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Author Topic: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]  (Read 100002 times)

Offline MsSmigge

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]
« Reply #280 on: October 28, 2013, 07:58:25 PM »
When I first noticed the pink new label behind this story I just thought that someone had left a comment like "WHERE ARE YOU??!!" And such. But when I noticed the date and a word update, my mind went like this:

 :stunned: :on gay: :wriggly: :hee: :hiakhiakhiak: :farofflook: :mon dance: :mon angel: :banana: :pepper:  :panic: :cow: :bow:

Yeah, lol  :lol: I was very excited...

But aww man! What is going to happen to Takagaki???!!! Don't break them!!  :bleed eyes:
And Reina confessed to Risa?  :shocked Risaaaaaaaaa, listen to your heart (the one where Ai is~) and don't fall for Reina! But hey, though Reina confessed the first thing Risa thought was Ai.  XD Lol, I'm trying to convince myself that Takagaki is still possible.
And though I'm not so fond of Tanagaki (no, it really doesn't show at all...) the lunch with Risa and Reina was hilarious  :lol:

Nice to "have you back"! Hopefully you will have more free time so you can update this story more often  :lol: Very great job!

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Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]
« Reply #281 on: October 29, 2013, 02:13:04 PM »
  oh my gosh lovelove -sama ! WELCOME BACK ! IT HAS BEEN 10 MONTHS ?!

 OKAY :)




 KYAAH !!`

« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 02:35:45 PM by maikeatoot »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]
« Reply #282 on: October 30, 2013, 01:12:23 PM »
 :O :shocked :shocked :shocked asdasfsdgfh jfc! Holy crap and what a come back it is. I want the Tanagaki, but, but, the Takagaki, too~! Wait, I remember this feeling, damn! I thought I could fight it, but you bring it back full force~!

Offline dan77

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]
« Reply #283 on: December 10, 2013, 09:09:43 PM »
BOOM ! !

I always love your fiction SarangAi.. :wub:  :bow:
i read chigatte, kokoro no uta and this fiction too.. I even read them a few times (especialy takagaki part  :P) but I seldom post comment  :oops: :oops: sorry.. but I will post comment whenever I see you update this fiction.. so please give us update  :bow: :bow:  :bow:

IMHO, Juliet and Cinderella's story is really unique and interesting! using famous old story as the background, and translate it into modern era.. It's very creative changing a ball into a club party, using a best friend to do fairy godmother's part, etc.. I'm not really familiar with romeo and juliet story, I just know it is a romance story, the ending is both of them die tragically.. you won't let gaki die right?   :mon scare:

I love takagaki couple! :mon inluv:
but after reading this fiction, I dunno why, but I think tanagaki is lovely too.. :panic: tanaka shachou is very lonely  :cry: and it looks like she is willing to do anything for gaki :cry: :cry: in the other hand, Aichan is soooo  #$@÷%^&!*€£¥₩?; don't have the guts to express her feeling, her tought to risa about their status and other things. :mon headbang: (But Aichan is still no. 1 for me in momusu eventhough she already graduated lol)

I want to know how risa answer tanaka shachou confession :panic: :panic: :panic:
will she accept it? or reject it? I'm kind of wish risa accept reina's confession.. hihihi

ahhhhhhhh, pleasd update soon...!!!!!  XD XD

LoveSarangAi  :heart: :heart:

btw, it looks like Aichan always be the one suffer a burden because loving Gaki in your fictions.. poor Aichan  :gyaaah:

Offline Dyh_18

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]
« Reply #284 on: April 29, 2014, 06:53:15 PM »
hello \o/ I'm a new reader
I started reading and I enjoyed  :inlove:
I'll be supporting and Please update soon!  :kneelbow:

Offline JiSher2013

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]
« Reply #285 on: May 15, 2014, 03:47:40 PM »
I'm with the new one!! In fact I read the story for quite some time - without being a user - I registered a few days ago.
Your writing is amazing. Seriously, if I had a hat I'd take it off, and bowing several times.
I'll support any story that you will write and I'm more then requesting- I'm begging you (*cute papy face*) please, please, please keep writing this fanfick (*keep going withe the papy pace*)
\Going away with hope that you really read this post though you not updated since 2013\

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