never let it go.

Not when she had let go something important and precious to her.

It sent a bitter tinge in her mouth, the thought of not doing anything at all.

It was embarrassing, her own stupidity, and to think that she had been dubbed as the smartest in their class before in the past. It seemed like a mockery now to her just by remembering it and comparing her state and her actions.

What was becoming of her?

What exactly?

It feels like she had lost her posture all too quickly.

Just about everything in Black felt jumbled and mixed, it felt disturbing how she was acting up. She never mostly losses her posture and her aim, yet now, it seemed like almost everything was erased from her mind, except of the scene that occurred moments ago.

Black clenched her jaws, tightening her grip on the cross, steeling herself from crying again yet failing when tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

Separations hurt.

It hurts quite a lot, especially when the bond is already and when you’ve been together for quite a long time.

For so long and for many experiences and trials, she always had the younger queen beside her, through thick and thin and through all the pain and sadness, yet not having her right now was like an equivalent, or maybe something much more painful than the past that Black did not want to remember.

Adults say that experience is the best teacher, that line has been true to its words, but painful it is to go through and remembering just hurts just as much as reliving the experiences. It felt like she had almost torn the invisible wounds and scars open inside her heart.

It hurts yet she knew isn’t the only one hurting.

She knew that, she wasn’t that much of an idiot not to know.

If Black herself was hurting just this much, then so would it be for the younger girl. Separations never end well when both party have to part, it always hurts, no matter how little or big the bond is. It will always hurt.

It was selfish of her to do nothing but watch and leave things to be as it is. It was selfish for her just to let Gekikara try to even maintain their bond together. It was as if she was making the other girl carry everything for her.

It wasn’t fair of her.

A bond, a relationship only works when two people try to maintain it, if it’s only one person holding onto the other end, everything would just fall apart and break, and if both party don’t perspire to keep the bond, it would really just break when both of them gives up.

That was how fragile and precious bonds are.

That was how important it is.

Thinking of that, Black realized something that she was suppose to see long ago and coming to that point of finally thinking of it, it made Black pound her fist on the pavement in her own anger.

‘Why…didn’t I realize it sooner?’

‘…All those times I’ve been so self-centered…and so selfish…I never noticed it at all.’
Black gritted her teeth and scoffed, tears slowly dropping down from her cheeks to her chin.
She had been too selfish to the point that she had taken Gekikara’s dependence on her for granted, yet she did not bother to even remember what exactly her purpose was for being friends with the younger girl or why she held out her hand to Gekikara in the past until just now.

It struck her hard, remembering exactly what her purpose was for being friends with Gekikara and it sent more tears flowing down her cheeks.

Her whole purpose was that she wanted to reach out for Gekikara and pull her out of her miserable self and because she wanted to see the younger girl smiling.

It was ironic.

The reason why they became friends started out with her selfless wish that also ended with her own selfishness.

Why exactly was she so hung up with her past in the first place? Why was she so blinded that she did not even see it? Was it because she had been disappointed and hurt terribly? Because she felt guilty of everything that happened? Or because she had been keeping a grudge on that memory?

It was hard to come up with an answer to all the piling questions, not when she herself is blaming her own stupidity. However, she would never get anywhere; neither would she even recover if she continued to think of this.

True, it was her fault, not just partly, but wholly. Still, to sulk around just doing nothing and increase this pain and torment? Was she going to be selfish again and just let their relationship end here? Was she just going to let Gekikara’s efforts go to waste after going through all those times just to try to get through her?

The raven took a deep breath, closing both of her eyes while she kept her mind calm. 

‘What are you going to do Yuki?’ Black thought, asking herself the questions that she was now facing, these questions were different from the others that she had thought, these wasn’t just about her, these was about both her and the younger girl.

‘Are you just going to let this happen?’

‘Are you just going to leave this as it is without confronting it?’

‘Are you…?’

Unconsciously, Black loosened her grip on the cross while she continued to calm her beating heart.

‘Get a grip…’

She isn’t going to waver now. The answer to all those questions was already obvious.

‘This isn’t the past anymore…Yuki…’

This isn’t going to let anything make her falter anymore.

‘She isn’t like my parents. I know she needs me…’
Black thought while she bit her bottom lip and raised her head, opening her eyes with a new reborn determination glazing her eyes.

“Just as much as I need her.” Black said, the words ringing inside her head. Those words fueled Black’s determination; slowly, the raven let go of the cross, ignoring the pain and sting she received from her wounds as she quickly stood up and wiped off the remaining tears from her face and eyes.

Black looked down at her rosary, it was nostalgic, seeing it hang around her neck. Just as nostalgic this night was, full of sadness with memories and past remembered.

She looked up to the sky, this starry night sky that has been there along with the moon, sparkling ever so beautifully and ethereally, it reminded her of a paragraph she had once said to Maeda.

“The path to the moon appears anew.” Black mumbled coolly before a small smile formed on her lips, never did she neither knew nor expect that she would find herself saying those words to herself, but it fitted perfectly.

“That’s why I’ll move forward.”

“To reach up the insignia of a new beginning.” Black smiled, taking a step shaky step forward, stumbling a bit at the feeling of numbness on her legs, yet she pushed it off, Black ignored it and continued to take another step until she was able to walk completely after regaining the composure of her legs.

She wouldn’t falter anymore, even if Black and her past and impurities be damned, she doesn’t care anymore.

What matters more were just one person and just this moment alone.

The past doesn’t matter anymore.

“Wait for me, Rena…”


Dark as the most impure color, silent and unmoving as stagnant water and cold as winter, that was how it could be described on that night. Everything around was dyed in dark shady colors, there was not even a single human being nor any animals present around the streets and it was awfully cold due to the left over puddle caused by the rain that evening.

It is convenient, or so, someone might say in a case like this, but everything around the young queen held a gloomy atmosphere, it’s too quiet; too lonely even with no other human movements apart from Gekikara’s.

It is convenient with no one around, yet its inconvenient having to carry around a heavy heart, a broken vow in thought and an empty broken soul.

If it were in the past, Gekikara, or rather as Matsui Rena, the young queen would have not cared of having to part with someone; she would rather have it happen as soon as the relationship were formed. Yet, as someone of the present, Gekikara could not even dare want to part with someone just by a sudden decision, even if it were just a playful joke or prank.

There is a contradiction however in this case.

She already had done it, just a few minutes ago even. She did not plan something like that, nor did she intend to make that happen between them, but it was better than later, it may seem bitter and painful, but its better this way.

Gekikara knew she had to do it sooner anyways.

Truthfully enough, Gekikara did not do it out of just wanting to escape from what vile thing she had done and forced onto Black; she did not do it because she felt like doing it either. She did it because she knew she had to leave before everything goes even more uncontrollable.

Her love for Black continued to intensify even more after she saw the other girl again when Black visited her after a few days of almost dying from a fatal stab wound caused by a Yabakune student.

How badly she missed the other girl ever since they graduated and she was held up in Majisuka Gakuen, she never fully had that much time to visit the older girl, knowing that the raven was busy working. Although Black visited her only for a few minutes, Gekikara could not deny that she truly felt happy and blessed to see the older former queen again. It made the young queen’s heart soar up when Black bought her flowers, even going as far as to visit her alone even though she had a child to take care of.

Black is very much important to her. She upholds and cherishes the raven all too dearly just by considering the fact that Black is the first person whom showed her human warmth and became her first real friend.

Gekikara really appreciated Black’s visit, if ever the shorter girl was able to move her legs before, she would have stood up from her bed and hugged Black tightly, but she never did had the chance to do that in the past. If she did, Gekikara may have not let go of Black, nor stop herself from showering affectionate gestures with the former queen.

Gekikara already knew that she was drawing to the point where she would crave more for the other girl’s attention and love. She already knew it for quite a long time ago, but she held it in, in hopes that that craving, that desires of hers would disappear over in time and would stay into just a mere wish to be just close friends.

It never did happen however.

It never did.

She could not even remember when it started, her blossoming feelings that is. Gekikara just started to show a certain degree of fondness for the older girl ever since they became friends. She never knew it was actually love blossoming inside her heart.

An error…

It was a fatal error to fall in love.

She wasn’t worthy of something like love nor even Black, yet what was she to do now when these feelings are already here, they seem that they won’t fade at all, the feeling only seems to increase even with this distance between them.

It hurts, her heart hurts because of this distance.

The pain proves to make her body unstable, it made moving hard to do when every step she took she would stagger or stumble over nothing.

It is foolish, how she is hurting just by mere emotional pain yet in the face of true physical pain, she could bare them all.

It is foolish how she is becoming weak.

It is uncharacteristic of her to be like this, but it was hard and unexplainable, how she suddenly changes into a different kind of person whenever it concerned the older girl yet under the presence of others, she can maintain herself.

What had been of the cruel monstrous heavenly queen? What had happened to the queen that all the other students feared most? What happened to the girl who only held pain and brutality in her hands? Was it just a disguise, her being a cruel insane queen? Was it just a double personality she created in order to escape her past?

Just what are the reasons behind this?

Just what exactly is she?

Who exactly is she?

Those thoughts started to rush into Gekikara’s brain, making her halt her movements. She never really considered asking herself that again ever since she had come to feel Black’s presence and ever since the older girl made her felt special and cherished.

The thoughts that always haunted Gekikara however were questions about her existence, the very reason why she came to be, of whom would need someone like her around and who would love her.

Searching for answers to those questions all seem to be nearly impossible to do because basically, Gekikara was never a somebody; she has always and will always be a no one.

There were no difference to the questions that kept running through her head; they were all negative. In fact, was there ever a chance when she had gotten to question herself of something related to anything happy?

Of course, there was none.

Happiness can never even ring nor sound well next to Gekikara’s name. Everything connected to her is about chaos, violence, cruelty, blood and impurities.

Happiness however did not sound right for someone like her; even at least getting a taste of a bit of happiness is already a blessing because laughter and joy does not often stay for too long for the younger queen.

To be exact, nothing stays the same for too long in this reality.


Everything comes to this certain point when they all have to disappear or meet death.

Death, that one word composed of five letters held a loud ring inside Gekikara’s mind. She had almost met that fate, dying, just like their deceased president, Oshima Yuko. Yet it was a miracle how she survived, how her spirit and body clung to that little miracle that was not supposed to be there.

‘Miracles…they’re too good for a sinner like me…’

‘…Someone like me…should never get a second chance…’
Gekikara thought; the young queen looked down at her hands, her lips quirked up a bit to form a bitter smile at the sight of blood smeared and oozing from the wounds on her fingers and palms.

Just how many people did she hurt using them? Just how many people did she almost kill? Just how many did she sully using them?


Gekikara’s victims were countless, she could hardly even remember how many she had fought and how many had she almost killed; all the younger queen knew was that something inside her craved for violence, of blood and broken flesh and screams of agony and despair.

Apart from the constant voices that belittled her in silence, there was also one voice that stood out, it called her, urging her strongly that even at times all that she could hear is that voice telling her to fight.

She knew that voice, she knew it all too well.

It was her own voice calling her out.

Looking at this pair of hand of hers, Gekikara could almost see something else apart from her two own blood drenched hands. Blinking for a couple of times, Gekikara tried to focus onto what she was seeing, hoping that her eyesight were just blurry, yet to her own horror and dismay, she saw them right.

It was a hallucination, but the younger queen could not process that thought. It felt too real, as if she had actually held those contents. She could not deny what she saw either.

She saw dried up blood that coated her hand wholly with small bits and pieces of torn flesh and bones in her palms. What was the most distinct of the contents in her hands was that it was rotting and worms started to wriggle out. It was disgusting, but Gekikara was used to it, this sight. If she were a normal person she would have thrown all the contents in her stomach over the pavements, but she was not a normal person, she could not even classify herself as a person.

Gekikara was too hideous to be one.

She could never fear something like this, the sight of rotting flesh and cracked broken piece of bones and blood. She had already fought countless people without even batting an eyelash over what karma might come after her.

Gekikara never considered them; her conscience never bothered her about it. However, there were limits to what she could not consider.

She has her own fears.

Many of them to exact.

Gekikara noticed something suddenly from out of the corner of her eyes; Gekikara saw something shining from under the contents in her hands.

Of course, curiosity got the best of the young queen and so she decided to look closer, and much to her own horror, she saw a familiar metal covered in blood. That shining object was something that she given to Black long ago on that very same day when the older teen got violated, on the same day she had vowed to stay beside her.

That particular item was something she used to pledge her vow and seeing it in her hands, amongst all this trash in her hands made Gekikara shiver in fear and realization.

The raven’s cross, covered in blood and flesh.

She knew exactly what this meant and she feared it, this item on her hand.


The young queen’s eyes stared at her trembling hands in fear; she could not avert them from staring at the pile of mixed rotting flesh, pieces of broken bones and blood on her hands.


Gekikara’s body stiffened, her eyes widened in horror at the sight of the shining item that was  mixed into the rotting contents in her hands. Quickly, the horrified queen shoved off the contents of what she thought was in her hands and staggered back, her back pressed onto wall for support.

“T-That rosary…” The young queen mumbled in between panting, sweat dripping down her chin, her eyes looking uneasily around her dark surroundings. Her heart beat madly inside her chest that it started hurting, Gekikara tried to compose herself, clutching her chest tightly as she tried to calm her heart.

Gekikara slowly took in a deep breath and steeled resolves, before raising her hands up and to her own small relief and confusion, there were no more traces of the horrible substances in her hands, neither was Black’s rosary there anymore. What was left however were the traces of her own blood and the cuts on her fingers.

It still left Gekikara feeling scared however, the sight of Black’s rosary stained with blood and rotting flesh.

It was a sight of pure malice and taint.

The state of the rosary looked worn out and damaged, yet it still shined brightly even with the blood covering it and it being under a pile of reeking rotting flesh and bones.

She was never the superstitious type, but she knew what it meant just by telling. Something as divine and pure as a rosary was supposed to be kept pristine, but seeing it in that state, it made Gekikara fear for the worst.

It was almost like a foreshadowing, a warning of something to happen. Yet, she could not help but question why it had appeared, even though she already knew why.

She just couldn’t believe and she wanted to deny it.


“Why was it…there?” Gekikara gritted her teeth and swallowing the big lump forming in her throat, she clenched her hands into fists and looked away, staring down at her feet, not wanting to say the next words, but finding her own mouth and voice betraying her.

“…Black’s rosary.”


End of Part VI


A/N: That ends Chinmoku Part VI! I wonder if some questions are circling around your heads...well, if there is, feel free to ask me about them, I'll try to answer them.

I want to say this though, its creepy you know, I mean I was writing yesterday evening Gekikara's part, alone at home, and I was already writing about the rosary part when suddenly I heard the church bell's chime, yes my house is near a church. It freaked me out like seriously that I had to leave the computer and eat some melon to calm myself... :panic: I mean, out of all the times that the bell had to chime, it was on the exact time that I was writing about the rosary? Seriously... :sweatdrop:

Also, if anyone noticed it or has a good memory, I used a line that Black said in MG I Ep. 7, it just somehow fits you know? The line -"The path to the moon appears anew."- I didn't really expect that it would fit in well because I just added it after finishing writing everything. :lol:

Anyways, see you guys next update? :cathappy: Gonna go and rewatch MG I and MG II. XD
I hope I still have some readers left though... :sweatdrop:
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 05:20:27 AM by Sieka »
[ Author Profile | Tumblr ]
~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part VI: BlackGeki) [04/05/12]
« Reply #74 on: April 05, 2012, 03:42:49 PM »
Sieka-sama...are you going to kill Yukirin?  :cry: Is this fic going to end soon?  :cry:  Is Rena-chan going to feel guilty, thinking that it's her fault that something bad is going to happen to her Black?  :cry:

Why???? Why must the rosary be there?! (and nice timing of the church bell. Haha  :lol:)

Thank you for this update! And DO NOT worry! I am not pressuring you to do a good job! Please write as you please. And please don't feel any pressure from me. I shall accept anything you shall write, and have written. :kneelbow:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part VI: BlackGeki) [04/05/12]
« Reply #75 on: April 05, 2012, 06:43:13 PM »
Black! I pray for! Find Gekikara and fix the thing between you!

Offline dukkong

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part VI: BlackGeki) [04/05/12]
« Reply #76 on: April 06, 2012, 12:02:04 AM »
Oh no O_O Yabaiii~  I dearly hope the only reason for Geki's hallucination in this chap is because her mental problem act up on her T_T and not because fate is scheduling something terrible for Black. Or, or what would be better is fate IS really scheduling something horrible for Black and Geki can come and save the day so we can be all happy again :D Am I hoping for too much T__T Keep up the great work.

Offline Sieka

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part VI: BlackGeki) [04/05/12]
« Reply #77 on: April 07, 2012, 07:10:38 AM »
A/N: Its time for me to post another new fic! Again? I know...I know, I'm posting quite a lot...

Annoying author is annoying, I know, I have a lot of fic that I need to update like Chinmoku, Our Past Together, Inequalities, Divine Intervention and The Beauty of Love, but...I write what I want to write for most of the time, sorry. :sweatdrop: I still have to do caghaunt's prize next too, hahaha...but yeah, right now I have five more fics in mind, the stated titles above are not included in that count though but some are just shots and some are longer ones. :sweatdrop:

Gotta tell myself to prioritize, but since I'm on a vacation with nothing much to do but read mangas and watch animes, I'll just write new fics. :lol:


@karomuwi - Do I have to kill Yuki? I wonder... 8) Can't answer that. Hmm, I am planning to end Chinmoku soon, I mean, I can't just continue on dragging it for too long...but which part it'll end, I don't know. :lol: Third question, can't answer that as the first question. I'd be spoiling the story if I did. :lol:

Eh...hahaha, it was creepy you know. I'm still scared, whenever I think of it. XD

Thank you. That lessen the pressure at least...hahaha, but having a good writer as karomuwi-san reading here, tsk, I just have to do my best. :cathappy:

@kahem - Keep praying? Hahaha, they needs it. :cathappy:

@dukkong - Lol, fate schedules death plans? That's interesting, you certainly gave me a reason to do something about that....... 8) Hoping and dreaming is free as hallucinating and imagining, hahaha, keep your hopes up, it might save them. :P

@anzai-san - I know your joking, hehehe... I just like going along it. :lol: I do mind about the bad poses though...I still have a little my childish perfectionist side on me, I'm too conscious, especially with my drawings. :sweatdrop:

I'm a sadist to be honest, so I like seeing them in pain...although that sounds really horrible, but yeah, I'm not going to make it dangerous. Eh? Its unpredictable? I thought it was...I mean...huh...maybe its just me. :huhuh I actually like it when my readers feel the pain, but somehow, I kind of wish to make you guys cry instead, should I do something about that, I wonder...

Hahaha, well... I think that's the best decision, do prepare your hearts for whatever is to come. :cathappy:

Nah, you show any signs of pressuring me, I'm just self-conscious about the quality of my writings since I have good writers reading here... :sweatdrop:

That ends my replies. Thank you for the comments and the thank yous. :cathappy: I still hope I have some readers left for Part VII, but oh well, I'll just write until I complete it. Completion is much more important than worrying about who's still reading... :sweatdrop:

Gonna post this off. Dunno if this is any good at all, but I tried to make this interesting. Its a new story, a TomoTomo one with a few more pairs coming in, I'm planning making it as long as Chinmoku. I just wrote this yesterday to be honest while I was fangirling on TomoTomo, their such a cute pair... I like I want to make a fic about them since I don't see that much fics about them here... ALSO, I was inspired by anzai-san's fic so I wrote this though I'm not really gonna try to follow it, I just took a small concept out of it, hope you aren't mad at me for that anzai-san. :sweatdrop:

Anyways, here it is~
Title is from Itano Tomomi's song, Stay By My Side, was listening to it rather intently while writing. :lol: Does anyone have an English translation of its lyrics?


Stay By My Side

Part I

The present and the past looked utterly different, she thought gloomily.

Everything that composed of the whole surrounding now were all the tall sturdy metal concrete buildings standing around and making up the city, it would totally make sense how this present was different from the past. Nothing like these tall towers and buildings ever stood before in the past, only just mere small concrete or bricked castles and shelters that were made from clay, mud or egg whites.

It felt odd. Gazing at this scenery before her made Tomomi’s stomach churn a bit, she frowned and looked down at her stomach before she placed her hand and gently rubbed it, trying to calm the agitation she felt.

She did not like it, how much everything had changed. Never did she expect everything to change all too much while she was taking a deep long slumber.

Just how many years did she sleep through?

Ten years? Fifty years? Or hundreds of years?

She was not that too sure, her head still felt fuzzy and heavy. It was hard to think clearly due to having woken up just a few moments ago from her slumber, or rather, having been woken up by someone. Preferably, it was a certain tall raven looming in the darkness just behind her that woke her up.

If Tomomi had known better that someone would wake her up again from her sleep, she would have buried her coffin far more deeper than just placing it in a secret temple that anyone would stumble upon accidentally. Not like it would stop the taller girl from finding her anyways, yet she still could not help but feel upset.

“Why…did you wake me up?” Tomomi sighed grumpily, running a hand down her soft curly brown tresses, wearing a frown on her face.

“It was needed.” Only came a short reply from the older girl hiding within darkness’ cradle. Her voice came out cold and harsh like a well-sharpened knife, that did not faze Tomomi however, instead, she scoffed and crossed her arms before looking around.

“For what reason?”

“For what…?” The raven repeated the questions but cut off the last part, shocked at the younger girl’s question while looking at Tomomi as if she had grown another head.

“Don’t tell me…you forgot?” The figure asked in an incredulous voice, frowning at the short brunette in front of her while she had her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Tomomi looked at the shady figure in confusion, dropping the grumpy look on her face as she blinked a couple of times before looking away from her to look around her surroundings.

“Did I forget something?” She asked herself aloud, tilting her head cutely while placing a thoughtful finger on her chin, trying to think or even remember anything that she might have forgotten, but nothing seemed to come into her mind.

Tomomi turned her attention back at Yuki and watched as the figure raise an eyebrow up, looking a bit puzzled for a short time before her expression turned back into one of emotionless after realizing something.

“I can’t believe you…” A sigh escaped from the raven while she slump her shoulders, placing a hand on her face, contemplating herself whether she had woken up the right person.

“…Well, it doesn’t matter anyway it seems…whether I tell you or not.” The older girl reasoned, looking a tad bored and lazy while waving a hand nonchalantly to emphasize her point.

Tomomi stumbled forward at the other girl’s reason, making a loud crashing noise before standing back up and recomposing herself, looking a bit agitated by the older girl’s statement.

“What kind of reason is was that supposed to be Yuki?!” Tomomi shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the raven. Tomomi pouted cutely in frustration while the shadowy figure merely shrugged before taking a few steps, her heels clicking into the brick floor.

“I’m not trying to make reasons, it’s better if I don’t tell you anyways, knowing you, you might remember it shortly.” The raven said coolly as she stepped out of the darkness, basking her whole form in light, making Tomomi arch a brow up at the blandness of the older girl’s wardrobe that only composed of a single accessory, a metal rosary hanging from her neck. Her clothes were merely denim shorts, a white blouse and leather high knee boots with a long black cloak with a hood attached to it.

It looked completely dull and monotonous.

What caught Tomomi’s attention however was that Yuki was wearing black.

Tomomi hated it, the color itself.

Tomomi gritted her teeth and lowered her gaze, looking at the color of Yuki’s clothes increased the uneasiness she felt in her stomach.

Yuki knitted her brow together in confusion, watching as how Tomomi looked away and fidgeted, as if she had seen something dreadful.


“Tomomi…” Yuki called out, trying to catch Tomomi’s attention, but to no avail, not a single word or noise came out of the brunette and it looked as if the other girl had suddenly dazed out.

“Kasai Tomomi, are you here with me or not?” Yuki said with a frown on her face, reverting to calling the other girl in her full name, yet she did not receive any response while she watched the younger girl’s expression change all of a sudden into one of melancholy, she had seen this before and Tomomi’s dark expression, it made Yuki worried.

“Hey! Are you alright?” Yuki asked, shaking the younger girl from her dazed stupor, effectively snapping Tomomi from her thoughts. The brunette quickly recovered from her stupor; not wanting to worry the raven, she looked up and let a small giggle escape from her eyes before averting her eyes away from the older girl’s worried gaze.

“I’m fine. Was just thinking of how weird and dull your clothes are, that’s all.” Tomomi said playfully with a smirk dancing on her lips, making Yuki’s worry crumble off into annoyance.


“I shouldn’t be wasting my time here.” Yuki voiced out her annoyance and displeasure, much to the young brunette’s satisfaction. At least she got back with the raven for waking her up.

“Still as shady as before, aren’t we?” Tomomi giggled all the while maintaining the smirk on her face. The older raven merely sighed, not coming up with a comeback, as she was too tired to even make one. 

Yuki placed a hand on her waist before looking at Tomomi with a bored expression before she took the younger girls hands and shoved a paper bag into the other girl’s arms, much to the brunette’s surprise.

Tomomi looked at the bag and then at Yuki, then back at the bag, not knowing why she had received something from the other girl all of a sudden. She contemplated whether to ask what it was for or not, but decided on the former and asked:

“What’s this for?”

“That’s your new clothes. Unless you want to walk around with that worn out kimono.” Yuki gestured at Tomomi’s clothes, making the brunette look at her clothes before she looked back up and nodding slowly, she could never agree more to the older girl’s statement. She does need to dress up, her clothes were too worn out after all.

“There’s a phone there as well, my number is already placed in it. Call me if something happens.”

“Phone…? What’s that?” Tomomi asked cutely, blinking her eyes in confusion.

“It’s something you use to communicate with people, even in another country. And by phone, I meant this.” The older girl took out a small thin metallic square and showed it to Tomomi, pointing at it as she presented her smartphone to the confused young girl.

Tomomi merely let out a small noise of awe, clapping and nodding like a child; her eyes sparkled while she stared at the foreign object. There was never something like that before because the only way to communicate to people was by mailing letters or going in person.

“To think that a small box thing can do something like that … That sure is convenient.”

“It is, but sometimes I hate it.” Yuki grumbled while placing her phone back to her pocket.

“Anyways, you don’t need to worry about money; I already placed some.”

“Hmm~ For a Grim Reaper, you sure are quite prepared, I’m surprised.” Tomomi teased the raven, poking the angel of death’s forearm, giggling a bit when she saw Yuki roll her eyes.

“Whatever, just don’t screw up with the contents in that bag Kasai. Those aren’t cheap you know.”

“Sure sure~” Tomomi nodded, a smile forming on her lips.  Yuki merely sighed, mumbling a couple of inaudible words under her breath with her, not sure whether Tomomi was fooling around with her or not. Yuki looked away, eyes staring around the place with arms crossed while her eyes finally stayed in one place and stared at the darkness that consumed half of the room.

“If you’re going to get dressed, I’ll take my leave now.”

“So soon? That’s okay though…but aren’t you going to show me around this town?” Tomomi tilted her head, looking at Yuki in confusion.

“Can’t, I’m too busy.”

“I need to do something after this…” Yuki muttered, her expression darkening. It intrigued Tomomi what exactly did the older girl had to do, but decided not to ask anyways when she noticed that the angel of death was wearing a helpless look on her face and felt a bit of pity for her, she did looked a bit tired, for some reason that Tomomi did not know. It was not often nor normal for her to see the older girl like that, not when she normally held an indifferent look on her face.

Something must have happened to her while Tomomi had been sleeping soundly. Although she really wanted to know why, Tomomi held the urge to ask, knowing that Yuki would not answer her right now.

Not wanting to make the situation awkward between then, Tomomi faked a frown and playfully stuck her tongue out, shouting angrily at the older girl:

“Your just lazy, Yuki!”

Tomomi puffed her cheeks and pouted afterwards, crossing her arms while she faked her expressions. It made Yuki smiled a bit because she did not really detect that the brunette was just acting with how well Tomomi held her expression.

“Maybe I am…” Yuki pursed her lips into a tight line as she took small steps forward to Tomomi before smirking. Slowly the raven turned around and walked back towards the darkness, her heels making loud clicking sounds that echoed around in the room, breaking the dreadful silence that was about to fall soon.

“Oh right, you better head to Atsuko’s place, she’s been waiting for you.” Yuki smiled mysteriously, catching Tomomi’s attention.

The younger girl swallowed audibly, somehow fearing how she could not perceive what was behind the angel of death’s smile. It made Tomomi fidget anxiously, Yuki let out a soft chuckle before looking tauntingly at the brunette with a smug look on her face.

“Prepare yourself when you get there. I’ll see you later, Tomomi.”

“Eh? Yuki wait!” Tomomi shouted, reaching a hand towards the angel of death, but to her own disappointment and fear, Yuki had already melted together with the darkness and disappeared from her sight.

“Yuki, you’re really cold you know…leaving me behind without telling me anything…”


“I have to meet her huh…? Why would that immortal priestess want to see me…? This doesn’t make any sense, you mean Grim Reaper…” Tomomi groaned and slumped down the floor, embracing the paper bag close to her chest, wearing a big frown and a pout on her face while she glared at the place where she had last seen Yuki’s figure.

“Stupid Yuki…why did she have to wake me up…” Tomomi huffed, looking sourly at the wall with a large frown on her face.

Tomomi could tell that Yuki was still close.

She could feel the taller teen’s dark aura even from fifteen meters apart or more; the older girl after all was strong, truly strong and fast no less. That however does not mean that she had the right to wake her up. Tomomi would have preferred it if she had just slept through another year or so, there were no difference anyways, whether she was awake or not.

Nothing was bound to happen good if she stayed awake, whether she socializes with people or go around from one place to another, nothing ever happened good because nothing ever seemed to last anyways.

Time over time, Tomomi would just loss everything she gained because of her being an oddity.

All that were left behind for her were memories, bitter memories that piled up with the rest of what had gathered and accumulated over time.

It was tiring, having to live for too long, yet what was she to do with her life?

Dying was never an option to her, not when it would meant that her body would crumble into dust and her soul would burn down, never reaching the conclusion of finding peace, but rather, to be lost forever along with the ashes of her own body.

The result of dying was expected to be like that, she IS an oddity, one of the famous kinds no less.

Clearly, Tomomi was not pleased with everything that was happening. She could not understand the purpose behind her awakening, nor did she have a clue what Atsuko wanted from her.

Tomomi did not try to hide her own distaste and scrunched her face into sour expression.

Maeda Atsuko, or more well know as the clairvoyant priestess, was her enemy from a long time ago.

Thinking back of the past, she had always fought Atsuko whenever they ended meeting up in one way or another, she knew that they would often ended up fighting over a single issue, it was about her being an oddity, as what Atsuko always called her and also because Atsuko is a priestess. It was clearly her job to banish evil spirits and monsters, and Tomomi hated that part of the priestess; she was too focused on her job.

It was annoying and infuriating.

Tomomi was scared and at the same time angry with the priestess, she held no desire to hurt anyone and cause any trouble because she never held any malice to even dare hurt a human.

Tomomi already made a truce with Atsuko and took a big distance away from the priestess, hoping to never clash with her ever again. However, if the clairvoyant priestess wants to fight her, then she had no choice but to retaliate and Tomomi was sure that she won’t hold back against the priestess.

It would not hurt anyways to have a little exercise after waking up from a long deep slumber.

She did not have any options anyways.

“I guess I have no choice but to meet her.” Tomomi pursed her lips into a tight line before she smiled uneasily before taking a deep breath she shook her head. Tomomi stared at the paper bag that Yuki had given her before opening them, expecting some kind disastrous looking clothes inside but to her own surprise, it wasn’t.

The brunette’s eyes sparkled in wide amazement when she saw the items inside, she couldn’t say anything bad about them; they were all too wonderful.

Tomomi stood up and dusted off any present dirt on her kimono, a small smile gracing on her lips, she hugged the paper bag tightly.

The cold Grim Reaper was not exactly as mean as what Tomomi had thought of her, and she did had a great sense of style. Smiling to herself, Tomomi thanked the other girl in her thoughts, she had to apologize and thank the older girl somehow later.

End of Part I


A/N: That ends Part I, do keep in mind what the girls roles are so that you won't be confused. I still haven't said what exactly is Kasai Tomomi, but I guys will guess it, I did give out some hints.

Anyways...I'll see you guys around, I still have to write some fics, like updates here and there... :sweatdrop:

(EDIT: Corrected some grammar errors, added some missing words and such... I fail... "orz)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 02:35:50 PM by Sieka »
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
~From MG3, I wave the AnniNaga shipping flag~
~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

[ Divine Intervention || The Beauty of Love || Sieka's Collections ]
[ This Distance Between Us || (Collab) Let Love Bleed Red ]
[ Memories of the Heart ]

Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

Offline Pandah

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Chinmoku - Part VI: BlackGeki) [04/05/12]
« Reply #78 on: April 07, 2012, 07:20:45 AM »
*gasp* ive finally had the time to actually read all of this!  :D
this is such a good fic! depressingly good LOL  :thumbup im not good with writing long comments but.....

GO YUKI! CHASE AFTER RENA! shes having hallucinations and shes very emotionally unstable D: might end up doing something stupid in that state of hers...yuki needs to go save rena from her own poisonous thoughts that are consuming her mentality!  :panic:

but omg D: whats going to happen to yuki? is that a premonition of something bad happening? omg omg omg .... :O

thanks for updating  :thumbup

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Sieka's Collections (Stay By My Side - Part I: TomoTomo) [04/07/12]
« Reply #79 on: April 07, 2012, 10:11:51 AM »
Ooh~! A supernatural fic! Great idea, Sieka-san!  :thumbsup

And at first when I read Tomomi, I thought that it was Tomochin!  :lol: But after you wrote down her full name, I got it!  :sweatdrop:
hmm~ The prologue is really interesting! I'm wondering whether she's a Vampire, since you said COFFIN.  :D So that's my guess.

As for Chinmoku...* sigh* I guess the phrase 'Good things must come to an end" really IS TRUE.
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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