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Author Topic: H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread  (Read 101654 times)

Offline Masa

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« on: July 10, 2006, 03:54:33 PM »
The H!P Fanfics Intro Thread

1. Tell something about yourself

2. Do you write fanfics?

3. What's your favorite fanfic?

4. Who's your favorite writer?

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 10:30:06 AM by Masa »

Offline freya86

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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 04:22:10 PM »
Me likes this idea!!! Even though I've introduced myself, of course, in the official thread, this is different. So ...

1. Tell something about yourself

- Freya
- 20
- German
- redhead
- just slightly obsessed with Yuko, Kei and those two together :heart:
... but when it comes to fanfic I usually read anything as long as it somehow appeals to me.

2. Do you write fanfics?

Yep, I do, have for about 5 years now, I think. <-- fic journal

Most of them contain femslash, some are originals, a few are poems, a lot are real person slash and some are more kinky than that ^_^

3. What's your favorite fanfic?

Over here, I assume? Stop or I'll shoot, which wasn't that hard to guess, ne?

4. Who's your favorite writer?

I like many of those authors around here, most of all bluekinoko, WaffleT and erink.

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?

Yuuchan :heart: and Kei-chan :heart: and then Nacchi and then everybody else, basically :P
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 04:26:02 PM by freya86 »

// renai revolution ~ a j-pop/h!p slash community~ // yuko . kei . aika . koha . kanna . nacchi //

Offline WaffleT

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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2006, 04:52:06 PM »
Cool idea im gonna intoduce myself too ^^

1. Tell something about yourself
Hmm something about myself well, i am fairly new to Hello project but i have loved it ever since i started listenining to their music :D

2. Do you write fanfics?
Yeah ive written a few and while im new to writing i like it, its so much fun to just write about them and see peoples replys

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
With my favourite im taking a leaf from Freya's book and going with BlueKinoko's Stop or ill shoot, its really good and Bluekinoko was the one who intoduced me to morning musume in the first place
4. Who's your favorite writer?
My favourite writers are Bluekinoko and Freya you both rule... and i havent got round to reading most of the others yet ill get round to it eventaully but im too tied up in writing my own.

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
Wha? how could i choose just one?

Offline lil_hamz

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2006, 06:32:11 PM »
Oooooh an intro thread. Lemme join in :D

1. Tell something about yourself

Ok let’s see. I got into Musume in 2001, took a break from the whole H!P empire in 2003 and got back in only last year. I totally want to kick myself for missing the better part of the Gokkies career and the entry of the Rokkies :evil:

2. Do you write fanfics?

Nope but I just started one. I think I’m influenced by all the great fics I’ve been reading here :D

3. What's your favorite fanfic?

Doki Doki! But I also really like Sayumi’s Fan Fic and Too Young.

4. Who's your favorite writer?

Must I choose only 1? *thinks really hard* I like many of the writers here but I pick bluekinoko as she has all of my favorite pairings in his fic :P

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?

I pretty much love the 5th and 6th gens but 4th gen will always have a special place in my heart :heart:
« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 07:02:49 AM by lil_hamz »

Offline freya86

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« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2006, 10:28:04 PM »
Quote from: lil_hamz

4. Who's your favorite writer?

Must I choose only 1? *thinks really hard* I like many of the writers here but I pick bluekinoko as he has all of my favorite pairings in his fic :P

Psst, bluekinoko is a girl ...

// renai revolution ~ a j-pop/h!p slash community~ // yuko . kei . aika . koha . kanna . nacchi //

Offline cactus

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« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2006, 05:14:28 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself

Got into jpop during the summer last year.  Started off listening to Ai Otsuka, then liked many other singers and groups.  Found out about H!P around...3-4 months after last summer.

2. Do you write fanfics? least not yet.  Hopefully I'll try to start a story when I have more time and feel that it's good enough to post.

3. What's your favorite fanfic?

Nobody Knows It... and Doki Doki

4. Who's your favorite writer?


5. Who's your favorite H!P member?

Eri Kamei

Offline bluekinoko

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« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2006, 05:47:18 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself

Uh,...Im a girl (as pointed out by freya)...and I once got my knee stuck between those banasters in the stairs. The most frustrating 15 minutes of my life.

2. Do you write fanfics?

Yes, yes I do.

3. What's your favorite fanfic?

In an Instance
Stupider than 100 goalkeepers
Love x2
Yogurt (by Comrade and any other comedy piece by comrade, I was in stitchs for hours and now I cant look at any dairy product without laughing thus my ban from the supermarket)
Morning Monolouges (the very first fic I read)

and uh...*cough* She's Da Man ....*cough*

4. Who's your favorite writer?

A.K.A the writers I stalk...

Freya melts my heart all of the time :D
Sayumi known as Sugar around here is another favourite :D

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
Undecided. (Kamei, Yossi, Ogawa, Nakazawa and every now and again Ishikawa, Ayaka is cool too)

☆ひとみちゃんのためなら バイト バイト バイト!☆

Offline lil_hamz

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2006, 04:26:13 PM »
Quote from: freya86
Psst, bluekinoko is a girl ...

Oops thanks for the tip. Righted the wrong :P

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2006, 07:20:01 PM »
1.Tell something about yourself

Well, I got started with H!P 6 months ago and I absolutely love it.

2.Do you write fanfics?

Yep, I'm new to them though

3.What's your favorite fanfic?

Well, I like them all on here at the moment

4.Who's your favorite writer?

Don't have one at the moment

5.Who's your favorite H!P member?

Rika, Yuko, Yossie, Mari, Kaori...who cares? I love them all!:)

Offline katatsumuri

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« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2006, 12:28:16 AM »
1.Tell something about yourself
Female, from Asia. Sometimes you may find my writing weird that's because English is not my mother tongue. :)

2.Do you write fanfics?
Yes I do, mainly in other language. 'Till then...' is my first attempt writing in English.

3.What's your favorite fanfic?
Here? many. Nobody knows it, Dokidoki, Another day at H!P and the recent The lines are blurred.

4.Who's your favorite writer?
Everyone here. They all put in effort to write. It's not easy :)

5.Who's your favorite H!P member?

Other fics stored here
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 12:07:54 AM by katatsumuri »

Offline Dax_Shokawa

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2006, 08:29:41 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself
I'm a 27yr olf H!P fan from Australia and I'm studying to be a movie director

2. Do you write fanfics?
Sakura Watch is my second fanfic. My first fanfic is a script called Star Wars: Battle Royale

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
Doki Doki's quite funny :D

4. Who's your favorite writer?
I respect all the fanfic writers on this forum because it takes a lot of effort to write a fanfic and a lot of guts to read everyones responses

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
Asami-chan from Country Musume

I haven't heard from ANYONE about Sakura Watch. I hop someone out there likes it :(

Offline Mikan

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2006, 07:53:47 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself

I puke out my nose sometimes. Is that strange? I thought it was common! Maybe it's just Bluekinoko and I...

2. Do you write fanfics?
Sometimes. I will be taking over Doki Doki so I will become a more regular writer.

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
Mikittyno Monogatari
Sayumi's fanfic

4. Who's your favorite writer?

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?

Read the complete Doki Doki!!

Offline smoothee

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« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2006, 02:56:02 PM »
1. Tell something about yourself

well im 17.. a boy.. found momusu while searching aya ueto on wikipedia.. hehehe and im glad i did!! im from australia though i am chinese..

2. Do you write fanfics?

unfortunately not.. i would like too.. but i never can think up many good ideas.. i get like good comments in english at school.. but yeh.. never tried my hand at fanfic-ing..

3. What's your favorite fanfic?

well seeing as i just spent 2 non stop hours reading the whole of doki doki.. hehe its very addictive.. i also enjoy too young

4. Who's your favorite writer?

havent read much.. but from the ones i have bluekinoko, mikan [who now write doki doki] and also wordsworth [who has stuff in the perv forum but also in here] i really like all their writing styles!! HURRAH!!

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?

if you cant guess by my sig.. mikitty is my original favourite.. but i also like reina and kamei :)

~ the official mikitty thread ~ the A.M.E [aya matsuura eden] ~ G.A.M official thread ~

~ join the wonky love crew ~ help us pimp up tanakacchi here ~

Offline len.chan

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2006, 04:30:42 PM »
1. Tell something about yourself
girl, 23, spain and i like H!P for 4 years already XDD

2. Do you write fanfics?
i've started now to write my first attempt in english, i'll post it soon.

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
Lovex2, Fragments of what bring us togheter and Doki Doki.

4. Who's your favorite writer?
Every style is different and i don't have a favourite right now, i like them all.

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
Miki, Yossi and Maki.

Offline _Hitomi_

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« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2006, 01:18:42 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself
Hi. I'm a spanish girl who didn't used to read fanfics 'till i was bored one day and get into the JPH!P fanfic forum.
I like H!P since 2003.

2. Do you write fanfics?
No. I'm too timid because my english is not good enought to write one without make a lot of errors, lol. But maybe someday...

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
When Love Hurts, Doki Doki, Nobody knows it... and Till then...

4. Who's your favorite writer?
len.chan, bluekinoko, Mikan, dj_jo and katatsumuri

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
Hitomi Yoshizawa ^_^ <3 (and Nakazawa, Yaguchi, Goto, Ishikawa, Fujimoto and Matsuura)

Offline DO Me DO Me

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2006, 10:26:25 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself
I'm actually elasticgirl (°e, e-girl, "Erien Godmother") from JPM

2. Do you write fanfics?
Yup, never thought I would be but many great writers convinced me to take a shot at it.

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
I like anything about the Rokkies and GAM. Well since I'm not a regular here I can't really say which is my favorite but I'm liking lil_hamz "The Lines are Blurred" and len.chan's "When Love Hurts" so far.

4. Who's your favorite writer?
there's so many, but I have to give props to Comrade @ JPM for getting me into fanfics in the first place.

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
Eri Kamei (and Gomattou)

Offline Saikami

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2006, 05:48:43 AM »
1. Tell something about yourself
I recently have gotten into H!P thanks to my cousin around the begining of summer. Now it's my life. XD

2. Do you write fanfics?
Nope, I would love to tho'! But I always have trouble staying into character and gave up. I MIGHT try it again, but I'm still debating.

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
The Lines Are Blurred
Oh my gahh I love that fic! XD

4. Who's your favorite writer?
O_O Thats WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard to answer. -thinks for a good half hour- Okie...lil_hamz and len.chan I can't choooooose. ; ;

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
REINA! :drool: She is the best...But of course, Maki is making her way up my up to my top 5...and at a rather fast pace might I add. XD
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 05:32:31 AM by Saikami »
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]


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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2006, 05:09:49 AM »
Not sure if people look but i'll post =)

1. Tell something about yourself
I'm asian...
As you can see, my species name is Momogenous - cheescakelovitis....
I'm lame
I heart american eagle
I'm young, I'm 16
I'm a noob =P

2. Do you write fanfics?
yah, yah I doo

3. What's your favorite fanfic?
ummm sweet ones =)

4. Who's your favorite writer?
the ones...who wrote them....

5. Who's your favorite H!P member?
hmmm....gotta think on that..
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 05:59:51 AM by Loser87 »

Offline chera

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2006, 12:36:45 AM »
Tell something about yourself
 - Chera
 - Thai
 - Living in the US, trying to find a job in consulting
 - Straight male.  I don't really like lesbian fanfics.

Do you write fanfics?
I've recently tried to.  Started with some pervy stuff, until I realized that almost everything I really wanted to say could be expressed without the pervy stuff

What's your favorite fanfic?
"Too Young."  It has a bittersweat "His and Her Circumstances"-ness to it.

Who's your favorite writer?
Poetry: Hitomaro, Keats
Anime screenwriting: His and Her Circumstances
Movie screenwriting: Comrades, Almost a Love Story
SciFi: Stephen Baxter
Horror: Dan Smith
JPH!P: wordsworth
I'm not too much of a fan of general literature/fiction

Who's your favorite H!P member?
Rika and Sayumi, for their dedication to the environment
Ai-chan, for her personality
Nacchi, for her cutness

Offline Yuuyami

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H!P Author/Reader Intro Thread
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2006, 09:23:35 PM »
I forgot to do this... XD
EDIT: Added a few more things.

Tell something about yourself
-Saikami is my cousin, and I was the one who got her into H!P XD
-For one who has a psychology course and whatnot, I surprisingly have boat loads of freetime o_o
-Sorry folks, I'm simply not fond of 'straight' fictions with H!P. I honestly can't imagine the girls with other guys: I only see them with eachother, so I apologize to all authors who have written stories about them x H!P girl, or random guy x H!P girls. Or anything that has to do with a penis for that matter. I simply avoid reading them, regardless of how good the writer or plot is. Very sorry to y'all.
-I am a little narcisstic when it comes to my stories, as in, I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaally like reviews ^^;

Do you write fanfics?
Not really, I lean towards Original fics.
But when I do write fanfics, I often abuse the fact that it is a fanfic, and incorprate other story values into it.

What's your favorite fanfic?
So Close by Houndemon (Mahou Sensei Negima)
Rearranged by (sorry, forgot XD) (Mai Hime)

Original fic:
Alone by Nianome
Speak by Enpulsate

Actual books:
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Who's your favorite writer?
Here: Estrea, Fimmy-chan, Loser xD
General: Charles Dickens and the Bronte Sisters

Who's your favorite H!P member?
1.Aya Matsuura
2. Ai Takahashi
3. Miki Fujimoto
4. Maki Goto
5. Hitomi Yoshizawa
« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 02:27:18 AM by Yuuyami »

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