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Author Topic: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread  (Read 124986 times)

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2010, 04:53:07 AM »
Name/AKA: Ishtar
Age: 19
Birthdate: December 30
Location: Baja California, Mexico
Gender: Female
Charmy Follower since: 2007
Favorite H!P group with Rika: Def Diva and Romans were great units (even if they lasted for a short time) Biyuuden too (but I like their songs before Issai Gassai xD ... but Nan ni mo Iwazu ni I LOVE YOU is beautiful!)
Favorite Rika Photobook: Favorite? It has to be Kazahana! It has the most vibrant colors :)
Favorite song with Rika: Omoide wa kanata
Turn-Ons: The way she can be dorkish yet totally hot!
How did you become a Rika-fan?: Since I got into Morning Musume, I found her pretty but nothing else. I mean, my favorite forever is Kaori, but when I watched her skits in H!M I started to got into her. But vocally I wasn't impressed...then I downloaded the Hello Pro Party! 2006 ~Goto Maki Captain Kouen~ and daaaamn, I loved her performance there: her voice sounded stronger than usual and with that cutesy usual on her a bit moderated. I realized Rika's potential besides her looks or acting skills (Akiyama Reika!). I also learned later about her actions to help children and that's cool too. I adore how she can be beautiful outside and inside.

Offline Beecubed

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #41 on: January 28, 2010, 05:11:28 AM »
I adore how she can be beautiful outside and inside.

^ exactly why I adore her so much too  :wub:

Welcome to the Chuuch, Ishtar. You've been a member for longer than me, and a fan for longer than me too, but finally nice to see you make an intro.  :thumbsup


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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2010, 05:25:12 AM »
I adore how she can be beautiful outside and inside.

^ exactly why I adore her so much too  :wub:

Welcome to the Chuuch, Ishtar. You've been a member for longer than me, and a fan for longer than me too, but finally nice to see you make an intro.  :thumbsup


Thank you, Beecubed! I'm glad to join! I feel kinda dumb to not realize there was a profile thread before, but whatever! Late is better than never, right?  :otomerika:

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2010, 09:20:25 AM »
It's never too late to be a Rika Fan, Ishtar :wave:

I LOVED ROMANS! And not for obvious reasons, but the songs and TV appearances were just too funny. Sexy Onna TV segments anyone? Yep, Rika's voice has improved a lot since her early MM days.

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #44 on: January 28, 2010, 01:22:38 PM »
welcome to DA CHUUCH!!!!

we always happy to see more people on board!

you be posting awesome and that's mad great


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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2010, 05:20:58 AM »
Age: 19
Birthdate: June 15
Location: Canada
Gender: Female
Charmy Follower since: ... November 2009 .__. Yeah, I know...
Favorite H!P group with Rika: hANGRY & ANGRY
Favorite Rika Photobook: Shiawase no ashiato HAPPY ... I love the jacket... :D
Favorite song with Rika: TOP SECRET, The Peace!, 理解して>女の子
Turn-Ons: When Rika wears glasses + sweats... lol looks dorky, but so cute.
How did you become a Rika-fan? I was into hANGRY & ANGRY first... but then decided to try out MoMusu's music, show, etc.  Adored Rika even more through MoMusu... :D  I don't really remember how I found out about h&A, listened to their music since the duo's beginning and liked it... and then somehow forgot about them until I found out about their Sadistic Dance album.  And then everything fell into place.  Morning Musume, Hello!Morning, v-u-den... so yeah, here I am today as a IY fan. :D
Do you like Rika's ass? YES, PLZ. kthxbai. 8D

I'm more of the lurker type, but found out about the Chuuch of Charmy through YouTube... :D
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 08:07:29 PM by diav »

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2010, 05:28:31 AM »
^ get out of lurker mode and join in, we like the new people and it is never too late to learn about Rika or IshiYoshi or H&A

Have fun and enjoy the Chuuch! :jphip:
Random Thought:


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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2010, 10:46:38 AM »
Welcome diav! I'm from :canada: too

Never too late to be a Rika fan, just ask the people all around you at Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuch. That's so awesome, H&A bringing in new fans.

It was this youtube channel right?

Our one and only official channel! :rikabunny

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2010, 11:17:40 AM »

It's fun to see new people!  :D

When Rika wears glasses + sweats... lol looks dorky, but so cute.
heehee, I think we'll get along just fine.  O0 Considering I happen to LOVE that look on her. ^^

We love IY fans. Ishiyoshi FTW.

Anyways, welcome (even though I'm relatively new, haha) and enjoy the Chuuch. Seriously, enjoy it. It's a great place to be, if you're a Rika fan.

Offline Beecubed

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2010, 03:35:31 PM »
Welcome to the Chuuch, Carmen! I'm a little late in the welcoming, but better late than never (it seems like for most of us! xD).

I only found out how awesome this H!P world is recently too. +___+ It's a little sad - we've missed out on so much. But catching up is also part of the fun. While the older fans have had to get their doses slowly over the years, we can get a whole lot of it all at once! Hehehe...  :P

I was into hANGRY & ANGRY first... but then decided to try out MoMusu's music, show, etc.  Adored Rika even more through MoMusu... :D  I don't really remember how I found out about h&A, listened to their music since the duo's beginning and liked it... and then somehow forgot about them until I found out about their Sadistic Dance album.  And then everything fell into place.  Morning Musume, Hello!Morning, v-u-den... so yeah, here I am today as a IY fan. :D

IshiYoshi forever!   :heart: :otomerika: :yossi: :heart:
Great job with getting into the fandom. I would imagine most people to fall under other musumes' spells... but glad you saw in Rika what the rest of us always rave on and on about. ^___^  :love:

I'm more of the lurker type, but found out about the Chuuch of Charmy through YouTube... :D

I second that, Masa...


Join in with the lovin'... it's so much more fun! I'm sure you have a lot of valuable things to add to these threads. I really hope to see you active!!!!!!!!!


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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2010, 09:58:21 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! :D

I'll try my best to not lurk around and contribute. XD

When Rika wears glasses + sweats... lol looks dorky, but so cute.
heehee, I think we'll get along just fine.  O0 Considering I happen to LOVE that look on her. ^^
It really makes me wonder, though... does she wear the glasses because she has to or is it just some cosmetic/fashion thing?  Same with Yossy too... e.g., the Taiwan New Year's Eve show - they both had glasses during rehearsal... so do they usually wear contacts?  Or they just wear glasses for fun? o.o

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #51 on: February 13, 2010, 05:15:48 PM »
Birthdate:May 11
Location:Washington DC
Charmy Follower since: 2001
Favorite H!P group with Rika:Morning Musume
Favorite Rika Photobook:Chain (I haven't looked at Rika solo books)
Favorite song with Rika:Osaka no Koi
Turn-on: when she does goofy jokes, or comforts/stands up for others.
How did you become a Rika-fan? via a Yossy obsession
Do you like Rika's ass?never thought about it
Worshiping Yoshizawa Hitomi since 2001

Offline Beecubed

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2010, 06:04:32 AM »
Welcome to the Chuuch, Kimberly!!!!  :love:

Wow... you've been following Charmy since 2001? That's awesome!

You should definitely check out her solo PBs. They're ballistically gorgeous  :thumbsup

It seems like a lot of Rika fangirls started off with a huge crush on Yossie... and because Rika's always there, they begin to notice her and then the love blossoms... ^____^

Hope to see you around! <3

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2010, 09:43:34 AM »
welcome yossierocks! one thing leads to another, eh?? Me too, I been hardcore since that era :yep:

CHAIN is one helluva PB - where they went into different personas, like Rika with a gun :o but this is my fave pic. 4th and 3rd Gen so cute:

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2010, 05:41:22 AM »
Thanks for the welcome! I have to agree with Yossy, Rika is really cute! I love watching the two of them interact. I miss the old Hello Morning and the skits ... trance Charmy....
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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #55 on: March 04, 2010, 01:40:33 PM »
Name/AKA: atomic_particle
Age: 25
Location: Philippines
Gender: Female
Charmy Follower since: 2009
Favorite H!P group with Rika: Morning Musume
Favorite Rika Photobook:
Favorite song with Rika: Let's Go! Rakuten Eagles
Turn-Ons: HA~~~~PI!!!
How did you become a Rika-fan? Through Hello Morning skit
Do you like Rika's ass? I'd rather her personality   :roll:

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2010, 07:59:44 AM »
:wave: welcome to THE CHUUUUUUUUUUUUCH atomic_particle!!

Yes Philippines :philippines: now there are two with tru.

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2010, 06:24:15 AM »
Name/AKA: Double_U/Francie
Age: 14
Birthdate: 9/25/1995
Location: MN, USA
Gender: female
Charmy Follower since: oct. 09  XD
Favorite H!P group with Rika: Morning Musume
Favorite Rika Photobook: Kazahana
Favorite song with Rika: every Morning Musume song she's in, + Kill Me Kiss Me
Turn-Ons: kawaii!  :otomerika:
How did you become a Rika-fan? I didn't notice her at first, but once Yossie became one of my favorite members & I discovered IshiYoshi, I started liking her more  :)
Do you like Rika's ass? I don't think about that much, but sure!     :lol:

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #58 on: March 29, 2010, 07:03:37 AM »
:wave: WELCOME Double_U to the wonderful world of Rika Ishikawa and all that she touches including hANGRY & ANGRY, IshiYoshi, Gatas Brilliantes and Hello! Project :pimp:

Another member from the great Lake Minnetonka!! I hear Prince makes some mean pancakes.

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Re: The Chuuch of Charmy Profile Thread
« Reply #59 on: March 29, 2010, 07:50:08 AM »
:O :O :O :O You're from Minnesota? And you're a Rika fan? Uh, how is it I don't know you? XDXD

Whereabouts in Minnesota are you? I'm a U of M student, but I come from Minneapolis anyways.


Oh, and hi XD Welcome to teh Chuuch.

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